Re: Alternatives to Lyx?, was: Re: parallel.sty

2003-09-15 Thread Larry Kollar
Michael Logies wrote:

Is there anything else than Framemaker (for Windows), which is a real 
alternative to Lyx (for Windows) for writing long documents in 
science? And as I understood, Framemaker cannot work with long 
footnotes  (Lyx can continue them on the next page).
Raw LaTeX and groff can handle that kind of thing. But if you're 
looking for a WYSI* tool, there aren't many alternatives. Scientific 
Word is similar to LyX, in that it's a friendlier front-end to LaTeX, 
but I don't know if it's still being sold.

There are a number of XML-based editors that may (or may not!) work for 

Larry Kollar k  o  l  l  a  r  @  a  l  l  t  e  l  .  n  e  t
Unix Text Processing: "UTP Revival"

Re: Feature request

2003-09-15 Thread Robert Thorsby
On 2003.09.16 08:31 Peter Harkins wrote:
On Tue, Sep 16, 2003 at 07:51:48AM +1000, I wrote:
> I think there should be a number of dictionaries:
> [big snip]
> One dictionary is not enough
and shortly thereafter Peter Harkins replied:
Your ideas are pretty interesting (and I can think of a few
situations for myself where it'd be pretty handy). This isn't
quite the place for them, though. LyX is a nice graphical
program, but it works by farming out all the specialized
work to other established programs. In the case of spell
checking, it calls out to ispell or aspell. If LyX were to
implement them, it would have to take on the whole task
of writing and maintaining a spell-checker program rather
than the considerably smaller task of interfacing with them.
So the best place to bring up your revisions is on the ispell
and aspell programs (urls below). When they support the
features, bring back some information on how programs
interface with them, and LyX will be set for someone to
write the code to use them.
I'm not sure that this is not the right place to raise these issues. 
Although I described the "other" four dictionaries as either "Global" 
or "Ad Hoc" the fact is that all four dictionaries would be 
user-specific: the two "Globals" might be used right across a 
particular network (LAN or even WAN); and the two "Ad Hocs" might be 
confined to a specific PC or a single workgroup. But these additional 
four dictionaries, which I would have carefully built up over time to 
suit the purposes of myself and my organisation, might not be any use 
to you.

For example, I might start off my Global Additive Dictionary with the 
names of all the towns, villages and localities here in Oz. This might 
be of benefit to an Aussie junk mail distributor, but it would be a 
hindrance to any body outside Oz.

As I see it, the important factors of my other four dictionaries are 
that they can (and should) be compiled by the individual user, or the 
sysadmin plus the user.

Is the ability to apply more than one dictionary _not_ a proper 
function of LyX/LaTeX/TeX?

Robert Thorsby

Re: Footnote brakes PDF-File

2003-09-15 Thread Michael Logies
At 11:03 14.09.2003 +0200, Herbert Voß wrote:

>1. do not replay to an existing message and change the header.


my Eudora does not show threads, but I understand.

>2. send _minimal_ testfiles. A footnote has nothing to do with
>   counter settings, a.s.o

Who am I to decide where the problem is   ;-) ?
In the mail I only wrote one line:

>>\begin_inset LatexCommand 
>- this is a html-url, makes only sense for the html export.
>  read the docs, if you do not know what this means.

If I look into UserGuide.lyx into section 6.2 I find:
"[Author's Note: somebody needs to document the HTML Type button]"
So I still don`t know what "Generate Hyperlink" means within Insert/URL. Whether I 
switch it on or off I don`t see a difference within my PDF-File. I don`t know, whether 
I will publish my paper as HTML. I will as PDF. Does it make sense to activate 
"Generate Hyperlink" always?

>- you should remember that some special characters may cause
>  problems inside urls, just as %. Write \% and all should work

Thanks! It works now.


-- (u. a. _die_ Mailingliste für die Dentalbranche)
PGP-key (RSA/IDEA) kommt mit angeforderter Empfangsbestätigung (return receipt)

No footnote possible in a caption of a float?

