Re: [pfSense] 2.3.5 to 2.4.2 on SG-2440 failed accessing repository

2017-12-05 Thread Pete Boyd
On 05/12/2017 13:47, Eero Volotinen wrote:
> well. take backup of config and ask operator to reinstall box from usb
> stick & restore backup?

Yeah. This went from bad to worse today, I eventually lost contact with
it, so this is what I'm going to do.

Thanks for your help.

Pete Boyd

Open Plan IT -
The Golden Ear -
pfSense mailing list
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Re: [pfSense] 2.3.5 to 2.4.2 on SG-2440 failed accessing repository

2017-12-05 Thread Pete Boyd
Actually those log entries were from further back in time. Though they
do now seem pertinent, this was from yesterday, and obviously points to
a lack of resolv.conf:

dnsmasq 23562   failed to access /etc/resolv.conf: No such file or 

dnsmasq 23562   failed to load names from /etc/hosts: No such file or

Pete Boyd

Open Plan IT -
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pfSense mailing list
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Re: [pfSense] 2.3.5 to 2.4.2 on SG-2440 failed accessing repository

2017-12-05 Thread Pete Boyd
It was available to login to again after power cycling.

>From the log - General:

check_reload_status Rewriting resolv.conf

>From the log - DNS Resolver:

dnsmasq 6768failed to create listening socket for port 53: Address
already in use

dnsmasq 6768FAILED to start up

/etc/resolv.conf was missing. I created a new copy and DNS now works.
Version 2.4.2 is again being advertised. I initiated the upgrade and it
appears to take place, though there are lots of this kind of issue, I
don't know if this is of interest:

Installed packages to be REINSTALLED:
xinetd-2.3.15_2 [pfSense] (ABI changed: 'freebsd:10:x86:64' ->

"Number of packages to be removed: 1
Number of packages to be installed: 16
Number of packages to be upgraded: 47
Number of packages to be reinstalled: 81"

After the eventual reboot it's still saying it's 2.3.5.
I initiated the upgrade again from the GUI and it says "Please wait
while the update system initializes" and nothing more.

It's at least currently stable enough for people to use.

Any help is most appreciated, thanks.

Pete Boyd

Open Plan IT -
The Golden Ear -
pfSense mailing list
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Re: [pfSense] 2.3.5 to 2.4.2 on SG-2440 failed accessing repository

2017-12-04 Thread Pete Boyd
On 04/12/2017 22:08, Eero Volotinen wrote:
> well. ssh into box and cat /etc/resolv.conf to see nameserver addresses. if
> it contains entry, then it is using dnsmasq/unbound or similar
> dns cache.

Thanks for your help. If it comes back after people on site power cycle
it tomorrow then I'll check that.

Pete Boyd

Open Plan IT -
The Golden Ear -
pfSense mailing list
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Re: [pfSense] 2.3.5 to 2.4.2 on SG-2440 failed accessing repository

2017-12-04 Thread Pete Boyd
I'm not sure where to look for a DNS Forwarder issue.
I tried restarting the service.
I looked in firewall rules for WAN.
I changed DNS servers in System > General Setup to Google Public DNS.

I tried turning this off:
DNS Server Override [ ] Allow DNS server list to be overridden by

I tried enabling this:
Disable DNS Forwarder [*] Do not use the DNS Forwarder/DNS Resolver as a
DNS server for the firewall

I turned the latter 2 back. I rebooted, and it didn't come back.

Pete Boyd

Open Plan IT -
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pfSense mailing list
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Re: [pfSense] 2.3.5 to 2.4.2 on SG-2440 failed accessing repository

2017-12-04 Thread Pete Boyd
On 04/12/2017 20:48, Eero Volotinen wrote:
> well. for temporary fix, try hardcoding needed hostnames in /etc/hosts and
> check also that your firewall rules allow access to dns server 53/udp and
> tcp.

