Re: Thanks for LyX

2009-04-07 Thread Ernesto Jardim

Anthony Campbell wrote:

On 07 Apr 2009, Ernesto Jardim wrote:

Dear developers,

I'd like to thank you for developing LyX !

I've just finished my PhD in Marine Science and I used LyX to write the  
final document and the four papers that compose the PhD. I never had  
problems, never lost documents, and all the minor issues were sorted out  
in a few hours with the information on the web.

Thank you very much.


ps: off course I included LyX in the acknowledgements section

On my printed books I include an acknowledgement in the form: 
Typeset using Lyx on Debian Gnu/Linux.


Mine was not so formal.

"I'd like to thank the Open Source community, and specifically the 
developers of R (
and its packages, which I used for data analysis, and LyX 
(, used for text editing."



Thanks for LyX

2009-04-07 Thread Ernesto Jardim

Dear developers,

I'd like to thank you for developing LyX !

I've just finished my PhD in Marine Science and I used LyX to write the 
final document and the four papers that compose the PhD. I never had 
problems, never lost documents, and all the minor issues were sorted out 
in a few hours with the information on the web.

Thank you very much.


ps: off course I included LyX in the acknowledgements section

Citing LyX

2008-12-02 Thread Ernesto Jardim


I want to include a citation to LyX on a paper but I don't know what's 
the correct bibliographic reference for LyX. In R ( one 
runs "citation()" and gets:

"To cite R in publications use:

R Development Core Team (2008). R: A language and environment for
statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing,
Vienna, Austria. ISBN 3-900051-07-0, URL

A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is

title = {R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing},
author = {{R Development Core Team}},
organization = {R Foundation for Statistical Computing},
address = {Vienna, Austria},
year = {2008},
note = {{ISBN} 3-900051-07-0},
url = {},

We have invested a lot of time and effort in creating R, please cite it
when using it for data analysis. See also ‘citation("pkgname")’ for
citing R packages."

Is there something similar for LyX ? I mean the reference ;-)



How to reference LyX ?

2008-11-25 Thread Ernesto Jardim


I want to refernce LyX in a paper I'm writing, do you have a 
bibliographic reference ?



Working on 2 documents in parallel windows

2008-08-07 Thread Ernesto Jardim


Is there a way of working on 2 documents at the same time viewing in 2 
parallel windows inside the same lyx session ?



Re: "why lyx when there's word?"

2005-04-22 Thread Ernesto Jardim
Rich Drewes wrote:
On Fri, 22 Apr 2005, Ernesto Jardim wrote:

And for last, your arguments are very much depending on the use of 

That was the best free & open source GUI bibliographic manager I had found
at the time that could insert references into a Lyx doc with a click and
also launch a reference's local .pdf file with a click.

Anyway, take a look at JabRef 
( I was using pyblio and after trying JabRef I was 
so impressed I changed on the same day. Give it a try, its a great sofware.

I just gave it a try and may keep using it.  Functionally, it looks about
the same as Pybliographic as far as I can tell.  It is prettier though.  
Thanks for the tip.

On the downside, it is written in Java :)
Hmmm, it has a lot of nice features like accessing web databases and 
download records, like medline, etc. Import/export from more formats 
like ISI, JStor, medline, EndNote, etc. It also uses lyxpipe like 
pyblio. Searching is easier. A nice feature is to produce a BiBTeX file 
from a aux file, which I find quite nice if you keep your references in 
a big file and want to write a paper in colaboration with someone.

The java part is the worst, I agree, being prettier helps but it's not 


Re: "why lyx when there's word?"

2005-04-22 Thread Ernesto Jardim
Rich Drewes wrote:
On Thu, 21 Apr 2005, Gerasimos Grammatikopoulos wrote:

One big issue here is that such third party add-ons for Word are usually paid 
their LOC in gold.


Another problem is the quite frequent instabillity derived 
by "overloading" word with such bells and whistles. I can't tell anything 
about EndNote since I haven't used it, but ReferenceManager in its days had 
blown up in my face more than once.

Yes, I agree that stability can be an issue with Word addons.  I have
actually had rare Lyx crashes occur for me that appear to be related to
the pipe communication between Pybliographic and Lyx, and I have also had
some issues with Pybliographic importing reference files from major
journals.  (The Pybliographic problems seem to be related to those
journals putting out reference keys that Pybliographic didn't consider
standard format.  However, when I tried to import the same file in EndNote
it "just worked".  From a user's perspective, "just working" with a
warning message perhaps would be prefereble to failure plus an obscure
error message which is what I got in Pybliographic.)
I have never lost data with Lyx.  Thanks, Lyx team.