2003-09-15 Thread Michael Logies
Can someone confirm this?
(The PDF-output is wrong with dvipdfm)

-- (u. a. _die_ Mailingliste für die Dentalbranche)
PGP-key (RSA/IDEA) kommt mit angeforderter Empfangsbestätigung (return receipt)

Re: Feature request

2003-09-15 Thread Peter Harkins
On Tue, Sep 16, 2003 at 07:51:48AM +1000, Robert Thorsby wrote:
> I think there should be a number of dictionaries:
> [big snip]
> One dictionary is not enough

Your ideas are pretty interesting (and I can think of a few situations for
myself where it'd be pretty handy). This isn't quite the place for them,
though. LyX is a nice graphical program, but it works by farming out all the
specialized work to other established programs. In the case of spell
checking, it calls out to ispell or aspell. If LyX were to implement them,
it would have to take on the whole task of writing and maintaining a
spell-checker program rather than the considerably smaller task of
interfacing with them.

So the best place to bring up your revisions is on the ispell and aspell
programs (urls below). When they support the features, bring back some
information on how programs interface with them, and LyX will be set for
someone to write the code to use them.

ArabTeX and LyX: Who is responsible of this?

2003-09-15 Thread Munzir Taha
I announced before that Prof. Dr. Klaus Lagally has recoded some very central parts of 
ArabTeX to make it works well with LyX. I tested the software and it solved all of our 
previous problems announced here.

Now, there is an issue here for which I need some information:
I tried to set the line spacing to doublespace from lyx. This
generate these errors

generate these errors

LaTeX Error: Arabic mode: Environment doublespace undefined.

Your command was ignored.
Type  Ito replace it with another command,
orto continue without it.
Illegal arabic command: [EMAIL PROTECTED] .
Your command will be echoed in the output

This is the exported tex file. Happy fixing!!

%% LyX 1.3 created this file.  For more info, see
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.

\usepackage{arabtex,iso88596} \setcode{iso8859-6}


Prof. Dr. Klaus replied that:
"ArabTeX is not prepared to grok arbitrary environments. Apparently
LyX uses some packages in the 'contributed' class, which is a moving
target. Could you please try to find out which other packages are
required by LyX? I might be able to do something about some of them,
but be prepared for further surprises :-)"
Will you please help clarify these issues more.

First law of thermodynamics: "You can't get any more energy out of a system than you 
put into it."
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 _/ _\  _/ _\    _/
_/    \ /   _\ unzir    _/ aha  PGP Key available
gpg --recv-keys --keyserver F0671821

Telecommunications Engineer
Linux Registered User #279362 at
Mandrake Club member
CIW Designer, ICDL, MOUS.
New Horizons CLC
Riyadh, SA

Re: Feature request

2003-09-15 Thread Robert Thorsby
I think there should be a number of dictionaries:

1. A Global Dictionary.
This is the normal dictionary.
2. A Global Additive Dictionary.
This contains words (and/or phrases) that do not appear in 1 but are 
acceptable -- examples include names and places. The "phrases" part is 
important -- here in Oz the town called "Wagga Wagga" is often 
shortened to just "Wagga" but the town called "Woy Woy" is never 

3. A Global Subtractive Dictionary.
This contains words that _do_ appear in 1 but are _not_ acceptable -- 
examples include slang.

4. An Ad Hoc Additive Dictionary.
As for 2 but restricted to this document only -- examples include nonce 

5. An Ad Hoc Subtractive Dictionary.
As for 3 but restricted to this document only -- an example is 
"centre", which is the correct English-language spelling outside the US 
but is usually (always) spelled "center" in programs and scripts.

As an aside I once worked in the Legal Branch of a large Government 
Department -- the ultimate bureaucrat. Most English-language 
dictionaries in use in Oz give "judgement" and "judgment" as acceptable 
spelling alternatives. But the Legal Branch religiously followed the 
practice of the legal profession in Oz and used one spelling 
exclusively and everyone else in the Department, equally religiously 
and exclusively, used the other.

One dictionary is not enough

My $0.02

Robert Thorsby

Alternatives to Lyx?, was: Re: parallel.sty

2003-09-15 Thread Michael Logies
At 23:58 15.09.2003 +0300, robin wrote:

Michael Chabon wrote:

Thanks for all the help, I got it installed and working, but it's just 
too much of a pain.

I will have to spend money for software, I fear.

