Re: Trouble with Cross-Reference

2015-09-25 Thread Michael Berger

On 09/24/2015 10:26 PM, Sarah wrote:


I've uploaded file that I've created while following the tutorial. 
Hopefully this will make my issue more clear to you all.


On 9/24/15 1:10 PM, Sarah wrote:
So sorry, I forgot to include in my original message that I'm working 
on a Mac machine. OS X 10.9.5

On 9/24/15 11:27 AM, Sarah wrote:


I'm working through the LyX Tutorial and I've encountered a problem 
in Section 3.4.2: Your first cross-reference. I have followed the 
steps outlined in this section:

  * Applied the label "sec:About-This-Document" at the end of the
title line for Section 2 of my document (as directed in Section
3.4.1 in the tutorial)
  * Typed the suggested text, "If you want to know more about this
document, then see Section, which can be found on page." within
Section 2 of my document
  * Placed the cursor after the word "Section"
  * Used the Cross Reference toolbar button
  * Selected " on page " from the "Format"
drop-down menu in the Cross-reference dialog
  * Selected the label "sec:About-This-Document"

The reference label "Ref+Text: sec:About-This-Document" then appears 
after the word "Section" in my text. However, when I view the .pdf 
file, no page information is published. The sentence reads: "If you 
want to know more about this document, then see Section 2, which can 
be found on page." Information is published for the Section but not 
for the page.

Please let me know if you see an error in my steps. This particular 
format is not completely necessary for my needs, and I can fix the 
problem manually by including another cross-reference at the end of 
the word "page" and using the "" format in the Cross-reference 
dialog, but I'd like to know whether I am creating the problem or 
the format contains a bug.

Sarah Davis

Hi Sarah,
see your LyX document with some basic changes I've added.
Look at the Document Settings. If you remove linktoc=none in Document > 
Settings > PDF Properties the Contents will be in red.

Have fun!

PS: Try replacing the document class Article with Koma Script Article

Description: application/lyx

Re: Trouble with Cross-Reference

2015-09-24 Thread John Kane
 added some lipsum text to force another page and it functioned correctly
---it gave me " Section 2 on the preceding page" as it should.

Handy trick if you need some junk filler text when testing something add
\usepackage{lipsum} to the latex preamble Document > Settings > Latex
and you can stick a command like \lipsum[1-4] in ERT (know called Tex Code
Insert > Tex Code or ctl-L ) to insert 4 paragraphs of the famous "Lorem
ipsum dolor... " text.

On 24 September 2015 at 18:07, Richard Heck  wrote:

> On 09/24/2015 04:26 PM, Sarah wrote:
> Hi,
> I've uploaded file that I've created while following the tutorial.
> Hopefully this will make my issue more clear to you all.
> Yes, thanks, that is helpful.
> So your file looks like:
> If you want to know more about this document, then see Section 
> [Ref+Text:sec:About-This-Document],
> which can be found on page.
> This is exactly what the tutorial says to do, but it is obviously
> ungrammatical. The "which can be found on page" part seems to be a leftover
> from a previous version. I've removed it for the next release. (Thanks!)
> What happens with the "Ref+Text" type of cross-reference is that, if that
> section began on a different page from the one the cross-reference is on,
> then you will get something like "Section 2 on page 5" in the output. If,
> as in your case, it is on the same page, you just get "Section 2". This is
> a very cool aspect of how LaTeX works. It can figure out for you whether
> you need to put a page number. It will even do things like "Section 2 on
> the preceding page". Add some random text before the cross-reference to
> force it to the next page, and you can see for yourself.
> If you actually did want it to read "which can be found on page 5", or
> whatever, then you could make the first cross-reference just have the
> format "" and then add another cross-reference after the word
> "page". The label would be the same, but the format would be "".
> Alternatively, you could remove the words "on page" and use the format "On
> page ". Then you get as output "on page 5" or "on the preceding page"
> or even "on the current page", depending. Try it.
> Richard
> -Sarah
> On 9/24/15 1:10 PM, Sarah wrote:
> So sorry, I forgot to include in my original message that I'm working on a
> Mac machine. OS X 10.9.5
> On 9/24/15 11:27 AM, Sarah wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm working through the LyX Tutorial and I've encountered a problem in
> Section 3.4.2: Your first cross-reference. I have followed the steps
> outlined in this section:
>- Applied the label "sec:About-This-Document" at the end of the title
>line for Section 2 of my document (as directed in Section 3.4.1 in the
>- Typed the suggested text, "If you want to know more about this
>document, then see Section, which can be found on page." within Section 2
>of my document
>- Placed the cursor after the word "Section"
>- Used the Cross Reference toolbar button
>- Selected " on page " from the "Format" drop-down
>menu in the Cross-reference dialog
>- Selected the label "sec:About-This-Document"
> The reference label "Ref+Text: sec:About-This-Document" then appears after
> the word "Section" in my text. However, when I view the .pdf file, no page
> information is published. The sentence reads: "If you want to know more
> about this document, then see Section 2, which can be found on page."
> Information is published for the Section but not for the page.
> Please let me know if you see an error in my steps. This particular format
> is not completely necessary for my needs, and I can fix the problem
> manually by including another cross-reference at the end of the word "page"
> and using the "" format in the Cross-reference dialog, but I'd like
> to know whether I am creating the problem or the format contains a bug.
> Thanks.
> --
> Sarah Davis

