答复: Problems using sumatra PDF viewer

2018-11-30 Thread caokecai
Hi, Thank you for your reply. I have found the line but the default value is true already. It is a weird phenomenon even for almost blank document. Dear all, I have set the sumatra as my defalt PDF viewer of LyX. But there will a new PDF each time if I compile it using CTRL+R. I

Problems using sumatra PDF viewer

2018-11-30 Thread caokecai
Dear all, I have set the sumatra as my defalt PDF viewer of LyX. But there will a new PDF each time if I compile it using CTRL+R. I want the output to overwrite the old PDF. Is there anything I can do? Thank you so much. Best, Sincerely, KC Cao

答复: 答复: Conflict between module and cls

2018-11-01 Thread caokecai
Dear Riki, I have positioned the conflict in cls file: \RequirePackage{pifont,latexsym,ifthen,theorem,rotating,calc} \theorembodyfont{\itshape} \theoremheaderfont{\normalfont\bfseries} \setlength{\theorempreskipamount}{6pt plus 2pt} \setlength{\theorempostskipamount}{6pt plus 2pt}

答复: Conflict between module and cls

2018-11-01 Thread caokecai
#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this #\DeclareLaTeXClass[rncauth]{article (rncauth)} #Input general definitions Input stdclass.inc Thank for you so much. Best Regards, KC Cao 发件人: Richard Kimberly Heck [mailto:rikih...@lyx.org] 发送时间: Thursday, November 1,

答复: tex2lyx2.3 error

2018-10-26 Thread caokecai
Thank you so much…… It works now. Best, KC Cao 发件人: Richard Kimberly Heck [mailto:rikih...@lyx.org] 发送时间: Thursday, October 25, 2018 5:32 PM 收件人: Ke-Cai Cao 抄送: lyx-users@lists.lyx.org 主题: Re: tex2lyx2.3 error On 10/25/18 4:55 PM, Ke-Cai Cao wrote: Same error on Win 7 or Win 10

tex2lyx2.3 error

2018-10-25 Thread caokecai
Dear all, Recently, I am bothered with tex2lyx2.3 when I want to import some tex into lyx. I have searched the web and there is no spaces in my install directory. But it does not work. I have tried from LyX 2.2.3 to LyX 2.3.1. Is there anyone know what is wrong with this issue. BYT,

Problems of pagebackref in LyX

2017-10-04 Thread caokecai
Dear all, I found that chapterbib is not supported in LyX. Although multiple bibliographies can be easily realized in LyX using bibtopic, the pagebackref can not be used. Are there possible solutions to the problem of pagebackref? Thank you so much. Sincerely, kc cao

how to add new environment to LyX

2017-06-16 Thread caokecai
Dear all I like using LyX in preparing my manuscript. But I did not know how to add new environment to the UI of LyX. For example, It is easy to use the environment of theorem by clicking of mouse on the upper left corner of LyX. But how to add a new environment such as Assumption to the UI

答复: 转发: Help for using chapterbib with LyX

2016-11-16 Thread caokecai
Dear Scott, If the reference style is numerical, then the beginning of references of next section is not 1. Do you have noticed that? I am not sure if that can be solved. Thank you very much, Best, Kecao -邮件原件- 发件人: Scott Kostyshak [mailto:skost...@lyx.org] 发送时间: 2016年11月15日 22:51 收件人:

答复: 转发: Help for using chapterbib with LyX

2016-11-15 Thread caokecai
Dear Scott, Thank you very much for your responses. There is no error in compiling Your code and it really works. But there are some problems when I try to use your settings in the SVMONO template that is provided by Springer Publisher. I am trying to figure out what is wrong. Best, Sincerely,

转发: Help for using chapterbib with LyX

2016-11-14 Thread caokecai
Dear all, I am using Lyx to realize Multiple and sectioned bibliographies in book. I have spent a lot of time with tips from web page but that does not work. I do not know how to install the python wrapper script bibtexall and make it work.