Re: indicate page number of floats

2011-09-08 Thread Csikos Bela
Julien Rioux írta:
On 06/09/2011 8:50 PM, Csikos Bela wrote:
 As I see the varioref package is used for this purpose.
 I looked at its documentation and found that the package has starred
 versions of vref and vpageref commands (vref*, vpageref*) which prevent
 insertion of a space before the reference. It seems that currently the 
 commands can not be inserted through lyx, TeX code has to be used
 (which is not a problem). But it could be a feature improvement if they
 could be inserted through lyx as well in a future release.

So you get extra spaces? Do you have a minimal example file which shows 
your problem?

Thank Julien.
Here is an example. See the page reference in the parenthesis.

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\begin_layout Standard
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LatexCommand ref
reference fig1


\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand vpageref
reference fig1


) shows ...

\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Float figure
wide false
sideways false
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Caption

\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset CommandInset label
LatexCommand label
name fig1


This is a figure caption






You can always put the reference right next to the preceding word:
as seen[pageref]
will produce
as seen on this page
in output.

I don't remember if I ever needed to do that and why.

 Another issue is that one of my references says 'on this page'  (in the last 
 of the page) but the table float is placed on the next page.
 How can I correct this one?

I never had this. Is your label within the float?

Yes, it is. I will try to make an example for this too, but it takes time.

 One more question:
 The varioref document says that the \reftextbefore etc. commands can be
 redefined, but if babel is used it has to be done using babel mechanism.
 It gives an example:

  \renewcommand\reftextfaceafter {auf der n\achsten Seite}%

 What would be the command for magyar (Hungarian) language?
 How can I find it out?

I would try replacing ngerman with magyar.

Unfortunately this does not work.
Try to figure it out myself.

Thanks again,


Re: indicate page number of floats

2011-09-08 Thread Csikos Bela
Julien Rioux írta:
On 06/09/2011 8:50 PM, Csikos Bela wrote:
 As I see the varioref package is used for this purpose.
 I looked at its documentation and found that the package has starred
 versions of vref and vpageref commands (vref*, vpageref*) which prevent
 insertion of a space before the reference. It seems that currently the 
 commands can not be inserted through lyx, TeX code has to be used
 (which is not a problem). But it could be a feature improvement if they
 could be inserted through lyx as well in a future release.

So you get extra spaces? Do you have a minimal example file which shows 
your problem?

Thank Julien.
Here is an example. See the page reference in the parenthesis.

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\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference fig1


\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand vpageref
reference fig1


) shows ...

\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Float figure
wide false
sideways false
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Caption

\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset CommandInset label
LatexCommand label
name fig1


This is a figure caption






You can always put the reference right next to the preceding word:
as seen[pageref]
will produce
as seen on this page
in output.

I don't remember if I ever needed to do that and why.

 Another issue is that one of my references says 'on this page'  (in the last 
 of the page) but the table float is placed on the next page.
 How can I correct this one?

I never had this. Is your label within the float?

Yes, it is. I will try to make an example for this too, but it takes time.

 One more question:
 The varioref document says that the \reftextbefore etc. commands can be
 redefined, but if babel is used it has to be done using babel mechanism.
 It gives an example:

  \renewcommand\reftextfaceafter {auf der n\achsten Seite}%

 What would be the command for magyar (Hungarian) language?
 How can I find it out?

I would try replacing ngerman with magyar.

Unfortunately this does not work.
Try to figure it out myself.

Thanks again,


Re: indicate page number of floats

2011-09-08 Thread Csikos Bela
Julien Rioux  írta:
>On 06/09/2011 8:50 PM, Csikos Bela wrote:>
> As I see the varioref package is used for this purpose.>
> I looked at its documentation and found that the package has starred>
> versions of vref and vpageref commands (vref*, vpageref*) which prevent>
> insertion of a space before the reference. It seems that currently the 
> starred>
> commands can not be inserted through lyx, TeX code has to be used>
> (which is not a problem). But it could be a feature improvement if they>
> could be inserted through lyx as well in a future release.>
>So you get extra spaces? Do you have a minimal example file which shows >
>your problem?>

Thank Julien.
Here is an example. See the page reference in the parenthesis.

#LyX 2.0 created this file. For more info see
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\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "fig1"


\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand vpageref
reference "fig1"


) shows ...

\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Float figure
wide false
sideways false
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Caption

\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset CommandInset label
LatexCommand label
name "fig1"


This is a figure caption






>You can always put the reference right next to the preceding word:
>"as seen[pageref]"
>will produce
>"as seen on this page"
>in output.
>I don't remember if I ever needed to do that and why.
> Another issue is that one of my references says 'on this page'  (in the last 
> line>
> of the page) but the table float is placed on the next page.>
> How can I correct this one?>
I never had this. Is your label within the float?>

Yes, it is. I will try to make an example for this too, but it takes time.

