Re: Solved, Page numbers not showing in place

2021-11-30 Thread Daniel

On 2021-12-01 03:34, Melvin Bolton wrote:
Thank you to everybody who offered suggestions and tried to help with 
the problem described below. It steered me towards the ERT that I had 
placed immediately before the first chapter. What finally did the trick 
was to repeat the ERT \pagestyle {plain}  in the text, after the last 
word (as printed in output) of Chapter 1, page 1. After that, the page 
numbers appeared on every page footer in all 18 chapters, centred in 
Standard Class, and in the outers when I switched back to Koma.

Perhaps this simply countered an earlier error of some sort. I don't 
know but I hope this snippet will prove helpful to others at some point.

Thank you again


Great that it worked!

Just for completeness, I attach your test document with the changes I 
mentioned earlier.

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\begin_inset VSpace smallskip*


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\begin_layout Chapter

\begin_layout Standard
Russel Strickland had never known real poverty, and never in the thirty
 years of his adult life had he recognized a clear distinction between work

Re: Solved, Page numbers not showing in place

2021-11-30 Thread John White
Now that you have our curiosity up, perhaps you might show us where we could 
find a 
synopsis of your book.  Who knows.  You might make a sale or two.

On Tuesday, November 30, 2021 6:34:50 PM PST Melvin Bolton wrote:
> Thank you to everybody who offered suggestions and tried to help with
> the problem described below. It steered me towards the ERT that I had
> placed immediately before the first chapter. What finally did the trick
> was to repeat the ERT \pagestyle {plain}  in the text, after the last
> word (as printed in output) of Chapter 1, page 1. After that, the page
> numbers appeared on every page footer in all 18 chapters, centred in
> Standard Class, and in the outers when I switched back to Koma.
> Perhaps this simply countered an earlier error of some sort. I don't
> know but I hope this snippet will prove helpful to others at some point.
> Thank you again
> Melvin
> I have in the past completed a lengthy book, using Lyx,  without needing
> to trouble anybody for help,  but I'm now baffled by what should be a
> simple, basic task and I have no idea what to try next.
> My problem is that the pagestyle settings that should place page numbers
> in the footer, are showing them in the output only on the first page of
> each chapter, which the User Guide says is treated by Lyx as a special
> environment.
> I began with KOMA-Script ( scrbook) with pagestyle set to 'plain' as I'd
> done previously. This places page numbers in the outer end of the footer
> as I prefer them. When I found them only appearing on the first page of
> each chapter I searched online and tried pasting a few commands in the
> preamble but nothing helped and mostly I got compilation errors. I've
> cleared the preamble.
> I tried Lyx Standard Class (Book) with pagestyle set to 'plain', which
> centred the page numbers as it should, but still only on first pages of
> chapters. Neither was there any improvement after I tried pagestyle set
> to 'fancy' and tried to customize that. It's as though chapter footers
> are not accessible, except for first page.
> In my document, immediately before the first chapter, I have the
> following ERT:  \mainmatter\pagestyle{plain} \setcounter{page}{1}
> The frontmatter is fine because I have don't want page numbers there and
> have pagestyle set to 'empty.' That, at least, has worked; there were
> Roman numerals there to begin with.
> Finally, I did a reinstallation of Lyx (ver. in case of
> corruption, (apparently not) and I'm now out of ideas.
> I shall be truly grateful for any help, but I will need precise
> instruction if I am to paste commands correctly into the preamble. I
> really am an old novice.
> Thank you
> Melvin

lyx-users mailing list

Solved, Page numbers not showing in place

2021-11-30 Thread Melvin Bolton
Thank you to everybody who offered suggestions and tried to help with 
the problem described below. It steered me towards the ERT that I had 
placed immediately before the first chapter. What finally did the trick 
was to repeat the ERT \pagestyle {plain}  in the text, after the last 
word (as printed in output) of Chapter 1, page 1. After that, the page 
numbers appeared on every page footer in all 18 chapters, centred in 
Standard Class, and in the outers when I switched back to Koma.

Perhaps this simply countered an earlier error of some sort. I don't 
know but I hope this snippet will prove helpful to others at some point.