John Kane
Kingston ON Canada

Re: Trouble with Cross-Reference

2015-09-24 Thread Richard Heck

On 09/24/2015 04:26 PM, Sarah wrote:


I've uploaded file that I've created while following the tutorial. 
Hopefully this will make my issue more clear to you all.

Yes, thanks, that is helpful.

So your file looks like:

   If you want to know more about this document, then see Section
   [Ref+Text:sec:About-This-Document], which can be found on page.

This is exactly what the tutorial says to do, but it is obviously 
ungrammatical. The "which can be found on page" part seems to be a 
leftover from a previous version. I've removed it for the next release. 

What happens with the "Ref+Text" type of cross-reference is that, if 
that section began on a different page from the one the cross-reference 
is on, then you will get something like "Section 2 on page 5" in the 
output. If, as in your case, it is on the same page, you just get 
"Section 2". This is a very cool aspect of how LaTeX works. It can 
figure out for you whether you need to put a page number. It will even 
do things like "Section 2 on the preceding page". Add some random text 
before the cross-reference to force it to the next page, and you can see 
for yourself.

If you actually did want it to read "which can be found on page 5", or 
whatever, then you could make the first cross-reference just have the 
format "" and then add another cross-reference after the word 
"page". The label would be the same, but the format would be "". 
Alternatively, you could remove the words "on page" and use the format 
"On page ". Then you get as output "on page 5" or "on the 
preceding page" or even "on the current page", depending. Try it.


LyX Document


On 9/24/15 1:10 PM, Sarah wrote:
So sorry, I forgot to include in my original message that I'm working 
on a Mac machine. OS X 10.9.5

On 9/24/15 11:27 AM, Sarah wrote:


I'm working through the LyX Tutorial and I've encountered a problem 
in Section 3.4.2: Your first cross-reference. I have followed the 
steps outlined in this section:

  * Applied the label "sec:About-This-Document" at the end of the
title line for Section 2 of my document (as directed in Section
3.4.1 in the tutorial)
  * Typed the suggested text, "If you want to know more about this
document, then see Section, which can be found on page." within
Section 2 of my document
  * Placed the cursor after the word "Section"
  * Used the Cross Reference toolbar button
  * Selected " on page " from the "Format"
drop-down menu in the Cross-reference dialog
  * Selected the label "sec:About-This-Document"

The reference label "Ref+Text: sec:About-This-Document" then appears 
after the word "Section" in my text. However, when I view the .pdf 
file, no page information is published. The sentence reads: "If you 
want to know more about this document, then see Section 2, which can 
be found on page." Information is published for the Section but not 
for the page.