Please keep in mind that you can rather 
easily change "formatting" of the references anytime you please while still 
not messing (and thus loosing time) with the actual archive.

This is a rather routine capability actually.  Word+EndNote can do it too.
Further, I have seen a live demonstration of some features of EndNote and
RefViz that are pretty cool; there is nothing comparable in
BibTex+Pybliographic or addons as far as I can find.  It turns out I don't
need those capabilities but I can see their usefulness.

You can also 
SQL-query for references if your university library offers such service. I 
for one, consider the TexMed web interface a god send.

Again, pretty routine stuff.  EndNote can do it.'s bibliography is far better than whatever "hack" you can get with the 
native MS Word endnotes.

I'm not sure we are on the same page . . .  EndNote isn't a native Word
package of course, it is an add on software package.  I tried OO's built
in bibliographic support and found it pretty useless for now.  
Latex+pybliographic was much better than OO's built in stuff for
bibliographic management.  I would put Latex+pybliographic as in the same
class as Word+Endote.  Word+Endnote have a few more features for
bibliographic management, but the basics are there in both.  As I said
there are some advanced features that Word+EndNote+RefViz can do that have
no counterpart in open source AFAIK (unfortunately).

My 5 cents ...
One of the major feature with LyX/LaTeX is the text file. How many 
documents do you have in Word 2 that can not be opened anymore ? And how 
many more do you expect to loose with the evolution of Word file format 
? With text files you know that it will allways be possible to recover 
the information, even if LateX or LyX disapear.

Another major feature is the size of the files. Producing a simple paper 
for a scientific journal with a few equations and figures can result in 
a word file of several MB while in LaTeX/LyX it will be a few k, even 
including the size of the ps files for figures.

And for last, your arguments are very much depending on the use of 
pybliographic. I would say your comparing pybliographic with EndNote and 
not really LyX with Word ... Anyway, take a look at JabRef 
( I was using pyblio and after trying JabRef I was 
so impressed I changed on the same day. Give it a try, its a great sofware.


Undefined control sequence. \[

2005-03-11 Thread Ernesto Jardim
I'm using a document class nrc1 with the layout attach below and I'm 
getting this error when I run latex.

Undefined control sequence.
It's a bit odd to me because it's a standard latex command but I'm not a 
latex guru so it puzles me how to solve this.

Any help will be welcomed.

#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
#  \DeclareLaTeXClass{nrc1}
# Article textclass definition file. Taken from initial LyX source code
# Author : Matthias Ettrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# Transposed by Pascal André <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# Heavily modifed and enhanced by serveral developers.
\numberby {equation}{section}
# Input general definitions
# There are no chapters in an article.
NoStyle Chapter
NoStyle Chapter*

Re: selling lyx part 2

2005-03-02 Thread Ernesto Jardim
On Tue, 1 Mar 2005, Martin A. Hansen wrote:
  This is a litle besides the thread but I think it could be useful

* journals may provide latex classes of thier own

I'm a physcist and a couple of years ago I tried (and failed)
to adapt the revtex layout to the style provided by the Institute
of Physics. Pressed by time I reverted to the article style and
exported the latex in the final version, changed the styles and
corrected until it compiled.
It should be quite useful a brief tutorial (addressed to people
not very knowledgeable in latex) on how to adapt a layout file.
I apologize if it exists as I didn't check for its existence.
I agree with you. I have the same problem with NCR papers, they have a 
latex style but I was not able to use it in lyx. Perhaps an entry in the 
wiki and some expert comments would help.


Problem with text classes

2004-06-01 Thread Ernesto Jardim

I'm using 1.3.4 in a suse 8.2 box. I'm getting an error about the
article class non existence ...

This is strange because It happenend out of nothing, without any aparent

How can I fix this ?

