Re: Question about language appearing in running heads

2006-09-05 Thread Juergen Spitzmueller
David L. Johnson wrote:
 However, in recent versions (I am currently using 1.4.2 under debian
 linux), before either the author name or the title, on the running heads in
 the printout or dvi files, occurs the word english --- the document
 language.  I can sometimes get it to generate american instead, but that
 is not the point. It is printing the document language label on the running

This smells like the following babel bug:

Which babel version are you using? The bug should be fixed with version 3.7.


Re: Question about language appearing in running heads

2006-09-05 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
 David == David L Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

David Sorry to butt in after such a long absense, but the later
David versions of LyX have had a persistent bug?/problem? that I
David can't seem to solve in a reasonable manner.

Hello David,

No need to apologize, we are always happy to hear from you :)

David However, in recent versions (I am currently using 1.4.2 under
David debian linux), before either the author name or the title, on
David the running heads in the printout or dvi files, occurs the word
David english --- the document language. I can sometimes get it to
David generate american instead, but that is not the point. It is
David printing the document language label on the running head.

This is an incompatibility between somewhat recent babel versions and
somewhat recent amslatex versions. I do not remember whose fault it
is, but upgrading to latest versions of these packages should fix the bug.

I do not remember the precise latex bug number, but I see that Juergen
just answered :)


Re: Question about language appearing in running heads

2006-09-05 Thread David L. Johnson
On Tue, 5 Sep 2006 10:51:44 +0200
Juergen Spitzmueller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 David L. Johnson wrote:
  However, in recent versions (I am currently using 1.4.2 under debian
  linux), before either the author name or the title, on the running heads in
  the printout or dvi files, occurs the word english --- the document
  language.  I can sometimes get it to generate american instead, but that
  is not the point. It is printing the document language label on the running
 This smells like the following babel bug:
 Which babel version are you using? The bug should be fixed with version 3.7.

Well, this looks like the culprit, but according to my tex output I have:

This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.21a-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.4)
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e 2003/12/01
Babel v3.8d and hyphenation patterns for american, ...
Document Class: amsart 2004/08/06 v2.20

so maybe the babel bug did not get fixed with v3.8d, or came back in, or it
is a latex bug instead.  These were just updated by an upgrade of debian
etch, but the bug has been with me for several upgrades.  

Thanks for the help; at least I know where to go.



[LyX 1.4.2/Win XP] Aspell using wrong personal dictionary

2006-09-05 Thread Paul A. Rubin
In LyX 1.4.2, adding words during a spell check puts them in a new 
personal dictionary in the document source folder.  With previous 
versions, the new words were added to a global personal dictionary in 
the Aspell installation folder.  I much prefer the latter behavior, 
since it does not require me to add the same word over and over.  Is 
there any way to restore this behavior with LyX 1.4.2?


Compose key

2006-09-05 Thread Jean-Pierre Chretien


Since lyx-1.4, the Compose key on my Sun/Solaris keyboard does almost the job 
in LyX:
I get the desired isolatin character all right, but the intermediate character 
thst I must press to get it is not ignored, e.g.
press Compose ^ * prints ^° in the LyX Windows, Compose / u prints /µ etc.
Did I miss somethoing in the keyboard configuration ? 



Re: auto indenting

2006-09-05 Thread pol
 Switching to the lyx.devel list.
pol wrote:
 I have noticed that inner level text lines do not auto indent.
 E.g., as a new line is entered at the second level 'itemize' environment,
 that is assigned the first level 'itemize' environment.
 The same for 'standard' environment: Entering new line at a nested level
 brings you back to the first level, while i would expect a new line at the
 current one.
 I think this is a lyx weakness. Can we expect improvements on this side,
 in next releases?

What is mostly annoying is that, adding a new line in the middle of an
indented text, the whole text below gets automatically indented down.
See the enclosed test lyx file to check out.


--- enc

#LyX 1.4.2 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 245
\textclass article
\usepackage{mathptmx}% instead of package times
\usepackage[scaled=0.92]{helvet} % or [scaled=0.92], if you like
\usepackage[ps2pdf,urlcolor=blue,a4paper, pdftitle={Title of PDF-Document},

\lhead{ \footnotesize {\bf \itshape }  } 
\chead{ }
\rhead{~\footnotesize \itshape \today}
\lfoot{  { \scriptsize {\TeX / \itshape{LyX} } document~~  ~~~ {\scriptsize
\jobname}  \scriptsize  } }
\cfoot{  }
\rfoot{ {   \thepage\   /  \pageref{LastPage}} }