Well, LyX isn't for everyone - I happen to think it's the best thing since 
sliced bread, but if you want something more point-and-clicky, I'd suggest 
checking out Scribus before you splash out on an expensive DTP 
program.  It doesn't have all the functionality of its commercial cousins, 
but it's getting there slowly.  I'd still recommend persisting for a while 
with LyX, though - it kind of grows on you.
I`m quite happy with Lyx now, though I still have some problems. But what I 
write shall only become a thesis, I don`t want to sell it  ;-)

Is there anything else than Framemaker (for Windows), which is a real 
alternative to Lyx (for Windows) for writing long documents in science? And 
as I understood, Framemaker cannot work with long footnotes  (Lyx can 
continue them on the next page).


-- (u. a. _die_ Mailingliste für die Dentalbranche)
PGP-key (RSA/IDEA) kommt mit angeforderter Empfangsbestätigung (return receipt)

Re: parallel.sty

2003-09-15 Thread robin
Michael Chabon wrote:

Thanks for all the help, I got it installed and working, but it's just 
too much of a pain.

I will have to spend money for software, I fear. 

Well, LyX isn't for everyone - I happen to think it's the best thing 
since sliced bread, but if you want something more point-and-clicky, I'd 
suggest checking out Scribus before you splash out on an expensive DTP 
program.  It doesn't have all the functionality of its commercial 
cousins, but it's getting there slowly.  I'd still recommend persisting 
for a while with LyX, though - it kind of grows on you.


"There are other rules, but you'll find out what those are when you break them."
- Blake's 7
Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

Re: german language and latex start error

2003-09-15 Thread Gareth Jenkins
harmel wrote:

Hello Lyx'er

i have download and install the lyx-port for win 1.3.2 from Ruurd
now i have problems to change the language from englisch to german, i
have edit the preferences file and reconfigure it, but the language wars
always englisch.

Do you mean the language of the user interface? Take a look at the 
help->customisation in chapter 4 although I don't know if this works 
properly with the windows port. The language for dvi output can be 
selected in the document preferences.

When i would start dvi-preview, i become the following error message
"Cannot run latex  The path to the lyx file cannot contain spaces"
What can i do

Put your lyx file in a location that doesn't contain any spaces. C:\My 
documents\my file.lyx will not work but C:\LyxFiles\my_file.lyx should 
be OK.

Thanks jojo


Gareth Jenkins
Imperial College London

Re: automatic indents in Spanish

2003-09-15 Thread ahg
Many thanks... works perfectly.


On Tue, 2003-09-09 at 23:05, Ingar Pareliussen wrote:
> Onsdag 10. september 2003 06:51, skreiv ahg:
> > - I want to write documents in Spanish using Lyx.
> > - I want to use Indent as the separation method, and I want Lyx and
> > Latex to _automatically_ _remove_ the indent on paragraphs following
> > section headings.
> > - I _must_ set the document language to Spanish for various reasons,
> > including hyphenation issues.
> > - I want to find some ugly configuration file buried deep in the bowels
> > of my /etc directory, and change some obscure line to make indents
> > function as mentioned.
> > - I suppose that I'll then have to do something to my Debian
> > installation so that apt-get update doesn't overwrite my personalized
> > file.
> >
> > Does anyone know how to do this, or if this is possible?
> Yes, it is possible. But I don't know how this might affect other parts of the 
> spanish layout. You just have to wait and see.
> The hack:
> Open
> /usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/babel/spanish.ldf
> put a % at the beginning of line 713 and 714 thus:
> %  [EMAIL PROTECTED]@afterindenttrue
> %(and maybe put a comment so that you remember what you have changed)
> and save the file. And that should take care of the offending indentations for 
> you.
> Ingar

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Re: parallel.sty

2003-09-15 Thread Michael Chabon
Thanks for all the help, I got it installed and working, but it's just 
too much of a pain.

I will have to spend money for software, I fear.

On Friday, September 12, 2003, at 09:12 AM, robin wrote:
Michael Chabon wrote:

Pardon my ignorance... I have found this, but how do I install it to 
use with Lyx?  and once it's installed, how to I use it?

Thanks for the help.


As with any package, the first thing you need to do is make it 
available to LaTeX. Put it somewhere inside your LaTeX distribution 
(on my computer this is /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/ but it could be 
different on yours). Then run the command "texhash" (without the 
quotes) to update LaTeX. Note: you may need to be logged in as 
root/admin to do this.

