Images trop grande

2010-03-16 Thread VO
Les images sont correctement visibles dans LYX mais lors de la conversion en 
PDF ou DVi, l'image sort de la page (coté droit). L'image est simplement une 
copie d'une partie d'écran.
La taille de l'image ne s'adapte pas automatiquement?
Un grand merci pour votre aide.

Vesion: LYX 1.6.5
OS: Windows XP
Image format: png


Images trop grande

2010-03-16 Thread VO
Les images sont correctement visibles dans LYX mais lors de la conversion en 
PDF ou DVi, l'image sort de la page (coté droit). L'image est simplement une 
copie d'une partie d'écran.
La taille de l'image ne s'adapte pas automatiquement?
Un grand merci pour votre aide.

Vesion: LYX 1.6.5
OS: Windows XP
Image format: png


Images trop grande

2010-03-16 Thread VO
Les images sont correctement visibles dans LYX mais lors de la conversion en 
PDF ou DVi, l'image sort de la page (coté droit). L'image est simplement une 
copie d'une partie d'écran.
La taille de l'image ne s'adapte pas automatiquement?
Un grand merci pour votre aide.

Vesion: LYX 1.6.5
OS: Windows XP
Image format: png


Re: no hyphenation/word splitting

2003-12-03 Thread Herbert Vo
Raphael Clifford wrote:
While I'm about it there is something else I don't know how to do.  How 
do I turn off hyphenation so that words aren't split over different lines?
- for single words:  \mbox{hyphenation}
  or with package hyphenat and \nohyphen{ blah ...}
- for a paragraph:   \begin{sloppy} ... \end{sloppy}
- for the whole doc: \exhyphenpenalty=1\hyphenpenalty=1

Re: no hyphenation/word splitting

2003-12-03 Thread Herbert Vo
Raphael Clifford wrote:
While I'm about it there is something else I don't know how to do.  How 
do I turn off hyphenation so that words aren't split over different lines?
- for single words:  \mbox{hyphenation}
  or with package hyphenat and \nohyphen{ blah ...}
- for a paragraph:   \begin{sloppy} ... \end{sloppy}
- for the whole doc: \exhyphenpenalty=1\hyphenpenalty=1

Re: Format=Document=Page size not working

2003-12-02 Thread Herbert Vo
Marko wrote:

when trying to set the page size of a document to a custom size I notized that 
this does not work in Lyx 1.3.2 (QT frontend). Any custom size seems to be 
completely ignored! 
Attached are two small examples: test1 uses page size A5 (which works); test2 
uses a custom page size of 13x18cm (which does not work).
Any ideas?
enable the custom margins, then LyX enables the use
of the geometry package. But This is still a bug.

Re: Format=Document=Page size not working

2003-12-02 Thread Herbert Vo
Marko wrote:

when trying to set the page size of a document to a custom size I notized that 
this does not work in Lyx 1.3.2 (QT frontend). Any custom size seems to be 
completely ignored! 
Attached are two small examples: test1 uses page size A5 (which works); test2 
uses a custom page size of 13x18cm (which does not work).
Any ideas?
enable the custom margins, then LyX enables the use
of the geometry package. But This is still a bug.

Re: Roman numbers in the text

2003-11-26 Thread Herbert Vo
Samuel Hammer wrote:
does anyone know how to make roman numbers in the text ?
write in preamble:

and then in the text as ERT (TeX)


Re: Roman numbers in the text

2003-11-26 Thread Herbert Vo
Samuel Hammer wrote:
does anyone know how to make roman numbers in the text ?
write in preamble:

and then in the text as ERT (TeX)


Re: copyright symbol

2003-11-16 Thread Herbert Vo
Ed Sawicki schrieb:
Is there a way to enter the copyright symbol from the keyboard using
I've search the documentation and couldn't find it, so I used the ERT
button and put in \copyright.
AltGr-Shift-C on a Linux machine


Re: copyright symbol

2003-11-16 Thread Herbert Vo
Ed Sawicki schrieb:
Is there a way to enter the copyright symbol from the keyboard using
I've search the documentation and couldn't find it, so I used the ERT
button and put in \copyright.
AltGr-Shift-C on a Linux machine


Re: Problems with graphics

2003-11-02 Thread Herbert Vo
Mohamed Eldesoky schrieb:

I was following the discussion because I have the same problem.
Alas, your Kornel didn't show any errors, but it didn't show the graph n the 
generated dvi or pdf !!!
Alains problem was, that he insert the image into the
caption, which causes an error. It is a bit difficult
to insert a float in the right way. With Insert-Float
LyX is by default in the caption mode, where you
should not insert the image or tabular. Insert the
caption, hit enter and then the  image/table.
If you want the image/tabular before the caption, then
put the cursor in front of the caption and  then enter.