\newcommand {\D}{\displaystyle} 
\language english
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize 12
\spacing single
\papersize a4paper
\use_geometry true
\use_amsmath 1
\cite_engine basic
\use_bibtopic false
\paperorientation portrait
\leftmargin 2.2cm
\topmargin 2cm
\rightmargin 2.9cm
\bottommargin 2cm
\headheight 0cm
\headsep 1.5cm
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation skip
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default
\bullet 0 0 9 -1
\bullet 1 0 10 -1
\tracking_changes false
\output_changes true


\begin_layout Itemize
one line

\begin_layout Itemize
one line

\begin_layout Itemize
one line

\begin_layout Itemize
one line

\begin_layout Itemize
one line

\begin_layout Standard
indented line - 
\series bold
\series default
 new line 
\series bold
at the end
\series default
 of this line (all the following text will be indented down)

\begin_layout Itemize
one line

\begin_layout Standard
indented line

\begin_layout Standard
indented line

\begin_layout Itemize
one line

\begin_layout Standard
indented line

\begin_layout Standard
indented line

\begin_layout Itemize
one line

\begin_layout Itemize
one line

\begin_layout Itemize
one line


please complete Questionnaire for Users (as part of a usability study)

2006-09-05 Thread Daryl Hepting

Lyx User Questionnaire

This questionnaire will be used by students of the CS305 course at the
University of Regina to inform their semester’s work.  Results of this
work will be contributed back to the lyx project.  All replies sent  
to me
directly ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) will have all identifying  
removed before anyone else sees them.  This course project study has  

approved by the Research Ethics Board at the University of Regina
([EMAIL PROTECTED]).  If any publication follows the semester’s
work, your replies will not be directly quoted and your responses will
not be identifiable. [If you would like to be identified and associated
with your comments, please indicate that to me in your reply.]  Your
completion (and return) of this questionnaire implies your consent for
the uses stated above.

Age: 18-25, 26-34, 34 – 50, 50+

How long have you used lyx?

How would you rate your level of expertise with lyx? (novice,
intermediate, expert)

How much time have you spent using LaTeX?

How would you rate your level of expertise with LaTeX? (novice,
intermediate, expert)

How much time have you spent using OpenOffice, Word (or another similar

How would you rate your level of expertise with OpenOffice-like tools?
(novice, intermediate, expert)

In the following questions, you will be asked to compare Lyx with ONE
other text processing tool.  First, what is the tool that you are using
for comparison? (referred to below as OTHER)

With respect to each of the features listed below, compare the  
feature to

the text processing tool which you identified.  Use this key for your
1 – lyx is MUCH WORSE than OTHER
2 – lyx is WORSE than OTHER
3 – lyx is BETTER than OTHER
4 – lyx is MUCH BETTER than OTHER

Then, please rate your level of satisfaction with the feature
1 - very unsatisfied
2 - unsatisfied
3 - satisfied
4 - very satisfied
5 - OTHER does not have this feature
6 - have not used this feature

Please add any comments you like about each feature.

- Graphical User Interface (GUI) that gives access to all functions via
menus and mouse, as well as configurable key-bindings.

-  Standard word processor operations, like cut/paste, multiple open
documents, infinite undo/redo, and spellchecking.

-  Different text-classes allow you to create letters, articles, books,
movie scripts, and journal articles (to name a few).

-  Numbered section headings, table of contents (with hypertext
functionality), and nested lists (AKA outline mode).

-  Interactive WYSIWYG math editor

-  Support for writing documents in most European languages as well as
Right-to-Left languages like Hebrew and Arabic.

-  Support for writing multi-lingual documents.

-  Postscript® figures, with rotation, scaling, and captions

-  Interactive WYSIWYG tables

-  Footnotes and margin notes

-  Labels/references and bibliography (including BibTeX support)

-  Access to all LaTeX functionality with plain-latex-style

-  Import LaTeX. Export LaTeX, Postscript®, DVI, ASCII, or send a fax

-  SGML-tools support (both LinuxDoc and DocBook DTDs)

-  Literate programming support, via the noweb tool.

-  Menus, error messages, and key-bindings are available in many

-  Extensive documentation, including a beginner's tutorial. Some
documents have been translated from English.

-  Quite fast and low memory requirements.

These features were taken from  

minor editing).  Please list any other features that you think are
important (and please include your COMPARISON, SATISFACTION, and  

about each).

What do you like best about Lyx?

What would you most like to see added to Lyx?

Do you have any other comments that you would like to share?

Daryl H. Hepting, Ph.D.
Associate Professor  * Computer Science Department * CW 308.22
University of Regina * Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada S4S 0A2
tel: (306) 585-5210  * fax: (306) 585-4745

Re: please complete Questionnaire for Users (as part of a usability study)

2006-09-05 Thread Gunnar
 How long have you used lyx?
When was the first versions of LyX available? Was it version 0.10 ?
It's been so very long since I started using it.

