[Lift] Re: scalajpa - wrong database?

2009-10-21 Thread TSP

I tried to construct a test case and the problem seems to have
mysteriously disappeared. Possibly something to do with clean builds.
Sorry to cry wolf.


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[Lift] scalajpa - wrong database?

2009-10-19 Thread TSP

I'm using scalajpa and have just downloaded source from github
My application has 2 databases and my unit tests are creating tables
for the second database in the first.
This was a reported issue back around June I think, but the posts seem
to imply it was fixed.
Was it not?
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[Lift] Re: scala jpa

2009-09-09 Thread TSP

Ok looks it did the download straight away. I'm not sure what the
"hardcode archiving action" is but I just closed the popup and it
seemed harmless. This gives me code from 09/07. is that the latest?
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[Lift] scala jpa

2009-09-09 Thread TSP

Hi. I'm about to recommence using scala jpa (not directly from Lift
initially) . Which version do I need and how do I get hold of the java
I tried to "download" from github and it's been carrying out a
"hardcode archiving action" for the last 10 minutes.
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[Lift] Re: [scala] JPA question

2009-06-24 Thread TSP

Would you distinguish between what is achievable in a specific ORM
such as Hibernate from JPA in this statement or would you think it
applies to all. I've got to "go with hibernate" in any case because of
widespread use of UserTypes. Unlike Greg, in my case I can hand-craft
all my hibernate xml files if I need.


On Jun 23, 1:46 am, Derek Chen-Becker  wrote:
> For sufficiently complex relationships, JPA is not a good fit. Beyond a
> certain point it's usually simpler to roll your own. I think that this is
> somewhat of a failing of the model, but it's not a simple problem to solve
> in the generic case.
> Derek
> On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 6:45 PM, Derek Chen-Becker 
> wrote:
> > Ah, sorry, I lost track of the thread.
> > On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 4:55 PM, Meredith Gregory <
> > lgreg.mered...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Derek,
> >> You are correct and i noted and reported this on Scala on Friday. However,
> >> if you have a chain of the form
> >> AbstractClass <- Class <-contains- AbstractClass <-Class <-contains- ...
> >> The @MappedSuperclass solution fails at level 2.
> >> Best wishes,
> >> --greg
> >> On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 3:52 PM, Derek Chen-Becker  >> > wrote:
> >>> Something I just want to throw out into the discussion: Since you're
> >>> using table-per-class, having a @Table annotation on AbstractContainer
> >>> doesn't do anything since abstract classes can't have instances. Tables 
> >>> are
> >>> only generated for abstract classes if you're using a JOINED inheritance
> >>> strategy. You might want to look at using the MappedSuperclass annotation
> >>> for the abstract base class instead. If I change the AbstractContainer def
> >>> to:
> >>> @MappedSuperclass
> >>> public abstract class AbstractContainer implements java.io.Serializable {
> >>> and then modify MySampleFuContainer to:
> >>> public class MySampleFuContainer extends AbstractContainer {
> >>> then I seem to get the proper schema:
> >>>     create table lingo_production.MySampleFuContainer_table (
> >>>         id varchar(255) not null,
> >>>         uuid varchar(255),
> >>>         mysamplingmumble__idSuper varchar(255),
> >>>         primary key (id),
> >>>         unique (uuid)
> >>>     );
> >>> Having said that, I think that the behavior you're currently seeing
> >>> appears to be a bug.
> >>> Derek
> >>> On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 3:43 PM, Meredith Gregory <
> >>> lgreg.mered...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  Kris,
>  Hereis
>   a link to the self-contained example that now uses just Java. i included
>  the target dir in the repo to speed up investigation, but you can just 
>  blow
>  that away and build from scratch. The example is currently written to
>  Java1.6, but also exhibits the same behavior under Java1.5. To run the
>  example
>  > svn co
> http://svn.biosimilarity.com/src/open/codesamples/trunk/hibernate
>  ...
>  > env PATH=:$PATH JAVA_HOME= mvn clean
>  compile process-classes
>  If you switch comment and decl at line 22 in
>  src/main/java/maxb/hbex2/MySampleFuContainer.java then you see the error.
>  The schema goes from
>  create table lingo_production.MySampleFuContainer_table (
>          id_AbstractContainer varchar(255) not null,
>          varchar(255) not null,
>          uuid varchar(255),
>          mysamplingmumble__idSuper varchar(255),
>          primary key (id),
>          unique (uuid)
>      );
>  to
>  create table lingo_production.MySampleFuContainer_table (
>          id_AbstractContainer varchar(255) not null,
>          id varchar(255),
>          mysamplingmumble_ tinyblob,
>          uuid varchar(255),
>          primary key (id_AbstractContainer),
>          unique (id_AbstractContainer)
>      );
>  Best wishes,
>  --greg
>  On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 1:38 PM, Meredith Gregory <
>  lgreg.mered...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Kris,
> > Thanks for the suggestion. i've now got a tiny little example that
> > compiles on its own that illustrates the problem. Changing the 
> > inheritance
> > strategy to JOINED makes no difference. Hibernate still does the wrong
> > thing.
> > Best wishes,
> > --greg
> > On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 8:55 AM, Kris Nuttycombe <
> > kris.nuttyco...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> This may be off the mark, but I'm wondering if the reason that you're
> >> having difficulty with the parallel inheritance hierarchy problem is
> >> not your use of TABLE_PER_CLASS inheritance. In my application, I have
> >> a similar construct, but I am using JOINED_TABLE inheritance. This
> >> allows for a normal foreign key relationship to be created in the
> >> database between C2_table and the base table for CThing, with the
> >> result that Hibernate will genera

