[Marxism] Constance Markievicz on Some Women in Easter Week

2019-03-11 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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"You ask me to write you an account of my experiences and of the activities
of the women of Easter Week.  I am afraid that I can only give you a little
account of those who were enrolled with me in the Irish Citizen Army, and
those who were with me or whom I met during the week.  Some were members of
Cumann na mBan, and others, just women who were prepared to die for Ireland.

"My activities were confined to a very limited area.  I was mobilised for
Liberty Hall and was sent from there via the City Hall to St Stephen’s
Green, where I remained.

"On Easter Monday morning there was a great hosting of disciplined and
armed men at Liberty Hall.

"Padraic Pearse and James Connolly addressed us and told us that from now
on the Volunteers and Irish Citizen Army were not two forces, but the wings
of the Irish Republican Army.

"There were a considerable number of Irish Citizen Army women.  These were
absolutely on the. . . "
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[Marxism] [UCE] Thou Shalt Teach Revolution | Jane Rosen | Culture Matters

2019-03-11 Thread Kevin Lindemann and Cathy Campo via Marxism
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[Marxism] She's just not worth it either

2019-03-11 Thread Anthony Boynton via Marxism
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[Marxism] ‘Grand alliance’ threatens Venezuela (Green Left Weekly)

2019-03-11 Thread Chris Slee via Marxism
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[Marxism] Betrayals in the Labour Party and the dangers that lie ahead

2019-03-11 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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Roger Silverman reports from Britain:
"Jeremy Corbyn, left leader of the British Labour Party, recently announced
that Labour was going to call for a new referendum on Britain leaving the
European Union (“Brexit”). No sooner had the announcement been made than it
was completely overshadowed by the intensification of the anti-semitism
hysteria aimed at Corbyn. These two issues are clearly interlinked: they
are the two prongs of the new offensive by the Blairites (supporters of the
right wing policies of former Labour leader Tony Blair) to discredit and
ultimately depose Corbyn.
"*“Anti-Semitism” in Labour Party*

In the case of the anti-semitism campaign, the ruling class had already
been desperately hunting around for smears against Corbyn ever since his
election. He had already been branded a pacifist, and somehow
simultaneously a terrorist sympathiser as well as a Czech spy, when the
Israeli diplomatic/intelligence machine, fearful at the prospect of the
election of a British prime minister sympathetic to the Palestinian cause,
furnished it with this ingenious weapon.

"The public lynching campaign against socialists in the Labour Party has
now reached grotesque proportions"
Full article here:
*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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Re: [Marxism] Hampshire College, a Child of the Sixties, Faces Its “Visioning Problem” | The New Yorker

2019-03-11 Thread Ernest Leif via Marxism
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I went to Camp Hamp in the 90s. None of my friends are entrepreneurs,
unless of course one counts those who are paid 1099 and therefore have a
"business". Many of us, however, are indeed freelance. But these days, in
urban areas, who isn't? As my cousin who teaches HS in The Bronx says on
his days off, 'what are these people doing at cafe's during the week'?
Looking for work.

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[Marxism] Dr. Funky Butt and Me: My Friendship with the Real Donald Shirley

2019-03-11 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, March 11, 2019
Dr. Funky Butt and Me: My Friendship with the Real Donald Shirley
By David Hajdu

Like Mahershala Ali as he accepted the best supporting actor Oscar for 
his portrayal of the pianist Donald Shirley in the best picture winner 
“Green Book,” I always, or almost always, called him Dr. Shirley. He 
instructed me to do so within a few minutes of our first conversation, 
in December 1992, and I honored his wishes in the dozen or so long and 
unruly talks we had over nearly 10 years. Though I can’t speak directly 
to the accuracy of “Green Book” — I wasn’t part of the events depicted 
in the film — I came to know Dr. Shirley well in the 1990s, and the man 
I knew was considerably different from the character Ali portrayed with 
meticulous elegance. Cerebral but disarmingly earthy, mercurial, 
self-protective, and intolerant of imperfections in all things, 
particularly music, he was as complex and uncategorizable as his sui 
generis music.

I approached him at the suggestion of the arranger and composer Luther 
Henderson, for insight into their mutual friend Billy Strayhorn, whom I 
was researching for my 1996 biography of Strayhorn, “Lush Life.” 
Henderson phoned him at the end of one of our interviews, while the tape 
recorder was still running, and said, “F.B.!”

