[Lightning-dev] Atomic Secrets Exchange

2019-10-18 Thread CJP
(Note to IAEA & others: this is not about nuclear technology. Feel free
to read it though.)
(Note 2: beware of awkward misspellings like atomic secret sexchange or
the like. I have no idea how to fix this.)


I admit I spend way too little time reading this mailing list, but in
my recent futile attempt to get up-to-date, I got inspired by the
recent elliptic curve based smart contracting discussions. I'd like to
present my still somewhat half-baked solution to a problem I found in
the discussion. I believe my solution, Atomic Secrets Exchange, is
likely to have applications beyond this particular problem. In the
description below, I am assuming some future Lightning where elliptic
curve payment points are already used which allow EC arithmetic.

# The use case
The problem I'm trying to solve is in the proposed protocol for placing
bets, as described by Nadav[1]. The idea is:

* There is an oracle that promises to either publish p, or publish q,
at a certain point in time, for instance, based on some real-world
* Alice and Bob place bets on what the oracle will publish: Alice pays
Bob if the oracle publishes p; Bob pays Alice if the oracle publishes
* This can be realized by locking funds in two Lightning transactions:
one from Alice to Bob, which can be redeemed by Bob with knowledge of
p, and one from Bob to Alice, which can be redeemed by Alice with
knowledge of q. The time-out of these transactions must be after the
point of publication of the oracle.

The problem is that one of the two transactions will always be created
first; if, for instance, the tx from Alice to Bob is the first, then
Bob no longer has an incentive to create his tx to Alice. Not creating
the second tx results in a one-sided bet; this makes it risky to take
part in the protocol (in this case, Alice is the victim).

Nadav proposed a solution with a partially trusted escrow party. I will
try to find a solution without an escrow party.

#Solution outline
In my approach, the payment from Alice to Bob requires Bob to know p
*and* know a secret sa, which is initially only known by Alice.
Similarly, the payment from Bob to Alice requires Alice to know q *and*
a secret sb, which is initially only known to Bob. As long as they
don't reveal these secrets to anyone, these are bound to time out (or
voluntarily canceled), even after the oracle has spoken. This makes
them safe to be locked in in any order. After locking in the
transactions, Alice and Bob must reveal their secrets to each other, to
make the locked-in transactions equivalent to an honest, two-sided bet.

This changes the problem of atomically locking two transactions into
atomically exchanging two secrets.

Maybe the problem of atomically exchanging two secrets has already been
solved in a more elegant way (ECDH, anyone?), but I came up with this

* Alice locks in a Lightning tx to Bob that requires Bob to know sa and
sb, and reveal at least sb to Alice.
* Bob then locks in a Lightning tx, with a similar amount of funds,
back to Alice that requires Alice to know sa and reveal sa to Bob. This
must time out sooner than the first tx.
* Alice redeems the second tx, revealing sa to Bob.
* Bob redeems the first tx, revealing sb to Alice.

Note that Bob can actually 'split the atom' by not redeeming the first
tx, but he receives a penalty for this that roughly equals the tx
amount. This amount can be made sufficiently large (in comparison to
e.g. the bet) as required to move Bob's incentives towards honest

#Some details
In the application of paid bets, one detail is time-outs of the three
transactions. I believe this is the correct order:

* Locking in the bet txes
* Locking in the secrets exchange txes
* Time-out of the secrets exchange txes 
* Publication by the oracle
* Time-out of the bet txes 

Another "detail" is how to do the elliptic curve magic. This is my
beginners' attempt:
P = p*G
Q = q*G
SA = sa*G
SB = sb*G
Bet txes: PP_b0 = P+SA, PP_b1 = Q+SB
Secrets Exchange txes: PP_x0 = SA+SB, PP_x1 = SA
Bob has to know SA to verify the value of PP_x0, and to generate PP_x1.
I don't know if a subtract operation exists for elliptic curve points;
in that case Bob could calculate SA = PP_b0 - P. Otherwise, Alice could
just tell Bob SA, e.g. as meta-data included in the first bet tx.
Similarly, Alice has to know SB to generate PP_x0; Alice could
calculate SB = PP_b1 - Q, or Bob could tell Alice SB, e.g. as meta-data 
included in the second bet tx.


[1] idea 2 in https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/lightning-dev

Lightning-dev mailing list

Re: [Lightning-dev] An Argument For Single-Asset Lightning Network

2019-01-02 Thread CJP
Regarding this subject, I believe I should disclose that my current
employer, Bitonic, operates an evil, centralized, trusted exchange, and
that the ideas discussed in this thread may be related to concepts that
are actually being developed by my employer.

So, am I biased? Who knows? Does it matter? Can you trust me? Maybe,
but I guess you shouldn't anyway. In my view, words should be
convincing or unconvincing regardless of who speaks them. 


