Good idea.

There is the "About LibreOffice" item at the bottom of the "Help" menu, but 
that doesn't elaborate on the fact that LO is open source without following a 
link to the website.

An "About" item is pretty much standard on many applications - both open source 
and proprietary. My guess is that not many people ever read it as they already 
"know" what it says without having to read it.

Perhaps the "About" item should be removed from the bottom of the "Help" menu 
(indicating perhaps the lowest priority of any menu item) and prominently 
placed instead on the File menu as suggested, only with a far more compelling 
item name than "About". Plus, of course, more information on the dialog about 
how the project is developed and funded without having to branch off to the 


From: Tim Lungstrom <>
Sent: 02 February 2019 10:08
Cc: LibreOffice-NA.US - Webmaster
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-marketing] plea to remove in-app advertising from 

> On 30/01/2019 06:21, Justin Luth wrote:
>> Someone on wrote:
>> “Lately, in LibreOffice I get a nag window on top asking me to
>> get involved. Are you trying to become obnoxious windows-like software?
>> How do I get rid of that thing?” This succinct post is very revealing,
>> and perfectly mirrors my own initial and ongoing impressions.
I have not been following these posts in this thread. Yet, I wonder what
the user is talking about.

I have not seen the "nag message" while using different versions for 64
bit DEB based install.

I now use  I have not looked into a newer version, if it has
been released yet.  I still not have seen the "get involved" nag message.

I have been using LibreOffice since the last release candidate before
the first official release of LibreOffice – version RC in
October 2011 and replaced it with, of something like that.

I have been promoting LibreOffice Office Suite as a replacement to keep
buying newer and newer versions of MS Office – 2003 suite was last
version I have. If there is a nag message, or something that could be
thought it is a nagging message, then I would have seen it.  Of course
some people would call the message that there is a newer version of
LibreOffice as a nag message.

Well, instead of the idea of a nag message, could you add a new menu to
the File/Edit/View menu bar.  If possible, add a menu like “More Info”
to be after the “Help” menu.  Then you can have links to various
information that is not part of “getting help” options.  Then you can
have a link like “Get Involved” in the Help menu.  This way when a user
looks into the various menu options, you get more options that may link
to the various pages for the info about LibreOffice, the Document
Foundation, Marketing Info, Volunteering, and any other thing like
that.  No Nagging.  No popups except telling the user there is a newer
version of LibreOffice or the extensions you use has an upgrade.

>> Justin - volunteer developer, promoter, user-support  (who is damaged in
>> each of these capacities by this adware), and self-appointed end-user
>> advocate.
>> [1] It is completely unprofessional. Speaking about the “get involved”
>> pop-up, Michael Meeks writes that “No vendor (or in-house team)
>> providing an actually supported version would show this to their users”.
>> P.S. Sorry for not realizing that the ESC decision to remove GetInvolved
>> from 6.1.5 Stable should have been confirmed by other bodies before
>> being acted on.

Well, the P.S. states 6.1.5.x will not have the "nag" to Get Involved,
is great, but it seems to be removed in the version.

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