Up to date MacPorts

2010-10-16 Thread Scott Haneda
I am using Mac OS X 10.6.4 1.83GHz Intel Core 2 Duo with 4GB DDR2 667 SDRAM.  
Clean system for the most part.  I have always been on 10.6, ports has never 
crossed an upgrade path between major OS versions.

According to port:
  $port version
  Version: 1.9.1

I want to make sure I am current.  I think the 1.9 release moved to using a 
sqlite database.  I don't know how to conform I have made that upgrade/change 
correct, or if I need to reinstall.  I have no objection to doing so, or to 
reinstalling my port files either.

I run `sudo port -d selfupdate` from time to time, and am running it now.  
After the big list of all the ports

Curious, I see rsync is used to sync the ports on selfupdate.  Is there an 
rsync server on the remote end, or is this just using  rsync on the client and 
there is no rsync server that has to be maintained.

Here is the output from `sudo port -d selfupdate` and also from `port 
installed`, and I am running a `sudo port update outdated` now as well.
http://pastie.org/1226976 .

I just want to make sure I have the most current and best tools.  sqlite seems 
a great tool to have as a backend for MacPorts.
Thanks everyone!
Scott (* For off-list contact, replace talklists@ with scott@ *)

macports-users mailing list

Re: MySql5 install on SnowLeopard, problems starting

2010-10-10 Thread Scott Haneda
On Oct 10, 2010, at 7:09 PM, Ryan Schmidt  wrote:

> Note that on Leopard and later, the user is technically _mysql (not mysql).

Is there a technote on this? Is this an Apple convention or do other nix's 
share the underscore uname duplication? Maybe there is a non Apple doc on this 

All my testing and searching has always shown the two username forms to be 
interchangeable. (As long as the alias exists in the record, which I think 
happens automatically.)

I have always wondered the official guidelines on the username format as well 
as official documentation on the uses of the underscore in a username or group. 
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ *
macports-users mailing list

Re: Messed up Perl

2010-10-05 Thread Scott Haneda
On Oct 4, 2010, at 8:40 PM, Hal Vaughan  wrote:

>  Here's an example: Tonight is Monday, so I'll put the garbage on the curb 
> along with my recycling because they pick it up on Tuesday.  That's the 
> default and the expected behavior.  Why should I check the city's website on 
> that every Monday when they have stated that's how they work previously?  
> There's no reason I'd check every week to see if they're still picking up 
> trash in my area on Tuesday.

This doesn't quite work though.  Everyone *learned* what day trash day is, and 
acts accordingly. That is what is happening here. 

The difference is, you just moved into a new home, the trash day is different 
from your previous home. You should call and ask or check the city website. 

That's fairly analogous to exactly what's going on here. 

When I first came to MacPorts I ran into a few issues wrapping my head around 
the p5's. Every port or package manager deals with them in their own special 
way. I've grown used to it and understand why things are the way they are. 

Nothing is permanent and banned from change, it just takes time and resources, 
something always running short handed on FOSS projects. 

I can say, the method in place now is the best for the current and new joining 
user base. You are the first to bring this issue to the list in some time. 

I recall PATH issues occurring much more often a while back, presumably before 
the prepending of the MacPorts prefix was added to the PATH methodology. 

Having a selector seems simple enough a contribution. However, I'm not sure 
that added decision complexity is worth it as the majority, old and new, 
understand the current approach. 

Shooting for majority understanding, at the expense of the minority, especially 
when the minority is able to easily understand the complexity of this method, 
is not a change I would like to see. It will burden the current developers from 
core fixes while dealing with a support issue that was never a problem before. 

I think the thing to take away here is yes, there may be a different method. 
This method may be technically better for you. It may even be technically 
better in general. That doesn't mean it is the right decision for all. That 
depends on the user base and nature of the software. 

A great example is to read the forum post from the DropBox founder about the 
removal of a custom location for your Public directory feature. 1% of advanced 
users were upset. 100% of an AB testing group failed to comprehend or need the 
feature. In worst case scenarios data was lost; no amount if verbiage, alerts, 
docs, or otherwise could solve this. 

The decision to cater to the masses at the expense of the minority was the 
right call in my opinion. I see this as the same thing. 
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ *

macports-users mailing list

Re: VLC Interface Error

2010-10-04 Thread Scott Haneda
On Oct 3, 2010, at 11:35 PM, Jasper Frumau  wrote:

> Used that before and could not open the DVD. Downloaded VLC 1.2.2.dmg, tried 
> again. It failed again. Added error log here: http://pastebin.com/6T7hbd1x . 
> Will ask for help at VLC forum. Thanks

Just curious... How come you want to use MacPorts to install VLC when VLC has 
releases that are build as UB's for all relevant Mac OS X versions. 

I could understand wanting to hand build the software to tune and customize it 
to a specialized or specific need. But MacPorts isn't really going to help you 
much there. 

With the portfile being out of date and deps being unstable, I'm wondering what 
the gain is in your/this case?

I've wondered this about a few other softwares in MacPorts. Pretty much 
anything with a native non x11 GUI doesn't make sense to me. The .dmg seems 
easier. Updates are provided in app most of the time. Time to download versus 
build is probably going to be longer on the build method too. 
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ *___
macports-users mailing list

Re: HellaNzb-Help

2010-09-07 Thread Scott Haneda
On Sep 7, 2010, at 12:45 PM, Jon Hermansen wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 6, 2010 at 5:47 PM, Mack Johnson  wrote:
>> Hi, this is a little over my head. I'm willing to learn though. Can some
>> who has  updated or patched hellanzb help me do the same?
> I've modified the Portfile for this package and added a patch which, on my
> end, makes hellanzb work correctly now.
> https://trac.macports.org/ticket/25807
> Until it gets committed, you'll need to set up a local Portfile repository
> to make use of it, see here:
> http://guide.macports.org/#development.local-repositories

I was just looking over HellaNzb, and it looks like it has been abandoned?  
Have you tried SABNzbd, I have been using that for years now, and love it.  It 
too is built on python but has a very strong web interface and nice mobile 
phone interface as well.

It used to integrate very nicely with NewzBin, but that service is no longer as 
good as it used to be.  I thought you may not have heard of Sab and may want to 
give it a shot.  It is a downloadable binary that is a double click install.


Of course, the source works well too, and I believe there is a command line 
interface to it, though I have never needed to use it.  It may be a good 
candidate for a portfile though,  Granted, they seem to release updates very 
fast for the binary distributions too.
Scott (* For off-list contact, replace talklists@ with scott@ *)

macports-users mailing list

Re: I'm a beginner so be nice to me

2010-09-03 Thread Scott Haneda
On Sep 2, 2010, at 7:55 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> You have the file /usr/local/include/dlfcn.h on your system and it is 
> preventing the help2man port from building properly. Remove this file, and 
> ideally anything else you may have in /usr/local, as files in /usr/local will 
> interfere with MacPorts software. Clean the affected port before trying 
> again. (sudo port clean help2man)

How would files in /usr/local interfere with MacPorts as long as they are not 
executable files?  And wouldn't /usr/local also further have to be in your 
PATH?  A .h file, I can't see how that would have any impact on MacPorts while 
it is building something, as MacPorts tried pretty hard to work in prefix.   I 
would like to understand this better, but the ticket ( 
https://trac.macports.org/ticket/12336 ) did not really help me get anywhere.

That ticket did present an interesting command, which I think says to move all 
files in /usr/local and append a .off to the file name.  If that is the case, 
that is a very handy command.  Can someone explain how it works?  I just cd'd 
into a dir and touched about 30 files, but was unable to figure out how to 
issue the below command on those files to append .off to the filenames.

Command mentioned in the above ticket:
sudo mv /usr/local{,.off}

$mv local/{,.off}
mv: rename local/ to local/.off: Invalid argument

Scott (* For off-list contact, replace talklists@ with scott@ *)

macports-users mailing list

Re: I'm a beginner so be nice to me

2010-09-02 Thread Scott Haneda
You seem to be failing all sorts of connections to download files. Can you load 
any of those urls in a browser and get the directory listing of files?  Maybe 
your internet connection is not working perfectly right now?
Scott (* For off-list contact, replace talklists@ with scott@ *)

On Sep 2, 2010, at 3:19 PM, ronxr...@comcast.net wrote:

> Thanks Scott, here is the file:  Sorry for the long number of lines, in the 
> meantime, I will do another sudo port selfupdate.  Looking at the log, it 
> appears to have failed in a number of places.
> version:1
> :debug:clean Attempting ln -sf 
> /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_devel_gettext/work
> /opt/local/var/macports/sources/rsync.macports.org/release/ports/devel/gettext/work
> :debug:main Executing org.macports.main (gettext)
> :msg:main --->  Fetching gettext
> :debug:fetch fetch phase started at Thu Sep  2 02:00:13 EDT 2010
> :debug:fetch Executing org.macports.fetch (gettext)
> :info:fetch --->  gettext- doesn't seem to exist in 
> /opt/local/var/macports/distfiles/gettext
> :debug:fetch Pinging mirrors.ibiblio.org...
> :debug:fetch Pinging mirrors.kernel.org...
> :debug:fetch Pinging www.mirrorservice.org...
> :debug:fetch Pinging ftp.funet.fi...
> :debug:fetch Pinging ftp.kddlabs.co.jp...

macports-users mailing list

Re: I'm a beginner so be nice to me

2010-09-02 Thread Scott Haneda
Can we see the log data from the file at:

It looks like gettext failed to install, which is a dependency needed for 
dsniff to work.  I think that failed because the fetch of the file download did 
not work.  Until you post the log, you could try to make sure you are up to 
date with `sudo port selfupdate` which is good to run every now and then just 
to be current.

The log will tell you exactly where the fetch failed so you can look into it 
deeper.  Sorry I can not be of more help, I too am a bit of a beginner with all 
of this.  Someone else here will be able to pin down exactly what is going on, 
though in the meantime, see what you can learn from the log.
Scott (* For off-list contact, replace talklists@ with scott@ *)

On Sep 2, 2010, at 12:54 PM, ronxr...@comcast.net wrote:

> Hi all, I have installed macport and I'm now trying to install dsniff.   
> While running sudo port install dsniff, I am receiving the following error:
> Error: Target org.macports.fetch returned: fetch failed
> Log for gettext is at: 
> /opt/local/var/macports/logs/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_devel_gettext/main.log
> Error: The following dependencies failed to build: libnids libnet11 autoconf 
> help2man gettext p5-locale-gettext perl5 perl5.8 m4 automake libtool libpcap 
> openssl zlib xorg-libXmu pkgconfig xorg-libXext xorg-libX11 xorg-bigreqsproto 
> xorg-inputproto xorg-kbproto xorg-libXau xorg-xproto xorg-libXdmcp 
> xorg-util-macros xorg-xcmiscproto xorg-xextproto xorg-xf86bigfontproto 
> xorg-xtrans xorg-libXt xorg-libsm xorg-libice
> Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.
> What do I need to do to fix the error so I can get dsniff?

macports-users mailing list

Re: How to get the configure command

2010-09-02 Thread Scott Haneda
On Sep 1, 2010, at 10:18 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> On Sep 1, 2010, at 19:35, Scott Haneda wrote:
>> `sudo port install bind9 +dlz_mysql5` works just fine.  What I want to know 
>> is either how to get it to print out the final ./configure statement, or, 
>> how I would take the output from the mysql5_config commands above and use 
>> them in the ./configure statement?
> You can see the configure command that gets executed by enabling the debug 
> switch.
> sudo port -d install bind9 +dlz_mysql5
> ...
> DEBUG: Assembled command: 'cd 
> "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_Users_rschmidt_macports_dports_net_bind9/work/bind-9.7.1-P2"
>  && ./configure --prefix=/opt/local --mandir=/opt/local/share/man 
> --with-openssl=/opt/local --with-libxml2=/opt/local --enable-ipv6 
> --with-dlz-mysql=/opt/local/bin/mysql_config5 --disable-threads'
> ...


That is interesting, how would I, were I to make this variant for the port, 
know the value to put for --with-dlz-mysql?

If I go to the driver page for DLZ 
I see this mention:

The configure script will search in the normal locations for the 
MySQL headers and libraries. You can specify the appropriate 
directory if it is not found by appending a path to the MySQL 
configure option. For example: --with-dlz-mysql=/path/to/files

To find out where your mysql headers and libraries are you can run 
the mysql_config command. "mysql_config --cflags" will return the 
path to the MySQL header files, and "mysql_config --libs" will return 
the path to the MySQL library files.

That leads me to believe that I am looking to put in the returned output from 
the mysql_config(5) command, not the path to the actual file.  Is that perhaps 
bad/misleading instructions on the part of the driver docs?  It even says it 
will search a path, but to me, it seems like it is calling the command, and 
searching the paths in the results of that command, which is entirely different 
from the statement in the docs.

I sat here and tried multiple times using the output of 
/opt/local/bin/mysql_config5 --cflags and --libs to now know which of the two 
to use, and within each of the two, which of the few results to use.  I seem to 
run into this often in ports I am working on that are not run of the mill just 
work out of the box ./configure and that is all there is too it type of 
software. Usually all I ever have to do is enter in a prefix value and maybe a 
man page path, outside of that, I run into small stumbling blocks such as this.

Thank you for any clarifications.

Scott (* For off-list contact, replace talklists@ with scott@ *)

macports-users mailing list

How to get the configure command

2010-09-01 Thread Scott Haneda
I need to debug something in BIND9 with the DLZ variant.  Since MacPorts puts 
things in a prefix, the Mysql libs and includes are not where BIND wants to 
usually look.

According to the DLZ docs, you can use mysql_config --cflags and mysql_config 
--libs to find out where they are.  Of course, in MacPorts parlance, that is to 
have a 5 in the command name.

./configure would look something like this:
./configure  \
  --prefix=/usr/local/bind  \
  --disable-openssl-version-check \

Where I believe that --with-dlz-mysql=yes would have a path in it.  The docs 
for the DLZ driver state this:

You can specify the appropriate directory if it is not found by 
appending a path to the MySQL configure option. For example: 

I have tried a few different things.  First thing to note is that `sudo port 
install bind9 +dlz_mysql5` works just fine.  What I want to know is either how 
to get it to print out the final ./configure statement, or, how I would take 
the output from the mysql5_config commands above and use them in the 
./configure statement?

I am trying to build this out on Mac OS X by hand, every time I do, it fails to 
build the drivers, because it can't find the supporting files.  However, 
MacPorts has no issue with it.  Do I need to set these as EXPORT's?

Scott (* For off-list contact, replace talklists@ with scott@ *)

macports-users mailing list

Re: Can't create alias for pgAdmin3.app

2010-08-23 Thread Scott Haneda
On Aug 22, 2010, at 11:23 PM, Chris Velevitch  wrote:

> I've just successfully installed and run pgAdmin3 (v1.10.5) but I
> can't create an alias for the pgAdmin3.app file. Is this normal? This
> is the first time I come across not being able to make and alias (that
> i can recall).
> When I do a ls -l, I get:-
> $ ls -l MacPorts/pgAdmin3.app/
> total 0
> drwxr-xr-x  8 root  admin  272 23 Aug 14:52 Contents
> $ _
> Is there something I need to do? Do I need to change the own and group
> in order to make an alias?

What happens if you select the app and press command-D or File->Duplicate. If 
that too is not allowed it appears you lack read/write permissions. 

Have you tried a symbolic link as a test? Run 'ln-s pgAdmin3.app 
~/Desktop/pgAdminsymblink' from within the directory the app resides in; I 
believe /Applications/MacPorts. 

The symbolic link command may require sudo which answers a bit more about this. 
Or 'ln' may generate a more descriptive warning/error message. 

I suspect the port command was used with sudo to install this app. That places 
the app as root owned. The user account you are running in may not have 
sufficient privileges to perform file modification. 

Is your user account an admin account or a standard user account?
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ *

macports-users mailing list

Re: Tangential Topic: MacPorts PHP code broken by OS X update?

2010-08-17 Thread Scott Haneda
On Aug 17, 2010, at 9:54 AM, "John Korchok"  wrote:

> I am using MacPorts PHP 5.3 on Leopard. I have lots of code that was working 
> perfectly fine until I applied the 2010-004 security update (among others) 
> this past weekend. Now I am getting:
> "Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class EmployeeTable in 
> /Library/WebServer/Documents/profile/EmployeeTable.php on line 4"
> after signing in. None of the PHP has been changed.

Maybe it was always this way and certain conditions are causing this now. 

Can you wrap the EmployeeTable class in an if (class_exists(...)) type of 
condition, and print or log both sides of the condition, or move to using 

I don't think this has anything to do with php configuration, MacPorts, or 
System software. It appears to me to be an edge case in your code. 

> - "which php" answers "/opt/local/bin/php", so that hasn't changed.
> - We only upgraded the OS, none of the ports, so the version of PHP hasn't 
> changed.

