Re: [Marxism] British election results

2019-12-13 Thread John Edmundson via Marxism
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"Under a Johnson parliamentary dictatorship, years of volatility, conflict
and crisis lie ahead, erupting in an explosion of protest which could well
bring it crashing to its downfall. In countries around the world, from
Europe to Africa, the Middle East to Latin America, tens of thousands are
marching on the streets, braving police bullets and in many cases
overthrowing their oppressors. Britain is plunging into the turmoil that is
already gripping at least thirty countries throughout the rest of the
world. Let Boris Johnson chortle in his moment of glory while he can. He
least of all will be equipped to withstand the era of revolution and
resistance that is sweeping the world."

Sounds more like a victory than a defeat then.


On Sat, Dec 14, 2019 at 2:16 PM John Reimann via Marxism <> wrote:

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> *
> Roger Silverman writes:
> "This is no time for glib slogans. This is a serious defeat; a disaster. It
> clears the way for the most brutal Tory attacks yet seen on our living
> standards and our democratic rights. It will destroy the last remaining
> vestiges of the welfare state established 75 years ago. It will at least
> for a period demoralise a generation of youth desperate for the chance of a
> future. And it puts at risk the huge advances made in the last four years
> towards the reconquest of the Labour Party as the party of the working
> class and the 99%.
> "In a lesser-known story by Lewis Carroll, there is a scene where the
> masses are rioting in the streets demanding: “Less Bread! More Taxes!”. In
> Victorian England, that was a piece of playful nonsense fantasy, along with
> the Cheshire Cat’s grin or the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party. In 21st century
> Britain, the population have actually in real life elected a grotesque
> pantomime prime minister who could easily have walked straight out of Alice
> In Wonderland, promising exactly that very programme
> "Under a Johnson parliamentary dictatorship, years of volatility, conflict
> and crisis lie ahead, erupting in an explosion of protest which could well
> bring it crashing to its downfall. In countries around the world, from
> Europe to Africa, the Middle East to Latin America, tens of thousands are
> marching on the streets, braving police bullets and in many cases
> overthrowing their oppressors. Britain is plunging into the turmoil that is
> already gripping at least thirty countries throughout the rest of the
> world. Let Boris Johnson chortle in his moment of glory while he can. He
> least of all will be equipped to withstand the era of revolution and
> resistance that is sweeping the world."
> --
> *“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
> Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
> Check out:https: also on Facebook
> _
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The law locks up the man or woman
Who steals the goose from off the common
But leaves the greater villain loose
Who steals the common from the goose
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Re: [Marxism] No False Consolations | Novara Media

2019-12-13 Thread Ralph Johansen via Marxism

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John Edmundson wrote

Yes, but perhaps part of the problem was the Left's faith in the Labour 
Party. Have we still not figured that out. It's disappointing to see 
that Richard Seymour, who used to get this, has dived deep into such a 
failed project. When your only mass movement is to the ballot box, a la 
Bernie Sanders' campaign, why should anyone expect a deep commitment 
from the voters?



This is the sort of sensible comment I haven't seen much of. Yes, 
apparently from these results and others elsewhere, much of the working 
class, with insecurity of life chances and resentment at its status in 
the system and at the other, either votes on nationalist grounds for the 
rightwing misleader or stays at home. For now - but it's inevitable that 
the failure of the right is going to become palpable to workers 
everywhere as the system grinds to a halt for most, and that's already 
happening, especially if the protests breaking out are any indication. 
And with the failing ecosystem and the debt-infested stagnant economy, 
there is no fallback to growth for the system anymore; nor will 
no-growth panaceas of any sort work under capitalism, including 
especially those that only benefit the richer nations.

How long will it take before the working class and left leadership of 
the world accept, despite the interim right-populist upsurge and its 
reasons, that declared social democratic parties, with no credible, 
viable socialist program, will never be able to manage or change the 
capitalist state? Will never be able to mobilize a base of power in the 
working class?

