[Marxism] Pakistan: Paramilitaries kill three striking workers

2016-02-07 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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Protests erupted throughout Pakistan after the shooting dead on the picket
line of three striking workers at Karachi Airport on February 2. The
Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) employees were part of a nationwide
strike against the privatisation of the state-owned airline.


“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker
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[Marxism] Clinton sinking in the lowland sea?

2016-02-07 Thread Ralph Johansen via Marxism
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“You say I’m corrupt. Prove it!” In longer form, Clinton makes the strong claim 
that “you will not find that I ever changed a view or a vote because of any 
donation that I ever received.” This claim can be disproved with a single 
example. Here ya go. 

Let’s look at what Elizabeth Warren has to say on Clinton and the bankruptcy 
bill; note the appeal to those burdened with student loans. (Many of you may 
have seen this, but it’s well worth a second look. The video was “blasted out” 
to the press “almost instantaneously” by the Sanders campaign, to whom we 
should give credit both for being both better at oppo and more agile than we 
might think.) Here it is:


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[Marxism] Latin America's CELAC summit debates push back against US power, economic measures

2016-02-07 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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Since its creation, CELAC has evolved around the topics and themes that
seemed most important to Latin America. Being the only region-wide group
that pushes integration against traditional US domination, and promotes
building an alternative socio-economic model, it has become a crucial space
for left-wing Latin American governments and social movements to debate the
way forward.

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: “How the West Came to Rule”: a work for the ages | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2016-02-07 Thread A.R. G via Marxism
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Hi all,

I'm in the middle of this book and I think in addition to being very
thorough it also provides basic summaries and critiques of other Marxist
assessments of international capitalism. If anyone asks, I'm willing to
lend my ebook version (just contact off-list).


- Amith

On Sun, Jan 31, 2016 at 4:35 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> *
> When Jim Blaut succumbed to pancreatic cancer in 2000, he was denied the
> possibility of completing the third and final installment in a series of
> books about Eurocentrism. The first two—“The Colonizer’s Model of the
> World” and “Eight Eurocentric Historians”—were polemical but scholarly
> rebuttals to a wide range of thinkers, including Robert Brenner. The third
> was intended to demonstrate that a different kind of history could be
> written, one that gave the “people without history”—as Hegel put it—their
> proper due. When I finished reading Alexander Anievas and Kerem
> Nisancioglu’s “How the West Came to Rule: the Geopolitical Origins of
> Capitalism” this week, I was left with the feeling that Blaut’s book had
> finally been written.
> full:
> http://louisproyect.org/2016/01/31/how-the-west-came-to-rule-a-work-for-the-ages/
> _
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[Marxism] Fwd: The Slavery Debate: Why C.L.R James & Eric Williams were right - YouTube

2016-02-07 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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A talk by James Heartfield who was one of the diehard Brennerites 15 
years ago. Amazing.

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[Marxism] My answer to the Barnesite rightwing drift!

2016-02-07 Thread Anthony Brain via Marxism
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 Is this the advance party of some of the Barnesites going over to the extreme 
right wing populists? Pat told me around 20 years that Barnes father was in the 
Republican Party. He cannot remember who told him this! I suspect it was Tony 
Roberts who told him this. Roberts heard some of the gossip around the SWP 
leadership by going to one of their conventions in 1973. The Trotskyist wing 
would not have told Roberts this because at that stage they did not want to 
undermine Barnes. He found this out by hearing the gossip around the middle 
class circles which surrounded the rising Barnes leadership. 

I just want to take up two outrageous statements. There is a favourable 
implication emphsaing the worse right wing union bureaucrats within SEIU who 
are backing Trump! Trotsky argued that when reaction grows with the rise of 
populism and fascism that reactionary ideas come into the working class via the 
middle class; lumpen proletariat; and aristocracy of labour! Trotsky noticed 
how many factory workers in Germany were influenced by the Nazi party during 
the early 1930s. Racism and xenophobia is the politics of despair. The middle 
class carries this into sizeable elements of the working class.