Thanks for your help, everyone. I have to do something else for a while
but will get back to this a bit later.

Pete Boyd

Open Plan IT -
The Golden Ear -
pfSense mailing list
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Re: [pfSense] 2.3.5 to 2.4.2 on SG-2440 failed accessing repository

2017-12-04 Thread Pete Boyd
Great, thank you.

Pete Boyd

Open Plan IT -
The Golden Ear -
pfSense mailing list
Support the project with Gold!

Re: [pfSense] 2.3.5 to 2.4.2 on SG-2440 failed accessing repository

2017-12-04 Thread Pete Boyd
On 04/12/2017 20:39, Adam Thompson wrote:
> Do you have functional DNS from the CLI?

No, I can't ping or localdomain names.

Pete Boyd

Open Plan IT -
The Golden Ear -
pfSense mailing list
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Re: [pfSense] 2.3.5 to 2.4.2 on SG-2440 failed accessing repository

2017-12-04 Thread Pete Boyd
uname -a says this is FreeBSD 11.1-RELEASE-p4 RELENG_2_4

Pete Boyd

Open Plan IT -
The Golden Ear -
pfSense mailing list
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Re: [pfSense] 2.3.5 to 2.4.2 on SG-2440 failed accessing repository

2017-12-04 Thread Pete Boyd
On 04/12/2017 20:11, Steve Yates wrote:
> If you ssh to the device and pick the option to update from its console menu, 
> does it update there?

No, those package repository errors are what I'm seeing when doing that.

I tried the swapping to different repositories in the GUI, trying update
from console, back and forth, as described in the page you linked to,
but that hasn't helped, each time it has the same repository errors.

Pete Boyd

Open Plan IT -
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pfSense mailing list
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Re: [pfSense] 2.3.5 to 2.4.2 on SG-2440 failed accessing repository

2017-12-04 Thread Pete Boyd
strace isn't installed, no packages are installed.

Ideally I'd like to recover this to 2.3.5 or 2.4.2 if possible.
I'd like to not have to do a fresh install and restore of config if
possible, though I can get local people brought in to do that, or have
it posted to me.
People on site can draft in the spare pfSense PC if need be tomorrow.

Pete Boyd

Open Plan IT -
The Golden Ear -
pfSense mailing list
Support the project with Gold!

Re: [pfSense] 2.3.5 to 2.4.2 on SG-2440 failed accessing repository

2017-12-04 Thread Pete Boyd
On 04/12/2017 19:52, Eero Volotinen wrote:
> Can you ssh into device and drop to shell?

Yes, that's where I've been trying the pkg-static commands.

Pete Boyd

Open Plan IT -
The Golden Ear -
pfSense mailing list
Support the project with Gold!

[pfSense] 2.3.5 to 2.4.2 on SG-2440 failed accessing repository

2017-12-04 Thread Pete Boyd
Hi. I upgraded a production SG-2440 running pfSense 64-bit 2.3.5 to
2.4.2 using the web GUI. There were no packages installed. It appeared
to update OK, and rebooted afterwards. However it came back as version
2.3.5 and now says it's on the latest version, despite going to the
update page and re-saving.

Choosing "Update from console" gives the following:

"Updating pfSense-core repository catalogue...

pkg-static: Repository pfSense-core load error: access repo
file(/var/db/pkg/repo-pfSense-core.sqlite) failed: No such file or directory

No address record
repository pfSense-core has no meta file, using default settings

No address record

Unable to update repository pfSense-core

Updating pfSense repository catalogue...

pkg-static: Repository pfSense load error: access repo
file(/var/db/pkg/repo-pfSense.sqlite) failed: No such file or directory

No address record
repository pfSense has no meta file, using default settings

No address record

Unable to update repository pfSense

Error updating repositories!

If I run "pkg update -f" I get this error:
Shared object "" not found, required by "pkg"

These commands give the same repository error messages as aobve:
pkg-static update –f
pkg-static upgrade –f

I don't have physical access to the device.
So far, ostensibly, it appears to be running OK; I'm VPNd in.