CJP schreef op vr 28-12-2018 om 09:27 [+0100]:
> Hi ZmnSCPxj,
> I think we've already addressed this issue before:
> https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/lightning-dev/2018-May/00
> 12
> 92.html
> and especially this proposal of me:
> https://bitonic.nl/public/slowdown_prevention.pdf
> It's not completely trustless, but I tend to see trustlessness in a
> very pragmatic sense anyway. Trust creates a risk, but if the
> alternative trustless system is very impractical, and the risk is
> small
> enough, the benefits might simply be worth the risks. Note that this
> is
> a completely subjective trade-off, so it is only acceptable on an
> individual, voluntary basis.
Lightning-dev mailing list

Re: [Lightning-dev] An Argument For Single-Asset Lightning Network

2019-01-02 Thread CJP
ZmnSCPxj schreef op wo 02-01-2019 om 13:02 [+]:
> I wonder however if this is a "small enough" hole that leaving it is
> an acknowledged security vulnerability may be better than replacing
> it with a trusted third party.
> One may compare with the SSH "trust the first pubkey, verify the
> second onwards" weakness, to SSL "trust the certificate authority to
> say whose pubkey is whose".

SSH's problem (non-authenticated initial key exchange) is small,
because there is a very small time window for an attack, and an
attacker has to place itself in the route *and* stay in the route to
not be detected later.

SSL's problem (trusted third parties for key authentication) is big,
because each website only uses a single certificate issuer, so you need
to trust every certificate issuer to be able to visit every website,
even the more questionable certificate issuers; the combined security
is as strong as the weakest certificate issuer.

Route Makers (RM) (maybe I should change that name) are not a big
problem, because, unlike websites, OMs and OTs are very fungible
towards each other, especially on popular asset pairs: it's not a big
deal if you lose, say, 10% of potential trading partners because you
don't want to use a certain RM. Also, a single attack by a RM is not
typically a big deal, and it is easily detectable. False positives are
possible though (both accidental and deliberate), so you might want to
suspend a RM after abuse detection for a while, and then give it
another chance after some time.

> The hop node just before the RM can provide proof that it offered an
> HTLC and the RM allowed the HTLC offer to be made.
> It can provide a commitment transaction signed by itself and the RM,
> with that commitment transaction containing the HTLC in question.
> This is proof that the RM *could* pull the HTLC, but did not do so
> quickly enough.
> Since RM nodes are publicly known, perhaps we can make a different
> routing from S to RM, one that reveals (to hop nodes) their distance
> to RM, but not to S.
> RM nodes provide a service to the network and we can argue that the
> loss of their privacy here is acceptable, as long as the payee S is
> still able to keep its privacy, as an acceptable cost to ensuring
> that RM behaves honestly.
> If the just-before-last node (let us call this G or "guard" node) can
> monitor the time that RM pulls the HTLC, then it can provide proof
> that RM had the ability to pull the HTLC but did not do so.

This, and the rest of your proposal, sounds like a lot of trouble,
while it hardly solves anything.

RM can have its node surrounded by other nodes also controlled by
itself. So it is possible that RM controls all nodes that can possibly
fulfill the 'G' role, and thereby stop any evidence being generated
against the RM node. If you then want to build evidence against the G
nodes, you end up recursively involving every single Lightning node in
trying to solve your problem. Maybe it is possible, but I'd like not to
do that. I like to see the exchange function as a higher layer (layer
3) on top of the Lightning layer, and have each layer solve its own
problems in a clean and elegant way. I prefer that nodes that aren't
involved in exchanging assets don't need to deal with its complexities


Lightning-dev mailing list

Re: [Lightning-dev] An Argument For Single-Asset Lightning Network

2018-12-29 Thread CJP

> 1.  It seems to me that there is still friction here.
> RM, being a trusted third party, may very well charge as much as
> the market will bear. https://nakamotoinstitute.org/trusted-third-par
> ties/
> This seems to me to imply that OM (i.e. exchange nodes) will be
> unable to extract any sizable fee, i.e. any fees that the market
> would be willing to pay to exchange between assets will be taken by
> RM as rent, and not by the OM who actually makes the market exist in
> the first place.

You may be right about the fees, but that doesn't necessarily make it
an unattractive proposition for the OM party.

When looking at different alternatives by sorting them in a
better/worse fashion rather than a perfect/imperfect fashion, I see

* No exchange: unattractive, because there is significant demand for
* Regular Lightning-based or other HTLC-like atomic swap: unattractive,
because of the exploitable "American Call Option" nature (as we both
described). May only function with a very high spread, compensating for
OM's risk.
* Regular, centralized exchanges: current situation. Third party is
trusted with holding funds and executing trade orders.
* My proposal: third party is trusted with executing transactions
properly (not performing the delay attack).
* Trustless exchange: holy grail, but I don't know how to do that.