Re: Problems with graphics

2003-11-02 Thread Herbert Vo
Kornel Benko schrieb:

Yes, but for some reason this error was uncorrectable in his lyx-file.
You can cut the image from the caption line
and paste it into a new line with standard layout.
The only problem is, that LyX doesn't realize, that
there was a graphic inserted, so it doesn't write
into the preamble \usepackage{graphicx}.

Re: Problems with graphics

2003-11-02 Thread Herbert Vo
Mohamed Eldesoky schrieb:

I was following the discussion because I have the same problem.
Alas, your Kornel didn't show any errors, but it didn't show the graph n the 
generated dvi or pdf !!!
Alains problem was, that he insert the image into the
caption, which causes an error. It is a bit difficult
to insert a float in the right way. With Insert-Float
LyX is by default in the caption mode, where you
should not insert the image or tabular. Insert the
caption, hit enter and then the  image/table.
If you want the image/tabular before the caption, then
put the cursor in front of the caption and  then enter.

Re: Problems with graphics

2003-11-02 Thread Herbert Vo
Kornel Benko schrieb:

Yes, but for some reason this error was uncorrectable in his lyx-file.
You can cut the image from the caption line
and paste it into a new line with standard layout.
The only problem is, that LyX doesn't realize, that
there was a graphic inserted, so it doesn't write
into the preamble \usepackage{graphicx}.

Re: Problems with graphics

2003-11-01 Thread Herbert Vo
Alain DIDIERJEAN schrieb:

Thanks, Herbert, but renaming the image to von-neuman.bmp didn't make any 
difference. Here is the part of the file that makes a problem...
ok, I see. You put the graphic into the caption, named with the
label FIGURE#. Always hit enter and put the image before this
caption line. see attached file (click on the image to insert
this one new to get the right path)
#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 221
\textclass article
\language frenchb
\inputencoding latin9
\fontscheme default
\graphics none
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single 
\papersize a4paper
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\use_natbib 0
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\quotes_language french
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 2
\paperpagestyle headings

\layout Title

Introduction à l'algorithmique
\layout Author

\layout Date

octobre 2003
\layout Section

Quelques définitions
\layout Subsection

\layout Standard

Etude du modèle de Von Neuman
\begin_inset Foot
collapsed true

\layout Standard

John Von Neuman (1903 - 1957).
 Physicien et logicien né en Hongrie.

Re: Problems with graphics

2003-11-01 Thread Herbert Vo
Alain DIDIERJEAN schrieb:

Thanks, Herbert, but renaming the image to von-neuman.bmp didn't make any 
difference. Here is the part of the file that makes a problem...
ok, I see. You put the graphic into the caption, named with the
label FIGURE#. Always hit enter and put the image before this
caption line. see attached file (click on the image to insert
this one new to get the right path)
#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 221
\textclass article
\language frenchb
\inputencoding latin9
\fontscheme default
\graphics none
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single 
\papersize a4paper
\paperpackage a4
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\use_natbib 0
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\defskip medskip
\quotes_language french
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 2
\paperpagestyle headings

\layout Title

Introduction à l'algorithmique
\layout Author

\layout Date

octobre 2003
\layout Section

Quelques définitions
\layout Subsection

\layout Standard

Etude du modèle de Von Neuman
\begin_inset Foot
collapsed true

\layout Standard

John Von Neuman (1903 - 1957).
 Physicien et logicien né en Hongrie.

Re: error while compiling: \dimen exceeded

2003-10-17 Thread Herbert Vo
Jerome Schretter schrieb:
I know this problem should/could be posted to a (La)-TeX list too. But
maybe some of you can help me anyway.
I get this error while compiling lyx code:

log file:
Language: germanb 2001/01/26 v2.6k German support from the babel system
File: babel.def 2001/03/01 v3.7h Babel common definitions
! No room for a new \dimen .
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ...\else \errmessage {No room for a new #3}
l.619   \csname [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This error message was generated by an \errmessage
command, so I can't give any explicit help.
Pretend that you're Hercule Poirot: Examine all clues,
and deduce the truth by order and method.

