The Virtualization Cookbook for IBM z Systems Volume 4: Ubuntu Server 16.04

2016-09-26 Thread Mark Post
A new Redbook has been published, "The Virtualization Cookbook for IBM z 
Systems Volume 4: Ubuntu Server 16.04".  You can find it at .

Mark Post

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Query for Destination z website: experience with z/VM's SSI

2016-09-26 Thread Gabe Goldberg

z/VM's SSI -- Single System Image --  feature (VMSSI) was announced and
orderable in 2011. So there's been enough time for sites  to evaluate,
consider, install, use, enjoy it. I'd like to write about what sites are
doing with it, how it's used, what real-world problems it's solving, why
it's liked. That is, illustrate user experience with it rather than
getting deep into its technology.

I'm particularly interested in this having myself used an earlier
implementation -- -- from different corporate
parentage (though with some common technical talent behind it). So I'm
doubly interested in hearing from people who've used both versions.

Please copy replies to me directly so they're not buried in list digest.

Please include your name and affiliation so I needn't request it. And
remember, this is for publication -- though I can likely paraphrase
what's said if you'd rather be anonymous.


Gabriel Goldberg, Computers and Publishing, Inc.
3401 Silver Maple Place, Falls Church, VA 22042   (703) 204-0433
LinkedIn: GabeG0

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Re: Best way to edit Linux files in z/VM 3270

2016-09-26 Thread Martha McConaghy
I prefer ed, myself.  It reminds me of the old days, before we had full screen
editors.  Screw up enough fstab or network config files and you get real good
at it.  Always
impresses my younger colleages when I can fix a fstab with a few keystrokes,
even on their precious non-z based Linux servers. It also helps to keep a
"cheat sheet" bookmarked for when your stuck.  My go-to page is:


On Thu, 22 Sep 2016 13:07:46 -0400 Robert J Brenneman said:
>the /best/ way to edit linux files on 3270 is not to. Plan ahead and make
>backup copies of important config files before making changes and rebooting
>so you can just rename the backup back in place.
>but when one must, ed is available. You have to think of it as a typewriter
>though. It is not capable or aware of a terminal that can display multiple
>lines - basically you have a keyboard with no arrow keys, no PF keys, no
>pgup pgdn home end keys to use to talk to ed, and ed is only able to talk
>back to you by spitting out a single line of output at a time with a
>carriage return at the end.
>cat / head / tail / sed can also be used to assemble a new file out of an
>existing but broken one.
>Jay Brenneman
>For LINUX-390 subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
>send email to with the message: INFO LINUX-390 or visit
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