Re: KOMA-letter-2: logo disappeared

2017-09-26 Thread Rich Shepard

On Tue, 26 Sep 2017, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

Too many acronyms make the mind acronumb, leading to acronums.


  Thank you for understanding. This week has started badly, despite all I
planned for it. There are several serious issues discovered yesterday
needing resolution, including the sudden inability of LyX and LibreOffice
Writer to display my letterhead (and the latter not correctly seeing fonts
in the system's font/ directory) and hassles importing spatial data files
into my spatial analysis tool. Sigh. And it's only Tuesday!



Re: KOMA-letter-2: logo disappeared

2017-09-26 Thread Paul A. Rubin

On 09/26/2017 06:14 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:

On Tue, 26 Sep 2017, Rich Shepard wrote:


  Sigh. That's acronyms. Missed seeing the spelling error.


Too many acronyms make the mind acronumb, leading to acronums.

Re: KOMA-letter-2: logo disappeared

2017-09-26 Thread Rich Shepard

On Tue, 26 Sep 2017, Rich Shepard wrote:


  Sigh. That's acronyms. Missed seeing the spelling error.


Re: KOMA-letter-2: logo disappeared

2017-09-26 Thread Rich Shepard

On Tue, 26 Sep 2017, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

MWE = Minimum Working Example (or, since it's actually not working, maybe 
Minimum Wobbly Example?)

  Oh. Acronums R' Us, eh? :-)

  See attached all who are interested. There's the .lyx, .tex, and .log
files in a tarball.


Description: GNU Zip compressed data

Re: KOMA-letter-2: logo disappeared

2017-09-26 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet
Le 26/09/2017 à 22:15, Rich Shepard a écrit :
>   Now the log shows an overfull hbox for the header:
> File: 0_home_rshepard_documents_templates_llc-letterhead.eps Graphic
> file (type
>  eps)
> <0_home_rshepard_documents_templates_llc-letterhead.eps>
> Overfull \hbox (227.64565pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 73--73
> When I make the image width narrower it still does not display.

This error means that the bounding box of your pdf image is not what it
should be. You said that you made a minor text modification. 17pt is
acceptable for height increase but 227pt (approx. 80mm) is way too big
for width increase.

Re: KOMA-letter-2: logo disappeared

2017-09-26 Thread Rich Shepard

On Tue, 26 Sep 2017, Jean-Marie Pacquet wrote:

You said that you made a copy of DIN to create your My.lco. Did you
delete these lines?

They should be replaced by:


  Er, ... no. I had overlooked that. Just did no to no effect.

  Now the log shows an overfull hbox for the header:

File: 0_home_rshepard_documents_templates_llc-letterhead.eps Graphic file (type
Overfull \hbox (227.64565pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 73--73

When I make the image width narrower it still does not display.



Re: KOMA-letter-2: logo disappeared

2017-09-26 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet
Le 26/09/2017 à 20:32, Rich Shepard a écrit :
> head being too high, but I do see this:
> Class scrlttr2 Warning: Letter option file `DIN.lco'
> (scrlttr2)  needs paper size `a4'.
> (scrlttr2)  Current paper size is not `a4'!
> (scrlttr2)  You should add `paper=a4,paper=portrait' at the
> (scrlttr2)  option list of `\documentclass' or
> (scrlttr2)  add `\KOMAoptions{paper=a4,paper=portrait}'
> (scrlttr2)  before starting this letter!
> (scrlttr2)  Maybe you know what you are doing,
> (scrlttr2)  so I do not change this myself.
>   At the top of the preamble I inserted \LoadLetterOption{My}%
> so I don't know why LyX is using DIN.lco. And the page format is US letter,
> not A4. Gzipped log file attached.


You said that you made a copy of DIN to create your My.lco. Did you
delete these lines?

They should be replaced by:


Re: KOMA-letter-2: logo disappeared

2017-09-26 Thread Rich Shepard

On Tue, 26 Sep 2017, Jean-Marie Pacquet wrote:

The error message was:
Class scrlttr2 Warning: head of first page is 17.22406pt too high.

The default firstheadvpos in DIN file is 8mm. Since 17 pt is approx.
6mm, I would try:


  That clarifies my understanding of firstheadvpos.

