Re: bug report: latex error

2005-01-24 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
On Mon, 24 Jan 2005, Tuukka Toivonen wrote:
When trying to "View Postscript" on the file attached to this message,
I get dialog box "There were errors during the LaTeX run ... 8 errors 
detected". I believe this should not happen and is thus a bug.
Found the problem: I used accidentally math superscript inside textrm (M-m 
m). Removing the textrm mode during the superscript made everything work 
perfectly, but IMHO, LyX still could handle this more nicely.

bug report: latex error

2005-01-24 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
BUG #1:
When trying to "View Postscript" on the file attached to this message,
I get dialog box "There were errors during the LaTeX run ... 8 errors 
detected". I believe this should not happen and is thus a bug.

I'm using LyX/Qt 1.3.4 from official Debian Sarge package
on Linux/x86.
BUG #2:
Select (eg. with mouse) the equation so that selection begins and ends just 
outside the equation. Press "!" button, which turns emphasis off for
the equation and makes the text in the equation upright. Select "View 
Postscript" (by the way, this time it gives just 6 errors).
Since removing the emphasis did not help, try undoing the change by
pressing Ctrl-Z.
And voila: instead of reverting the equation back to emphasis on, LyX 
removes whole equation! This is a nasty bug, could destroy document.

Next I'll find if I can find a workaround for the first one.
Please keep me on the CC, I'm not subscribed.
I didn't use bugzilla, too lazy to create account and check
if somebody has already reported these bugs.
#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 221
\textclass article
\language english
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\papersize Default
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 0
\use_natbib 0
\use_numerical_citations 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Section

Review 2
\layout Standard

\emph on 
\layout Enumerate

\emph on 
Shorten has "
\begin_inset Formula $\textrm{mod 2^{8}+1}$

" but 
\layout Standard


Re: Counting Words

2004-12-08 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
On Wed, 8 Dec 2004, Rich Shepard wrote:
 Is there a way -- other than running the spell checker which counts all
words -- to obtain a word count for a document? Specifically, I have a
300-word limit for an abstract I am writing and I'd like to write it in LyX
(report class) and submit it as a pdf file.
I typically write the abstract in LyX and the copy & paste it to
Nedit, which can count the words.

Re: Package to draw tree diagrams

2004-11-08 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004, Paul Smith wrote:
I would like to draw some tree diagrams but with the possibility of
labeling (near it) each branch. What package do you recommend me? I am
Dia might be another possibility, especially if branches contain a box 
inside which is the label. Dia can resize the boxes automatically depending 
on how long label you have. You can also attach lines into the boxes so 
that if you move a box, the lines move also (Xfig should be able to do the 
latter part also).

Re: Vectorial pictures of graphs of functions

2004-11-03 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
On Wed, 3 Nov 2004, Rich Shepard wrote:
not sure whether 'octave' (a MatLab replacement) does vector plots or not
Octave calls Gnuplot for plots. However, Scilab has actually quite
impressive graphing capabilities.

Re: Setting "printing not allowed" in pdf files

2004-11-03 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
On Wed, 3 Nov 2004, Matthias Quick wrote:
There is a very nice tool called pdftk, have alook at,
Thanks! This was ideal for my purpose, also because it's included
in Debian Sarge so installation was trivial.
Multivalent also worked, except I had to use another computer which had 
the required java version installed.

Re: Vectorial pictures of graphs of functions

2004-11-03 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
On Wed, 3 Nov 2004, Paul Smith wrote:
I would like to be able to produce the graph of certain functions
(say, f(x)=ln(x)) and manipulate it with xfig to get a vectorial
picture to insert, afterwards, in a LyX document. I could use Maple to
I have used Gnuplot and written an "eps" file, which can be then imported
into Xfig. If you want to actually edit the plot (not just paint over) you 
have to convert eps to xfig (don't remember the program name) or use 
another format in the first place.

Setting "printing not allowed" in pdf files

2004-11-03 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
I'm writing some lab exercise instructions for students.
Since there are many of them, I haven't put the instructions
online as PDF to save printers and paper. But I know PDF has a feature to 
disable printing, and if I could use that feature from LyX/pdflatex, it 
would be great.

Is it possible to set a flag in PDF files using LyX/pdflatex or
something else on Linux, that disallows printing in most programs?
I know this is easy to work around, but the intention is not to
stop students completely from printing the file, but just encourage that.
I'm using Debian Sarge.

embedding all fonts into .pdf

2004-06-09 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
ICIP 2004 paper upload system requires that _all_ fonts are embedded into
the pdf file (also the 13 standard ones). The tools (pdflatex/ghostscript)
refused initially to do this, and I thought someone would like to hear my
solution or suggest better one. I'm running Debian Stable 3.0.

First, I updated teTeX into version 2 and AFPL Ghostscript into version 8.
Then I replaced file
with the new version given in
and running update-updmap (the last command is Debian-specific).

This produced embedded fonts from the lyx/tex document, but I had .eps
figures (created with Xfig and gnuplot) that I converted into .pdf with
epstopdf which uses Ghostscript to do the job and the figures still used
non-embedded fonts. My solution was to modify file
and change lines

/.standardfonts [
  /Courier /Courier-Bold /Courier-Oblique /Courier-BoldOblique
  /Helvetica /Helvetica-Bold /Helvetica-Oblique /Helvetica-BoldOblique
  /Times-Roman /Times-Bold /Times-Italic /Times-BoldItalic
  /Symbol /ZapfDingbats
] readonly def


/.standardfonts [
%  /Courier /Courier-Bold /Courier-Oblique /Courier-BoldOblique
%  /Helvetica /Helvetica-Bold /Helvetica-Oblique /Helvetica-BoldOblique
%  /Times-Roman /Times-Bold /Times-Italic /Times-BoldItalic
%  /Symbol /ZapfDingbats
] readonly def

This change looks quite ugly to me, but everything else (specifically using
-dEmbedAllFonts=true) failed. If someone has better solution, let me know.

pdffonts which comes with xpdf proved to be useful. After the above
changes, it showed that all fonts were embedded:

name type emb sub uni object ID
  --- --- --- -
SSAHIC+NimbusRomNo9L-MediType 1   yes yes no  33  0
UMJGWR+NimbusRomNo9L-ReguItalType 1   yes yes no  36  0
EFBTTN+NimbusRomNo9L-ReguType 1   yes yes no  39  0
OVWQVK+CMR10 Type 1   yes yes no  43  0
SBCRSY+CMSY10Type 1   yes yes no  46  0
BDJSKG+CMMI10Type 1   yes yes no  56  0
GLEXWD+CMR7  Type 1   yes yes no  59  0
CBLBIL+Times-Roman   Type 1C  yes yes no  63  0
NXBGXQ+Helvetica Type 1C  yes yes no 122  0
NXRCNG+Helvetica Type 1C  yes yes no 129  0
FKKSGH+Helvetica Type 1C  yes yes no 136  0
FKKSGH+Helvetica Type 1C  yes yes no 143  0
FABNJM+Helvetica Type 1C  yes yes no 150  0
JODAIJ+Helvetica Type 1C  yes yes no 157  0

Re: integer modulo symbol in lyx

2004-05-18 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
On Tue, 18 May 2004, Shrikant SUNDARAM wrote:

>Can anyone help on how to get the integers modulo operator in Lyx. The
>mathematical symbol is Z with a double lines across.