Henderson laughed, looked my way and winked. “I have a boy here who’s 
writing a book about Swee’ Pea,” he said. “Give him the real story, and 
try to behave yourself.” Henderson laughed some more, chatted awhile, 
hung up, and told me Dr. Shirley said I should write a proper letter of 
introduction and mail it to him care of Carnegie Hall.

I asked Henderson what he meant by “F.B.” He said those were initials 
for his nickname for Shirley, “Funky Butt,” and recommended I use a less 
informal term of address.

When Dr. Shirley received my letter he phoned me, correcting me for 
addressing him in the correspondence as “Mr. Shirley.” His first name, 
he added for the record, was Donald. He “despised” the familiar Don, he 
said, because he considered it “vulgar.” I replied that I understood and 
promised not to ask what “F.B.” stood for. After a pause, he barked, 
“Fine,” and invited me to his home that evening.

As “Green Book” shows, Dr. Shirley had been living for decades in one of 
the magisterial studios above Carnegie Hall. He greeted me in casual 
finery: billowing, satiny pants and beaded slippers, with an intricate 
carved medallion dangling over a white turtleneck. He had a plate of 
cheese and crackers, and a bottle of sparkling apple juice set up on a 
small table. I soaked in the faded opulence of the space, a gallery of 
art objects and knickknacks collected over a lifetime of world travel, 
lit solely by early evening light pouring through windows overlooking 
West 57th Street. In the center of the room, there was a nine-foot 
Steinway concert grand piano, and alongside it, an industrial humidifier 
for the preservation of the instrument.

I requested permission to record our conversation, and Dr. Shirley held 
up an index finger to mime “Hold on a minute.” Before he would agree to 
speak on the record, he needed to evaluate my competence as a musician, 
he said, instructing me take a seat on the piano bench and play 
something of my choice for him.

While I can read music, with effort, and play almost serviceable 
rock-band piano, I don’t consider myself worthy of polishing a Steinway 
concert grand. I tried to explain that I thought of scholarship, rather 
than musicianship, as the discipline relevant to my purpose with him, 
and demurred with feigned gratitude for the opportunity. Immovable on 
the matter, Dr. Shirley clapped his hands twice quickly, as if to signal 
the start of an imperial amusement. I took a seat at the piano and 
plunked my way through a semblance of “One for My Baby (and One More for 
the Road),” the only standard I could think of that’s close enough to a 
12-bar blues for me to fake.

“We ...” Dr. Shirley said. “You don’t know what the hell you’re 
doing. I can’t imagine what we could possibly talk about.”

I asked if he could apply his obvious expertise to the subject of my 
research, Billy Strayhorn, and his collaborator and sponsor, Duke 
Ellington, and we were set for the evening. I had to wrap things up 
mid-conversation because I had brought only two 90-minute tapes.

Dr. Shirley could expound with deep authority and even deeper passions 
on the subject of music — or, I soon learned, on the subjects of human 
psychology, American society, politics, cuisine, fine art, folk art, 
commercial art ... whatever struck him as suitable for exposition at the 

[Marxism] Carolee Schneemann, Visionary Feminist Performance Artist, Dies at 79

2019-03-11 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, March 11, 2019
Carolee Schneemann, Visionary Feminist Performance Artist, Dies at 79
By Holland Cotter

Carolee Schneemann, a prime mover of performance art, a feminist 
visionary and one of the most influential artists of the late 20th 
century, died on Wednesday at her home in New Paltz, N.Y. She was 79.

The cause was breast cancer, said Wendy Olsoff, co-founder of the 
gallery P.P.O.W., which, along with Galerie LeLong, represented Ms. 
Schneemann in New York. She had lived with the disease for more than two 

Ms. Schneemann found instant notoriety early on. In 1964, in Paris and 
New York, she staged an epochal performance event titled “Meat Joy.” Set 
to a pop-score composed by her husband then, the avant-garde composer 
James Tenney, the work had the appearance of an orgiastic free-for-all, 
with men and women, including the artist, rolling around on the floor in 
bikini briefs slathering each other with blood-red paint and clutching 
dead fish and chickens.