Has anyone any ideas that might help please?

Pete Boyd

Open Plan IT -
The Golden Ear -
pfSense mailing list
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Re: [pfSense] pfSense 2.3.2-p1 RELEASE Now Available

2016-10-07 Thread Pete Boyd
On 07/10/2016 13:57, Holger Bauer wrote:
> pkg clean
> pkg update
> pkg upgrade
> reboot

This worked for me, thanks.

Pete Boyd

Open Plan IT -
The Golden Ear -
pfSense mailing list
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Re: [pfSense] pfSense 2.3.2-p1 RELEASE Now Available

2016-10-07 Thread Pete Boyd
Same for me, failure first time on a full install:

Fetching pfSense-kernel-pfSense-2.3.2_1.txz: . done
Operation timed out
>>> Locking package pfSense-kernel-pfSense... done.

Pete Boyd

Open Plan IT -
The Golden Ear -
pfSense mailing list
Support the project with Gold!

[pfSense] Internet access for LAN to LAN router

2016-05-31 Thread Pete Boyd
I have a scenario where pfSense1 is running the gateway to the Internet
for LAN1 in an office with its own WAN. Another box, pfSense2, is
running the gateway out to another LAN2, a network administered by other
people, where there's a shared printer on a LAN shared by other
organisations and that LAN has its own Internet connection for those
other organisations.

pfSense2's LAN interface is on LAN1 and its WAN interface is on LAN2.
pfSense2 has as its gateway the LAN2 gateway address, which doesn't work
(for whatever reason, maybe it requires a subscription, I don't know). I
access pfSense2 using VNC from a PC on LAN1, upgrading using .tgz files,
but now that pfSense 2.3 doesn't support upgrade in this way, I need to
get pfSense2's Internet access working. I presume I do this by swapping
pfSense2's WAN and LAN assignments around, and giving its WAN the
gateway address of pfSense1?

I administer this remotely. Is there a way to do the above without
losing connection to pfSense2 half way through the procedure?

If I swap the WAN and LAN around, is different firewalling rules going
to come into play, or some other issue, and break access to the printer
for PCs on LAN1?

Or is there an alternate means of getting Internet access to pfSense2,
maybe by adding a gateway address to its LAN interface?

I already specifically allow traffic out to the printer's IP address,
and turn this off:
Interfaces -> WAN -> [ ] Block private networks and loopback addresses

Thanks in advance

Pete Boyd

Open Plan IT -
The Golden Ear -
pfSense mailing list
Support the project with Gold!

[pfSense] How to manually update 2.3 onwards?

2016-05-24 Thread Pete Boyd
I have a pfSense 2.3.0_1 which has had an issue connecting to to check for updates for years. That's not the issue, as far
as I believe. Perhaps its LAN and WAN are mistakenly the wrong way
around. It routes between two LANs. Anyway I always update it manually
by downloading a tgz file.

With 2.3.0_1 it appears to offer no means of manually updating, giving
these error messages on the System > Update screen [1].
I see the release notes say "Removed "full update" or "full slice"
upgrade for systems on 2.3 to later versions" - is this what I am seeing?

How do I manually update pfSense now please?

"The following input errors were detected:

ERROR: Error trying to get packages list. Aborting...
pkg: repository meta /var/db/pkg/pfSense-core.meta has wrong version or
wrong format pkg: No signature found pkg: No signature found pkg:
repository meta /var/db/pkg/pfSense.meta has wrong version or wrong
format pkg: No signature found pkg: No signature found pkg: repository
meta /var/db/pkg/pfSense-core.meta has wrong version or wrong format
pkg: Repository pfSense-core cannot be opened. 'pkg update' required
pkg: repository meta /var/db/pkg/pfSense.meta has wrong version or wrong
format pkg: Repository pfSense cannot be opened. 'pkg update' required