Pasting with the middle button of the mouse: another bug?

2006-09-05 Thread Paul Smith

Dear All

Copying a citation with selecting and pasting it with the middle
button of the mouse works, but it undesirably opens the citation
window at the end of the process. I am working on Linux and I would
like to ask other people for confirming this as a bug.

Thanks in advance,


Re: user interface study of lyx

2006-09-05 Thread Russell Davie
On Tue, 29 Aug 2006 10:44:20 +0200
Helge Hafting [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
  In preparation for the class, I plan to post a separate
  questionnaire to the lyx-users and lyx-devel lists. 
  I welcome any comments about this.  Again, my intent is to
  have this be a contribution to the lyx project.
  I am currently working with a colleague on a book chapter using lyx, me on 
  linux platform, he on microsoft. There are some problems on his side (e.g. 
  exporting to pdf) with which I can´t help him.
  I think, it would be very helpful in such and similar cases to have a linux 
  livesystem on CD which contains all the necessary programs needed for 
  documents with lyx such as tex stuff, spellchecker, vector and pixel 
  graphics (xfig, PyX, PStricks..), chemical formulas, bibtex related things 
  such as JabRef or Pybliographer, presentations (beamer..). There is a nice 
  book by Rainer Hattenhauer (2005), Linux-Livesysteme (published by Galileo 
  Computing) - alas in German (perhaps translated in the meantime?) which 
  detailed instructions and could serve as a basis. 
  One could just insert this CD in the computer, start the system, work with 
  save the produced documents on the computer, and thats it. I think this 
  be a nice project also for your students ...

 A LyX liveCD would be nice, sure.  Be aware that linux doesn't
 write very well to NTFS filesystems though - so it may be necessary
 to save on FAT/FAT32 formatted usb thing if the disk filesystem is NTFS.

There is now another ntfs driver for ext3 which looks promising.

This Ubuntu Dapper laptop has this in the ability from right at the start. So 
far it can read/write to NTFS with out errors.

from /etc/fstab
/dev/sda1   /mnt/windowsntfs defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0   

There is a driver to read/right ext3 from ntfs.

I usually use this to read Ext3 from ntfs so I can install Windows software I 
have downloaded while in Linux session.

Both work, though I only use it read from the other partition, and too cautious 
to write back



 As for making pdf on windows - pdflatex is supposed to work
 there too.
 Helge Hafting

Re: please complete Questionnaire for Users (as part of a usability study)

2006-09-05 Thread Russell Davie
On Tue, 5 Sep 2006 14:34:31 -0600
Daryl Hepting [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Lyx User Questionnaire

Great survey!


 What do you like best about Lyx?

Good, unlikely to point to things to change.

As this seems to be about looking at improvements to Lyx, I would be interested 
to find out what really twists the user's brain. Also what are the users ideas 
for solving the problems?, how about adding something like this:  

What do you like least about Lyx?

What could be done about it?




Re: Question about language appearing in running heads

2006-09-05 Thread Juergen Spitzmueller
David L. Johnson wrote:
 However, in recent versions (I am currently using 1.4.2 under debian
 linux), before either the author name or the title, on the running heads in
 the printout or dvi files, occurs the word english --- the document
 language.  I can sometimes get it to generate american instead, but that
 is not the point. It is printing the document language label on the running

This smells like the following babel bug:

Which babel version are you using? The bug should be fixed with version 3.7.


Re: Question about language appearing in running heads

2006-09-05 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
 David == David L Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

David Sorry to butt in after such a long absense, but the later
David versions of LyX have had a persistent bug?/problem? that I
David can't seem to solve in a reasonable manner.

Hello David,

No need to apologize, we are always happy to hear from you :)

David However, in recent versions (I am currently using 1.4.2 under
David debian linux), before either the author name or the title, on
David the running heads in the printout or dvi files, occurs the word
David english --- the document language. I can sometimes get it to
David generate american instead, but that is not the point. It is
David printing the document language label on the running head.

This is an incompatibility between somewhat recent babel versions and
somewhat recent amslatex versions. I do not remember whose fault it
is, but upgrading to latest versions of these packages should fix the bug.

I do not remember the precise latex bug number, but I see that Juergen
just answered :)


Re: Question about language appearing in running heads

2006-09-05 Thread David L. Johnson
On Tue, 5 Sep 2006 10:51:44 +0200
Juergen Spitzmueller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 David L. Johnson wrote:
  However, in recent versions (I am currently using 1.4.2 under debian
  linux), before either the author name or the title, on the running heads in
  the printout or dvi files, occurs the word english --- the document
  language.  I can sometimes get it to generate american instead, but that
  is not the point. It is printing the document language label on the running
 This smells like the following babel bug:
 Which babel version are you using? The bug should be fixed with version 3.7.

