DVI bug?

2012-09-17 Thread BB

I use Lyx Version 2.0.2 on mint (13) mate 64 bit.

I needed some very long time to figure out, why the rotation of the cell 
(in the first column) and the TeX-Code (in column 2+3) does not work.

At least I found, that this is a problem of DVI. Displaying the Document 
with DVI-Latex works correct!

May be knowing this will prevent some users wasting lots of time looking 
for he bug in their document.

Regards BB

Description: application/lyx

DVI bug? Correction! Sorry!

2012-09-17 Thread BB

I use Lyx Version 2.0.2 on mint (13) mate 64 bit.

I needed some very long time to figure out, why the rotation of the cell 
(in the first column) and the TeX-Code (in column 2+3) does not work.

At least I found, that this is a problem of DVI (CTRL+D). Displaying the 
Document with DVI-Latex  pdflatex (CTRL+R) works correct!

May be knowing this will prevent some users wasting lots of time looking 
for he bug in their document.

Regards BB


2013-01-16 Thread bb
I imported a lilypond file with include-external file-filename.ly. I 
checked that file in advance to make sure it will be compiled correctly 
with lilypond. If I try a pdf preview in Lyx, I get an error and the 
head of the protocol is:

This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-1.40.10 (TeX Live 2009/Debian) 
(format=pdflatex 2012.7.20) 16 JAN 2013 13:41

entering extended mode

%&-line parsing enabled.



LaTeX2e <2009/09/24>

Babel  and hyphenation patterns for english, usenglishmax, 
dumylang, noh

yphenation, loaded.

What is wrong? Any help please?

Regards bllochl

whitespace improvement

2008-12-26 Thread bb
I tried lyx after some long time again found lyx on an up to date level 
compared to former versions - thanks to the developers!

Something that did not following common logik in the past and actually 
as well is the handling of whitespace always following any punctuation 
mark like   .,;:--?!]}) etc. You easily can miss it and lyx does not 
care about.

I think, that under all normal circumstances any punctuation mark MUST
be followed by a whitespace and I think it would be a good idea to let
that check and make lyx if one forgets it. Such an intelligent feature 
is comparable to the deletion of more than one whitespaces between two 
words, where lyx takes care and a correction.

There are some cases where a point will not be followed by whitespace,
for instance the point operator in Java that separates objectnames from
methods and may be there are some more. So, anyway it should be possible 
to eliminate whitespaces for special purposes. But the default should be 
a single whitepace following any punctuation mark.

I actually downloaded the source of lyx, but as I am not familiar with
the source I do not believe that I can find the point of entry for such
a change to experiment with. May be there is someone more skilled than I 
am and interested to give such a feature a try?

Best regards



2009-03-22 Thread bb
The Documentation "User Guide" from December 7, 2008 might be outdated?
The Description of writing a letter (p. 50 in the german version of the
document) does not describe the reality. I tried all types of
letter-documents, but none offers the described option of adress-right? 

For instance if I try letter(DIN-Brief, German) I get an environment for
an adressee, but I am unable to write the complete adress with name,
street and town? That is also true for the simple letter environment. 

In the letter environment letter(KOMA-Script) I found Name and Town, no
street? May be the adress-supplement will work? 

In any case in trying to compile such adress-experiments I get a
message, that an empty document was generatet. Where is the Adress? That
is also true if I add a letter text. That will not be shown in the
compiled document. 

Is there any description how to make letters with lyx? 

Best regards


bug lyx 1.6.2/3

2009-06-06 Thread bb

I found the bugtracker down for migration, so I report a misbehaviour of
lyx 1.6.2 and 1.6.3 here:
I actually use lyx 1.6.3 self compiled on ubuntu 9.04, former I used
1.6.2 self compiled from source.
If I make a break with an open document in lyx and eventually the screen
will be locked, I am unable to process the text - it will be a kind of
frozen in both versions of lyx. I can open all menues, but I am unable
to save the text. The solution is to close lyx and I will be correctly
asked if I wish to save the text. When opening the text again I can work
with the document normally.
I would say, that particular bug is not dangerous because one will not
lose any data, but it is a bit annoying.
Best regards

Re: bug lyx 1.6.2/3

2009-06-06 Thread bb

Vincent van Ravesteijn schrieb:

bb schreef:
I found the bugtracker down for migration, 

see http://www.lyx.org/trac/wiki/BugTrackerHome

so I report a misbehaviour of
lyx 1.6.2 and 1.6.3 here:
I actually use lyx 1.6.3 self compiled on ubuntu 9.04, former I used
1.6.2 self compiled from source.
If I make a break with an open document in lyx and eventually the screen

What do you mean with "I make a break with an open document" ???