I suppose you are using the xy package ...
And this is one of the problems of xy pic, it uses too
much counters. Try to use pstricks instead.

Re: error while compiling: \dimen exceeded

2003-10-17 Thread Herbert Vo
Jerome Schretter schrieb:
Actually no, I am using pictex.
yes, with xy I meant pictex.


Re: error while compiling: \dimen exceeded

2003-10-17 Thread Herbert Vo
Jerome Schretter schrieb:
I know this problem should/could be posted to a (La)-TeX list too. But
maybe some of you can help me anyway.
I get this error while compiling lyx code:

log file:
Language: germanb 2001/01/26 v2.6k German support from the babel system
File: babel.def 2001/03/01 v3.7h Babel common definitions
! No room for a new \dimen .
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ...\else \errmessage {No room for a new #3}
l.619   \csname [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This error message was generated by an \errmessage
command, so I can't give any explicit help.
Pretend that you're Hercule Poirot: Examine all clues,
and deduce the truth by order and method.

I suppose you are using the xy package ...
And this is one of the problems of xy pic, it uses too
much counters. Try to use pstricks instead.

Re: error while compiling: \dimen exceeded

2003-10-17 Thread Herbert Vo
Jerome Schretter schrieb:
Actually no, I am using pictex.
yes, with xy I meant pictex.


Re: two more questions ...

2003-10-16 Thread Herbert Vo
Tomasz Koziara schrieb:
Encouradged by the previous feedback, i have two more questions:

1. How to center a figure vertically in the page ( in case it is one and
alone in the page ) ???
demo attached

2. Is it possible to have a picture next to the text ( or text next to
the picture :) ) in vertical direction ???
sure, why not ...

#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 221
\textclass article
\language ngerman
\inputencoding latin1
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize 10
\spacing single 
\papersize Default
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 0
\use_natbib 0
\use_numerical_citations 0
\paperorientation portrait
\paperwidth 17cm
\paperheight 22cm
\leftmargin 1.2cm
\topmargin 1.4cm
\rightmargin 1.7cm
\bottommargin 1.4cm
\headsep 1cm
\secnumdepth 4
\tocdepth 4
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language german
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 2
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Standard
\added_space_top vfill* \added_space_bottom vfill \align center 

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard



Re: two more questions ...

2003-10-16 Thread Herbert Vo
Tomasz Koziara schrieb:
Encouradged by the previous feedback, i have two more questions:

1. How to center a figure vertically in the page ( in case it is one and
alone in the page ) ???
demo attached

2. Is it possible to have a picture next to the text ( or text next to
the picture :) ) in vertical direction ???
sure, why not ...

#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 221
\textclass article
\language ngerman
\inputencoding latin1
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize 10
\spacing single 
\papersize Default
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 0
\use_natbib 0
\use_numerical_citations 0
\paperorientation portrait
\paperwidth 17cm
\paperheight 22cm
\leftmargin 1.2cm
\topmargin 1.4cm
\rightmargin 1.7cm
\bottommargin 1.4cm
\headsep 1cm
\secnumdepth 4
\tocdepth 4
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language german
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 2
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Standard
\added_space_top vfill* \added_space_bottom vfill \align center 

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard



Re: Referencing subfigures

2003-10-14 Thread Herbert Vo
Saraswat, Rajil schrieb:
I am trying to reference a subfigure in my report but the label is coming
out wrong in the document. For subrefencing i add \label{foo} to my
subfigure and inserted \ref{foo} in the main document. Additionaly,in the
preamble, i have set the command to  represent labels by section, however in
the rendered document, the subsection number is not getting included for the
attached the testfile. It is not a good idea to
count figures sectionwide, when having chapters.
#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 221
\textclass report
\language english
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single 
\papersize Default
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 0
\use_natbib 0
\use_numerical_citations 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Chapter

\layout Section

Section 1
\layout Standard

\layout Subsection

\layout Standard

This is a reference to a subfigure given by the label Figure 
\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


 , but the label coming out is incorrect.
\layout Standard

\begin_inset Float figure
placement H
wide false
collapsed false

\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Graphics
filename pct-U.p
lyxscale 50
scale 50
rotateAngle -90
subcaptionText Displacement due to tapered mould\label{foo}


\SpecialChar ~

\begin_inset Graphics
filename pct-RF.p
lyxscale 50
scale 50
rotateAngle -90
subcaptionText Reaction Force\label{baz}