Too many contradictions, especially that to simply manage capitalism, to 
ensure the profitability of a capitalist regime on which its survival 
depends, any social democrat apparition must accede to the imperatives 
of accumulation and profitability, and to accomplish that, to pretend, 
equivocate and evade; ultimately, to retain power, workers be damned. Or 

Tony Blair is one poster child among many. An array of populist 
Bonapartists in the poorer countries. Bernie's prospects apply here as 
well. This is certainly not 1933 and no New New Deal or faux Green New 
Deal will do it. If workers now seem unreceptive to the message from the 
left, to the imperative that we take charge of our destiny - I 
nevertheless look to us sooner or later to come to the conclusion that 
there really is no other way. If that does not happen, or does not 
happen in time, before chaos sets in, there's not much anyone can do, 
except stick to the message, counsel people to start by reading Capital 
and take it from there, as my older socialist friends once counseled me, 
and think and act to help fellow workers to devise, from the objective 
conditions and mounting contradictions, the alternative objective and 
the route to it.

It is to the contradiction between capital and labor that we should 
adhere, and never forget or forego.

I immediately think of that knight in the Monty Python skit who keeps 
taunting and tilting against the giant until, where arms or legs were, 
only bloody stubs are left, and who declares he will prevail with his 
lance in his teeth. But that's just my bad monster in there. After all, 
it's Friday the thirteenth.

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Re: [Marxism] No False Consolations | Novara Media

2019-12-13 Thread John Edmundson via Marxism
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Yes, but perhaps part of the problem was the Left's faith in the Labour
Party. Have we still not figured that out. It's disappointing to see that
Richard Seymour, who used to get this, has dived deep into such a failed
project. When your only mass movement is to the ballot box, a la Bernie
Sanders' campaign, why should anyone expect a deep commitment from the


On Sat, Dec 14, 2019 at 3:25 AM Louis Proyect via Marxism <> wrote:

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> *
> By Richard Seymour
> This is our defeat, and we have to own it. As if we have a choice. And
> we know what this means. The body count from austerity and the hostile
> environment will multiply. An already fairly awful society is going to
> get brutally worse. And it is difficult to see how this won’t feed into
> yet more violent racism and hatred of foreigners predicated on zero-sum
> ethnic competition.
> _
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The law locks up the man or woman
Who steals the goose from off the common
But leaves the greater villain loose
Who steals the common from the goose
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[Marxism] British election results

2019-12-13 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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Roger Silverman writes:
"This is no time for glib slogans. This is a serious defeat; a disaster. It
clears the way for the most brutal Tory attacks yet seen on our living
standards and our democratic rights. It will destroy the last remaining
vestiges of the welfare state established 75 years ago. It will at least
for a period demoralise a generation of youth desperate for the chance of a
future. And it puts at risk the huge advances made in the last four years
towards the reconquest of the Labour Party as the party of the working
class and the 99%.

"In a lesser-known story by Lewis Carroll, there is a scene where the
masses are rioting in the streets demanding: “Less Bread! More Taxes!”. In
Victorian England, that was a piece of playful nonsense fantasy, along with
the Cheshire Cat’s grin or the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party. In 21st century
Britain, the population have actually in real life elected a grotesque
pantomime prime minister who could easily have walked straight out of Alice
In Wonderland, promising exactly that very programme

"Under a Johnson parliamentary dictatorship, years of volatility, conflict
and crisis lie ahead, erupting in an explosion of protest which could well
bring it crashing to its downfall. In countries around the world, from
Europe to Africa, the Middle East to Latin America, tens of thousands are
marching on the streets, braving police bullets and in many cases
overthrowing their oppressors. Britain is plunging into the turmoil that is
already gripping at least thirty countries throughout the rest of the
world. Let Boris Johnson chortle in his moment of glory while he can. He
least of all will be equipped to withstand the era of revolution and
resistance that is sweeping the world."

*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
Check out:https: also on Facebook
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Re: [Marxism] No False Consolations

2019-12-13 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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Leaders of left groups must consider how their supporters will react to a 
defeat such as this.  It is possible that some will become inactive, not seeing 
any point to their activity.
Leaders must rally as many as they can to carry on the struggle.  Granted, this 
should not be done by way of false consolations.

In the end, Seymour comes to a conclusion I can support.  There is a basis for 
continued struggle.

ken h
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[Marxism] The new resistance in Iran

2019-12-13 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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by *Karim Pourhamzavi*

Mass protests are occurring across Iran, taking place in over 100 cities.
The protests have been sparked by the government’s cutting of fuel
subsidies, a measure which caused fuel prices to double overnight.