Best regards


Re: creating an empty document from the command line

2004-05-14 Thread Ernesto Jardim
On Fri, 2004-05-14 at 15:33, Jose' Matos wrote:
> On Friday 14 May 2004 15:33, Ernesto Jardim wrote:
> >
> > I have a small script that creates a bunch of dirs and populates them
> > with empty documents that I use when I start a paper or report. Like
> > notes documents, R scripts and so. One of them is "report.lyx".
> > I'm just being lazy :)
>   create a an empty template, put it somewhere and then in your script:
>   cp /path/to/template/report.lyx .
>   :-)
> >
> > EJ


That's my next option ;-)



Re: creating an empty document from the command line

2004-05-14 Thread Ernesto Jardim
On Fri, 2004-05-14 at 15:05, Jose' Matos wrote:
> On Friday 14 May 2004 14:48, Ernesto Jardim wrote:
> > Hi,
>   Olá, :-)
> > I want to create an empty document without starting the lyx gui, just
> > using the command line. Is it possible ?
>   Just for curiosity why do you want to do that? :-)

I have a small script that creates a bunch of dirs and populates them
with empty documents that I use when I start a paper or report. Like
notes documents, R scripts and so. One of them is "report.lyx". 
I'm just being lazy :)

>   The best I have been able to do was:
> rm -f test.lyx && lyx -x "command-sequence buffer-new; buffer-write-as 
> test.lyx; lyx-quit"
>   But it still launches the gui although it closes it without any 
> interaction. The first rm is necessary or else lyx will complain that we 
> are overwriting that file, if it exists.
> > Thanks
>   I hope it helps,
> > EJ

I'll give it a try.

Best regards and thanks.


creating an empty document from the command line

2004-05-14 Thread Ernesto Jardim

I want to create an empty document without starting the lyx gui, just
using the command line. Is it possible ?



Re: help with layout

2004-04-15 Thread Ernesto Jardim
On Thu, 2004-04-15 at 17:48, Angus Leeming wrote:
> Ernesto Jardim wrote:
> > I'm making a layout for my reports (IPIMAR reports) but I'm having
> > trouble with a style (ComputerCode). I can see the doc classe in the
> > lyx gui but the style I've hadded does not show.
> > 
> > Looking to other layouts and the lyx documentation I don't see why
> > this is happening so I'd like some help please.
> Edit->Reconfigure ?

Nah !

I've done it ;)


help with layout

2004-04-15 Thread Ernesto Jardim

I'm making a layout for my reports (IPIMAR reports) but I'm having
trouble with a style (ComputerCode). I can see the doc classe in the lyx
gui but the style I've hadded does not show.

Looking to other layouts and the lyx documentation I don't see why this
is happening so I'd like some help please.



#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
#  \DeclareLaTeXClass[article]{IPIMAR Report}
# Article textclass definition file. Taken from initial LyX source code

# Input general definitions

# There are no chapters in an article.
NoStyle Chapter
NoStyle Chapter*

MaxCounter  Counter_Section
SecNumDepth 3

# Computer code style
Style ComputerCode
  LatexType Paragraph
  LatexName dummy
  NextNoIdent   1
  ParSkip   0.4
  BottomSep 0.5
  RightMargin   MMM
  Align Left
  LabelType No_Label
  FreeSpacing   1
  Spacing   other 0.8
Family  Typewriter
Color   red

Re: Looking for a layout for reports that include computer language code.

2004-04-15 Thread Ernesto Jardim
On Thu, 2004-04-15 at 14:08, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Thu, 15 Apr 2004, Ernesto Jardim wrote:
> > I'm writing a report that describes several changes in a database. I want
> > to include some SQL code that I've used but I couldn't find a layout with
> > a computer code style.
> EJ,
>   Most document types contain the 'LyX-code' style. On the widget where the
> 'standard' style is displayed, click the down-arrow and scroll through the
> list until you see that selection. It will change the highlighted text (or
> the line on which the cursor is located) to momospaced font.
> Rich


I know lyx-code style, that's the one I've been using but I don't like
it very much and I'd like to try others ...



Looking for a layout for reports that include computer language code.

2004-04-15 Thread Ernesto Jardim

I'm writing a report that describes several changes in a database. I
want to include some SQL code that I've used but I couldn't find a
layout with a computer code style.

Is there something allready done for this ?



Numbering tables and table floats, how to ?

2003-11-04 Thread Ernesto Jardim

I need to use a longtable, which can not be inside a table float, but I
have other tables inside table floats. 

How can I keep the table numbering consistent with both situations ?

How can I control the positioning of floats so that all tables are in
the rigth sequence ?