It may be useful to see the output of phpInfo(); from one of your php scripts. 
Not from the command line, but run it from within/near where you are running 
the script that is giving you errors. 

> Ever since upgrading to PHP 5.3, I've seen way more of these "cannot 
> redeclare" errors on code that otherwise seems fine. Googling the term just 
> gets me pages of people who have accidentally declared a class twice. I can't 
> find anything on what could cause previously good code to suddenly generate 
> this error. Thanks for any help or redirection to a more appropriate forum.

Maybe this is expected behavior as a result of a past update from php4 to php5? 
Can you perform this test:
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ *

macports-users mailing list

Re: Huge system slowdown while installing ports

2010-07-31 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jul 31, 2010, at 3:57 PM, Haravikk  wrote:

> I've actually always experienced this with Mac Ports, and I'm afraid I'm not 
> sure what version I first tried, but when installing ports I often find that 
> my system really crawls along at a snail's pace. Today I've spent nearly 13 
> hours installing the wine-devel port, even though kernel tasks (which I 
> assume is the relevant process) has never gone beyond 15% CPU utilisation, 
> yet light web surfing in Safari is sluggish, jerky, and sometimes 
> unresponsive.

If you are at 15% CPU utilization, which is next to nothing, especially on an 8 
core machine, you have a bottleneck. 

There are really only three places to look. 1) CPU 2) Disk I/O 3) Memory. Since 
we have ruled out the CPU at 15%, that leaves memory and disk I/O.

Something is preventing the CPU's from hitting 100%. 

I would bet you have significant memory; not many people invest in Apple's 
higher end kits without also juicing up the memory. Assuming you have 4GB or 
more, I would say you are OK. Personally, with the cost of memory these days, 
and the number of open slots on the Mac Pro, I don't think 8GB is unrealistic, 
and would be my bare minimum. 

You can look in Activity Monitor or use the terminal to run 'top' to discover 
your memory usage. 

You are left with disk I/O. Sadly, the drives that come in most 
consumer/prosumer setups are physically underwhelming, or configured in a way 
as to be a bottleneck. 

Look at RAID, SATA 3, SAS, making sure you are using the fastest drives with 
the most cache you can get for your boot volume or wherever ports is going to 
be reading/writing. 

I would bet that an SSD would solve your issues. I hear once people go SSD on 
boot volume, they never consider anything else an option. 
Scott - (Sent from a mobile device)
macports-users mailing list

Re: partial installs

2010-07-29 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jul 29, 2010, at 11:44 AM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

>> :info:configure dyld: Library not loaded: /opt/local/lib/libintl.8.dylib
>> :info:configure   Referenced from: /opt/local/bin/gawk
>> :info:configure   Reason: image not found
> You have MacPorts gawk installed, which uses MacPorts gettext, which is 
> apparently not installed. Uninstall MacPorts gawk for now to continue. You 
> may find other small utilities in similar situations (e.g. sed, grep) for 
> which you should do the same thing (uninstall them). These utilities may get 
> reinstalled automatically during the course of your installations, hopefully 
> in the right order (i.e. after gettext). If not, you can reinstall them 
> yourself at the end.

You have an amazing eye for the small little bits in those error logs that I 
constantly overlook.  That did the trick.  I had to remove gawk, irssi went in 
clean, preceded by gettext and pkgconfig.

Thank you.
Scott (* For off-list contact, replace talklists@ with scott@ *)

macports-users mailing list

Re: Still have MySQL problems that need to get solved soon (was: Re: Apache and MySQL won't start)

2010-07-29 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jul 29, 2010, at 11:31 AM, Ali A Samii wrote:

> On 29 Jul, 2010, at 20:03 , Scott Haneda wrote:
>> On Jul 29, 2010, at 9:44 AM, Ali A Samii wrote:
>> For your example:
>>   /opt/local/apache2/conf/extra/vhosts/dev.thesamiis.com.conf
>>   /opt/local/apache2/conf/extra/vhosts/phpmyadmin.conf
>>   /opt/local/apache2/conf/extra/vhosts/dev.lesamisdestan.com.conf
>> Each of those will allow me to define for just that host, what I want the 
>> settings to be.
>> * Below is a snipped version of my template file, in general it is more 
>> complex, with log locations, log levels, aliases, default favicon, etc but 
>> this should work for a dev box.
> could you possibly send me a "more complex" version as an attachment with 
> notes of why you have defined things they way you have? (I assume that 
> doesn't need to go to the list at large, unless others also want to see some 
> beautiful configuration examples).

Just go to the Apache documentation and look at the options for virtual host 
and directory container blocks.  There are far too many to list and they would 
all be specific to my setup, which is for "ISP" style hosting, and not really 
targeted to local development.  

I snipped it down to something more simple that *may* lean on local 
development, but that is up to the developer and how they want to work, and how 
much friction they want on their dev machine, versus how much friction they 
want when moving it to the production machine.

For example, I have been developing with git lately, and syncing my git tree 
from my local machine to the staging server, and then to the live production 
server.  That would be even further outside the scope of what the MacPorts 
mailing list is here for.

>> $cat template.txt 
>> # START example.com
>>  DocumentRoot "/opt/local/www/clients/last.first/example.com"
>>  ServerAdmin u...@example.com
>>  ServerName example.com
>>  ServerAlias www.example.com
>>  DirectoryIndex index.html
> Above, you have ServerName and ServerAlias. What is the difference between 
> them and why would you specify that level of precision?

So I don't have to have two files, with duplicate data, one for example.com and 
one for www.example.com. In general, most want or assume that if you go to 
macports.org that also www.macports.org should work.  You should chose one, and 
use mod_rewrite or something similar to make sure that no matter what the 
request, only one is ever used.
ie:  http://www.example.com/some/place/requested/file.php?foo=bar

On a technical level, I would want to do this for cookies.  If someone logs 
into www.example.com and I set a session cookie which the user has defined as 
"remember me", when they come back to example.com they would not be remembered. 
 I tend to shy away from wildcard domain paths in cookies for some reason.

On a non technical level, for SEO, I would only want one canonical source, 
either with the www or without, doesn't matter, but I do not want duplicate 
content in the served files, or my config files.

> Also, I assume by defining DirectoryIndex, you define what default file to 
> load (in the even there is a *.html, *.php, *.asp etc), right?


> By having the structure within /opt/local/www the way you have it, I assume 
> you could go to http://localhost/clients and you will see a list of client 
> directories (last.first), and likewise, within each client directory separate 
> sites/projects, if they have more than one?

Yes, but again, by traversing into those directories, most of the sites would 
not work.  All links are relative to the document/site root.  By entering at 
another access point like that, the entire path structure changes. Not very 
many people, unless they are using something like DreamWeaver are going to img 
src="../../../file.jpg" but instead, if hand coded, may img 

>>  # php setttings
>>  php_admin_value open_basedir 
>> "/opt/local/www/clients/last.first/example.com/:/private/var/tmp/:"
>>  php_value engine off
>>  Options FollowSymLinks
>>  AllowOverride All
>>  Order allow,deny
>>  allow from all
> Do the above lines basically implement the .htaccess controls?

Not entirely.  I probably would not use AllowOverride All on a production 
server, or shared server at least.  Depends on the setup though.  If it is a 
"VM" type of system, sure.  It really all depends on your case.  These are 
either issues you can solve by looking at the Apache docs when y

Re: partial installs

2010-07-29 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jul 29, 2010, at 10:43 AM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> If you don't remember what all dependencies were installed that you don't 
> need anymore, you can use the port_cutleaves script (available by installing 
> the port_cutleaves port), or possibly the leaves pseudoport (as in "port 
> installed leaves" to see what MacPorts thinks are leaves, and if you agree, 
> then "sudo port uninstall leaves", etc.).

Hmm, after my little slip of the fingers with "sudo port uninstall leaves", I 
am having a hard time getting most of these ports back in.

$sudo port install irssi
--->  Computing dependencies for gettext
--->  Configuring gettext
Error: Target org.macports.configure returned: error copying 
 file already exists
Log for gettext is at: 
Error: Problem while installing gettext
Error: Unable to execute port: upgrade glib2 failed
To report a bug, see 

$sudo port clean irssi
--->  Cleaning irssi

$sudo port clean gettext
--->  Cleaning gettext

$sudo port install irssi
--->  Computing dependencies for gettext
--->  Fetching gettext
--->  Verifying checksum(s) for gettext
--->  Extracting gettext
--->  Applying patches to gettext
--->  Configuring gettext
Error: Target org.macports.configure returned: configure failure: shell command 
Log for gettext is at: 

Here is the log:
:msg:main --->  Computing dependencies for gettext:info:main .:debug:main 
Searching for dependency: libiconv
:debug:main Found Dependency: receipt exists for libiconv
:debug:main Searching for dependency: ncurses
:debug:main Found Dependency: receipt exists for ncurses
:debug:main Searching for dependency: expat
:debug:main Found Dependency: receipt exists for expat
:debug:main Executing org.macports.main (gettext)
:msg:main --->  Fetching gettext
:debug:fetch fetch phase started at Thu Jul 29 11:39:42 PDT 2010
:debug:fetch Executing org.macports.fetch (gettext)
:msg:fetch --->  Verifying checksum(s) for gettext
:debug:checksum checksum phase started at Thu Jul 29 11:39:42 PDT 2010
:debug:checksum Executing org.macports.checksum (gettext)
:info:checksum --->  Checksumming gettext-
:debug:checksum Correct (md5) checksum for gettext-
:debug:checksum Correct (sha1) checksum for gettext-
:debug:checksum Correct (rmd160) checksum for gettext-
:msg:checksum --->  Extracting gettext
:debug:extract extract phase started at Thu Jul 29 11:39:42 PDT 2010
:debug:extract Executing org.macports.extract (gettext)
:info:extract --->  Extracting gettext-
:debug:extract setting option extract.args to 
:debug:extract Environment: CPATH='/opt/local/include' 
:debug:extract Assembled command: 'cd 
 && /usr/bin/gzip -dc 
'/opt/local/var/macports/distfiles/gettext/gettext-' | 
/usr/bin/gnutar --no-same-owner -xf -'
:debug:patch patch phase started at Thu Jul 29 11:39:46 PDT 2010
:debug:patch Executing org.macports.patch (gettext)
:msg:patch --->  Applying patches to gettext
:info:patch --->  Applying 
:debug:patch Environment: CPATH='/opt/local/include' 
:debug:patch Assembled command: 'cd 
 && /usr/bin/patch -p0'
:info:patch patching file gettext-tools/Makefile.in
:msg:patch --->  Configuring gettext
:debug:patch Using compiler 'Mac OS X gcc 4.2'
:debug:configure configure phase started at Thu Jul 29 11:39:46 PDT 2010
:debug:configure Executing proc-pre-org.macports.configure-configure-0
:debug:configure Executing org.macports.configure (gettext)
:info:configure --->  Configuring

Re: partial installs

2010-07-29 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jul 29, 2010, at 10:43 AM, Rainer Müller wrote:

> On 07/29/2010 07:06 PM, Scott Haneda wrote:
>> Last night in an effort to learn something about MP, I did a sudo port 
>> install phpmyadmin.  It got about 15 minutes into it and I control-C'd it.
>> What is the best way to clean up the partial mess I am sure I have left 
>> behind?
> sudo port uninstall phpmyadmin
> sudo port clean phpmyadmin
> Uninstall is just required to be sure it was not up to this phase yet.

Thank you!  Looks like not much else made it other than a few php5's that I 
know I will never use on this dev machine.  I uninstalled those and am back in 
good shape.
Scott (* For off-list contact, replace talklists@ with scott@ *)

macports-users mailing list

Re: partial installs

2010-07-29 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jul 29, 2010, at 10:43 AM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> On Jul 29, 2010, at 12:06, Scott Haneda wrote:
>> Last night in an effort to learn something about MP, I did a sudo port 
>> install phpmyadmin.  It got about 15 minutes into it and I control-C'd it.
>> What is the best way to clean up the partial mess I am sure I have left 
>> behind?
> It doesn't take 15 minutes to install phpmyadmin itself, so I assume it was 
> installing some dependencies too?

Ayup.  I thought it would take seconds to install, but then remembered at the 
very least, it wants mcrypt, which I already had, but for some reason or 
another, phpmyadmin also depends on php5-gd, php5-mbstring, php5-mcrypt, 
php5-mysql, php5-zip.

That php5-gd also needs a few deps too.

> The way to clean up would be, for each dependency that got successfully 
> installed, "sudo port uninstall" it, and for the last port it was working on, 
> the one you interrupted it on, to "sudo port clean" it.

Thats what I did, worked well.  Thanks.

> If you don't remember what all dependencies were installed that you don't 
> need anymore, you can use the port_cutleaves script (available by installing 
> the port_cutleaves port), or possibly the leaves pseudoport (as in "port 
> installed leaves" to see what MacPorts thinks are leaves, and if you agree, 
> then "sudo port uninstall leaves", etc.).

Silly me, I just ran `sudo port uninstall leaves` which decided to remove 
pretty much everything.  Ha ha, at least I have a nice list of what I need to 
put back in place now :)

> If you don't remember what port was being worked on at the time you 
> interrupted, list the contents of the directory /opt/local/var/macports/build 
> to see all the ports that are not clean; clean those.

Cool, thanks again.
Scott (* For off-list contact, replace talklists@ with scott@ *)

macports-users mailing list

partial installs

2010-07-29 Thread Scott Haneda
Last night in an effort to learn something about MP, I did a sudo port install 
phpmyadmin.  It got about 15 minutes into it and I control-C'd it.

What is the best way to clean up the partial mess I am sure I have left behind?
Scott (* For off-list contact, replace talklists@ with scott@ *)

macports-users mailing list

Re: Still have MySQL problems that need to get solved soon (was: Re: Apache and MySQL won't start)

2010-07-29 Thread Scott Haneda
Ok, now I am completely confused.  Are there two people having near identical 
issues with Macports and Mysql?  My emails to the list will probably sound a 
bit confusing as I am treating this as one person.  Ugh, sleep, I am on my way 

Sorry about the confusion.

I have pulled the files of my notes/tutorial, I would suggest using the 
MacPorts MAMP guide.  Sorry for mixing two people up, I feel silly :)

I am sure with the list that you will have this up and running tomorrow without 
much more effort.
Scott (* For off-list contact, replace talklists@ with scott@ *)

On Jul 29, 2010, at 2:45 AM, Ali A Samii wrote:

> Hi Scott:
> Since I couldn't get things to work for me last night (I'm in Paris, France) 
> and I had been up to almost 6 AM to get things to work, I gave up for the 
> night (or I should say the morning) and went to get some sleep.
> Anyway, I just got your email with the tutorial, and I am going to do a 
> fresh, clean and directed reinstall of everything according to your tutorial, 
> and I'll get back to you in the event of a hiccup and/or in the event of 
> success.
> If all else fails, log into my system. I'll get you the info needed at that 
> time.
> Thanks,
> Ali

macports-users mailing list

Re: MAMP Question based on tutorial Scott Haneda

2010-07-29 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jul 29, 2010, at 2:08 AM, Jasper Frumau wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 1:00 PM, Scott Haneda  wrote:
>> On Jul 29, 2010, at 1:38 AM, Jasper Frumau wrote:
>>> When I go to this site loaded, but only
>>> half. I
>>> guess there is something wrong with the dns?
>> No.
> Any ideas where to look for the cause of the problem?

Probably the Activity window or the Web INspector in Safari.  Find the files 
that are not loading, look at the paths that are being called, see why they are 
not loading, or why the files are not there.  Thats a big guess though as I am 
not entirely sure what "half" means.
Scott (* For off-list contact, replace talklists@ with scott@ *)

macports-users mailing list

Re: MAMP Question based on tutorial Scott Haneda

2010-07-29 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jul 29, 2010, at 12:47 AM, Jasper Frumau wrote:

> I decided to finally make pma work using Scott's tutorial @ 
> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/340087/drops/01.04.10/mamp/MAMP%20Tutorial.html .

That wasn't really my intention, it was to help with MySql.

> I copied all files to /opt/local/www/ usinf cp -R(many directories).

You can also just download and move the dir in place which saves a little time.

> I made adjustments in httpd.con, restarted apache using sudo 
> /opt/local/apache2/bin/apachectl -k restart (command could maybe be added to 
> tut just in case someone does not know).

It is probably easier to use the port load/unload methods, or if you don't want 
to interrupt service, issue `apachectl graceful` though I have added Apache's 
bin to my $PATH, if you have not, continue with full path rferneces.  I think I 
also chmod 0'd Apples apachectl, or at least aliased it to the MacPorts one.  
Weird things can happen when they both are trying to compete for port/IP space.

