A solution for PDF format issue with pdflatex & hyperref not producing A4 paper

2010-09-22 Thread Yannick Fournier
Dear all,

For those of you having problems generating PDF in A4 paper format, when
pdflatex is used in conjunction with hyperref and despite having selected A4
in Page Layout under Documents Settings, here is next a simple solution. I'm
working under LyX 1.6.7 with book (Memoir).

In addition to selecting the A4 format in Page Layout, the generated LaTeK
code must contain the \documentclass entry with the "a4paper" option
included. By writing the custom command a4paper in the Document Settings,
this solves the problem.
Go to menu Documents -> Settings... -> Document Class -> Custom: and add
"a4paper" (without the quotes).

Sorry if this is no news for you, but I spent 2 days searching for FAQ
/forums / blogs / web before finding. It does not require the use of tex2pdf
(as suggested here http://max.home.subnet.at/tex/).
Unfortunately, I had not detected this problem before printing all my thesis
exemplaries :(((. As my PDF were output in Letter format, the printer driver
of my university printing service applied a shrinkage to convert Letter into
A4 without margin losses, screwing up my nice formatting :(

I don't know if this was corrected in LyX 2.0, but I would suggest
developpers to specifically add "a4paper" automatically in \documentclass
when the option is selected in Page Layout.

My 2 cents,

RE: TOC Chapter description

2010-06-19 Thread Yannick Fournier
Hi Morten,

You might want to try the "chapterprecis" text style available with Memoir
(at least with book (Memoir). Its function is to include a short description
of a chapter both at the beginning of the chapter and in the TOC too.


| -Original Message-
| From: Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér 
| [mailto:mor...@writtenandread.net] 
| Sent: vendredi, 18. juin 2010 14:14
| To: lyx-users@lists.lyx.org
| Subject: TOC Chapter description
| Is it possible to generate a Table of Contents where I write a
| description below the chapter names? Like:
| 1. Project description . 5
|   On the scope and progress of the project
| 2. Challenges . 20
|   On the challenges encountered in the course of the research
| I could probably hack something with cross references, but if it is
| part of the system, it would be nice.
| Yours,
| Morten
| __
| Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér
| http://writtenandread.net * mor...@writtenandread.net

RE: Multiple formatting questions with LyX 1.6.5 - book (Memoir)

2010-06-10 Thread Yannick Fournier
Hi Günter,

Yes, I use vertical space for paragraph separation. I tried your workaround,
but Indent separation is ugly, and \usepackage{parskip} still does not
remove the first vertical separation completely, so I reverted back to
vertical space. I'll see the enuitem package for more control.


| -Original Message-
| From: Guenter Milde [mailto:mi...@users.berlios.de] 
| Sent: jeudi, 20 mai 2010 15:32
| To: lyx-users@lists.lyx.org
| Subject: Re: Multiple formatting questions with LyX 1.6.5 - 
| book (Memoir)
| On 2010-05-20, RIchard Heck wrote:
| > On 05/20/2010 02:33 AM, Yannick Fournier wrote:
| >> One more question I forgot to ask:
| >> How do you reduce the vertical space, in itemize and 
| enumerate listings,
| >> between the first item and the preceeding paragraph? I 
| tried the following
| >> preamble commands with success only between item lines:
| ...
| Do you use vertical space to separate paragraphs? 
| There is a LyX bug. 
| Workaround: in Document>Settings>Text
|   Format>Paragaph Separator select 
|  (*) Indent
|   and in the LaTeX preamble write 
|  \usepackage{parskip}.
| Otherwise, search for "enumitem" on wiki.lyx.org.
| Günter

RE: Dead keys not working when writing fast

2010-06-07 Thread Yannick Fournier
Hi Daniel,
I experienced the same when trying to write "ó": after numerous trials, LyX
eventually outputs the correct accented letter, but at the expense of
repeatedly hitting keys, sometimes simultaneously. This is truely annoying I


From: Daniel Lobo [mailto:dnl...@gmail.com] 
Sent: lundi, 31. mai 2010 13:42
To: lyx-users@lists.lyx.org
Subject: Dead keys not working when writing fast