If you have older LyX, it doesn't have the Z in menus directly.
In this case, select Layout/LaTeX Preamble and type there:
And then in the document type
Meta-m (or Alt-m) m mathds{Z
(the right parenthesis is inserted automatically)

Re: pdf converter

2004-03-29 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
On Mon, 29 Mar 2004, Nicolas Ferré wrote:

>Does it exist a pdf to lyx converter (optionally pdf to latex) ? Actually,
>some pdf to text converters exist, like pstotext.

There are some quite good pdf->html converters (just look google html cache
for pdf files). One I know is shareware but otherwise freely available.

I don't remember if there are good html->latex converters, but even if
visually pdf->html works quite well, it should be converted to semantical
for latex/lyx which is definitely not easy.

Re: Including a PS file with more than 1 page

2004-03-26 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
On Thu, 25 Mar 2004, Thorsten Hirsch wrote:

>problem. Btw, it doesn't make any difference between inserting a .ps and
>inserting a .eps, or does it?

.ps might not have a proper bounding box. ps2eps computes it (I think by
actually rendering the page and looking for the resulting image).

Other than that, there's probably not difference.

>> Or maybe you could export your documentent as .ps without appendices and
>> then add them with psmerge.
>That would mean that the merged pages wouldn't be numbered as all the
>other pages, which have the page number in the top right.

True. Also, psmerge says that the pages to be merged should be created with
same program.

Re: Including a PS file with more than 1 page

2004-03-25 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
On Thu, 25 Mar 2004, Thorsten Hirsch wrote:

>I've nearly finished my thesis now. The only thing left to do is to
>include some PS files into the appendix. I tried inserting the document
>as a graphic, but then I got get the first page of the document.

Maybe you could extract each page into separate .eps files and inserting
each as a figure. See psselect and ps2eps by Roland Bless.

Or maybe you could export your documentent as .ps without appendices and
then add them with psmerge.

Search for psutils.

Re: Best ps pdf viewer in Linux

2004-03-23 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
On Mon, 22 Mar 2004, navaja wrote:

>>(gv).  On the other hand, when I'm generating a PDF file it's usually for
>>someone using Windows (who will read it with acroread), so I always check
>>whether a file displays properly in acroread.  Of course, that is not 100%
>>foolproof, because occasionally the Windows and Linux versions of acroread
>>behave differently.
>kind of ironic seeing as its pupose in life is to be a Portable document

A little bit, yes. But I can only remember one PDF that didn't display
properly, and it was probably created wrongly. Generally I'm quite
satisfied with the portability of PDF files. Largest problem has been that
Acrobat renders very ugly Type-3 fonts on screen which tend to be quite
common in LaTeX world. Fortunately new LaTeX installations can usually
easily produce PDFs with Type-1 fonts too.

Re: Best ps pdf viewer in Linux

2004-03-22 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
On Fri, 19 Mar 2004, James Frye wrote:

>> 'Best' depends on the beholder... alternatives are 'acroread', 'xpdf'
>> and 'gv'.
>There's also one called 'ggv'.  It has better text quality than anything
>else I've seen (antialiased fonts, I think), but a terrible user

I haven't heard about ggv, but gv has also antialiased text and also
graphics (via ghostscript). You can enable it from menu. ghostview
_doesn't_ have antialiasing. Then there's also mgv (motif ghostview) which
has nice interface for those accustomed with Motif/Lesstif.

Re: Compiler fuer 1.3.4

2004-03-08 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
On Mon, 8 Mar 2004, Sabine 'Sani' Schulz wrote:

>checking for a good enough C++ compiler... ./configure: line 3666: -c: command not 
>gcc: installation problem, cannot exec `cc1plus': No such file or directory
>./configure: line 3666: -c: command not found

I don't understand german (if that's what you're speaking) but from the
errors it looks like environment variable CC is defined but empty. Try
giving first commands
export CC CXX
and then running configure again (better to remove first config.cache).

Re: Converting from PostScript to LaTex

2004-01-21 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
On Mon, 19 Jan 2004, Daniel Tahin wrote:

>Also my question: is there a software that converts a PostScript or a pdf-file
>to LaTex?

There's program "pdftohtml" that converts pdf to html and it did
quite good work too, relatively.

But I think there isn't a good way to convert HTML into LaTeX.
Less good ways, yes.

Re: IEEEtran biography (IEEE)

2003-12-30 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
On Tue, 30 Dec 2003, Herbert Voss wrote:

>Tuukka Toivonen wrote:
>> I'm using oldish LyX 1.1.6fix4 and newer IEEEtran package (IEEEtran.cls
>> 2002/11/18 version V1.6b). How is the Biography environment supposed to be
>> used? A single entry works fine, but I don't know how to insert several
>> biographies one after another without another environment in between (I

I inserted a LaTeX environment between the biographies, hopefully it
doesn't take up vertical space like a single hard-space in standard
environment would probably do.

>>[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg12625.html
>my changes should be part of the latest IEEE. And there should be
>a template file for that. But I don not know where ...

Indeed, this version allows giving a photograph filename (according to
IEEEtran_HOWTO.pdf which cames along with the style file), though I don't
know how it can be used from LyX. Not important at the moment for me.

The same HOWTO contains lots of LaTeX tricks and I recommended that
everyone using the class reads it even if using LyX.

IEEEtran biography (IEEE)

2003-12-29 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
I'm using oldish LyX 1.1.6fix4 and newer IEEEtran package (IEEEtran.cls
2002/11/18 version V1.6b). How is the Biography environment supposed to be
used? A single entry works fine, but I don't know how to insert several
biographies one after another without another environment in between (I
inserted a hard space ctrl+space with standard environment between two
biographies, works, but feels dumb.) Also I don't know if it's possible to
insert author photos without ERT?

I found this which tells how to use real photos there[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg12625.html

but it doesn't help for the first problem, seems to have the same problem
(might help possibly later when I really want the photos there, for now
blank placeholders are fine).

I also tried manually entering something like

\begin{biography}{Name Name}

and using ERT, but I get strange error "use of \\biography doesn't match
its definition" (with two slashes!).

Also any other tips/links concerning using the IEEEtran class are welcomed.

Re: My thesis that was set in LyX

2003-12-18 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
On Thu, 18 Dec 2003, Christian Ridderström wrote:

>> Henrik Edlund wrote:
>> > My thesis that I set in LyX is available below for those who wants to see
>> > what can be done nicely in LyX (with the help of LaTeX of course):
>> >

Well, maybe I should also mention that my thesis is available at
with a few other papers, slides, and posters, everything made (more or
less) with LyX.

>I assume that the conversion would mostly be a matter of removing the
>actual contents of the thesis, and perhaps replacing titles etc with

Would you mind if not removing the content? Maybe I could then put my
thesis there too but I'm a bit lazy to do the removal job.

Re: Gnuplot External Material

2003-12-03 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
On Tue, 2 Dec 2003, Dave Tweten wrote:

>Has someone come up with template verbiage for gnuplot that I can just

I guess you don't have exactly this in mind but maybe this is useful for
somebody else, here's the keywords for archive:
plotting external data with gnuplot

The Gnuplot script below can be executed in batch with "gnuplot file.txt".
It reads files "data1.txt" and "data2.txt" which should contain
X-Y pairs which one wants to plot like this:
12 30
15 35
20 40
(ie. very simple). The points are drawn from both files into the
graph and then an approximated line is drawn through the points.
Finally the image is saved into an "koe.eps" file which could be imported
into lyx. In my opinion the Gnuplot commands are a bit tricky, so I hope
this helps someone. Specifically without the "set output /dev/null" in the
beginning I didn't get it to work right.

set terminal dumb
set output '/dev/null'
set ylabel "ylabeltext"
set xlabel "xlabeltext"
set key right bottom
plot [*:*] [*:*] 'data1.txt' notitle with points pt 1
replot 'data1.txt' smooth csplines title 'data1label' with lines lt 1
replot 'data2.txt' notitle with points pt 1
set terminal postscript eps
set output 'koe.eps'
replot 'data2.txt' smooth csplines title 'data2label' with lines lt 2

Re: newspaper printing

2003-11-13 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
On Thu, 13 Nov 2003, Hartmut Haase wrote:

>I want to print A4 pages on A3 in a newspaper fashion, i. e. the sequence

I'm not quite sure what you mean, but with psutils and especially with
pstops you can do many kind of tricks after exported the files as
postscript. Read the manpages.

