Lualatex and Lyx.

2011-11-03 Thread john Culleton
I am recommending Lyx for beginners, even though I don't actually use
it myself. I note that lualatex is now accommodated by Lyx. That is of
course a tremendous advance.

Here is my question: is there a guide for beginners that has been
updated to include using lualatex in a Lyx document?

Thanks for your help.

John Culleton
Free list of books for self-publishers:

"Create Book Covers with Scribus"

Font choices.

2010-12-24 Thread John Culleton
What font choices are available? How does one select a non-standard 
font? Typically I use fonts such as Bitstream Charter,  Adobe 
Garamond, Nimbus etc.  etc.  In plain TeX or pdftex I can just use a 
\font statement. I see no easy way to select them under Lyx.
John Culleton, 
 typesetting and indexing
book sales
Free  barcode:

Problem with hyphenated words.

2010-11-26 Thread John Culleton
Here is a problem posed by a Lyx novice. I know how to fix it in plain 
pdftex etc. but I don't use Lyx and am stumped about what to tell him.
Here is his problem
I have just installed Lyx on a MacBook and have tried to format some 
copy. Everything is fine except that whenever a hyphenated word appears 
the end of a line it is not properly justified. The hyphenated word 
hangs out in the margin.

On further discussion this is beyond hanging punctuation. Apparently 
the entire word fragment sticks out in the margin.
John Culleton, Wexford Press
"Create Book Covers with Scribus" $5.95 at

Free eps format barcode:

Using ttf fonts via Luatex

2010-10-21 Thread John Culleton
If one wants to use ttf or otf fonts via luatex is this possible in 
Lyx?  Or do I need to export a LaTeX file from Lyx and hand modify it?
John Culleton, Wexford Press
"Create Book Covers with Scribus" $5.95 at

Free eps format barcode:

Unsubscribe info

2009-11-14 Thread John Culleton
The web site says:

4.4 I can't unsubscribe
In every message you get from the LyX mailing lists, there will be 
a line in the message header that looks like this: 
This will remind you how to unsubscribe, so that you don't have to 
mail the mailing list asking how to do so. 
However with a normal header setting on kmail that header never 
appears.  So as I depart let me suggest that the text on the web 
site needs correction. That line appears only if you set the folder 
to "full headers." I only do that on rare occasions for debugging 

Other listserves put the unsubscribe info in the trailer.  That 
makes more sense. 
John Culleton
"Create Book Covers with Scribus"

Re: Need Verdana font for the PDF generated from Lyx

2009-06-12 Thread John Culleton
On Friday 12 June 2009 10:31:51 am Parul Bali wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Could you please suggest any good packages that might be
> available if I want Verdana font for the PDF that's generated
> from Lyx, instead of the standard options available in Lyx.
> Thank you.
> Parul

Verdana is Microsoft's name for Helvetica.  Try Helvetica instead. 

John Culleton
Create Book Covers with Scribus/e-book $5.95

Re: A question

2009-03-26 Thread John Culleton
On Thursday 26 March 2009 04:22:55 pm Adrian Diaz wrote:
> Friends
> When i write in the lyx editor my thesis i write the
> words without any problem.
> Sometimes, when i see my thesis in pdf format some words
> appear separated by a short line: for example
> in the lyx edito: thanks
> in pdf format: tha-
> nks
> do you known how i can manage?
> __
> D O T E A S Y - "Join the web hosting revolution!"
Lyx is not a pure text editor but rather a front end to the 
TeX (LaTeX) typesetting program.

Take a look at any book by a major publisher. The text will 
be in a block, with even margins and the left and the 
right. TeX of any form will do this automatically unless 
you say otherwise. To achieve this even margin effect 
without wide gaps between words some words at the ends of 
lines will need to be hyphenated. I assume that is what you 
are seeing. 

There are commands to control this. If you want a ragged 
right margin insert at the top of the document:
You can still have some hyphenation occurences so the 
command to prevent that  is
\hyphenpenalty 1

The default setting is 
\hyphenpenalty 50

I would consult with your advisor as to what format is 
preferred, and whether hyphenation should be discouraged or 
eliminated altogether. 

John Culleton
Able Indexers and Typesetters

Re: Why oh why did you drop xforms?

2008-02-18 Thread JOHN CULLETON
While in the process of trying to add things like Qt4 to my Slack 12 system I 
managed to mung my ability to send outgoing mail. I reinstalled on a fresh 
partition but I still have problems. So among other things I am giving up on 
Lyx. More to the point, I am giving up on recommending Lyx to TEX newbies. If 
someone can cite a version of Lyx that runs without tears on the latest stable 
version of Slack (12) then I may give it a try again. 

There seems to be a virus infecting developers all over the net that compels 
them to use the newest tools even though the newest tools are not widely 
available. Qt 4 is the most notable of these attractive nuisances. True, I can 
install a Kubuntu 4 partition and get KDE 4 which uses Qt4. But Koffice and a 
host of other things don't work with KDE 4. Besides, I don't like Debian. 

I am writing this via my online mailbox attached to my webpage. Trust me it is 
a helluva way to do my daily work. 

John Culleton
TeX since 1995. 

D O T E A S Y - "Join the web hosting revolution!"