> And then I got this error:
> jasper$ sudo /opt/local/apache2/bin/apachectl -k restart
> httpd not running, trying to start
> (48)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80

Are you 100% sure that Apple's Apache is not also running?  It seems restarts 
fix a lot of things for you, leading me to believe that Apple's Apache is 
getting started on the command line, then a reboot is turning it back off, then 
MacPorts launchd item kicks in, and things start working.  I would also look to 
the error_log and see what else it has to say.  And look at the Apple Apache 
error log as well, if there is anything in there, and you have never started it 
before, then you know where to start looking to solve at least one issue.

Hope that helps some, and off to bed.
Scott (* For off-list contact, replace talklists@ with scott@ *)

macports-users mailing list

Re: MAMP Question based on tutorial Scott Haneda

2010-07-29 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jul 29, 2010, at 1:23 AM, Jasper Frumau wrote:

> Other issue, if I go to localhost/wordpress it should show wordpress, now
> located in /opt/local/www/ but I get a 404. Why do you think that is
> happening?

If you want to serve from /opt/local/www, which is an issue that has been in 
discussion on MacPorts for a while, then you will have to make adjustments to 
do so.  I am not sure where it stands as to where files will one day be served 
from with Apache2.  Right now, Apache2 lives in /opt/local/apache2 (this all 
assumes no prefix changing), but that hopefully, will one day change.

You are skipping the parts of the MAMP docs for MacPorts, and mine as well, on 
setting the .conf files.  MacPorts uses AliasMatch to pull it off, and I use 
Directory, the end result is the same.

I would never want to install PMA or WordPress with MacPorts.  WordPress has an 
update engine built in, which would completely halt you from ever using 
MacPorts to update those files again.  PMA will eventually get there too.  PMA 
is also no harder to install than copying a directory in place.  Probably 
better for another email thread for that discussion.

If your files reside in /opt/local/www/something then you will need to setup 
your virtual host settings.  While I am not recommending it (Follow the 
MacPorts MAMP wiki instead, so people here can help you better), it is covered 
in the instructions I use for myself under:
 Apache 2 Layout
 Customizing Apache 2 for local development
 Disable User Directories
 Enable the local Apache manual
 Enable virtual hosting

And also at the bottom of the file, bolder heading: 
 Revisiting Virtual Hosts
which covers setting up /etc/hosts for shortcutting to different locations.

This is sort of getting further away from your initial deadline, which was to 
get MySql running.  The tutorial I wrote was mostly for me, and one day to 
migrate *into* the MAMP wiki as an update with changes.  I wanted to hold off 
until the Apache2 layout issues are agreed upon, and after asking around, I 
agree that Documentation fragmentation sucks. It should be all in one place.  

My methods do not exactly follow how MacPorts has things set up.  But, it is 
how I like to have things set up.  I also have virtual hosts that serve from 
~/Sites and from /opt/local/apache2/htdocs

I further don't want to serve from / at all, as eventually, this all ends up on 
a server at /Volumes/big-fat-raid, and hopefully, /Volumes/ZFS-system

It serves my purposes for how I want to work (locally), though this is why I 
was hesitant to post the instructions, as it was only intended to get Mysql 
running, which does follow the layout of MacPorts exactly.  The rest of it you 
will be on your own if you continue down the road of mimicking my setup, which 
while not unusual, will require reading up on the Apache docs.  Not a bad thing 
to learn to be honest, but there is a bit to pick up and if you are in a hurry, 
now may not be the best time.

You can find the docs that will help you most by following them throughout the 
various links.

> After a restart all was good. Question, www CHMOD/CHOWN rights are now:
> Jaspers-MacBook-Pro:~ jasper$ cd /opt/local/
> Jaspers-MacBook-Pro:local jasper$ ls -l | grep www
> drwxr-xr-x62 root  admin   2108 Jul 29 12:06 www
> Which is annoying as I cannot easily copy and paste file without using sudo.
> What chmod and chown would you recommend? NB This is for a local development
> server..

Set them to your user/group:
`sudo chown -R you:staff www` where 'you' is your username and 'www' is the 
path to the directory.  I would probably set the chmod to 755 or so for the 
permissions. That also depends on the file(s), and what you want to do with 
them.  It may be easier to just work out of ~/Sites, but it is really up to you 
and how you want to configure your system.  Mimicking the mask for ~/Sites is 
not a bad idea, and you will want to set the ACL's appropriately as well.

In some sense, it doesn't matter, and you could 777 the entire set, depending 
on how you plan on moving your files to your final host.  If you use ftp, they 
will have a umask that defaults the permissions to something sane.  If the host 
allows you to ssh the files, depending on how things are set, permissions and 
masks may be inherited, which would then be something you want to take into 
consideration.  Or maybe the host has their system sort of chrooted in a way 
that php can not read outside of your account at all, in which case, 
permissions are going to matter a heck of a lot less.

> PMA should work now and be located at localhost/phpmyadmin, but when I go
> there, there is a 404.

Look at your logs in /opt/local/apache2/logs, specifically the error_log but 
also access_log.  You only followed in part the instructions, and skipped all 
the bits about setting up /etc/hosts and 
/opt/local/apache2/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf and the rest.

If I were you, I

Re: MAMP Question based on tutorial Scott Haneda

2010-07-29 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jul 29, 2010, at 1:38 AM, Jasper Frumau wrote:

> When I go to this site loaded, but only half. I
> guess there is something wrong with the dns?

Scott (* For off-list contact, replace talklists@ with scott@ *)

macports-users mailing list

Re: Still have MySQL problems that need to get solved soon (was: Re: Apache and MySQL won't start)

2010-07-28 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jul 28, 2010, at 10:33 PM, Jasper Frumau wrote:

> Tutorial is looking really good! Not that short either! Did not change Apache 
> config to put all in www nor did I setup pma just yet. Considering both now..

Well, your urgency was MySql, so I figured you would just concentrate on that, 
making it 2 pages or so I think. :)

Scott (* For off-list contact, replace talklists@ with scott@ *)

macports-users mailing list

Re: Still have MySQL problems that need to get solved soon (was: Re: Apache and MySQL won't start)

2010-07-28 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jul 28, 2010, at 6:46 PM, Ali A Samii wrote:

> However, I still cannot change the password.
> I get the following Error:
> alis-imac:bin ali$ /opt/local/lib/mysql5/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 
> 'golijoon'
> /opt/local/lib/mysql5/bin/mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
> error: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket 
> '/opt/local/var/run/mysql5/mysqld.sock' (2)'
> Check that mysqld is running and that the socket: 
> '/opt/local/var/run/mysql5/mysqld.sock' exists!
> I really need to get this issue solved as soon as possible, so I hope that I 
> can get it done in theft hour or two.

Have you tried:
sudo /opt/local/lib/mysql5/bin/mysql_secure_installation
This will run you through an interactive shell that should get things in order.
 * Probably will not work if Mysql is not loading because it can't locate the 
socket file.

What is in /opt/local/etc/mysql5/my.cnf for the socket?  
If you have no file in that location, you can find a sample by using:
$port contents mysql5 | grep \.ini

Once you find the sample configi ini file, you can copy in perhaps the medium 

I have the values:
socket  = /opt/local/var/run/mysql5/mysqld.sock

I also added this right after the thread_concurrency = x setting

# Custom settings made by sc...@newgeo.com 03/16/2010 05:36:10 PM   

# Without this, OS X will default to 2, HFS is not case-sensitive
# but, 
# explicitly states to set to 1 if InnoDB will be used, and I may someday.  It 
does not seem
# a bad idea to have names forced lowercase, it is consistent

# End custom settings made by sc...@newgeo.com

if that does not work, and only because you are in a time crunch, as I really 
don't want to put this file out there, and should instead work to add it to the 

I wrote up a mini tutorial, which I reference when I do new installs, and it 
tends to get me through it.  There are some errors, obvious ones, where I 
forgot to sudo or other syntactical issues.


I will yank those files in a day or so as to not pollute the documentation of 

MySql should not take more than 5 minutes to get going once it is built.  
Depending on how things go tonight, if you really get stuck, drop me an email 
following the instructions in my sig and I may take you up on your offer to ssh 
in, which I believe you mentioned in your first post.
Scott (* For off-list contact, replace talklists@ with scott@ *)

macports-users mailing list

Re: What the heck is this in my ~

2010-07-10 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jul 10, 2010, at 10:31 PM, Brandon S Allbery KF8NH wrote:

> (You may want to turn on the shell's no-clobber mode, so mistakes like this
> can't wipe out files you care about.  It's "set -o noclobber" in bash and
> "setopt noclobber" in zsh.)

Reading up on that mode and all the rest, some of these seem rather handy, or 
helpful, or save your butt.

Thanks! for the tips.  I'm going to pop you a quick one off list as it is way 

Scott (* For off-list contact, replace talklists@ with scott@ *)

macports-users mailing list

Re: What the heck is this in my ~

2010-07-10 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jul 10, 2010, at 2:53 PM, Brandon S Allbery KF8NH wrote:

> Sorry for the shorthand.  You had selected and copied the output from a
> "port install" command, probably intending to paste it somewhere else;
> accodentally pasting that into a Terminal window sitting at a
> shell prompt will try to execute that output as commands.  Check your shell
> history for "--->".
> (In case you're wondering, pasting "---> Computing dependencies for
> " into a shell will result in the shell creating a file called
> "Computing" and complaining about not being able to find a command called
> "---", which it will have attempted to run with the parameters
> "dependencies", "for", and .)

Ahh, ok, I get it now.  Its the ">" that is the command.  That was where I was 
hung up. I generally should be able to paste pretty much anything into the 
shell; unless it leads with touch, rm, cat, whatever, it won't do much.

But > is a command of sorts, and I should have known that, I use it all the 

Rather than:
`echo "" > somefile.txt`
To clear it out...
I will just do:

In case anyone cares, another handy one that I use is when I forget `sudo`, I 
can re-run the command with a quick `sudo !!`.

Thanks everyone who helped me get this, makes sense now.
Scott (* For off-list contact, replace talklists@ with scott@ *)

macports-users mailing list

Re: What the heck is this in my ~

2010-07-10 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jul 10, 2010, at 3:03 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> On Jul 10, 2010, at 16:42, Scott Haneda wrote:
>> I have my bash_history set to, among other things:
>>   export HISTCONTROL="ignoredups"
>>   export HISTSIZE=2500
>> Here is a snip of the port commands I have used from a `grep -i port 
>> ~/.bash_history`
>>   $grep -i port ~/.bash_history 
>>   port info smartmontools
>>   sudo port -d install smartmontools +universal
>>   port smartmontools
>>   port info smartmontools
>>   sudo port install smartmontools
>>   port contents --->  Computing dependencies for smartmontools
> Well, there you go: right there, you created the empty file "Computing" in 
> whatever directory you were in when you ran that command (and received the 
> error message "Error: contents does not accept ---").

Ok Mr. CSI :)
I may concede that "Computing" is possible from there:

But the rest, yes, they are MP's keywords, and they could have been on my 
clipboard.  Look at the dates, all the same time, so they would have been all 
in one paste.  Any estimations on how the rest of the files where made?  I can 
see how one was made, but I'm not getting how the entire string of them was 

Good sleuthing to both of you, Brandon and Ryan.  Thanks!
Mystery solved enough that I'm happy, yet still curious.
Scott (* For off-list contact, replace talklists@ with scott@ *)

macports-users mailing list

Re: What the heck is this in my ~

2010-07-10 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jul 10, 2010, at 7:34 AM, Brandon S Allbery KF8NH wrote:

> On 7/10/10 05:19 , Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> I don't know how I would accomplish such a thing unintentionally, however.
> Select it, copy, accidentally paste right back into that (or another)
> Terminal window.  I've done it more than once.

Oh, one other thing to add, I'm using Keyboard Maestro and have the clipboard 
manager in use.  While I no longer have all the items from that time frame, 
yesterday, before I reported this, I did look though my clipboard history, and 
there was nothing screaming out at me either.

Thanks all.
Scott (* For off-list contact, replace talklists@ with scott@ *)

macports-users mailing list

Re: What the heck is this in my ~

2010-07-10 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jul 10, 2010, at 7:34 AM, Brandon S Allbery KF8NH wrote:

> On 7/10/10 05:19 , Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> I don't know how I would accomplish such a thing unintentionally, however.
> Select it, copy, accidentally paste right back into that (or another)
> Terminal window.  I've done it more than once.

What is 'it'?  You mean I may have had all those items in my shell, copied 
them, or copied them from elsewhere, and had a leading `touch` in my shell, and 
pasted it in?

I have my bash_history set to, among other things:
export HISTCONTROL="ignoredups"
export HISTSIZE=2500

Here is a snip of the port commands I have used from a `grep -i port 
$grep -i port ~/.bash_history 
port info smartmontools
sudo port -d install smartmontools +universal
port smartmontools
port info smartmontools
sudo port install smartmontools
port contents --->  Computing dependencies for smartmontools
port contents smartmontools
port search *smart*
port contents smartmontools
port edit /opt/local/share/doc/smartmontools-5.39.1/INSTALL
port edit smartmontools
port contents smartmontools
port contents smarttools
port contents smartmontools
port contents smartmontools
port isntalled
port installed
sudo port -d uninstall smartmontools
sudo port -d uninstall smartmontools @5.39.1_0+universal
port installed
sudo port -d uninstall smartmontools
port contents smartmontools
sudo port -d uninstall smartmontools +universal
port info smartmontools
port installed smartmontools
sudo port -d install smartmontools +universal
sudo port -d uninstall smartmontools +universal
sudo port -d install smartmontools +universal
port info smartmontools
port contents smartmontools
port contents smartmontools | mate
port edit smartmontools
port info smartmontools

Grepping my logs in /var/log/* I don't find any mention of the files that were 
made, as a just in case test.  `locate` can't find the files, so they were not 
around long enough that the locate database was updated.  Looking through my 
system.log, at the time, a bit before, I was not doing much.  A Time Machine 
thinning was happening.

I'm at a loss as to how to make it a repeatable case. I tried a few of the 
steps I remember from installing smartmontools, and nothing will get those 
files to come back.  What are they for, they are MacPorts made correct?  The 
files, assuming they are MacPorts made, have a purpose, just not in this 
location; what is the story behind these files?

I guess it doesn't matter much, since it is not happening all the time, so it 
is to much a bother.  I only worry if I had files/dirs of those names already, 
they could have been over-written.


Scott (* For off-list contact, replace talklists@ with scott@ *)

macports-users mailing list

Re: What the heck is this in my ~

2010-07-10 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jul 10, 2010, at 2:19 AM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> $ sudo port install zlib > out
> $ cat out
> --->  Computing dependencies for zlib
> --->  Fetching zlib
> --->  Verifying checksum(s) for zlib
> --->  Extracting zlib
> --->  Applying patches to zlib
> --->  Configuring zlib
> --->  Building zlib
> --->  Staging zlib into destroot
> --->  Installing zlib @1.2.5_0
> --->  Activating zlib @1.2.5_0
> --->  Cleaning zlib
> And run that output through bash:

I don't think I did anything like that, that is an awful lot of steps that I 
would have remembered.
Scott (* For off-list contact, replace talklists@ with scott@ *)

macports-users mailing list

Re: What the heck is this in my ~

2010-07-10 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jul 10, 2010, at 1:53 AM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> On Jul 10, 2010, at 03:48, Scott Haneda wrote:
>> I ran MacPorts the other day.  I'm pretty sure it is the culprit behind this:
>> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/340087/drops/07.10.10/mp-c0f17eba-014445.png
>> They are all empty files.
> Cute! I've never seen this before so you'll have to show us what you ran to 
> create those files; I can't guess how it happened.

sudo port -d install smartmontools +universal

That is the last I was playing around.  If there is a log that shows me my 
installs, and the date that I made them, I could be more specific, but I'm 
pretty sure that was it now that I think about it.  The files where not there 
yesterday actually, and they were there now, the only thing I have installed 
since then was smartmontools.

I did uninstall them, which did not work because I had a UB and a non UB, so I 
have to uninstall it twice, pretty normal stuff.
Scott (* For off-list contact, replace talklists@ with scott@ *)

macports-users mailing list

What the heck is this in my ~

2010-07-10 Thread Scott Haneda
I ran MacPorts the other day.  I'm pretty sure it is the culprit behind this:

They are all empty files.
Scott (* For off-list contact, replace talklists@ with scott@ *)

macports-users mailing list

Re: [OT] Flash uninstaller

2010-07-09 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jul 9, 2010, at 2:49 PM, John B Brown wrote:

>   I ran the 'Adobe Flash Player Uninstaller.app' and crossed my fingers.
>   In any event, Firefox-3.5.2 with Adobe Flash Player as the 
> plug-in seems to run OK. That's on Mac OS 10.6.4 (10F569), Kernel Version 
> Darwin 10.4.0, so I'm no longer suspicious of the Apple core updates for this 
> box. It's between Adobe and Mozilla; my money is on Mozilla as the culprit; 
> it's not the first time they've screwed up on stuff graphical.
>   Aren't they bragging about their native video capability?