Some of the Barnesites argue Trump is no racist. American Trotskyist George 
Brietman argued racism could not be an effective tool by the capitalists to 
divide the working class if racist ideas were not strong. Pat has known 
Jonathan Silberman since 1968. He cannot believe how far he has degenerated. 
Silberman makes the methodlogical mistake of the Barneistes in not seeing a 
large layer of UKIP are influenced by xenophobic ideas. He denies this. Behind 
Silberman's ultra-leftist guise of ignoring the differences between the Labour 
Party' Tories; and UKIP is a major move to the right of not fighting the right 
wing ideas of the Tories and UKIP. 

There are even large layers of backward workers who are going through profound 
experiences with the Tory party and beginning to go into struggle. It is 
dialectically ironic that they understand the difference between the Tory and 
Labour Party better than a leading cadre who has been around 47 years forgets 
everything he has learned. What's happening to the Barneistes is a layer of the 
older middle class are going through major social and psychological crises as 
individuals. The Barnesistes are like most of the Shactmanites were too right 
wing on Vietnam because they supported American Imperialist intervention into 
Vietnam to intervene into the middle class radicalisation in the mid to late 
1960s, a new generation of middle class layers radicalsing now like the 
Barneistes did in the 1960s. 

The saviour of humanity maybe some of the Jewish middle class radicalsing. I 
have just found out yesterday that there is a film coming out called "Trotsky 
in Vienna",. There is little information about this film, as it has been 
released just a few days ago. Is this film been made in Hollywood? Is it a 
warning shot by a layer of the Jewish middle class warning the Capitalists of 
the price they pay if a layer of Capitalists start working with the fascists. 
This radicalisation of the Jewish middle class could solve the cadre crisis, 
finalising the missing ingredient to complete the world revolution. 

The Tory party is finished with millions of workers in terms of influence. UKIP 
is still a danger if Corbyrn retreats from his reform promises. The main trend 
within Britain Is a left shift is the radicalisation around Corbyn in the 
Labour Party. This radicallsation in the Labour Party has boasted the politics 
of hope with the campagns against austerity and xenophobia. Brittish 
Trotskyists need to win millions of workers to revolutionary politics who are 
radicalsing around Corbyn so if he backtrack, that base can be won over. This 
will guarantee the victory of a Socialist revolution carrying the hopes to a 
successful conclusion.
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[Marxism] Is this the advance party of some Barniesites moving towards the Republican Party?

2016-02-07 Thread Anthony Brain via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] Hillary Battles Bernie Sanders, Chick Magnet

2016-02-07 Thread wytheholt--- via Marxism
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With all respect, Louis, I do not think that Bernie Sanders has "a narrow 
message."  That is modern code for an emphasis on class over race, gender, age, 


 Louis Proyect via Marxism  wrote: 
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(I'll be voting Green but I loved this op-ed piece.)

NY Times Op-Ed, Feb. 7 2016
Hillary Battles Bernie Sanders, Chick Magnet
by Maureen Dowd

MANCHESTER, N.H. — HILLARY CLINTON first grabbed the national spotlight 
47 years ago as an idealistic young feminist, chiding the paternalistic 
establishment in her Wellesley commencement speech.

So it’s passing strange to watch her here, getting rebuffed by young 
women who believe that she lacks idealism, that she overplays her 
feminist hand and that she is the paternalistic establishment.

Bernie Sanders may be a dead ringer for Larry David, but Hillary is 
running the “Curb Your Enthusiasm” campaign. She can’t fire up young 
voters by dwelling on what can’t be done in Washington and by explaining 
that she’s more prose than poetry.

She’s traveling around New Hampshire with a former president who could 
easily layer in some poetry, and a handful of specific snappy plans for 
the future, to her thicket of substance and stack of white papers. But 
somehow, Hill and Bill campaign side by side without achieving synergy.

Is it that he’s as tired as he looks or does she feel too competitive 
with him to ask for that kind of help?