Re: Printing from LyX on a mac

2008-02-07 Thread John Culleton
On Wednesday 06 February 2008 11:36:47 pm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi, I've been using LyX for years -- since maybe 1.2 or earlier. I've
> always been able to print well-formatted out-put directly from LyX.
> But now on 1.5.3 I cannot.
> I have dvips defined as the print command in preferences. And it does
> print but it cuts off the footer no matter what I do.
> I can print from the dvi directly where this is not a problem but then
> I can't specify odd or even pages like I can by printing directly from
> LyX.
> Does anyone know what I missing here that I might be able to recover
> my ability to print fully formatted docs in LyX 1.5.3?
> thanks,
> jamie faunt
> __
> D O T E A S Y - "Join the web hosting revolution!"

Speaking from the depths of my ignorance, I suspect you are trying to print A4 
pages on letter paper. 

John Culleton
Resources for every author and publisher:

Fonts for Lyx

2008-02-05 Thread John Culleton
I use a variety of fonts with e.g. pdftex or Context. But when I fire up Lyx I 
find about five available.  What can be done to make my additional fonts, 
some of which are purchased, available to Lyx?

I use Slackware Linux and Lyx 1.5.1. Is the answer to the above different for 
Windows users? 
John Culleton
Resources for every author and publisher:

Re: Absolute Positioning of Graphics

2008-02-02 Thread John Culleton
On Saturday 02 February 2008 01:29:57 pm Tyler Remoue wrote:
> Hello all,
> How can I insert images into a powerdot presentations at an absolute
> position (x, y coordinate) and specify the width & height of those images? 
> Is this possible?
> Keep in mind I'm  very new  to lyx and sorry for the newbie question.  I'm
> sure this is simple to do.
> Thanks in advance,
> -Tyler

Not simple I am afraid. 

You may have to save as latex and then use pstricks.sty in that file. Or you 
can try manipulating pstricks from within Lyx but that may be problematic. 

John Culleton

John Culleton
Resources for every author and publisher:

Re: unsubscribe...

2000-10-01 Thread John Culleton

"R. Lahaye" wrote:
> Gunnar Lindholm wrote:
> >
> > > Everybody knows that word sucks but most people use it...:P
> > Same goes for SuckOffice.
> > > And there is no win32 LYX yet..
> > Isn't there?
> I've never had Window$ on my PC (lucky me, never had to argue
> about that), but I've seen here and there on the internet that
> Cygwin is the key software to implement Unix on W$.
> For those who lose the Linux-W$ battle:
> Isn't there a possibility to implement LyX for W$ with:
> Cygwin + ... + Xforms + LyX  ??
> Just a thought.
> Rob.

My take is that it isn't Windoze but MSworried that is being required.
It is a bit like the Prussian general with artificial legs. He walked
funny, and hence his army had to march funny too because of his
handicap. It was called the goosestep. The same phenomenon occcurs when
the powers that be require a "standard" that is in fact the LCD of
typesetting --- just because that is all they have mastered.  

I recently saw a book "typeset" in MSworried by an Author Who Knows
Better. The   text  looked  like  this.

A thought: prepare a typical document both ways and then show management
the differences. Point out the difference between letter kerning and
blank space kerning. Worth a shot. Probably won't work.

John Culleton -> Please visit

Re: Short caption to figures

2000-09-28 Thread John Culleton

Tommi Rintala wrote:

> Here are some points why _WE_ are using LyX:
> Tommi Rintala

You forgot the most important one IMHO! The typesetting is done by LaTeX
which uses the superb TeX typesetting engine.

This means superior typesetting of course, but it also means you can mix
WYSIWYM editing with a markup language, getting the speed of one and the
flexibility of the other. 

John Culleton
John Culleton -> Please visit

Re: Problems with viewing dvi files

2000-09-27 Thread John Culleton

Tom wrote:
> I have problems viewing dvi files on a new installation of Lyx (v.
> 1.1.4fix1) running on Suse 6.4.   Lyx runs fine, but nothing happens when I
> try to view dvi files.   When I try to export as dvi it exports as tex.
> Initially I thought is was a problem with printing as this doesn't work
> either.   I have xdvi and dvips installed and they work fine on there own.
> I use apsfilter for printing.
> Tom Beale

Try a later release of Lyx. Version 1.1.5fix1 works fine on my Slackware
John Culleton -> Please visit

Re: Short caption to figures

2000-09-27 Thread John Culleton

Tommi Rintala wrote:
> On 26 Sep 2000, at 16:25, Herbert Voss wrote:
> > delete the caption-style in figure/table-float and write in
> > 
> If I have not-so-advanced-users using Lyx, I would like them
> to know as little as possible about LaTeX, because they are
> using LyX. If they start learning LaTeX, why use LyX at all?
> Tommi Rintala

There are horses for courses and tools for tasks. If I am writing a
letter or an article or even a screen play I use Lyx as a matter of
course. If I am writing a book I use plain tex (others would use LaTeX.)
Knowledge of other tools does not preclude the utility of Lyx. 