\layout Caption

\begin_inset LatexCommand \label{cap:c-U}


Displacement of the midface point under thermal strain alone in the absence
 of ferrostatic pressure

\layout Standard

This is a reference to a subfigure given by the label Figure 
\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


 , but the label coming out is incorrect.
\layout Section

Section 2
\layout Standard

\layout Subsection

\layout Standard

This is a reference to a subfigure given by the label Figure 
\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


 , but the label coming out is incorrect.
\layout Standard

\begin_inset Float figure
placement H
wide false
collapsed false

\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Graphics
filename pct-U.p
lyxscale 50
scale 50
rotateAngle -90
subcaptionText Displacement due to tapered mould\label{baz2}


\SpecialChar ~

\begin_inset Graphics
filename pct-RF.p
lyxscale 50
scale 50
rotateAngle -90
subcaptionText Reaction Force\label{foo2}


\layout Caption

\begin_inset LatexCommand \label{cap:c-U}


Displacement of the midface point under thermal strain alone in the absence
 of ferrostatic pressure

\layout Standard

This is a reference to a subfigure given by the label Figure 
\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


 , but the label coming out is incorrect.

Re: problem with lyx 1.3.3-qt for suse82

2003-10-14 Thread Herbert Vo
Alberto Sanchez schrieb:
I just updated my system to lyx 1.3.3 using the binary available in the
ftp server for suse 8.2 i386. At the beginning it was running very well,
but I discovered immediatly one big problem. I am writing my PhD thesis
(85 pages so far) and I tried to save the file. Lyx crashed and exited.
I open Lyx again and try to open the file, and it wouldn't. Apparently
its been corrupted somehow. Fortunately Lyx generates backups so no
problem in retrieving my work.
run reconfigure from within LyX and restart


Re: Referencing subfigures

2003-10-14 Thread Herbert Vo
Saraswat, Rajil schrieb:
I am trying to reference a subfigure in my report but the label is coming
out wrong in the document. For subrefencing i add \label{foo} to my
subfigure and inserted \ref{foo} in the main document. Additionaly,in the
preamble, i have set the command to  represent labels by section, however in
the rendered document, the subsection number is not getting included for the
attached the testfile. It is not a good idea to
count figures sectionwide, when having chapters.
#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 221
\textclass report
\language english
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single 
\papersize Default
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 0
\use_natbib 0
\use_numerical_citations 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Chapter

\layout Section

Section 1
\layout Standard

\layout Subsection

\layout Standard

This is a reference to a subfigure given by the label Figure 
\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


 , but the label coming out is incorrect.
\layout Standard

\begin_inset Float figure
placement H
wide false
collapsed false

\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Graphics
filename pct-U.p
lyxscale 50
scale 50
rotateAngle -90
subcaptionText Displacement due to tapered mould\label{foo}


\SpecialChar ~

\begin_inset Graphics
filename pct-RF.p
lyxscale 50
scale 50
rotateAngle -90
subcaptionText Reaction Force\label{baz}


\layout Caption

\begin_inset LatexCommand \label{cap:c-U}


Displacement of the midface point under thermal strain alone in the absence
 of ferrostatic pressure

\layout Standard

This is a reference to a subfigure given by the label Figure 
\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


 , but the label coming out is incorrect.
\layout Section

Section 2
\layout Standard

\layout Subsection

\layout Standard

This is a reference to a subfigure given by the label Figure 
\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


 , but the label coming out is incorrect.
\layout Standard

\begin_inset Float figure
placement H
wide false
collapsed false

\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Graphics
filename pct-U.p
lyxscale 50
scale 50
rotateAngle -90
subcaptionText Displacement due to tapered mould\label{baz2}


\SpecialChar ~

\begin_inset Graphics
filename pct-RF.p
lyxscale 50
scale 50
rotateAngle -90
subcaptionText Reaction Force\label{foo2}


\layout Caption

\begin_inset LatexCommand \label{cap:c-U}


Displacement of the midface point under thermal strain alone in the absence
 of ferrostatic pressure

\layout Standard

This is a reference to a subfigure given by the label Figure 
\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


 , but the label coming out is incorrect.