So I don't claim my proposal is perfect, but I'd like to argue it is
the best known system because it's an improvement over the current
situation where most people use centralized exchanges, at least in
terms of trust required(*). To compare the two:

I'd like to compare the RM role in my proposal to that of a centralized
exchange. Both need to be trusted to some degree, and since trust
doesn't scale very well (you can't keep track of thousands of parties),
both are probably a natural oligopoly market. As you wrote, these are
the parties that are capable of extracting the majority of transaction
fees. Still, as centralized exchanges show, people are prepared to
trade this way, so apparently it's still an attractive market for both
offer-makers and -takers.

I think the market for RM services in my proposal is more competitive
(and therefore has lower fees) than regular, centralized exchanges,
* trust requirements are lower, so people are more likely to trust a
small, unknown company offering RM services. People using smaller
parties = more parties in the market = lower fees.
* OMs can easily offer the same funds for use with different RM
parties. This is not possible with regular exchanges(**): if you
deposit funds on one exchange, you can't also deposit them on another
exchange, so you have to commit your funds to a single exchange.

Finally, I think the attack RMs can perform on trading parties is an
order of magnitude smaller than the attack a regular exchange can
perform by stealing deposited funds: a RM can only steal the *exchange
rate change* of funds offered for trade, not the full value.

Now, if an RM can be punished, it would be even better. I was thinking
in the direction of collecting proof of misbehavior, which can then
help make the RM lose its (lucrative!) business, but I doubt this is


(*) not necessarily in latency: the low latency of centralized
exchanges can be hard to match, even on Lightning.

(**) as long as you can't go short

Lightning-dev mailing list

Re: [Lightning-dev] An Argument For Single-Asset Lightning Network

2018-12-28 Thread CJP
Hi ZmnSCPxj,

I think we've already addressed this issue before:

and especially this proposal of me:

It's not completely trustless, but I tend to see trustlessness in a
very pragmatic sense anyway. Trust creates a risk, but if the
alternative trustless system is very impractical, and the risk is small
enough, the benefits might simply be worth the risks. Note that this is
a completely subjective trade-off, so it is only acceptable on an
individual, voluntary basis.


ZmnSCPxj via Lightning-dev schreef op do 27-12-2018 om 05:43 [+]:
> HTLCs as American Call Option, or, How Lightning Currently Cannot
> Work Across Assets, or, An Argument For Single-Asset Lightning
> Network
> Introduction
> In theory, the Lightning Network could potentially perform "seamless"
> currency conversions, allowing a payer to spend one currency to pay a
> payee requesting for another currency.
> However, a significant technical barrier prevents implementation of
> such feature as of current designs (late 2018) for Lightning.
> The root cause of this significant technical barrier is the use of
> hashlocked timelocked contracts to route payments.
> HTLCs can be used across cryptocurrency systems to transfer value
> between them.
> From this point-of-view, every single Lightning Network channel is a
> cryptocurrency system whose custodians are two entities, who are the
> only entities who can use the system (the single Lightning Network
> channel).
> HTLCs allow cross-system trades to be performed, so that
> participation on any single Lightning Network channel can be
> leveraged to participation over the entire Lightning Network.
> However, HTLCs can also be used to construct American Call Options.
> Further, due to UX concerns, on the Lightning Network, there is no
> cost incurred in merely setting up HTLCs for routing.
> By using the low-level HTLCs provided as primitives by Lightning
> Network, one can set up American Call Options.
> These on-Lightning American Call Options, however, can be "purchased"
> for free (gratis), thus potentially earning money in a completely
> risk-free manner.
> Abusing this gratis ability means that any Lightning Network node
> advertising cross-asset on-Lightning exchange will find large amounts
> of its liquidity tied up in stalled forwarding payments (in reality,
> American Call Options) with a risk of monetary loss in case of large
> fluctuations in exchange rate.
> Hashlocked Timelocked Contracts as American Call Options
> An American CallOption is a right (but not obligation) to purchase an
> asset at a specific price, on or before an expiration date.
> HTLCs allow building American Call Options.
> Suppose we have Bitcoin, and some other asset, and both are on
> blockchains that support the same hash function and can define HTLCs.
> It is unimportant if both are on the same blockchain, or on different
> blockchains, since HTLCs can work across cryptocurrency systems.
> An American Call Option has these properties:
> 1.  `P` = the price at which the asset can be purchased.
> 2.  `E` = the date at which the option expires.
> Suppose I, ZmnSCPxj, wanted to sell you an American Call Option  for
> 1 Widget (WJT) on the WJT blockchain.
> We would then do the below ritual:
> 1.  You provide me a hash of some secret preimage that only you know.
> 2.  You make an HTLC on the Bitcoin blockchain.
> The value of this HTLC is `P`, the hash is the hash you gave
> above, and the timelock is `E` + 1 day.
> 3.  I make an HTLC on the WJT blockchain.
> The value of this HTLC is 1, the hash is the hash you gave, and
> the timelock is `E`.
> On or before `E`, you can claim the WJT on the WJT blockchain by
> providing a transaction that reveals the preimage.
> Since the preimage is now revealed, I can then claim the Bitcoins of
> price `P` on the Bitcoin blockchain.
> Alternately, you can simply not exercise this right, and at time `E`
> I would then reclaim my WJT, and at time `E` + 1 day you would
> reclaim your bitcoins.
> Of course, I want to *sell* this contract to you, so you would have
> to pay me some bitcoins before we set up the above.
> A multi-stage construction of transactions that go through HTLC-like
> constructs can be done on both blockchains to ensure that the above
> contracts appear on both chains only if the payment for the actual
> contract (i.e. the "premium") is done, and to enforce that both
> contracts appear if the premium is paid, but that is beyon

