Nasty messages

2006-03-09 Thread sauersr
Refrain from posting nasty messages. If you can't be civil, unsubscribe. rather then respond item by item to that barrage of gibberish, moron, remember what prompted your original response - I had said it was unfortunate that Apple didn't build the MACINTOSH with a crt controller. Then you

Re: PC Crap

2006-02-24 Thread sauersr
There's really no reason to get angry about this either way. One man's refuse is another's treasure, especially when it comes to computer equipment. None of my friends understands how I can be enthusiastic about old computer technology, such as the Lisa OS and hardware. But, they can talk

Re: Free IBM AT

2006-02-23 Thread sauersr
It's truly a shame that the Lisa wasn't a success. If Apple had had better management, perhaps the company's primary platform would have had protected memory. It would have given Apple more credibility and saved users from a lot of pain. The Lisa's failure in the market doesn't diminish the

Re: Alice

2005-11-21 Thread sauersr
I don't think anyone has the Lisa version of Alice. I wrote to several members of the original Mac team, including Capps, and only received a reply from one of them, I believe it was the creator of If I'm wrong, I'd love to get a copy. After all, it's Apple's first game, right? That

Re: New owner needs help

2005-07-28 Thread sauersr
Always put things on Ebay that are Lisa related. Don't throw them away. The miniscribe drives that I have seen were prone to failure because the mechanism would suck in dirt that would stop the platters from moving. There was a guy in Chicago years ago who repaired the mfm miniscribe drives

Re: Clock battery and floppy lubrication

2005-05-11 Thread sauersr
The clock has never worked. I know about the time issue. Not even setting it to times the Lisa clock can recognize worked, even after I got it. I get an error message that the time is not set (or something similar) every time I turn the computer on. I assume the batteries were dead or the clock

Re: Format a Widget with an apple III

2005-05-10 Thread sauersr
The ProFile, at least the 5 MB version, was compatible with the Apple III. The ProFile that I have with my Lisa came from an Apple III. I formatted it when I attached it to the Lisa. I heard somewhere that once a ProFile is formatted by a Lisa, an Apple III can't use it. But, that seems

Lisa History

2005-05-10 Thread sauersr
Why has the Lisa team remained silent? Isn't there a book here? I'd personally love to have all the anecdotes and the like concerning the Lisa's development to read. There's a little bit about it on the Mac Folklore site, but everything is so Mac-centric. It would be refreshing to read about the