[Lift] Re: Lift and Goat Rodeo

2009-06-18 Thread TSP

Thanks David,
That's very encouraging. Do have fun with Goat Rodeo

> Tim,
> I'm not leaving Lift. ... I'm much more focused on enhancing Lift,
> Lift-related technologies and contributing to the Lift community.
> Thanks,

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[Lift] Re: Lift and Goat Rodeo

2009-06-18 Thread TSP

Hi David,
I am working in the "typical business application" space, where rdbms
are quite nice solutions - lots of tables but in your application you
never really need an awful lot of rows for anything other than
consolidated reporting.
What concerns me is that if the attention of the principal author of
lift is on building systems for mega social networking activities that
I really don't need, does that mean that other aspects of Lift
development will fall by the wayside? if this is the case, will Lift
still be a useful platform for my purposes? I may be wrong but I
suspect most people's needs may be more prosaic.

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[Lift] Re: scalajpa - while accessing two distincts databases, the second access is made with a connection to the first database

2009-06-17 Thread TSP

>>  In my own defense ...  failed to realize the problem that would arise from 
>> defining the EM factory as a singleton

Are you being honest here Derek? Was not the real problem that you
failed to truly embrace the shape of the paradoxical combinator?

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[Lift] Logging question

2009-05-17 Thread TSP

Does the lift logging framework support the classed based loggers that
are the normal use pattern:

Logger  logger = Logger.getLogger("com.foo");

and the class is automatically attached to the message.
If so how do you call it - with a direct java import or is there
something more lift-esque

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[Lift] Re: unable to find in classpath

2009-05-04 Thread TSP

I'll answer my own question:
META-INF contents are not on the classpath. I needed META-INF/ukpostcodesOrm.xml
after which it all works again.

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[Lift] unable to find in classpath

2009-05-04 Thread TSP

This is a general ignorance question about web apps I suspect:

I've got multiple databases and I'm using JPA.
In my persistence.xml file I've got under my persistence-unit

In my META-INF folder I've got the file ukpostcodesOrm.xml

but for some reason or other I get the error message:

javax.persistence.PersistenceException: [PersistenceUnit: ukpostcodes]
Unable to find XML mapping file in classpath: ukpostcodesOrm.xml

What is responsible for putting the mapping file in the classpath at
runtime? I thought stuff in META-INF got there automatically

I tried changing the file name back to orm.xml and leaving the mapping-
file reference in - it still fails. But if there is no mapping-file
element, the orm.xml is found just fine.

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[Lift] Box and Option - what am I missing?