The other day I had a power failure and had trouble recovering a letter
I had almost finished in Lyx. the text was there in a #foo.lyx# file but
the template had disappeared. So I exported the unformatted letter as
text. Then I had trouble bringing the text back into a new template
using the \input  ERC command. So I exported the blank letter as LaTeX
and inserted the text version using an \input commmand in the LaTeX

I think an errant $ was my problem all along but that is not the point.
If you know LaTeX and TeX you can use them as needed while still
remaining with Lyx for more normal situations.  
John Culleton -> Please visit

Re: Finetuning amsbook

2000-09-26 Thread John Culleton

Marco Mueller wrote:
> Hi,
> I finished writing my PhD-thesis some days ago, and now I would like
> to finetune the class amsbook that I use (with Lyx 1.1.5fix1 on Linux
> and FreeBSD).
> If possible, the following should be changed:
> 1. In the table of contents I prefer dotted lines between the chapter
>or section heading and the page number, rather than just plain white
> 2. The numbers of equations should be on the right side, not on the left.
> 3. There should be no dot after the chapter, section and subsection
>numbers of the toc and later in the document. (1. -> 1, 3.5. -> 3.5)
> Apart from these minor issues I am very happy with Lyx and amsbook.
> Naturally, I searched through the docs and the archives but did not find
> a solution. Could anybody please provide a helping hand ?
> Cheers, Marco

Pending a more elegant solution from Those Who Know, you always have the
option of exporting LaTeX code and fiddling with that.  Do you have
Lamport's book?
John Culleton -> Please visit

Re: long program floats

2000-09-20 Thread John Culleton

Kate Evans-Jones wrote:
> Hi all,
> I want to include program code into my document as a program float.
> However, the code is more than 1 page long and does not break across the
> pages. I am using the code below to include them into a program float:
> \usepackage{float, times, verbatim, moreverb}
> \floatstyle{ruled}
> \newfloat{Program} {htp}{lop}[chapter]
> \newcommand{\Code}[3] {\begin{Program} %
> \small \verbatiminputinput[1]{1}{#1} %
> \caption{#2} \normalsize \label{#3} %
>  \end{Program}}
> Is there any way to solve my problem?
> Email replies to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Many Thanks
> Kate Evans-Jones
> Remote Sensing Group
> University of Wales, Swansea
> UK
Simplest solution: Complete the document in Lyx and export LaTeX code.
Insert these few statements in the output using a simple text editor
(VI, Notepad, whatever.) Then process as a regular LaTeX file. (latex
foo.tex; dvips foo.dvi; print or view If you can deal with your
document completely within Lyx that is of course desirable, but when
that proves difficult there are other paths that combine Lyx and other
facilities already on your system.

John Culleton

John Culleton -> Please visit

Re: BibTeX

2000-09-20 Thread John Culleton

José Ernesto Jardim wrote:
> Hi
> I'm starting to write my MSC thesis and I want to configure and lear to
> use BibTeX with LyX. I've been looking for documentation but besides the
> one that comes with the distribution (btxhak & btxdoc) I didn't found
> nothing else. I'm looking for something like a user's manual.
> Can you give some hints ?
> thank's
> ej

The documentation that comes with eplain.tex has a straightforward
explanation of bibtex and some examples. Of course you can't use
eplain.tex with Lyx but the manual and the example files may prove
enlightening. It follows the LaTeX method pretty closely.

John Culleton
John Culleton -> Please visit

Re: X-server

2000-09-20 Thread John Culleton

Shawn Koons wrote:
> Hello,
> Is there an X-server for windows98 that is free? I can use X-win32 but
> would prefer a fully functional server that is not, as a friend of mine
> calls it "cripple ware." In part the request is because I want to
> respect software developers (I register shareware I continue to use). I
> am not trying to be a moralist, I just want to stick to my ideals. (On
> the other hand, I am missing the use of lyx)
> Shawn

If you have the disk space you can install Linux including X-Window, KDE
etc. in your MSWindows partition. It's not the best way to run Linux but
it is certainly a practical solution.(I use Slackware because it is
simple to install/maintain.) Install X-Windows and one of the screen
formats such as KDE or fvwm95. Then download all the goodies in the
world, including of course Lyx, all for free. Then you don't have to
give up anything.

John C. 
John Culleton -> Please visit

Re: Trying to convert the Professor!

2000-09-18 Thread John Culleton

Vinicius Provenzano wrote:
> Hello all Lyx users,
> I'm new to LyX, I've just finished the Tutorial! :) After 2 hours and a half
> learning the basics, I got so enthusiastic with Lyx, i'm trying to " convert"
> my Macroeconomics Professor in the LyX world! He wrote his doctorate thesis in
> MS Word, and now he is writing articles to economics journals. I have 2
> questions, and maybe you could help me:
> 1- Is it possible to have an approximative convertion from MSWORD to LyX? I
> thought that I could convert his thesis in TXT and then import it into LyX. It
> would be a BIG job, but I would do it, if there's no other way.
> 2 - Is it possible to convert pdf ---> Lyx?
> []'s
> Vinícius Provenzano
There is a pdftotex command on my system. That would give one a start to
a conversion. Then import the text file into Lyx.

John C.
John Culleton -> Please visit

Re: lyx crashes in tight memory situations

2000-09-18 Thread John Culleton

Mark Hansel wrote:
> I have been off the lyx lists for months and if this has been discussed,
> please refer me to previous discussions. (I suspect an old version of
> some critical library.)
> Problem: lyx 1.1.5fix1 crashes when there is little free (real) memory on
> two alpha systems. (I reverted to 1.1.4, applied the three patches and got
> the same behavior.) This is an upgrade from 1.1.0.
> System: Alpha LX 164 128 MB.
> OS: RH 6.2
> If I unload sufficient other software, lyx loads and runs with no
> difficulty and with full functionality. If there is little free memory
> phyical memory, the system issues an "illegal instruction," dumps core and
> dies. This occurs whether lyx is stripped or not, installed or run from
> the src/ directory.
> Since lyx has been my primary document preparation software for a few
> years -- and because it is very good for what I do, I want to stick with
> it.
> Thank you.
> Mark Hansel
> PO Box 41
> Moorhead State University
> Moorhead, MN 56563
> ph: 218-236-2039 fax: 218-236-2593
> web:

I use Slackware 7 on an Intel clone system with 64mb main memory (used
to be 32MB.) Never had a Lyx crash. Do you have a lot going on besides
Lyx? Netscape perhaps? (Earlier Netscape versions had memory leaks that
would eventually swamp your system.)