Re: error compiling lyx 1.3.3

2003-09-26 Thread Ernesto Jardim
On Fri, 2003-09-26 at 15:14, Alfredo Braunstein wrote:
> Ernesto Jardim wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I'm getting these errors compiling lyx 1.3.3 on a SuSE 8.2 box with
> > upgraded gcc (3.1.1-16).
> > 
> > Regards
> > 
> > EJ
> > 
> > 
> > /usr/lib/qt3/include/qwidget.h:809: error: `width' undeclared (first use
> This seems to me a bad qt installation. It seems at least that there is some
> version mismatch in some part of the qt headers.
> Have you compiled sucessfully any other qt program?
> Regards, Alfredo

Yes, I've compiled version 1.3.2 :)



error compiling lyx 1.3.3

2003-09-26 Thread Ernesto Jardim

I'm getting these errors compiling lyx 1.3.3 on a SuSE 8.2 box with
upgraded gcc (3.1.1-16).



/usr/lib/qt3/include/qwidget.h:809: error: `width' undeclared (first use
/usr/lib/qt3/include/qwidget.h: In member function `void
/usr/lib/qt3/include/qwidget.h:812: error: `width' undeclared (first use
/usr/lib/qt3/include/qwidget.h: In member function `virtual void
   QWidget::setGeometry(const QRect&)':
/usr/lib/qt3/include/qwidget.h:836: error: `top' undeclared (first use
/usr/lib/qt3/include/qwidget.h:836: error: `width' undeclared (first use
make[5]: *** [QDocumentDialog.lo] Error 1
make[5]: Leaving directory
make[4]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[4]: Leaving directory
make[3]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/compile/lyx-1.3.3/src'
make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/compile/lyx-1.3.3/src'
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
gandalf:/usr/local/src/compile/lyx-1.3.3 #

Re: Alternatives to Lyx?, was: Re: parallel.sty

2003-09-16 Thread Ernesto Jardim
On Mon, 2003-09-15 at 22:51, Michael Logies wrote:
> At 23:58 15.09.2003 +0300, robin wrote:
> >Michael Chabon wrote:
> >
> >>Thanks for all the help, I got it installed and working, but it's just 
> >>too much of a pain.
> >>
> >>I will have to spend money for software, I fear.
> >
> >
> >Well, LyX isn't for everyone - I happen to think it's the best thing since 
> >sliced bread, but if you want something more point-and-clicky, I'd suggest 
> >checking out Scribus before you splash out on an expensive DTP 
> >program.  It doesn't have all the functionality of its commercial cousins, 
> >but it's getting there slowly.  I'd still recommend persisting for a while 
> >with LyX, though - it kind of grows on you.
> I`m quite happy with Lyx now, though I still have some problems. But what I 
> write shall only become a thesis, I don`t want to sell it  ;-)
> Is there anything else than Framemaker (for Windows), which is a real 
> alternative to Lyx (for Windows) for writing long documents in science? And 
> as I understood, Framemaker cannot work with long footnotes  (Lyx can 
> continue them on the next page).
> Regards
> M.
> --
> (u. a. _die_ Mailingliste für die Dentalbranche)
> PGP-key (RSA/IDEA) kommt mit angeforderter Empfangsbestätigung (return receipt)


Just one more opinion based on my experience.

Last year my MSC coordinator told me he was going away an that I had to
finish my thesis in 8 weeks. I end up with more or less one month to
write it and I can assure you that if I had to use MSWord it would be

Besides the problems with size, which growth exponentially if you have a
lot of maths and figures. The way LyX deals with cross references and
citations speeds up your work very much. Also the way it deals with
figures drives you to do your figures properly, instead of leaving it
half done and than try to fix it in edit mode inside MSWord. All the
WYSIWYM stuff (no double spaces, no double lines, etc) helps very much
when you have to write fast and don't want to spend half your time with

Regarding cooperation with M$ fans, I use pdf (with tex2pdf). Everyone
can cut and paste a paragraph into a mail message and just include

In my opinion stick to lyx, read the manuals, learn BibTeX (I use it
with pybliographer) and you'll have a powerfull tool to write your


Ernesto Jardim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Biólogo Marinho/Marine Biologist
IPIMAR - Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e das Pescas
IPIMAR - National Research Institute for Agriculture and Fisheries
Av. Brasilia, 1400-006
Lisboa, Portugal
Tel: +351 213 027 000
Fax: +351 213 015 948

using reLyX to import a LaTeX table

2003-09-02 Thread Ernesto Jardim

I'm trying to use reLyX to import a latex table generated by R package
"xtable" (check

The command I'm using is:

reLyX -p -c article

and I'm getting the following error:

reLyX directory is: /usr/share/lyx/reLyX
reLyX, the LaTeX to LyX translator. Revision date 2003/01/20
Reading LaTeX command syntax
( Reading layout file
Cleaning... Expecting `$', got \end in `
' at /usr/share/lyx/reLyX/Text/ line 397,  line
Can't locate object method "environment" via package
"Text::TeX::Begin::Group" at /usr/share/lyx/reLyX/Text/ line 400,
 line 40.
Compilation failed in require at /usr/bin/reLyX line 76.
Exited due to fatal Error!

