Re: [ANNOUNCE] Attribute::Overload 0.02

2001-05-31 Thread Damian Conway

   > Note that you can't overload constants this way, since this has to
   > happen during BEGIN time, but attributes are only evaluated at CHECK
   > time (at least as far as `Attribute::Handlers' is concerned).

Not so. At least not as of the next release.

Grab the beta from:

and look in the pod under "Phase-specific attribute handlers".



Re: Email Style (was: Re: Election Manifestos)

2001-05-24 Thread Damian Conway

   > Damian is so cool...

The next version of Text::Autoformat (which should be out before TPC5)
will also leave header lines and sigs unmolested, making it truly useful
for email tidying.

   > Now if he'd just stop blaming me for stuff like ;-)

Well, I would if you'd just stop putting those evil thoughts in my head...



Re: Email Style (was: Re: Election Manifestos)

2001-05-24 Thread Damian Conway

   > Minor problemette is, when 1.0.4 is called at the end of the file:
   > Can't call method "signature" on an undefined value at
   > /usr/local/share/perl/5.6.0/Text/ line 779.

Noted and fixed for the next release.


Re: Ken Campbell is a god (was: pc components)

2001-05-19 Thread Damian Conway

   > > > > Im nogat samting til ridim insait long pastaim Klingon!
   > > > > 
   > > > > Damian (longlong tisa Perlpela)
   > > > 
   > > > Lingua::TokPisin::Perlpela?
   > > 
   > > Nooo!
   > > 
   > > Damian - as a sponsor, I'm _begging_ you not to do this :)
   > if that works you just have to hope the blackstar people don't decide
   > it's a good idea :)

You know, I had been wondering how I was going to find funding to continue
my work next year.

Now it's *obvious*...with a Raskol ransom:

saLIm ManI LOng MI nO rAITim PoiSEn kOmPuTApeLa KolIm tOKpiSIn!

Or maybe I could put the right to stop me writing the module up on eBay?



Re: [ANNOUNCE] Attribute::Abstract 0.01

2001-05-19 Thread Damian Conway

That's right Marcel...steal *all* my ideas for the next three months and do
them in two days!



Re: Ken Campbell is a god (was: pc components)

2001-05-18 Thread Damian Conway

   > "What's it like then, Macbeth in Wol Wantok? An improvement..."
Im nogat samting til ridim insait long pastaim Klingon!

Damian (longlong tisa Perlpela)

Re: [ Damian Conway's Exegesis 2]

2001-05-17 Thread Damian Conway

Now I'm not buying into the argument on either side, but it does remind
me of a lovely quote by Australian programming legend Alan Kennington:

Eiffel is some sort of avant-garde French computing
movement which believes that programming is reactionary
and oppressive.  Instead, they see the future of computing
as lying in broad strokes of the mouse to communicate
the software developer's creative desires.  The Eiffel
system then writes a program for the computing artist.
As is typical of French ideas, Eiffel appeals to those
sections of the middle class eho can't remember what
work was like, and don't particularly want to be reminded.



Re: The scary man...

2001-05-16 Thread Damian Conway

   > Exegesis unimatrix-1:
   >print "Hello, World!\n"
   > RFC28 hard at work here!

Great minds thinking in parallel there, Marcel.

My first draft of Ex2 started like this:

Here's the very first Perl 6 program ever written:

#! /usr/local/bin/perl6 --warnings

$*::OUT.push(q(")/Hello, World!\X{newline}/.stringify());

Only joking!

But, given the sky-is-falling angst that fills perl6-language these days,
I felt the humour might not be universally appreciated.