Mass protests are hardly new in Iran, but there is an important difference
between these protests and previous periods of upsurge against the
government .  In the past people have protested for. . .

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[Marxism] A failure of strategy | Red Flag

2019-12-13 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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LABOUR’S SHATTERING DEFEAT at the hands of Boris Johnson is a bitter day 
for millions of class conscious workers and most young people. Their 
hopes of reversing the ravages of austerity, of seriously addressing 
climate change, of breaking the shackles on the unions, have been 
cruelly dashed. Armed with a huge Commons majority, with a blank cheque 
of a manifesto, we must prepare for a Johnson cabinet of Thatcher 
disciples that will launch a vicious series of economically and socially 
reactionary policies.
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[Marxism] Latest CounterPunch magazine

2019-12-13 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Really good articles:

The Cult of Neoliberalism: Jennifer Matsui on global capitalism’s killer 

Thomas Adams on Corruption Inside the UAW

Laura Carlsen on the Collapse of Honduras

TJ Coles on using Aid as a Weapon Against Venezuela

Christopher Ketcham on the Fantasy of Sustainable Development

Andrew Smolski on FOIA and Transparency

Alexander Cockburn on George Orwell as Snitch

Kent Paterson goes inside El Paso and Juarez

Jeffrey St. Clair on impeachment

Pete Dolack, Daniel Raventos and Julie Work on Brexit

Ron Jacobs on Marianne Williamson

Lucy Schiller on a Body in Fukushima.

Subscribe here:
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[Marxism] If Time Magazine Celebrates Greta Thunberg, Why Should We? | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2019-12-13 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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In just over 6,500 words, Time Magazine  makes the case for Greta 
Thunberg being 2019’s Person of the Year. For much of the left, this 
confirms that she is a corporate tool. Founded in 1923 by Henry Luce, 
Time was the flagship of the Luce empire. Print newsmagazines have gone 
into a steep decline with the advent of the Internet. Despite a steep 
decline in circulation, Time remains the second-largest weekly after People.

Henry Luce was one of the most powerful Republican Party supporters in 
the 20th century, the Rupert Murdoch of his day. Luce was a member of 
the China Lobby that sought the overthrow of Mao Zedong. He also urged 
JFK to invade Cuba. Unless he did, Luce planned to imitate William 
Randolph Hearst and push for war, even if involved the big lie. These 
odious policies and others fell within the rubric of the “American 
Century,” a concept Luce articulated in Life magazine, another part of 
his empire. Through such magazines, he shared the dominant view of the 
American ruling class during its “globalization” phase. He had close 
social ties to men like John Foster Dulles, Secretary of State, and his 
brother, director of the CIA, who worked overtime to overthrow any 
government that dared to defy Washington’s will.

So, why should the left celebrate Greta Thunberg being named person of 
the year given this background?


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Re: [Marxism] (2) How class, turnout and the Brexit party shaped the general election result | Financial Times

2019-12-13 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Unfortunately, the article includes a number of graphs that I cannot 
reproduce but anyhow...

How class, turnout and the Brexit party shaped the general election result
Labour punished in Leave voting areas in its northern heartlands
John Burn-Murdoch, Billy Ehrenberg-Shannon and Oliver Elliott in London

The resounding Conservative victory was driven by a dramatic swing of 
working-class support away from Labour, according to an FT analysis.

Boris Johnson’s party secured a big win in Thursday’s election as Labour 
collapsed across the country, leaving the Tories with a majority of 79 
seats — with one seat yet to declare — as Labour fell to its lowest 
number of MPs in 84 years. The Conservatives won 364 seats to Labour’s 202.

In seats with high shares of people in low-skilled jobs, the 
Conservative vote share increased by an average of six percentage points 
and the Labour share fell by 14 points. In seats with the lowest share 
of low-skilled jobs, the Tory vote share fell by four points and 
Labour’s fell by seven.

The swing of working class areas from Labour to Conservative had the 
strongest statistical association of any explored by the FT. But 
although working class support for Brexit was one of the biggest factors 
at the ballot box, some voters’ dislike of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn 
was also key in pushing people away from the party.