Well, this looks like the culprit, but according to my tex output I have:

This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.21a-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.4)
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e 2003/12/01
Babel v3.8d and hyphenation patterns for american, ...
Document Class: amsart 2004/08/06 v2.20

so maybe the babel bug did not get fixed with v3.8d, or came back in, or it
is a latex bug instead.  These were just updated by an upgrade of debian
etch, but the bug has been with me for several upgrades.  

Thanks for the help; at least I know where to go.



[LyX 1.4.2/Win XP] Aspell using wrong personal dictionary

2006-09-05 Thread Paul A. Rubin
In LyX 1.4.2, adding words during a spell check puts them in a new 
personal dictionary in the document source folder.  With previous 
versions, the new words were added to a global personal dictionary in 
the Aspell installation folder.  I much prefer the latter behavior, 
since it does not require me to add the same word over and over.  Is 
there any way to restore this behavior with LyX 1.4.2?


Compose key

2006-09-05 Thread Jean-Pierre Chretien


Since lyx-1.4, the Compose key on my Sun/Solaris keyboard does almost the job 
in LyX:
I get the desired isolatin character all right, but the intermediate character 
thst I must press to get it is not ignored, e.g.
press Compose ^ * prints ^° in the LyX Windows, Compose / u prints /µ etc.
Did I miss somethoing in the keyboard configuration ? 



Re: auto indenting

2006-09-05 Thread pol
 Switching to the lyx.devel list.
pol wrote:
 I have noticed that inner level text lines do not auto indent.
 E.g., as a new line is entered at the second level 'itemize' environment,
 that is assigned the first level 'itemize' environment.
 The same for 'standard' environment: Entering new line at a nested level
 brings you back to the first level, while i would expect a new line at the
 current one.
 I think this is a lyx weakness. Can we expect improvements on this side,
 in next releases?

What is mostly annoying is that, adding a new line in the middle of an
indented text, the whole text below gets automatically indented down.
See the enclosed test lyx file to check out.


--- enc

#LyX 1.4.2 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 245
\textclass article
\usepackage{mathptmx}% instead of package times
\usepackage[scaled=0.92]{helvet} % or [scaled=0.92], if you like
\usepackage[ps2pdf,urlcolor=blue,a4paper, pdftitle={Title of PDF-Document},

\lhead{ \footnotesize {\bf \itshape }  } 
\chead{ }
\rhead{~\footnotesize \itshape \today}
\lfoot{  { \scriptsize {\TeX / \itshape{LyX} } document~~  ~~~ {\scriptsize
\jobname}  \scriptsize  } }
\cfoot{  }
\rfoot{ {   \thepage\   /  \pageref{LastPage}} }

\newcommand {\D}{\displaystyle} 
\language english
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize 12
\spacing single
\papersize a4paper
\use_geometry true
\use_amsmath 1
\cite_engine basic
\use_bibtopic false
\paperorientation portrait
\leftmargin 2.2cm
\topmargin 2cm
\rightmargin 2.9cm
\bottommargin 2cm
\headheight 0cm
\headsep 1.5cm
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation skip
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default
\bullet 0 0 9 -1
\bullet 1 0 10 -1
\tracking_changes false
\output_changes true


\begin_layout Itemize
one line

\begin_layout Itemize
one line

\begin_layout Itemize
one line

\begin_layout Itemize
one line

\begin_layout Itemize
one line

\begin_layout Standard
indented line - 
\series bold
\series default
 new line 
\series bold
at the end
\series default
 of this line (all the following text will be indented down)

\begin_layout Itemize
one line

\begin_layout Standard
indented line

\begin_layout Standard
indented line

\begin_layout Itemize
one line

\begin_layout Standard
indented line

\begin_layout Standard
indented line

\begin_layout Itemize
one line

\begin_layout Itemize
one line

\begin_layout Itemize
one line


please complete Questionnaire for Users (as part of a usability study)

2006-09-05 Thread Daryl Hepting

Lyx User Questionnaire

This questionnaire will be used by students of the CS305 course at the
University of Regina to inform their semester’s work.  Results of this
work will be contributed back to the lyx project.  All replies sent  
to me
directly ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) will have all identifying  
removed before anyone else sees them.  This course project study has  

approved by the Research Ethics Board at the University of Regina
([EMAIL PROTECTED]).  If any publication follows the semester’s
work, your replies will not be directly quoted and your responses will
not be identifiable. [If you would like to be identified and associated
with your comments, please indicate that to me in your reply.]  Your
completion (and return) of this questionnaire implies your consent for
the uses stated above.

