Re: Bibliography: author-year, not number [FIXED]

2018-12-15 Thread Rich Shepard

On Sat, 15 Dec 2018, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

It's not superfluous if you set it before inserting the BibTeX inset,
since then, the BibTeX inset will inherit it.


  This makes good sense. I'll try to remember this. :-)

I think, though, that this entry should be rather in preferences than in
Document Settings.

  This, too, makes good sense.

  Thanks again for your insights.

Carpe weekend,


Re: Bibliography: author-year, not number [FIXED]

2018-12-15 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Samstag, den 15.12.2018, 06:29 -0800 schrieb Rich Shepard:
>If the BibTeX setting is the important one because it can vary
> when there
> are non-sigular bibliographies, pre-setting it in the Document menu
> seems
> superfluous. The two need to match, don't they? I use the same
> authordate3
> format for all my documents but that's not the default in the BibTeX
> dialog.

It's not superfluous if you set it before inserting the BibTeX inset,
since then, the BibTeX inset will inherit it.

I think, though, that this entry should be rather in preferences than
in Document Settings.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Bibliography: author-year, not number [FIXED]

2018-12-15 Thread Rich Shepard

On Sat, 15 Dec 2018, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

It must be set in the BibTeX dialog since multiple BibTeX insets can have
divergent styles (useful with "subdivided bibliography" or "multiple

The setting in Document ... is just for convenience (if you always need
the same style and want to have it preset).


  If the BibTeX setting is the important one because it can vary when there
are non-sigular bibliographies, pre-setting it in the Document menu seems
superfluous. The two need to match, don't they? I use the same authordate3
format for all my documents but that's not the default in the BibTeX dialog.

  An interesting exchange since I don't recall stumbling over this issue in
the past. Perhaps I have and just don't remember needing to resulve it.

Best regards,


Re: Bibliography: author-year, not number [FIXED]

2018-12-15 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Samstag, den 15.12.2018, 05:51 -0800 schrieb Rich Shepard:
>Why is the bibliography style set is two places? Is it not
> sufficient to
> set in Documment -> Settings -> Bibliography while the citation style
> is set
> in only one place? Just curious.

It must be set in the BibTeX dialog since multiple BibTeX insets can
have divergent styles (useful with "subdivided bibliography" or
"multiple bibliographies").

The setting in Document ... is just for convenience (if you always need
the same style and want to have it preset).


> Much appreciated,
> Rich

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Bibliography: author-year, not number [FIXED]

2018-12-15 Thread Rich Shepard

On Sat, 15 Dec 2018, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

Note that the "Default BibTeX Style" in Doccument > Settings >
Bibliography is overwritten by any specific setting in the BibTeX


  Aha! This is what I overlooked/forgot. When initiating the bibliography I
identified the .bib file but missed setting the style, there too.

  Why is the bibliography style set is two places? Is it not sufficient to
set in Documment -> Settings -> Bibliography while the citation style is set
in only one place? Just curious.

Much appreciated,


Re: Bibliography: author-year, not number

2018-12-15 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Freitag, den 14.12.2018, 14:44 -0800 schrieb Rich Shepard:
>Problem: for a new document the bibliography insists on displaying
> by
> number while I have the settings asking for author-year. I don't see
> what's
> wrong.

You have the bibliography style "plain" in the BibTeX inset settings
dialog (rather than "authordate3", which seems to be the one you want).

Note that the "Default BibTeX Style" in Doccument > Settings >
Bibliography is overwritten by any specific setting in the BibTeX


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Bibliography: author-year, not number

2018-12-14 Thread Rich Shepard

  Environment: LyX-3.2.3 on Slackware-14.2.

  Attachments: mwe.lyx, nonworking biblio screen shot, working biblio screen

  Problem: for a new document the bibliography insists on displaying by
number while I have the settings asking for author-year. I don't see what's

  The settings for a previous document (working-bib-screen-shot.png) I
duplicated for the new document (nonworking-bib-screen-shot.png), but with
different results.

  In the older, properly working bibliography settings the combobox for
style format is greyed out (the faint text is Natbib (bibtex)); in the new
bibliography settings it's not greyed out. That's the only difference I'm

  This is the bibtex entry for the citation (from JabRef):

  author= {Williams, J.E. and Giannico, G.R. and Withrow-Robinson, B.},
  title = {Field Guide to Common Fish of the Willamette Valley Floodplain},
  year  = {2014},
  publisher = {Oregon State University Extension Service},
  pagetotal = {44},
  number= {EM 9091},
  abstract  = {A field guide to native and nonnative fish in the Willamette 
River system.},
  keywords  = {fish, Willamette River, Oregon},

  I expect that fresh eyeballs will see what I'm overlooking and their owner
will clue me in to what needs to be changed.

Carpe weekend,

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There are many fish species in the Willamette River system; a few are native
 and many are nonnative imports for sport fishing.
 Native fish species include chinook salmon, steelhead/rainbow trout, coastal
 cutthroat trout, chiselmouth, northern pikeminnow, peamouth, redside shiner,
 speckled dace, largescale sucker, threespine stickleback, reticulate sculpin,
 prickly sculpin, Oregon chub, sand roller, brook lamprey, pacific lamprey,
 and common native minnows.
 Nonnative species include bluegill, pPumpkinseed, warmouth, green sunfish,
 black crappie, white crappie, common carp, goldfish, largemouth bass, smallmout
h bass, western mosquitofish, yellow bullhead,.bown bullhead, yellow perch,
 banded killifish, oriental weatherfish, and common sunfish
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