Turnout also appears to have helped the Conservatives. The ruling party 
fared best relative to Labour and the Liberal Democrats where turnout 
fell compared with 2017, and worse where turnout rose. This suggests 
that in many battleground constituencies, most of the voters who stayed 
at home this time were Labour supporters, thereby lowering the bar to 
success for the Tories.

The Conservatives were helped by a failed attempt at a co-ordinated 
anti-Tory tactical voting campaign. Across the country as a whole, 
turnout fell 1.7 percentage points in the average constituency. But in 
seats won by the Tories two years ago that had voted strongly for Remain 
in the EU referendum, turnout rose by 1.4 points, suggesting a surge of 
Remain voters seeking to unseat the Tories.

The Remain tactical vote, however, made little headway. One of its 
biggest successes came in St Albans, where the Labour vote fell by 14 
percentage points and the Lib Dems ticked up by 18 points, lifting them 
above the Conservatives into first place.

But in Kensington, the Remain vote was split as Labour fell by four 
points and the Lib Dems ticked up by nine. This gave the Conservatives a 
narrow 150 vote win over Labour, which had only taken the seat off the 
Tories in 2017 by a margin of 20.

In nearby Wimbledon, many Labour voters appear to have lent their 
support to the Lib Dems in an attempt to unseat the Conservatives, but 
ultimately their efforts fell just short and Tory incumbent Stephen 
Hammond squeezed home with a margin of about 700 votes.

The data also suggest the Brexit party played an important role in the 
Conservatives’ success. Where the Brexit party contested seats, they 
took more votes from Labour than the Tories, and Labour suffered greater 
losses on average where the Brexit party stood than where it did not.

This was most evident in the region of Yorkshire and the Humber where 
the Brexit party had their best performances. For example, in the Don 
Valley seat, the Brexit party picked up 15 per cent of the vote as 
Labour’s share fell by 19 percentage points. Despite the strong showing 
by the Brexit party, the Conservative vote share ticked up from 42 to 43 
per cent, allowing the Tories to unseat Labour’s Caroline Flint.

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[Marxism] Labour won’t win again until it works out why it lost | Gary Younge | Opinion | The Guardian

2019-12-13 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] (2) How class, turnout and the Brexit party shaped the general election result | Financial Times

2019-12-13 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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Dear Louis,

Since this article seems to be behind a paywall, may I ask you to send 
the article as a text?

Thanks you!

Am 13.12.2019 um 15:23 schrieb Louis Proyect via Marxism:

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Revolutionär-Kommunistische Organisation BEFREIUNG
(Österreichische Sektion der RCIT,
Tel./SMS/WhatsApp/Telegram: +43-650-4068314

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[Marxism] Brexit and Impeachment

2019-12-13 Thread Anthony Boynton via Marxism
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IMHO, the Labour Party should have campaigned for "Remain" to defend the
right of free immigration despite everything else reactionary about the
European Union.

I think that it did not because of the historic dirty secret of the white
racism among British workers which combines itself with leftish economism.

IMHO Corbyn's Manifesto did not take this issue head-on because of fear of
losing racist working class votes and therefore seats in the House.

Similarly, Nancy Pelosi et al. have whittled the impeachment charges
against Trump down so far that they have almost no content, and are open to
ridicule by Congressional Republicans. Their whittling was done to please
various members of Congress on the right of that right-wing party.

However, revolutionaries in the UK should have supported a vote for Labour,
just as revolutionaries in the USA should support impeachment.

In the case of impeachment, there are three reasons: Trump is a criminal
who is attacking the working class, Trump is a criminal in terms of the
law, and impeaching Trump will deepen the crisis of the state while not
impeaching him will help the state overcome the crisis.