As one Hillary booster in Hollywood marveled: “There’s no chance her 
husband doesn’t understand the problem. The look on his face during her 
speeches evokes a retired major league All Star watching his son strike 
out in a Little League game. This is so fixable.”

Hillary is like a veteran actor who doesn’t audition well. Bill could 
tell her not to shout her way through rallies, that it doesn’t convey 
passion but just seems forced, adding to her authenticity problem. Her 
allies think mentioning her shouting is sexist, and sexism does swirl 
around Hillary, but her campaign cries sexism too often. In 2008, Barack 
Obama used race sparingly.

Even after all this time watching Bill and Barry, she still has not 
learned the art of seduction on stage. She’s surrounded by former Obama 
and Bill Clinton strategists, but they are not helping her achieve “the 
goose bump experience,” as Lily Tomlin called it. Hillary has ceded the 
inspirational lane to the slick Marco Rubio, who’s more like the new 
John Edwards than the new Obama.

In the MSNBC debate on Thursday night, Hillary huffily said she could 
not be an exemplar of the establishment, as Sanders suggested, because 
she’s “a woman running to be the first woman president.”

But she is establishment. So is Nancy Pelosi. So was Eleanor Roosevelt. 
Hillary must learn to embrace that and make it work for her, not deny 
it. As a woman, as a former first lady, senator and secretary of state, 
she’s uniquely equipped to deliver a big, inspiring message with a 
showstopping speech that goes beyond income inequality, that sweeps up 
broader themes of intolerance, fusing the economic, cultural and 
international issues at stake.

She could, as one talented political speechwriter riffed, say something 
like this: “We’re a stronger country when more people have higher 
incomes; when women get paid the same as men; when we draw on the 
diverse talents of immigrants; when we show the world that America is a 
place that embraces all religions, that offers refuge to the persecuted 
and the terrorized. When a few old rich white men are the only ones who 
succeed, that’s not just unfair, it’s untenable.”

Hillary’s most poignant moment came during the CNN town hall on 
Wednesday night when she said that, as a young woman, she had never 
expected to run for president herself, given that her husband was “a 
natural.” It was her misfortune in 2008 to run into another natural. She 
was not “likable enough” that year.

But it was at least fathomable. She was running against the Tulip Craze 
Barack Obama. Now she’s running against a grumpy gramps, a stooped 
socialist with a narrow message, brusque manner and shaky grasp of world 
affairs. But the Clintons are still leveling the same charges, that her 
opponent’s stances are fairy tales and that his idealism masks tough 

And she’s still not likable enough for the young women who were supposed 
to carry her fo

[Marxism] Fwd: Painting Imperialism and Nationalism Red: The Ukrainian Marxist Critique of Russian Communist Rule in Ukraine, 1918-1925 | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2016-02-07 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The last thing I would expect from a knucklehead Putinite like Mike 
Whitney or Pepe Escobar is any kind of engagement with the history of 
Ukrainian national oppression but it never fails to amaze me how little 
interest there is for the Marxist traveling circus consisting of people 
like Roger Annis, the ex-Trotskyist in Canada, Renfrey Clarke, the 
Socialist Alliance member in Australia, sect leaders Alan Woods and Jeff 
Mackler et al. Most of these people probably were exposed to what the 
Fourth International said about Ukraine in the 1960s and have either 
forgotten it in their dotage or more likely sweep it under the rug. If 
there’s anybody who can be called the leader of this new breed of Great 
Russian Chauvinism, it is Boris Kagarlitsky who has a material incentive 
to be Putin’s spin doctor. His think-tank is funded by the Kremlin.

There’s one man who has their number. He is Stephen Velychenko, the 
chair of the Ukrainan studies at the University of Toronto who wrote a 
two-part series on the traveling circus. This is from part one:.

