[Lynx-dev] Re: Lynx as primary browser

2005-02-01 Thread Thorsten Glaser
Walter Ian Kaye dixit:

 At 09:53p + 01/30/2005, Thorsten Glaser didst inscribe upon an electronic

Uah, I like it but it's just too long.
I suggest to skip the date. Besides, AM/PM is as dead
as imperial units.

 Screw xhtml. g  I'm sticking with HTML, just like I stick with Lynx. :-)

Yes, but XHTML helps Lynx to display stuff too because
it's well-formed XML = all tags are closed = no guess game.

 On the wonderfully graphic Mac OS X, I set up Lynx as my default browser. :D


 And it's the only browser I know which supports
 * textfields-need-activation

 Qu'est-ce que c'est?

Je ne parle pa français. I assume you want to RTFM?

 * partial displaying with a threshold of 1


Each TCP segment which comes in, delivering a handful
of HTML source to lynx, causes it to display another
partial line of the page you're viewing, or so.
Nice if you switch it on, if you ask me ;)

 * a source view starting where in the rendered form
   of the page you're in right now

 Eh? Is that a special setting? My Lynx always goes to the top of the page.

Yesterday I noticed that it doesn't work correctly
in an 113x42 xterm, only in the 80x24 console. In
the larger xterm, it's offset (but flips back correctly
if I go to the (incorrect) position it set me when
switching to source).

 OmniWeb has something similar -- click a tiny box in a corner of the text 
 and up pops an editor window.

Never heard of that one ;)

 And not one of these features I miss does a
 graphical browser give me.

 P...r...0...n. LOL

- Lynx spawns xloadimage when needed
- d save mplayer enter
- ASCII pr0n ;)

Lynx-dev mailing list

suggested d/l filename bugs (was Re: [Lynx-dev] Re: Bug#291716: lynx-cur: truncates suggested filename when Content-Disposition filename contains spaces)

2005-02-01 Thread Thorsten Glaser
Atsuhito KOHDA dixit:

 the suggested filename is truncated at the space, i.e. the suggested
 filename for the above would be foo.

Another one:

Download Options
   Download Options (Lynx Version 2.8.6dev.10-MirOS)

Downloaded link: http://a.scarywater.net/akeep/%5BAnime-Keep%5D_Mahoujin_Guru_Gu
Suggested file name: .avi.torrent

Download options:
   [1]Save to disk

Enter a filename:.avi.torrent

Go to http://a.scarywater.net/akeep/ and try to download a
torrent, for example link #125. (The anime's good, btw.)


Lynx-dev mailing list

Re: Lynx as primary browser (was Re: [Lynx-dev] how to maximize client area???)

2005-02-01 Thread Stef Caunter
I think this is a nice side effect to google optimization practices which are
filtering down to web developers. I've long thought that googlebot sees like
lynx, and perhaps there is now evident confirmation of this.

On Mon, 31 Jan 2005, Seth House wrote:

 Lynx should (and does) keep up with modern standards, and I believe
 that web designers are moving toward more Lynx-friendly practices. If
 you need proof hit the new Disney Store UK or Chevrolet websites with
 Lynx: they're beautiful!



Lynx-dev mailing list

Re: Lynx as primary browser (was Re: [Lynx-dev] how to maximize

2005-02-01 Thread David Woolley
 I know. I see the broad adoption of
 XHTML as a boon for Lynx since it facilitates more attention payed to
 document structure

I hope you realise that IE doesn't support XHTML so most of the
XHTML on the web is actually served as malformed HTML and therefore
is not checked for well formedness by browsers, so there is believed
to be an awfully large amount of not-well formed documents with
purporting to be XHTML.

In practice, until IE6 and down die, it would be better to serve
HTML written against a subset DTD with no optional tags (however
some legacy browsers may not like having explicit closing tags
on elements that are always empty).  (Actually, simply validating
an HTML document is sufficient because the ommission of tags is
only syntactic sugar and a validated HTML document has a well
defined parse tree and can be converted into canonical form (and
there are tools to do that).)

XHTML is used more for fashion and to look good on CVs.

Note that valid XHTML 1.1 will never work with IE because it is illegal
to serve it with a text/html media type.  IE will display valid 
XHTML 1.1 as the parse tree!

Lynx-dev mailing list

[Lynx-dev] Re: Lynx as primary browser

2005-02-01 Thread Thorsten Glaser
David Woolley dixit:

Note that valid XHTML 1.1 will never work with IE because it is illegal
to serve it with a text/html media type.

That's not part of the XHTML 1.1 spec, but some other _recommendation_
from the W3C. Besides, their validator lets my pages through just fine.

And, I don't know of any legacy browser which chokes on br /.
(But then, besides Lynx ;), Links, Links+, w3m, Arachne, Internet
Explorer, Netscape 2+, I don't know much ;)


Lynx-dev mailing list

Re: Lynx as primary browser (was Re: [Lynx-dev] how to maximize

2005-02-01 Thread Thorsten Glaser
David Woolley dixit:

XHTML is a clean start and certainly isn't intended to be backwards

It is. XHTML/1.0 and HTML/4.02(iirc) are the same spec,
just one with XML constraints added.

The proposed XHTML/2 is a joke, but XHTML/1.1 is HTML/5.

XHTML 1.1 isn't backwards compatible, because there
are no compatibility hacks

Enough to please most browsers.

and text/html can't be used as the
media type.

It can, see my other eMail.


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