To make a break I mean to go away from keyboard (AFK) doing something 
else and keep my lyx document active in lyx (say without closing lyx or 
closing the actual session).


Lyx on debian lenny 64 bit zlib/libz

2009-06-07 Thread bb
The actual lenny repository offers Lyx 1.5.5.. I tried to compile Lyx 
1.6.2 from source but ende with problems  in the ./configure-step. with 
the message:

** Cannot find libz. Please check that the zlib library
  is correctly installed on your system.
I installed a lot of libs from the lenny repository, for instance
lib64z1, libzzip-0-13zlib1g, zlib-bin, zlibc, zlib-gst, zziplib-bin
and tried some installations of zlib and libz from source from offerers 
of other internetpages as well - no success.
I tried the version Lyx 1.6.3 with some new hope but end with the same 
It would be simply great, if anyone would share the secret of that libz 
or zlib or whatever to get a new version of Lyx running on lenny.


error in make

2009-06-12 Thread bb
I tried to install lyx 1.6.3 on Suse 11.1 32 bit. In applying make I get
the following error message (only the last lines of very many). Does
anyone have an idea how to proceed? 

regards bb 

make[4]: Entering directory `/home/bb/lyx/lyx-1.6.3/src'
/bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CXX   --mode=link g++  -O2   -o liblyxmathed.la
InsetMathAMSArray.lo InsetMathArray.lo InsetMathBig.lo
InsetMathBoldSymbol.lo InsetMathBox.lo InsetMathBrace.lo InsetMath.lo
InsetMathCases.lo InsetMathChar.lo InsetMathColor.lo CommandInset.lo
InsetMathComment.lo InsetMathDecoration.lo InsetMathDelim.lo
InsetMathDiff.lo InsetMathDots.lo InsetMathEnsureMath.lo InsetMathEnv.lo
InsetMathExFunc.lo InsetMathExInt.lo InsetMathFont.lo
InsetMathFontOld.lo InsetMathFrac.lo InsetMathGrid.lo InsetMathHull.lo
InsetMathKern.lo InsetMathLefteqn.lo InsetMathLim.lo MathMacro.lo
InsetMathMatrix.lo InsetMathNest.lo InsetMathNumber.lo
InsetMathOverset.lo InsetMathPar.lo InsetMathPhantom.lo InsetMathRef.lo
InsetMathRoot.lo InsetMathScript.lo InsetMathSize.lo InsetMathSpace.lo
InsetMathSpecialChar.lo InsetMathSplit.lo InsetMathSqrt.lo
InsetMathStackrel.lo InsetMathString.lo InsetMathSubstack.lo
InsetMathSymbol.lo InsetMathTabular.lo InsetMathUnderset.lo
InsetMathUnknown.lo InsetMathXArrow.lo InsetMathXYMatrix.lo MathAtom.lo
MathAutoCorrect.lo MathData.lo MathExtern.lo MathFactory.lo
MathMacroArgument.lo MacroTable.lo MathMacroTemplate.lo MathParser.lo
MathStream.lo MathSupport.lo TextPainter.lo   
libtool: link: `InsetMathNest.lo' is not a valid libtool object
make[4]: *** [liblyxmathed.la] Fehler 1
make[4]: Leaving directory `/home/bb/lyx/lyx-1.6.3/src'
make[3]: *** [all-recursive] Fehler 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/bb/lyx/lyx-1.6.3/src'
make[2]: *** [all] Fehler 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/bb/lyx/lyx-1.6.3/src'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Fehler 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/bb/lyx/lyx-1.6.3'
make: *** [all] Fehler 2

rpm install failes

2009-06-12 Thread bb
As the installation from source failed I tried to install rpm-packages:

