Re: biblatex > two bibliographies

2021-07-31 Thread Daniel

On 2021-07-31 17:10, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

Am 31.07.21 um 15:57 schrieb Daniel:

On 2021-07-31 14:53, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
I haven't found a reasonable info to set up two (or more) 
bibliographies under biblatex.
I would like to divide the bibliography in one part for normal 
reference stuff, and one part for a few references which are 
recommended for further readings.

The lyx menu for multiple bibliographies allows it
per partition, chapter, section, subsection, and child document,
but I would like to have it in the one bibliography with different 
headings (colour?) or in two bibliographies following each other 
directly and corresponding heading(s).

Could somebody tell me where to find infos for it?

For the multiple bibliographies part, you could manually insert the 
refsection environment as in the attached file.


Thanks, Daniel, for the example. What I meant was the bibliography at 
the end of my (KOMA script) book and the additional one in or after that 
one. My bibliography comes after the nomenclature (=glossary) and before 
the appendix.

Yours comes after a section.

Sorry, I am still missing what the issue is. I can just change the 
example file's class to a KOMA-Script Book, make the sections chapters, 
insert a nomenclature before the bibliographies, add an appendix after 
them and it seems to have the structure you want (again attached). So, 
that is probably not all you want, or?

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lyx-users mailing list

Re: biblatex > two bibliographies

2021-07-31 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

Am 31.07.21 um 15:57 schrieb Daniel:

On 2021-07-31 14:53, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
I haven't found a reasonable info to set up two (or more) 
bibliographies under biblatex.
I would like to divide the bibliography in one part for normal 
reference stuff, and one part for a few references which are 
recommended for further readings.

The lyx menu for multiple bibliographies allows it
per partition, chapter, section, subsection, and child document,
but I would like to have it in the one bibliography with different 
headings (colour?) or in two bibliographies following each other 
directly and corresponding heading(s).

Could somebody tell me where to find infos for it?

For the multiple bibliographies part, you could manually insert the 
refsection environment as in the attached file.


Thanks, Daniel, for the example. What I meant was the bibliography at 
the end of my (KOMA script) book and the additional one in or after that 
one. My bibliography comes after the nomenclature (=glossary) and before 
the appendix.

Yours comes after a section.
lyx-users mailing list

Re: biblatex > two bibliographies

2021-07-31 Thread Herbert Voss

Am 31.07.21 um 14:53 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
I haven't found a reasonable info to set up two (or more) 
bibliographies under biblatex.
I would like to divide the bibliography in one part for normal 
reference stuff, and one part for a few references which are 
recommended for further readings.

The lyx menu for multiple bibliographies allows it
per partition, chapter, section, subsection, and child document,
but I would like to have it in the one bibliography with different 
headings (colour?) or in two bibliographies following each other 
directly and corresponding heading(s).

Could somebody tell me where to find infos for it?

For example:

\printbibliography[nottype=book,title=Other references]

for two different libraries. It is alo possible to define keys in the
bib-data file to get diffent bibliographies, e.g. for one entry data:

  keywords = {second},
  author =

\printbibliography[type=second,title=Other references]

lyx-users mailing list

Re: biblatex > two bibliographies

2021-07-31 Thread Daniel

On 2021-07-31 14:53, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
I haven't found a reasonable info to set up two (or more) bibliographies 
under biblatex.
I would like to divide the bibliography in one part for normal reference 
stuff, and one part for a few references which are recommended for 
further readings.

The lyx menu for multiple bibliographies allows it
per partition, chapter, section, subsection, and child document,
but I would like to have it in the one bibliography with different 
headings (colour?) or in two bibliographies following each other 
directly and corresponding heading(s).

Could somebody tell me where to find infos for it?

For the multiple bibliographies part, you could manually insert the 
refsection environment as in the attached file.

Daniel#LyX 2.3 created this file. For more info see
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lyx-users mailing list

biblatex > two bibliographies

2021-07-31 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann
I haven't found a reasonable info to set up two (or more) bibliographies 
under biblatex.
I would like to divide the bibliography in one part for normal reference 
stuff, and one part for a few references which are recommended for 
further readings.

The lyx menu for multiple bibliographies allows it
per partition, chapter, section, subsection, and child document,
but I would like to have it in the one bibliography with different 
headings (colour?) or in two bibliographies following each other 
directly and corresponding heading(s).

Could somebody tell me where to find infos for it?
lyx-users mailing list

Re: biblatex style option Springer Publisher

2021-07-31 Thread Dr Eberhard Lisse


this is a LaTeX issue, niot a LyX issue.


On 2021-07-31 08:56 , Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

Herbert Voss pointed to this site
where the two style files


are found which can be used for Springer publications.
Herbert Voss said, that they can be stored in

He also uploaded the package to CTAN, where it should be available.

Add the files to Lyx > Document > settings > Bibliography
Not sure, whether a texhash and reconfigure is needed afterward.

Here my question:
If I export the lyx document as tar.gz (for sharing it with others or archiving 
it) the style files ARE NOT included. I did this before under bibtex with the 
spbasic of Springer and this was saved in the archive.
Could somebody check whether the biblatex-spbasic files are indeed NOT saved in 
the arch file and could this perhaps be changed, since it is essential for 
running the lyx document.


lyx-users mailing list