	Kargalitsky’s pro Kremlin audience finds his worker revolution scenario 
appealing. But given their preconceptions, ignorance of Russian and 
Ukrainian, and minimal knowledge about either country, they either 
cannot, or choose not to, know what he omits from his articles. For 
example, he makes no mention of Russian imperialism, great power 
chauvinism, non Russian national movements, linguistic and cultural 
russification of non Russians, or the link between the national and the 
social questions. He does not dwell on how his imagined “working class” 
movement was aided and funded in its origins by Ukraine’s pro Russian 
capitalists (oligarchs); in particular, Rinat Akhmetov, nor that the 
local Russian extremist leaders are not interested in nationalization – 
least of all Akhmetov’s holdings. He does not mention either the small 
size of the neo-Nazi section of the Ukrainian right nor how few 
Ukrainian citizens support the Russian neo nazi right. [9] For all their 
Marxist rhetoric neither Kargalitsky or his likeminded reflect on why 
the Russian neo-Nazi leaders of Ukraine’s imagined proletarian 
revolution do not associate themselves with Marxism of any kind, why 
they sport double headed eagles and tsarist colours, rather than hammers 
and sickles and red banners, why they use Orthodox symbolism, or, why 
they wax nostalgic over the tsarist empire rather than the short-lived 
Russian Bolshevik Krivoi-Rog Republic of 1918.

In order to correct the “preconceptions” and “ignorance” that plagues so 
much of the left, Velychenko has just written a book titled “Painting 
Imperialism and Nationalism Red: The Ukrainian Marxist Critique of 
Russian Communist Rule in Ukraine, 1918-1925” that demonstrates in 
copious detail how the Bolsheviks treated the Ukrainians just like the 
British treated the Irish. Lenin was probably the most committed to 
breaking with Great Russian Chauvinism and probably would have been a 
force for combating Stalin’s open embrace of it but even he was not immune.

What you can read below is the first nineteen pages of chapter one, a 
section titled historical background. For people committed to 
understanding the roots of Ukrainian resistance to Russia domination, 
even when expressed in a distorted form, Velychenko’s book is essential.


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[Marxism] How the Red Scare destroyed a small-town teacher (Boston Globe)

2016-02-07 Thread Jim Farmelant via Marxism
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How the Red Scare destroyed a small-town teacher
Anne Hale's life in Wayland fell to pieces in the 1950s when informants 
reported her to the FBI for disloyalty to country.
FOR ANNE HALE, the sight of 700 of her neighbors packed shoulder to shoulder in 
the Wayland High School auditorium must have felt overwhelming. As the 
middle-aged second-grade teacher sat in front of the crowd, facing her judges 
and jury on the School Committee, the long odds against her that June evening 
in 1954 - at the height of McCarthyism -would have come into sharp relief.

Hale could have avoided this public spectacle and quietly resigned from the job 
she'd held for six years in a profession she'd loved for decades. Instead, she 
chose to take a public stand. In a letter addressed to the parents of her 
students, she had declared, "I think it will do less harm to the children to 
see me standing up for what I believe to be true, than to see me run away." 
Anne Hale was about to find out if the town of Wayland agreed with that 



Jim Farmelant
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[Marxism] Two films

2016-02-07 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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This weekend I dropped in on the World Community Film Festival in Courtenay, 
BC. http://www.worldcommunity.ca/film-festival/

I saw How to Change the World, a documentary on Greepeace. 
I am happy to recommend this film.  
In one way it is a period piece.  At the time, it was not regarded as odd that 
a boat would set out on a protest voyage carrying only men.  And the decision 
making, if we can call it that, was based on forceful and charismatic  
individuals, with little process to allow a voice for all.
This is not to take away from their remarkable achievements.