How come you are not running 3.6.6 Fx?
Scott (* For off-list contact, replace talklists@ with scott@ *)

macports-users mailing list

Re: gross error

2010-07-09 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jul 9, 2010, at 2:26 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> On Jul 9, 2010, at 15:13, Scott Haneda wrote:
>> On OS 9, I think Newer used to make an app that listed all Macs, and broke 
>> them out as to how many slots, max ram, what it came with, what drive it 
>> had, what the max drive bays were etc.  And you could upload your system 
>> profiler report to help them keep it up to date.  I'm not sure if they kept 
>> that up on OS X or not.
> That's GURU (GUide to RAM Upgrades), but it hasn't been updated in ten years.
> http://www.newerram.com/products/guru/

Damn, blast from the past indeed.  At least I remembered it was Newer, so their 
marketing ploy indeed got me :)

> These days, you may want Mactracker instead.
> http://mactracker.dreamhosters.com/

Look nice, thanks for the link.
Scott (* For off-list contact, replace talklists@ with scott@ *)

macports-users mailing list

Re: sqlite error: disk I/O error

2010-07-09 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jul 9, 2010, at 7:11 AM, Daniel J. Luke wrote:

> On Jul 9, 2010, at 1:53 AM, Scott Haneda wrote:
>> Going a bit off topic here, but S.M.A.R.T. is not all that smart, and there 
>> could be data that is secretly failing and becoming corrupt, yet passing all 
>> tests.
> I've had good luck with smartmontools (available from MacPorts ;-) ).
> Adding something like:
> DEVICESCAN -m my_em...@my_domain -s (S/../.././02|L/../../6/03) -M exec 
> /usr/bin/mail
> to smartd.conf
> So far, every failing disk has generated an error email some time before it 
> became totally unreadable (which makes it less likely that I'll have to 
> restore from backup, so usually saves me some time). Nothing is going to be 
> able to give you 100% warning, though...

This appears to be a significantly complex set of tools.  I read over the man 
pages and the conf file. There is an initial test you run `sudo smartctl -t 
short /dev/disk0s2` which when run, from what I can gather, sets up the device 
in a way that prepares it for automated running in the future.

Instructions say to keep running `smartctl -t short /dev/disk0s2` until you get 
results, which I have been trying:
  smartctl 5.39.1 2010-01-28 r3054 [x86_64-apple-darwin10.4.0] (local build)
  Copyright (C) 2002-10 by Bruce Allen, http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net

  Sending command: "Execute SMART Short self-test routine immediately in 
off-line mode".
  Drive command "Execute SMART Short self-test routine immediately in off-line 
mode" successful.
  Testing has begun.
  Please wait 2 minutes for test to complete.
  Test will complete after Fri Jul  9 15:17:34 2010

Each time I run it, that time to completion moves forward, I don't think it 
will ever finish.  For example, here is a second run:

  Testing has begun.
  Please wait 2 minutes for test to complete.
  Test will complete after Fri Jul  9 15:18:37 2010

And a third...

  Testing has begun.
  Please wait 2 minutes for test to complete.
  Test will complete after Fri Jul  9 15:18:46 2010

The time is pushed forward, is this correct?  I was under the impression it 
should eventually finish.  `ps` has nothing running.  And then there is the 
much longer test to set up the environment and get it all ready to run based on 
the conf file.

How did you arrive at your conf file options?  Out of curiosity, what does your 
email report look like?  Do you notice any system performance degradation when 
the scan is running?  And all automation is handled internally by the dameon, 
there is no launchctl or any other schedulers that I need to look into to make 
sure that it keeps on running?

I want to make sure the smartd is running, but can't seem to find out what 
keeps it running all the time, past reboot, on schedule.  Thanks for any 
pointers.  If this gets too out there for a MP post, shove me away to the 
smartmontools mailing list, and I can take it up there.  I had no idea of this 
tool, and since you have first hand experience with it, I'm hoping we can 
deviate a little here to get on the same page.

Thanks Daniel, looks like a really valuable tool to have.

Scott (* For off-list contact, replace talklists@ with scott@ *)

macports-users mailing list

Re: gross error

2010-07-09 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jul 9, 2010, at 2:06 PM, Brandon S Allbery KF8NH wrote:

> On 7/9/10 14:43 , Michael_google gmail_Gersten wrote:
>> I have an iBook G4 (14 inch), that I got used, that did not come with
>> a hardware test CD.
>> Is there anyone that can send me a copy (ISO or physical) of said beast?
> http://www.info.apple.com/support/aht.html
> You can also get it from the OEM that supplies it to Apple, but I'll need to
> go home and look up that URL if you need it (I used it to get the CD image
> for my 11" G4 iBook).

Awesome, bookmarked!  Thank you so much.  You just saved me much headache and 
aggravation in that I don't need to organize this pile of discs I have sitting 
here.  Thanks for the link.
Scott (* For off-list contact, replace talklists@ with scott@ *)

macports-users mailing list

Re: Smartmontools and disk I/O error

2010-07-09 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jul 9, 2010, at 1:33 PM, Michael_google gmail_Gersten wrote:

> Kleiman-ibook:Windows TM michael$ smartctl -o on disk0
> smartctl 5.39.1 2010-01-28 r3054 [powerpc-apple-darwin9.8.0] (local build)
> Copyright (C) 2002-10 by Bruce Allen, http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net
> Error SMART Enable Automatic Offline failed: Operation not supported
> Smartctl: SMART Enable Automatic Offline Failed.
> Kleiman-ibook:Windows TM michael$
> Alright, it looks like this drive has automatic offline "testing"
> (data collection), but it won't turn on.

For what it is worth, I have the exact same results as you, MacBook 1.83Ghz, 
4GB memory.  When I have some more time this afternoon I will start reading the 
mac pages to learn how to properly use these tools.  This is so nice, no longer 
need I I run my hobbled command line checks where I fish out the smart status 
from diskutil.
Scott (* For off-list contact, replace talklists@ with scott@ *)

macports-users mailing list

Re: [OT] Flash uninstaller

2010-07-09 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jul 9, 2010, at 8:47 AM, John B Brown wrote:

>   Flash player plug-in causes large delays and even jams some sites when 
> part of Firefox. ibx-upd-6-5-0a-10-u01-8l.dmg is the offending install image. 
> Using Adobe Flash Player there is no delay or jams. I still must 
> use Firefox 3.5.2.dmg to get any Flash plug-in to work on the Washington Post 
> site.

What is "ibx-upd-6-5-0a-10-u01-8l" ?  A google search chows that is Canon Image 
Browser, and has nothing to do with FireFox, Flash, or anything we have been 
previously testing.

All browsers share the same plug-in.  Have you cleared out all the junk the 
older plug-ins leave around and really started from scratch?  Do you need a 
list of locations to look to know where to find these files to clean out?
Scott (* For off-list contact, replace talklists@ with scott@ *)

macports-users mailing list

Re: gross error

2010-07-09 Thread Scott Haneda
>> As far as I know, every non retail installer disc that Apple ships has Apple 
>> Hardware Test on it.  A small hidden partition, or perhaps it is a hook into 
>> the firmware, I'm not sure.
> Dang, that's nice to know.
> A little looking around shows that there's supposed to be a hardware
> test for iBooks:
> http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=112432
> I have an iBook G4 (14 inch), that I got used, that did not come with
> a hardware test CD.
> Is there anyone that can send me a copy (ISO or physical) of said beast?

I generally find it will be problematic to make a bootable copy of a DVD/CD 
from Apple.  Sometimes they work for me, sometimes they don't.  If you just 
want Apple Hardware Test, you will find that many installers can work.  The 
main requirement being that it *not* be a retail image.  The other day, I used 
a Mac Mini installer DVD set to run Apple Hardware Test on a MacBook.  Also 
keep in mind, some use the H key, some use the D key, and I even think there 
are a few more.

I have burned copies of DVD's that pass md5 check against each other, and the 
copy still won't boot.  It is something I have never been able to fully 
understand, as it is essentially a bare metal (plastic :) )copy.  I suspect the 
media plays a role.  There must be something on the physical media that the 
software is looking for which off the shelf media does not have.

> (I actually went to Apple's web site for tech support. When I entered
> my serial number, and hit "continue", I never got anything back. I
> suppose that old enough means "we don't support it at all".)

The reason it is not listed should not have anything to do with whether or not 
it is eligible for support.  I just went to: http://support.apple.com/specs/ 
and entered in the serial to a early Dual G5, it was found; June 23, 2003.

The oldest I have recently entered in is a Cube, and it was found.  I often use 
that tool as a way to pin down what model the machine is, so I can figure out 
maximum ram and other system details before I start pulling things apart.  But 
there are plenty of times in which the serial number does not come up, or will 
come up wrong, and that is even for "in warranty" machines.

If you literally "never got anything back", something went wrong.  At the 
least, you should get "No results found. Please try another search".

Scott (* For off-list contact, replace talklists@ with scott@ *)

macports-users mailing list

Re: gross error

2010-07-09 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jul 9, 2010, at 12:30 PM, Michael_google gmail_Gersten wrote:

>> Apple is obligated by California law to provide replacement parts for all 
>> products for seven years from the last date of manufacture.
> That's good to know. What was the last manufacture date for an iBook G4?
> And where would I even look/who would I talk to about getting those
> hardware tests?

I believe it is the Mid 2005 iBook G4:

The spec database is always helpful:

Entering your serial number at that page will show you the manufacture data of 
your machine, in most cases. Not all, serial numbers can be in error, or a 
hardware swap may have changed it, and the tech forgot to use the serial number 
update tool to put your old serial number back in place.

Finding the last manufacture date for any Mac can be a bit of a pain, I have 
found wikipedia to be about as good a resource as possible for that: 

On OS 9, I think Newer used to make an app that listed all Macs, and broke them 
out as to how many slots, max ram, what it came with, what drive it had, what 
the max drive bays were etc.  And you could upload your system profiler report 
to help them keep it up to date.  I'm not sure if they kept that up on OS X or 

Good luck.  Have a good weekend.
Scott (* For off-list contact, replace talklists@ with scott@ *)

macports-users mailing list

Re: gross error

2010-07-09 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jul 9, 2010, at 11:57 AM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> You may be able to obtain the hardware test CD from Apple for some amount of 
> money.

Correct, $20.00 (Or was it $15.00) for the cost of shipping and handling.  You 
can ask any Apple Store to help you make this process happen. Before the Apple 
Store, I spent many hours on the phone trying to get replacement CD's as some 
simply stopped booting over time.  Now it is simple, walk into the store, and 
more often than not, they don't want to deal with the hassle of locating the 
paperwork and forms, and maybe don't have the experience to know how to even 
manage the sale.  I have been handed a copy of a disc from behind the counter 
and asked "will this work for you?", in which case I'm on my way.

The only trouble is, if you are after the Apple HardWare Test/Apple Diagnostic 
Tools, it CAN'T be a retail installer disc, it has to be the correctly keyed 
disc for that hardware, which can be a bit of trouble to find.  Those tools 
don't exist on the retail version installers.
Scott (* For off-list contact, replace talklists@ with scott@ *)

macports-users mailing list

Re: [OT] Flash uninstaller (was: gross error)

2010-07-09 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jul 9, 2010, at 3:40 AM, Joshua Root wrote:

> On 2010-7-9 14:20 , Scott Haneda wrote:
>> On Jul 8, 2010, at 5:40 PM, John B Brown wrote:
>>> My current problems had better not have anything to do with MacPorts; I 
>>> wiped all that stuff I could find. My problem is with Adobe Flash new dmg 
>>> not running the graphics on Firefox.
>> When I ran the latest update from Apple, I had the same problems. I had to 
>> reinstall Flash clean, which means deleting all the little bits it left 
>> laying around in various places.  Just reinstalling did not work, and I 
>> could not find an uninstaller, nor do I believe it would get all the pieces.
> <http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/uninstall_flash_player_osx.dmg>

Yeah, that also lives in Utilities/Adobe/Some/place/of/various/uninstallers.

I have ok luck sometimes, others not.  If you install CS5, and tell it to just 
install PS5, it will install all other apps too, as a somewhere around 20k app, 
with an X on the app, that can't be launched.  Adobe's un/installers are a 
complete mess.

I like to run a:
touch ~/Desktop/timestamp
Then I go install whatever it is that Adobe asks me to install
I do nothing else during that install that I could not remember what it is I 
was up to
I then run the following command:  
sudo find -x / -newer ~/Desktop/timestamp >> 
~/Desktop/Adobe_installed-`date "+%m.%d.%Y-%H.%M.%S"`.txt

I have that wrapped up in a little shell script that is interactive, but you 
get the idea.  It will log all files newer than "timestamp", so I have a list 
of exactly what was installed and could have messed up my system.  I keep that 
file in the same location as the app that was installed.  It needs some work to 
exclude /tmp and other misc files that are made, or always changing, or browser 
tmp files since you will get bored and want to surf around a bit.

This has saved my butt so many times when installing a printer driver, SATA 
card driver, etc, as they all install things that their uninstaller miss. 
AAMOF, their uninstallers tend to miss more than they get.
Scott (* For off-list contact, replace talklists@ with scott@ *)

macports-users mailing list

Re: sqlite error: disk I/O error

2010-07-09 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jul 9, 2010, at 7:11 AM, Daniel J. Luke wrote:

> On Jul 9, 2010, at 1:53 AM, Scott Haneda wrote:
>> Going a bit off topic here, but S.M.A.R.T. is not all that smart, and there 
>> could be data that is secretly failing and becoming corrupt, yet passing all 
>> tests.
> I've had good luck with smartmontools (available from MacPorts ;-) ).
> Adding something like:
> DEVICESCAN -m my_em...@my_domain -s (S/../.././02|L/../../6/03) -M exec 
> /usr/bin/mail
> to smartd.conf
> So far, every failing disk has generated an error email some time before it 
> became totally unreadable (which makes it less likely that I'll have to 
> restore from backup, so usually saves me some time). Nothing is going to be 
> able to give you 100% warning, though...

sudo port install smartmontools
--->  Computing dependencies for smartmontools
--->  Fetching smartmontools
--->  Verifying checksum(s) for smartmontools
--->  Extracting smartmontools
--->  Configuring smartmontools
--->  Building smartmontools
--->  Staging smartmontools into destroot
--->  Installing smartmontools @5.39.1_0
--->  Deactivating smartmontools @5.39.1_0+universal
--->  Cleaning smartmontools
--->  Activating smartmontools @5.39.1_0
--->  Cleaning smartmontools
$which smartmontools
$man smartmontools
No manual entry for smartmontools

What did I do wrong?

Scott (* For off-list contact, replace talklists@ with scott@ *)

macports-users mailing list

Re: sqlite error: disk I/O error

2010-07-08 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jul 8, 2010, at 9:32 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> Prior experience had led me to have that impression of I/O errors as well. 
> But in this case I don't think the error message was right. There were no 
> disk errors in system.log, the disk verifies fine in Disk Utility, no 
> S.M.A.R.T. errors shown.

Going a bit off topic here, but S.M.A.R.T. is not all that smart, and there 
could be data that is secretly failing and becoming corrupt, yet passing all 

Reading things like this are a real eye opener:

There was a better one put out by Sun in regards to ZFS and how their rollback 
abilities helped to get around this.  HFS+ is prone to disk issues.  If they 
are severe, they will show up in system.log or fsck_hfs.log

I was talking with the guys who make SoftRaid, which has a new drive 
certification feature, which will hopefully be endorsed by Apple at some point 
in the future.  What is cool about it, is it can tell you SMART is going to 
fail around 30 days before it will actually fail.
Scott (* For off-list contact, replace talklists@ with scott@ *)

macports-users mailing list

Re: gross error

2010-07-08 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jul 8, 2010, at 5:40 PM, John B Brown wrote:

> On 7/8/10 4:02 PM, Scott Haneda wrote:
>> On Jul 8, 2010, at 9:39 AM, John B Brown wrote:
>>> I'll stop getting entangled with functional anomalies in MacPorts. Any 
>>> UNIX/Linux utilities I want I'll modify for myself to work on my iMac. 
>>> There's a /usr/local here for a purpose; that's where the gnu utilities go 
>>> automatically.
>> I'm not sure why you are having so many issues with this.  I believe in 
>> reading over your thread you have done a completely new install of your OS.  
>> If that is the case, and you are having these issues, the only thing I can 
>> think of is you have corrupt installer discs, something is wrong with your 
>> hardware, or your process is flawed. Perhaps you are migrating in an old 
>> data file of ~/.profile or ~/.bash* or something that is causing troubles.
>   Perhaps you misunderstand; there is NO migration of anything. I use the 
> install discs that come with this computer. They replace the install data 
> only, not my personal data; that is still there where I put it.