Re: Gantt chart and lyx

2003-10-21 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
On Tue, 21 Oct 2003, Rajil Saraswat wrote:

>Has anybody tried this before? I can see some links on the wiki but the
>mailing list doesnt return anything useful.

If I remember correctly what are Gantt charts, I drew some using MrProject.
It was some time ago, and then the only succesfull way to export it
into LyX was as bitmap image using screen snapshot (no nice eps).

cropping postscript?

2003-09-10 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
Is there a way to crop arbitrary subrectangle from a postscript file, from
arbitrary position?

I tried printing 218x91.5 cm page (landscape), but the printer run out of
memory and printed only 120x91.5 cm from the right part of the page (well,
poster...). So now I want to crop the page and print _left_ part of the
page, using page size of about 98x91.5 or so.

I tried using psutils (pstops) but couldn't achieve that... I also tried
editing "BoundingBox" in the Postscript  file by hand (is it that which
tells the printer what page size to use?). This way I was able to crop the
right half of the page, leaving out the left part... which is just the
opposite what I'm trying to do.

Re: LARGE text please

2003-08-01 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
On Fri, 1 Aug 2003, briang wrote:

>I want to produce an A4 page with a mixture of text sizes including a
>bold 72point "REMINDER".

Try something like

\newfont{\scaledfont}{cmr12 scaled 3000}
This is large font.

in red TeX, change 3000 to any size you like.

Re: Poster layout ?

2003-08-01 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
Now that the topic popped up--I'm making a poster too soon, or two actually

On Fri, 1 Aug 2003, Andre Poenitz wrote:

>I'd think LyX is the wrong tool for a poster. You do not win over plait
>LaTeX as you'd probably have to shuffle around lots of small boxes

Anyone have a simple poster example which shows how to define the boxes and
their places, place math & figures & text inside them, and use good big
font sizes?

What is the right tool anyway? LaTeX, TeX, or Xfig?

llncs and references problem (1.1.6fix4)

2003-06-24 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
I'm trying to use the llncs style. But if I use the "Bibliography" style, I
get three LaTeX errors for each reference:
LaTeX error: something's wrong--perhaps a missing \item.
I exported to TeX and renamed the \lyxbibliography in the \begin{} and
\end{} to \thebibliography. Now it works. But I can't do this in LyX
(AFAIK), so I tried to fix in the LyX by adding red TeX command:
just before the bibliography. Now it doesn't give errors, but the last
reference is unintended by a large amount, which is astounding. Example:

Any idea how to make it properly in LyX? I'm using oldish version 1.1.6fix4
because I haven't found newer version as Debian 3.0 package and it's fine

Re: Lighter Version

2003-06-16 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
On Mon, 16 Jun 2003, Preben Randhol wrote:

>> I am trying to run LyX on my old P166, but it gets too slow. So, I was
>> wondering if:
>I have a P166 and I don't have a problem with lyx. I use the xforms

Summary: CPU speed doesn't matter so much, but you _really_ must have
enough memory. By running a light window manager, such as IceWM, and no
useless background programs, you should be able to go with as little as 16
MB. I used to have LyX with 8 MB and I tend to believe it was usable but I
wouldn't recommend that to anyone.

Never use KDE nor Gnome unless you have 64 MB or so memory.

Also, do you use Qt or Xforms GUI? Xforms is faster (takes less memory), I

>> 2 - Can I convert .rtf to .lyx?

LyX Tips/FAQ at has a list of converters. I don't remember if
that one was listed.

Big parentheses over multiple lines of multiline equation

2003-03-21 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
As the subject says, how can I insert big parentheses into my
multiline equation such that the left parenthesis is on line before the
right parenthesis? Using the standard parenthesis instead of Alt-M ( works
but gives too small parenthesis. I don't mind too much even if I have to
size them by hand (althought automatically resizing parentheses would be

I'm (still) using LyX 1.1.6fix4.

Re: ps2eps question

2003-03-13 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
On Wed, 12 Mar 2003, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

>white space. I am trying to get rid of it by using ps2eps. However, the new
>figure looses some of its content (at the borders). Its showing up after

You mean ps2eps by Roland Bless? Try options -s30x30 -l -B (and read the

Re: Export to HTML, No math. image!

2003-03-04 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
>> Thanks for the reply.  I gave up on latex2html in the end as it wasn't
>> even creating the inline maths graphics correctly from the command line! I
>> don't know if it just my mandrake 9,0 system (set up as default) but the
>> formulae where completely wrong and in the wrong place.

This has happened to me too (the formulas were correct but in wrong
places). If I recall correctly, it started working when I removed all
(.eps) images from my document.

This is Debian 3.0, including latex2html 2000-beta1-5.

Re: Inserting an URL: not anyone?

2003-01-22 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
On Tue, 21 Jan 2003, Raymond Ouellette wrote:

>I can't insert in a LyX document an URL if it contains certain characters.

Another problem are spaces in the URLs. They will silently disappear in the
output. E.g. if I insert an URL:
"Hello There"
it will appear as
Not nice.

(this is lyx 1.1.6fix4, Debian 3.0)

Re: Problem in postscript view in gv when page is landscape.

2002-12-29 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
On Mon, 23 Dec 2002, Ananda Murthy R S wrote:

>The document uses a4 size paper in landscape mode. When I do Ctrl-t to
>view the postscript, gv automatically selects landscape mode, but the
>page is not completely displayed. If I now select portrait or

This is an /old/ problem. It has bothered me for years but apparently
nobody has found a fix. The same bug is also in mgv and ghostview, or maybe
it is in ghostscript.

Sometimes it helps to select "use package geometry" from the lyx dialog, or
vice versa.

Re: LyX 1.2.2/xforms 1.0 on debian powerpc

2002-12-18 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
On 18 Dec 2002, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

>Good to know that we actually fixed these powerpc problems. It is
>always difficult to be sure without access to a machine.

Have you thought about using SourceForge compile farm? I haven't
used it but it should be something similar what you need:

It likely requires, though, that the user is a member of some
project in SourceForge. But maybe some LyX developers would be
also member in a SourceForge project?

Re: [ANNOUNCE] LyX 1.2.2 is released

2002-12-17 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
On Tue, 17 Dec 2002, Stephan Witt wrote:

>existant. I think it should be a lookup of strcpy instead.

No, stpcpy is just right. Man stpcpy:

   stpcpy - copy a string returning a pointer to its end

Sharp observation, anyway. :)

Re: linux magazine about lyx

2002-12-09 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
On Mon, 9 Dec 2002, Matej Cepl wrote:


The same place.

> not the last but one before the last issue and

Well, from the web page:

>Issue 26
>Dec 02 / Jan 03
>Out: Fri, 13 Dec

So issue 26 is not yet out -> 25 is the latest, right?
Or what date is "Dec 02"?

