Re: Koma-script letter error on Windows but not on Mac

2008-08-19 Thread Konrad Hofbauer

Graham Smith wrote:

My lines of code giving the problem are:


Is this LyX-generated code or your own Preamble stuff?

I have not tried, but should there not be a %-sign at the end of each 
line ??? Plus, there is a ',' too much on the first line.
So this is I believe not a cross-platform issue but wrong syntax (which 
happens to be forgiven or not depending on the platform and Koma version).

Try putting everything on one line, i.e.
\KOMAoptions{fromalign=right, fromrule=aftername ,fromlogo=true, 
backaddress=false} and I am almost sure everything works.


Re: Koma-script letter error on Windows but not on Mac

2008-08-18 Thread Graham Smith


On 18 Aug 2008, at 17:32, Daniel Lohmann wrote:

On 18.08.2008, at 18:27, Graham Smith wrote:

I have a letter set up on a Mac, which works fine, but copying it to
Windows and trying to compile gives me the following error:

You have used \KOMAoptions to set `',
but KOMA-Script does not know any option named `'.
See the KOMA-Script manual for more informations about options and
their values.

Is  there something obviously different between the Mac and  
Windows that

could help me solve this problem.

Mac prefers to store text files in UTF-8, while Windows tends to  
use  either 16 bit unicode or ISO with codepages. Another issue are  
line endings. So you often need to convert text files when moving  
from one system to another.

Open the files with a text editor (such as TextWrangler) that can  
"translate" them  to Windows.

I have tried opening in Emacs and Notepad, and saving) and I have  
commented out all the lines and retyped them fresh, but still get the  
same error.  The file compiles OK on Linux as well as the Mac, so yes  
it seems to be something specific to Windows.

My lines of code giving the problem are:




Re: Koma-script letter error on Windows but not on Mac

2008-08-18 Thread Graham Smith

On 18.08.2008, at 18:27, Graham Smith wrote:

I have a letter set up on a Mac, which works fine, but copying it to
Windows and trying to compile gives me the following error:

You have used \KOMAoptions to set `',
but KOMA-Script does not know any option named `'.
See the KOMA-Script manual for more informations about options and
their values.

Is  there something obviously different between the Mac and  
Windows that

could help me solve this problem.

Mac prefers to store text files in UTF-8, while Windows tends to  
use  either 16 bit unicode or ISO with codepages. Another issue are  
line endings. So you often need to convert text files when moving  
from one system to another.

Open the files with a text editor (such as TextWrangler) that can  
"translate" them  to Windows.

Thanks, but immediate problem is now that after re-installing Lyx, I  
discovered none of the document classes had been installed, so I've  
installed Koma - Script via MikeTex and reconfigure either freezes or  
gives me a reconfigure error.


Re: Koma-script letter error on Windows but not on Mac

2008-08-18 Thread Daniel Lohmann

On 18.08.2008, at 18:27, Graham Smith wrote:

I have a letter set up on a Mac, which works fine, but copying it to
Windows and trying to compile gives me the following error:

You have used \KOMAoptions to set `',
but KOMA-Script does not know any option named `'.
See the KOMA-Script manual for more informations about options and
their values.

Is  there something obviously different between the Mac and Windows  

could help me solve this problem.

Mac prefers to store text files in UTF-8, while Windows tends to use   
either 16 bit unicode or ISO with codepages. Another issue are line  
endings. So you often need to convert text files when moving from one  
system to another.

Open the files with a text editor (such as TextWrangler) that can  
"translate" them  to Windows.