Thank you again


I have in the past completed a lengthy book, using Lyx,  without needing 
to trouble anybody for help,  but I'm now baffled by what should be a 
simple, basic task and I have no idea what to try next.

My problem is that the pagestyle settings that should place page numbers 
in the footer, are showing them in the output only on the first page of 
each chapter, which the User Guide says is treated by Lyx as a special 
I began with KOMA-Script ( scrbook) with pagestyle set to 'plain' as I'd 
done previously. This places page numbers in the outer end of the footer 
as I prefer them. When I found them only appearing on the first page of 
each chapter I searched online and tried pasting a few commands in the 
preamble but nothing helped and mostly I got compilation errors. I've 
cleared the preamble.

I tried Lyx Standard Class (Book) with pagestyle set to 'plain', which 
centred the page numbers as it should, but still only on first pages of 
chapters. Neither was there any improvement after I tried pagestyle set 
to 'fancy' and tried to customize that. It's as though chapter footers 
are not accessible, except for first page.

In my document, immediately before the first chapter, I have the 
following ERT:  \mainmatter\pagestyle{plain} \setcounter{page}{1}

The frontmatter is fine because I have don't want page numbers there and 
have pagestyle set to 'empty.' That, at least, has worked; there were 
Roman numerals there to begin with.
Finally, I did a reinstallation of Lyx (ver. in case of 
corruption, (apparently not) and I'm now out of ideas.

I shall be truly grateful for any help, but I will need precise 
instruction if I am to paste commands correctly into the preamble. I 
really am an old novice.

Thank you


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Page numbers not showing in place

2021-11-30 Thread Steve Litt
Melvin Bolton said on Tue, 30 Nov 2021 10:00:54 +1000

>My problem is that the pagestyle settings that should place page
>numbers in the footer, are showing them in the output only on the
>first page of each chapter, which the User Guide says is treated by
>Lyx as a special environment.

Hi Melvin,

I might have given you wrong info on my last response when I said your
\fancy was working as designed. It turns out that *my* \fancy used the
techniques, that I suggested for you, to strongarm page numbers to the
top on non-chapter pages.

If you haven't already solved this, I'd suggest you do a few
experiments with page margins and foot-sep to make sure your page
numbers aren't printing below the document.


Steve Litt 
Spring 2021 featured book: Troubleshooting Techniques of the Successful
lyx-users mailing list

Re: Page numbers not showing in place

2021-11-30 Thread Steve Litt
Melvin Bolton said on Tue, 30 Nov 2021 10:00:54 +1000

>I have in the past completed a lengthy book, using Lyx,  without
>needing to trouble anybody for help,  but I'm now baffled by what
>should be a simple, basic task and I have no idea what to try next.
>My problem is that the pagestyle settings that should place page
>numbers in the footer, are showing them in the output only on the
>first page of each chapter, which the User Guide says is treated by
>Lyx as a special environment.
>I began with KOMA-Script ( scrbook) with pagestyle set to 'plain' as
>I'd done previously. This places page numbers in the outer end of the
>footer as I prefer them. When I found them only appearing on the first
>page of each chapter I searched online and tried pasting a few
>commands in the preamble but nothing helped and mostly I got
>compilation errors. I've cleared the preamble.
>I tried Lyx Standard Class (Book) with pagestyle set to 'plain', which 
>centred the page numbers as it should, but still only on first pages
>of chapters. Neither was there any improvement after I tried pagestyle
>set to 'fancy' and tried to customize that. It's as though chapter
>footers are not accessible, except for first page.

Hmm, on my book fancy produces the page number in the footer of new
chapter pages, and the header on all other pages. So at least for
Standard Class (Book), it's behaving as designed.

Sometimes changing Document Class isn't enough, or is a bad move[1].
Sometimes you need to use a layout file to develop your own Document
Class, based on an existing one (I always base mine on LyX Standard
Class (Book) because less unpleasant surprises).