I've installed the LyX 1.3.2 rpm for SuSE 8.2.



broken compiler with lyx + qt

2003-02-07 Thread Ernesto Jardim

There were several messages about the broken compiler error several
people is getting when compiling lyx with qt.

This has been addressed a few days ago with lyx1.3.0pre3. Someone posted
an workaround but I was not able to find it.

In the mean time it seems that this is a problem with SuSE 8.1 and gcc
so I've posted a bug report to them (Ticket [2003020501236]) and I'm
still waiting for the response.

When I'll get and answer I'll post it here.



1.1 to 1.2.3

2003-01-20 Thread Ernesto Jardim

I'll report my experience. Maybe it will help.

I had some trouble in finding the file. I had to download version 1.3.0
and compile it so I could get the lyx2lyx file.

The rest was pretty simple has lyx files have the format number in the
beggining I just made a less to the file and it was ok.

No problem with the interface.

My opinion is that it shoud be distributed separately. It is helpfull if
you have old files and you want to work on them. Like an old thesis and
you want to use it to write a paper (that was my case). It can also be
usefull if you have to downgrade a file.

The format could be detected instead of described by the user and only
the output should be defined, name and format in lyx version.



> But we could also distribute it separately, no?
> BTW, Jose, an idea for lyx2lyx, for people who want to run it by hand:
> it would be nice to specify the format as a lyx version number, since
> noone really knows what is the right format for lyx 1.2.0, for
> example.
> JMarc
Ernesto Jardim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Marine Biologist
Research Institute for Agriculture and Fisheries
Lisboa, Portugal
Tel: +351 213 027 000
Fax: +351 213 015 948

1.1 to 1.2.3

2003-01-16 Thread Ernesto Jardim

I have a file writen in LyX 1.1.0 and now I'm working in LyX 1.2.3. When
I open the old file my tables appear in LaTeX code, of course they're
still tables and I'm able to produce a nice ps file, but I'm not able to
use the LyX facilities to format then.

Is there a way around this ?



Ernesto Jardim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Marine Biologist
Research Institute for Agriculture and Fisheries
Lisboa, Portugal
Tel: +351 213 027 000
Fax: +351 213 015 948

removing date from article class

2002-11-18 Thread Ernesto Jardim

I'm writing a document using the doc class "article" and I don't want
the date to be printed. How can I do it ?



Using natbib

2002-11-13 Thread Ernesto Jardim

I'm using natbib but I want to use parenthetical references by default.
The LaTeX file produced by LyX uses the \cite command, that is treated
as a textual reference by natbib. So the default becomes a textual

To use parenthetical references it should use either \cite[] or, as
preferred by the natbib author, the \citep command.

How can I change this ?



natbib and LyX

2002-11-04 Thread Ernesto Jardim

Does anyone uses natbib with LyX ? Does it work ? Is there anything I
should now before instaling it ? like: lyx stops working and all your
documents are damaged after instaling natbib, or, your life will never
be the same as you'll take 2 hours to make a citation reference.

Is there another way to do non parentichal references ? I've tried to
insert latex code \bibitem but it didn't work. I have
\usepackage{apalike} in the preambule.



[Re] Small pool

2002-10-28 Thread Ernesto Jardim

I've used version 1.2 occasionaly but didn't ffound any major problems,
so I'd prefer to have QT GUI ready. So option b is my choice.





2002-08-27 Thread Ernesto Jardim


Is it allready possible to compile LyX with gnome or qt2 ?

I'm trying with qt2 and it gives an error...



ps: I'm using lyx 1.2.1 in a SuSE 8.0 box.

Re: latex2html misplaces images/converting to m$ word

2002-04-09 Thread Ernesto Jardim


I had a similar problem. When I used latex2html a bunch of errors avoid
me from producing the .html file. 

I simple used the export command from lyx and it worked ok ... I think
there are some flags to the latex2html program that I wasn't using but
the export from lyx did.

Hope this helps


Re: Huge size of lyx binary

2002-02-27 Thread Ernesto Jardim


Thanks, it's size is now 3.3MB ...