Are your documents extremely large?

John C.

John C.
John Culleton -> Please visit

Re: Using a new class

2000-09-16 Thread John Culleton

Frederic Leymarie wrote:
> Greetings
> I have to use a class provided by Springer Verlag for LaTeX2e
> llncs.cls
> I am only given this class file; from:
> I have tried input this file from my preamble in LyX but that does not do the trick.
> What do I need to do to make this class features available in my LyX (article) 
> e.g., the command \institute is defined in there.
> thanks
> --

One option, tedious but foolproof. Create the doc as an article, export
it as a LaTeX file, and then change the class header. Enter special
commands like \institute as regular text in the Lyx original; then edit
them to real commands in the LaTeX output. With Vim this is just doing a
single mass change, i.e.,


This preserves much of the value of Lyx in that you do on screen WYSIWYM
editing. But the final step is reediting the LaTeX output in a text
editor to use your required class. Remember Lyx is at the bottom just a
front end to LaTeX. You can output the text and deal with LaTeX directly
if needed.
John Culleton -> Please visit

Re: KLyX revival?

2000-09-14 Thread John Culleton

Allan Rae wrote:
> where you'll see evidence of a kde-1.1.2 port in progress. It doesn't use
> the KLyX dialogs because KLyX didn't use a gui-designer.
> Allan. (ARRae)

Regular Lyx runs just fine under KDE. Why is a port needed?
John Culleton -> Please visit

Re: Trying to convert the Professor!

2000-09-14 Thread John Culleton

Vinicius Provenzano wrote:
> Hello all Lyx users,
> I'm new to LyX, I've just finished the Tutorial! :) After 2 hours and a half
> learning the basics, I got so enthusiastic with Lyx, i'm trying to " convert"
> my Macroeconomics Professor in the LyX world! He wrote his doctorate thesis in
> MS Word, and now he is writing articles to economics journals. I have 2
> questions, and maybe you could help me:
> 1- Is it possible to have an approximative convertion from MSWORD to LyX? I
> thought that I could convert his thesis in TXT and then import it into LyX. It
> would be a BIG job, but I would do it, if there's no other way.
> 2 - Is it possible to convert pdf ---> Lyx?
> []'s
> Vinícius Provenzano

The strongest argument for using a member of the TeX family is the
superior rendering of formulae. I say TeX family because the basic
engine is TeX. LaTeX is a commprehensive set of macros amounting to a
new markup language. Lyx is a graphic frontend for LaTeX. When I prepare
a document for printing I usually use either Lyx or TeX +plain.tex
+eplain.tex. For example I write letters, articles and movie scripts
using the appropriate template in Lyx. This is a big time saver. But for
books, pamphlets etc. I use TeX etc. because I can obtain fine control
over the finished product without worrying about unexpected interactions
between/among macros. 

So introduce yourself and your professor to the whole family. 
There are times when one might choose one; times when one might choose

John Culleton
John Culleton -> Please visit

My/our changes to hollywood format

2000-09-13 Thread John Culleton

There has been some conversation back and forth about this format. I
have it working now to _my_ satisfaction at least.
Here are the changes I have made:

1. Moved the \usepackage commands to the top of the file
(actually beginning about line 7.)
2. Removed the word that underlines the title. (found in 
line 76 in the original hollywood.cls.)
3. Uncommented the \renewcommand{headrulewidth}{0pt}
4. In the parenthetical macro, reduced the parboxwidth
to 1.7 inches.
1. Added a 
RightMargin M 
line to the parenthetical layout, to approximate change 4 above on the
IN ~/.lyx/lyxrc
Added line \bind_file "Hollywood.bind" 

My guide in making these changes has been the model screen layout
published by the Nicholl Fellowships folks at:

My functional versions of the first two files can be found at:

My thanks to all who have helped me on this adventure, particularly
Garst Reese who is the author of the format. 
John Culleton -> Please visit

Re: *.lyx ---> *.pdf ??

2000-09-13 Thread John Culleton

Tuukka Toivonen wrote:
> On Tue, 12 Sep 2000, John Culleton wrote:
> It is probably better to use pdftex/pdflatex, which works fine as long
> as you don't have pictures 

Or pstricks! 

John Culleton -> Please visit

Re: *.lyx ---> *.pdf ??