I wrote an article about making your headers and footers do *whatever*
you want. If you want page numbers at the bottom, you can do so with
your layout file. Here's the article:

Before going to all that trouble, make sure there's not a CTAN package
(not a document class, just a package) you can download to put the page
numbers on the bottom without further side effects. There are three
times more CTAN packages than stars in the universe, so it's likely
such a thing exists, *if* you can find it. But if you can't find it,
don't despair; you can always strongarm it as shown in the preceding

>In my document, immediately before the first chapter, I have the 
>following ERT:  \mainmatter\pagestyle{plain} \setcounter{page}{1}

Anything's possible, but that shouldn't matter.

>The frontmatter is fine because I have don't want page numbers there
>and have pagestyle set to 'empty.' That, at least, has worked; there
>were Roman numerals there to begin with.

You might or might not need to tweak your layout file to *prevent* the
page numbers from printing at the bottom of your \frontmatter pages
after making the changes.

[1] Much too often, people recommend changing your document class to
achieve one feature. Invariably, that new class lacks some needed
features of the first one. I'm not sure if it's Koma or Memoir, but
one of them clashes with \hyperref, requiring all sorts of hoop
jumping. In my opinion, the document class should be chosen based
on the overall look you want to achieve, and then tweak the rest of
the features you absolutely need "your way". Also, if you intend to
write multiple books, I'd suggest choosing one and becoming an
expert at it.


Steve Litt 
Spring 2021 featured book: Troubleshooting Techniques of the Successful
lyx-users mailing list

Re: Page numbers not showing in place

2021-11-30 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Dienstag, dem 30.11.2021 um 10:51 +0100 schrieb Daniel:
> Try removing the centering from the ERT with
> \mainmatter\pagestyle{plain} \setcounter{page}{1}
> That seems to mess things up, probably because pagestyle is then in
> an environment?!?

What was meant was probably \thispagestyle{plain} (which removes
pagination only for the current page) rather than \pagestyle{plain}
(which removes pagination on all following pages until further notice).


Description: This is a digitally signed message part
lyx-users mailing list

Re: aux file

2021-11-30 Thread Paul A. Rubin

On 11/30/21 11:37 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

Am 30.11.21 um 17:11 schrieb Paul A. Rubin:

On 11/30/21 10:52 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

What is the best way of getting the aux file

a) for a bibtex situation
b) for a biblatex/biber/luatex situation?

I have a large bib file, of which only few references are used

When you compile the document in LyX, the .aux file will be written 
in the temporary directory. On a Linux system, this will typically be 
/tmp/lyx_tmpdir./lyx_tmpbuf0 (if this is the first open 
document in LyX; if not, change 0 to 1, 2 or whatever). While the 
document remains open in LyX, you can use your system's file browser 
to find and copy it.


Thanks, Paul, for your quick answer.
I am using Debian, but can't find /tmp in my home.

It is not in your home, it's directly under the system root (parallel to 
/usr, /opt etc.). I use Mint, which is a derivative of Ubuntu, but I'm 
pretty sure Ubuntu and Debian have the same basic directory structure. 
If for some reason that is not where the LyX temp directory lives, you 
can always check Tools > Preferences... > Paths > Temporary directory: 
to find out where the LyX temporary files are hiding.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: aux file

2021-11-30 Thread Herbert Voss

Am 30.11.21 um 17:44 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

Am 30.11.21 um 17:25 schrieb Herbert Voss:

Am 30.11.21 um 16:52 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

What is the best way of getting the aux file

a) for a bibtex situation
b) for a biblatex/biber/luatex situation?

I have a large bib file, of which only few references are used

Why do you want to get the .aux-file? It is only needed, if you
have an error which you cannot solve and where a look into the
aux file maybe helpful.

I do have apparently errors. If I compile the lyx file, the pdf output 
shows those references as bold.

This has nothing to do with the aux-file, it is a problem with your
citations and the style file or missing keywords in the database.
Look into the log file of the bibtex/biber run.

By the way: biblatex creates it's own auxiliary files which are
read by biber (beside the aux file).

and how is this auxiliary file named?

always the main  docname with another extension.

lyx-users mailing list

Re: aux file

2021-11-30 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

Am 30.11.21 um 17:25 schrieb Herbert Voss:

Am 30.11.21 um 16:52 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

What is the best way of getting the aux file

a) for a bibtex situation
b) for a biblatex/biber/luatex situation?