At regular intervals from 1963 to 1967, Ms. Schneemann and Mr. Tenney 
filmed themselves having sex. She then edited the footage into a film 
called “Fuses,” in which the couple are seen in close-up in their 
darkened bedroom — they shot their lovemaking by passing small cameras 
back and forth — with a rural landscape of changing seasons visible 
through a window.

Most radically, the entire film is framed as if seen through the eyes of 
an observant but unjudging third party, a feline named Kitch, the first 
of several “muse cats” that Ms. Schneemann bonded with and included in 
her art over the years.

For the startling 1975 performance piece “Interior Scroll,” Ms. 
Schneemann stood nude on a table, posing like a studio model, while 
reading from a book of her collected writings titled “Cezanne, She Was a 
Great Painter.” The writings included a litany of misogynistic reactions 
a female artist could expect to encounter in her career, like these:

to have your brain picked
to have the pickings misunderstood
to be mistreated whether your success
increases or decreases
if you are a woman (and things are not utterly changed)
they will almost never believe you really did it
(what you did do)
they will patronize you humor you
try to sleep with you want you to transform them
with your energy

She then put the book down and slowly extracted a narrow strip of 
typewritten paper from her vagina, reading aloud the text on the scroll 
as it emerged. The words included a direct address to a contemporary 
filmmaker and theorist — female, as it happened — who had dismissed her 
work as “diaristic indulgence.”

Ms. Schneemann encountered critical resistance regularly, often from 
what seemed to be conflicting directions. Some feminists viewed her 
body-positive, pro-sensual art as exploitative, not as a bold assertion 
of female agency. In contrast, in 1969, when she screened “Fuses” at the 
Cannes Film Festival, an audience made up almost exclusively of male 
critics greeted it with anger: The film, it seemed, wasn’t pornographic 
enough for them. They saw it as a tease.

Carolee Schneemann was born on Oct. 12, 1939, into a middle-class family 
in Fox Chase, Pa., then a rural neighborhood of Philadelphia. Her father 
was a country doctor. She remembered poring over his anatomy books when 
she was very young.

“There was always physicality around us,” she said in an interview, 
“leaking, spilling out of boundaries, wounded farmers with bleeding 
limbs, hemorrhages, infections. No fantasy of the sanitized body in this 

Ms. Schneemann had an early interest in art and the natural world, and 
in 1955, over her family’s objections, she entered Bard College, in the 
Hudson Valley, on a full scholarship to study painting. There she ran 
into problems. The all-male studio faculty was primarily interested in 
having her pose for them. When, on her own initiative, she produced 
nude-self-portraits, she was expelled for a year on grounds of, as she 
put it, “moral turpitude.”

The punitive exile — she later returned to earn a degree — proved 
fortunate. She enrolled in the art program at Columbia University, where 
she met Mr. Tenney. She continued to paint in a gestural style that 
borrowed something from Cezanne and a lot from Abstract Expressionists 
like Arshile Gorky and Willem de Kooning. In her paintings of the 1950s, 
landscapes and bodies share a charge of organic energy. A nude portrait 
of Mr. Tenney could be mistaken for a tangle of tree limbs, or a garden 
blooming. The couple divorced in 1968.

At the time, the high-minded anguish attribu

[Marxism] Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez blasts Ronald Reagan, Franklin Roosevelt

2019-03-11 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Good for her.

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[Marxism] Regenerative agriculture finds solid backing as decades of success show renewal

2019-03-11 Thread DW via Marxism
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"He began adopting regenerative practices in 1999, increasing the amount of
native vegetation and tree coverage on his property from just 3 per cent to
20 per cent.

"He believes trees and native grasses are fundamentally important to
farming because they capture carbon from the atmosphere and their
deep-rooted systems recycle nutrients from the soil.

"The other key change he made was to switch from a "set stocking" rate to
planning grazing according to what the landscape could support.

"He has a mob of more than 300 cattle, many with calves at foot, and he
grazes them in small areas, leaving most of the farm free of animals so it
can recover.

"We've got over 100 paddocks and [the cattle] are gradually moving around
the place through all those paddocks.

"If conditions are dry he destocks.

"I guess in the past, we were trying to run fixed enterprises in an
incredibly variable climate and you can do that, but a lot of the time
you're going to be spending a lot of money [on feed]," Mr Marsh said.

"I started fencing off one paddock on our property and the grasses came
back. Even with the minimal amount of rain that we've had it was really
encouraging," Ms Kimpton said."