Re: [Lightning-dev] Proposal for rendez-vous routing

2018-11-05 Thread CJP

In your proposal, I guess it is more or less widely known that Bob is
providing this forwarding service. Wouldn't Bob risk being excluded
from the side of the network with the more harsh regulatory conditions,
based on this knowledge? Bob might actually face even worse penalties
for providing such a service.

The nice thing about rendez-vous routing is that *any* forwarding node
can be a rendez-vous point, and even the node itself wouldn't know
about it. The case where a payment is routed from and to the same
channel could be a hint though: normally that makes no sense, but if
payer and payee make their part of the route independently, the
combined route can often end up  like that. TODO: check if forwarding
nodes are currently cool with such weird forwarding requests.


Rusty Russell schreef op ma 05-11-2018 om 10:56 [+1030]:
> CJP  writes:
> > > Looking through BOLT 4, the text assumes inherently that source
> > > routing is done, and even has a shared secret between hop and
> > > source.  However, it may be possible in rendezvous routing to
> > > simply
> > > provide the blinding key (while hiding everything beyond the
> > > first
> > > hop on the destination half of the route).
> > 
> > Sounds like it makes sense; I need to look into it.
> Here's my attempt to design a "merchant forward" service using stuff
> we
> have today.
> Alice wants to remain anonymous, even from the lightning
> network.  Bob's
> node offers a forwarding service.  Alice pays Bob (base +
> percentage?),
> gives a path Bob->Alice, and Bob gives Alice a short-channel-id
> (BobAliceSCID) and privkey to use (BobAliceSecretKey).  Anything sent
> from Bob to this short channel id and pubkey is in fact forwarded via
> a
> new HTLC to Alice.
> Alice identity BobAliceKey to create an invoice, with a route-hint to
> say pubkey=Bob, short_channel_id=BobAliceSCID.  Alice can sign
> that invoice, and Bob can decode the incoming payment, from which it
> creates a new HTLC to pay Alice.  The payer doesn't even know this
> arrangement exists: it looks exactly like Alice has a private channel
> with Bob.
> The minor downside: because we conflate invoice keys (Alice needs)
> and
> onion keys (Bob needs), Bob can now issue invoices as Alice.  It's
> not
> very useful, since Alice won't honor them, but it is an argument for
> a separate invoice key in future.
> Cheers,
> Rusty.
Lightning-dev mailing list

Re: [Lightning-dev] Proposal for updateable / revokable proofs of payment

2018-11-05 Thread CJP
I think it's true that most of my proposal can be achieved by writing
such things in human-readable form in the description field. Mostly,
the only thing my proposal does is to put things into a machine-
readable form; this may aid in automated processing and maybe a better
UI experience.

Maybe the least trivial thing is the inclusion of a payer pubkey in the
original invoice; this is the least trivial both in protocol complexity
and in potential benefits. One benefit is that it turns a "proof-that-
someone-paid" into a "proof-that-I-paid"; another benefit is that it
becomes clear who is authorized to issue another invoice that says
"this original invoice is nullified".

Now that I think of it: my proposal has something important that yours
doesn't: the requirement to have *two* signatures (both payer and
payee) on each update. Without that requirement, there is one party who
can nullify the old contract by making a unilaterally signed invoice
and a self-generated payment preimage. Not even a need to do a payment
to self to "fake" a sort of a refund payment or so. This may be OK as
long as there is only one party who has obligations: then the other
party may partially or completely nullify those obligations, optionally
dependent on a payment. Requiring two signatures (and thereby
consensus) on each update is more generic though: it allows for
obligations on both parties.

Even more generic could be to allow more than two parties. I'm sure
there are complex business arrangements that have a need for this, but
I think we can always develop that later. Let's first tackle this
relatively simple case.