2009-05-04 Thread TSP

I've a function that returns an Option. How do I turn it into a box.
I'm told there are implicit functions to do so, so why doesn't the
following code work and what do I need to do to it please?

import net.liftweb.util.{Failure, Full, Box}
def myOpt(hasSome: boolean) = {
  if (hasSome)
Some("got it")

val noFailure = myOpt(true) ?~ "shouldn't see me"
val aFailure = myOpt(false) ?~ "should fail"

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[Lift] Re: Lift documentation -- Attention newcomers (and everyone else)!

2009-05-04 Thread TSP

Examples, examples, examples, including scala.

The scala-lang site is a bit daunting. I think you'll get more
traction on Lift if you help people to get to grips with scala as well
as lift. I have no idea whether I'm a typical newcomer, but I have
come from Java (previously other things going back to pascal) but as
I'm not from a computer science background have no real knowledge or
understanding of functional programming. Lots of scala stuff is pretty
strange territory. People want a tool like Lift to do stuff quickly
and easily. I'm constantly having to reference my set of 4 books (3 of
which are pre-publication) just to get the "scala way" of doing
something simple. I think people should be strongly encouraged to
things they did to solve particular problems - not so much as an
example of best practice but more "I did it like this, is there a
better way?"

I personally find the discussions like the one on the scala user
mailing list  on treatment of enumerations in java vs scala useful and
interesting but they too often reference what to me are still esoteric
parts of the language that I have yet to master. So wiki pages where
you could have similar threads but with a culture of illustrating
every comment with a real example would be a great way to learn. I
suspect most people from my type of background are starting out by
writing java-style code in scala and are struggling with refactoring
it to more native scala. Somewhere we could put our fledgling code up
for constructive criticism without having to keep prefacing it with
"Newbie question: " would be good.


On Apr 21, 8:38 pm, "Charles F. Munat"  wrote:
> I am charged with coming up with a site map/information architecture for
> our hopefully-soon-to-be-updated wiki.
> What would most benefit you on a documentation wiki? What sorts of
> things are you having the most problems with?
> Please submit suggestions for a wiki outline, as well as any other ideas
> you have. For example, ideas on wiki structure are welcome. You could
> even suggest your own outline.
> Please participate! Yes, you, lurker! We want to know what you need.
> I'll collect all the ideas this weekend, consolidate them, and present a
> suggested outline (road map) for the documentation wiki.
> Thanks!
> Yes! If you are reading this, then I am talking to you. Speak up.
> Chas.
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[Lift] Re: stuck on some scala while using jpa

2009-05-03 Thread TSP

OK to answer own question in case anyone has similar problems:
ScalaEntityManager returns a bufferWrapper from the jcl.Conversions
not a List. However, it can be treated as a Seq[Postcode]
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[Lift] stuck on some scala while using jpa

2009-05-02 Thread TSP

I'm confused about some scala, which isn't behaving as expected

My code is:

  override def postcodesForSector(sector: PostalSector) = {
// getEm.flatMap(_.createNamedQuery[Postcode]
("findPostcodesForSector", ("sector" -> sector + "%")))
val likeString = sector.name + "%"
//val query = getEm.createNamedQuery[Postcode]
("findPostcodesForSector", "sector" -> likeString)
getEm.findAll[Postcode]("findPostcodesForSector", "sector" ->

 getEm returns a ScalaEntityManager

the override is overriding the trait method declaration
  def postcodesForSector(sector: PostalSector) : List[Postcode]

But I'm getting a compiler error
\PostcodeRepositoryImpl.scala:28: error: type mismatch;
[WARNING]  found   : java.lang.Object with
[WARNING]  required: List[uk.co.optrak.scdomain.addresses.uk.Postcode]

I'm using scalajpa 1.1 which says that the findAll method should
return List[A] not ..BufferWrapper[A]

Any suggestions
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[Lift] Lift 1.1 M1 question

2009-05-02 Thread TSP

I'm at early stages of a fairly big project at the moment and mainly
working in my domain model. Is M1 safe to use, since I doubt we'll get
onto serious UI stuff for at least a month and production is likely
2-3 months after that.