ERROR: Error trying to get packages list. Aborting...
pkg: repository meta /var/db/pkg/pfSense-core.meta has wrong version or
wrong format pkg: No signature found pkg: No signature found pkg:
repository meta /var/db/pkg/pfSense.meta has wrong version or wrong
format pkg: No signature found pkg: No signature found pkg: repository
meta /var/db/pkg/pfSense-core.meta has wrong version or wrong format
pkg: Repository pfSense-core cannot be opened. 'pkg update' required
pkg: repository meta /var/db/pkg/pfSense.meta has wrong version or wrong
format pkg: Repository pfSense cannot be opened. 'pkg update' required"


Pete Boyd

Open Plan IT -
The Golden Ear -
pfSense mailing list
Support the project with Gold!

Re: [pfSense] pfSense 2.3 "Secure Connection Failed"

2016-04-19 Thread Pete Boyd
My local pfSense 2.3 works fine in Firefox ESR 38, as does one remote
site that I contact through an independent solution.

2 remote sites that I contact through pfSense's OpenVPN (not using its
built-in CA) don't work in Firefox.

One of those 2 remote sites has a second pfSense, that I connect with by
first VPNing in, then using VNC to connect to a PC, and using Firefox
ESR 38 on that PC. pfSense 2.3 works fine in Firefox in that case.

So far, the remote connection over OpenVPN is the common factor in
what's not working. Does that help pinpoint anything please?

Pete Boyd

Open Plan IT -
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pfSense mailing list
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Re: [pfSense] pfSense 2.3 "Secure Connection Failed"

2016-04-13 Thread Pete Boyd
On 12/04/2016 23:06, Chris Buechler wrote:
> If it's the same browser and
> system that can connect to 1 of 3 but not the other two, there's
> something else going on there. Not sure what, haven't heard of that
> from anyone else.

Thanks Chris. Yes it's the same Windows 7 Pro with Firefox ESR 38 used
to connect to all 3. I'll report back if I learn anything more.

Pete Boyd

Open Plan IT -
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pfSense mailing list
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[pfSense] pfSense 2.3 "Secure Connection Failed"

2016-04-12 Thread Pete Boyd
What is the change in 2.3.0 that means that Firefox 38 ESR now gives me
this message when trying to login using the GUI on 2 of 3 systems I have
upgraded from 2.2.6 so far, via OpenVPN:

"Secure Connection Failed
The connection to X.X.X.X was interrupted while the page was loading.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity
of the received data could not be verified."

I can get around this with Chrome 49, by choosing Advanced and something
like 'Login anyway'.

Firefox works fine with one of the systems I've upgraded, the local one.


Pete Boyd

Open Plan IT -
The Golden Ear -
pfSense mailing list
Support the project with Gold!

Re: [pfSense] OpenVPN Server on pfSense 2.1.4

2014-07-01 Thread Pete Boyd
On 01/07/2014 01:29, David White wrote:
> I'm having trouble connecting my Windows 7 OpenVPN client to the pfSense
> 2.1.4 server. 

If this was working before, and now has just now stopped, I'm not sure
if the security fix in both the client and server makes disparate
versions now incompatible, but could be worth checking you have the
latest OpenVPN on Windows - for example 2.3.4-I002 from

(Frustratingly, they don't keep a changelog for the frequent changes
specific to the Windows builds)

Pete Boyd

Open Plan IT -
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Re: [pfSense] pfSense 2.1.2 is released

2014-04-10 Thread Pete Boyd
On 10/04/2014 21:13, kol wrote:
> How do you revoke a CA certifate? 

Export the CRL from whatever you use to manage your CA (I use TinyCA,
I've no experience of using pfSense, this whole thing might well be even
easier if you use pfSense).

In pfSense:

System -> Cert Manager -> Certificate Revocation -> + paste in the CRL.
It way have "In Use: NO".