Age: 18-25, 26-34, 34 – 50, 50+

How long have you used lyx?

How would you rate your level of expertise with lyx? (novice,
intermediate, expert)

How much time have you spent using LaTeX?

How would you rate your level of expertise with LaTeX? (novice,
intermediate, expert)

How much time have you spent using OpenOffice, Word (or another similar

How would you rate your level of expertise with OpenOffice-like tools?
(novice, intermediate, expert)

In the following questions, you will be asked to compare Lyx with ONE
other text processing tool.  First, what is the tool that you are using
for comparison? (referred to below as OTHER)

With respect to each of the features listed below, compare the  
feature to

the text processing tool which you identified.  Use this key for your
1 – lyx is MUCH WORSE than OTHER
2 – lyx is WORSE than OTHER
3 – lyx is BETTER than OTHER
4 – lyx is MUCH BETTER than OTHER

Then, please rate your level of satisfaction with the feature
1 - very unsatisfied
2 - unsatisfied
3 - satisfied
4 - very satisfied
5 - OTHER does not have this feature
6 - have not used this feature

Please add any comments you like about each feature.

- Graphical User Interface (GUI) that gives access to all functions via
menus and mouse, as well as configurable key-bindings.

-  Standard word processor operations, like cut/paste, multiple open
documents, infinite undo/redo, and spellchecking.

-  Different text-classes allow you to create letters, articles, books,
movie scripts, and journal articles (to name a few).

-  Numbered section headings, table of contents (with hypertext
functionality), and nested lists (AKA outline mode).

-  Interactive WYSIWYG math editor

-  Support for writing documents in most European languages as well as
Right-to-Left languages like Hebrew and Arabic.

-  Support for writing multi-lingual documents.

-  Postscript® figures, with rotation, scaling, and captions

-  Interactive WYSIWYG tables

-  Footnotes and margin notes

-  Labels/references and bibliography (including BibTeX support)

-  Access to all LaTeX functionality with plain-latex-style

-  Import LaTeX. Export LaTeX, Postscript®, DVI, ASCII, or send a fax

-  SGML-tools support (both LinuxDoc and DocBook DTDs)

-  Literate programming support, via the noweb tool.

-  Menus, error messages, and key-bindings are available in many

-  Extensive documentation, including a beginner's tutorial. Some
documents have been translated from English.

-  Quite fast and low memory requirements.

These features were taken from  

minor editing).  Please list any other features that you think are
important (and please include your COMPARISON, SATISFACTION, and  

about each).

What do you like best about Lyx?

What would you most like to see added to Lyx?

Do you have any other comments that you would like to share?

Daryl H. Hepting, Ph.D.
Associate Professor  * Computer Science Department * CW 308.22
University of Regina * Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada S4S 0A2
tel: (306) 585-5210  * fax: (306) 585-4745

Re: please complete Questionnaire for Users (as part of a usability study)

2006-09-05 Thread Gunnar
 How long have you used lyx?
When was the first versions of LyX available? Was it version 0.10 ?
It's been so very long since I started using it.

Pasting with the middle button of the mouse: another bug?

2006-09-05 Thread Paul Smith

Dear All

Copying a citation with selecting and pasting it with the middle
button of the mouse works, but it undesirably opens the citation
window at the end of the process. I am working on Linux and I would
like to ask other people for confirming this as a bug.

Thanks in advance,


Re: user interface study of lyx

2006-09-05 Thread Russell Davie
On Tue, 29 Aug 2006 10:44:20 +0200
Helge Hafting [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
  In preparation for the class, I plan to post a separate
  questionnaire to the lyx-users and lyx-devel lists. 
  I welcome any comments about this.  Again, my intent is to
  have this be a contribution to the lyx project.
  I am currently working with a colleague on a book chapter using lyx, me on 
  linux platform, he on microsoft. There are some problems on his side (e.g. 
  exporting to pdf) with which I can´t help him.
  I think, it would be very helpful in such and similar cases to have a linux 
  livesystem on CD which contains all the necessary programs needed for 
  documents with lyx such as tex stuff, spellchecker, vector and pixel 
  graphics (xfig, PyX, PStricks..), chemical formulas, bibtex related things 
  such as JabRef or Pybliographer, presentations (beamer..). There is a nice 
  book by Rainer Hattenhauer (2005), Linux-Livesysteme (published by Galileo 
  Computing) - alas in German (perhaps translated in the meantime?) which 
  detailed instructions and could serve as a basis. 
  One could just insert this CD in the computer, start the system, work with 
  save the produced documents on the computer, and thats it. I think this 
  be a nice project also for your students ...