2000-09-12 Thread John Culleton

Haight Ashbury wrote:
> Maybe a ltiitle Off-Topic, but does anybody know how I can convert
> LyX-documents into PDF ones ?
> I allready tried to do it with Xdvi and Ghostview, but Xpdf doesn't like any of
> these outputs ...
> Thanks
> --
You can convert ps documents to pdf using ps2pdf. I find this the surest
way to get useful pdf files. Lyx documents (i. e. those with the .lyx
suffix) are only useful to Lyx itself. I don't know of any other
software that interpets that particular format other than Lyx itself. So
outut your document from Lyx in printable form (.ps format) and

BTW Xpdf doesn't work with my pdf files either. Try acroread (Acrobat
reader) instead. xpdf seems to be still a beta thing. 
John Culleton -> Please visit

Re: Writing tech-manuals with Lyx

2000-09-11 Thread John Culleton

Baruch Even wrote:
> I don't have the context of the message so I can't really understand the
> problem you reply to. But let me try to explain the situation and what I
> think is the problem I presented and that you reply to here.
> The problem I raised that I think you reply to is my request to be able to
> differentiate what output file will be generated.
> I know of the fact that latex and pdflatex will use the right format when
> presented to them if the extension is not emitted into the latex source.
> However I'm in a need to take a file format and convert it to the correct
> format, say the user asks to add a TIFF file, to what format should I
> convert it? PNG? EPS?
> This is a bit subtle since if the PDF result is by using pdflatex I need
> PNG, however if it's going through latex->dvips->ps2pdf than I need to
> convert to EPS.
> Let me know if I answered to the wrong question, and let me
> suggest that it is advisable to reply to messages with the replied message
> inside for context.
> Baruch
> On 11 Sep 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
Just my 2c. If I use pdftex some of my pstricks specials get messed up.
If I create a ps file from the dvi file and then use ps2pdf things work
better. For a Lyx user, if Lyx will
produce an acceptable ps file with whatever kind of graphics you have
then perhaps ps2pdf could then create the right kind of pdf file also. 

Of course, If I knew what I was doing, I would be rich :-)

John Culleton
John Culleton -> Please visit

Re: Key binding map

2000-09-06 Thread John Culleton

Allan Rae wrote:
> On Tue, 5 Sep 2000, John Culleton wrote:
> > I have a key binding map "hollywood.bind" in the appropriate directory.
> > When I try to activate this map via options-> keyboard I get the error
> > message "error keymap not found."
> that's because its a LyX bind file not a keymap.
> >
> Try adding a line like:
> \bind_file "hollywood.bind"
> to your ~/.lyx/lyxrc
> Allan. (ARRae)

Thanks for your suggestion.

Is there a way to call up these bindings only for certain documents? It
seems to me that the bindings hollywood.bind should be activated only
for hollywood format documents, and not for letters etc.

Also the error "keymap not found" is perplexing even if it is unrelated.
How did I manage to come up with this one?
John Culleton -> Please visit

Re: hollywood template.

2000-09-05 Thread John Culleton

Herbert Voss wrote:
> "Jean-Pierre.Chretien" wrote:
> >
> > \headrulewith is a fancyhdr.sty command, so \renewcommand will fail
> > if fancyhdr is not called by hollywood.cls
> from hollywood.class:
> ...
> \usepackage{fancyhdr}
> \usepackage{extramarks}
> \usepackage{ifthen}
> \usepackage{lastpage}
> \pagestyle{fancy}
> ...
> but these commands were not at the beginning of the class-file.
> i think, that this might be the problem, because it works
> when i changed this. anyway ...
> Herbert
> --
OK I moved the statements to the beginning, and activated one of the
\renew lines already in the file and presto! the rules are gone and the
line numbers remain. It sounds like two cls files were merged without
sufficient consideration of what should go where. LaTeX class files can
be confusing (which is why I generally use plain tex :-). So perhaps the
author could take your/my suggestions and modify the package by:

a. changing the RIGHT margin to 1 in
b. moving the \usepackage commands to near the top
c. activating one of the \renewcommand statements already in the file to
suppress the header rule.

My thanks again to all concerned. The hollywood class saves me from
cobbling up my own TeX macros. Now I can get back to writing :-)

John Culleton 
John Culleton -> Please visit

Re: hollywood template.

2000-09-05 Thread John Culleton

Herbert Voss wrote:
> John Culleton wrote:
> >
> > Thanks to Herb V. I have the hollywood template working now. I increased
> > the right margin to one inch, to meet the standards I have read.
> > Hollywood (the place) is very fussy about format.
> >
> > I still have one major problem with the hollywood class. The header has
> > a rule! That is verboten in Hollywood. I tried uncommenting some lines
> > in the hollywood.cls file but that gave me errors. I am a long time
> > TeXer but LaTeX is not my best friend. So I don't know what to do to
> > kill the rule. Any suggestions?
> \renewcommand\headrulewidth{0pt}
> Herbert
> --

Two commands  like that are commented out in hollywood.lyx. I
uncommented the first, went through texhash and reconfigure, called up
my document, and when I attempted to print a page got two errors. At the
very beginning I get the error:

 LaTeX Error: Command headrulewidth already defined

...and at what is probably a page break I get the error

LaTeX Error: \headrulewidth undefined

In the hollywood.cls file there are only two references to
headrulewidth, both of the form: 


...and both commented out. I uncommented one of these and that causes
the errors. BTW one of the instances of this command (the one I left as
a comment) is mispelled. 

There are no other references to headrulewidth in hollywood.cls so the
original setting (0.4pt) must be described in some other cls file or

If all else fails I will try a \def command and see if that works :-|

John Culleton -> Please visit

Key binding map

2000-09-05 Thread John Culleton

I have a key binding map "hollywood.bind" in the appropriate directory.
When I try to activate this map via options-> keyboard I get the error
message "error keymap not found."