As mentioned above, MacPorts interacts with your personal data in the ~/. 
files, which could maybe be causing you issues.  I did not follow this thread 
closely enough to recall all the specifics.  I just get the general feeling 
that a complete clean install and working your way up from there may not be a 
bad idea.

>> I once spent many days brining online a G5 Dual CPU server to have issues in 
>> which nothing was working right, no apps would build, lots of problems.  It 
>> turned out to be a bad CPU.  I popped in a new CPU, and all my troubles went 
>> away.
>   I'd like very much to know how you managed that with Apple's warranty. 
> In fact, if there are diagnostics available for the current Intel Core 2 Duo 
> CPU on this iMac I would run it in a heartbeat.

As far as I know, every non retail installer disc that Apple ships has Apple 
Hardware Test on it.  A small hidden partition, or perhaps it is a hook into 
the firmware, I'm not sure.

It is not what I ended up using to determine on the dual G5 that one of my 
CPU's was bad, it was simply trial and error.  I pulled ram, put one back in, 
removed it, put another back in, etc.  Finally I got to the CPU's, pulled one, 
borrowed a known good one from another machine, problems went away, at that 
point, I knew what the issue was.

>> Far too many people are working with MacPorts in a perfectly reliably 
>> fashion aside from known issues.  Everyone at the least, has it installed, 
>> which is where your system seems to be having trouble.  I see no reason why 
>> that can't be accomplished on your system, unless there are hardware issues, 
>> software corruption, or silent data corruption problems.
>   My current problems had better not have anything to do with MacPorts; I 
> wiped all that stuff I could find. My problem is with Adobe Flash new dmg not 
> running the graphics on Firefox.

When I ran the latest update from Apple, I had the same problems. I had to 
reinstall Flash clean, which means deleting all the little bits it left laying 
around in various places.  Just reinstalling did not work, and I could not find 
an uninstaller, nor do I believe it would get all the pieces.

>   I know, not a MacPorts problem, except all these problems first arose 
> when I installed MacPorts for the first time. I have made a couple of DVDs 
> with my wanted data and am about to start the disc scrub.

It is where I would start for certain.

>   But if you can point me at some accurate hardware diagnostics I would 
> like that very much. Here's my numbers;
> Hardware UUID:57C6C486-5B2B-5CC5-BC10-594951CDE5E6

Apple hardware test, and also memtester, which there is a port for, and I'm 
sure someone here could build you a copy for your architecture.  memtester will 
take overnight to run to perform a good test if this is indeed hardware related.

You can also check your hard drive, which I have found that converting a DVD to 
any other video format, jacking up the settings very high, will yield a good 
CPU test, and also a great way to work your hard drive if you can set it to 
render out a ridiculously large file.
Scott (* For off-list contact, replace talklists@ with scott@ *)

macports-users mailing list

Re: gross error

2010-07-08 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jul 8, 2010, at 9:39 AM, John B Brown wrote:
>   I'll stop getting entangled with functional anomalies in MacPorts. Any 
> UNIX/Linux utilities I want I'll modify for myself to work on my iMac. 
> There's a /usr/local here for a purpose; that's where the gnu utilities go 
> automatically.

I'm not sure why you are having so many issues with this.  I believe in reading 
over your thread you have done a completely new install of your OS.  If that is 
the case, and you are having these issues, the only thing I can think of is you 
have corrupt installer discs, something is wrong with your hardware, or your 
process is flawed.  Perhaps you are migrating in an old data file of ~/.profile 
or ~/.bash* or something that is causing troubles.

I once spent many days brining online a G5 Dual CPU server to have issues in 
which nothing was working right, no apps would build, lots of problems.  It 
turned out to be a bad CPU.  I popped in a new CPU, and all my troubles went 

If you are game, I would suggest the following, as MacPorts truly does make 
things easier, not harder:
1) Backup
2) Erase hard drive
3) Reinstall OS clean
4) Perform Apple Software Update, do not use the combo updaters 
   unless you verify MD5's on them and ensure you are using the correct one
5) Install Developer tools, just one package, with X11
6) Run Apple Software Update again
7) Install MacPorts
8) Run sudo port selfupdate
9) If everything now works, install a few simple ports to double check
10) Move your data back in place, testing along the way to make sure 
nothing breaks

Far too many people are working with MacPorts in a perfectly reliably fashion 
aside from known issues.  Everyone at the least, has it installed, which is 
where your system seems to be having trouble.  I see no reason why that can't 
be accomplished on your system, unless there are hardware issues, software 
corruption, or silent data corruption problems.

Scott (* For off-list contact, replace talklists@ with scott@ *)

macports-users mailing list

Re: Removing howl

2010-07-08 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jul 8, 2010, at 12:03 AM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> I'd like to remove the howl port. The software is from 2005, the homepage is 
> gone, and the developers have no plans to develop it further. There are only 
> two ports depending on howl: daapd (the makefile can be patched to disable 
> use of howl) and gthumb (I can find no reason why it depends on howl; "howl" 
> does not occur anywhere in its sources). Any objections?

I am not using howl, have never heard of it, and have no objections.
Scott (* For off-list contact, replace talklists@ with scott@ *)

macports-users mailing list

Re: Size of registry? (And sqlite questions)

2010-07-02 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jul 2, 2010, at 10:22 AM, Michael_google gmail_Gersten wrote:

>>> Nor did I see any .compact command in sqlite3.
>> I am not sure exactly what your other comments are about, I have not yet had 
>> a chance to learn about the new features of MacPorts, so I will leave it to 
>> just the above comment...
>> I believe, if memory servers me correctly from trying to shrink my Apple 
>> Mail data store, it is vacuum that you are looking for. 
>> http://www.sqlite.org/lang_vacuum.html
> Alright, can you explain this:
> sqlite> vacuum;
> Error: no such collation sequence: VERSION

I get the same error.  Researching this a little I think one of the tables has 
a collating sequence defined that no longer exists.  I believe this is a very 
small bug and probably needs to be looked into. 

Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

macports-users mailing list

Re: ticket#25375 couchdb (rookie here)

2010-07-02 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jul 2, 2010, at 9:17 AM, Scott Webster wrote:

> I've been doing this too, but I was always renaming my local ports so
> they wouldn't conflict with the "master" version.  But reading the
> guide again it seems that it just takes the order from sources.conf,
> which is convenient.

Yup, I have relied on that behavior many a time, which is indeed convenient.  
And can be a huge WTF at times too.  Sometimes I forget I have a local port of 
something and sit there wondering what in the world is causing this ancient 
port to be installed when clearly there is a newer version.  Once you get a 
handle on how this all works, and how you can even completely ignore the local 
repo and work on say, you Desktop if you want to run a quick hack type test, it 
all comes tother really nicely.
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

macports-users mailing list

Re: ticket#25375 couchdb (rookie here)

2010-07-02 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jul 2, 2010, at 12:02 AM, Scott Webster wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 11:58 PM, Daniel Terreros
>  wrote:
>> but when I go down the port path, I see no "files directory" and the patch
>> itself wants to be placed in
> "port dir couchdb" gives you the location of the Portfile.  For me it is:
> /opt/local/var/macports/sources/rsync.macports.org/release/ports/databases/couchdb
> This is where you want to make a files directory and put that patch
> file into it.  So in the end, the above directory should contain both
> the Portfile and a files directory, which you will probably have to
> create.  Inside the files directory will be the patch file.

* Another Scott here...

Won't that get written over possibly on the next `port upgrade` is ran?  

For the OP (Daniel T.)
When I have had to go down this road I would set up my own local repository.


This was one of the very first things I did when I first came to MacPorts.  I 
was pretty rookie myself, and still am :) so this could be totally off base 
since I have not been following this thread too closely.

Whenever I have had to apply a patch or use other files, I work in ~/macports, 
which is where I decided I was going to setup my local repository.  I then 
create the correct sub directory for the category, in this case, 'databases' 
and within that I would either make the 'counddb' directory and the 'files' 
directory within ( ~/macports/databases/counddb/files ), or, if it was a 
modification of an existing port, I would use `port dir portname` to locate the 
orginal port, and copy it into my local repository.

Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

macports-users mailing list

Re: Size of registry? (And sqlite questions)

2010-07-01 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jul 1, 2010, at 7:52 PM, Michael_google gmail_Gersten wrote:

> Nor did I see any .compact command in sqlite3.

I am not sure exactly what your other comments are about, I have not yet had a 
chance to learn about the new features of MacPorts, so I will leave it to just 
the above comment...

I believe, if memory servers me correctly from trying to shrink my Apple Mail 
data store, it is vacuum that you are looking for. 

Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

macports-users mailing list

Re: Need clarification on install procedure

2010-07-01 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jul 1, 2010, at 10:40 AM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> On Jul 1, 2010, at 12:15, Scott Haneda wrote:
>> On Jul 1, 2010, at 6:44 AM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>>> Same for PEAR support: instead, you use the php5 port's +pear variant.
>> How come if you need MySql support you would do php5-mysql but if you need 
>> pear you would do php5 +pear, which seems inconsistent?  I don't care, but 
>> to a end user, it would seem more logical to be looking for php5-pear.
> Completely agreed. I'd like things to be consistent and expected, and that's 
> one reason #19091 is still not closed after a year. (It's not done.)
> I would like php5 +pear to become php5-pear. Anybody interested in making 
> that happen should feel free to do so. I personally have not had any interest 
> in PEAR in many years which is why it is not a priority for me.

I personally have never used it myself.  Just now looking at it, what it is, 
what it does, it does very much seem like it may not have a place in MP's.  It 
is an entire framework, much like CPAN, which is the entire reason I came to 
MP's, to get away from that type of situation.

> The other option is for us to say the user should install PEAR manually, and 
> to just remove the pear variant and provide no replacement in MacPorts.

I know this is harsh, but I like this option best, in the name of consistency 
and end user ease. If you need pear you should hopefully know what you are 
doing well enough this should not be a barrier.

> The problem with PEAR that I've mentioned before is that like Perl's CPAN and 
> Ruby's Gems, it installs things into the MacPorts prefix, which we don't want 
> software to do. For Perl and to some extend Ruby we chose to overcome this by 
> making individual ports for each module. We could do the same with each bit 
> of software you can get from PEAR. But it would be a big undertaking. I'm not 
> going to be the one to undertake it, but others should feel free to 
> investigate it.

Yes, it seems like a lot of work.  I think the way that p5's is handled is 
good, and was needed in order to give MP's the momentum, availability, 
exposure, and usefulness to many.  Outside of that, and as you mentioned, a bit 
of the Ruby stuff, I am not seeing a compelling reason to deprecate pear in 
MP's and leave a "stub" port in place that explains this.  Maybe the replaced 
by type of port would be a good match for this.
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

macports-users mailing list

Re: Trouble with Apache2 install

2010-07-01 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jun 30, 2010, at 1:17 PM, Scott Haneda wrote:

> On Jun 30, 2010, at 12:59 PM, Bill Christensen wrote:
>> Hi, 
>> Apache2 install on a clean install of 10.6.4...
>> I'm on a temporary IP address, as this setup will be taking over for a 
>> server already in production.  
>> and http://localhost return "can't establish connection".
>> On attempting  ./apachectl -k restart  i'm getting:
>> httpd: apr_sockaddr_info_get() failed for 103.greenbuilder.com
>> httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain 
>> name, using for ServerName
>> httpd not running, trying to start
>> And still "can't establish connection".
> What is the result of:
> `which -a apachectl`
> I am assuming you were cd'd into the "/opt/local/apache2/bin" directory?
> Have you tried the same command with sudo?  Or were you already escalated 
> when running it?

For anyone out there experiencing this issue, you will solve it by making 
certain you have an A record for whatever the hostname is of your PTR.  If you 
have IP of which returns in dig -x as 
foo.example.com you should be able to get an IP of when you run 
dig A  This seems to be the process that Apache does on 

It could also be related to setting the ServerName value in httpd.conf, though 
I am not 100% certain that is what solved this issue as the 
apr_sockaddr_info_get() is the only failure, and the "Could not reliably 
determine the server's" is a non critical error that does not prevent boot 
of Apache2.
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

macports-users mailing list

Re: Need clarification on install procedure

2010-07-01 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jul 1, 2010, at 6:44 AM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> On Jun 30, 2010, at 13:15, Bill Christensen wrote:
>> At 2:29 AM -0500 6/30/10, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>>> So you edited the php5 Portfile to change the configure.args, I guess? What 
>>> kinds of changes did you need to make?
>> Yep.  The original config had "--without mysql" for instance, and I added 
>> pear supprt as well.
> You don't need to edit the port to get MySQL support; instead, you use the 
> php5-mysql port.
> Same for PEAR support: instead, you use the php5 port's +pear variant.

How come if you need MySql support you would do php5-mysql but if you need pear 
you would do php5 +pear, which seems inconsistent?  I don't care, but to a end 
user, it would seem more logical to be looking for php5-pear.

Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

macports-users mailing list

Re: Trouble with Apache2 install

2010-06-30 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jun 30, 2010, at 12:59 PM, Bill Christensen wrote:

> Hi, 
> Apache2 install on a clean install of 10.6.4...
> I'm on a temporary IP address, as this setup will be taking over for a server 
> already in production.  
> and http://localhost return "can't establish connection".
> On attempting  ./apachectl -k restart  i'm getting:
> httpd: apr_sockaddr_info_get() failed for 103.greenbuilder.com
> httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, 
> using for ServerName
> httpd not running, trying to start
> And still "can't establish connection".

What is the result of:
`which -a apachectl`

I am assuming you were cd'd into the "/opt/local/apache2/bin" directory?

Have you tried the same command with sudo?  Or were you already escalated when 
running it?
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

macports-users mailing list

Re: Need clarification on install procedure

2010-06-30 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jun 29, 2010, at 11:26 PM, Bill Christensen wrote:

> Sorry, I was referring to the command
>   install port php5 +apache2 +mysql5
> Scott Haneda clarified to me earlier today that you can now do
>   install port php5
>   install port php5-mysql
>   install port php5-postgresql
> etc.  (or maybe you always could, but I wasn't aware of it).

You had it right in our emails, but have transposed it here, swap install and 
port around...
`sudo port verb porfile`

sudo port info php5
sudo port search php5*
port installed

But yeah, you get the idea :)
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

macports-users mailing list

What is ~/.macports for

2010-06-29 Thread Scott Haneda
Subject pretty much says it all, just curious, and could not locate it in the 

Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

macports-users mailing list

Re: Problem with macports install, any help greatly appreciated

2010-06-14 Thread Scott Haneda

On Jun 14, 2010, at 6:44 AM, joseph davison  wrote:

One thing that might be useful is
sudo install manopen

That will install a tool that lets you read "man[ual] pages" easily  
for the unix-y tools installed on your system.
Many programs (probably including gimp -- I haven't tried it) that  
come from the unix world are / were  documented using "man pages",  
and this lets you read them.

I must have missed a thread, but what is wrong with the built in 'man'  
that is available to all Mac OS X installs.

As far as I remember, 'man' has been with us since the 10.0 days.

Once it's installed you can read the manpage for ports, for instance  
-- (although that may be like trying to drink from a firehose).
Still it shows you one way to find what other programs are available.

If 'man' doesn't work now, I would suspect a second copy may also not  

How come the built-in is not acceptable for this user?

Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ *  
(Sent from a mobile device) 

macports-users mailing list

Re: Quick install

2010-06-11 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jun 11, 2010, at 2:58 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> On Jun 11, 2010, at 16:44, Scott Haneda wrote:
>> I have a portfile I am working on, sitting on my desktop.
>> [snip...] 
>> At some point, the output hits this:
>> --->  Attempting to fetch the_software.zip from 
>> http://voxel.dl.sourceforge.net/the_software
>> I then get 15 or so 404 errors for a file not found.
>> Is it completely wrong to try to install a port this way?
> Nope, that's just fine, except the project doesn't appear to have released 
> any distfiles for Try version instead; that fetches ok for 
> me.

OMFGBBQWTF, this is the worst SF project I have ever dealt with.  Their version 
numbers, what is listed on the website, what is listed in their file repo etc., 
its like a one legged turtle. Upside down.  Thanks for taking the time to look 
that up.

