Re: how to get rid of dots in nomenclature subgroup headings

2016-07-10 Thread Karl Linek

I'm using sections in my nomenclature. It worked well, but suddenly it
didn't work anymore. Studing the wiki ditn't help. Then I read this
letter. The command '\usepackage{ifthen}' in the preamble fixed all My
problems. Therefore one should add this command in the wiki 'Creating
Nomenclature with Sections'.

Nevertheless thank you for your steady work.

Am Mittwoch, den 07.10.2015, 13:56 +0200 schrieb Michael Berger:
> Dear Friends of LyX,
> in the nomenclature of my document (KOMAScript article) I use in the
> preamble
>  \usepackage{ifthen}
> \renewcommand{\nomgroup}[1]{%
> \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{C}}{\item[\textbf{Symbols}]}{%
> \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{D}}{\item[\textbf{Numbers}]}{%
> \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{B}}{\item[\textbf{Abbreviations}]}{%
> \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{A}}{\item[\textbf{Definitions}]}{}
> }% B matches Abbreviations
> }% A matches Definitions
> }% C matches Symbols
> }% D matches Numbers
> and in the LyX document
> \renewcommand{\nomlabel}[1]{#1\dotfill}
> \renewcommand{\nomname}{Nomenclature of Linguistic Terms}
> I not only get dots in each entry as desired but also undesired dots
> after the subgroup headings as per screen shot.
> How to remove the dots after the subgroup headings?
> Thanks and regards
> Michael Berger, Dipl. Ing.
> Im Borngrund 7a
> D-35606 Solms
> Fon: +49 6442 706509
> Fax: 032121247536

CJK only LyX can't do it

2013-12-22 Thread Karl Linek

I wrote a simple simple sentence using a Chinese sign. I could produce a
pdf-file. Then I just pressed enter to make another line before the
Chinese sign. Now LyX couldn't make a pdf-file anymore. I noticed LyX
had ended the CJK-environment just after the enter. I couldn't move the
\end{CJK}. I reported this behaviour already. But the answers were not
satisfying. A develper said one can't combine CJK with the German
package - because of LaTeX. At first I quit, but then I started a final
test. I exported the lyx-file and produced a simple tex-file. Then I
opened it with Gummi 0.6. As expected it couldn't produce a pdf-file.
But unlike to LyX it allows to change the LaTeX directly. So I wrote
\end{CJK} just before \end{document}. Now it worked just perfect!

Now my question: Have you been ignored to by the LyX developers? What
should I do now?

Thanks for any answer.


Description: application/lyx

Trick using the mhchem package

2013-11-09 Thread Karl Linek

in chemical equations one sometimes want to write that a substance goes
away into the air. Commonly an uprising arrow after the molecule is used
to indicate that. With the mhchem package you have to use the ^ for this
purpose. But in the math-mode in LyX this is used to upraise a
character. Nevertheless the arrow is made as long as the upraising box
exists. Unfortunately this box disappears if nothing is inside.

Here is the trick making LyX to do it right: Write \, into the upraising




2013-11-05 Thread Karl Linek

I'm using Chinese characters an the pinyin-package as well. It works
well unless I make a second section in the text. The cjk-environment
always ends after the first section. It is not possible to copy and past
the text into the environment. Still it end after the first section. I
tried to remove the cjk-environment and to start it again. No success.

I'm using LyX 2.0.6. The OS is Ubuntu. 

This is the preamble:
\usepackage [notextcomp,oldstylenums] {kpfonts}
\usepackage {caption}
\captionsetup [figure]
\captionsetup [table]
\author{Karl Linek}

% Definitions of Pinyin
  \if a#1 10\else
  \if o#1 9\else
  \if e#1 8\else
  \if i#1 7\else
  \if u#1 6\else
  \if v#1 5\else
  \if A#1 4\else
  \if O#1 3\else
  \if E#1 2\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi0


% Usage:
% \pinyin{Hao3hao3\ xue2xi2} ()
  % scan
  \ifnum 0 < 0\py@char
\py@first \py@tuneat\py@tuneletter\py@tune \py@last\kern -4sp\kern
\ifnum\py@yunpriv\py@char > \py@yunpriv\py@tuneletter
  \edef\py@last{\py@last\if v\py@char\"u\else\py@char\fi}%
\edef\py@befirst{\py@befirst\if v\py@char\"u\else\py@char\fi}%

\let\py@macron \=
\let\py@acute \'
\let\py@hacek \v
\let\py@grave \`

%% \py@tuneat{Letter}{tune}
  \if v#1%
\py@tune@v #2%
  \if i#1%
\py@tune@i #2%
  \or\py@macron #1\or\py@acute #1\or\py@hacek #1\or\py@grave #1\else

\dimen@ii 1ex%
\fontdimen5\font 1.1ex%
\fontdimen5\font .6ex%
  \or\py@macron u\or\py@acute u\or\py@hacek u\or\py@grave u\else u%

\or\py@macron \i\or\py@acute \i\or\py@hacek \i\or\py@grave \i\else i

Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance.