Re: problem with lyx 1.3.3-qt for suse82

2003-10-14 Thread Herbert Vo
Alberto Sanchez schrieb:
I just updated my system to lyx 1.3.3 using the binary available in the
ftp server for suse 8.2 i386. At the beginning it was running very well,
but I discovered immediatly one big problem. I am writing my PhD thesis
(85 pages so far) and I tried to save the file. Lyx crashed and exited.
I open Lyx again and try to open the file, and it wouldn't. Apparently
its been corrupted somehow. Fortunately Lyx generates backups so no
problem in retrieving my work.
run reconfigure from within LyX and restart


Re: komascript dictum

2003-10-07 Thread Herbert Vo
Juergen Spitzmueller schrieb:

Shrug. This looks like a KOMA bug to me. If you nest the dictum environment 
into a chapterpreamble, it works. You have to use some ERT like in the 
attached file and place the whole thing *above* the chapter heading.

BTW: You can toggle dictum fonts with
in the preamble.
write into the preamble


Re: komascript dictum

2003-10-07 Thread Herbert Vo
Juergen Spitzmueller schrieb:
Herbert Voß wrote:

write into the preamble


This does not work with the optional argument. Any idea?
the easieast way:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] #2\strut\par}%

Re: Fwd: dvi output corrupt: texmf.cnf

2003-10-07 Thread Herbert Vo
Wolfgang Engelmann schrieb:
in trying to run dvi I do not get an dvi output, but instead the following
Bilder/Pollenreifung-g-enhanced.eps! Unable to read an entire
what happens, when you create a doc which only loads this file?


Re: komascript dictum

2003-10-07 Thread Herbert Vo
Juergen Spitzmueller schrieb:

Shrug. This looks like a KOMA bug to me. If you nest the dictum environment 
into a chapterpreamble, it works. You have to use some ERT like in the 
attached file and place the whole thing *above* the chapter heading.

BTW: You can toggle dictum fonts with
in the preamble.
write into the preamble


Re: komascript dictum

2003-10-07 Thread Herbert Vo
Juergen Spitzmueller schrieb:
Herbert Voß wrote:

write into the preamble


This does not work with the optional argument. Any idea?
the easieast way:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] #2\strut\par}%

Re: Fwd: dvi output corrupt: texmf.cnf

2003-10-07 Thread Herbert Vo
Wolfgang Engelmann schrieb:
in trying to run dvi I do not get an dvi output, but instead the following
Bilder/Pollenreifung-g-enhanced.eps! Unable to read an entire
what happens, when you create a doc which only loads this file?


Re: table caption width

2003-10-06 Thread Herbert Vo
Gordon Wells schrieb:
I know I've posted this before, but there was no reply. I would like to
know if it is possible to make captions automatically adopt the width of
their respective figures and tables in particular. I guess this can be
hacked a bit using wrapfloats but they seem to be a bit unreliable.
there are several solutions and if I remeber well, there
is an option for the different KOMA classes.
You can also try

Re: table caption width

2003-10-06 Thread Herbert Vo
Gordon Wells schrieb:
I know I've posted this before, but there was no reply. I would like to
know if it is possible to make captions automatically adopt the width of
their respective figures and tables in particular. I guess this can be
hacked a bit using wrapfloats but they seem to be a bit unreliable.
there are several solutions and if I remeber well, there
is an option for the different KOMA classes.
You can also try

Re: Mathematical macro definition???

2003-09-29 Thread Herbert Vo
Matej Cepl schrieb:

\begin_inset FormulaMacro 

\textit{#1}#4 \\

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula $\test{verb}{VAL}{\test{SPR}{COMP}{intr}{a}}{a}$
be sure, that you are always in mathmode!

\textit{#1}#4 \\

or alternatively



Re: Mathematical macro definition???

2003-09-29 Thread Herbert Vo
Matej Cepl schrieb:

\begin_inset FormulaMacro 

\textit{#1}#4 \\

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula $\test{verb}{VAL}{\test{SPR}{COMP}{intr}{a}}{a}$
be sure, that you are always in mathmode!

\textit{#1}#4 \\

or alternatively



Re: Q: LyX pdflatex images?

2003-09-28 Thread Herbert Vo
Albrecht Dreß schrieb:
I wrote a document which includes several png and eps images in LyX 
1.3.2  both on Linux and Aqua/MacOS X. This works perfectly when I 
preview or  output PostScript, but when running View-PDF (pdflatex) 
the images are  simply missing. Did I miss setting up some converters 
properly? I thought  that pdflatex can import png directly, right? Sorry 
if this a dumb  question, but I need the pdf output quite urgently...
png is no problem, but pdflatex do not like eps images ...