 A LyX liveCD would be nice, sure.  Be aware that linux doesn't
 write very well to NTFS filesystems though - so it may be necessary
 to save on FAT/FAT32 formatted usb thing if the disk filesystem is NTFS.

There is now another ntfs driver for ext3 which looks promising.

This Ubuntu Dapper laptop has this in the ability from right at the start. So 
far it can read/write to NTFS with out errors.

from /etc/fstab
/dev/sda1   /mnt/windowsntfs defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0   

There is a driver to read/right ext3 from ntfs.

I usually use this to read Ext3 from ntfs so I can install Windows software I 
have downloaded while in Linux session.

Both work, though I only use it read from the other partition, and too cautious 
to write back



 As for making pdf on windows - pdflatex is supposed to work
 there too.
 Helge Hafting

Re: please complete Questionnaire for Users (as part of a usability study)

2006-09-05 Thread Russell Davie
On Tue, 5 Sep 2006 14:34:31 -0600
Daryl Hepting [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Lyx User Questionnaire

Great survey!


 What do you like best about Lyx?

Good, unlikely to point to things to change.

As this seems to be about looking at improvements to Lyx, I would be interested 
to find out what really twists the user's brain. Also what are the users ideas 
for solving the problems?, how about adding something like this:  

What do you like least about Lyx?

What could be done about it?




Re: Question about "language" appearing in running heads

2006-09-05 Thread Juergen Spitzmueller
David L. Johnson wrote:
> However, in recent versions (I am currently using 1.4.2 under debian
> linux), before either the author name or the title, on the running heads in
> the printout or dvi files, occurs the word "english" --- the document
> language.  I can sometimes get it to generate "american" instead, but that
> is not the point. It is printing the document language label on the running
> head.

This smells like the following babel bug:

Which babel version are you using? The bug should be fixed with version 3.7.


Re: Question about "language" appearing in running heads

2006-09-05 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
> "David" == David L Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

David> Sorry to butt in after such a long absense, but the later
David> versions of LyX have had a persistent bug?/problem? that I
David> can't seem to solve in a reasonable manner.

Hello David,

No need to apologize, we are always happy to hear from you :)

David> However, in recent versions (I am currently using 1.4.2 under
David> debian linux), before either the author name or the title, on
David> the running heads in the printout or dvi files, occurs the word
David> "english" --- the document language. I can sometimes get it to
David> generate "american" instead, but that is not the point. It is
David> printing the document language label on the running head.

This is an incompatibility between somewhat recent babel versions and
somewhat recent amslatex versions. I do not remember whose fault it
is, but upgrading to latest versions of these packages should fix the bug.

I do not remember the precise latex bug number, but I see that Juergen
just answered :)


Re: Question about "language" appearing in running heads

2006-09-05 Thread David L. Johnson
On Tue, 5 Sep 2006 10:51:44 +0200
Juergen Spitzmueller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> David L. Johnson wrote:
> > However, in recent versions (I am currently using 1.4.2 under debian
> > linux), before either the author name or the title, on the running heads in
> > the printout or dvi files, occurs the word "english" --- the document
> > language.  I can sometimes get it to generate "american" instead, but that
> > is not the point. It is printing the document language label on the running
> > head.
> This smells like the following babel bug:
> Which babel version are you using? The bug should be fixed with version 3.7.

Well, this looks like the culprit, but according to my tex output I have:

This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.21a-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.4)
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2003/12/01>
Babel  and hyphenation patterns for american, ...
Document Class: amsart 2004/08/06 v2.20

so maybe the babel bug did not get fixed with v3.8d, or came back in, or it
is a latex bug instead.  These were just updated by an upgrade of debian
etch, but the bug has been with me for several upgrades.  

Thanks for the help; at least I know where to go.



[LyX 1.4.2/Win XP] Aspell using wrong personal dictionary

2006-09-05 Thread Paul A. Rubin
In LyX 1.4.2, adding words during a spell check puts them in a new 
personal dictionary in the document source folder.  With previous 
versions, the new words were added to a global personal dictionary in 
the Aspell installation folder.  I much prefer the latter behavior, 
since it does not require me to add the same word over and over.  Is 
there any way to restore this behavior with LyX 1.4.2?


Compose key

2006-09-05 Thread Jean-Pierre Chretien


Since lyx-1.4, the Compose key on my Sun/Solaris keyboard does almost the job 
in LyX:
I get the desired isolatin character all right, but the intermediate character 
thst I must press to get it is not ignored, e.g.
press Compose ^ * prints ^° in the LyX Windows, Compose / u prints /µ etc.
Did I miss somethoing in the keyboard configuration ? 