  I modified My.lco to \@setplength{firstheadvpos}{1mm} and re-compiled and
re-installed both TeXLive-2017 and LyX-2.2.3. Reconfigured LyX, too. Still
no logo displayed on preview or compiled .pdf.

  This is interesting. Reading the .log I see no reference to the first page
head being too high, but I do see this:

Class scrlttr2 Warning: Letter option file `DIN.lco'
(scrlttr2)  needs paper size `a4'.
(scrlttr2)  Current paper size is not `a4'!
(scrlttr2)  You should add `paper=a4,paper=portrait' at the
(scrlttr2)  option list of `\documentclass' or
(scrlttr2)  add `\KOMAoptions{paper=a4,paper=portrait}'
(scrlttr2)  before starting this letter!
(scrlttr2)  Maybe you know what you are doing,
(scrlttr2)  so I do not change this myself.

  At the top of the preamble I inserted \LoadLetterOption{My}%
so I don't know why LyX is using DIN.lco. And the page format is US letter,
not A4. Gzipped log file attached.

  I'll read Chapter 4 and see if I get ideas.

Still puzzled,


Description: GNU Zip compressed data

Re: KOMA-letter-2: logo disappeared

2017-09-26 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet
Le 26/09/2017 à 18:59, Rich Shepard a écrit :
>   Added your example spacing command in My.lco and neither 15mm nor 25mm
> allows the logo .pdf to display. I'm now reading Chapter 4 (scrlttr2) in
> the
> latest English guide to learn how to set the firstheadpage spacing so the
> logo once again displays.


The error message was:
Class scrlttr2 Warning: head of first page is 17.22406pt too high.

The default firstheadvpos in DIN file is 8mm. Since 17 pt is approx.
6mm, I would try:


Re: KOMA-letter-2: logo disappeared

2017-09-26 Thread Rich Shepard

On Tue, 26 Sep 2017, Jean-Marie Pacquet wrote:

If you want to modify the default, create your own lco file and call it in
the preamble. The one I created for french norms is NF.lco.


  Added your example spacing command in My.lco and neither 15mm nor 25mm
allows the logo .pdf to display. I'm now reading Chapter 4 (scrlttr2) in the
latest English guide to learn how to set the firstheadpage spacing so the
logo once again displays.

Again, many thanks,


Re: KOMA-letter-2: logo disappeared

2017-09-26 Thread Rich Shepard

On Tue, 26 Sep 2017, Jean-Marie Pacquet wrote:

The important thing is \@setplength commands go before the \KOMAoptions in
the preamble. And since these are not modified frequently, it makes sense
to put them in a file called "lco".


  I just copied DIN.lo to My.lco and will modify it to include a header
length that accommodates my .pdf logo.

My preamble reads as:

  Well! There's so much more for me to learn about the KOMA-Script classes.
I really appreciate learning more. I'll try to re-read the guide when I can
make the time, perhaps evenings or over the weekend. Much still does not
make complete sense to me as I'm far from a LaTeX or TeX expert.

Very much appreciated,


Re: KOMA-letter-2: logo disappeared

2017-09-26 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet
Le 26/09/2017 à 18:10, Rich Shepard a écrit :
> Jean-Marie,
>   The setting file does not have a \LoadLetterIption command, and does
> contain \@setplength commands:

The important thing is \@setplength commands go before the \KOMAoptions
in the preamble. And since these are not modified frequently, it makes
sense to put them in a file called "lco".

My preamble reads as:

%% Here you can modify the layout of your letter
%% Have a look at the KOMA script documentation
%% for details. Most commands are commented out
%% here (i.e. we use default settings)

%% Load an *.lco style file (see KOMA documentation)

%% Remove preceeding '%' to uncomment an item
%,headsepline=true%separate the header with a line on page >1
%,footsepline=true% separate the footer with a line on page >1
%pagenumber=botcenter%   position of the page number (see docu)
%,parskip=false%  Use indent instead of skip (more options cf. docu)
,fromalign=left%alignment of the address
%,fromrule=aftername%separate the address with a line?
,fromphone=true% print sender phone number
%,fromfax=true%  print sender fax number
,fromemail=true%   print sender e-mail address
%,fromurl=true%   print sender URL
%,fromlogo=true% print a logo (position depends on fromalign)
%,addrfield=false%print an address field?
,backaddress=false%  print the back address?
%,subject=afteropening,titled% alternative subject layout and position
%,locfield=narrow%  width of the (extra) location field
%,foldmarks=false%  print foldmarks?
%,numericaldate=true%  date layout
%,refline=wide% layout of the refline