ZmnSCPxj schreef op ma 05-11-2018 om 01:20 [+]:
> Good morning CJP,
> It seems to me, naively, that we can encode the description "the
> obligation in the invoice whose hash is  is nullified", whose
> meaning then is promoted to "if payment happens, payee has an
> obligation to ensure that the obligation in the invoice whose hash is
>  is nullified", then we have revokable payments already.  Such a
> payment may itself be revoked, ad infinitum.
> Regards,
> ZmnSCPxj
> Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
> ‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
> On Monday, November 5, 2018 5:08 AM, CJP 
> wrote:
> > Right now, the only defined semantics of the description field in
> > BOLT11 is that it SHOULD be "a complete description of the purpose
> > of
> > the payment". I think this is a bit vague; maybe this is
> > deliberate?
> > 
> > Anyway, you may also think of a BOLT11 payment request as an option
> > contract. If the payment is performed (which can be proven by
> > showing
> > the preimage), then payee is bound to the terms and conditions in
> > the
> > description. So, then the meaning of a description "one cup of
> > coffee"
> > becomes "if payment happens, payee has an obligation to deliver one
> > cup
> > of coffee".
> > 
> > A known issue is that payer is not identified in the contract, so
> > it is
> > not clear to who the payee has this obligation. As far as I can
> > see,
> > the only way to fix this is to have two-way communication, where
> > first
> > the payer sends some data to payee (e.g. public key), and then
> > payee
> > makes the payment request, including this data. With this
> > established,
> > we turn the preimage + payment request from a "proof that someone
> > paid"
> > into a "proof that I paid", and therefore also a "proof that payee
> > has
> > this obligation to me".
> > 
> > I'm a bit afraid that such proofs are a bit too inflexible for
> > real-
> > life applications. I think in real-life there are many cases where
> > you
> > need to update / revoke agreements, even after payment.
> > 
> > One example is a full refund: if goods/services cannot be delivered
> > somehow, payer+payee might agree to a full refund instead of
> > delivery
> > of goods/services. The refund is another payment, with a payment
> > request made by the original payer; its contract should state that
> > the
> > original payee is no longer bound by the obligations in the
> > original
> > contract.
> > 
> > Another example is a partial refund, for instance if only a lower
> > quantity or a lower quality of goods/services is delivered. This is
> > another payment, but now the new contract replaces the old contract
> > and
> > specifies a new, lower set of obligations for the original payee.
> > 
> > Another example is a change of conditions without change of
> > 

[Lightning-dev] Proposal for updateable / revokable proofs of payment

2018-11-04 Thread CJP
Right now, the only defined semantics of the description field in
BOLT11 is that it SHOULD be "a complete description of the purpose of
the payment". I think this is a bit vague; maybe this is deliberate?

Anyway, you may also think of a BOLT11 payment request as an option
contract. If the payment is performed (which can be proven by showing
the preimage), then payee is bound to the terms and conditions in the
description. So, then the meaning of a description "one cup of coffee"
becomes "if payment happens, payee has an obligation to deliver one cup
of coffee".

A known issue is that payer is not identified in the contract, so it is
not clear to who the payee has this obligation. As far as I can see,
the only way to fix this is to have two-way communication, where first
the payer sends some data to payee (e.g. public key), and then payee
makes the payment request, including this data. With this established,
we turn the preimage + payment request from a "proof that someone paid"
into a "proof that I paid", and therefore also a "proof that payee has
this obligation to me".

I'm a bit afraid that such proofs are a bit too inflexible for real-
life applications. I think in real-life there are many cases where you
need to update / revoke agreements, even after payment.

One example is a full refund: if goods/services cannot be delivered
somehow, payer+payee might agree to a full refund instead of delivery
of goods/services. The refund is another payment, with a payment
request made by the original payer; its contract should state that the
original payee is no longer bound by the obligations in the original

Another example is a partial refund, for instance if only a lower
quantity or a lower quality of goods/services is delivered. This is
another payment, but now the new contract replaces the old contract and
specifies a new, lower set of obligations for the original payee.

Another example is a change of conditions without change of payment,
for instance when a white/gold dress was ordered, but turned out to be
unavailable, and payer finds a black/blue dress acceptable as well, at
equal price. Then you'd just want to replace white/gold in the contract
by black/blue, without any payment.

I think nearly all cases (including ones not mentioned here) are
covered by a "contract update" format which includes:
* the new obligations of the two parties to each other
* a secure hash of the previous contract version that is replaced by
this one
* optionally, a payment hash
* signatures from both parties

The contract update is considered valid if and only if
* the signatures correspond to the pubkeys in the original contract
(the first in the chain)
* the signatures are valid signatures on this contract
* the previous contracts in the chain are all valid (except for being
invalidated by contract updates)
* there is no known valid contract that replaces this one
* if a payment hash is included, a corresponding payment preimage is
provided as well

The original contract is different in that
* It does not have a previous contract version (may be zeroed if you
want to keep the same format)
* A set of pubkeys is provided (one of payer, one of payee)
* Only payee has obligations, so payee never needs to receive a
signature from payer. Payer needs to receive payee's signature, and can
trivially add his own signature whenever needed.