I have a large bib file, of which only few references are used

Why do you want to get the .aux-file? It is only needed, if you
have an error which you cannot solve and where a look into the
aux file maybe helpful.

I do have apparently errors. If I compile the lyx file, the pdf output 
shows those references as bold.

By the way: biblatex creates it's own auxiliary files which are
read by biber (beside the aux file).

and how is this auxiliary file named?


Thanks, Herbert. By the way, would be nice to have a template file for 
LyX under luatex. Or have I overlooked it? It is a bit complicated to 
remember all the settings needed for it (in tools and under Document 
>settings> ...

lyx-users mailing list

Re: aux file

2021-11-30 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

Am 30.11.21 um 17:11 schrieb Paul A. Rubin:

On 11/30/21 10:52 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

What is the best way of getting the aux file

a) for a bibtex situation
b) for a biblatex/biber/luatex situation?

I have a large bib file, of which only few references are used

When you compile the document in LyX, the .aux file will be written in 
the temporary directory. On a Linux system, this will typically be 
/tmp/lyx_tmpdir./lyx_tmpbuf0 (if this is the first open 
document in LyX; if not, change 0 to 1, 2 or whatever). While the 
document remains open in LyX, you can use your system's file browser to 
find and copy it.


Thanks, Paul, for your quick answer.
I am using Debian, but can't find /tmp in my home.

Can I just create it and would LyX find this, or how do I tell LyX how 
to find it?

Or: How do I find out what LyX uses in my system?

I tried without success:

find -iname 'tmp'  >finds


find -iname 'lyx_tmpbuf*' >finds nothing
find -iname 'tmpbuf*' >finds nothing

lyx-users mailing list

Re: aux file

2021-11-30 Thread Herbert Voss

Am 30.11.21 um 16:52 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

What is the best way of getting the aux file

a) for a bibtex situation
b) for a biblatex/biber/luatex situation?

I have a large bib file, of which only few references are used

Why do you want to get the .aux-file? It is only needed, if you
have an error which you cannot solve and where a look into the
aux file maybe helpful.

By the way: biblatex creates it's own auxiliary files which are
read by biber (beside the aux file).

lyx-users mailing list

Re: aux file

2021-11-30 Thread Paul A. Rubin

On 11/30/21 10:52 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

What is the best way of getting the aux file

a) for a bibtex situation
b) for a biblatex/biber/luatex situation?

I have a large bib file, of which only few references are used

When you compile the document in LyX, the .aux file will be written in 
the temporary directory. On a Linux system, this will typically be 
/tmp/lyx_tmpdir./lyx_tmpbuf0 (if this is the first open 
document in LyX; if not, change 0 to 1, 2 or whatever). While the 
document remains open in LyX, you can use your system's file browser to 
find and copy it.


lyx-users mailing list

aux file

2021-11-30 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

What is the best way of getting the aux file

a) for a bibtex situation
b) for a biblatex/biber/luatex situation?

I have a large bib file, of which only few references are used

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Page numbers not showing in place

2021-11-30 Thread Paul A. Rubin

On 11/30/21 4:51 AM, Daniel wrote:

On 30/11/2021 08:08, Melvin Bolton wrote:

Hello Paul

Thank you for your response. I've cut the Lyx document down to the 
few first pages, and am also attaching the pdf output from it. You 
will see one entry in the preamble that reverses the odd/even pages. 
Without this, the right side (recto) pages show the left page 
margins, but the numbering problem remains, with or without that 
entry in the preamble.


On 30/11/2021 10:44, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

On 11/29/21 7:00 PM, Melvin Bolton wrote:
I have in the past completed a lengthy book, using Lyx,  without 
needing to trouble anybody for help, but I'm now baffled by what 
should be a simple, basic task and I have no idea what to try next.