VPN -> OpeNVPN - server -> Edit -> Cryptographic Settings -> Peer
Certificate Revocation List - select the CRL.

Pete Boyd

Open Plan IT -
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Re: [pfSense] The Heartbleed Bug, CVE-2014-0160

2014-04-08 Thread Pete Boyd
Thanks for the update Jim and for your and others' efforts in bringing
us updated software.
These things keep many of us in employment, but I expect you guys would
have appreciated a little breather after releasing 2.1.1.

Pete Boyd

Open Plan IT -
The Golden Ear -

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Re: [pfSense] The Heartbleed Bug, CVE-2014-0160

2014-04-08 Thread Pete Boyd
On 08/04/2014 12:59, wrote:
> You would notice that this bug concerns OpenSSL :
>   • OpenSSL 1.0.1 through 1.0.1f (inclusive) are vulnerable
>   • OpenSSL 0.9.8 branch is NOT vulnerable 
> If you are on the latest version of pfSense the version is : OpenSSL 0.9.8y 5 
> Feb 2013
> So you are not vulnerable to this heart bleed bug ! 

But I see this:

/usr/bin/openssl version
OpenSSL 0.9.8y 5 Feb 2013

/usr/local/bin/openssl version
OpenSSL 1.0.1e 11 Feb 2013

Pete Boyd

Open Plan IT -
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[pfSense] The Heartbleed Bug, CVE-2014-0160

2014-04-08 Thread Pete Boyd
Can someone please let me know where pfSense and its OpenVPN is in terms
of any vulnerability because of The Heartbleed Bug, CVE-2014-0160. Thanks

Pete Boyd

Open Plan IT -
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Re: [pfSense] pfSense version 2.1.1 has been released

2014-04-07 Thread Pete Boyd
The 2.1.0 to 2.1.1 upgrade on nanobsd (4g) on ALIX failed for me with
"Something went wrong when trying to update the fstab entry. Aborting

I got the same issue when using auto update, and when using local upload
of pfSense-2.1.1-RELEASE-4g-i386-nanobsd-upgrade.img.gz.

The log has 2 instances of this:
php: /system_firmware.php: The command '/sbin/mount -u -w -o
sync,noatime /cf' returned exit code '1', the output was 'mount: not
currently mounted /cf'

On bootup it already has this issue in the log:
php: rc.bootup: The command '/sbin/mount -u -r -f -o sync,noatime /cf'
returned exit code '1', the output was 'mount: not currently mounted /cf'

Does anyone have any thoughts on how to remedy this please?

Pete Boyd

Open Plan IT -
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Re: [pfSense] Very slow printing when 2 of pfSense on network

2013-10-24 Thread Pete Boyd
>From what you've given me I've managed to fix the printing issue by making
this alteration on Windows workstations:

Windows Firewall -> Advanced -> ICMP -> Settings -> [*] Allow redirect

I'm going to investigate the performance issues you spoke of (there are 15
workstations on the network), and likewise look into employing a dynamic
routing protocol.

After all the time I've spent tracking this down, I find that my pfSense
book has precisely the same information as you've told me, if only I'd
picked it up, and is quite reassuring about the security implications.

Thanks again

Pete Boyd

Open Plan IT -
The Golden Ear -

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Re: [pfSense] Very slow printing when 2 of pfSense on network

2013-10-24 Thread Pete Boyd
That's very helpful thank you.

Pete Boyd

Open Plan IT -
The Golden Ear -

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Re: [pfSense] Very slow printing when 2 of pfSense on network

2013-10-24 Thread Pete Boyd
Michael D. Wood wrote:
> What do the firewall logs show?  Any noticeable blocked traffic between
> A & B?  Turn on logging in the Firewall rules to check it out.

Nothing in either of their firewall logs.