%% Customize Separators
%\setkomavar{placeseparator}{ -- }
\setkomavar{backaddressseparator}{ $\cdot$ }
%\setkomavar{emailseparator}{ --> }
%\setkomavar{enclseparator}{ > }
%\setkomavar{faxseparator}{ --> }
%\setkomavar{phoneseparator}{ --> }
%\setkomavar{subjectseparator}{ >>> }

%% Customize fonts
%% Use LaTeX's standard font commands
%% Modify with \setkomafont or \addtokomafont
%% (see KOMA documentation)



Re: KOMA-letter-2: logo disappeared

2017-09-26 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet
Le 26/09/2017 à 18:01, Rich Shepard a écrit :
>   How do I determine in which .lco file to change the height? Here I find
> the setplength in multiple files:

The DIN.lco file is the default. My reference manual says (chapter 4
page 189):
By the way, the DIN lco-file will always be loaded as the first lco
file. This ensures that all pseudo-lengths will have more or less
reasonable default values. Because of this, it is not necessary to load
this default file on your own.

If you don't call one in your preamble, I assume that all pseudo-lengths
used will be those of DIN.lco.

If you want to modify the default, create your own lco file and call it
in the preamble. The one I created for french norms is NF.lco.

Re: KOMA-letter-2: logo disappeared

2017-09-26 Thread Rich Shepard

On Tue, 26 Sep 2017, Jean-Marie Pacquet wrote:

These \@setplength should be in the lco file (letter class options) which
is called in the Latex preamble with \LoadLetterOption{lcofile}% I don't
think you can use them anywhere in your Lyx document.


  The setting file does not have a \LoadLetterIption command, and does
contain \@setplength commands:

\cfoot[scrplain-centered ]{}
% horizontal position of the address field
%\vertical position of the address field
% vertical position of ref line (date)
% space between ref line and letter text
% space for signature image
Page \thepage\\\usekomavar{date}}


Re: KOMA-letter-2: logo disappeared

2017-09-26 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet
Le 26/09/2017 à 16:54, Rich Shepard a écrit :
>   [...]. First need to upgrade KOMA-Script.

I still use the 2004 version. I only upgraded the reference manual!.

Re: KOMA-letter-2: logo disappeared

2017-09-26 Thread Paul A. Rubin

On 09/26/2017 08:47 AM, Rich Shepard wrote:

On Tue, 26 Sep 2017, Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:

Why don't you send a MWE with the graphics file in question?

  Possibly because I've no idea what a MWE is? :-)

MWE = Minimum Working Example (or, since it's actually not working, 
maybe Minimum Wobbly Example?)

Re: KOMA-letter-2: logo disappeared

2017-09-26 Thread Rich Shepard

On Tue, 26 Sep 2017, Jean-Marie Pacquet wrote:

My scrguien.pdf is old as well (file dated 2013-02-25). It has references
to version 3.10 of KOMA-Script.


  My KOMA-Script version is ancient: 2004; think the version is 2.98. I just
downloaded the latest from CTAN (2017-09-07 but have totally forgotten how
to upgrade an installed package. I'm running TeXLive-2017 and I _think_ that
I cp the file to /usr/share/texmf/ and unzip it there,
but I'm not confident that's the proper way.

These \@setplength should be in the lco file (letter class options) which
is called in the Latex preamble with \LoadLetterOption{lcofile}% I don't
think you can use them anywhere in your Lyx document.

Have a look at any of the lco file you have (DIN.lco f.ex.).

  I'll look for (and in) .lco files. First need to upgrade KOMA-Script.

Many thanks,


Re: KOMA-letter-2: logo disappeared

2017-09-26 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet
Le 26/09/2017 à 16:23, Rich Shepard a écrit :
> On Tue, 26 Sep 2017, Jean-Marie Pacquet wrote:
>> You need to use the pseudo-lengths shown in figure 17.1 (In my
>> scrguien.pdf, chapter 17 page 296)
> Jean-Marie,
>   I'll get the latest KOMA-script and docs today; my 2013 version has
> firstheadvpos in Chapter 21 on page 358 and section 21.1.2 on page 365.
>> firstheadvpos
>> vertical distance of letterhead from top paper edge (section 17.1.2,
>> page 299)


My scrguien.pdf is old as well (file dated 2013-02-25). It has
references to version 3.10 of KOMA-Script.

