Re: BibLaTeX requires additional BibTeX run? [Solved]

2009-11-17 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Piero Faustini wrote:
> About the encoding, I didn't specify it in the bibtex command as you
>  suggested, just because I don't know how but I already found a perfect
>  (unstable?) balance with encoding, .bib files, LyX and biblatex settings
>  and I don't want to touch anything till something really doesn't work.

You just would have to check which encoding is specified in your BibTeX 
manager (in Jabref, it's in Preferences > General > Standard Encoding). 
Anyway, as long as the bibliography is sorted correctly, you can just leave it 
as it is and concentrate on fine-polishing your thesis.

Good luck with that.


RE: BibLaTeX requires additional BibTeX run? [Solved]

2009-11-17 Thread Piero Faustini

> The first thing I'd try is to use bibtex8 instead. In Tools > Preferences > 

Done 24 hours fiddling, and it was just this: too many references (or, 
maybe better said, citations!!!)THANK YOU Jürgen. I owe you  my lifeAbout 
the encoding, I didn't specify it in the bibtex command as you suggested, just 
because I don't know how but I already found a perfect (unstable?) balance with 
encoding, .bib files, LyX and biblatex settings and I don't want to touch 
anything till something really doesn't work.But anyway:THANK YOU A LOT FOR YOUR 
HELP.Now I really owe the LyX project some help (as I can't help you directly!)
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Re: BibLaTeX requires additional BibTeX run?

2009-11-17 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Piero Faustini wrote:
>  Everything
>  went wrong when I added the 120+th reference and cited it.May it be that
>  it was the last drop that made Bib(La)TeX needed to be run 3 times?

Is this a specific reference or does the problem occur with any arbitrary 
120est reference?

> Terminal Output 2 (NO BIB, references, citations, etc. just labels in bold;
>  - speak about fatal error: is this the reason?):

Most likely. But then, a third bibtex run most probably won't help.

> This is BibTeX, Version 0.99c (MiKTeX 2.7)The top-level auxiliary file:

Hm, you use standard bibtex. Probably, the rather small capacities of this 
program are reached (this happens easily with biblatex, see the manual).

The first thing I'd try is to use bibtex8 instead. In Tools > Preferences > 
Output > LaTeX, change the bibtex command to something like
bibtex8 --wolfgang --csfile latin9.csf

the --csfile argument specifies the encoding. The example above implies that 
you are using latin9 (i.e., the bib file is encoded in ISO 8859-15).

--wolfgang sets the capacities to the highest predefined values. If this is 
still not sufficient (such as in a book I'm currently writing), you can extend 
the limits even further. For instance, I currently use:

bibtex8 --wolfgang --mentstrs 5 --csfile latin9.csf

(this is sufficient for ~700 references with biblatex).

If you use bibtex8, you also need to change the biblatex options: you have to 
use the option backend=bibtex8. See the biblatex manual for further 
information about bibtex8.


RE: BibLaTeX requires additional BibTeX run?

2009-11-17 Thread Piero Faustini

> We already perform an extra bibtex run for biblatex, if needed. Does bibtex 
> run 2 times for you? (you can see this best if you start LyX from a terminal)

Thanks, J.
I think the main problem is that my dissertation is COMPLEX. Not huge, just 
complex (lot of internal references, lot of citations, floats, wrap floats 
etc.). I also make use of crossreferencing in BibTeX references.Everything went 
wrong when I added the 120+th reference and cited it.May it be that it was the 
last drop that made Bib(La)TeX needed to be run 3 times?Anyway, I run LyX from 
terminal. Here's 2 outputs; - Output 1 is for when thing went ok.- Output 2 is 
when I added my last citation (it happens if I cite most - not all - of any 
given new reference: I tried several times) and it talks about a "FATAL ERROR":
Terminal Output 1 (Everything - almost - OK):
This is makeindex, version 2.14 [02-Oct-2002] (kpathsea + Thai 
support).Scanning style file 
(10 attributes redefined, 3 ignored).Scanning input file TesiPhD.nlodone (7 
entries accepted, 0 rejected).Sorting entriesdone (22 
comparisons).Generating output file TesiPhD.nlsdone (21 lines written, 0 
warnings).Output written in TesiPhD.nls.Transcript written in TesiPhD.ilg.This 
is BibTeX, Version 0.99c (MiKTeX 2.7)The top-level auxiliary file: 
TesiPhD.auxThe style file: biblatex.bstDatabase file #1: 
TesiPhD-blx.bibDatabase file #2: F:/DiLavoro/Tesi/TesiUTF.bibBiblatex version: 
0.8iWarning--Invalid format of field 'month' in entry 
'DOrmevilleGuisembergaRoma'Warning--Invalid format of field 'month' in entry 
Warning--Invalid format of field 'month' in entry 
'FilippiLaFalcePerseveranza1875'Warning--Invalid format of field 'month' in 
entry 'GiardaSangiorgiCentenario'(There were 4 warnings)This is makeindex, 
version 2.14 [02-Oct-2002] (kpathsea + Thai support).Scanning style file 
(10 attributes redefined, 3 ignored).Scanning input file TesiPhD.nlodone (7 
entries accepted, 0 rejected).Sorting entriesdone (22 
comparisons).Generating output file TesiPhD.nlsdone (21 lines written, 0 
warnings).Output written in TesiPhD.nls.Transcript written in TesiPhD.ilg.