Whenever one payee has obligations to another, the pubkey of the party
with obligations has to be verified through some PKI. I consider this
to be outside the scope of this concept. Especially in the case that
one of the parties never has any obligations, that party may use a new,
non-PKI-verified pubkey for the transaction, as a temporary pseudonym.

There is some conceptual similarity between an updateable proof of
payment and a payment channel.

A potential issue is that, theoretically, the "contract update chain"
can fork. The simple solution is "don't do that": either party can stop
it from happening by not signing the forking update.


Lightning-dev mailing list

Re: [Lightning-dev] Proposal for rendez-vous routing

2018-11-04 Thread CJP
ZmnSCPxj schreef op zo 04-11-2018 om 14:34 [+]:
> Good morning CJP,
> I believe this is a desirable feature, although...
> Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
> ‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
> On Sunday, November 4, 2018 2:26 PM, CJP 
> wrote:
> > Imagine a future where some powerful participant in the Lightning
> > network starts enforcing KyC requirements on Lightning nodes. It
> > requires its direct neighbors to reveal their identity or else
> > closes
> > channels to them. Next, it asks its direct neighbors to reveal the
> > identity of their direct neighbors (or close their channels), with
> > the
> > threat of either channel closure, or (using the now-known identity)
> > more extreme penalties.
> > 
> For this particular scenario, it seems to me that it would be better
> for the rest of the network to punish this participant by closing any
> channel to this KYC-requiring participant, and also to do retaliatory
> preemptive closing of any channel to any participant publicly
> connecting, directly or indirectly, to that participant.  Or in
> short, to let that participant enforce whatever it wants to
> close.  This will greatly lower its fee earnings as well as its
> ability to monitor or control the network.  If every Lightning node
> refuses to reveal their identity (etc.) to this participant, then the
> participant will close all its channels and it will no longer be a
> powerful **participant** of Lightning, thus removing itself and its
> influence from Lightning in the most satisfying way possible, i.e.
> through shooting itself in the foot.

I disagree: you may not be in a position to freely close such channels
and remove your ability to transact with this party, similar to how you
may not be in a position to refuse to pay taxes. Also, since it is hard
to avoid (in the current situation) that some Lightning nodes have a
known link to legal entities like companies or persons, there are ways
outside the Lightning network to put pressure on node owners,
especially non-pseudonymous high-profile ones. This is, however, a non-
technical discussion; since we already agree on the desirability of the
feature, I suggest to keep it at this and focus on the technical

> Nonetheless, I believe this feature is desirable, not for the above
> scenario, but simply so that a payee is not required to maintain even
> a pseudonym on the Lightning Network (the payee will still have to be
> somehow contactable so it can generate an invoice somehow, but at
> least it will not even have an identifiable pseudonym on-Lightning;
> perhaps it may have a pseudonym on some other network with better
> privacy).  If all its generated invoices use rendezvous routing, then
> while it, obviously, must have a Lightning node somewhere, that node
> is not easily identifiable among all Lightning nodes.

I guess that for most use cases a payee pseudonym is needed, unless
your use case is donating to random strangers. I only found one
exception: where the thing you pay for is cryptographically linked to
the Lightning payment (effectively, an atomic swap, like in a
Lightning-based decentralized exchange). In that case, a truly
anonymous (as opposed to pseudonymous) payee makes sense.

However, for use cases where the payee needs a pseudonym, it might
still be desirable to decouple that pseudonym from a location in the
Lightning network. Rendezvous routing can do that.

> Looking through BOLT 4, the text assumes inherently that source
> routing is done, and even has a shared secret between hop and
> source.  However, it may be possible in rendezvous routing to simply
> provide the blinding key (while hiding everything beyond the first
> hop on the destination half of the route).

Sounds like it makes sense; I need to look into it.

> I also think that, as the destination is choosing the nodes on its
> half of the route, that it should pay for fees, and thus the source
> is only required to deliver the specified amount to the first hop
> node of the destination half of the rendezvous route.

Agreed. The price agreed between payer and payee is the incoming amount
at the rendezvous point. In the "original" case that the payee-side
route is 0 hops long, the payee is the rendezvous point, and we're
equal to the original concept where the agreed-on price is the incoming
amount at the payee.