The article about LyX is in #25, in any case.

linux magazine about lyx

2002-12-09 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
If nobody noticed, there was an article about LyX in the latest Linux
Magazine. It looked like it would have continuation in later issues.
(I think there's probably many Linux Magazines, this one looked like the UK

Re: paragraph

2002-12-04 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
On Wed, 4 Dec 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>line1 : value1
>line2 : value2
>  line__3 : value__3
>line4 : value__4

You could use table with 3 columns, left column right aligned, middle
column contains ":" and right column left aligned.

Re: Discussion on outline/layout mode for LyX

2002-12-04 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
On Wed, 4 Dec 2002, Matej Cepl wrote:

>There is much more in what is traditionally called outliner

Could you some examples of the features?

>programs than just folding. Outliners are unfortunately pretty
>rare these days, but there were some excellent ones on M$-DOS --
>MaxThink was my favorite (see for the

Aurora! My favorite, I used it long time with DOSEMU even after switching
to Linux. Or were you talking about word processors (Aurora was a text
editor). Something like this I really miss in Linux... FTE is closest but
it's missing many other important features. Someday I'll learn Emacs and
see what comes out of it.

Re: Herbert's pages down? --- ok from work, but fails from home????

2002-12-04 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
On Wed, 4 Dec 2002, Christian Ridderström wrote:

>Thanks... I tried it, but it's not that much of use to me since my
>webserver doesn't support php.. I guess the long term solution would be to

Well, it works for me just fine without any webserver, I just opened the
main page with Konqueror. The *.php files are shown just fine, formatted.

Re: Herbert's pages down? --- ok from work, but fails from home????

2002-12-04 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
>> Anyway, there is also supposed to be a .tar-ball of Herbert's tips and
>> trick somewhere, does anybody know? Or if there is a mirror somewhere?
>The archive file isn't there anymore. I wanted to download it a few
>days ago, even sent a query to check - without answer yet.

There's my old copy:

Re: native Windows LyX?

2002-11-28 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
On Thu, 28 Nov 2002, Stefaan Himpe wrote:

>Only the UNIX version is GPL-ed. For windows there's a binary only
>"non-commercial" version of Qt 2.x.

Of course, anyone is free to port the GPL'd version of Qt to Windoze...
then again, why bother?

Re: native Windows LyX?

2002-11-28 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
On Thu, 28 Nov 2002, robin wrote:

>That's not a problem anyway - a GPLed program can utilise external
>proprietary programs (xforms wasn't GPLed until very recently).

A GPL'd program can link to a non-free library _only_ if the non-free
library is part of the operating system. LyX has always had a _modified_
GPL license, which has allowed it to be linked with Xforms. A pure GPL
program couldn't be linked with Xforms (unless Xforms is GPL too).

>From GPL:
  However, as a
special exception, the source code distributed need not include
anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
itself accompanies the executable.

Re: MS Word and Lyx

2002-11-27 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
On Wed, 27 Nov 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>How can I convert Documents from MS-Word to Lyx-format?

 Word2TeX 32-bit 1.0 Intelligent 32-bit External converter for Microsoft
Word 7.0 (or later) to TeX ... :-))

Btw, does anybody happen to know a program for converting HTML to
LyX/TeX/LaTeX? Can't find from the Herbert's page.

Re: Convert PS to EPS

2002-11-26 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
On Tue, 26 Nov 2002, Jeroen Vriesman wrote:

>Somewhere in my memory there is a note about pstoeps (or ps2eps) being
>part of ¨gsview¨.

Not really: ghostscript is the package you mean, and it comes with ps2epsi
but it's not the right tool for this. Better is ps2eps:

# ps2eps - convert PostScript to EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) files
# (C)opyright 1999-2001 Roland Bless

Which is a perl script that also computes correct bounding box.
Surprisingly it seems _not_ to be part of Debian, maybe not other Linuxes
either so that it might be not so easy to find (I remember having some
trouble even with Google, but it should be in TeX archives, I believe. And
if not, here's a copy anyway:

And yes, first check out archives before asking :)

Re: Antialised fonts?

2002-11-11 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
On Thu, 7 Nov 2002, Yann Collete wrote:

>What about a management of the fonts needed by lyx "ala xdvi" ?

Possible: TeXmacs in fact does this. However, it's better to use
XFree86/freetype engine, because
- When it gets improved, LyX will too
- It supports subpixel antialiasing (great on laptops)

Re: creating local texmf directory

2002-11-04 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
On Sun, 3 Nov 2002, Paul Tremblay wrote:

>Could someone tell me how to create a local texmf directory? I have been

Easy way: edit /etc/profile (if you're using bash) and add these lines:

if [ -x $HOME/texmf ]; then
   export TEXINPUTS=$HOME/texmf:

Then create directory ~/texmf and copy your files to it.

However, in my Debian system, file /etc/texmf/texmf.cnf contains line
which adds directory ~/texmf to the TeX directory tree--but it is not so
easy to use, because you can not simply copy files to ~/texmf, but
you must create a valid directory tree structure there, or TeX won't find
the files. So, if you're not using the TEXINPUTS variable, you must do:
mkdir -p ~/texmf/tex/latex/local
and copy class files (.cls) in the above created directory.

Re: extracting a figure from .ps file

2002-11-04 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
On Fri, 1 Nov 2002, Matthieu Amiguet wrote:

>I'm looking for a way to extract a figure from a .ps file to include it in

Use "psrip".
I think there was also another very similar program, but psrip looked
slightly better.

Re: Small poll - Results (fwd)

2002-10-28 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
Maybe this was supposed to go to the list?

On Mon, Oct 28, 2002 at 06:00:14PM +0200, Tuukka Toivonen wrote:
> Maybe you should have mentioned what new features LyX has, for which people
> need to wait longer if they want to have Qt too?

Better search and replace.
Instant dvi preview e.g. for math.
Ability to read any .lyx down to version 0.10.
Smoother cursor navigation.
Smoother handling of Cut&Paste.
Support for "short" section titles etc.
Support for wasy Symbols.
Re-worked counters.
Two or three new .layouts.
Even "somewhat working Qt frontend"
And of course loads of bugfixes.
And probably some more.


picture in fancyfooter?

2002-10-25 Thread Tuukka Toivonen
Inserting a picture (or table) in fancy header works fine:


...and then I can just put some inline picture inside the brackets.
However, the same doesn't work with


LyX gives me 38 Latex errors, the first is
"Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted). \end{document}"

Any idea?

Re: Including CVS $Log$ tag in LyX doxument

2002-09-24 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

On 24 Sep 2002, Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:

>what if you put a newcommand in the preamble
>and put "\mylog" in ert somewhere in the document?

I think this might actually work. Daniel, could you try it?

>you should insert the \begin{verbatim} parts as well.

I did, but just left out it from the quote. Here's the full ERT lines:

\latex latex

\layout Standard

\latex latex
\layout Standard

\latex latex


...but in preamble it looks much better:


Re: Including CVS $Log$ tag in LyX doxument

2002-09-24 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

On 24 Sep 2002, Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:

>what happens if you put this in a ERT?

I don't use CVS, but trying with hand: when this is saved, it'll look in
.lyx file something like this:

\latex latex

When CVS modifies this, it'll replace it with multiple lines:

\latex latex
$Log version string$
Some other
lines here

When this is now loaded back to LyX, the lines are concatenated. When it's
again saved, the result is:

\latex latex
$Log version string$Some otherlines here

...and now CVS probably doesn't understand it anymore.