Obviously there is a trick to it. I just wish all this kind of stuff was
handled by a default at installation. I don't find any other files
(other than in Lyx that is) with a .bind suffix so moving files around
and re-texhashing probably won't help.  Any suggestions?

John Culleton -> Please visit

Re: hollywood template.

2000-09-05 Thread John Culleton

"Garst R. Reese" wrote:
> Allan Rae wrote:
> >
> > You should take direct to the master: Garst Reece.
> > He built all the Hollywood and Broadway stuff.
> >
> > On Mon, 4 Sep 2000, John Culleton wrote:
> >
> > > Thanks to Herb V. I have the hollywood template working now. I increased
> > > the right margin to one inch, to meet the standards I have read.
> > > Hollywood (the place) is very fussy about format.
> Yes, I'll check the margin issue.
> > >
> > > I still have one major problem with the hollywood class. The header has
> > > a rule! That is verboten in Hollywood. I tried uncommenting some lines
> > > in the hollywood.cls file but that gave me errors. I am a long time
> > > TeXer but LaTeX is not my best friend. So I don't know what to do to
> > > kill the rule. Any suggestions?
> I was told that the title was supposed to be underlined. To change it,
> Edit the hollywood.cls file.
> Search for the word underline.
> replace \underline{\@title}
> with
> \@title
> then texhash and reconfigure lyx.
> > > --
> > > John Culleton -> Please visit
> >
> Thanks,
> Garst

I wrote you separately about the margins. My authorities want 1 inch on
the right, not .75 inch. I can fix that.

 It is the horizontal bar on each subsequent page in the header where
the pagenumber appears that is the problem. I know how to reconfigure
the headline in TeX but not in LaTeX.

 AFAIK underlining the title is optional. My example from the academy
folks does not show it. 

That texhash--reconfigure sequence should be writ large in the install
instructions! That was the first problem I overcame thanks to Herb V.
John Culleton -> Please visit

hollywood template.

2000-09-04 Thread John Culleton

Thanks to Herb V. I have the hollywood template working now. I increased
the right margin to one inch, to meet the standards I have read.
Hollywood (the place) is very fussy about format.

I still have one major problem with the hollywood class. The header has
a rule! That is verboten in Hollywood. I tried uncommenting some lines
in the hollywood.cls file but that gave me errors. I am a long time
TeXer but LaTeX is not my best friend. So I don't know what to do to
kill the rule. Any suggestions?
John Culleton -> Please visit


2000-09-04 Thread John Culleton

I killed all the lyx things I could find except /root/.lyx and
reinstalled the latest release: 1.1.5fix1. Unfortunately the lyx program
can't find text classes like iletter and hollywood. I've tried
./configure from a command line, reconfigure from a menu and so on. It
just doesn't find any text classes except standard latex classes.

Any suggestions?
John Culleton -> Please visit

How to find text classes

2000-09-04 Thread John Culleton

OK I have a fresh install and compile of lyx 1.1.15fix1 on my Slack 7
Linux system. For most templates other than letter I get a message like:

unknown textclass hollywood [around line four of

Now I have tried moving hollywood.cls to the same directory under texmf
where letter.cls is found but that doesn't help. I tried ./configure but
that didn't help either. 

1. How do I set up the necessary paths?

2. is a textclass the same as a foo.cls file?
John Culleton -> Please visit

Can't quit this list.

2000-08-03 Thread John Culleton

Please someone send me the correct instructions for unsubscribing this

John Culleton -> Please visit

Re: foilTex and figure floats

2000-07-29 Thread John Culleton

Ralph Boland wrote:

> I am using foilTex to create a slide presentation.
> Some of my figures contain latex code so I want to
> use the combined PS/LaTex method of creating the
> figure.  (for this I do not use foilTex but
> create a different document for these figures.
> My problem is that I don't want the word
> "Figure" to show up and sometimes
>  not the caption either.
> One possibility would be to make it white but I
> don't know how to do this for the word "Figure"
> and in any case it
> would take up space that I might want for my
> figure.
> Any suggestions?
> Other problems with foilTex.
> 1)  I would like to color my page numbers (a light color)
> so I can
> make them less obvious but I don't know how.
> Also, Is there a way to tuck
> the page numbers into a corner?
> I tried using fancyheaders but I guess I didn't do
> it right because I couldn't get page numbers to go
> to the corner.
> 2)  I get crashes galore when I use foilTex, often
> with orphan windows.  Part of the problem is a
> lack of resources on the machine I am using but
> lyx handles the difficulties ungracefully.
> Note that in article or book classes I can create
> 30 page documents but in foilTex 6 pages appears
> to be about it so I have to split my file.
> I assume this is because there are
> so many figures.

If I faced such a set of specs I would not use Lyx . I would use plain
Tex, but most folks would use LaTeX. In either instance  one would be
working with the "real " .tex file and all the changes
you need to make would be easier to insert, test and debug.  You can see
the results almost in real time by building a script or .bat file that
runs tex, runs dvips and calls ghost view or gv.

Emulating the  foil layout is a simple matter of manipulating page
dimensions in your .tex  file and using dvips -tlandscape in your
script. Of course you need to use big fonts and lots of \centerline

Using pstricks.tex you can create a box, put  an epsf graphic in it, and
manipulate that structure just about any way you want.