Please let me know if you see an error in my steps. This particular 
format is not completely necessary for my needs, and I can fix the 
problem manually by including another cross-reference at the end of 
the word "page" and using the "" format in the Cross-reference 
dialog, but I'd like to know whether I am creating the problem or 
the format contains a bug.

Sarah Davis

Re: Trouble with Cross-Reference

2015-09-24 Thread Sarah


I've uploaded file that I've created while following the tutorial. 
Hopefully this will make my issue more clear to you all.


On 9/24/15 1:10 PM, Sarah wrote:
So sorry, I forgot to include in my original message that I'm working 
on a Mac machine. OS X 10.9.5

On 9/24/15 11:27 AM, Sarah wrote:


I'm working through the LyX Tutorial and I've encountered a problem 
in Section 3.4.2: Your first cross-reference. I have followed the 
steps outlined in this section:

  * Applied the label "sec:About-This-Document" at the end of the
title line for Section 2 of my document (as directed in Section
3.4.1 in the tutorial)
  * Typed the suggested text, "If you want to know more about this
document, then see Section, which can be found on page." within
Section 2 of my document
  * Placed the cursor after the word "Section"
  * Used the Cross Reference toolbar button
  * Selected " on page " from the "Format" drop-down
menu in the Cross-reference dialog
  * Selected the label "sec:About-This-Document"

The reference label "Ref+Text: sec:About-This-Document" then appears 
after the word "Section" in my text. However, when I view the .pdf 
file, no page information is published. The sentence reads: "If you 
want to know more about this document, then see Section 2, which can 
be found on page." Information is published for the Section but not 
for the page.

Please let me know if you see an error in my steps. This particular 
format is not completely necessary for my needs, and I can fix the 
problem manually by including another cross-reference at the end of 
the word "page" and using the "" format in the Cross-reference 
dialog, but I'd like to know whether I am creating the problem or the 
format contains a bug.

Sarah Davis

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\begin_layout Title
A First Attempt at LyX

\begin_layout Author
Sarah Davis

\begin_layout Date
September 22, 2015

\begin_layout Abstract
This article is a representative document of a personal first look into
 writing in LyX
\begin_inset Foot
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout
LyX is a typesetting word processor.


 The sections and subsections listed below represent work completed while
 practicing skills necessary to use LyX successfully.
 This skillset should prove useful while working in a technical lab, especially
 for such details as Standard Operating Procedures and Laboratory Reports.
 As a team member with a knack for organization I will use my newly acquired
 skillset to create templates for my coworkers.
 These templates will aid in the creation of consistent and aesthetically
 pleasing official documentation.

\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset CommandInset toc
LatexCommand tableofcontents



\begin_layout Section

\begin_layout Standard
This is an introduction to my first LyX document.

\begin_layout Section
About This Document
\begin_inset CommandInset label
LatexCommand label
name "sec:About-This-Document"



\begin_layout Standard
Sections and subsections are described below.
\begin_inset Newline newline

If you want to know more about this document, then see Section
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand vref
reference "sec:About-This-Document"


, which can be found on page.

\begin_layout Subsection

Re: Trouble with Cross-Reference

2015-09-24 Thread Stephan Witt
Am 24.09.2015 um 20:10 schrieb Sarah :

> So sorry, I forgot to include in my original message that I'm working on a 
> Mac machine. OS X 10.9.5

Hi Sarah,

it would be nice to see the document you've created so far. 
I'm not sure if I'm able to help - but others will be interested
in the example with your problem too.

Perhaps the tutorial is not the best here. If I insert a cross-
reference like you described it I get the text 

"If you want to know more about this document, then see Section 
*2 on the previous page*, which can be found on page."

in Preview. The phrase between the stars is the generated text
of the reference. Obviously the rest of the sentence is nonsense.