- use tex2pdf instead of pdflatex, it manages all the converting
  process. Available from
- use vlatex instead of pdflatex, available at
  it is free for Linux/OS2
- put a converter epstopdf into the preferences

Re: Q: LyX pdflatex images?

2003-09-28 Thread Herbert Vo
Albrecht Dreß schrieb:
I wrote a document which includes several png and eps images in LyX 
1.3.2  both on Linux and Aqua/MacOS X. This works perfectly when I 
preview or  output PostScript, but when running View-PDF (pdflatex) 
the images are  simply missing. Did I miss setting up some converters 
properly? I thought  that pdflatex can import png directly, right? Sorry 
if this a dumb  question, but I need the pdf output quite urgently...
png is no problem, but pdflatex do not like eps images ...

- use tex2pdf instead of pdflatex, it manages all the converting
  process. Available from
- use vlatex instead of pdflatex, available at
  it is free for Linux/OS2
- put a converter epstopdf into the preferences

Re: xfig + lyx

2003-09-22 Thread Herbert Vo
Grant Goodyear schrieb:

The error I get is:

Undefined control sequence.
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
your code is okay, I have no problems running it with LaTeX.
So I can only guess, what happens.
Do you have a \usepackage{graphicx} in the preamble?

p.s.: your xfig image is a five-liner with pstricks.

Re: xfig + lyx

2003-09-22 Thread Herbert Vo
Grant Goodyear schrieb:

The error I get is:

Undefined control sequence.
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
your code is okay, I have no problems running it with LaTeX.
So I can only guess, what happens.
Do you have a \usepackage{graphicx} in the preamble?

p.s.: your xfig image is a five-liner with pstricks.

Re: Figure printing sideways

2003-09-18 Thread Herbert Vo
Matej Cepl schrieb:
On 2003-09-18, 22:00 GMT, Herbert Vo wrote:

pdflatex has _no_ bugs! And it is still the better
way than dvipdfm. For example: you get no hyphenated
links with dvipdfm

This is really courageous statement -- unfortunately, I am afraid not
very much correct. Contrary to the original TeX it is still in the
process of development and so there are occassionally some bugs (one
of them causes for example PDF files from pdflatex to be much bigger
than dvips-ps2pdf ones).  
also nonsense. You are comparing apples with pears. pdflatex enbedds
the fonts often by default, ps2pdf not. And if I use vTeX/Free
then my file is smaller than the one from ps2pdf.
but far from being bugfree.  And no, I do not like dvipdfm (I do not see
any reason why to use it), but if I need small and compact PDF file,
I use dvips-ps2pdf way.
I use VTeX for Linux, where I can have any PostScript stuff, like
code from pstricks, psfrag ...

Re: Figure printing sideways

2003-09-18 Thread Herbert Vo
Matej Cepl schrieb:
On 2003-09-18, 22:00 GMT, Herbert Vo wrote:

pdflatex has _no_ bugs! And it is still the better
way than dvipdfm. For example: you get no hyphenated
links with dvipdfm

This is really courageous statement -- unfortunately, I am afraid not
very much correct. Contrary to the original TeX it is still in the
process of development and so there are occassionally some bugs (one
of them causes for example PDF files from pdflatex to be much bigger
than dvips-ps2pdf ones).  
also nonsense. You are comparing apples with pears. pdflatex enbedds
the fonts often by default, ps2pdf not. And if I use vTeX/Free
then my file is smaller than the one from ps2pdf.
but far from being bugfree.  And no, I do not like dvipdfm (I do not see
any reason why to use it), but if I need small and compact PDF file,
I use dvips-ps2pdf way.
I use VTeX for Linux, where I can have any PostScript stuff, like
code from pstricks, psfrag ...

Re: ArabTeX and LyX: Who is responsible of this?

2003-09-16 Thread Herbert Vo
Munzir Taha schrieb:

the \end{doublespace} should be in an own line

the backslash is missing. Try to enter a ctrl-return
as last line before the end of the doc.

Re: ArabTeX and LyX: Who is responsible of this?

2003-09-16 Thread Herbert Vo
Munzir Taha schrieb:

the \end{doublespace} should be in an own line

the backslash is missing. Try to enter a ctrl-return
as last line before the end of the doc.

compiling 1.4CVS qt

2003-09-06 Thread Herbert Vo
to compile I had to delete the line
using std::endl;

compiling 1.4CVS qt

2003-09-06 Thread Herbert Vo
to compile I had to delete the line
using std::endl;

Re: Numbering equations by default?