My partner saw Nefertiti's Daughters.  Based on her account I would recommend 
"Nefertiti's Daughters is a story of women, art and revolution. Told by 
prominent Egyptian artists, this documentary witnesses the critical role 
revolutionary street art played during the Egyptian uprisings." 

ken h
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Re: [Marxism] Mike Alewitz on Bernie Sanders

2016-02-07 Thread Manuel Barrera via Marxism
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"But that Sanders poses as a socialist and projects a sort of crude and erratic 
 class divide  -- in the context of the US Presidential  Game Show :  that has 
to be very significant. That has to be a plus because, despite what ever his 
preferences, Sanders unleashes and inspires forces  that may later find him,and 
his party allegiance, wanting. What happens 'if'/when he backs Clinton?  Where 
does that momentum and frustration go? It won't default to a bunch of wannabe 
'we-told-you-so' outfits who did not go through the Sanders experience with 
them. It will instead  be demoralised. And the promise fades because the 'real' 
socialists  could not harness it."

I would say, Dave, that your points are really an argument that would give many 
leftists in the U.S. a justification to support Sanders, much like a similar 
argument made it palatable for otherwise skeptical people of color--and some 
leftists--to support Obama in 2008 (and only less so in 2012). I believe that 
what is remarkable  about this "up-ante'd" posing of a "socialist" running for 
a capitalist party is NOT that it "unleashes and inspires forces that may later 
find him . . . wanting" (THAT is the trap), but the reason behind this event; 
namely that the economic crisis created by the capitalists and the political 
bankruptcy of their TWIN parties has resulted in growing disaffection with 
capitalism  and openness (openly so) to ideas that are both truly socialist and 
the phony "socialism" propounded by Sanders and, now, some of those "wannabe" 
outfits trying to ride the coattails of this "Sanders experience". 

It is indeed remarkable that there are more people looking to socialist ideas. 
But that yearning for socialist ideas is an argument actually to BE socialist, 
to Explain socialism for what it truly IS and for veritable socialists engage 
larger numbers of interested youth and the oppressed that "crude and erratic 
class divide"  by showing WHERE that divide actually is, between the interests 
of the working and oppressed masses and that of the liberal wing of the ruling 
classes on the one hand and, as well, against the pessimism and frustration 
emanating from the disaffected privileged and reactionary elements among the 
classes that represent the fascist alternative. 

Now is the time to be clear ("patiently explain") about the lessons and 
devastating results inherent in what has up to now only been an esoteric notion 
(for the masses) of "lesser-evil politics". Now is the time to present truly 
anti-capitalist, "socialist", or independent-of-the-capitalist-parties 
alternative to the Twin Pillars of Continued War, Repression, Environmental 
Devastation, and Economic Disaster that are the Democratic and Republican 
Parties. Supporting a (supposed) radical to "build a people's movement" within 
the capitalist parties is exactly the wrong thing to do and does nothing to 
"unleash and inspire" social forces that have already become inspired and 
already  at least partially unleashed by their/our own reaction to the ongoing 
capitalist drive toward barbarism. It is not Sanders that unleashing or 
inspiring anything, but only reflecting the very real potential for actually 
building a "people's movement" and "political revolution" against the 
capitalist parties an
 d their failed policies. Indeed, the  liberal capitalists may not have seen 
the potential for drawing the masses back into their lesser-evil trap, but it 
is plainly clear that supporting that attraction is likely a great opportunity 
for creating that very "demoralisation" that would come of the Sanders campaign 
and--to be very clear--even his potential victory if it comes to that! 

A Sanders presidency would do the same for all the working masses that the 
Obama victory did for the Black and Brown communities, a descendant spiral into 
continued and acquiescent misery at the hands of our murderous rulers with a 
"socialist" at the helm. Rather than building momentum for change we would see 
more economic devastation, more suppression of democratic rights, and continued 
war and militarization of communities with effect that even "radicals" would be 
giving such outcomes their tacit endorsement at worst or weakened credibility 
in trying to counter it at best. The masses may actually learn from such an 
experience, but they will be doing so with an even more moribund 
"revolutionary" current flailing away in the wake of the demoralising "flood" 
that entrapped the "socialists" to bring Sanders to power. And, such an outcome 
would be the result of a "victory" and not the more likely "defeat" of the 
Sanders campaign to run capitalism for the cap

Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Why the Syria talks remind me of the Oslo process - Al Jazeera English

2016-02-07 Thread Jeff via Marxism
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This is about what I was thinking too, except that my point of comparison
was to the Paris peace talks between the US (+ puppets) and the Vietnamese.
Not only did they not obtain anything useful (even after agreeing on the
shape of the negotiating table) but most of the US bombing and destruction
of the country (and a couple of neighboring countries) occurred after
formal "peace negotiations" had begun. Eventually the Vietnamese won
anyway, but that probably would not have been possible without great
material assistance from the Soviet Union, as well as widespread
international solidarity. Both of which are mainly lacking for the Syrians :-(

- Jeff

At 10:09 07-02-16 -0500, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote: 
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[Marxism] Michelle Alexander on Hillary/Bill's mass incarceration record

2016-02-07 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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> http://www.blackwestchester.com/michelle-alexander-on-hillary-and-mass-incarceration/
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[Marxism] Hillary Battles Bernie Sanders, Chick Magnet

2016-02-07 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(I'll be voting Green but I loved this op-ed piece.)

NY Times Op-Ed, Feb. 7 2016
Hillary Battles Bernie Sanders, Chick Magnet
by Maureen Dowd

MANCHESTER, N.H. — HILLARY CLINTON first grabbed the national spotlight 
47 years ago as an idealistic young feminist, chiding the paternalistic 
establishment in her Wellesley commencement speech.

So it’s passing strange to watch her here, getting rebuffed by young 
women who believe that she lacks idealism, that she overplays her 
feminist hand and that she is the paternalistic establishment.

Bernie Sanders may be a dead ringer for Larry David, but Hillary is 
running the “Curb Your Enthusiasm” campaign. She can’t fire up young 
voters by dwelling on what can’t be done in Washington and by explaining 
that she’s more prose than poetry.

She’s traveling around New Hampshire with a former president who could 
easily layer in some poetry, and a handful of specific snappy plans for 
the future, to her thicket of substance and stack of white papers. But 
somehow, Hill and Bill campaign side by side without achieving synergy.

Is it that he’s as tired as he looks or does she feel too competitive 
with him to ask for that kind of help?

As one Hillary booster in Hollywood marveled: “There’s no chance her 
husband doesn’t understand the problem. The look on his face during her 
speeches evokes a retired major league All Star watching his son strike 
out in a Little League game. This is so fixable.”

Hillary is like a veteran actor who doesn’t audition well. Bill could 
tell her not to shout her way through rallies, that it doesn’t convey 
passion but just seems forced, adding to her authenticity problem. Her 
allies think mentioning her shouting is sexist, and sexism does swirl 
around Hillary, but her campaign cries sexism too often. In 2008, Barack 
Obama used race sparingly.

Even after all this time watching Bill and Barry, she still has not 
learned the art of seduction on stage. She’s surrounded by former Obama 
and Bill Clinton strategists, but they are not helping her achieve “the 
goose bump experience,” as Lily Tomlin called it. Hillary has ceded the 
inspirational lane to the slick Marco Rubio, who’s more like the new 
John Edwards than the new Obama.

In the MSNBC debate on Thursday night, Hillary huffily said she could 
not be an exemplar of the establishment, as Sanders suggested, because 
she’s “a woman running to be the first woman president.”

But she is establishment. So is Nancy Pelosi. So was Eleanor Roosevelt. 
Hillary must learn to embrace that and make it work for her, not deny 
it. As a woman, as a former first lady, senator and secretary of state, 
she’s uniquely equipped to deliver a big, inspiring message with a 
showstopping speech that goes beyond income inequality, that sweeps up 
broader themes of intolerance, fusing the economic, cultural and 
international issues at stake.