Using plain TeX and pstricks.tex it is duck soup to put your pagenumbers
in header or footer,  if
necessary move the number all the way to the edge of the page (\rlap or
something similar)  and
change the color.

I have never had a TeX run crash as such.

\begin rant
Lyx is very useful if you stay in the Lyx box. When you start stretching
it Bad Things happen and your task becomes very complex. The same can be
said to a lesser extent with respect to LaTeX.  There are horses for
courses and tools for tasks.  This list and the comp.tex.text newsgroup
are full of messages from people who want to do an essentially simple
task but are using a tool not designed with that task in mind.
\end rant

John Culleton -> Please visit

Re: paragraph margins

2000-07-28 Thread John Culleton

Jim Osborn wrote:

> I'd like to increase the left and right margins for a couple of
> paragraphs, as for an abstract near the beginning of my article.
> That is, I'd like those paragraphs narrower than normal, and centered
> on the page, and in block alignment, like the rest of the article.
> Selecting the text and applying Layout->Paragraph->ExtraOpt:
>   Indented Paragraph: indents the left margin
>   Minipage:   indents the right margin
>   Floatfit:   has no effect
> Making it a minipage and adding \addtolength{\leftmargin}{20em} before
> the text does nothing at all.
> Sorry for what must be a stupid newbie question, but I can't seem to
> bumble onto the solution...
> TIA,
> Jim

There is a plain tex command \narrower that brings in both margins by
\parindent.  In a directory
named carlisle is a file plain.sty that adds most plain.tex commands to
latex.  (David Carlisle is the author of course.) This means using ERC to
bring in the file and use the command.

There are no stupid questions. If you knew the answer you wouldn't have
asked. There are of course wrong answers. I hope this isn't one of them

John Culleton -> Please visit

[Fwd: Idea: PENDING-Notes]

2000-07-25 Thread John Culleton

John Culleton wrote:

> Raffael Herzog wrote:
> > Normally I write my texts not in the same order as it will be in the
> > final document. I often leave parts out to write them later. Normally,
> > I use notes, to mark those parts, so I don't forget them. This works
> > fine, but there are two backdraws:
> >
> > - I also use notes for other notes. Notes about a pending part are not
> >   distinguishable from "normal" notes.
> >
> > - I have to scroll through the whole document to find them.
> >
> > This lead to the following idea:
> >
> > What about introducing PENDING-Notes? These notes would show as a box
> > (e.g. red) with "Pending" as label. You could write a short comment to
> > specify what is actually pending (e.g. "Description of XY"). You could
> > jump via menu or keystroke to the next or previous PENDING-Note.
> >
> > This is the simple version, but already useful. But there are further
> > possibilities :
> >
> > - A dialog which shows all PENDING-Notes by their comments. Just click
> >   on one and the cursor jumps there.
> >
> > - The possibility to order those notes in the list. Like that, you
> >   could give them priorities.
> >
> > Maybe, there could also be an option to include these notes in the
> > final document, so one could pass a printed version to another person
> > for review including those marks (for example a small, centered
> > "PENDING: Description of XY").
> >
> > Just an idea. Hope this is the right place to post it.
> >
> > Any comments?
> >
> > --
> > Raffael Herzog
> >
> > May the penguin be with you!
> How about some ERC saying "\input parttwo.tex" or whatever. Then create a
> dummy file
> for parttwo.tex. As you flesh it out it will automatically appear in the
> final product.
> BTW what I would like to see is expanding/contracting outlines like my
> old version of
> WordPerfect had. You could view just major headings, or two levels of
> headings, or ultimately
> the entire document with all the headings and text. This was just a
> matter of a mouse click.  This feature would increase the usefulness of
> Lyx enormously.  And it might meet your need as well.
> --
> John Culleton -> Please visit

John Culleton -> Please visit

Raffael Herzog wrote:

> Normally I write my texts not in the same order as it will be in the
> final document. I often leave parts out to write them later. Normally,
> I use notes, to mark those parts, so I don't forget them. This works
> fine, but there are two backdraws:
> - I also use notes for other notes. Notes about a pending part are not
>   distinguishable from "normal" notes.
> - I have to scroll through the whole document to find them.
> This lead to the following idea:
> What about introducing PENDING-Notes? These notes would show as a box
> (e.g. red) with "Pending" as label. You could write a short comment to
> specify what is actually pending (e.g. "Description of XY"). You could
> jump via menu or keystroke to the next or previous PENDING-Note.
> This is the simple version, but already useful. But there are further
> possibilities :
> - A dialog which shows all PENDING-Notes by their comments. Just click
>   on one and the cursor jumps there.
> - The possibility to order those notes in the list. Like that, you
>   could give them priorities.
> Maybe, there could also be an option to include these notes in the
> final document, so one could pass a printed version to another person
> for review including those marks (for example a small, centered
> "PENDING: Description of XY").
> Just an idea. Hope this is the right place to post it.
> Any comments?
> --
> Raffael Herzog
> May the penguin be with you!

How about some ERC saying "\input parttwo.tex" or whatever. Then create a
dummy file
for parttwo.tex. As you flesh it out it will automatically appear in the
final product.

BTW what I would like to see is expanding/contracting outlines like my
old version of
WordPerfect had. You could view just major headings, or two levels of
headings, or ultimately
the entire document with all the headings and text. This was just a
matter of a mouse click.  This feature would increase the usefulness of
Lyx enormously.  And it might meet your need as well.