Lightning-dev mailing list

[Lightning-dev] Proposal for rendez-vous routing

2018-11-03 Thread CJP
Imagine a future where some powerful participant in the Lightning
network starts enforcing KyC requirements on Lightning nodes. It
requires its direct neighbors to reveal their identity or else closes
channels to them. Next, it asks its direct neighbors to reveal the
identity of their direct neighbors (or close their channels), with the
threat of either channel closure, or (using the now-known identity)
more extreme penalties.

I guess this would lead to a split of the Lightning network into a
compliant and a non-compliant part, with no ability to perform payments
between the two. If we want to keep the Lightning network inclusive,
anonymous and free of central authorities who can impose arbitrary
rules, this is an undesirable scenario.

The enabler of this scenario is the fact that, to allow source routing,
we need a public channel map of the network.

We have a sort-of-a counter measure called "private channels", which
are channels that exist, but whose existence is not published. A
private channel might bridge the gap between a compliant and a non-
compliant part of the network, but it has a problem: in order to allow
payments from one side to the other, the payer has to know about the
private channel. If there are lots of payers who have to cross the gap
and use the private channel, the existence of the private channel will
leak out sooner or later. The node owner on the compliant side of the
private channel, presumably having violated the rules by operating a
private channel, risks penalties. Therefore, I think private channels
are not a very suitable way to keep the network undivided and inclusive
and to bridge the gap between different regulatory/non-regulatory

I propose another solution: rendez-vous routing. The idea is that the
payee chooses one or more routes from certain third-party nodes in the
network to himself and passes sphinx-encrypted blobs for those routes
to the payer (for instance, as part of a payment request). The payer
completes the route by finding routes from himself to those third-party 
nodes, and tries to perform the payment over these routes. Of course,
payee has to tell payer how many hops payer may add to a route,
somewhat revealing how much privacy payee wants for himself.

I believe this approach has the following properties:
* It is a superset of the regular approach to routing: the old approach
is simply the special case where payee defines 0 of the 20 hops.
* Payee may lead the route over private channels without revealing the
existence of those private channels to payers. Of course the private
channel still needs to be known to payee; it is probably most realistic
that such private channels are operated by payee himself.
* The payee node may still be a node inside the "compliant" section of
the network; it's just that nobody (not even payer) can see which node
it is. So, even when your node is linked to your identity, your
activities (even as payee) are not linked to your identity.

I guess we already discussed this before, but I just wanted to have a
clear place to discuss this idea, and I couldn't find any clear past
discussion about this in the mailing list.

There might be alternative approaches, such as not routing between
incompatible regulatory domains, but simply having nodes on each
network if you need to, and simply move funds on-chain between your
nodes whenever needed. That will require on-chain mixing though.


Lightning-dev mailing list

[Lightning-dev] SPSP: Simple Protocol for Spontaneous Payments

2018-06-27 Thread CJP

Currently, in Lightning, you need to get an invoice from the receiver
to be able to send a payment. But what if you want to do a payment
spontaneously, e.g. as a gift? I just realized this use case can be met
in quite a simple way.

You simply route the payment to the receiver's Lightning node (so you
do need to know the node ID). The routing message to the receiver's
node is of a special form, and includes the preimage. It might also
contain some (small!) other data: maybe the hash of a signed

Anyway, if the receiver's node recognizes this routing message format,
it can then use the preimage to finish the transaction. It may also
cancel the transaction instead, if the node owner doesn't want to
receive unsolicited money.

The fun thing is, none of the intermediate nodes can use the preimage
to steal funds, since the routing data is encrypted.

I do realize that spontaneous payments can also be done with a "payment
to self" that just happens to give a very large fee to a particular
intermediate node. The new protocol has the advantages that it doesn't
need the second half of the route (back to self), it is clear to the
receiving node that this is in fact intended as a payment, and you may
be able to include a small message.


Lightning-dev mailing list

[Lightning-dev] Why do we need fee estimation in the protocol?

2018-05-12 Thread CJP

Maybe this is a stupid question, and it is late so maybe I'm
overlooking something, but I don't want to lose a potentially good
idea, so here it goes:

Right now, BOLT#3 imposes a certain algorithm for fee estimation. This
algorithm is likely to be sub-optimal: fee estimation is a difficult
subject, and may involve subjective situation-specific considerations
of participants. I guess it's only there to achieve some kind of
consensus between the peers.

But why do we need consensus at all? There are two versions of each
commitment transaction: one to be used for unilateral close by one peer
(A), and one to be used by the other (B). Peer A has an interest in
"commit transaction A", so I'd consider it fair to let peer A pay the
transaction fee for that commit tx (subtracted from its part of the
channel funds), and also to let peer A determine the amount of that
fee. If A wants a different fee for whatever reason, it should simply
be able to ask B for a signature on an updated "commit transaction A".
B shouldn't care about that fee, as long as its own funds, HTLCs etc.
are OK.