When I write fast in the keyboard, I press a key before releasing the last
one, and the letters are written correctly. However, in the case of writing
accents (dead key in a Spanish keyboard), Lyx ignores the accent. Other
programs behave correctly, and they write the accents. So, in order to
reproduce the bug in Lyx, you can do the following in a document:

Press N key
Press accent key (´)
Release N key
Press A key
Release accent key
Release A key

The output in Lyx is: na
The output in other programs is: ná

I've checked that the problem occurs in LyX 1.6.6 and 1.6.5 in Windows XP
(32 and 64 bits). This problem in very annoying, because you skip lots of
accents when you write fast.

Many thanks in advance,


RE: Multiple formatting questions with LyX 1.6.5 - book (Memoir)

2010-05-19 Thread Yannick Fournier
Dear Richard,

First: thanks, your tricks with "openany" and setting the Biblio to \smaller
(simply by changing Text style, I feel stupid) provoked a reduction of 10
pages out of 240 :)
For the remaining open questions:

| > a) Changing cross-references links of "subsubsection" to a 
| nicer "section":
| > Is there a command similar to the one for renaming figure 
| captions (see
| > below), in order to have for example "subsections" 
| or "section
| >" instead of "subsubsections" ?
| > \renewcommand{\f...@figure}{fig.~\thefigure}
| >
| >
| How are you getting the "subsubsection..." text? I just get 
| numbers for 
| references to subsubsections.

I simply use the standard option "" and the associated "On Page
". The formatted reference and the " On Page "
do not work, but we have been knowing that for weeks.
I think that my problems comes from this preamble line, that I found
somewhere in a FAQ some months ago:

| > d) Capital letters for cross-reference links at beginning 
| of sentences:
| > When I make reference to a chapter at the beginning of a 
| sentence, the
| > cross-reference link is:
| > "chapter 2 discusses blablabla", instead of having a 
| capital letter:
| > "Chapter 2 discusses blablabla"
| > Can I correct that?
| >
| >
| Again, what are you using to get these cross-references? If I do a 
| "formatted reference" to a chapter, I always get caps. If 
| you're using 
| memoir's Cref command, etc, then see the memoir manual for what to do.

See above.

One more question I forgot to ask:
How do you reduce the vertical space, in itemize and enumerate listings,
between the first item and the preceeding paragraph? I tried the following
preamble commands with success only between item lines:

However, these commands generate an undefined controlled sequence upon


Multiple formatting questions with LyX 1.6.5 - book (Memoir)

2010-05-19 Thread Yannick Fournier
Dear LyX community,

First of all thank you for the day to day support you provide through this
mailing-list. I've been writing my thesis for the last 6 months with LyX
1.6.5 in *book (Memoir)*, and I saw a lot of interesting tips.

I have gathered here the questions that arose during my composition. My
apologizes if I've missed something in the FAQ.

a) Changing cross-references links of "subsubsection" to a nicer "section":
Is there a command similar to the one for renaming figure captions (see
below), in order to have for example "subsections" or "section" instead of "subsubsections" ?

b) Preventing Appendixes to insert blank pages and centered layout:
I'm inserting my appendix child documents with "Input" instead of "Include"
to avoid getting blank pages, but nevertheless the first appendix page has a
centered page number and is always an odd page.
Apart from using "article" in the document class options, is there a way to
avoid this?

c) Index entries use the formatting of the core text, i.e. a bold list entry
gets bold in the index too: can we prevent this ?

d) Capital letters for cross-reference links at beginning of sentences:
When I make reference to a chapter at the beginning of a sentence, the
cross-reference link is:
"chapter 2 discusses blablabla", instead of having a capital letter:
"Chapter 2 discusses blablabla"
Can I correct that?

e) Smaller bibliography fonts:
How can I have my bibliography (external BibTek from JabRef) printed in
smaller fonts than the core of the document? For the information formatting
I'm using "unsrt" and "Default (numerical) for citations.

Best regards and many thanks in advance. Feel free to split into multiple
emails if needed.
Yannick Fournier
PhD. student
EPFL, Switzerland