2003-08-27 Thread Herbert Vo
Fabian Brännström schrieb:

I want to number my equations by default. Right now I use
Shift+Control+M to insert an equation followed by  Alt+m+n to
activate the numbering.
Is it possible to get the numbering for every equation by default?
write into the preamble

when you insert a label, then it switches by default to
a numbered one
Herbert :-)

Re: Numbering equations by default?

2003-08-27 Thread Herbert Vo
Fabian Brännström schrieb:

I want to number my equations by default. Right now I use
Shift+Control+M to insert an equation followed by  Alt+m+n to
activate the numbering.
Is it possible to get the numbering for every equation by default?
write into the preamble

when you insert a label, then it switches by default to
a numbered one
Herbert :-)

Re: Reordering the bibliography entries?

2003-08-23 Thread Herbert Vo
rush schrieb:
i am not sure of how in-depth my issue is, but i am hoping for some kind
of easy solution.
In my thesis i have a bibliography which is in the main document. Now i
am trying to find a way to arrange the bibliography entries, so they
match their order of appearance throughout the text, i.e. the first
citation that appears in the document is [1] and so on.
Would there be a way of doing this without rearranging the entries by
hand (very painfully)?
use bibliographystyle unsrt


Re: Reordering the bibliography entries?

2003-08-23 Thread Herbert Vo
rush schrieb:
i am not sure of how in-depth my issue is, but i am hoping for some kind
of easy solution.
In my thesis i have a bibliography which is in the main document. Now i
am trying to find a way to arrange the bibliography entries, so they
match their order of appearance throughout the text, i.e. the first
citation that appears in the document is [1] and so on.
Would there be a way of doing this without rearranging the entries by
hand (very painfully)?
use bibliographystyle unsrt


Re: Inlined mathematical equations

2003-08-10 Thread Herbert Vo
Razvan Racasanu schrieb:

in display mode. Is there any way of making the inlined fractions look 
as big as the ones in display ? The document class is book (AMS).

insert it in the mathbox as \dfrac\{  \{
the closing parentheses are done by LyX and the
backslashes are always not visible in LyX.

Re: Frames around equations - finally

2003-08-10 Thread Herbert Vo
Kai Johannes Keller schrieb:
for everybody who wants some frame DIRECTLY AROUND THE EQUATION, and not
over the whole width of the page, AND NUMBERING OUTSIDE THE FRAME, this
may be interesting: I've modified some solution (by Phillip Helbig) from
the Googlegroups-mail-archieve, which draws the frame in an
LaTeX-document, so that it can be used in LyX. All one has to do is:
1. define the following savebox the document-header:


2. define a new macro by typing:

{\savebox{\ggbox}{$\displaystyle #1$}\fbox{\usebox{\ggbox}}},
there is no difference in using fbox directly

You always use inline math, which is very easy to frame
and so there is no need for an separate box.
A problem is a framed display math. There is a solution
with package varwidth
and then


to get a narrower frame is possible, but then we have to rewrite
_all_ math environments.

Re: Inlined mathematical equations

2003-08-10 Thread Herbert Vo
Razvan Racasanu schrieb:

in display mode. Is there any way of making the inlined fractions look 
as big as the ones in display ? The document class is book (AMS).

insert it in the mathbox as \dfrac\{  \{
the closing parentheses are done by LyX and the
backslashes are always not visible in LyX.

Re: Frames around equations - finally

2003-08-10 Thread Herbert Vo
Kai Johannes Keller schrieb:
for everybody who wants some frame DIRECTLY AROUND THE EQUATION, and not
over the whole width of the page, AND NUMBERING OUTSIDE THE FRAME, this
may be interesting: I've modified some solution (by Phillip Helbig) from
the Googlegroups-mail-archieve, which draws the frame in an
LaTeX-document, so that it can be used in LyX. All one has to do is:
1. define the following savebox the document-header:


2. define a new macro by typing:

{\savebox{\ggbox}{$\displaystyle #1$}\fbox{\usebox{\ggbox}}},
there is no difference in using fbox directly

You always use inline math, which is very easy to frame
and so there is no need for an separate box.
A problem is a framed display math. There is a solution
with package varwidth
and then


to get a narrower frame is possible, but then we have to rewrite
_all_ math environments.