She could, as one talented political speechwriter riffed, say something 
like this: “We’re a stronger country when more people have higher 
incomes; when women get paid the same as men; when we draw on the 
diverse talents of immigrants; when we show the world that America is a 
place that embraces all religions, that offers refuge to the persecuted 
and the terrorized. When a few old rich white men are the only ones who 
succeed, that’s not just unfair, it’s untenable.”

Hillary’s most poignant moment came during the CNN town hall on 
Wednesday night when she said that, as a young woman, she had never 
expected to run for president herself, given that her husband was “a 
natural.” It was her misfortune in 2008 to run into another natural. She 
was not “likable enough” that year.

But it was at least fathomable. She was running against the Tulip Craze 
Barack Obama. Now she’s running against a grumpy gramps, a stooped 
socialist with a narrow message, brusque manner and shaky grasp of world 
affairs. But the Clintons are still leveling the same charges, that her 
opponent’s stances are fairy tales and that his idealism masks tough 

And she’s still not likable enough for the young women who were supposed 
to carry her forward as a Joan of Arc. According to an NBC News/Wall 
Street Journal/Marist poll, Sanders won among young men and women in 
Iowa by 70 points. And in New Hampshire, going into the weekend, polls 
showed him leading with women, racking up yawning margins with women 
under 45 and with both sexes under 30.

Lyndon Johnson said that the two things that make politicians more 
stupid than anything else are sex and envy. With Hillary, there are 
three things: sex, money and the need for secrecy.

She was in on sliming

[Marxism] Fwd: Why the Syria talks remind me of the Oslo process - Al Jazeera English

2016-02-07 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Like Israelis who "shoot and cry", Assad & co. also bomb and lament. 
Their cynicism has proven without bounds as they pride themselves on 
killing "terrorists" as they destroy a whole nation, and in the case of 
Assad, it's his own people.


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[Marxism] Fwd: Russia in Crisis: the Agonies of the Oil Empire | LeftEast

2016-02-07 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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In the attempt to maintain the existing balance of forces, the regime 
must revisit their foreign policy of the past two years, including the 
war that is still dragging on in Ukraine, conflict with the west and the 
developing military engagement in Syria. Moscow is already taking active 
steps toward the removal of US and EU sanctions. For the first time 
since the moment that Russia annexed Crimea, direct negotiations over 
the fate of Donbas began in Kiev in between Ukrainian president 
Poroshenko and Russian representative Boris Gryzlov (a member of Putin’s 
inner circle of “friends”). This meeting was followed by an hours-long 
consultation between the Kremlin’s main “facilitator” of Ukrainian 
affairs and Assistant US Secretary of State Victoria Nuland. The repeal 
of the sanctions is necessary for the Russian government, among other 
reasons to enable large-scale foreign loans to augment depleted national 
financial resources. Dependence on oil prices could soon be completely 
replaced by another dependency—this time on international creditors.

All of this means that Russia is on the threshold of serious changes, 
which in the short term indicate an end to “Putinism” as a system—at 
least as we have known it during these “fat” years.


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[Marxism] Fwd: Syrian Kurds begin diplomatic push with Moscow office - Yahoo News

2016-02-07 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(Murray Bookchin must be spinning in his grave.)

Syrian Kurdish separatists have announced plans to open "representation" 
offices in several capitals, starting next week with Damascus regime 
ally Moscow, an official told AFP on Saturday.

"The autonomous Syrian Kurdish region will open an office in Moscow on 
February 10 and is preparing to open another in Berlin, with Washington, 
Paris and Arab countries coming later," said Amina Oussi, deputy head of 
the Hasakeh committee for external relations.


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[Marxism] Walter Benjamin, Blanqui and the Politics of the Apocalypse

2016-02-07 Thread Jim Farmelant via Marxism
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Doug Greene on "Walter Benjamin, Blanqui and the Politics of the Apocalypse"

at the Center for Marxist Education, Cambridge, MA on 2/6/2015.