Re: Including CVS $Log$ tag in LyX doxument

2002-09-24 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

On Tue, 24 Sep 2002, Daniel Clark/Cambridge/IBM wrote:

>text editor, however it still shows up in LyX as a single line and doesn't
>show up in created  .dvi, .pdf, .ps, .html etc. files at all (which is

Right. You could try using this instead:


\cvsver will the print the CVS version string where ever you insert it. It
will be displayed actually in math mode, so it's in italic. I hope it
doesn't matter.

You could also use:


which will print the CVS version string without $-characters.

>I'm guessing % must be the TeX comment character?

Yes, it is.

Re: Including CVS $Log$ tag in LyX doxument

2002-09-24 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

On Tue, 24 Sep 2002, Daniel Clark/Cambridge/IBM wrote:

>I'd like to have a section of a LyX document be revision history using the
>CVS $Log$ tag. The problem is that LyX seems to reformat the $Log$ entry,

Try typing
% $Log$
And marking whole line as red TeX. Or you could type the same into
Layout/Latex Preamble.

LyX also has build-in version control, which uses probably rcs.
File/Version Control. I've heard it's quite simple, though.

Re: encapsulated PostScript

2002-09-10 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

On Tue, 10 Sep 2002, R. Josh wrote:

>I need writing mathematical lectures, but don't know how to generate
>figures in *.eps format, whith what software. Thank you for your kind and

Any good (and even bad) software should be able to generate EPS. For
example xfig.

Re: [] Feedback from

2002-08-15 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

>  click on 'landscape' on gv, I cannot see all text of this
>  example (it is cut on left side).

I have had this same problem. I think it is a bug in either gv or
ghostscript (I would suspect gv but also ghostview and other viewers have
the same problem).

It sometimes works if you select Layout/Document/Paper and select "Use
Geometry Package".

>  However, I can get it work if I do the following:
>  1) convert 'lyx' file to latex
>  2) dvips landslide.dvi -o -t landscape
>  3) gv
>   now if I use 'landscape' option in gv, I can see all
>   text.

I didn't know this. I will try this next time when I encounter the problem.

Re: Using ws-procs9x6.cls class with LyX

2002-08-02 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

On 1 Aug 2002, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

>In the address layout, add
>  InTitle 1
>Hope this helps.

Thanks, it helped. After adding these lines to the .layout file, everything
was good:

Style Address
  CopyStyle Name
  LatexName address
  LabelString   "Address:"
  InTitle 1

(there's probably some useless lines too, inherited from some other layout

Using ws-procs9x6.cls class with LyX

2002-08-01 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

I'll submit a paper to IWSSIP'02 and they gave a pointer to class files at
(apparently it's 9.00" x 6.00" what we'll supposed to use)

As explained in Herbert's LyX-Tips, I created a LyX .layout file for the
class (from article.layout), after which reLyX succeeded.

However, with "view postscript" I get a wrong result for "address" field.
Comparing the result of "export as tex" and the given example file, I
notice that the problem is because LyX puts \maketitle too early.

- LyX creates:
\author{C.~E. JIM and S.~V. LUCY}
\address{{World Scientific Publishing Co., Inc}}

- However, to work it *should* be:
\title{Instructions for Producing a Camera-...}
\author{C.~E. JIM and S.~V. LUCY}
\address{World Scientific Publishing Co., Inc, }

Can I change this somehow? Or even better, does anyone have premade
template for this class (ws-procs9x6)?

Re: Conversion question (LyX -> Word)

2002-06-25 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

On Tue, 25 Jun 2002, Walter H. van Holst wrote:

>I tried latex2html, but that resulted in multiple files. But thanks,

You can change this behaviour with "-split" option (read the manual).
There might be other useful options, too.

Re: Conversion question (LyX -> Word)

2002-06-25 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

On Tue, 25 Jun 2002, Walter H. van Holst wrote:

>option to make it usable for my coach. Faculty standards however
>require a electronic version in a single file that is readable by
>MS-Word. PDF is not readably by Word. So far I haven't found any free

Awful standards... why not require everything to be readable with Wordstar?

>tools to convert my document to a MS-Word document. Does anyone here
>have a suggestion to end up with a single file that is readable by

Convert to HTML, then read it and save with word. For LyX->HTML conversion
there are couple of tools (see If
you don't have heavy formulas, tth is probably just fine. Otherwise, try
latex2html, but at least for me it didn't really work at all :(

Then there's latex2rtf but I have never tried it. And hevea, too.

Re: Good graphics in pdf

2002-06-18 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

On Tue, 18 Jun 2002, Gunther Stahl wrote:

>After writing with Lyx 1.1.5.fix2 and exporting the thesis to .ps I result in a
>200 MB file (because of a lot of graphics). This is obviously to large to give

I recommend you to try compressing it with gzip, or preferable with bzip2.
My experience is that bzip2 compressed postscript is smaller than
equivalent pdf (even compressed).

>it to the library for downloads. So I want to produce a .pdf. Using ps2pdf
>results in a 10 MB file but the quality of the Images becomes really bad. I

Probably ps2pdf compressed the images with lossy compression, which makes
the file size small but image quality ugly. There have been some discussion
about this on this list, maybe you could find something of help from the
list archives.

>once tried to use the Acrobat Distiller and the result was much better. So: Is

What was the pdf file size then?

(Ps. if somebody wants to look my Diploma Thesis, it available at
and written completely with LyX, figures drawn with Xfig. Sorry, no LyX
source available, but if somebody really wants it, I suppose I can give it)

Re: Some problems with lyx 1.1.6fix4 in math mode

2002-05-03 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

On Fri, 3 May 2002, Olivier Ripoll wrote:

>I know in previous times, left clicking on [ would select [ as left
>bracket, right clicking on } would select } as right bracket, but this
>does not work for me. Actually I cannot have any parenthesis apart from

I hope you also remembered to click "Ok"...

>"()", the default one. I have tried to use \{ directly in the math
>inset, it appears in red, but does not show in the output.

No, try this:
Alt-M {
Alt-M [
Alt-M (
(or Meta instead of Alt)
this should insert both left and right bracket, similarly as the math

>How can I force LyX to actually save the TeX code i entered.

This has always bugged me... :(

Re: word count

2002-05-03 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

On Fri, 3 May 2002, R.G.N. Meegama wrote:

>How can I count the total number of words (including the words in
>figure captions) in a lyx document ?

The spellchecker tells the word count after it's finished. But I don't know
if it includes captions etc., try it.

Re: generation of pdf

2002-05-02 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

On Thu, 2 May 2002, Joeri Verbiest wrote:

>I have some problems to generate a pdf (also a dvi view) of my book,
>after 1 hour I get still no result. What is the problem? Is it because

Try exporting your document as "latex" and then running latex manually. It
should display messages what it is doing. Or start lyx from xterm or other
text window, I think also that displays latex messages on screen.

It takes a long time to generate fonts, but that shouldn't depend much on
the document size. My thesis is 85 pages it takes just a moment to process

Re: Header logo

2002-04-25 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

On Thu, 25 Apr 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>If I would like to have a "header" of my document which will include
>an image as a logo how can I define this

Take a look at
There's a pretty complex example.


2002-04-22 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

On Mon, 22 Apr 2002, Peter Prevos wrote:

>I would like to create pdf files from my LyX files, but when I do that I get
>a very nasty looking PDF file. The fonts look horrible.

That a problem with Acroread. You could select "pslatex" from
Layout/Document/Fonts menu in LyX. That should be the easiest fix (but
there are other better fixes too).