> One more question:>
> The varioref document says that the \reftextbefore etc. commands can be>
> redefined, but if babel is used it has to be done using babel mechanism.>
> It gives an example:>
> \addto\extrasngerman{%>
>  \renewcommand\reftextfaceafter {auf der n\"achsten Seite}%>
>   ...>
> What would be the command for magyar (Hungarian) language?>
> How can I find it out?>
I would try replacing ngerman with magyar.>

Unfortunately this does not work.
Try to figure it out myself.

Thanks again,


Re: indicate page number of floats

2011-09-07 Thread Julien Rioux

On 06/09/2011 8:50 PM, Csikos Bela wrote:

As I see the varioref package is used for this purpose.
I looked at its documentation and found that the package has starred
versions of vref and vpageref commands (vref*, vpageref*) which prevent
insertion of a space before the reference. It seems that currently the starred
commands can not be inserted through lyx, TeX code has to be used
(which is not a problem). But it could be a feature improvement if they
could be inserted through lyx as well in a future release.

So you get extra spaces? Do you have a minimal example file which shows 
your problem?

You can always put the reference right next to the preceding word:
as seen[pageref]
will produce
as seen on this page
in output.

I don't remember if I ever needed to do that and why.

Another issue is that one of my references says 'on this page'  (in the last 
of the page) but the table float is placed on the next page.
How can I correct this one?

I never had this. Is your label within the float?

One more question:
The varioref document says that the \reftextbefore etc. commands can be
redefined, but if babel is used it has to be done using babel mechanism.
It gives an example:

 \renewcommand\reftextfaceafter {auf der n\achsten Seite}%

What would be the command for magyar (Hungarian) language?
How can I find it out?

I would try replacing ngerman with magyar.


Re: indicate page number of floats

2011-09-07 Thread Julien Rioux

On 06/09/2011 8:50 PM, Csikos Bela wrote:

As I see the varioref package is used for this purpose.
I looked at its documentation and found that the package has starred
versions of vref and vpageref commands (vref*, vpageref*) which prevent
insertion of a space before the reference. It seems that currently the starred
commands can not be inserted through lyx, TeX code has to be used
(which is not a problem). But it could be a feature improvement if they
could be inserted through lyx as well in a future release.

So you get extra spaces? Do you have a minimal example file which shows 
your problem?

You can always put the reference right next to the preceding word:
as seen[pageref]
will produce
as seen on this page
in output.

I don't remember if I ever needed to do that and why.

Another issue is that one of my references says 'on this page'  (in the last 
of the page) but the table float is placed on the next page.
How can I correct this one?

I never had this. Is your label within the float?

One more question:
The varioref document says that the \reftextbefore etc. commands can be
redefined, but if babel is used it has to be done using babel mechanism.
It gives an example:

 \renewcommand\reftextfaceafter {auf der n\achsten Seite}%

What would be the command for magyar (Hungarian) language?
How can I find it out?

I would try replacing ngerman with magyar.


Re: indicate page number of floats

2011-09-07 Thread Julien Rioux

On 06/09/2011 8:50 PM, Csikos Bela wrote:

As I see the varioref package is used for this purpose.
I looked at its documentation and found that the package has starred
versions of vref and vpageref commands (vref*, vpageref*) which prevent
insertion of a space before the reference. It seems that currently the starred
commands can not be inserted through lyx, TeX code has to be used
(which is not a problem). But it could be a feature improvement if they
could be inserted through lyx as well in a future release.

So you get extra spaces? Do you have a minimal example file which shows 
your problem?

You can always put the reference right next to the preceding word:
"as seen[pageref]"
will produce
"as seen on this page"
in output.

I don't remember if I ever needed to do that and why.

Another issue is that one of my references says 'on this page'  (in the last 
of the page) but the table float is placed on the next page.
How can I correct this one?

I never had this. Is your label within the float?

One more question:
The varioref document says that the \reftextbefore etc. commands can be
redefined, but if babel is used it has to be done using babel mechanism.
It gives an example:

 \renewcommand\reftextfaceafter {auf der n\"achsten Seite}%

What would be the command for magyar (Hungarian) language?
How can I find it out?

I would try replacing ngerman with magyar.


Re: indicate page number of floats

2011-09-06 Thread Csikos Bela
Julien Rioux írta:
On 06/09/2011 12:09 AM, Csikos Bela wrote:

 Is it possible to indicate page number of floating figures automatically?
 For example:

 some text in document (fig. 5, page z)

 Page number z would be inserted by latex/lyx at compilation.



Absolutely! Please see Section 6.1 of the User's Guide that you find in
the Help menu.