Re: auto indenting

2006-09-05 Thread pol
 Switching to the lyx.devel list.
pol wrote:
> I have noticed that inner level text lines do not auto indent.
> E.g., as a new line is entered at the second level 'itemize' environment,
> that is assigned the first level 'itemize' environment.
> The same for 'standard' environment: Entering new line at a nested level
> brings you back to the first level, while i would expect a new line at the
> current one.
> I think this is a lyx weakness. Can we expect improvements on this side,
> in next releases?

What is mostly annoying is that, adding a new line in the middle of an
indented text, the whole text below gets automatically indented down.
See the enclosed test lyx file to check out.


--- enc

#LyX 1.4.2 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 245
\textclass article
\usepackage{mathptmx}% instead of package times
\usepackage[scaled=0.92]{helvet} % or [scaled=0.92], if you like
\usepackage[ps2pdf,urlcolor=blue,a4paper, pdftitle={Title of PDF-Document},

\lhead{ \footnotesize {\bf \itshape }  } 
\chead{ }
\rhead{~\footnotesize \itshape \today}
\lfoot{  { \scriptsize {\TeX / \itshape{LyX} } document~~  ~~~ {\scriptsize
\jobname}  \scriptsize  } }
\cfoot{  }
\rfoot{ {   \thepage\   /  \pageref{LastPage}} }

\newcommand {\D}{\displaystyle} 
\language english
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize 12
\spacing single
\papersize a4paper
\use_geometry true
\use_amsmath 1
\cite_engine basic
\use_bibtopic false
\paperorientation portrait
\leftmargin 2.2cm
\topmargin 2cm
\rightmargin 2.9cm
\bottommargin 2cm
\headheight 0cm
\headsep 1.5cm
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation skip
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default
\bullet 0 0 9 -1
\bullet 1 0 10 -1
\tracking_changes false
\output_changes true


\begin_layout Itemize
one line

\begin_layout Itemize
one line

\begin_layout Itemize
one line

\begin_layout Itemize
one line

\begin_layout Itemize
one line

\begin_layout Standard
indented line - 
\series bold
\series default
 new line 
\series bold
at the end
\series default
 of this line (all the following text will be indented down)

\begin_layout Itemize
one line

\begin_layout Standard
indented line

\begin_layout Standard
indented line

\begin_layout Itemize
one line

\begin_layout Standard
indented line

\begin_layout Standard
indented line

\begin_layout Itemize
one line

\begin_layout Itemize
one line

\begin_layout Itemize
one line


please complete "Questionnaire for Users" (as part of a usability study)

2006-09-05 Thread Daryl Hepting

Lyx User Questionnaire

This questionnaire will be used by students of the CS305 course at the
University of Regina to inform their semester’s work.  Results of this
work will be contributed back to the lyx project.  All replies sent  
to me
directly ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) will have all identifying  
removed before anyone else sees them.  This course project study has  

approved by the Research Ethics Board at the University of Regina
([EMAIL PROTECTED]).  If any publication follows the semester’s
work, your replies will not be directly quoted and your responses will
not be identifiable. [If you would like to be identified and associated
with your comments, please indicate that to me in your reply.]  Your
completion (and return) of this questionnaire implies your consent for
the uses stated above.

Age: 18-25, 26-34, 34 – 50, 50+

How long have you used lyx?

How would you rate your level of expertise with lyx? (novice,
intermediate, expert)

How much time have you spent using LaTeX?

How would you rate your level of expertise with LaTeX? (novice,
intermediate, expert)

How much time have you spent using OpenOffice, Word (or another similar

How would you rate your level of expertise with OpenOffice-like tools?
(novice, intermediate, expert)

In the following questions, you will be asked to compare Lyx with ONE
other text processing tool.  First, what is the tool that you are using
for comparison? (referred to below as OTHER)

With respect to each of the features listed below, compare the  
feature to

the text processing tool which you identified.  Use this key for your
1 – lyx is MUCH WORSE than OTHER
2 – lyx is WORSE than OTHER
3 – lyx is BETTER than OTHER
4 – lyx is MUCH BETTER than OTHER

Then, please rate your level of satisfaction with the feature
1 - very unsatisfied
2 - unsatisfied
3 - satisfied
4 - very satisfied
5 - OTHER does not have this feature
6 - have not used this feature

Please add any comments you like about each feature.

-> Graphical User Interface (GUI) that gives access to all functions via
menus and mouse, as well as configurable key-bindings.

->  Standard word processor operations, like cut/paste, multiple open
documents, infinite undo/redo, and spellchecking.

->  Different text-classes allow you to create letters, articles, books,
movie scripts, and journal articles (to name a few).

