[Mailman-Users] Mailman Error

2010-03-14 Thread Gordon Smith

Really sorry to bother you guys; I'm sure you're busy with lots of development 

I'm just hoping you might be able to help with a problem with our Mailman 
configuration, even though it's not standard Mailman.

We're running Mailman under Mac OSX Server 10.6.2.  For the most part, it runs 
incredibly well and I'm more than happy with it.

However, we're having a problem which nobody seems to be able to resolve and we 
cannot find out from anybody at Apple how to fix.

We have a mailing list configured which, at one time, was set to require 
confirmation and approval on subscriptions.  We changed that policy to just 
'confirm', but it seems that when we made the change, a pending confirmation 
was waiting to be processed.

Now, we're getting admin messages to the moderator and list owner's address 
daily telling us that this confirmation is outstanding.

When we try clicking on the link and tending to the request by selecting 
reject, we get the message:

"We hit a bug!  Please inform the webmaster and look in the error log", or 
words to that effect.

However, there doesn't seem to be anything in the err file pertaining to this.  
So what I'm asking is whether there is a way to clear this, as it must be 
cached somewhere I think.

Also, subsequent subscription requests from the email address concerned are 
being ignored by Mailman which, I think, is part of the same problem.

Thanks in advance, and may I just say also thanks for producing such an 
accessible web-based list manager.  We use screen-readers to interface with our 
computers and MailMan is very user-friendly from our point of view.  
Descriptions for everything, very well written and explained interactive help.  
Great job.


Mailman-Users mailing list Mailman-Users@python.org
Mailman FAQ: http://wiki.list.org/x/AgA3
Security Policy: http://wiki.list.org/x/QIA9
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

[Mailman-Users] MailMan Configuration under Apple OS X Server 10.6.2

2009-11-14 Thread Gordon Smith

Firstly, can I congratulate you for making such a powerful piece of software as 
Mailman available for free and open source. I also am grateful to you for 
allowing Apple to implement it into their server solution.

As a new administrator serving the needs of a large group of visually impaired 
users, I need to take advantage of Mailman to implement our mailing lists.

I'm having a problem, however. And I wondered whether you'd be able to help me.

I need to host lists in a number of virtual domains and I'm a little unclear as 
to how to proceed beyond the basic configuration as I'm getting errors.

So, to try and explain.  My server's fully qualified domain name is 
mail.tft-bbs.co.uk and I need to host lists, as I said, in virtual domains.

So, I modified the paths, correctly I think, to point to the virtual alias and 
Mailman files so that Mailman and Postfix would interact.

First, I used the following commands in Apple's Terminal to view the Postfix 
virtual maps file:

sudo /usr/sbin/postconf virtual_alias_maps

Then, I did the following to add the path to the virtual Mailman file:

sudo /usr/sbin/postconf -e virtual_alias_maps='hash:/etc/postfix/virtual_users, 

Then, I manually edited:


Python script to add the virtual domains in the Postfix_style variable, as 

MTA = 'Postfix'
POSTFIX_STYLE_VIRTUAL_DOMAINS = [ 'cecimac.org', 'dane-trethowan.net', 
'gordon-smith.me.uk', 'small-world-radio.net', 'softcon.com', 'tft-bbs.com', 
'tft-bbs.org', 'tft-bbs.org.uk', 'tft-bbs.net', ] 

Can you tell me whether I have that syntax correct?  I apologise for what are 
probably irritating, basic configuration questions.  However, being totally 
blind and having to work by memorising parts of the documentation at a time and 
then putting them into the correct configuration files, I think it's highly 
likely that I've overlooked or misunderstood something.

When I use the command:

sudo /usr/share/mailman/bin/newlist -e 'tft-bbs.com' mac-access

I am prompted for the administrator's E-Mail address and initial list password.

Once those are entered, I'm getting an illegal list name error, which looks 

Illegal list name mac-acc...@mail

I'm puzzled as to what I've done wrong, but it's probably obvious to more 
experienced administrators.

If you would point me to my error, or suggest possible causes I would be 
extremely grateful.

I fully intend to contribute to this most worth while project with a financial 
donation as soon as I can when we're up and running.  This kind of work 
deserves our support, since it's at the heart of what we use on the Internet 
every single day.

Many thanks in advance for any assistance.

Gordon Smith

Mailman-Users mailing list Mailman-Users@python.org
Mailman FAQ: http://wiki.list.org/x/AgA3
Security Policy: http://wiki.list.org/x/QIA9
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

[Mailman-Users] Virtual Domains for Mailing Lists in MailMan

2009-06-01 Thread Gordon Smith


I found this E-Mail address on the MailMan homepage and decided to  
contact you as I don't seem to be able to locate the information I  
need elsewhere.

To explain my circumstance.  I am a visually impaired person, trying  
to get to grips with administrating a mail server under Apple Mac OS X  
10.5.7 (Leopard) server.

I need to host mailing lists under virtual domains hosted on our  
server but can't see quite how this is accomplished.

Is there anywhere I can obtain this information as Apple's  
documentation on this subject seems poor from what I've seen.

I really do apologise for any inconvenience I may cause you by  
contacting you - but if you could point me to the relevant information  
pages as to how to accomplish virtual domain list configuration under  
Apple's server platform I'd be very grateful.

As a blind person this information is not always easy for me to  
locate.  Thank you in advance for any help.


Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://wiki.list.org/x/AgA3
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Security Policy: http://wiki.list.org/x/QIA9