Re: Strange behavior

2011-09-18 Thread Karl Linek
On Sun, 2011-09-18 at 16:59 +0200, Julio Rojas wrote:
> Hi Karl, most certainly this problem comes from temporary files
> created by LaTeX. When you created a new file and copied everything on
> it, those files where not present and thus, the document compiled. I
> had my share of those and are always solved the same way. Check if the
> folder in which the original LyX file was created have some temporary
> LaTeX files.
Deleting these files will solve the problem? Thank you, that's useful.
But I think leaving the files on the harddisk is not a proper way. The
developers should fix this.

Best regards,

Strange behavior

2011-09-17 Thread Karl Linek

I have two files. The first one I wrote with LyX 1.6.7. Then I installed
LyX 2.0. I copied the file to a USB-stick. Suddenly I got always 4

"Undefined control sequence."

for example with the description

"ist $\unit[1]{\lyxmathsym{\textdegree}C}
  $ gleich $\unit[1]{K}$.
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined."

That was not useful. I tried a lot of things. Once I succeeded to reduce
the error by one.

The last trial was to copy the text, to make a new file and to paste the
text. I did the same with all the options and settings. At least I had a
manually copied file. And...

It worked. No errors, no complains.

I think LyX does not delete all the code if one changes some settings.


Re: Captionsetup in preamble

2011-07-14 Thread Karl Linek
Am Donnerstag, den 14.07.2011, 13:55 -0400 schrieb Julien Rioux:
> On 13/07/2011 5:23 AM, Karl Linek wrote:
> > Hallo,
> >
> > I tried to use this captionsetup in the preamble:
> >
> > \captionsetup{figurename=Abb.,tablename=Tab.,font={footnotesize,sf},justification=RaggedRight,labelfont=bf,singlelinecheck=false,labelsep=colonenskip}
> >
> > It didn't do its job. Using the same line in the text, was ok. Why? Well
> > I could live with it, but I think it is not the way it should work.
> >
> > Karl
> >
> >
> Have a look at the generated LaTeX code (menu View > View Source) to see 
> if there is not another \captionsetup line generated by LyX that comes 
> after the user preamble. You also need a \useoackage{caption} line, right?

This is the whole preamble an the beginning of the text:



%% LyX specific LaTeX commands.
%% A simple dot to overcome graphicx limitations

%% User specified LaTeX commands.
\usepackage [version=3] {mhchem}
\usepackage [notextcomp,oldstylenums] {kpfonts}
\title{Chemie verstehen -- Band I}
\author{Karl Linek}



\chapter*{Von der Alchemie zur Chemie}

Altertum gab es keinen Unterschied zwischen

I added the \captionsetup after \begin{document}. I dont see a reason
why it shouldn't work without the second \captionsetup, but it doesn't.

lg, Karl

Re: Portable version of LyX? [solved]

2011-07-13 Thread Karl Linek
Am Dienstag, den 05.07.2011, 17:00 +0200 schrieb
> - Mail Original -
> De: "Karl Linek" 

> I would like to upgrade this old LyX. Is it possible? If yes, how?
> Greetings
> Karl
> Just replace the LyX folder of the LyteX folder with the new one.
> Phil

This is very easy and does its job fine. Why then this projekt ist
abandoned? It should be easy to do and it ist very important for the
project. Many people dont carry always their notebook around. But the
usb-stick is easy to transport. I hope there is one, who is willing to
update LyTeX.


Re: Portable version of LyX? [solved]

2011-07-05 Thread Karl Linek
Am Samstag, den 19.03.2011, 16:07 +0100 schrieb Marcus Glöder:
> Marcus Glöder schrieb:
>  > Hello and a nice day at all,
> Hello and once again a nice day,
> I have solved my own problem. Download LyTeX from the following webpage:
> Then double-click the self extracting exe-file and extract it in a 
> directory on the USB-Stick. LyTeX included portable versions of MikTeX 
> and LyX and works fine. Now you can delete any other LaTeX-Distributions 
> on your USB-Stick to save storage space.
>  > Greetings from Germany
>  > Marcus Glöder
> Greetings
> Marcus Glöder

I would like to upgrade this old LyX. Is it possible? If yes, how?


Troubles with tufte layout

2011-02-09 Thread Karl Linek

I'm using the tufte layout documentclass with the options justified und
marginals=raggedright. This should justify the text, but not the
sidenotes and marginnotes. But LyX produces justfied marginnotes and
justified sidenotes too. I exported the text to normal Latex an compiled
it with another program. It worked fine now, but it should not be not
the aim of LyX.

If I use LyX to write marginnotes it always uses \marginpar. There is no
option for \marginnote or \sidenote. Therfore on has to use ERT.

Even LyX supports the marginfloat environment the offset option is not
supported. Again one has to use ERT.



2011-01-19 Thread Karl Linek

I used the europecv-dokumentclass. I wanted du see the result in pdf and
got this message:

The package inputenc has already been loaded with options:
There has now been an attempt to load it with options
Adding the global options:
to your \documentclass declaration may fix this.

So I said LyX not to use inputence. Now I got no error message, but LyX
used english instead of german.

Any idea to fix this?

Thanks for your help,

Problems using XY-pic

2011-01-08 Thread Karl Linek

I used XY-pic with the LyX-math-editor. Atfer finishing a simple tree, I
couldn't read the code anymore, because it is outside the screen and I
can't scroll sidewards.

Thanks for your help,