Jim Farmelant
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[Marxism] Comment on the fascist blitzkrieg in Aleppo

2016-02-07 Thread Michael Karadjis via Marxism

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Sam Charles Hamad

This is a very deliberate and systematic plan of ethnic cleansing by the 
regime in Free Aleppo, as we've been seeing with other parts of Syria 
for years. It'll involve the physical extermination of parts of the 
populace, but it'll mainly involve the displacement of large amounts of 
civilians - these refugees that are cast into a merciless exile. It's 
part of a genocide.

There's a deliberate effort here to depopulate areas of liberated Syria. 
A rump state that exists on an almost solely communitarian and sectarian 
basis, propped up by imperialist Russia and Iran, with all the racist 
and sectarian elements that determine imperialism in general and this 
imperialism in particular, dependent on foreign Shia jihadists who have 
no affinity with Syria, can only depopulate the areas that revolted 
against it. It makes potential governance easier, while it sucks away 
the base of the rebellion, both in terms of manpower and for other 
'human resources', so to speak. This is structural too - it's why Russia 
and the regime have targeted hospitals and other civil structures. 
Dismantling the infrastructure of liberated areas. Drain the lifeblood 
of the revolution. There are now literally no functioning hospitals in 
North Aleppo, all have been destroyed by the regime and, latterly with 
much more vicious precision, Russia.

It's also worth noting that when one talks of 'Free Aleppo', they're not 
just using rhetoric. A culture has developed in areas of liberated 
Aleppo that, despite being under the constant threat of death from 
above, would have been unthinkable in Baathist Syria. The regime's 
apparatuses of extermination, the feared security forces responsible for 
those Holocaust-esque photos of thousands of Syrians tortured and beaten 
to death leaked by 'Caesar', will begin to operate in those areas, 
buoyed as they were very early on in the revolution by Iranian 
intelligence capabilities, and now also by Russian ones.

The destruction of Free Aleppo, if it is allowed to occur, will be 
remembered in years maybe decades to come as something between 
Stalingrad and the sack of Baghdad by the Mongols in 1258. Those whose 
worldview is narrow and conservative, such as most of the left and the 
right, will snigger and sneer at comments such as this, at the travails 
of brown people in far away places that don't feature in the 'worthy 
victims' part of their ideological dichotomy, but all those who've 
followed the fate of the Syrian revolution through all its trying, 
testing contradictions without caving to craven indifference, savage 
support for counter-revolution or conservative isolationism determined 
so obviously by racism, will know it to be true 

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[Marxism] Memo to the Australian Tax Office: You offshoring jobs is the same as business offshoring profits

2016-02-07 Thread John Passant via Marxism

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Memo to the Australian Tax Office: You offshoring jobs is the same as 
business offshoring profits

Saving money, the driver for cutting the ATO staff by 20%, is also the 
driver of big business tax avoidance. Business tax avoidance is 
systemic. It requires a systemic response, not Tax Office staff cuts.


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Re: [Marxism] Mike Alewitz on Bernie Sanders

2016-02-07 Thread Ratbag Media via Marxism
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Manuel Barrera  writes: "Heatwaves rising from the desert always seem
like an oasis.'

..only if you think that the Sanders phenomenon has no cause  in real
angst and suffering. It is a symptom of the everyday experience of
millions  -- most of whom would not be able to make the transition, on
their own, to  relating to another alternative left voice.
If Sanders had remained an 'independent' -- of course that may indeed
be a different challenge with an easier tactical passage.

But inside the DEMs...!?

That's your problem, stateside.

But that Sanders poses as a socialist and projects a sort of crude and
erratic  class divide  -- in the context of the US Presidential  Game
Show :  that has to be very significant.
That has to be a plus because, despite what ever his preferences,
Sanders unleashes and inspires forces  that may later find him,and his
party allegiance, wanting.

What happens 'if'/when he backs Clinton?  Where does that momentum and
frustration go?

It won't default to a bunch of wannabe 'we-told-you-so' outfits who
did not go through the Sanders experience with them.

It will instead  be demoralised.

And the promise fades because the 'real' socialists  could not harness it.

dave riley
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