Re: List Weekly Summary 2001-05-07

2001-05-09 Thread Damian Conway

   > Robin Houston was the first to write in that Larry Wall had completed
   > "Apocalypse Two", on what parts of Perl 6 will look like. Everything's
   > an object, more quoting, '.' instead of '->', and more. Damian Conway
   > posted source filter called DotsForArrows - "even with our primitive
   > earth technology we can do the reverse today", with a threat that
   > he'll go further later on:

Haven't gone further yet, but -- at dha's urging -- I definitely went
sideways. Grab the latest version of Bleach and check out the free bonus inside every download:

BTW, like so much of what I do, there's a germ of reality contaminating
the madness:

http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg02873.html



Re: Buffy musings ...

2001-05-09 Thread Damian Conway

> I wonder how hard it would be to get Faith or Charisma Carpenter
> do a meet'n'greet at TPC.

No idea. But it that idea falls through, I bet you *could* get a pony!



Re: Apocalypse Two

2001-05-05 Thread Damian Conway

   > > I suppose you'll want me to put that on the CPAN now. ;-)
   > Yes. Didn't we sponsor you for this ;-)

I hear and obey, O Mighty Sponsor!

Though I suspect I'll hold off until Larry makes A3 public. Then I'll
release a module that rearranges *all* the operators to their new Perl
6 bindings:

use Operators::Perl6ish;

package MyClass;

sub new { bless [$_[1], 1..10], $_[0] }
sub next { my ($self) = @_; return "next is: " ~ shift(@$self) ~ "\n" }

package main;

my ($str1, $str2) = ('a','z');
my $obj =$str1 ~ $str2);

print $ for 1..10;

print $obj.[0] ~ "\n";

my $next = 'next';
print $obj.$next;



Re: Apocalypse Two

2001-05-04 Thread Damian Conway

   > still, if damian gets his way we'll no doubt be able to have
   > modules/filters that mean we can still use -> :) 

I *guarantee* it!

It will definitely be possible in Perl 6, because even with our primitive
earth technology we can do the reverse today:

# in line

package DotsForArrows;
use Filter::Simple;
FILTER { s/\b\.(?=[a-z_\$({[])/->/gi };

# then in your code:

use DotsForArrows;

package MyClass;

sub new { bless [$_[1], 1..10], $_[0] }
sub next { my ($self) = @_; return "next is: " . shift(@$self) . "\n" }

package main;

my ($str1, $str2) = ("a", "z");
my $obj =$str1 . $str2);

print $ for 1..10;

print $obj.[0] . "\n";

my $next = 'next';
print $obj.$next;


I suppose you'll want me to put that on the CPAN now. ;-)


RE: Mutagenic modules: online slides

2001-04-20 Thread Damian Conway

   > "You can't just make up any old shit and expect the computer to know what
   > you mean, retardo!"

Hey! Stop undermining the sole basis of my entire career!


Re: The Most Boring Thread Ever on : Cool Letter Heads

2001-04-17 Thread Damian Conway

   > *>The latter is much beloved of modern Goddess worshippers -- as the
   > *>third personification of the Goddess. They'll have your guts
   > *>(or worse!) for garters if they catch you confusing Her with
   > *>that bitch Ate ;-)
   > None of the gods were exactly sweetness and light. Hec'ate wasn't anyone
   > to sneer in the direction of Ate. :)

H. Hecate may well have been a genuine grrrl, but I don't think she
was in the same league as Ate, who was a bitter, twisted, warmongering,
misandronist, psycho.

"Not that there's anything *wrong* with that."



Re: The Most Boring Thread Ever on : Cool Letter Heads

2001-04-15 Thread Damian Conway

   > Ate, incidentally, is a contraction of Hecate, which wouldn't have
   > scanned as well.

Err, just quietly Dave, that proves not to be the case.

Ate was the goddess of folly, strife, discord, and mischief.
She was a daughter of Zeus, banished to Earth for her wickness
in leading men astray.

Hecate was the goddess of the night, of magic, and travel at night.
She was a cousin of Zeus, and dwelt quietly in the Underworld.

The latter is much beloved of modern Goddess worshippers -- as the
third personification of the Goddess. They'll have your guts
(or worse!) for garters if they catch you confusing Her with
that bitch Ate ;-)