Using it in LyX depends on whether it's supported by LyX.  If it is, 
then all you have to do is click Edit->Reconfigure, then restart LyX 
and you can use it just like any other document class. If it isn't, 
then you will need to put LaTeX commands in your Preamble (in LyX 
1.3.* you get there from Layout->Document).  If there's any 
documnetation with the package, read it and see what it asks you to 
do.  If not, try putting


in the preamble and see what happens.


"There are other rules, but you'll find out what those are when you 
break them."
- Blake's 7

Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

Re: Missed words during spell-check

2003-09-15 Thread John Levon
On Mon, Sep 15, 2003 at 06:50:20AM -0700, Rich Shepard wrote:

>   A volunteer reviewer of my book draft found two words that were not caught
> by the spell checker: "seawee" (should be "seaweed") and "methoes" (should
> be "methods").
>   Is this an ispell/aspell issue under control of the LyX development team?
> If not, to whom to I write with this news? Now I wonder how many more words
> may be missed during a spelling check!

It sounds like you might have the "Accept compound words" option enabled
in your preferences.

Otherwise ... dunno ... it's not LyX's fault directly

Khendon's Law:
If the same point is made twice by the same person, the thread is over.

prosper question

2003-09-15 Thread Raphael Clifford
Sorry if these are dumb questions but I am using Weiss's prosper layout 
and can't seem to get a couple of things on the title page. The first is 
the two dots of the "e" in  my name (Raphael).  It is ASCII 137 if that 
helps and would normally be done in latex as \"{e}. The second is that I 
need to add "lecture notes based on those of ..." but none of the 
headings seem to allow me to do that. At the moment I have title, 
author, institution, email, date used on that page. The other headings 
such as "standard" do not seem to show the text I am adding.

In fact the date doesn't show either come to think of it.

P.S. lyx 1.3.2 on redhat 7.3

Missed words during spell-check

2003-09-15 Thread Rich Shepard
  A volunteer reviewer of my book draft found two words that were not caught
by the spell checker: "seawee" (should be "seaweed") and "methoes" (should
be "methods").

  Is this an ispell/aspell issue under control of the LyX development team?
If not, to whom to I write with this news? Now I wonder how many more words
may be missed during a spelling check!



Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President

   Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)
2404 SW 22nd Street | Troutdale, OR 97060-1247 | U.S.A.
 + 1 503-667-4517 (voice) | + 1 503-667-8863 (fax) |

Re: Feature request

2003-09-15 Thread Andre Poenitz
On Mon, Sep 15, 2003 at 06:41:59AM -0700, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Mon, 15 Sep 2003, Andre Poenitz wrote:
> > A quick&dirty approach would be a inset for 'well known misspellings' ;-)
> > Should be a no-brainer...
> Andre',
>   I don't think this is the same thing. Well-known misspellings should be
> corrected. But, a correctly spelled name that probably won't appear in
> another document does not need to be added to the dictionary.

I was ... well... whatever. Of course you could put all your dogs'
names in that inset, not just misspellings.

In fact I might argue, putting a misspelling their is not a good idea,
but I digress...


Re: Feature request

2003-09-15 Thread Rich Shepard
On Mon, 15 Sep 2003, Andre Poenitz wrote:

> A quick&dirty approach would be a inset for 'well known misspellings' ;-)
> Should be a no-brainer...


  I don't think this is the same thing. Well-known misspellings should be
corrected. But, a correctly spelled name that probably won't appear in
another document does not need to be added to the dictionary.



Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President

   Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)
2404 SW 22nd Street | Troutdale, OR 97060-1247 | U.S.A.
 + 1 503-667-4517 (voice) | + 1 503-667-8863 (fax) |

Re: Feature request

2003-09-15 Thread Andre Poenitz
On Mon, Sep 15, 2003 at 06:27:30AM -0700, Rich Shepard wrote:
>   A feature that would make using LyX even easier and quicker would be a
> document-specific list of non-dictionary words that have been accepted by
> the writer.
>   In almost every document there are names of individuals or places that do
> not need to be added to the dictionary because they are unique to that
> document, or infrequently used. When the spell checking function is run
> aginst the text, it stops on these same words every time. The spell checking
> ability in's Writer tracks these words (marked by "ignore" or
> "ignore all") and does not flag them on subsequent runs through the text.
>   Would it be relatively simple to add this capability to LyX, too?