>> It looks like app the dependencies went in.  Is there a way to check that 
>> the dependencies for a certain port are installed aside form `port 
>> installed` and comparing it to the list of dependencies from `port info` or 
>> similar?
> With 1.9's new pseudoports I think we now have a shorthand way to do this:
> port echo rdepof:assp and not installed

Well that is damn handy.  How do I do something like this though:
port echo rdepof:~/Desktop/Portfile

Ok, so I got it installed now, yay!
$port echo rdepof:ASSP and not installed

$port installed | grep -i assp
  ASSP @ (active)

$grep 'port\:' Portfile 
depends_lib port:p5-io-compress \
port:p5-digest-md5 \
port:p5-digest-sha1 \
port:p5-email-mime-modifier \
port:p5-email-send \
port:p5-email-valid \
port:p5-file-readbackwards \
port:p5-io-socket-ssl \
port:p5-libwww-perl \
port:p5-mail-spf \
port:p5-mail-srs \
port:p5-net \
port:p5-net-cidr-lite \
port:p5-net-dns \
port:p5-net-ip-match-regexp \
port:p5-net-senderbase \
port:p5-net-syslog \
port:p5-perl-ldap \
port:p5-sys-syslog \
port:p5-tie-dbi \
port:p5-time-hires \
port:p5-io-socket-ssl \
port:p5-email-send \
port:p5-text-iconv \

Here are a few more after reading more of the man page for `port`
$port list rdependentof ASSP
assp   @1.1.0  mail/assp
$port list dependentof ASSP
assp   @1.1.0  mail/assp
$port list depof ASSP
assp   @1.1.0  mail/assp
$port list rdepof ASSP
assp   @1.1.0  mail/assp

$port echo depof:ASSP

$port dependents ASSP
ASSP has no dependents.

>> Oh, I thought all I wold need to do was bump the version and update the 
>> checksums, what is the best way to get the checksums aside from just trying 
>> to install, letting it fail, and copying and pasting?
> That's how I do it. "sudo port -d checksum", copy the 3 checksum lines out of 
> the debug output, paste them into the portfile, reformat to match the 
> portfile's existing formatting. I've meant to write a script that would 
> automate this but haven't done so yet.

Cool, thanks. I may give that script a try myself, sounds like a quick and 
semi-fun one.

Did MacPorts get significantly faster, I just popped the version on this to and while I understand MP's can't make things compile any faster, the 
text that was scrolling by that was MP's based stuff, felt a heck of a lot 
faster.  If it did, good work to everyone involved, it is certainly something I 
can feel, which generally means at least 20% improvement.

Thanks for the help.
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

macports-users mailing list

Quick install

2010-06-11 Thread Scott Haneda
I have a portfile I am working on, sitting on my desktop.

cd ~/Desktop
sudo port -d install 

At some point, the output hits this:
--->  Attempting to fetch the_software.zip from 

I then get 15 or so 404 errors for a file not found.

Is it completely wrong to try to install a port this way?

I am trying to bump a quick test and go to assp
Here are my bare minimums:

livecheck.regex "ASSP Installation ASSP (\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)*) released"
use_zip yes
depends_run bin:perl:perl5.8
worksrcdir  ${distname}/ASSP
set assp_base   ${prefix}/var/ASSP
use_configure   no

I have not looked at this port in months, and wanted to get it off my "todo" 
list and into the system, they released a stable 1.7 which I want to at least 
make sure installs.

It looks like app the dependencies went in.  Is there a way to check that the 
dependencies for a certain port are installed aside form `port installed` and 
comparing it to the list of dependencies from `port info` or similar?

Oh, I thought all I wold need to do was bump the version and update the 
checksums, what is the best way to get the checksums aside from just trying to 
install, letting it fail, and copying and pasting?

Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

macports-users mailing list

Too hard to get Dev tools [was Re: Problem with macports install, any help greatly appreciated]

2010-06-11 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jun 11, 2010, at 4:26 AM, Ryan Schmidt   

Yes, Apple doesn't make it terribly easy to find the latest version  
of Xcode for prior versions of Mac OS X. To get Xcode 3.1.4:

Go to http://connect.apple.com/

I was in an IRC chat the other day, and the topic of package managers  
came up. Being a heavy Linux crowd, they have a multitude of options  
wheras on the Mac we have Fink and MacPorts.

I sidelined and listened. The main gripe; there is no compiler present  
by default in Mac OS X so you must give up personal data to get Dev  
Tools from Apple.

I'm not sure if this is 100% true. I know you get additional tools  
from a Dev Tools installation, but there may be a compiler in the base  
OS X install; I've never looked, I always:

1) install OS
2) install Dev Tools
3) Software Update
4) Install MacPorts.

90% or better of what's in /Developer are docs, examples, test apps,  
profile apps, debugger, tools... stuff.

What is it MacPorts needs at a bare minimum to meet it's requirement  
of "Needs Apples Developer Tools"?

How much of /Developer could one potentially omit and still build apps  
with or without MacPorts? Can I just keep all the bins and includes  
and be successful?

I'm asking because I wonder how sucessfully MacPorts built apps would  
also build with the pure OSS versions of I guess gcc and it's other  
toolchain bits.

I suspect Apple may have modified and customized this toolchain, and  
it simply wouldn't work.

Would it be possible at all to have MacPorts remove it's requirement  
for Apples Developer Tools and have MacPorts perform that  
installation? This seems a really cool way to get people up and  
running sans a ton of resistance.

I wonder how much of this is technical hurdles versus legal licence  
agreements hurdles attached to the download from Apple.

I personally don't find it a huge burden to register and download / 
Developer. I even find the software quite nice, and one heck of a  
solid development toolkit. Everything you need to build something of  
the scope of PhotoShop, iMovie, iTunes, whatever you imagine.

I'll go out on a limb, prepared for the bashing... I am yet to see  
anything on Windows or Linux or other *Nix's that has the polish of X- 
Code. Add to that it spits out UB's, mobile, desktop, cli, etc, and  
it's a very polished kit, not to be overshadowed by the technical  
power ouside "teh pretty". And free of cost with the exception of  
registration cost.

The other side of the coin is Apple could easily install /Developer on  
all machines. Yet in the same way some distros are specific to being  
lean, Apple is choosing to omit software 99% of users won't need, and  
will add potential confusion.

If /Developer were installed on all Macs, the visibility bit was set  
to none on the directory, and 'chmod -x /Developer', users would not  
even know. A set of very simple commands could +x and setfile; poof,  
dev tools installed, MacPorts could be the initiator of this. A  
checkbox in the Software Update Preference Pane coukd even toghle  
those two settings  Pipe dreaming I know.

Is it completely against the rules to direct link to the dev tools  
installer and have MacPorts perform this install? Maybe Apple has the  
download locked inside the walled login/pass garden.

I was just wondering, if there is any way to have MacPorts be fully  
self contained. The ability to decide you want MAMP, download a tiny  
installer, run 'sudo port install mamp-stuff', and be done. This could  
be very powerful for good word of mouth of a great experience.

On Linux they were stating in IRC:
sudo apt-get whatever

On Mac: ( how I do it at least )
Reg/login with apple.com
Download Developer Tools
Software Update
Install MacPorts
Update MacPorts
sudo port install whatever

It would be really cool to have parity on those two cases.

This question is one of pure curiosity with regards to specifically  
what's in /Developer.  With so much of it being based on OSS, that to  
me implies there has to be ways to get it all, and bypass registration.

I'm not at all asking that this idea be persued, but it's something  
I've wanted to understand for a while.

P.S. Why doesn't a new first time install of MacPorts perform  
'selfupdate' for the user? Or does it and I'm not aware of this  
already happening?

Thanks porters.

Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ *  
(Sent from a mobile device) 
macports-users mailing list

Re: p5-mail-spf will not install

2010-06-11 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jun 10, 2010, at 10:37 PM, Ryan Schmidt   

On Jun 10, 2010, at 21:18, Scott Haneda wrote:

Relatively clean system here, updated MP the other day, no troubles  
to be seen.

Trying to install one port that needs a bunch of p5's, which will  
not work, so I am going through a few at a time to see if I can't  
solve it.

  sudo port install p5-mail-spf

Good sized log, I do not know the etiquette here on posting  
attachments and how long is too long:


Looks like:


Should I manually patch and move on, locally patch and submit a clean  
and new portfile, or can someone push this through so I can selfupdate  
and get it working?

I'll do whatever option is requested, just let me know which is  

Sorry I did not look in trac first, I've installed this p5 so many  
times and it did not appear to change since my last install, I assumed  
I had something goofed with the new update to MP's.

Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ *  
(Sent from a mobile device) 

macports-users mailing list

p5-mail-spf will not install

2010-06-10 Thread Scott Haneda
Relatively clean system here, updated MP the other day, no troubles to be seen.

Trying to install one port that needs a bunch of p5's, which will not work, so 
I am going through a few at a time to see if I can't solve it.

sudo port install p5-mail-spf

Good sized log, I do not know the etiquette here on posting attachments and how 
long is too long:


Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

macports-users mailing list

Re: MacPorts 1.9.0 has been released

2010-06-09 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jun 9, 2010, at 12:52 PM, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:

> Similar experience here, and I'm *really* liking that it now takes a
> fraction of a second to say "port outdated" instead of 30 seconds.

And with that, port installed is so much faster too, I no longer mind passing 
it to grep to filter if I have to.

> I'm also registering all my requested ports, so that "sudo port
> uninstall leaves" does the right thing.  And amazingly, it does!
> Unfortunately, you have to run it a few times to get it settled down.

Can you elaborate on this, I am not familiar with this procedure.
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

macports-users mailing list

Re: MacPorts 1.9.0 has been released

2010-06-09 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jun 8, 2010, at 1:53 PM, Joshua Root wrote:

> One particular change that requires special attention is the new SQLite
> registry format, which will be the preferred format moving forward. It
> is the default for new installs, but existing installs will need their
> macports.conf edited in order to use it, by changing 'portdbformat flat'
> to 'portdbformat sqlite'. After making this change, your existing flat
> receipts will be converted the first time you run port(1) with
> sufficient privileges (this usually means using sudo; e.g. 'sudo port
> installed').

I ran `sudo port -d selfupdate` and all seemed to go well.
I edited macports.conf to change to sqlite then ran `sudo port installed`
I next ran `sudo port outdated` to find two ports needing updating.
I ran `sudo port upgrade outdated` and gettext and libtool were updated.

After a bit of time, all was updated, and it seems to work well.  I thought I 
would report a successful update case.  It went smoothly.
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

macports-users mailing list

Re: New install MAMP

2010-06-05 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jun 5, 2010, at 9:34 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> But as you said, even for ports that do build 64-bit on 32-bit machines, 
> there's probably no reason why someone with a 32-bit machine should want to 
> do so, so it might not be unreasonable for MacPorts to exit with a helpful 
> error if trying to build for a 64-bit architecture on a 32-bit machine (i.e. 
> either universal_archs contains x86_64 or ppc64 and the universal variant is 
> used, or build_arch is x86_64 or ppc64 and the universal variant is not 
> used). Could you file a ticket for this request?

Sure, I would be happy to file a ticket.
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

macports-users mailing list

Re: New install MAMP

2010-06-05 Thread Scott Haneda
On Jun 5, 2010, at 7:07 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> On Jun 5, 2010, at 20:00, Scott Haneda wrote:
>> Mac Mini that seems to be 64 bit capable...
>>   $file `which ls`
>>   /bin/ls: Mach-O universal binary with 2 architectures
>>   /bin/ls (for architecture x86_64): Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64
>>   /bin/ls (for architecture i386):   Mach-O executable i386
> All that tells us is that your "ls" command contains x86_64 and i386 
> executables, which AFAIK will always be the case on Snow Leopard, regardless 
> what processor you have. To see whether your Mac is actually 64-bit capable, 
> run:

Bah, ok, I thought that if a UB existed, that the CPU had to support it.  So 
the OS knows how to ignore the bits of a binary that have architecture specific 
builds in it even if the hardware itself can't support it?  Thats interesting 
to learn.  So in theory, you could see `file` return PPC as an option, even if 
it were obviously as in this case, Intel?

I never would have thought this to be the case, and thought it more like trying 
to run a classic app on a new machine of today.

> sysctl hw.cpu64bit_capable
> If it says "1" your Mac is 64-bit capable; if it says "0", it isn't. (The 
> first Intel-based line of Mac minis used Intel Core processors (which are not 
> 64-bit capable)).

That is the command I wanted then, and that explains it:
$sysctl hw.cpu64bit_capable
hw.cpu64bit_capable: 0

What is getting me, is this should be 64 capable, according to system_profiler:

Hardware Overview:
  Model Name: Mac mini
  Model Identifier: Macmini1,1
  Processor Name: Intel Core Duo
  Processor Speed: 1.66 GHz
  Number Of Processors: 1
  Total Number Of Cores: 2
  L2 Cache: 2 MB
  Memory: 2 GB
  Bus Speed: 667 MHz
  Boot ROM Version: MM11.0055.B08

I thought only the Core Solo's were not 64 bit capable, and anything Core 2 Duo 
were?  Or is this the difference in a Core Duo and a Core _2_ Duo?

>> $uname -a
>> Darwin mini.example.com 10.3.0 Darwin Kernel Version 10.3.0: Fri Feb 26 
>> 11:58:09 PST 2010; root:xnu-1504.3.12~1/RELEASE_I386 i386
>> Trying to install mysql 5 server, and get the entire MAMP thing going.  
>> Install gets hung up on ncursesw and ncurses if I use +universal, 
>> I did a little cleaning, and mysql5-server appears to be going now.  I have 
>> attached a tee'd log in case that helps.
> The log doesn't contain anything useful; all it says is the muniversal 
> portgroup couldn't begin ncursesw's configure phase because the directory it 
> tried to create already existed, probably because you tried before, it 
> failed, and you tried again without cleaning. Clean ncursesw, then try 
> installing ncursesw +universal again to get the real error message, then show 
> us that.

I did that too.  I finally just took off the +universal, which means I had to 
clean again, but then things seemingly went along fine.

Someone on #macports said this was a bug, which is why I came here.  I am 
guessing this is not a bug, and I was doing this wrong, which was trying to 
build universal on a arch that does not support it.

Hoever, would it not be a good idea to save the user from this mistake?  If 
hw.cpu64bit_capable returns 0, then either the +universal could be ignored, 
which could be ambiguous to the user, with them thinking a UB was made, or, MP 
could exit out with an error: "Sorry, your machine does not support building as 

I managed to get it all running, another MAMP install successfully working, 

Thanks for the pointers.
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

macports-users mailing list

New install MAMP

2010-06-05 Thread Scott Haneda
Mac Mini that seems to be 64 bit capable...
$file `which ls`
/bin/ls: Mach-O universal binary with 2 architectures
/bin/ls (for architecture x86_64):  Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64
/bin/ls (for architecture i386):Mach-O executable i386

$uname -a
Darwin mini.example.com 10.3.0 Darwin Kernel Version 10.3.0: Fri Feb 26 
11:58:09 PST 2010; root:xnu-1504.3.12~1/RELEASE_I386 i386

Trying to install mysql 5 server, and get the entire MAMP thing going.  Install 
gets hung up on ncursesw and ncurses if I use +universal, if I do not use 
+universal, I think it is installing, it seems to be going now.

I could not get this far with +universal, without it, I am here:
ncurses @5.7_0+darwin_10 (active)
ncursesw @5.7_0+darwin_10 (active)

I did a little cleaning, and mysql5-server appears to be going now.  I have 
attached a tee'd log in case that helps.

I looked in trac and did not find anything related.  What strikes me as odd is 
this is something I have done many times before and had no issue, and it is a 
clean install, 10.6 clean, with developer tools, unless I specifically need to 
go to developer.apple.com and re-download those tools.

As a test, I did built mtr +universal, and it was done in a minute and working. 
 So at the least, I have a compiler, and a machine that supports universal 
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

Description: Binary data
macports-users mailing list

Procedure for learning why a port was updated

2010-06-04 Thread Scott Haneda
Good morning, 

I notived my `gawk` was out of date by one dot revision.  I issues port info 
gawk and got the current version, then did a trac search for "gawk 3.1.8", 
which takes me to the diff of the hash changed for the update.

Can someone walk me thought he steps that I would take to find out why ports 
are updated.  In this case, it is obvious, a new version.  But what about the 
previous update.  It may be 3.1.6, or or maybe some were skipped.

How to I get to a historical list in trac for a particular port.
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

macports-users mailing list

Re: "port search svn" does not find "subversion"

2010-05-21 Thread Scott Haneda
On May 21, 2010, at 1:34 AM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> On May 21, 2010, at 02:16, Michael_google gmail_Gersten wrote:
>> "port search svn" turns up 22 ports, but does not turn up "subversion".
> http://trac.macports.org/ticket/23159

23159 solves the problem of "svn" not being a usable search keyword by adding 
that keyword to the "description" so that port search will find them; done in 
ticket http://trac.macports.org/changeset/67900

Why not opt for a keywords field in the portfile, optional of course.  You have 
the short and long desc still work the same, so none of that changes, but there 
is now a keyword based search.

These keywords could also have advised sections, like category, type, etc.  
Down the road, this could help better position port pages in google, and beat 
out that other guy.

port search "graphics, photoshop, image edit, imaging" 

as as example, those would be OR and any hit would bring it up.  Debate over 
each keyword being contains of exact match is up to you guys.  I think exact 
match is best.

