Re: Biblatex issues [RESOLVED]

2021-03-25 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 25 Mar 2021, Rich Shepard wrote:

Well, this last one stymies me. The displayed LyX error is attached. The
jabref.bib file entry follows:


Mea culpa! I removed the duplicate Millard1988 from the JabRef display, but
not from the .bib text file I had open. Realizing the text file had
duplicate entries I deleted one, saved the .bib file and all compilation
errors went away. My bad :-(



lyx-users mailing list

Re: Biblatex issues

2021-03-25 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 25 Mar 2021, Rich Shepard wrote:

I'm getting different errors in the whole file. Will explore that error
log before asking for fresh eyeballs.


Well, this last one stymies me. The displayed LyX error is attached. The
jabref.bib file entry follows:

abstract = {Selected organic components in samples collected from 
monitoring wells
and from surface water are shown to follow definite areal, vertical,
and temporal trends in concentrations. Atrazine 
alachlor (2-chloro-2',6'-diethyl-N-[methoxymethyl]acetanilide) and
were measured in 64, 35, and 35 water samples, respectively. The
atrazine amounts ranged from < 0.01 to 88 ug/liter. Peak concentrations
were observed in shallow well water downgradient from irrigated fields
at the end of the irrigation season. The areal and vertical 
of atrazine are closely associated with those of nitrate-nitrogen
(NO3-N), which was measured as an indicator of deep percolation from
irrigated croplands. However, temporal variations in atrazine 
suggest that it is a non-conservative constituent of ground water.
Alachlor and dieldrin amounts were extremely low, being less than
0.1 ug/liter in all but one water sample which was taken from a well
located in an excessively well-drained area. Dissolved organic carbon
(DOC) was measured in 95 water samples and the amounts ranged from
0.2 to 4.8 mg/liter. Maximum occurred in shallow wells and there
were no seasonal assocation with either atrazine or NO3-N. The DOC
data suggest percolation from the unsaturated zone and partial removal
from solution during vertical transport through the saturated zone.},
author = {Junk, G.A. and Spalding, R.F. and Richard, J.J.},
journal = {Journal of Environmental Quality},
keywords = {pesticides, ground water, DOC, water quality, atrazine, 
alachlor, nitrate nitrogen, suface water, organic},
number = {3},
pages = {479--483},
title = {{Areal, vertical, and temporal differences in ground water 
chemistry: II. Organic constituents}},
volume = {9},
year = {1980}
} ->8

I replaced the n-dash in the pages which seems to be the problem but it's
not making a difference. Perhaps I need to close jabref and lyx and try
again. If you see something I've missed please let me know.

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Parent-child book questions

2021-03-25 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 25 Mar 2021, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

That button is for finding a *layout file* other than the ones that ship with 
LyX. You need to click the button "Select default master document" and then 
hit "Browse".


Ah, I missed that.

The best way to do this would be to define a new page style and then use it. 
This is not something for which LyX has full native support. Have a look at 
the documentation for the fancyhdr package.

I've used fancyhdr before -- a long time ago. I think that KOMA-Script also
has some solutions for this. I'll also look at the LaTeX guide and see if
there's a different package that would do it.

Thanks for the directions,

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Parent-child book questions

2021-03-25 Thread Richard Kimberly Heck

On 3/25/21 3:35 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:
Reading in the Embedded Objects help manual (Sec 7.2) that, "To be 
able to

work on child documents without the need to open their master, specify in
the child document the master in the menu
Document->Settings->Document->Class. This master document will then be 
in the background by LyX when you edit the child document.", I tried 
to do

this. But, I cannot locate the parent document in the combo box and don't
know how to have LyX find the file in the "Local Layout" widget.


The source directory had the parent and child *.lyx files. There's 
also an
images/ subdirectory in which images for the child documents will be 

When I open the "Local Layout" widget I see only the images subdirectory.

That button is for finding a *layout file* other than the ones that ship 
with LyX. You need to click the button "Select default master document" 
and then hit "Browse".

On another issue, I want to add the book's title and copyright in the 

of each chapter's title page so they can be separately distributed. Can I
remove the footnote indicator on the chapter title and the number in the
footer for this?

The best way to do this would be to define a new page style and then use 
it. This is not something for which LyX has full native support. Have a 
look at the documentation for the fancyhdr package. (There is some stuff 
on that in LyX's own documentation.) Probably you will want to define a 
'fancy' page style to be used most of the time. (E.g., with running 
headers of chapter names on the left pages, and section names on the 
right pages, with page numbers left or right depending, etc.) In 
Document> Settings> Page Layout, you then choose "fancy" as the page style.