Terminal Output 2 (NO BIB, references, citations, etc. just labels in bold; - 
speak about fatal error: is this the reason?):

This is BibTeX, Version 0.99c (MiKTeX 2.7)The top-level auxiliary file: 
TesiPhD.auxThe style file: biblatex.bstDatabase file #1: 
TesiPhD-blx.bibDatabase file #2: F:/DiLavoro/Tesi/TesiUTF.bibWarning--I'm 
ignoring ScapigliaturaFin's extra "editor" field--line 1974 of file 
F:/DiLavoro/Tesi/TesiUTF.bibWarning--I'm ignoring ScapigliaturaFin's extra 
"title" field--line 1975 of file F:/DiLavoro/Tesi/TesiUTF.bibWarning--I'm 
ignoring ScapigliaturaFin's extra "shorttitle" field--line 1976 of file 
F:/DiLavoro/Tesi/TesiUTF.bibWarning--I'm ignoring ScapigliaturaFin's extra 
"publisher" field--line 1977 of file F:/DiLavoro/Tesi/TesiUTF.bibWarning--I'm 
ignoring ScapigliaturaFin's extra "year" field--line 1983 of file 
F:/DiLavoro/Tesi/TesiUTF.bibBiblatex version: 0.8iNontop top of string 
stack---this can't happen*Please notify the BibTeX maintainer*(That was a fatal 
error)This is BibTeX, Version 0.99c (MiKTeX 2.7)The top-level auxiliary file: 
TesiPhD.auxThe style file: biblatex.bstDatabase file #1: 
TesiPhD-blx.bibDatabase file #2: F:/DiLavoro/Tesi/TesiUTF.bibWarning--I'm 
ignoring ScapigliaturaFin's extra "editor" field--line 1974 of file 
F:/DiLavoro/Tesi/TesiUTF.bibWarning--I'm ignoring ScapigliaturaFin's extra 
"title" field--line 1975 of file F:/DiLavoro/Tesi/TesiUTF.bibWarning--I'm 
ignoring ScapigliaturaFin's extra "shorttitle" field--line 1976 of file 
F:/DiLavoro/Tesi/TesiUTF.bibWarning--I'm ignoring ScapigliaturaFin's extra 
"publisher" field--line 1977 of file F:/DiLavoro/Tesi/TesiUTF.bibWarning--I'm 
ignoring ScapigliaturaFin's extra "year" field--line 1983 of file 
F:/DiLavoro/Tesi/TesiUTF.bibBiblatex version: 0.8iNontop top of string 
stack---this can't happen*Please notify the BibTeX maintainer*(That was a fatal 
error)This is makeindex, version 2.14 [02-Oct-2002] (kpathsea + Thai 
support).Scanning style file 
(10 attributes redefined, 3 ignored).Scanning input file TesiPhD.nlodone (7 
entries accepted, 0 rejected).Sorting entriesdone (22 
comparisons).Generating output file TesiPhD.nlsdone (21 lines written, 0 
warnings).Output written in TesiPhD.nls.Transcript written in TesiPhD.ilg.

Thank you very much Piero

Facile, veloce, sicuro: scarica Internet Explorer 8 per MSN

Re: BibLaTeX requires additional BibTeX run?

2009-11-17 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Piero Faustini wrote:
> Hello,I've been in trouble all the day and now I ask to the list...I use
>  -WinXP sp3-LyX 1.6.4-last version of BibLaTeX (0.8i)-koma report classand
>  I suddenly I can't have my citations and references in my final pdf
>  (200+pages), where everything worked well till today.From the log, it
>  seems is a problem of an extra BibTeX run needed.Till now I can tell LaTeX
>  run 4 times (or even 5, but last time is too fast to tell, and I'm not
>  good in reading logs!)so I guess everything should run once more.The log
>  will show a number of warnings, expecially from BibLaTeX, I always ignored
>  because everything worked well (till today!)Please help me,

We already perform an extra bibtex run for biblatex, if needed. Does bibtex 
run 2 times for you? (you can see this best if you start LyX from a terminal)

> I'm about 10
>  day from the completion of my dissertation! Thanks!Piero

If everything else fails, you can always export to LaTeX for the final version 
and run bibtex manually. 


BibLaTeX requires additional BibTeX run?

2009-11-16 Thread Piero Faustini

Hello,I've been in trouble all the day and now I ask to the list...I use -WinXP 
sp3-LyX 1.6.4-last version of BibLaTeX (0.8i)-koma report classand I suddenly I 
can't have my citations and references in my final pdf (200+pages), where 
everything worked well till today.From the log, it seems is a problem of an 
extra BibTeX run needed.Till now I can tell LaTeX run 4 times (or even 5, but 
last time is too fast to tell, and I'm not good in reading logs!)so I guess 
everything should run once more.The log will show a number of warnings, 
expecially from BibLaTeX, I always ignored because everything worked well (till 
today!)Please help me, I'm about 10 day from the completion of my dissertation! 
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