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[Marxism] The Syrian Quagmire | Leila's blog

2019-03-11 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Dr. Myriam Aït-Aoudia: “President Bouteflika is no longer in a position to govern since many years” « Algérie Résistance

2019-03-11 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] China's Billionaire Lawmakers

2019-03-11 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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Article by Michael Pröbsting


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[Marxism] ‘Whores But Organized’: Sex Workers Rally for Reform | by Molly Crabapple | NYR Daily | The New York Review of Books

2019-03-11 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] threewayfight: Meditations on a dead fascist

2019-03-11 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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In the 1990s, LaRouche saw a new opportunity in Russia, where his hatred 
of international bankers, praise for Vladimir Putin, and advocacy of 
protectionist, strong-state economic development won him a hearing with 
many political leaders, including close Putin aide Sergey Glazyev. By 
the time he died, LaRouche had also made significant inroads in China, 
where state-run media now quotes LaRouchite journalists extensively and 
invites them regularly to news conferences. (The LaRouche network’s 
praise for President Xi Jinping may be opportunistic but it’s also 
sincere, as Xi’s Belt and Road Initiative represents the kind of 
large-scale infrastructure project that LaRouche has been advocating for 
decades.) It’s hard to think of another U.S.-based fascist who has 
achieved this kind of government access.

Along with shifting the focus of his overtures from U.S. political 
elites to Russian and Chinese ones, LaRouche shifted his movement’s 
public stance leftward. In the 1980s the LaRouchites championed Reagan’s 
Star Wars program and spearheaded ballot initiatives to forcibly 
quarantine people with AIDS, but in the 1990s and 2000s they were active 
in campaigns against the U.S.-led wars in Iraq and Yugoslavia and in the 
Occupy Wall Street movement, glorified Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal, 
and denounced Christian right leaders such as Pat Robertson. The 
LaRouchites continued to present themselves as New Deal progressives 
even after embracing Donald Trump’s America First populism.


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[Marxism] Fairy Tales About Climate Change | The Brooklyn Rail

2019-03-11 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Now, in spite of the fact that this causal link between GDP growth and 
CO2 emissions is quite obvious, mainstream economists and politicians 
never say a word about it. Why? It seems to me that a plausible 
explanation is that this causal link undermines what is perhaps the 
basic tenet of economics, the idea that economic growth is essential not 
only to maintain economic and political stability, but also to solve any 
social problem. For the economics profession, economic growth is what 
the Holy Grail was for the Knights of the Round Table. To assert the 
existence of a causal link between economic growth and climate change is 
like claiming that the Holy Grail contains poison.

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[Marxism] Why Do People Love to Hate Steven Pinker? - The Chronicle of Higher Education

2019-03-11 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Hampshire College, a Child of the Sixties, Faces Its “Visioning Problem” | The New Yorker

2019-03-11 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(Years ago, I was up at Bard for an alumni weekend and was sitting with 
a group of graduates and President Leon Botstein chatting about this and 
that. Somewhere along the line, I asked him (this was before our feud 
began) about the prospects of Bard graduates in a tough job market. He 
assured me that since Bard students were "entrepreneurial", they would 
have fewer problems than other grads. I see this cropping up with 
Hampshire College, a school very similar to Bard. The article is by 
Masha Gessen.)

In recent years, the language that Hampshire uses to describe itself has 
changed. (I noticed this in September, on a campus visit with my 
daughter, whom I was trying to convince to apply.) The word 
“entrepreneurship” began cropping up. On its Web site, the college 
listed entrepreneurship as one of five key characteristics of the 
community envisioned by Hampshire—along with inquiry, creativity, social 
justice, and sustainability. It hired an entrepreneurship professor. To 
prospective students, the college boasted of the number of entrepreneurs 
among its graduates—more, it seemed to me, than of the number of 
activists, artists, and academics. Nelson, who took over as president in 
July of last year, earned her reputation as a social entrepreneur more 
than as an academic researcher or administrator. She is a nutritionist, 
a public-health and sustainability advocate, the force behind a 
best-selling, ten-book series on women’s health and wellness, and she 
speaks the upbeat, encapsulated language of doing good by doing well. 
Hampshire’s current predicament, for example, is conveyed on the 
college’s Web site as “Hampshire is evolving,” and the search for a 
solution is called the “Hampshire College Visioning Project.”


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