Paket /tmp/lyx-1.6.2-openSuse_11_1-1.i586-3.rpm kann nicht installiert

Subprocess failed. Error: RPM fehlgeschlagen: error: Failed
libAiksaurus-1.2.so.0 is needed by lyx-1.6.2-1.i586

After installing that package a new trial gives the Message:
Paket /tmp/lyx-1.6.2-openSuse_11_1-1.i586-7.rpm kann nicht installiert

Subprocess failed. Error: RPM fehlgeschlagen: /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.88270:
line 2: texhash: command not found
error: %post(lyx-1.6.2-1.i586) scriptlet failed, exit status 127

Whe trying to install lyx-1.6.2

Paket /tmp/lyx-1.6.2-openSuse_11_1-1.i586-10.rpm kann nicht installiert

Subprocess failed. Error: RPM fehlgeschlagen:   package lyx-1.6.2-1.i586
is already installed

I think there is something wrong with the rpm-packages. 

At least I was able to install lyx-1.6.0 on suse 11.1

Regards BB

installation failed again

2009-06-12 Thread bb
I tried to install from
Installation of package ./i586/lyx-1.6.3-2.1.i586.rpm failed.
Subprocess failed. Error: RPM fehlgeschlagen: error: unpacking of
archive failed on file /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/lyx: cpio: rename
failed - Is a directory

Regards BB

Tufte layout?

2009-12-20 Thread bb
I found some remarks, that there is a new layout called tufte in lyx 
available. I found a remark printed in red on 
http://wiki.lyx.org/Layouts/Tufte-book that this new layout (book 
+handout) should be added with the new lyx release 1.6.5 automatically:

As of version 1.6.5, LyX includes a Tufte-book layout and example file.

May be I misunderstand that sentence? My interpretation was, that 
Tufte-Book is included as i. e. book(KOMA-script). Instead I find  an 
entry with "not available" in the list of document classes.

Is it a packaging error or is it my misinterpretation an I have to 
install Tufte-layouts myself? (That is explained at 



strange compiler error

2009-12-26 Thread bb
I compiled lyx about a dozen times in the last month and did not have 
any problem beside the usual missing packages. I run lyx on a 64 bit 
ubuntu 9.10, debian and others. I downloaded from the lyx homepage. As I 
tried to compile today on an ubuntu 9.10 running on an amd, I got some 
problems, some data here:

processor: 0
vendor_id: AuthenticAMD
cpu family: 6
model: 8
model name: AMD Athlon(tm) XP 1700+
stepping: 1
cpu MHz: 1477.409
cache size: 256 KB

OK, not a really bolide, but good enough for text processing and surfing.

~/lyx-1.6.5$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:Ubuntu
Description:Ubuntu 9.10
~/lyx-1.6.5$ ,/configure
 The last essential lines:
checking whether it is safe to define __EXTENSIONS__... yes
checking whether byte ordering is bigendian... no
checking what frontend should be used for the GUI... qt4
checking for a good enough C++ compiler... ./configure: line 5809: -c: 
command not found

gcc: error trying to exec 'cc1plus': execvp: No such file or directory
./configure: line 5809: -c: command not found
./configure: line 5809: -c: command not found
./configure: line 5809: -c: command not found
./configure: line 5809: -c: command not found
./configure: line 5809: -c: command not found
configure: error: Unable to find a good enough C++ compiler

~/lyx-1.6.5$ gcc --version
gcc (Ubuntu 4.4.1-4ubuntu8) 4.4.1
Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

permanent, global [basicstyle={\scriptsize}] ?

2010-03-15 Thread bb
I frequently have to use "Programlisting" in a document. I find the Font 
to large in comparison to the rest of the text and sometimes have 
problems to get large fields of data on a page. So I have to change the 
style from standard to small or very small for every Listing. That is 
boring and time consuming.

Is there any possibilty tro change this global for the complete 
document, eventually with a simple entry in the Latex start code? I 
tried some variants but had no success. The problem is, that the entry 
of the scriptsize is after the begin tag:

... prog. code


Regards BB