Re: latex2html misplaces images/converting to m$ word

2002-04-08 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

On Mon, 8 Apr 2002, Andre Poenitz wrote:

>I have lately used 'hevea' for .tex (.lyx) to .html conversion and I am

Thanks for suggestion, but the problem is same as with tth: it doesn't
handle well enough the equations. With some other document with less math
it would be a good solution.

Re: latex2html misplaces images/converting to m$ word

2002-04-08 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

On Mon, 8 Apr 2002, Tuukka Toivonen wrote:

>I forgot to mention that I used "psrip" to extract the EPS files from
>Postscript document. They look suspicious, maybe the problem is this.

Well it's not, I removed all eps figures (leaving only equations)  and
there's still the same problem. I cut down the .tex file, and just can not
see any pattern why latex2html fails on this. Can anyone help? I'm using
Debian Woody with its stock latex2html 2000-beta1-5.

When converting the following example, anything.eps doesn't show at all but
is replaced with text "inline-math-here". And "inline-math-here" is not in
the text as inline.

Text here doesnt matter what.
Line that contains math, inline math next $inline-math-here$ end of inline

Re: latex2html misplaces images/converting to m$ word

2002-04-08 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

On Mon, 8 Apr 2002, Tuukka Toivonen wrote:

>after I exported from LyX as TeX and tried running latex2html, I can't get
>it working properly. I get:

I forgot to mention that I used "psrip" to extract the EPS files from
Postscript document. They look suspicious, maybe the problem is this.

latex2html misplaces images/converting to m$ word

2002-04-08 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

I need to convert my document to word doc-file. I thought about converting
from lyx to html and the converting this to .doc with staroffice. However,
after I exported from LyX as TeX and tried running latex2html, I can't get
it working properly. I get:

Warning: No implementation found for option: `american' for `article'
Warning: No implementation found for option: `T1' for `fontenc' package
Warning: No implementation found for option: `17pt' for `extsizes' package
,,,Arguments to csname are too complex ...
It will not be processed unless used in another environment
which is passed to LaTeX whole for processing.
,,Arguments to SF@gobble@twobracket are too complex ...
It will not be processed unless used in another environment
which is passed to LaTeX whole for processing.
Warning: No implementation found for option: `american' for `article'
Warning: No implementation found for package: times.
Warning: No implementation found for package: fontenc..
Warning: No implementation found for package: geometry..
Warning: No implementation found for package: algorithm.
Warning: No implementation found for package: extsizes..
pstoimg: Error: Cannot find file "/tmp/l2h3565/": No such file
or directory
Error while converting image
Error: Cannot read 'img55.png': No such file or directory
Unknown commands: else SF endcsname ifx fi let noexpand geometry

It's quite straightforward document, so I wouldn't expect problems. The
only custom command in preamble is
but it doesn't help removing this. I have some eps figures in the document,
and they work fine with PostScript output.

i tried editing the .tex file and removing everything unneeded. Still
doesn't work. I'm using package algorithm (ie. algorithm floats), which
might not be supported in latex2html.

Re: integration does not show on the lyx

2002-03-06 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

On Tue, 5 Mar 2002, Richard Wang wrote:

>I find the \int can not be shown on the lyx, and the subscript doesn't

Maybe it is a font problem. Try changing your font configuration (e.g.
order of font paths) and explore mailing list archives, specifically this:

Re: Huge size of lyx binary

2002-02-27 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

On 27 Feb 2002, Ernesto Jardim wrote:

>Just now I noticed that the lyx binary is about 45MB is it so !? Is
>there something wrong ?

If it works, no, not really wrong. It probably has debug information
included. If you are not trying to find bugs from LyX, you probably don't
need it and can remove the debug information with the command:
strip lyx

Re: TeX Tutorials??

2002-02-12 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

On Tue, 12 Feb 2002, Roberto Hernandez wrote:

>The big question is: where can I find some online, entry-level tutorials

Usually there are tutorials installed in LaTeX distributions.
In my Linux they are in directory
for example lshort.dvi, and essential.dvi (you can read DVI files with
xdvi). If not there, search with "locate lshort".

If you're using your own Linux, you might want to check if there are
packages (e.g. RPMs or DEBs) that contain LaTeX or teTeX documentation.

Re: Lyx Figure Rendering

2002-02-08 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

On Mon, 28 Jan 2002, Tuukka Toivonen wrote:

>I'm having rendering errors. 23 of 31 images do not display this time,
>so the percentage is big although some images randomly do display.

Just noticed something I previously hadn't, if I start lyx
from terminal window, it says:

Xlib: XDM authorization key matches an existing client!
Error: Couldn't find per display information
GS [12590] error 256 E:1 1 S:0 0
Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server

(Debian Woody, gs 6.51, Xfree 4)

Re: References / bibliographies

2002-02-08 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

On Fri, 8 Feb 2002, Roberto Hernandez wrote:

>Sarah Mount wrote:
>There's one caveat if you're using the package Babel. Since it redefines
>   the titles, you need to do one of two things:

...if you put the command in the preamble. Another alternative,
as I like to do, is to avoid the preamble dialog as much as
possible and insert commands in the document. I think
that the Xforms editing capabilities in the dialog window
are pretty poor.

Re: References / bibliographies

2002-02-08 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

On Fri, 8 Feb 2002, Sarah Mount wrote:

>I want to have a list of references without the "References" section

Well, the easiest way is to write
in red TeX style somewhere, but I'm sure the next poster
says that this solution is wrong and suggests a better one :)

Re: Small Xforms fonts with Hi-res laptop

2002-02-08 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

On Fri, 8 Feb 2002, Peter D Drummond wrote:

>BUT - if you look at menus, all the Xforms fonts in the menus and
>icons become incredibly tiny - obviously they aren't scaling
>correctly. I can't find any information on how to fix this.

Have you tried setting DisplaySize option in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
(or the resolution/dpi setting if you're using XFree 3.x)?

You might also have success by editing FontPath settings
in the same configuration file. Specifically, 100dpi fonts
should be before 75dpi fonts (or you might remove the
line that defines 75dpi fonts completely).

Re: pdflatex: capacity exceeded (but latex ok)

2002-02-05 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

On Tue, 5 Feb 2002, Herbert Voss wrote:

>> ! Undefined control sequence.
>> \find@pdflink ...ode \protected@edef \Hy@testname
>>   {#2}\ifx \Hy@testname
>> \@em...
>> l.9 ...{\numberline {1}Introduction}{8}{section.5}
>what happens with \let\Hy@testname{} ??

The error message (and many other similar errors) disappears (if I
put that  command after command \makeatletter). However, the following
errors then remain:

! Missing control sequence inserted.

l.9 ...{\numberline {1}Introduction}{8}{section.5}


If I keep pressing enter it gives the similar error a few more times
but finally produces a readable pdf file. However, at least the TOC
is messed up. When there should be
and so and, there is instead

and the section titles are not hyperlinked to the section
beginnings. However, sub(sub)sections work perfectly.
If you remember, I had some magic commands in preamble
to convert all section headings to upper case:

% Set toplevel section style
 \ifx \aftercontents \undefined
 { }
 \@startsection {section}{1}{\z@}%
 {-3.5ex \@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
 {2.3ex \@plus.2ex}%
% {\normalfont\centering\large\bfseries\uppercase}%

...maybe this is which confuses pdflatex (but not latex).
On the other hand, I have lots of other commands in preamble
too, which I barely understand.