This avoids keyword stuffing the long or short description to give visibility 
as software picks up nicknames especially acronyms.

Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

macports-users mailing list

Re: launchctl startup items gone after Software Update

2010-05-17 Thread Scott Haneda
On May 17, 2010, at 8:16 AM, Ryan Schmidt   

On May 17, 2010, at 07:35, schmunk wrote:

from time to time my macports startup items are missing or they do  
not get started.
Especially apache2 and mysql5. I wasn't able to trace the issue  
down completely, but it seems that they are gone after an Apple  
"Software Update".

Is this a know issue? Or do I have to look elsewhere, has anybody  
the same problem?

Sorry, I haven't found an answer via Google.

I've never heard of MacPorts files disappearing after an Apple  
software update. It shouldn't affect loading launchd items either,  
but if it does, does simply unloading and loading the launchd item  
again fix it? If so, that's what you should do.

This happens to me frequently as well. I will have Apache2 running and  
using it for local dev. Sometimes I stop dev for a few days, come  
back, load up my usual http://localhost or http://MacBook.local and I  
get an error because the http server is down.

Sometimes using port load will start it again, other times it will  
tell me it can't start for reasons I can't remember. I then try to use  
the port command to stop it just in case and get a message about a  
missing pid. So I know for sure it's dead.

With a little fiddling, usually hitting launchctl with a -w load on  
the Apache item will start it up. Or, I use apachectl or the other  
httpd start command.

Eventually I get it back up again, always stable for my entire  
development time. It's only when I step away for a few days, come  
back, and things are not running.

I only know I have not usually installed or updated any ports in that  
time. I don't think I run apple software update, but I certainly have  
rebooted, logged out, and ran other app updaters which also have  
launchd items.

I'll pay more attention and look at the logs next time it happens.

Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ *  
(Sent from a mobile device) 

macports-users mailing list

Re: Macports, Apache PATH evn?

2010-05-15 Thread Scott Haneda
On May 15, 2010, at 3:13 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> The purpose of launchd is to notice when programs exit unexpectedly and to 
> then relaunch them. Using apachectl to stop or restart Apache2 amounts to it 
> unexpectedly quitting in the eyes of launchd, which would cause launchd to 
> try to launch it again. This is why I don't recommend using apachectl if 
> you're using launchd. Apache's graceful restart feature is very nice, but I 
> don't know what happens when you try to use that when you're already using 
> launchd.

I think a little bit of a mess happens.  I used to use "graceful" all the time, 
but then I would add a new module or something to Apache, issue a graceful, and 
find strange behavior.  Sometimes it was as if I had installed something new, 
other times it was as if I had not.  I think I was hooking into some other 
worker, or had one already in progress, and things must have gotten confused.

I have at times relied on the fact that launchd wants to restart anything that 
dies or otherwise stops working.  If I have a pid nearby, it can be pretty easy 
to just kill it off and let launchd come to the party and kick things back into 
gear again.  Other times, launchd has confused the heck out of me, I just want 
something to go away, and it is quick at bringing it back, so it looks as 
though you never nuked it, until you look at the pid number and see it has 

Previously it was said that you need to issue a full stop, and then a start to 
correctly reload/restart Apache.  Do you really need the start?  launchd should 
come along and start it back up again I believe.  If you really want to stop, 
then start, I think you would have to first unload the launchd item, stop 
Apache, start Apache, and then load back in the launchd item as a means to keep 
it up in the event of crashes or trouble.  Or I suppose you could unload the 
launchd item, stop Apache, and then load the lauchd item, which will in turn 
start Apache up for you.
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

macports-users mailing list

Re: Macports, Apache PATH evn?

2010-05-15 Thread Scott Haneda

On May 15, 2010, at 1:16 PM, Dan Poirier  wrote:

Restart doesn't fully restart Apache; it stops the worker processes,
reads the configuration again, and starts new workers, but the envvars
file is read before the original process starts and never again, so a
full stop and start is needed to notice changes there.

What about the "graceful" flag/argument to apachectl? Does that re- 
read envars and truly restart the server, workers, etc?

What does port load/unload do in this regard? Aren't there also port  
start/stop commands as well?

Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ *  
(Sent from a mobile device) 

macports-users mailing list

Re: Gettext error prevents update

2010-05-09 Thread Scott Haneda

On May 9, 2010, at 4:06 AM, notbot  wrote:

Computing dependencies for p5-locale-gettext
Configuring p5-locale-gettext
Error: Target org.macports.configure returned: configure failure:  
shell command " cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/ 
locale-gettext/work/gettext-1.05" && /opt/local/bin/perl Makefile.PL  
INSTALLDIRS=vendor " returned error 2

Command output: checking for gettext... no
checking for gettext in -I/opt/local/include -arch x86_64 -L/opt/ 
local/lib -lintl...gettext function not found. Please install  
libintl at Makefile.PL line 18.

Error: Unable to upgrade port: 1

I have tried updating MacPorts, but still get same error.

It looks like this is nearly identical to your issue: 

Hopefully you can find a MacPorts trac ticket with a patch or  
solution. If not, maybe the above link will allow you to patch on your  
own. Definately search trac, or google limited to trac.

As more MacPorts users get online, I'm certain someone will know a  
better solution. Today may be a little slow with it being mothers day.

Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ *  
(Sent from a mobile device) ___
macports-users mailing list

Re: MySQL error after Ports upgrade

2010-05-04 Thread Scott Haneda
On May 4, 2010, at 7:41 AM, Craig Hoffman wrote:

> Found the problem: php5-FreeImage @0.1_0+universal (active)
> Uninstalled and cleaned it - PHPInfo comes up.  
> Should I fill a bug report on this?

What do your mysql error logs say at the time of these errors happening?  

I could not find your machines hostname in your posts, but if you look at:
you should find something.

Maybe you could turn back on "php5-FreeImage" and make sure the error comes 
back, then run 
sudo tail -f /opt/local/var/db/mysql5/*.err
start MySql, load the test pages and other things you used as tests in the 
past, and paste to us the relevant mysql error log lines.

I just did the same upgrade as you did, and everything came back up with no 
trouble at all, though I am not running php5-FreeImage at this time.
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

macports-users mailing list

Re: uninstall help please

2010-05-02 Thread Scott Haneda
On May 2, 2010, at 11:38 AM, Daniel J. Luke wrote:

> On May 1, 2010, at 2:07 AM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> Somewhat frequently I too get about 5 KB/sec (guess that's about 30 kb/sec) 
>> from this server. Other times it's plenty fast. This has been going on for 
>> awhile:
>> http://lists.macosforge.org/pipermail/macports-dev/2008-July/005596.html
> It might be interesting to get a wireshark capture (or tcpdump) to try and 
> troubleshoot this some and see if we can figure out what is going on (and if 
> there's something that could be done to make it better).

I would be happy to do this, is there a particularly large file I can curl down 
while running a capture?  Also perhaps another hostname other than 
distfiles.macports.org so I can do a side by side comparison?

As it is now, I get really good download rates:

curl -O http://distfiles.macports.org/apache20/httpd-2.0.61.tar.bz2
  % Total% Received % Xferd  Average Speed   TimeTime Time  Current
 Dload  Upload   Total   SpentLeft  Speed
100 4472k  100 4472k0 0  1415k  0  0:00:03  0:00:03 --:--:-- 1454k

$curl -O http://distfiles.macports.org/gimp2/gimp-2.6.8.tar.bz2
  % Total% Received % Xferd  Average Speed   TimeTime Time  Current
 Dload  Upload   Total   SpentLeft  Speed
100 15.5M  100 15.5M0 0  1564k  0  0:00:10  0:00:10 --:--:-- 1641k

I also just ran mtr to for about 5 minutes, and 0% packet loss, which in all 
honesty, is unusual, almost all routes will have some packet loss over 5 
minutes.  Though I do have a very direct route going from Comcast right to 
level 3 and then hitting macosforge.org.

For those who get 5KB/s can you post your location, and run a trace from your 
location to distfiles.macports.org.  For what it is worth, I can get that route 
to barf on me by upping the packet size, but I also find that is pretty normal 
and consistent to any route.

How do we know this is not just a bandwidth issue? Ping is used to determine 
and choose the route, but that has nothing to do with network saturation on the 
actual box.  Perhaps there is simply a lot of activity on the machine, or 
network.  What are the specifications of the network this server is connected 
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

macports-users mailing list

Re: Mac::Growl?

2010-05-01 Thread Scott Haneda
On May 1, 2010, at 7:50 AM, Bradley Giesbrecht wrote:

> I wasn't aware of cpan2port so I used it to create p5-mac-growl as an 
> exercise.

Where did you find this app and documentation?
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

macports-users mailing list

Re: uninstall help please

2010-04-30 Thread Scott Haneda
On Apr 30, 2010, at 11:23 AM, Adam Mercer wrote:

> Looks like you used the wrong installer for your platform. Make sure
> you download the correct installer.

Why is this possible? Is Apple's packagemaker tool used for creating the 
MacPorts installer?  My very limited experience in using it, I seem to recall 
you can set a target for what systems will or will not accept the installer.  
Would this not be a good change to make to the installer, making it impossible 
to install the wrong version on the wrong system?

Is it possible to make just one installer, an installer that is smart enough to 
know which bits to use depending on the platform you are trying to install on?  
It has always been a bit of a pain to locate the downloads page, figure out 
which one to install etc.  A very minor bit of a pain, but one that I am pretty 
sure could be solved.  This would bump up file size and download times, which 
may be the issue right there, if there is some limitation in bandwidth and how 
much it costs the project.

Is there any interest in this?  Should I perhaps open a ticket?
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

macports-users mailing list

Re: Get date of Portfile

2010-04-17 Thread Scott Haneda
On Apr 16, 2010, at 4:44 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> On Apr 16, 2010, at 13:14, Scott Haneda wrote:
>> How can I get the date that the portfile was last updated? Looking at some 
>> ports, many do not have livecheck, so I want to know if it is current.
> Also, fixing the livecheck in ports that don't have it or where it doesn't 
> work would be great. I spent some time doing this a few weeks ago; I just 
> looked up  ports that were nomaintainer and where livecheck reported either a 
> new version or an inability to determine if a new version was available. Then 
> I fixed the livecheck and/or updated the port to the latest version, if 
> possible. Oh, and I looked up if there were any tickets filed for the port. I 
> got through many ports whose names begin with a thru k and then got tired of 
> the process. But for example if you wanted to start checking some of the 
> ports whose names begin with l:
> $ port livecheck maintainer:nomaintainer and name:^l

Ok, Ill bite at a few...
These always trip me up anyway, so nothing better to learn on that a big batch 
of them.

This seems to be the most common of the expressions used:
Has that been determined the preferred method of making that match?

Could you walk me through port "mowitz"
I look at that Portfile and I see the download url is:
If I go to that url, it is 404, I then combine it all to test it:

404 also.  I do not know the commands to do a test download, so I tried:
$sudo port -yv install mowitz

Did I pick a dead port to start on?  Would you mind walking me through your 
process of one port, so I know how to do this in a fast way.  If you got from a 
to k, then you are half there, and must have picked up some tricks along the 

> Of course, it's easier to fix if you're a committer and don't have to file a 
> ticket for each one. :/

You certainly said it.  What if I did a large batch, could I just send you the 
folders, or is that way out of procedure?

Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

macports-users mailing list

Re: Get date of Portfile

2010-04-16 Thread Scott Haneda
On Apr 16, 2010, at 12:23 PM, Joshua Root wrote:

> On 2010-4-17 04:14 , Scott Haneda wrote:
>> How can I get the date that the portfile was last updated? Looking at some 
>> ports, many do not have livecheck, so I want to know if it is current.  I am 
>> surprised, but there are many a site that make it pretty darn hard to find 
>> out what is their current release version.
>> If I can tell if the Portfile is 12 months old, I know I should look into 
>> reving it.
> head -n2 `port file foo`

Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

macports-users mailing list

Get date of Portfile

2010-04-16 Thread Scott Haneda
How can I get the date that the portfile was last updated? Looking at some 
ports, many do not have livecheck, so I want to know if it is current.  I am 
surprised, but there are many a site that make it pretty darn hard to find out 
what is their current release version.

If I can tell if the Portfile is 12 months old, I know I should look into 
reving it.
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

macports-users mailing list

Re: Exif data reading from the command line

2010-04-04 Thread Scott Haneda
On Apr 4, 2010, at 3:09 PM, Faisal Moledina wrote:

> On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 5:53 PM, Scott Haneda  wrote:
>> port search exif brings up a nice batch of stuff.  Any suggestions?  I am 
>> looking for a pretty simple `./whatever image.jpg` and be done with it.
> First hit from port search exif is exif @0.6.17. Haven't used it
> extensively but `exif IMG_2358.jpg` brings up quite a bit of EXIF
> data.

Yeah, just installed it and it does work as advertised.  Odd that images with 
no exist data have such a harsh return message:

$exif -d home_photo_rappensuncle.jpg 
ExifLoader: Scanning 1024 byte(s) of data...
ExifLoader: Scanning 1004 byte(s) of data...
Corrupt data
The data provided does not follow the specification.

ExifLoader: The data supplied does not seem to contain EXIF data.
'home_photo_rappensuncle.jpg' is not readable or does not contain 
EXIF data!

Thanks for the pointer though, this is working perfect for my needs.

Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

macports-users mailing list

Exif data reading from the command line

2010-04-04 Thread Scott Haneda
I am looking for something to easily read mostly image exif data.  Arbitrary 
file data such as mp3 tags and other misc file attributes would be a plus.

Right now, I will open an image in Photoshop, or an image editor, using their 
tools to read the exif file data.  Sometimes there are extended attributes as 
well, though I wonder if I am seeing them all.

The entire process takes too long.  It would also be nice to be able to clear 
the data

port search exif brings up a nice batch of stuff.  Any suggestions?  I am 
looking for a pretty simple `./whatever image.jpg` and be done with it.

Thanks for any suggestions.

* If anyone has a particular software they like that does not have a port, that 
works too, I would be happy to make a Portfile.
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

macports-users mailing list

Re: tr on OS X

2010-04-03 Thread Scott Haneda
On Apr 2, 2010, at 10:08 PM, Brandon Allbery wrote:

> On Apr 3, 2010, at 00:31 , Scott Haneda wrote:
>> If anyone can point me to a relevant thread, I would appreciate it.  I am 
>> working on a port and I keep getting a "tr: Illegal byte sequence", which is 
>> no fault of MacPorts, but the answer to this may lead me down the path of an 
>> explanation.
> This is an I18N error.  If you're operating on binary data for some reason, 
> you may want to force LANG=C so you don't get errors about illegal characters 
> in the locale (in this case, it would almost certainly be UTF8 unless for 
> some reason you're working in a CJK character set).

The app appears to be reading in from /dev/urandom and piping it off to tr.  In 
my search for a solution, I have found two things about this.  Other nix's have 
no issue with this, and they also all seem to have a working /dev/urandom as 
well.  When I try, the app fails, changing urandom to random fixes it up to my 
`tr` troubles.

The `tr` issue, I was stumped, now it makes sense, as /dev/random would indeed 
to binary data.

Just out of curiosity, if I wanted to do something like:
$cat /dev/random | tr "a" "b"

How do I get `tr` to work?  I do not see anything in the man page that would 
allow me to treat the binary data as correctly.

This is for a quick random password generator app that I wanted to make a 
Portfile of.

Thank you very much, have a good weekend.
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

macports-users mailing list

tr on OS X

2010-04-02 Thread Scott Haneda
I seem to recall a while back, that there may have been an issue with MacPorts 
due to how there are subtle differences in the `tr` command.

Is my memory off base here, was it a different command?

If anyone can point me to a relevant thread, I would appreciate it.  I am 
working on a port and I keep getting a "tr: Illegal byte sequence", which is no 
fault of MacPorts, but the answer to this may lead me down the path of an 

Thank you.
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

macports-users mailing list

Re: editing gnuplot initialization file

2010-03-31 Thread Scott Haneda
On Mar 31, 2010, at 9:21 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> "^abc" isn't a valid glob and shouldn't work (and doesn't):
> $ cd $(port dir zlib)
> $ find . -name ^P
> $ find . -name P
> $ find . -name P*
> ./Portfile
> "find" is case-sensitive with the -name option and case-insensitive with the 
> -iname option.
> $ find . -name Portfile
> ./Portfile
> $ find . -name portfile
> $ find . -iname portfile
> ./Portfile

All I can say is crap, and crap.

I wanted to exclude certain files to go onto a http server, one that does not 
support any languages other than shoving html back out.  So, if a link to say, 
file.php was hit, there is a chance the raw source would be served.  They only 
wanted images and .htm and .html.

Yes, there probably is a password or two in these files.