> On 9/24/15 11:27 AM, Sarah wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm working through the LyX Tutorial and I've encountered a problem in 
>> Section 3.4.2: Your first cross-reference. I have followed the steps 
>> outlined in this section:
>>  • Applied the label "sec:About-This-Document" at the end of the title 
>> line for Section 2 of my document (as directed in Section 3.4.1 in the 
>> tutorial)
>>  • Typed the suggested text, "If you want to know more about this 
>> document, then see Section, which can be found on page." within Section 2 of 
>> my document
>>  • Placed the cursor after the word "Section"
>>  • Used the Cross Reference toolbar button
>>  • Selected " on page " from the "Format" drop-down 
>> menu in the Cross-reference dialog
>>  • Selected the label "sec:About-This-Document"
>> The reference label "Ref+Text: sec:About-This-Document" then appears after 
>> the word "Section" in my text. However, when I view the .pdf file, no page 
>> information is published. The sentence reads: "If you want to know more 
>> about this document, then see Section 2, which can be found on page." 
>> Information is published for the Section but not for the page.
>> Please let me know if you see an error in my steps. This particular format 
>> is not completely necessary for my needs, and I can fix the problem manually 
>> by including another cross-reference at the end of the word "page" and using 
>> the "" format in the Cross-reference dialog, but I'd like to know 
>> whether I am creating the problem or the format contains a bug.
>> Thanks.
>> -- 
>> Sarah Davis

Re: Trouble with Cross-Reference

2015-09-24 Thread Sarah
So sorry, I forgot to include in my original message that I'm working on 
a Mac machine. OS X 10.9.5

On 9/24/15 11:27 AM, Sarah wrote:


I'm working through the LyX Tutorial and I've encountered a problem in 
Section 3.4.2: Your first cross-reference. I have followed the steps 
outlined in this section:

  * Applied the label "sec:About-This-Document" at the end of the
title line for Section 2 of my document (as directed in Section
3.4.1 in the tutorial)
  * Typed the suggested text, "If you want to know more about this
document, then see Section, which can be found on page." within
Section 2 of my document
  * Placed the cursor after the word "Section"
  * Used the Cross Reference toolbar button
  * Selected " on page " from the "Format" drop-down
menu in the Cross-reference dialog
  * Selected the label "sec:About-This-Document"

The reference label "Ref+Text: sec:About-This-Document" then appears 
after the word "Section" in my text. However, when I view the .pdf 
file, no page information is published. The sentence reads: "If you 
want to know more about this document, then see Section 2, which can 
be found on page." Information is published for the Section but not 
for the page.

Please let me know if you see an error in my steps. This particular 
format is not completely necessary for my needs, and I can fix the 
problem manually by including another cross-reference at the end of 
the word "page" and using the "" format in the Cross-reference 
dialog, but I'd like to know whether I am creating the problem or the 
format contains a bug.

Sarah Davis

Trouble with Cross-Reference

2015-09-24 Thread Sarah


I'm working through the LyX Tutorial and I've encountered a problem in 
Section 3.4.2: Your first cross-reference. I have followed the steps 
outlined in this section:

 * Applied the label "sec:About-This-Document" at the end of the title
   line for Section 2 of my document (as directed in Section 3.4.1 in
   the tutorial)
 * Typed the suggested text, "If you want to know more about this
   document, then see Section, which can be found on page." within
   Section 2 of my document
 * Placed the cursor after the word "Section"
 * Used the Cross Reference toolbar button
 * Selected " on page " from the "Format" drop-down
   menu in the Cross-reference dialog
 * Selected the label "sec:About-This-Document"

The reference label "Ref+Text: sec:About-This-Document" then appears 
after the word "Section" in my text. However, when I view the .pdf file, 
no page information is published. The sentence reads: "If you want to 
know more about this document, then see Section 2, which can be found on 
page." Information is published for the Section but not for the page.

Please let me know if you see an error in my steps. This particular 
format is not completely necessary for my needs, and I can fix the 
problem manually by including another cross-reference at the end of the 
word "page" and using the "" format in the Cross-reference dialog, 
but I'd like to know whether I am creating the problem or the format 
contains a bug.


Sarah Davis