Re: [PUB] Possible candidate

2001-05-31 Thread Natalie Ford

On Wed, May 30, 2001 at 11:16:09PM +0100, Greg McCarroll wrote:
> Good Beer? 
> Nice surroundings (beer garden in summer/open fire in winter)?
> Food that can be ate in bar?
> Lots of seating?
> Quiet (i.e. you can hear each other talk)?
> Central to ``business'' London?

Can we add accessibility to the list?  The main reason I  haven't been
to many social meets recently is that i would have to climb stairs to
get to you all and then climb down loads of stairs to get to the loo
(e.g. Barrowboy and Banker).  At least the PO I climb down to get to
you all and the loos are on the same level (good)...

apologies for any typos - I can't see too well today...

Re: Enough!

2001-05-14 Thread Natalie Ford

At 15:09 14/05/01, Dave Hodgkinson wrote:
>Please, would you take the politics elsewhere? Some of us really don't
>give a shit either way.

Hear hear!  I am getting tired of hitting delete... :)

Natalie Ford
Iterative Software Ltd.
Yet Another Computer Solutions Company Ltd. 

Re: like a phoenix from the flames

2001-05-14 Thread Natalie Ford

At 09:58 14/05/01, James Powell wrote:
>The Perl Journal arrived this morning...

Mine too!  You read Dave's article and the credits at the end of Damian's? :)

Natalie Ford
Iterative Software Ltd.
Yet Another Computer Solutions Company Ltd. 

Re: Monitors

2001-05-12 Thread Natalie Ford

At 16:22 11/05/01, Dominic Mitchell wrote:
>How many things do you have on top of your monitor?


1.  beanie baby camel (Niles)
2.  beanie buddy (bigger) camel (Humphrey)
3.  SUSE plush gecko (Geeko)
4.  plush dust puppy (another is hanging from my shelf)
5.  beanie baby lizard (Scaly)
6.  medium plush tux
7.  small plush corel linux tux
8.  plush Norbert the dragon from Harry Potter

and, underneath:

9.  ceramic dragon (yes, i collect dragons, but the rest are in the living 
10. lego polar bear (from arctic sets)
11. legoland plush dragon rattle

Natalie Ford
Iterative Software Ltd.
Yet Another Computer Solutions Company Ltd. 


2001-04-06 Thread Natalie Ford

At 11:34 06/04/01, Natalie Ford wrote:
>At 22:42 04/04/01, David Cantrell wrote:
> >They should run, not walk, to sourceforge, and get mutt for Win32.
>I have tried and i get a server / dns error.
>I have also tried which resolves OK but does not
>mention a win32 version.
>Any more pointers?  I want to try this out!  :)

Could this ( be what you meant?


2001-04-06 Thread Natalie Ford

At 22:42 04/04/01, David Cantrell wrote:
>They should run, not walk, to sourceforge, and get mutt for Win32.

I have tried and i get a server / dns error.

I have also tried which resolves OK but does not 
mention a win32 version.

Any more pointers?  I want to try this out!  :)

 > PC-Pine is suitable only for small children recovering from major surgery.

...and maybe people who prefer a GUI?  :)


Re: Social Meeting

2001-03-29 Thread Natalie Ford

At 11:27 29/03/01, Greg McCarroll wrote:
>the one -ive point is that foods expensive there, if it had the
>cheap food of PO it would be ideal - or even some decent pub
>food (hot pies etc.)

I haven't been to the Anchor but cheeep foood goood!

Re: Job: I'm looking for one..

2001-03-29 Thread Natalie Ford

At 09:55 29/03/01, Dave Cross wrote:
>At Thu, 29 Mar 2001 09:51:46 +0100 (BST), alex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > i am a little unclear what the benefits of this exercise might be
> > without a brand or larger player backing it up. if we could hook up
> > with someone like learning tree (eg they can claim to deliver courses
> > to "PCSE" standards) this might be a big winner.
>It's a fair point. But do Learning Tree have a good reputation in the
>marketplace? I'm not sure they do.

QA are prolly better for programming stuff...

Re: "That book"

2001-03-23 Thread Natalie Ford

>How at


Re: Strange Request

2001-03-13 Thread Natalie Ford

At 10:40 13/03/01, you wrote:
>I guess the problem is that you could create an archive of CGI programs
>written by the best Perl programmers in the world but people would _still_
>find Matt's scripts first.

is this Matt's script archive?

That is what I found when I googled for 'web based diary perl'...


Re: Fwd: MacWorld Tokyo Keynote Report

2001-02-22 Thread Natalie Ford

At 11:31 22/02/01, you wrote:
>James Powell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > G4 "tit" Powerbook?
> >
> > [insert joke]
>It's the Thinkpads with the nipples...

No, sorry to be a spoilsport, but tit is short for titanium, in this instance...

Re: Technical Meeting Venues

2001-01-26 Thread Natalie Ford

At 23:11 26/01/01, you wrote:
>On Thu, 25 Jan 2001, Dave Cross wrote:
> > How do people feel about going back to State51? Does someone want to
> > contact the ICA?
>Hmm.  No one seems to have replied to this[1].

[1] ?