I used ^foo and was relying on my idea of find being case-i.

Thanks for pointing this out, now I have to go and hope they did not put the 
files up yet, and correct this. Then again, I was asked to do this, and just 
thought it safer, so if it blows up, I guess I could correct it then, gonna try 
and correct it ahead of time for them though.

Thanks again for pointing this out.
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

macports-users mailing list

Re: editing gnuplot initialization file

2010-03-31 Thread Scott Haneda
On Mar 31, 2010, at 8:40 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> On Mar 31, 2010, at 22:34, Scott Haneda wrote:
>> On Mar 31, 2010, at 8:18 PM, Zachary Cordero wrote:
>>> I'm a new to unix so sorry for the trivial question but I just used macport 
>>> to install gnuplot and I'd like to edit the gnuplot initialization file.  
>>> Where can I find it on my comp?  I'm using Mac OS 10.5.
>> Anything that MacPorts installed can be located with `port contents 
>> portname` on the command line.  In your case, it would be `port contents 
>> gnuplot` I believe.  That will list every file that MacPorts installed for 
>> that particular portfile.  Substitute any port name you desire, as long as 
>> the port has been installed.
> True, but any file the user is expected to edit, such as a configuration 
> file, should not show up in "port contents". (If it does, it is a bug in the 
> port.) Sample configuration files, however, if there are any, would show up.

Interesting, thank you for the clarification.

>> If you know the name of the file you are looking for, a `sudo find 
>> /opt/local -name "the-filename-pattern"` where "the-filename-pattern" can be 
>> a regular expression, so to find all ini files, it would be "*.ini" or just 
>> look for the exact filename "gnuplot.ini" ( `sudo find /opt/local -name 
>> "gnuplot.ini"` )
> Actually, "find" takes a glob pattern; regular expression syntax is different 
> from glob syntax.

Well, that is just plain weird, I never knew that.  I have always fed it 
regular expressions, the only thing that I ever really picked up on being 
different was the case insensitive aspect, which I liked.  I was pretty sure 
there would be a way to over-ride the case-i aspects anyway.

But I have fed it the usual ^abc and other basic expressions, and they always 
seemed to work.  I guess since dealing with file names is rather simple, I 
never thought they were glob patterns.

Then again, just today, I should have looked into it, as as basic OR regex was 
not working, and I had to pile up a bunch of -name commands.

Thanks for pointing that out, I wonder how many files I have passed to xargs, 
or not passed to xargs, thinking I was using a full blown parser. 
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

macports-users mailing list

Re: editing gnuplot initialization file

2010-03-31 Thread Scott Haneda
On Mar 31, 2010, at 8:18 PM, Zachary Cordero wrote:

> I'm a new to unix so sorry for the trivial question but I just used macport 
> to install gnuplot and I'd like to edit the gnuplot initialization file.  
> Where can I find it on my comp?  I'm using Mac OS 10.5.

Anything that MacPorts installed can be located with `port contents portname` 
on the command line.  In your case, it would be `port contents gnuplot` I 
believe.  That will list every file that MacPorts installed for that particular 
portfile.  Substitute any port name you desire, as long as the port has been 

If at install time gnuplot printed messages, perhaps explaining about the 
location of a config file, you can sometimes get to see them again with `port 
notes portname`.  I just looked, and gnuplot does not have notes added to it 

Looking at the portfile, it does appear that some files are in:
and a pdf that may answer your questions at:

There is probably a README file or other instructions as well.

Of course, there are also non ports based commands, like `locate` and `find`.  
If you know the name of the file you are looking for, a `sudo find /opt/local 
-name "the-filename-pattern"` where "the-filename-pattern" can be a regular 
expression, so to find all ini files, it would be "*.ini" or just look for the 
exact filename "gnuplot.ini" ( `sudo find /opt/local -name "gnuplot.ini"` )

I hope that helps.  I have never installed gnuplot, so a lot of this is general 
application of MacPorts and other shell commands to your scenario.
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

macports-users mailing list

Re: Google Summer of Code 2010: Get money for working on MacPorts

2010-03-30 Thread Scott Haneda

On Mar 30, 2010, at 9:57 AM, Rainer Müller  wrote:


we are now accepting applications from students!

You can visit
to apply now.

Looking over the suggested list of projects, I wanted to say, this is  
an awesome idea. It certainly will help MacPorts with some needed  
maintenance, features, or hopefully, totally out of the box features.

I was curious, what was the outcome of last years gsoc with regard to  
MacPorts? What was done, how many total students were approved?

I believe it was on the WordPress blog I read that there is a 5000.00  
prize. Are most students shooting for that, meaning they are going to  
hit more high profile projects like WordPress?

Personally, I would find MacPorts a funner entry, but if I were solely  
motivated by the prize money, I'd go high profile; which happens to be  
a bit easier IMHO since WordPress is going to be nearly all php or UI/ 

Then again, php and tcl aren't *that* far apart if you know one or the  
other. I imagine any CS students hurdle to simply be syntactical.

Thanks if anyone remembers how last year went down. I could find  
anything with a quick google.

Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ *  
(Sent from a mobile device) ___
macports-users mailing list

Looking for git

2010-03-19 Thread Scott Haneda
I have little experience with SCM/VCS's etc.
I am thinking it is time to learn git, and am going through the documentation 
and some tutorials.

There is a Mac OS X version listed here:

It is stable, with UB being supported.

I can not locate this in MacPorts.  Am I overlooking the obvious?  If so, can 
someone give me the port name please?

Looking at the INSTALL file in the source, first lines:
Normally you can just do "make" followed by "make install", and that
will install the git programs in your own ~/bin/ directory.  If you 
want to do a global install, you can do ...

This leads me to believe that standard install methods are to install for 
yourself, in your own ~/bin.  If I were to make a Portfile, assuming one does 
not exist, am I breaking a tradition with git that it normally not be globally 

Am I correct that if I were to set the git prefix in MacPorts to ${prefix}, 
MacPorts would error and disallow a local user directory installation?

Thank you.
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

macports-users mailing list

Re: Apache, MySQL an PHP compatibility with OS X Server 10.6.2

2010-03-18 Thread Scott Haneda
On Mar 18, 2010, at 11:36 AM, René Fournier wrote:

> Since I've never used MacPorts before, I'm wondering how compatible it is 
> with OSX Server -- that is, the locations of some of this software is 
> different for OS X Client and Server. Also, I wonder if I will still be able 
> to use Server Admin to manage Web and MySQL, or will I have to do everything 
> from Terminal (which I don't mind, actually). Has anyone got any advice on 
> the best way to proceed?

It is 100% compatible in that it will not hurt your OS X Server install.  
Everything will be installed in a prefix, generally /opt/local.

You will completely lose your ability to use Server Admin Tools for Apache and 
MySql and whatever else you decide to use MacPorts for.

I do it on Mac OS X server.  I do not like OS X Server Admin tools for a MAMP 
stack.  I think it is good for file sharing, print serving, portable homes, and 
all the other great things OS X Server does, but OS X Server as a shared 
hosting server does not have a good set of software tools for managing that 
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

macports-users mailing list

Re: port_cutleaves

2010-03-16 Thread Scott Haneda
On Mar 16, 2010, at 6:28 PM, Brandon Allbery wrote:

> On Mar 16, 2010, at 21:19 , Scott Haneda wrote:
>> Both of those are normal software, active, and software I use on a regular 
>> basis, is this telling me it would remove it?  I do not understand why it 
>> was picked up in the list to begin with?  The man page is a little sparse, 
>> is there somewhere else I can go to read more about this tool/utility?
> port_cutleaves knows nothing about how often or how recently you use 
> software; it only knows how to present the "leaves" of the dependency tree 
> (that is, those packages upon which nothing else depends).

Got it, makes sense, hence the name, thank you.
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

macports-users mailing list

Re: Upgraded php, what did I do wrong:

2010-03-16 Thread Scott Haneda
On Mar 16, 2010, at 11:27 AM, Bjarne D Mathiesen wrote:

> Scott Haneda wrote:
>> On Mar 16, 2010, at 10:55 AM, Scott Haneda wrote:
>>> Last night I ran a quick `sudo port upgrade php5`
>>> /opt/local/bin/php
>>> han...@macbook ~: $/opt/local/bin/php -i
>>> dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: 
>>> __mysqlnd_palloc_init_cache
>>> Referenced from: 
>>> /opt/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20090626/mysql.so
>>> Expected in: flat namespace
>>> dyld: Symbol not found: __mysqlnd_palloc_init_cache
>>> Referenced from: 
>>> /opt/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20090626/mysql.so
>>> Expected in: flat namespace
>>> Trace/BPT trap
>>> Any idaes?
>> I can also add that I get this in the Apache log, and Apache2 will not start:
>> $tail -f /opt/local/apache2/logs/error_log 
>> [Tue Mar 16 10:57:04 2010] [warn] Init: Session Cache is not configured 
>> [hint: SSLSessionCache]
>> dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: 
>> __mysqlnd_palloc_init_cache
>>  Referenced from: 
>> /opt/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20090626/mysql.so
>>  Expected in: flat namespace
>> dyld: Symbol not found: __mysqlnd_palloc_init_cache
>>  Referenced from: 
>> /opt/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20090626/mysql.so
>>  Expected in: flat namespace
> You've also installed php5-mysql +mysqlnd

I don't think so...
php5-mysql @5.3.2_0+mysqlnd+universal (active)

I do not know what mysqlnd is to be honest.  I just know that I need to be able 
to connect to MySql with php for development.  When I did a `sudo port upgrade 
php5` php5, and Apache stopped working.  I did not test MySql, and on this 
machine, have not had a chance to make my own Mysql connection via php.

I did get it squared aware, and can login with phpMyAdmin, which I usually keep 
laying around, so if that works, I would assume I can hand craft a connection 
as well.

> I've got some problems getting the mysqlnd interface to work correctly,
> so try :
> port uninstall php5-mysql +mysqlnd
> port clean php5-mysqlnd
> port install   php5-mysql +mysql5

All I ended up doing was updating:
php5-mcrypt @5.3.2_0+universal (active)
php5-mbstring @5.3.2_0+universal (active)
zlib @1.2.4_0+universal (active)

> The reason that httpd fails to start is that it's got php5 as a module.
> And as php5 fails then the php5.so module in httpd fails and thus httpd
> fails to start.
> If you don't need the php5 functionality in httpd you can comment out
> the loadmodule statement in httpd.conf and work around the problem
> temporarily this way.

No, I need php5 for sure, I would not have installed it had I not needed it.  I 
would maybe even say, aside from irssi, I use nothing more often out of 

> If you don't need ssl in httpd I'll recommend also to comment out he ssl
> module in httpd.conf - that module is the reason for the warning as you
> haven't configured the ssl module properly.

Maybe locally I could get away with it, but I like to test the entire site from 
front to back, before I move it to a live server, which means some pages are 
going to need to be on SSL, and others not.  I will use redirects, or other 
tests to make sure I am on the right port.  I hate it when a site tosses me 
into SSL for a checkout of some form, and I am forever stuck in SSL mode 
without altering the url.  Or that they allow SSL on every page, such as a FAQ 
page.  I generally try to test these things out and bring the user to the 
correct port, and if for some reason they are not, I will check the port, and 
get them to the right page.

As to the issue, I am just wanting to understand what went wrong.  I am going 
to one day need to update php5 on a production server, this would not be 
something I want to run into on a server in which people are depending on it to 
be working.

Thanks for the pointers.
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

macports-users mailing list


2010-03-16 Thread Scott Haneda
My first time using port_cutleaves:

$port_cutleaves -b
[Leaf 1 of 8] irssi @0.8.14_1+universal (active):
  [keep] / (u)ninstall / (f)lush / (a)bort: k
** irssi @0.8.14_1+universal will be kept.

[Leaf 2 of 8] memtester @4.1.2_0+universal (active):
  [keep] / (u)ninstall / (f)lush / (a)bort: k
** memtester @4.1.2_0+universal will be kept.

[Leaf 3 of 8] mtr @0.75_0+darwin_10+universal (active):
  [keep] / (u)ninstall / (f)lush / (a)bort: k
** mtr @0.75_0+darwin_10+universal will be kept.

[Leaf 4 of 8] mysql5-server @5.1.44_0 (active):
  [keep] / (u)ninstall / (f)lush / (a)bort: k
** mysql5-server @5.1.44_0 will be kept.

[Leaf 5 of 8] php5-mbstring @5.3.2_0+universal (active):
  [keep] / (u)ninstall / (f)lush / (a)bort: k
** php5-mbstring @5.3.2_0+universal will be kept.

[Leaf 6 of 8] php5-mcrypt @5.3.2_0+universal (active):
  [keep] / (u)ninstall / (f)lush / (a)bort: k
** php5-mcrypt @5.3.2_0+universal will be kept.

[Leaf 7 of 8] php5-mysql @5.3.2_0+mysqlnd+universal (active):
  [keep] / (u)ninstall / (f)lush / (a)bort: k
** php5-mysql @5.3.2_0+mysqlnd+universal will be kept.

[Leaf 8 of 8] port_cutleaves @0.1.2_0+universal (active):
  [keep] / (u)ninstall / (f)lush / (a)bort: k
** port_cutleaves @0.1.2_0+universal will be kept.

Both of those are normal software, active, and software I use on a regular 
basis, is this telling me it would remove it?  I do not understand why it was 
picked up in the list to begin with?  The man page is a little sparse, is there 
somewhere else I can go to read more about this tool/utility?

It even wants to offer to remove itself.
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

macports-users mailing list

Re: Upgraded php, what did I do wrong:

2010-03-16 Thread Scott Haneda
On Mar 16, 2010, at 10:55 AM, Scott Haneda wrote:

> Last night I ran a quick `sudo port upgrade php5`
> /opt/local/bin/php
> han...@macbook ~: $/opt/local/bin/php -i
> dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: 
> __mysqlnd_palloc_init_cache
>  Referenced from: 
> /opt/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20090626/mysql.so
>  Expected in: flat namespace
> dyld: Symbol not found: __mysqlnd_palloc_init_cache
>  Referenced from: 
> /opt/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20090626/mysql.so
>  Expected in: flat namespace
> Trace/BPT trap
> Any idaes?

I can also add that I get this in the Apache log, and Apache2 will not start:
$tail -f /opt/local/apache2/logs/error_log 

[Tue Mar 16 10:57:04 2010] [warn] Init: Session Cache is not configured [hint: 
dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: __mysqlnd_palloc_init_cache
  Referenced from: 
  Expected in: flat namespace

dyld: Symbol not found: __mysqlnd_palloc_init_cache
  Referenced from: 
  Expected in: flat namespace

Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

macports-users mailing list

Upgraded php, what did I do wrong:

2010-03-16 Thread Scott Haneda
Last night I ran a quick `sudo port upgrade php5`
han...@macbook ~: $/opt/local/bin/php -i
dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: __mysqlnd_palloc_init_cache
  Referenced from: 
  Expected in: flat namespace

dyld: Symbol not found: __mysqlnd_palloc_init_cache
  Referenced from: 
  Expected in: flat namespace

Trace/BPT trap

Any idaes?
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

macports-users mailing list

Re: Port upgrade and existing options

2010-03-16 Thread Scott Haneda
On Mar 16, 2010, at 7:57 AM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> On Mar 16, 2010, at 09:41, Scott Haneda wrote:
>> I ran port outdatded and have a pretty good sized list. Some are critical , 
>> others not. Critical apps will not get upgraded today.
>> Nom critical will.
>> Do I need to figure out what options I applied to the outdated ports when I 
>> first installed?
>> Or for example, if php5 was installed +universal, on port upgrade php5 will 
>> it be upgraded with +universal as well as all the other +bits I needed at 
>> the time?
> Positive variants (e.g. +universal) are recorded in the registry and are thus 
> remembered at upgrade time. (Surely you've been using MacPorts long enough 
> that you've observed this by now?)

Oddly no.  I have been hit with bad drives, messed up installed, and other 
things (no MP related) that always cause me to end up feeling a lot better 
nking off /opt and starting over, so I get a fresh set more then most.

I am also making one nasty port, and the only way I now to test it in a way 
that will mimic what a new install is, for a new user, is to move aside my /opt 
and start over.  I usually get into it deep enough, it makes sense for me to 
just keep the updated stuff, and go from there.  So my port upgrade is more 
like erase and reinstall, which has finally come to a stop.
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

macports-users mailing list

Port upgrade and existing options

2010-03-16 Thread Scott Haneda
I ran port outdatded and have a pretty good sized list. Some are  
critical , others not. Critical apps will not get upgraded today.

Nom critical will.

Do I need to figure out what options I applied to the outdated ports  
when I first installed?

Or for example, if php5 was installed +universal, on port upgrade php5  
will it be upgraded with +universal as well as all the other +bits I  
needed at the time?



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