On Wed, 2002-02-27 at 14:11, Tuukka Toivonen wrote:
> On 27 Feb 2002, Ernesto Jardim wrote:
> >Just now I noticed that the lyx binary is about 45MB is it so !? Is
> >there something wrong ?
> If it works, no, not really wrong. It probably has debug information
> included. If you are not trying to find bugs from LyX, you probably don't
> need it and can remove the debug information with the command:
>   strip lyx

Huge size of lyx binary

2002-02-27 Thread Ernesto Jardim


Just now I noticed that the lyx binary is about 45MB is it so !? Is
there something wrong ?

BTW I compile myself version 1.1.6fix4 in a SuSE 7.1 box.



Changing font size in Tables

2001-08-28 Thread José Ernesto Jardim


I'm using lyx 1.1.6fix3 and I'm trying to change the font size of a 
table. Is it possible to do it all at the same time ? I mean selecting 
the all table and changing character size doesn't work, is there another 
way of doing it ?

I've done it cell by cell which is very anoing



Re: Bibtex and apalike

2001-06-22 Thread José Ernesto Jardim

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> >>>>> "José" == José Ernesto Jardim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> José> 2) It uses the entire author's name in the text. For example,
> José> @Article{john99, Author = {{John Doe}}, Title = {A},
> José> institution = {BB}, year = 2000, }
> José> is printed on the text like (John Doe, 2000) instead of (Doe,
> José> 2000)
> Why do you have this extra pair of braces for the Author? It
> effectively prevents bibtex from processing the name correctly.
> JMarc


I'm using Pybliographic to build the bibtex file and it seems that it
includes this extra pair of braces.

I've corrected it and it works fine now!



Re: Bibtex and apalike

2001-06-21 Thread José Ernesto Jardim

Rodrigo Esteves de Lima-Lopes wrote:

> Hi
> I et. al means and others (in latin), and it is used in some
> bibliographich styles to supress authors names, when they are more than 3.
> Apa like will process such abreviation only in the citation, in the body
> of the text, but not in the bibliography, when all the authors are
> present.
> For instance for the citation (Biber et al., 1999: 01) it will print at
> the bibliography chapter:
> Biber, D. Conrad, S. and Reppen, R. 1999 Corpus
> linguistics. London: Cambridge
> []s
> lima-lopes
> R.E. de Lima-Lopes
> GNU/Linux Registered User # 182240
> On Thu, 21 Jun 2001, Herbert Voss wrote:
> > Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 20:04:44 +0200
> > From: Herbert Voss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: José Ernesto Jardim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Cc: Mailing List LyX <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Re: Bibtex and apalike
> >
> > José Ernesto Jardim wrote:
> > >
> > > I'm using bibtex and apalike style to process references. I have two
> > > problems (at least :-)
> > >
> > > 1) When there are more then 2 authors it doesn't process "author et al."
> >
> > what does it than?
> >
> > Herbert
> >
> >

Yes I know.

The problem is that, having the entry you're referring, I'm getting (Biber, D.
Conrad, S. and Reppen, R., 1999).


Bibtex and apalike

2001-06-21 Thread José Ernesto Jardim


I'm using bibtex and apalike style to process references. I have two
problems (at least :-)

1) When there are more then 2 authors it doesn't process "author et al."

2) It uses the entire author's name in the text. For example,

  Author = {{John Doe}},
  Title  = {A},
  institution= {BB},
  year   = 2000,

is printed on the text like (John Doe, 2000) instead of (Doe, 2000)

Can someone help me with this ?



ps: I've included in the latex preamble \usepackage{apalike}

Hyphenation of citation references

2001-06-08 Thread José Ernesto Jardim


I'm writing a document using bibtex to manage bibliography and calling
it within lyx with apalike style.

When I produce the postscript document the citations are not hyphenated
and I get lines extended throught the margins.

How can I solve this ?




2000-09-20 Thread José Ernesto Jardim


I'm starting to write my MSC thesis and I want to configure and lear to
use BibTeX with LyX. I've been looking for documentation but besides the
one that comes with the distribution (btxhak & btxdoc) I didn't found
nothing else. I'm looking for something like a user's manual.

Can you give some hints ?



Error message

2000-09-13 Thread José Ernesto Jardim


When I try to view the postscript of my file I get an error message
before the TOC

"File ended while scanning the use of \@writefile. \begin{document}"

How can I fix this ?



Space between lines on a table

1999-08-13 Thread José Ernesto Jardim

Hello all !

I'm trying to "shrinq" a table but I don't want to use smaller fonts
(I'm allready using "smallest"). I think that the best way is to reduce
space between lines but I don't know I to do it :(

Is there someone that can help me ?