Re: pdflatex: capacity exceeded (but latex ok)

2002-02-05 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

On Tue, 5 Feb 2002, Herbert Voss wrote:

>> ! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [pool size=65382].
>problem. you can try to increase it un /etx/texmf/texmf.cnf

Yes, it works, thanks. Still pdflatex doesn't work
(it gives now other errors) while latex does. I'm
still investigating it.

Well, why keep it secret. Here's the error messages
(but don't waste your time reading it before I have
first tried to solve it myself! :)

! Undefined control sequence.
\find@pdflink ...ode \protected@edef \Hy@testname
  {#2}\ifx \Hy@testname
l.9 ...{\numberline {1}Introduction}{8}{section.5}


(this comes only at the second run of pdflatex,
not first. If I keep pressing enter, it gives
few more errors and produces an invalid pdf file)

pdflatex: capacity exceeded (but latex ok)

2002-02-05 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

My thesis in finally practically finished :)
It latexes well even if there are complex settings,
but pdflatex fails. It says:

Overfull \hbox (1.98276pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 386--386
Overfull \hbox (14.02773pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 388--388

LaTeX Warning: Float too large for page by 35.5513pt on input line 392.

! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [pool size=65382].
\label ...trip@prefix \meaning \@currentlabelname
l.396 \subsection{Standards\label{standards}}

!  ==> Fatal error occurred, the output PDF file not finished!
Transcript written on dtyo-pdf.log.

This error message is given in the very beginning (page 7 of 85).

I'm using Debian Woody, pdfTeX (Web2C 7.3.7)
3.14159-1.00a-pretest-2004-ojmw, ghostscript 6.51.
The tex source for pdflatex is same as for latex, except
that I changed all ".eps"es to ".pdf" and converted my eps
images to pdf with epstopdf.

If pdflatex doesn't work, I will try to learn how to
use hyperref with standard latex... it would be nice
to have hyperlinks in the pdf file.

Re: php-pages on don't work

2002-02-04 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

On Mon, 4 Feb 2002, Zarathustra wrote:

>I don't notice this (Konqueror-2.2.2)

It seems to be working again. Congratulations
to whoever fixed it!

php-pages on don't work

2002-02-04 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

I was actually going to ask how to change subfigure caption font size, but
I found the solution myself, it is:

Anyway, I noticed that PHP-files don't get executed in,
but instead I saw the raw PHP-source code instead of expected HTML.
(happened at least with Herbert's lyx-tips section)

Re: bibliography ,footnote,date: ok. Some further aid , if possible,please:spellchecker, export to Latex and a curiosity

2002-01-30 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

On Wed, 30 Jan 2002, Crlfr wrote:

>2) I have then to export my document in LateX format on a "PC IBM formatted
>"  floppy. Is it absolutely sure and safe this export operation from Lyx to
>LateX, as I suppose, or may I have some conversion problem between the two

After you have exported your file to "file.tex" or something, try
giving the following command

latex file.tex

It should produce file.dvi, which you can view with "xdvi file.dvi".
If that works, you can be 100% sure that the export works.

Generally there shouldn't be any problem, because each time
you select "View PS" LyX actually exports the document to
TeX and runs LaTeX automatically.

>curiosity: but then the people to whom it is addressed what kind of tool
>will probably use to read it? Can they read such exported file both in
>windows and in GNU/Linux or other S.O. Unix-like?


Re: IEEETran

2002-01-30 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

On Tue, 29 Jan 2002, Remzi Seker wrote:

>I can not seem to find IEEETran under layout>document>Class.

You have to download the IEEETran.cls (or something) and
copy it somewhere under texmf-directory. Then run texhash
and Reconfigure from LyX menu.

Then you should be able to use it, or at least it worked for me.
I copied IEEETran to /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/base/.

| Tuukka Toivonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   [PGP public key
| Homepage:   available]
| Try also finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Studying information engineering at the University of Oulu

Re: Please help about: bibliography, LateX preamble in LyX, footnote

2002-01-29 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

On Tue, 29 Jan 2002, Crlfr wrote:

>Hans, B.L. (1963). Quality control: Theory and Applications. Prentice-Hall,
>Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
>and so on...
>So no label is present beside each item.
>I have to be able to refer to those item in the article , as Bass (1966) and
>as Hans (1963) respectively.

It might be best just to write "References" (or whatever word you use) and
mark it as "Section*" style, for example. Ie. you wouldn't use LyX/LaTeX
bibliography style at all.

>reach my purpose, How can I insert the { and } for the latex command in the
>window opened by accessing the menu layout->Latex preamble? Is it possible

By pressing the keys that produce { or } characters. On my keyboard,
AltGr+7 or AltGr+0.

>that I need such parenthesis {} also in the main document for inserting some

The same for main document, but then you have also mark them as TeX style
(they'll show up as red).

>For example how can I insert there  /usepackage[bla,bla]{bla,bla} ?

You write that exactly as it is (and use \ instead of /, by the way).
Nothing more is necessary for preamble, for main document you also need
to select the command (eg. paint it as cyan with mouse) and press the TeX
button in the tool bar (again with mouse).

>3) I then have to introduce a biographical footnote. But I suppose, for

I don't know, but try reading
maybe you can find help there.

>4) When I insert the title and the author name it is automatically added
>also the date. I don't want it. How can I delete it?

Press Ctrl-Space which will produce an blue empty space, and set its style
as "Date" from the tool bar.

Re: Lyx Figure Rendering

2002-01-28 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

On Mon, 28 Jan 2002, Tuukka Toivonen wrote:

>gs --version


(sorry for the missing line)

Re: Lyx Figure Rendering

2002-01-28 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

On Mon, 28 Jan 2002, John Levon wrote:

>don't debian have a 6.52 package ? I believe this includes the necessary patch.

gs --version
Apparently not.

>Though given that some figures are rendering it sounds more like you are
>using the menus whilst rendering is completing which triggers the bug.

I tried to not even touch the menus (or even scrollbar) until the CPU-load
was zero, the only thing I did was to select the file from the File menu
to load it. Didn't seem to change anything, still images were mostly

Lyx Figure Rendering

2002-01-28 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

You wrote in November, as I saw in LyX-archives, but I couldn't find
out your email address, so this answer is public:

>Interesting. Can people email me privately to tell if they have rendering
>problems, if so, which versions of LyX, which versions of xforms, and
>which versions of ghostscript

I'm having rendering errors. 23 of 31 images do not display this time,
so the percentage is big although some images randomly do display.

I'm using newest Debian Woody packages: Lyx 1.1.6fix3, xforms 0.89,
gs 6.51.

(Help is appreciated. If I'll find Aladdin Ghostscript in .deb
-package, I might upgrade gs, althought I probably won't start
compiling it from sources--not so big problem)

Re: Difference between PDF (GNU Ghostscript) and PDF (latex)

2002-01-27 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

On Sat, 26 Jan 2002, Hanxue Lee wrote:

>1. Through GNU Ghostscript (first option in menu)
>2. Through PDF latex (second option in menu)
>Which one produces a higher quality output?

In my opinion, pdflatex creates higher quality output,
but it is more difficult to use.

- if you use pdflatex, your images must be in PDF format.
  But LyX can't then show them.
- With pdflatex, you can use hyperlinks with package hyperref.
  I don't know if it works with usual LaTeX which goes
  to PostScript (I would guess not).
- With pdflatex you can set the document title, keywords etc.
  that'll show with Acroread (not with xpdf :( )

Also, some latex document that I have written don't work with
pdflatex, but only with latex. I don't know why, they should.