->  Numbered section headings, table of contents (with hypertext
functionality), and nested lists (AKA "outline mode").

->  Interactive WYSIWYG math editor

->  Support for writing documents in most European languages as well as
Right-to-Left languages like Hebrew and Arabic.

->  Support for writing multi-lingual documents.

->  Postscript® figures, with rotation, scaling, and captions

->  Interactive WYSIWYG tables

->  Footnotes and margin notes

->  Labels/references and bibliography (including BibTeX support)

->  Access to all LaTeX functionality with plain-latex-style

->  Import LaTeX. Export LaTeX, Postscript®, DVI, ASCII, or send a fax

->  SGML-tools support (both LinuxDoc and DocBook DTDs)

->  Literate programming support, via the "noweb" tool.

->  Menus, error messages, and key-bindings are available in many

->  Extensive documentation, including a beginner's tutorial. Some
documents have been translated from English.

->  Quite fast and low memory requirements.

These features were taken from  

minor editing).  Please list any other features that you think are
important (and please include your COMPARISON, SATISFACTION, and  

about each).

What do you like best about Lyx?

What would you most like to see added to Lyx?

Do you have any other comments that you would like to share?

Daryl H. Hepting, Ph.D.
Associate Professor  * Computer Science Department * CW 308.22
University of Regina * Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada S4S 0A2
tel: (306) 585-5210  * fax: (306) 585-4745

Re: please complete "Questionnaire for Users" (as part of a usability study)

2006-09-05 Thread Gunnar
> How long have you used lyx?
When was the first versions of LyX available? Was it version 0.10 ?
It's been so very long since I started using it.

Pasting with the middle button of the mouse: another bug?

2006-09-05 Thread Paul Smith

Dear All

Copying a citation with selecting and pasting it with the middle
button of the mouse works, but it undesirably opens the citation
window at the end of the process. I am working on Linux and I would
like to ask other people for confirming this as a bug.

Thanks in advance,


Re: user interface study of lyx

2006-09-05 Thread Russell Davie
On Tue, 29 Aug 2006 10:44:20 +0200
Helge Hafting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> >> In preparation for the class, I plan to post a separate
> >> questionnaire to the lyx-users and lyx-devel lists. 
> >> 
> >> I welcome any comments about this.  Again, my intent is to
> >> have this be a contribution to the lyx project.
> >> 
> >
> > I am currently working with a colleague on a book chapter using lyx, me on 
> > linux platform, he on microsoft. There are some problems on his side (e.g. 
> > exporting to pdf) with which I can´t help him.
> >
> > I think, it would be very helpful in such and similar cases to have a linux 
> > livesystem on CD which contains all the necessary programs needed for 
> > writing 
> > documents with lyx such as tex stuff, spellchecker, vector and pixel 
> > oriented 
> > graphics (xfig, PyX, PStricks..), chemical formulas, bibtex related things 
> > such as JabRef or Pybliographer, presentations (beamer..). There is a nice 
> > book by Rainer Hattenhauer (2005), Linux-Livesysteme (published by Galileo 
> > Computing) - alas in German (perhaps translated in the meantime?) which 
> > gives 
> > detailed instructions and could serve as a basis. 
> >
> > One could just insert this CD in the computer, start the system, work with 
> > it, 
> > save the produced documents on the computer, and thats it. I think this 
> > would 
> > be a nice project also for your students ...
> >   
> A LyX liveCD would be nice, sure.  Be aware that linux doesn't
> write very well to NTFS filesystems though - so it may be necessary
> to save on FAT/FAT32 formatted usb thing if the disk filesystem is NTFS.

There is now another ntfs driver for ext3 which looks promising.

This Ubuntu Dapper laptop has this in the ability from right at the start. So 
far it can read/write to NTFS with out errors.

from /etc/fstab
/dev/sda1   /mnt/windowsntfs defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0   

There is a driver to read/right ext3 from ntfs.

I usually use this to read Ext3 from ntfs so I can install Windows software I 
have downloaded while in Linux session.

Both work, though I only use it read from the other partition, and too cautious 
to write back



> As for making pdf on windows - pdflatex is supposed to work
> there too.
> Helge Hafting

Re: please complete "Questionnaire for Users" (as part of a usability study)

2006-09-05 Thread Russell Davie
On Tue, 5 Sep 2006 14:34:31 -0600
Daryl Hepting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Lyx User Questionnaire

Great survey!


> What do you like best about Lyx?

Good, unlikely to point to things to change.

As this seems to be about looking at improvements to Lyx, I would be interested 
to find out what really twists the user's brain. Also what are the users ideas 
for solving the problems?, how about adding something like this:  

What do you like least about Lyx?

What could be done about it?