My problem is that the pagestyle settings that should place page 
numbers in the footer, are showing them in the output only on the 
first page of each chapter, which the User Guide says is treated by 
Lyx as a special environment.
I began with KOMA-Script ( scrbook) with pagestyle set to 'plain' 
as I'd done previously. This places page numbers in the outer end 
of the footer as I prefer them. When I found them only appearing on 
the first page of each chapter I searched online and tried pasting 
a few commands in the preamble but nothing helped and mostly I got 
compilation errors. I've cleared the preamble.

I tried Lyx Standard Class (Book) with pagestyle set to 'plain', 
which centred the page numbers as it should, but still only on 
first pages of chapters. Neither was there any improvement after I 
tried pagestyle set to 'fancy' and tried to customize that. It's as 
though chapter footers are not accessible, except for first page.

In my document, immediately before the first chapter, I have the 
following ERT:  \mainmatter\pagestyle{plain} \setcounter{page}{1}

The frontmatter is fine because I have don't want page numbers 
there and have pagestyle set to 'empty.' That, at least, has 
worked; there were Roman numerals there to begin with.
Finally, I did a reinstallation of Lyx (ver. in case of 
corruption, (apparently not) and I'm now out of ideas.

I shall be truly grateful for any help, but I will need precise 
instruction if I am to paste commands correctly into the preamble. 
I really am an old novice.

Thank you

Hi Melvin,

Try removing the centering from the ERT with

\mainmatter\pagestyle{plain} \setcounter{page}{1}

That seems to mess things up, probably because pagestyle is then in an 
environment?!? (Also, I think you can skip \setcounter{page}{1} 
because \mainmatter should take care of that and you can switch back 
to the KOMA-script book class.)


Confirmed. Good catch!


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Page numbers not showing in place

2021-11-30 Thread Daniel

On 30/11/2021 08:08, Melvin Bolton wrote:

Hello Paul

Thank you for your response. I've cut the Lyx document down to the few 
first pages, and am also attaching the pdf output from it. You will see 
one entry in the preamble that reverses the odd/even pages. Without 
this, the right side (recto) pages show the left page margins, but the 
numbering problem remains, with or without that entry in the preamble.


On 30/11/2021 10:44, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

On 11/29/21 7:00 PM, Melvin Bolton wrote:
I have in the past completed a lengthy book, using Lyx,  without 
needing to trouble anybody for help, but I'm now baffled by what 
should be a simple, basic task and I have no idea what to try next.

My problem is that the pagestyle settings that should place page 
numbers in the footer, are showing them in the output only on the 
first page of each chapter, which the User Guide says is treated by 
Lyx as a special environment.
I began with KOMA-Script ( scrbook) with pagestyle set to 'plain' as 
I'd done previously. This places page numbers in the outer end of the 
footer as I prefer them. When I found them only appearing on the 
first page of each chapter I searched online and tried pasting a few 
commands in the preamble but nothing helped and mostly I got 
compilation errors. I've cleared the preamble.

I tried Lyx Standard Class (Book) with pagestyle set to 'plain', 
which centred the page numbers as it should, but still only on first 
pages of chapters. Neither was there any improvement after I tried 
pagestyle set to 'fancy' and tried to customize that. It's as though 
chapter footers are not accessible, except for first page.

In my document, immediately before the first chapter, I have the 
following ERT:  \mainmatter\pagestyle{plain} \setcounter{page}{1}

The frontmatter is fine because I have don't want page numbers there 
and have pagestyle set to 'empty.' That, at least, has worked; there 
were Roman numerals there to begin with.
Finally, I did a reinstallation of Lyx (ver. in case of 
corruption, (apparently not) and I'm now out of ideas.

I shall be truly grateful for any help, but I will need precise 
instruction if I am to paste commands correctly into the preamble. I 
really am an old novice.

Thank you

Hi Melvin,

Try removing the centering from the ERT with

\mainmatter\pagestyle{plain} \setcounter{page}{1}

That seems to mess things up, probably because pagestyle is then in an 
environment?!? (Also, I think you can skip \setcounter{page}{1} because 
\mainmatter should take care of that and you can switch back to the 
KOMA-script book class.)


lyx-users mailing list