[ACTIVITY] 23-27 May 2016

2016-05-29 Thread kugan
== Progress == PR71252 - ICE in rewrite_expr_tree - Tried various options to fix this and settled on an implementation - Patches sent for upstream review - tested with cpu2006 too - One patch approved PR66726 - Convert expr - Newlib test case is failing due to mi compiled lib - Trying to

[ACTIVITY] 23-27 May 2016

2016-05-27 Thread Peter Smith
== Progress == * LLD Port: - Got hello world running. -- Needed a horrible hack to make lld output PLT and GOT entries for unresolved weak references with default visibility. - Wrote up in Jira the major areas of work that would be needed for a useful port. - Started putting in changes cleanly

[ACTIVITY] 23-27 May 2016

2016-05-27 Thread Diana Picus
== Progress== * Remove exit-on-error flag from CodeGen tests [TCWG-604] [5/10] - This is a follow-up of TCWG-592: when changing the diag handler, some of the tests started to fail, so we had to add an exit-on-error flag to preserve the old behaviour until we can fix the tests. - Last week's