>> To set a pseudo-length (f.ex. setting firstheadvpos to 15mm)
>> \@setplength{firstheadvpos}{15mm}
>   I'm getting an error:
>  \@
>    setplength{firstheadvpos}{15mm}
> Sorry, but I'm not programmed to handle this case;
> I'll just pretend that you didn't ask for it.
> If you're in the wrong mode, you might be able to
> return to the right one by typing `I}' or `I$' or `I\par'.
>   KOMA-script upgrade needed?

These \@setplength should be in the lco file (letter class options)
which is called in the Latex preamble with
I don't think you can use them anywhere in your Lyx document.

Have a look at any of the lco file you have (DIN.lco f.ex.).

Re: KOMA-letter-2: logo disappeared

2017-09-26 Thread Rich Shepard

On Tue, 26 Sep 2017, Jean-Marie Pacquet wrote:

You need to use the pseudo-lengths shown in figure 17.1 (In my
scrguien.pdf, chapter 17 page 296)


  I'll get the latest KOMA-script and docs today; my 2013 version has
firstheadvpos in Chapter 21 on page 358 and section 21.1.2 on page 365.

vertical distance of letterhead from top paper edge (section 17.1.2,
page 299)

To set a pseudo-length (f.ex. setting firstheadvpos to 15mm)

  I'm getting an error:

Sorry, but I'm not programmed to handle this case;
I'll just pretend that you didn't ask for it.
If you're in the wrong mode, you might be able to
return to the right one by typing `I}' or `I$' or `I\par'.

  KOMA-script upgrade needed?


Re: KOMA-letter-2: logo disappeared

2017-09-26 Thread Rich Shepard

On Tue, 26 Sep 2017, Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:

Why don't you send a MWE with the graphics file in question?


  Possibly because I've no idea what a MWE is? :-)

  The graphic file at issue is the same PDF as before except that I changed
the Inc. to LLC because I changed the corporate structure. This was done in
LibreOffice because LyX, at least my installation, does not support the
Baker-signet typeface which I adopted as the company's logotype 25+ years
ago. When the corporate structure changed in the state and federal
registrations I chenged those three letters in LO Writer and re-saved the
page as a .pdf. This overlarge top-of-page issue wasn't before now.


Re: KOMA-letter-2: logo disappeared

2017-09-26 Thread Dr Eberhard Lisse
Why don't you send a MWE with the graphics file in question?


On 25/09/2017 20:22, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Mon, 25 Sep 2017, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
>> Try starting LyX from a terminal with the "-dbg graphics" flag, open
>> and view the document, and see if it spits up an error message.
> Paul,
>   File's attached. In emacs the first reference to the image is line
> 459.  There are no errors (or Errors) in the file.
>> (I assume you've already checked the LaTeX log for signs of an
>> implosion.)
>   Don't know where the log file is to be found. It's not in /var/log/
> or the document directory.
> Thanks,
> Rich

Re: KOMA-letter-2: logo disappeared

2017-09-26 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet
Le 25/09/2017 à 22:32, Rich Shepard a écrit :
> On Mon, 25 Sep 2017, Rich Shepard wrote:
>> Class scrlttr2 Warning: head of first page is 17.22406pt too high.
>> (scrlttr2)  You have to change `firstheadvpos'
>> (scrlttr2)  or you have to define a smaller
>> (scrlttr2)  head of first page using \setkomavar.
>> (scrlttr2)  Because of this too high head of first page
>> (scrlttr2)  you've got an overfull \vbox message on input
>> line 68.
>   In the document's preamble is:
> \firsthead{\centering\usekomavar{fromlogo}\hspace*{8cm}}
> \ihead{\usekomavar{toname}\\%
>   I'm not sure how to change these to define a smaller head of first page.
>   Anyone know how?

Hello Rich,

You need to use the pseudo-lengths shown in figure 17.1 (In my
scrguien.pdf, chapter 17 page 296)

vertical distance of letterhead from top paper edge (section 17.1.2,
page 299)

To set a pseudo-length (f.ex. setting firstheadvpos to 15mm)