Re: minimizing lyx dialogs minimizes main window too

2002-01-24 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

On Thu, 24 Jan 2002, Tuukka Toivonen wrote:

>When I minimize some LyX dialog, LyX main window gets
>minimized also. I don't want this because then I have

Me fool, it's not so. The LyX window *does* stay
maximized, but it is moved bottommost among other
windows, and that's the reason it disappears when
I minimize a dialog: another window that was previously
behind the LyX main window becomes above it.
And that's IceWM issue, sure.

I still don't understand why other programs don't behave similarly.

minimizing lyx dialogs minimizes main window too

2002-01-24 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

When I minimize some LyX dialog, LyX main window gets
minimized also. I don't want this because then I have
to maximize it again (but I like to have dialogs like
math panel minimized out of way)

I think it didn't do that before. Has the behaviour
changed and could it be changed back to the old?

Hmm. Maybe this is caused by my window manager.
I've always used IceWM, but maybe its behaviour
has been changed. Anyone aware of that?
Nevertheless, I don't have this problem with
other programs than LyX.

Re: Re: super/subscript

2002-01-18 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

>again, Alt-M M or Ctrl-M.
>By this method, your super- subscripts will by default be of normal size. To

Not if you select "AMS Math" from Document Layout/Extra. I forgot
to mention it because I always use it.

Re: super/subscript

2002-01-18 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

On Fri, 18 Jan 2002, Lars Ehrichs wrote:

>How do i use super- and subscribt with lyx ? I cannot find a button or a

Use math mode (Meta-M or Alt-M) and then ^ (superscript) or _ (subscript).
Press then again Meta-M which enters math-text-mode and allows you type
non-italic sub/superscripts.

Re: LaTeX Error: Command \c@lofdepth already defined

2002-01-17 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

On Thu, 17 Jan 2002, Dekel Tsur wrote:

>Use \usepackage[subfigure]{tocloft}

Thanks! It works now.

I suppose it wouldn't work with the older version of the
tocloft? Too bad, now the user is required to have correct
version of packages. Well, not a problem, nobody except
me should be able to LaTeX this document anyway... this time.

LaTeX Error: Command \c@lofdepth already defined

2002-01-17 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

I'm afraid this is LaTeX problem, not directly LyX.. anyway, here it goes.
When I try to LaTeX my document, I get the following two problems:

! LaTeX Error: Command \c@lofdepth already defined.
   Or name \end... illegal, see p.192 of the manual.

! LaTeX Error: Command \c@lotdepth already defined.
   Or name \end... illegal, see p.192 of the manual.

If I just press enter to keep going on, the result seems to be fine.
However, it disallows me from using "view ps" from LyX menu.

The problem happens only when I use subfigures from Figure menu.
Also I need to use \usepackage{tocloft} in the preamble,
without that the error doesn't appear.
It did *not* happen when I used teTeX with RedHat 6.2, but only
after I upgraded to Debian Woody and its tetex version.
The same file should work with RH 6.2.

I attached an example file (you need also tmp.eps, but any eps
image should go)

I'm using lyx 1.1.6fix3 (no fix4 yet in woody, it appears)

#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 218
\textclass scrartcl

\options bibtotocnumbered,pointednumbers,notitlepage,normalheadings
\language english
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme pslatex
\graphics default
\float_placement hbtp
\paperfontsize 12
\spacing single 
\papersize a4paper
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 1
\use_amsmath 1
\paperorientation portrait
\leftmargin 4.5cm
\topmargin 1cm
\rightmargin 2cm
\bottommargin 2cm
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Standard

A typica
\layout Standard

\begin_float fig 
\layout Standard
\align center 

\begin_inset Figure size 425 183
file tmp.eps
subcaption Decoder.
flags 9


\layout Caption

Typical video codec.

Re: Will this never end?

2002-01-16 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

On Tue, 15 Jan 2002, J.S. wrote:

>2. And what about the TOC's "Contents" and the Bibliography's
>"References"? My report is not in English!, is there any way to change
>those words to my language?

Select English in LyX, if it is not enough, you may need to configure
LaTeX. In teTeX that can be done with "texconfig" as root. Then
select the languages you want from the menus (this is necessary at
least for correct hyphenation)

Re: getting .sty file work with LyX

2002-01-07 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

On Mon, 7 Jan 2002, Tuukka Toivonen wrote:

>to work with LyX? I took the sty-file and appended, at the
>end, lines
>and in the beginning
>However, it still isn't a valid LaTeX file that I could simply

I found the solution: I inserted \makeatletter in the beginning
and then it latexed perfectly.

However, reLyX couldn't remove the comments automatically.
I had to issue command
sed 's,%.*,,g' tmp.tex
before reLyX accepted the input. Maybe it doesn't ignore
comments when splitting the tex file to preamble and the body,
because it looked like it would have splitted at a wrong place.

Now I have working lyx template for this:


(I can send it if anyone else is interested)

| Tuukka Toivonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   [PGP public key
| Homepage:   available]
| Try also finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Studying information engineering at the University of Oulu

getting .sty file work with LyX

2002-01-07 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

I'm writing a paper to ICIP'2002. There's a LaTeX
.sty file. Is there any *quick* and easy way to get it
to work with LyX? I took the sty-file and appended, at the
end, lines


and in the beginning


However, it still isn't a valid LaTeX file that I could simply
"import" to LyX (it complains about missing \begin{document} if I
try to latex it.) How could I import the style file into LyX?

What's the difference between allowed commands in .sty file and
.tex file preamble?

Re: Proceedings

2002-01-07 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

On Sun, 6 Jan 2002, Guido Milanese wrote:

>all the papers (normally written in Word) into LyX. I would like to
>obtain something like a series of "reports" (meaning the LaTeX

Not a LyX solution but: prepare a separate PostScript file, one
for each "report". Then join the separate files with psutils.
"psmerge" is the correct command, I think.
Of course this won't work if the same page might have parts
from two reports.

Re: Mathmode questions

2001-12-27 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

On Fri, 21 Dec 2001, Tomer Altman wrote:

>1. How can I add a vertical line between Matrix columns?

I'd like to hear that too. Especially, how to partition a matrix
into four quadrants with lines like a big "+" sign?

First I created the delimiter brackets for the matrix.
Then I made the line by using a Delimiter, with left one invisible and
right one a vertical line "|". Then I inserted horizontal lines
to both sides of the vertical line with math-fraction.
And finally I put a matrix with desired size to each of the quadrants
in the matrix.

Works, but isn't quite perfect. Specifically, the horizontal line
is "cut" by the vertical line.

>2. How can I change Matrix size / alignment after I created it and put
>values in it?

Create a new matrix and copy the elements from old one to the new?

>4. How do I fix/use the, probably, bug with Multi-line equations when I
>mistakely delete the 3rd Square and it becomes only 2?

Same problem here. You can press ctrl-enter, which fixes the columns
back to the normal three. If you want to delete the last line in a
multiline equation, create a new line (ctrl-enter), copy the second-to-
last line (which is now third) to the last line, and then delete
the two extra lines with ctrl-k. A bit tedious, but works for me.

>5. Is there a shortcut to insert delimeters? (opening math panel,
>pressing on delim button and apply sure does take lotsa time)

Alt-M [ and Alt-M ( does this for square and normal brackets.

>7. What's the correct way to insert Hexadecimal digits? (i've been using
>m-c r and the letter so it'll be straight)

Either that or math text mode, Alt-M M.

(skipped a few questions, sorry)

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