Thanks Julien.

This was exactly what I thought of.

As I see the varioref package is used for this purpose.
I looked at its documentation and found that the package has starred
versions of vref and vpageref commands (vref*, vpageref*) which prevent
insertion of a space before the reference. It seems that currently the starred
commands can not be inserted through lyx, TeX code has to be used
(which is not a problem). But it could be a feature improvement if they
could be inserted through lyx as well in a future release.

Another issue is that one of my references says 'on this page'  (in the last 
of the page) but the table float is placed on the next page. 
How can I correct this one?

One more question:
The varioref document says that the \reftextbefore etc. commands can be
redefined, but if babel is used it has to be done using babel mechanism.
It gives an example:

\renewcommand\reftextfaceafter {auf der n\achsten Seite}%

What would be the command for magyar (Hungarian) language?
How can I find it out?

Thanks again,


Re: indicate page number of floats

2011-09-06 Thread Csikos Bela
Julien Rioux írta:
On 06/09/2011 12:09 AM, Csikos Bela wrote:

 Is it possible to indicate page number of floating figures automatically?
 For example:

 some text in document (fig. 5, page z)

 Page number z would be inserted by latex/lyx at compilation.



Absolutely! Please see Section 6.1 of the User's Guide that you find in
the Help menu.

Thanks Julien.

This was exactly what I thought of.

As I see the varioref package is used for this purpose.
I looked at its documentation and found that the package has starred
versions of vref and vpageref commands (vref*, vpageref*) which prevent
insertion of a space before the reference. It seems that currently the starred
commands can not be inserted through lyx, TeX code has to be used
(which is not a problem). But it could be a feature improvement if they
could be inserted through lyx as well in a future release.

Another issue is that one of my references says 'on this page'  (in the last 
of the page) but the table float is placed on the next page. 
How can I correct this one?

One more question:
The varioref document says that the \reftextbefore etc. commands can be
redefined, but if babel is used it has to be done using babel mechanism.
It gives an example:

\renewcommand\reftextfaceafter {auf der n\achsten Seite}%

What would be the command for magyar (Hungarian) language?
How can I find it out?

Thanks again,


Re: indicate page number of floats

2011-09-06 Thread Csikos Bela
Julien Rioux  írta:
>On 06/09/2011 12:09 AM, Csikos Bela wrote:>
> Hello:>
> Is it possible to indicate page number of floating figures automatically?>
> For example:>
> "some text in document (fig. 5, page z)">
> Page number z would be inserted by latex/lyx at compilation.>
> Thanks,>
> bcsikos>
>Absolutely! Please see Section 6.1 of the User's Guide that you find in
>the Help menu.

Thanks Julien.

This was exactly what I thought of.

As I see the varioref package is used for this purpose.
I looked at its documentation and found that the package has starred
versions of vref and vpageref commands (vref*, vpageref*) which prevent
insertion of a space before the reference. It seems that currently the starred
commands can not be inserted through lyx, TeX code has to be used
(which is not a problem). But it could be a feature improvement if they
could be inserted through lyx as well in a future release.

Another issue is that one of my references says 'on this page'  (in the last 
of the page) but the table float is placed on the next page. 
How can I correct this one?

One more question:
The varioref document says that the \reftextbefore etc. commands can be
redefined, but if babel is used it has to be done using babel mechanism.
It gives an example:

\renewcommand\reftextfaceafter {auf der n\"achsten Seite}%

What would be the command for magyar (Hungarian) language?
How can I find it out?

Thanks again,


Re: indicate page number of floats

2011-09-05 Thread Julien Rioux

On 06/09/2011 12:09 AM, Csikos Bela wrote:


Is it possible to indicate page number of floating figures automatically?
For example:

some text in document (fig. 5, page z)

Page number z would be inserted by latex/lyx at compilation.



Absolutely! Please see Section 6.1 of the User's Guide that you find in 
the Help menu.


Re: indicate page number of floats

2011-09-05 Thread Julien Rioux

On 06/09/2011 12:09 AM, Csikos Bela wrote:


Is it possible to indicate page number of floating figures automatically?
For example:

some text in document (fig. 5, page z)

Page number z would be inserted by latex/lyx at compilation.



Absolutely! Please see Section 6.1 of the User's Guide that you find in 
the Help menu.


Re: indicate page number of floats

2011-09-05 Thread Julien Rioux

On 06/09/2011 12:09 AM, Csikos Bela wrote:


Is it possible to indicate page number of floating figures automatically?
For example:

"some text in document (fig. 5, page z)"

Page number z would be inserted by latex/lyx at compilation.



Absolutely! Please see Section 6.1 of the User's Guide that you find in 
the Help menu.