Then you can redefine the 'plain' style (as described in the fancyhdr 
docs) to do something simpler, with the copyright info at the bottom. 
(If you want that to change chapter to chapter, you can reissue the 
commands to do that.) Then at the start of each chapter, you do:


in ERT. In some classes, that actually happens automatically: The 
\chapter command issues that command itself. I'm not sure if your class 

As always with LaTeX, think: how can I automate this?


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Bibliography

2021-03-25 Thread Richard Kimberly Heck

On 3/25/21 1:56 PM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
If I have two bib files in the bibliography; is the second one only 
used, if the citation is NOT in the first one?

If you have duplicate citations in the two files, I believe that will 
cause a warning. I do not know which would be used. Is that the question?


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Biblatex issues

2021-03-25 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 25 Mar 2021, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

Your MWE does not include a .bib file, so it's not possible to diagnose
the exact problem. That said, your log's first encoding error looks as if
pdflatex gagged on the dash(es) separating two page numbers in a


Yes, the van den Berg reference. I fixed that in the .bib file. I didn't see
an issue on the other file, but replaced the hyphen anyway.

I'm getting different errors in the whole file. Will explore that error log
before asking for fresh eyeballs.

Thanks and stay well,

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Biblatex issues

2021-03-25 Thread Paul A. Rubin

On 3/25/21 4:40 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:
It's been a long time since I last wrote a document with a 
bibliography. I
have compilation issues on this one and cannot find a saved thread 
with the


I switched from bibtex to biblatex last year (or earlier) and want to use
the author-date format for citations. Since I upgraded to TeXLive-2020 
I may

have lost changes that worked.

A MWE is attached (without the entire JabRef bibliography) as well as the
full error log. I don't understand why I'm getting errors when I try to
compile the file with pdflatex, yet the PDF is produced.

I'm confused.




Your MWE does not include a .bib file, so it's not possible to diagnose 
the exact problem. That said, your log's first encoding error looks as 
if pdflatex gagged on the dash(es) separating two page numbers in a 
reference. I suspect the offending characters are in the .bib file, and 
I would not be surprised if they come from a reference that was copied 
from a PDF file or some such and pasted into JabRef. The second encoding 
error seems to involve the same citations, and again seems to be in the 
vicinity of the page range, although the pathology appears slightly 


lyx-users mailing list

Biblatex issues

2021-03-25 Thread Rich Shepard

It's been a long time since I last wrote a document with a bibliography. I
have compilation issues on this one and cannot find a saved thread with the

I switched from bibtex to biblatex last year (or earlier) and want to use
the author-date format for citations. Since I upgraded to TeXLive-2020 I may
have lost changes that worked.

A MWE is attached (without the entire JabRef bibliography) as well as the
full error log. I don't understand why I'm getting errors when I try to
compile the file with pdflatex, yet the PDF is produced.

I'm confused.


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Because each dioxin, furan, and biphenyl congener has a different toxicity
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Parent-child book questions

2021-03-25 Thread Rich Shepard

I'm writing a book (KOMA-Script book class) which I expect to be long so I
want to learn how to use the Parent-Child multi-source documents capabilities
of LyX. In the parent doc I've set each child to have its own bibliography
(references). I want a single index, but that's well in the future.

Reading in the Embedded Objects help manual (Sec 7.2) that, "To be able to
work on child documents without the need to open their master, specify in
the child document the master in the menu
Document->Settings->Document->Class. This master document will then be used
in the background by LyX when you edit the child document.", I tried to do
this. But, I cannot locate the parent document in the combo box and don't
know how to have LyX find the file in the "Local Layout" widget.

The source directory had the parent and child *.lyx files. There's also an
images/ subdirectory in which images for the child documents will be placed.
When I open the "Local Layout" widget I see only the images subdirectory.
When I click on that directory's parent and select the parent file's
directory the .lyx file is not displayed, only the images/ subdirectory.

What have I missed?

On another issue, I want to add the book's title and copyright in the footer
of each chapter's title page so they can be separately distributed. Can I
remove the footnote indicator on the chapter title and the number in the
footer for this?

I'm confident I'll have more questions as I learn this new way to create a


lyx-users mailing list


2021-03-25 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann
If I have two bib files in the bibliography; is the second one only 
used, if the citation is NOT in the first one?

lyx-users mailing list