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[Lift] scalajpa 1.1

2009-05-02 Thread TSP

Question for Derek
my jpa 1.1-SNAPSHOT version seems to have disappeared from the maven
repo to be replaced with 1.1
But at the same time now I've done a maven clean  it looks like
RequestVarEM doesn't exist any more. I just got the source from git
and this seems to be the case. So what do I do with that bit of the
model (or are you busy rewriting that section of the book right
now ...)?

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[Lift] Re: jpa, emf Model and unit tests

2009-04-28 Thread TSP

Hi Derek,

This is proving a useful debate for me since it has helped clarify my

As far as I can see the "conventional" method of using JPA is, within
a single "session" to use some initial query process to obtain one or
more entities. All subsequent operations within that session must be
via navigation through the associations of those initial entities that
are expressly bi-directional.

The DDD model, as I understand it, takes the view that there should be
no unnecessary bi-directional links and that reaching objects by
searching the other side of the association is not only acceptable but
to be encouraged, since it reduces the interlinking between
components. This is a perfectly respectable viewpoint - not just some
weird idea I've dreamed up (honest!). my sympathies are in this camp.

Environments like Spring (and Grails which is what I've been working
in) enable the second model, since they'll happily inject the current
hibernate session (and presumably jpa EM) anywhere you want it to be
injected. So it's quite straight forward to use without breaking the
usage patterns.

But your scalajpa follows, essentially, the stricter line that once
the em has given you the first objects (presumably from a controller
or service based query, thus outside the domain model), that's it.

Does that correctly sum up the arguments?


On Apr 28, 4:31 am, Derek Chen-Becker  wrote:
> OK, for one, the bidirectional mapping adds no cost in terms of DB access
> other than the time it takes you to write it. Collections are lazily loaded,
> so unless your code *retrieves* City.addresses, the database never gets hit.
> JPA is really not designed with the concept of entities having access to the
> EntityManager that loaded them, although there may be some provider-specific
> way to get at it. Unfortunately, you're on your own if you want an entity to
> obtain other entities via queries or some other non-relationship means.
> Generally, if you need that kind of coverage you should do it through logic
> code that can glue things together instead of tying it to your entities.
> After all, I'd argue that if the logic isn't part of what you can express in
> the database then it doesn't belong in the entity classes anyways. When you
> say "bogged down in bidirectional mappings" are you referring simply to the
> overhead of adding the mappings to your entities, or do you think that
> there's some performance issue with bidirectional mappings (AFAIK, there
> aren't any).
> Derek
> On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 6:01 PM, TSP  wrote:

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[Lift] Re: jpa, emf Model and unit tests

2009-04-28 Thread TSP

But you don't want the Session in the domain model I thought.

Anyway, after a few hours digging around looking at how other people
do this stuff with respect to DDD in particular, it looks like I am
asking the wrong question to a certain extent. The way it is done in
the DDD site sample app (dddsample.sourceforge.net if you;'re
interested) is to have repositories - one for each "aggregate" - set
of linked classes (typical example is an order which aggregates order
lines and possibily delivery history). The repositories are
implemented as interfaces and have persistence neutral finders "get
all outstanding orders with credit-stopped customers" for example.
This is part of the domain model, but returns typical jpa/hibernate
persisted objects. The implementation of the repository is hibernate
aware and uses getCurrentSession() quite freely. The implementation is
injected via spring.

Back in my context, this means I want my repository impls to be EM or
session aware too - so my original question stands - but the
repository mechanism separates the domain model from the direct
persistence layer which should allay your concerns.


On Apr 28, 6:48 am, Viktor Klang  wrote:
> Also, if you use Hibernate, you can use:
> *Session.createFilter*(city.getAddresses(), "where this.name like
> 'S%'").list();
> On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 5:31 AM, Derek Chen-Becker 
> wrote:

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[Lift] Re: jpa, emf Model and unit tests

2009-04-27 Thread TSP

There are two questions here. I don't really want to get bogged down
in bidrectional mappings I was rather hoping for suggestions on how my
domain objects might simply get at the right Model transparently from
both application and junit (in Grails it was done with Spring
injection - here perhaps an EMF factory (a factory-factory?)) However,
in answer to the bidirectional mapping question here is an example:

class City {
  var name: String;
  var population: Int;
  //  var addresses: java.util.Set[Address]  // BAD because London has
approx 3m addresses


class Address {
name, street etc
var city: City

object Address {
def matchAddress( .. unstructured input strings from ERP
system ...)  = {

class Organisation {
var hq: Address;