A quick&dirty approach would be a inset for 'well known misspellings' ;-)
Should be a no-brainer...


Those who desire to give up Freedom in order to gain Security, will not have,
nor do they deserve, either one. (T. Jefferson or B. Franklin or both...)

Feature request

2003-09-15 Thread Rich Shepard
  A feature that would make using LyX even easier and quicker would be a
document-specific list of non-dictionary words that have been accepted by
the writer.

  In almost every document there are names of individuals or places that do
not need to be added to the dictionary because they are unique to that
document, or infrequently used. When the spell checking function is run
aginst the text, it stops on these same words every time. The spell checking
ability in's Writer tracks these words (marked by "ignore" or
"ignore all") and does not flag them on subsequent runs through the text.

  Would it be relatively simple to add this capability to LyX, too?

Many thanks,


Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President

   Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)
2404 SW 22nd Street | Troutdale, OR 97060-1247 | U.S.A.
 + 1 503-667-4517 (voice) | + 1 503-667-8863 (fax) |

Re: Is there a limit to number of sub-sections?

2003-09-15 Thread Andre Poenitz
On Mon, Sep 15, 2003 at 06:03:06AM -0700, Robert Orr wrote:
> .dvi is similarly corrupted.   I can only see the
> title page clearly.   The second page has two pages
> superimposed on it.   The bulk of the document is not
> visible.

I just had a look, this seems to be some limitation imposed by LaTeX.

I see this behaviour when creating empty section, but not idf the
sections have 'content'.

Looks like LaTeX fails to break the page and the 'superimposing' is due
to integer wrap for the y coordinate.


PS: Please don't top-post.

Re: Multiline Equations

2003-09-15 Thread Rajil Saraswat
On Monday 15 September 2003 14:01, Andre Poenitz wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 15, 2003 at 01:27:44PM +0100, Rajil Saraswat wrote:
> > Hi,
> >I am having a problem using multiline equations. I need to add some
> > left aligned text to the multiline equations like
> >a=bx This is a
> >c=dx+c This is b
> You coul everything put in an \array or use the \align environment.

Thanks i used a table and it is working fine now.

> > The equations are appearing fine but how do i correctly space the text
> > after the equation?
> >
> > Secondly, what is the correct way of using single quotes ' ' ,  the
> > normal quotes dont appear fine in the generated ps file.
> In math or text?

In text.

> Andre'


Re: How change the width of several paragraphs?

2003-09-15 Thread Herbert Voß
Arnau Rebassa i Villalonga schrieb:

there should be a page break, lyx moves all the paragraphs to another page
inserting a lot of space before the begining of the minipage and the result
looks horrible.


Re: Is there a limit to number of sub-sections?

2003-09-15 Thread Robert Orr
.dvi is similarly corrupted.   I can only see the
title page clearly.   The second page has two pages
superimposed on it.   The bulk of the document is not


--- Andre Poenitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 15, 2003 at 04:07:40AM -0700, Robert Orr
> wrote:
> > I have a document that is article class, has a
> title,
> > author, one section, and 279 subsections. 
> > 
> > If I export-> pdf, the pdf only shows the first
> two
> > pages of the document and only the first few
> sections
> > are shown in the .pdf.
> What about e.g. Export->Dvi?
> > What I have to do is export plain text and then
> the
> > entire document is available.
> > 
> > Is there some limit to the number of subsections I
> can
> > use?
> None that I know of.
> Andre'

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Re: Multiline Equations

2003-09-15 Thread Andre Poenitz
On Mon, Sep 15, 2003 at 01:27:44PM +0100, Rajil Saraswat wrote:
> Hi,
>I am having a problem using multiline equations. I need to add some left 
> aligned text to the multiline equations like
>a=bx This is a
>c=dx+c This is b

You coul everything put in an \array or use the \align environment.

> The equations are appearing fine but how do i correctly space the text after 
> the equation? 
> Secondly, what is the correct way of using single quotes ' ' ,  the normal 
> quotes dont appear fine in the generated ps file.

In math or text?