John Culleton -> Please visit

Using \large text throughout.

2000-06-21 Thread John Culleton

Currently I highlight each paragraph and change it to \large type size.
Is there a way to do this globally in Lyx?? (I can figure out how to do
it in plain TeX or Latex ;-)

John Culleton -> Please visit

2up.tex in Lyx

2000-06-21 Thread John Culleton

I normally do long documents, pamphlets etc. in plain TeX. I am trying
to do a pamphlet using Lyx. When I insert the \input 2up.tex statement I
get strange error messages at the end of the file.  However if I export
a Latex file and insert the statement just after the
\begin{document} tag using vim it works fine.  Is there a basic
incompatiblility between Lyx and 2up.tex? Or is there a trick to getting
it in the file right after the \begin{document} tag?

I don't say \usepackage[2up.sty} because 2up.sty contains just a single
input statement so I eliminate the middleman  :-)

John Culleton -> Please visit

Re: Finishing with lyx in suse 6.4

2000-06-21 Thread John Culleton

Ralf Corsepius wrote:

> Eduardo Diaz Uriarte wrote:
> Do they contain shared versions of xforms-0.89 or link statically
> against xforms-0.88? I had to replace the SuSE's shared xforms-0.88
> libraries with the original xforms-0.89, because lyx-1.1.5 dumps
> core badly (somewhere in xforms) for me (SuSE-6.4) when lyx is
> dynamically linked against SuSE's xforms-0.88.
> Ralf
> --
> Ralf Corsepius
> Forschungsinstitut fuer Anwendungsorientierte Wissensverarbeitung
> (FAW)
> Helmholtzstr. 16, 89081 Ulm, Germany Tel: +49/731/501-8690
> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   FAX: +49/731/501-999

It seems that Xforms is the source of many problems. On my Slackware Linux system I 
had to install a particular
version of Xforms 0.88, the one that is  linked against glibc 2.1. Nothing else worked 
with Lyx 1.1.5.  Go figure.

John Culleton

John Culleton -> Please visit

[Fwd: Segmentaton error again.]

2000-06-19 Thread John Culleton

John Culleton wrote:

> Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> > >>>>> "John" == John Culleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> > John> This gets stranger. I downloaded a precompiled version 1.1.5 on
> > John> rpm, exploded it and installed it. It still generates the
> > John> segmentation error. Then I eliminated kde and went back to
> > John> fvwm2.
> >
> > John> It still generates the segmentation fault error. AFAIK lyx is
> > John> the only thiong affected.
> >
> > John> Is there some special requirement for libraries etc. peculiar to
> > John> lyx that could be causing this problem?
> >
> > John> I have glibc 2.1.2, Xforms 88, libXpm 4.11. I really need lyx
> > John> and I really need help :-(
> >
> > Where did you get your xforms 0.88 from? It should be compiled for
> > glibc2.1.
> >
> > JMarc
> Went to the xforms site, downloaded the version you recommend,  and
> suddenly everything is OK with lyx 1.1.5.
> The site is:
> --
> John Culleton -> Please visit

John Culleton -> Please visit

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> >>>>> "John" == John Culleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> John> This gets stranger. I downloaded a precompiled version 1.1.5 on
> John> rpm, exploded it and installed it. It still generates the
> John> segmentation error. Then I eliminated kde and went back to
> John> fvwm2.
> John> It still generates the segmentation fault error. AFAIK lyx is
> John> the only thiong affected.
> John> Is there some special requirement for libraries etc. peculiar to
> John> lyx that could be causing this problem?
> John> I have glibc 2.1.2, Xforms 88, libXpm 4.11. I really need lyx
> John> and I really need help :-(
> Where did you get your xforms 0.88 from? It should be compiled for
> glibc2.1.
> JMarc

Went to the xforms site, downloaded the version you recommend,  and
suddenly everything is OK with lyx 1.1.5.

The site is:

John Culleton -> Please visit

Segmentaton error again.

2000-06-17 Thread John Culleton

This gets stranger. I downloaded a precompiled version 1.1.5 on rpm, exploded it and 
installed it.

It still generates the segmentation error. Then I eliminated kde and went back to 

It still generates the segmentation fault error. AFAIK lyx is the only thiong affected.

Is there some special requirement for libraries etc. peculiar to lyx that could be 
causing this problem?

I have glibc 2.1.2, Xforms 88, libXpm 4.11. I really need lyx and I really need help 

John Culleton

Segmentation fault.

2000-06-16 Thread John Culleton

I used to use Lyx. Then like a fool I decided to upgrade to 1.1.15.
Configured, compiled, installed. No problem. When I ran lyx I got a
segmentation fault. So I retreated to 1.1.4 and repeated all steps.
Segmentation fault. Then I checked on available libraries and glibc2.1.2
was available. I downloaded xforms 88 and recompiled it. Searched for
Xpm 4.7 but the only one I could find said get a binary if you have
Linux.  Tried imake & make. No joy. Could not find a binary. The Xpm
site proper was still pushing 3.4. My version is 4.1.

So I recompiled lyx again. Segmentation fault.

Here is my question. Assuming that an old Xpm is the culprit, where can
I find a new one in binary form for Linux? Or is there another
suggestion? I use Slackware  7  & kde.

John Culleton -> Please visit

My Linux Slackware system on Friday June 16 2000 at 3:41pm
up 2 days, 3 hours 55 mins since last reboot ;-)