So I can easily trace from organisation to it's address and then find
out if the organisation is in a big city.
But I never need to directly fetch the city and iterate through the

There are many more examples where the many side of things runs into
hundreds and thousands (shipments to a daily customer over the last 2
years, tracking events on trucks at 1 minute intervals stored for 6

Again with reference to Evans Domain Driven Design for a large and
complex domain model (I expect to end up with well over 50 objects)
universal bi-directional mappings are strongly discouraged (see for
example discussion on p. 83)

Now you might argue that my address matching should be delegated to a
service, but the techniques can be quite country specific tying in the
postcodes and town names for example or dealing with peculiarities
(from my point of view) of US street naming conventions - so I want my
address matching tied closely to may data objects (in that case it
would be Address subclasses).  Also as soon as I do get rid of bi-
directional mappings then any direct business logic that requires
traversal in the "missing" direction can be readily accomplished by
access to the database.

On Apr 27, 11:00 pm, Derek Chen-Becker  wrote:
> I may be misunderstanding this, but if you just do bidirectional mappings in
> JPA then the DB query is generally efficient and transparent. Could you post
> a little snippet showing what you're trying to do?
> Derek
> On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 2:44 PM, TSP  wrote:
> > Viktor,
> > It's a valid point, and I would where possible but I've got quite a
> > lot of uni-directional references (for example, addressable locations
> > in a city) where using a mapping would entail very large fetches that
> > are better handled by querying the database. Evans in Domain Driven
> > Design is very keen on uni-directional references and who am I to
> > argue :-)
> > Tim
> > On Apr 27, 9:10 pm, Viktor Klang  wrote:
> > > Why don't collection mappings work?
> > > Also, from personal experience, mixing persistence-logic in domain
> > objects
> > > does make you feel somewhat naughty.
> > > On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 9:15 PM, Tim P  wrote:
> > > > Hi
> > > > I'm looking for some guidance here and I don't think this is addressed
> > > > in the book.
> > > > I've got domain classes that need to go get stuff from the database
> > > > "list all ... " type of methods.
> > > > So presumably my domain class should have, or be allowed to have
> > > > methods that access Model
> > > > But my unit tests need to test these methods. So I need a model which
> > > > is instantiated within the test environment and so does not need to be
> > > > extended with RequestVarEM which presumably would be a bad thing
> > > > (though perhaps it's harmless).
> > > > Any suggestions on "best practice" to achieve this? (I'm still very
> > > > much trying to find my way round natural scala constructs)
> > > > Should it be mentioned in the jpa chapter in the book?
> > > > Tim
> > > --
> > > Viktor Klang
> > > Senior Systems Analyst
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[Lift] Re: jpa, emf Model and unit tests

2009-04-27 Thread TSP

It's a valid point, and I would where possible but I've got quite a
lot of uni-directional references (for example, addressable locations
in a city) where using a mapping would entail very large fetches that
are better handled by querying the database. Evans in Domain Driven
Design is very keen on uni-directional references and who am I to
argue :-)

On Apr 27, 9:10 pm, Viktor Klang  wrote:
> Why don't collection mappings work?
> Also, from personal experience, mixing persistence-logic in domain objects
> does make you feel somewhat naughty.
> On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 9:15 PM, Tim P  wrote:
> > Hi
> > I'm looking for some guidance here and I don't think this is addressed
> > in the book.
> > I've got domain classes that need to go get stuff from the database
> > "list all ... " type of methods.
> > So presumably my domain class should have, or be allowed to have
> > methods that access Model
> > But my unit tests need to test these methods. So I need a model which
> > is instantiated within the test environment and so does not need to be
> > extended with RequestVarEM which presumably would be a bad thing
> > (though perhaps it's harmless).
> > Any suggestions on "best practice" to achieve this? (I'm still very
> > much trying to find my way round natural scala constructs)
> > Should it be mentioned in the jpa chapter in the book?
> > Tim
> --
> Viktor Klang
> Senior Systems Analyst
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