I have replied to this, off list, because the preferences I expressed were 
personal and medical...  ;-)


Re: Consultancy company

2001-01-19 Thread Natalie Ford

At 17:42 19/01/01, you wrote:
>Piers Cawley wrote:
> > Greg Cope <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > Agreed - why work in London - what about telecommuters ?
> > >
> > > i.e I want to stay communtin to my desk - all 3 meters of it (the
> > > commute - I live in a small flat)
> >
> > I'm *really* unsure about telecommuting. Seems to me that the way to
> > really build a team (especially when doing serious development) is to
> > have people in the same room; that way you get people who know the
> > answers immediately on tap and able to overhear other discussions and
> > contribute as appropriate. Whilst I love the journey to work in the
> > home office I don't like the rest of the office conditions. Having
> > people there is important.
>I can understand the idea of building a team, but I think I am more
>productive here, than in an office where I am nearly constantly
>interupted.  Also not being able to ask a question of the person next
>door, means I go look for the answer - and the person next door can get
>on with it.
>MySQL AB is a example of a company that is developeing a "product" in a
>virtual sense - why not try and develope a virtual company ?

Sounds like a great idea.  Personally, as someone with M.S. (the MonSter), 
I need to be able to nap as and when I need to and work as and when I am 
able to.  Working from home allows me to do this...

> > And I like central London because (whatever else is wrong with it)
> > it's relatively easy for everyone to get to by train no matter where
> > they live. Trekking out to (for example) Guildford wouldn't be good
> > for me.
>But is treking into  that good to working from home ?  ADSL is
>cheap and working from home can be supprisingly productive.

I can do 200% as much work at home because I can work when and as I feel 
able to and so work when I am my most productive.

Re: Consultancy company was [Job] BOFH wanted was: Re: Red Hat worm discovered

2001-01-19 Thread Natalie Ford

At 14:55 19/01/01, Neil Ford wrote:
> >Dave Hodgkinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >Mmmm... so, when are we going to have a meeting about all this?
>Well seeing as I will be amongst the great unwashed from next week,
>anytime soon would be good.

Me too!

Re: Consultancy company was [Job] BOFH wanted was: Re: Red Hat worm discovered

2001-01-19 Thread Natalie Ford

At 15:49 19/01/01, Dave Cross wrote:
>I'd love to come along, but probably wouldn't have time to get there
>and back during lunch. Can we do it one evening?

An evening would be better for me, too...


Re: apologies

2001-01-18 Thread Natalie Ford

At 11:41 18/01/01, binkyuk wrote:
> >At Thu, 18 Jan 2001 10:54:40 +, Dave told us to:
> >
> >OK. So we're now a speaker down. Anyone want to save the day by
> >stepping in to give a 20 min talk - or do I have to talk about
> >Symbol::Approx::Sub _again_?
> >
>Well I have both The Matrix and MIB with me on DVD and a DVD capable
>Movie intermission anyone?

...or, after following the conversations on irc, how about you give a 5-10 
minute talk on how *not* to join a startup at the same time they go bust 
and / or the current state of h2g2, or something like that, Neil?  ;-)


Re: XML::Schema, YAPC::Europe, mod_perl, Camel Visit, !RANT!

2001-01-12 Thread Natalie Ford

At 23:58 11/01/01, grep wrote:
>The Final YAPC::Europe 2000 Site   - me + LB + JP

So, I am not needed, now?  ;-)  No worries - all the more time for me to 
read Dave's book... ;-)

Re: Book is out!

2001-01-08 Thread Natalie Ford

At 18:13 07/01/01, you wrote:
>While looking for a release date on the manning site I found this:
>I'm going to get my credit card now ;)

Purchased and downloading as I type!  ;-)


Re: Technical Meeting

2001-01-05 Thread Natalie Ford

At 12:35 05/01/01, you wrote:
>On Fri, Jan 05, 2001 at 12:21:14PM -, Dean S Wilson wrote:
> > -Original Message-
> > >   XML::Schema
> > > XML::Schema will rule the world
> >
> > XML::Schema gets my vote
>Mine too.

 Me too ! ;-) 

Re: Technical Meeting

2001-01-05 Thread Natalie Ford

At 11:46 05/01/01, you wrote:
>Ummm. the lot :-)
>Save having to swap laptops with the projector and Dave wouldn't have
>to time the lightening talks.
>Top it off with another 12 steps session from Piers and were sorted.

This sounds like a great idea, if it doesn't mean that Andy will be 
reluctant to volunteer in the future...

BTW, have you found a job, Andy?


Re: copious free time

2001-01-05 Thread Natalie Ford

At 12:54 05/01/01, you wrote:
>Well it's now official, and if I didn't tart around you last night then I'm
>available for work due to the unfortunate explodingness of oven.

Oops - oven too[1]?  Is it something in the water?


[1] EmapOnline, h2g2, ...

Re: Perl CD BookShelf 2nd Edition

2000-12-28 Thread Natalie Ford

At 16:11 28/12/00, Andrew Bowman wrote:
>Hmmm. For my money the Cook Book has more everyday use(s) than MRE, so I'd
>vote for that. But, from the perspective of having the first edition of the
>CD Bookshelf, it would be nice to have MRE in HTML form too!

I agree

>Which begs the question of why don't ORA *add* MRE to the CD bookshelf and
>charge a few dollars more for it? It'd still be great value, and it's not as
>if they're short of space on the CD (IIRC the files only use 25% or so of
>the disk).

I'd pay the extra!

Re: Perl CD BookShelf 2nd Edition

2000-12-28 Thread Natalie Ford

At 12:20 28/12/00, Dean S Wilson wrote:
>Don't know how many of you have seen this:
>Vote to decide if they should put Mastering Regular Expressions or the
>cookbook on the new CD.

The problem being that I think they should include both and there is noway 
of voting for both!  :-)