I guess, when only changing the fee, you don't even need to use a new
revocation secret. Your peer may have different versions which only
differ in how much fees your peer pays, and you 'll never care which of
them will be used by your peer. Not using a new revocation secret may
or may not be a premature optimization though.

If a peer doesn't have enough funds to pay a reasonably effective tx
fee, normally that shouldn't be a problem, because then it doesn't have
a significant financial interest in having a usable commit tx either.
The only exception is if there are significant HTLCs. Is this where the
idea breaks down? As far as I can see, this is an exceptional (but
important) case, but during normal operation, peers should be free to
choose the fee for their own commit tx.

You'd have to deal with any follow-up transactions as well: changing a
fee changes the txID, so you need to update follow-up transactions.


Lightning-dev mailing list

Re: [Lightning-dev] AMP: Atomic Multi-Path Payments over Lightning

2018-02-09 Thread CJP
Can you give a use case for this?

Usually, especially in the common case that a payment is done in
exchange for some non-cryptographic asset (e.g. physical goods), there
already is some kind of trust between payer and payee. So, if a payment
is split non-atomically into smaller transactions, and only a part
succeeds, presumably they can cooperatively figure out some way to
settle the situation.

I spoke to people of the "interledger" project, and what they are
planning to do is to non-atomically split *every* transaction into lots
of micro-payments. In fact, they consider it unnecessary to enforce
HTLCs with scripts, because their amounts are so small(*). If one
micro-payment fails, that just makes them learn that a certain channel
is unreliable, and they'll send further payments (and even the remaining
part of the same payment) through a different route.


(*) not worth the extra on-blockchain fee due to the increased tx size.

Olaoluwa Osuntokun schreef op di 06-02-2018 om 05:26 [+]:
> Hi Y'all, 
> A common question I've seen concerning Lightning is: "I have five $2
> channels, is it possible for me to *atomically* send $6 to fulfill a
> payment?". The answer to this question is "yes", provided that the
> receiver
> waits to pull all HTLC's until the sum matches their invoice.
> Typically, one
> assumes that the receiver will supply a payment hash, and the sender
> will
> re-use the payment hash for all streams. This has the downside of
> payment
> hash re-use across *multiple* payments (which can already easily be
> correlated), and also has a failure mode where if the sender fails to
> actually satisfy all the payment flows, then the receiver can still
> just
> pull the monies (and possibly not disperse a service, or w/e).
> Conner Fromknecht and I have come up with a way to achieve this over
> Lightning while (1) not re-using any payment hashes across all payment
> flows, and (2) adding a *strong* guarantee that the receiver won't be
> paid
> until *all* partial payment flows are extended. We call this scheme
> (Atomic Multi-path Payments). It can be experimented with on Lightning
> *today* with the addition of a new feature bit to gate this new
> feature. The beauty of the scheme is that it requires no fundamental
> changes
> to the protocol as is now, as the negotiation is strictly *end-to-end*
> between sender and receiver.
> TL;DR: we repurpose some unused space in the onion per-hop payload of
> the
> onion blob to signal our protocol (and deliver some protocol-specific
> data),
> then use additive secret sharing to ensure that the receiver can't
> pull the
> payment until they have enough shares to reconstruct the original
> pre-image.
> Protocol Goals
> ==
> 1. Atomicity: The logical transaction should either succeed or fail in
> entirety. Naturally, this implies that the receiver should not be
> unable to
> settle *any* of the partial payments, until all of them have arrived.
> 2. Avoid Payment Hash Reuse: The payment preimages validated by the
> consensus layer should be distinct for each partial payment.
> Primarily,
> this helps avoid correlation of the partial payments, and ensures that
> malicious intermediaries straddling partial payments cannot steal
> funds.
> 3. Order Invariance: The protocol should be forgiving to the order in
> which
> partial payments arrive at the destination, adding robustness in the
> face of
> delays or routing failures.
> 4. Non-interactive Setup: It should be possible for the sender to
> perform an
> AMP without directly coordinating with the receiving node.
> Predominantly,
> this means that the *sender* is able to determine the number of
> partial
> payments to use for a particular AMP, which makes sense since they
> will be
> the one fronting the fees for the cost of this parameter. Plus, we can
> always turn a non-interactive protocol into an interactive one for the
> purposes of invoicing.
> Protocol Benefits

> =
> Sending pay payments predominantly over an AMP-like protocol has
> several
> clear benefits:
>   - Eliminates the constraint that a single path from sender to
> receiver
> with sufficient directional capacity. This reduces the pressure to
> have
> larger channels in order to support larger payment flows. As a
> result,
> the payment graph be very diffused, without sacrificing payment
> utility
>   - Reduces strain from larger payments on individual paths, and
> allows the
> liquidity imbalances to be more diffuse. We expect this to