Pete Boyd

Open Plan IT -
The Golden Ear -

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Re: [pfSense] Very slow printing when 2 of pfSense on network

2013-10-24 Thread Pete Boyd
Ian Bowers wrote:
> are both pfSense A and pfSense B on the same subnet?  such that pfSense A
> is the default gateway for clients, but pfSense B is how they have to get
> to the printer?

Yes to all of that.

> if this is the case, and both firewalls are on the same
> subnet, you're going to have issues.

That's a shame to hear as I was under the impression this was entirely
normal, and it worked fine for a couple of years, possibly until pfSense A
was upgraded from 1.2.3 to 2.0 (whilst at that time pfSense B remained on
1.2.3; both are now on 2.1.0).

Would it help if I added a third network adapter to pfSense A, attached to
the subnet that the printer is on? (This is a medium term goal anyway, so
as to save power and support costs)

Pete Boyd

Open Plan IT -
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Re: [pfSense] Android VPN with pfSense

2012-09-13 Thread Pete Boyd
Thanks. I've also now had successful results using 'OpenVPN for Android'
by Arne Schwabe.

I've used a PKCS12 file, added into the Android certificate store, from
an SD card (where it will only install from the root directory).

Because I've made the certificates in TinyCA, separate from pfSense,
from when I was using pfSense 1.2, I've had to turn off:
Authentication/Encryption -> Except TLS Server.

I've not yet tried using a .ovpn file for pre-configuration.

Other than that it all Just Works.

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Re: [pfSense] Android VPN with pfSense

2012-09-08 Thread Pete Boyd
On 08/09/12 08:43, Seth Mos wrote:
> If your phone has android 4 or higher, you can install the OpenVPN
> client that is available. It does not need root afaik and 1 of the
> developers can successfully use it on his tablet and phone with
> Android 4.

This is welcome news indeed! I see there are various OpenVPN clients now
available for Android 4, that don't require rooting, do you have
anything to share of your experience with the different apps please?

Pete Boyd

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Re: [pfSense] Compex WLM54SAGP23 (Atheros 5413), ALIX 2D3 & pfSense 2?

2012-04-27 Thread Pete Boyd
On 27/04/12 11:00, bsd wrote:
>> I've been using the above miniPCI card in an Alix board for over a
>> year now - entirely trouble free.

Great. Thanks.

Pete Boyd

List mailing list

[pfSense] Compex WLM54SAGP23 (Atheros 5413), ALIX 2D3 & pfSense 2?

2012-04-26 Thread Pete Boyd
Hi. I'm choosing a miniPCI wireless card from to go in
an ALIX 2D3. The only cards there that appear to be supported  by
FreeBSD 8.1 are the Wistron DCMA81 (Atheros AR5213A), Wistron CM9-GP
(Atheros AR5213A) and the Compex WLM54SAGP23 (Atheros 5413).

I'd just like to check if people have successfully used the Compex
WLM54SAGP23 (Atheros 5413) in a wireless access point (host AP) setup
with pfSense 2.0.1?


Pete Boyd

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Re: [pfSense] OpenVPN clients affected by upgrade from 1.2 to 2.0?

2012-02-04 Thread Pete Boyd
Thank you both for the useful information.

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[pfSense] OpenVPN clients affected by upgrade from 1.2 to 2.0?

2012-02-02 Thread Pete Boyd
I have pfSense 1.2.3 setup to use its OpenVPN server. I use TinyCA to
create CA and client certificates and keys on a separate computer,
giving the CA cert to pfSense and the client certs & keys to users.

If I upgrade pfSense 1.2.3 to 2.0.1, the OpenVPN will migrate fine, but
will OpenVPN clients continue to be able to VPN into the pfSense OpenVPN
server despite them not being in the User Manager, or do I have to
additionally, manually, create accounts and paste in certs & keys using
the User Manager?

I'm expecting them to be able to VPN in fine as they have valid
certificates for that CA, but am wondering if because they're not also
represented in the User Manager that pfSense might block them for that


Pete Boyd

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