Those who desire to give up Freedom in order to gain Security, will not have,
nor do they deserve, either one. (T. Jefferson or B. Franklin or both...)

Re: Is there a limit to number of sub-sections?

2003-09-15 Thread Andre Poenitz
On Mon, Sep 15, 2003 at 04:07:40AM -0700, Robert Orr wrote:
> I have a document that is article class, has a title,
> author, one section, and 279 subsections. 
> If I export-> pdf, the pdf only shows the first two
> pages of the document and only the first few sections
> are shown in the .pdf.

What about e.g. Export->Dvi?

> What I have to do is export plain text and then the
> entire document is available.
> Is there some limit to the number of subsections I can
> use?

None that I know of.


Multiline Equations

2003-09-15 Thread Rajil Saraswat
   I am having a problem using multiline equations. I need to add some left 
aligned text to the multiline equations like
   a=bx This is a
   c=dx+c This is b

The equations are appearing fine but how do i correctly space the text after 
the equation? 

Secondly, what is the correct way of using single quotes ' ' ,  the normal 
quotes dont appear fine in the generated ps file.


Re: Is there a limit to number of sub-sections?

2003-09-15 Thread Thomas Templin
On Monday 15 September 2003 13:07, Robert Orr wrote:
> I have a document that is article class, has a title,
> author, one section, and 279 subsections.
> If I export-> pdf, the pdf only shows the first two
> pages of the document and only the first few sections
> are shown in the .pdf.
> What I have to do is export plain text and then the
> entire document is available.
> Is there some limit to the number of subsections I can
> use?
Have a look at: LyX-Menu -> View -> LaTeX Logfile
Due to a LaTeX syntax error only the first two pages where 
exported. Seems you made a mistake using ERT


Is there a limit to number of sub-sections?

2003-09-15 Thread Robert Orr

I have a document that is article class, has a title,
author, one section, and 279 subsections. 

If I export-> pdf, the pdf only shows the first two
pages of the document and only the first few sections
are shown in the .pdf.

What I have to do is export plain text and then the
entire document is available.

Is there some limit to the number of subsections I can

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software

Re: How change the width of several paragraphs?

2003-09-15 Thread Juergen Spitzmueller
Arnau Rebassa i Villalonga wrote:
> I'm very newbie in lyx and I have a doubt about how to change the width
> of some paragraphs. I have tried using  a minipage and setting the width to
> 85% of the text, this does the trick but if between two of those paragraphs
> there should be a page break, lyx moves all the paragraphs to another page
> inserting a lot of space before the begining of the minipage and the result
> looks horrible.

If you're using a koma class, you can use
your text
(you have to use ERT/TeXmode since this is not directly supported in LyX).

or you can create a new environment. Add to preamble:
\leftmargin3em% % adjust the value 3em as you need it

and use in the document
your text


How change the width of several paragraphs?

2003-09-15 Thread Arnau Rebassa i Villalonga
Hi all,

I'm very newbie in lyx and I have a doubt about how to change the width
of some paragraphs. I have tried using  a minipage and setting the width to
85% of the text, this does the trick but if between two of those paragraphs
there should be a page break, lyx moves all the paragraphs to another page
inserting a lot of space before the begining of the minipage and the result
looks horrible.

Could you help me?

Thank you very much


german language and latex start error

2003-09-15 Thread harmel
Hello Lyx'er

i have download and install the lyx-port for win 1.3.2 from Ruurd

now i have problems to change the language from englisch to german, i
have edit the preferences file and reconfigure it, but the language wars

always englisch.

When i would start dvi-preview, i become the following error message
"Cannot run latex  The path to the lyx file cannot contain spaces"

What can i do

Thanks jojo

Q: A "definition" type?

2003-09-15 Thread gofreddo
Hi All,

Things are going ok with my work, but throughout
my thesis I have reason to write definitions of
various terms and concepts I use. So far I have 
been using the "description" style, but it doesn't quite do what I want it to do - I 
want something

   Definition 1: Concept1  Concept1 is blah  
   blah .[]

Where I note that what is being presented is a 
definition (possibly containing an enumeration), is nicely centered and offset from 
the edges of the surrounding text, and is followed by a 
little box indicating the end of the definition. 

Is there anything like this around ... alternatively, is there a pointer showing how I
could write the style I want? 


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