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[Marxism] 50 years ago, LAPD raided the Black Panthers. SWAT teams have been targeting black communities ever since

2019-12-13 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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For one of the most dramatic moments in American policing, the raid on the
Panthers headquarters is a relatively small historical footnote. But in the
years since, SWAT has become a mainstay of modern policing. Between 2000
and 2008, more than 9,000 of the nation’s roughly 15,000 law enforcement

a SWAT unit. Thanks to the Pentagon’s controversial “1033 program
even small-town police departments across the country have stocked up on
military-grade hardware, including armored vehicles built to withstand
roadside bombs and rocket-propelled grenades. SWAT deployments increased by
more than 1,500%

between 1980 and 2000. In its Panther deployment, SWAT was transformed from
a tool of surgical precision into a blunt-force battering ram, and that’s
ultimately how it would find its calling in police departments across the
country — especially in African American communities.
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[Marxism] A University’s Betrayal of Historical Truth

2019-12-13 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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The University of North Carolina agreed to pay the Sons of Confederate
Veterans $2.5 million—a sum that rivals the endowment of its history

The settlement, though, establishes a de facto financial partnership
between the university system and the SCV to preserve the monument. The SCV
is free to use Silent Sam and this generous subsidy to continue its
long-standing misinformation campaign about the history and legacy of the
Civil War, with an endowment that rivals that of the university’s history
department. But the cost to the university can’t be fully tallied in
dollars and cents. A great public university should stand for the pursuit
of truth, not the promotion of historical distortions and falsehoods. In
seeking an expedient solution, the university system has succeeded only in
aggravating the problems that the removal of the statue was supposed to

But instead of directing its largesse to the descendants of those who were
enslaved, the university chose to give its millions to apologists for their
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[Marxism] The Strange Death of Social-Democratic England | by Matt Seaton | NYR Daily | The New York Review of Books

2019-12-13 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] No One Ever Said It Would Be Easy

2019-12-13 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Labour lost this election not because it was too much of a working-class 
party, but because it was too little of one in too many places. Our 
cause endures — and now is the time to steel ourselves for the next fight.
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[Marxism] No False Consolations | Novara Media

2019-12-13 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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By Richard Seymour

This is our defeat, and we have to own it. As if we have a choice. And 
we know what this means. The body count from austerity and the hostile 
environment will multiply. An already fairly awful society is going to 
get brutally worse. And it is difficult to see how this won’t feed into 
yet more violent racism and hatred of foreigners predicated on zero-sum 
ethnic competition.
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[Marxism] (2) How class, turnout and the Brexit party shaped the general election result | Financial Times

2019-12-13 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Limits of the Green New Deal | Section on Marxist Sociology

2019-12-13 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] » Brexit and the Collapse Of British Labour

2019-12-13 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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By Jack Rasmus
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[Marxism] The Heavy-Handed Moralism of Terrence Malick’s New Film | The New Republic

2019-12-13 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Wouldn't see this film if my life depended on it. Well, maybe only for 
that reason alone.
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[Marxism] Let Jock Palfreeman Speak! Part I of a Two-Part Interview | Lefteast

2019-12-13 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 19th of September 2019 Jock Palfreeman was granted parole after 
serving almost 12 years in Bulgarian prison for fatally stabbing a 
neo-Nazi on the streets of Sofia in December 2007. His early release has 
instigated a chain reaction of state repression, far-right mobilisation 
and media sensationalism. Immediately after his release Jock was taken 
to an immigration detention centre in Sofia under the pretext that he 
did not possess a valid passport with which he could leave the country. 
A couple of weeks later Jock’s newly issued emergency passport was 
unlawfully confiscated by Bulgarian authorities and Sotir Tsatsarov, 
Bulgaria’s Prosecutor General, pleaded the suspension of the early 
parole court decision and demanded the re-opening of the case. The 
authorities’ blatant interference in the justice system and their 
tightening grip on outspoken opponents has led to public outcry and 
increased support for Jock’s plight. Currently, after his release from 
detention, Jock finds himself in a legal deadlock – without documents 
and restricted from leaving the country he remains under the custody of 
the Bulgarian state while awaiting the decision of the Supreme Court of 

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[Marxism] Get Brexit done! | Michael Roberts Blog

2019-12-13 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The ‘leave’ view was stronger among those who are old enough to imagine 
the ‘good old days’ of English ‘supremacy’ when ‘we were in control’ 
before joining the EU in the 1970s. Once in the EU, we had the volatile 
1970s and the crushing of manufacturing and industrial communities in 
the 1980s.  The flood of Eastern European immigrants (actually mainly to 
the large cities) in the 2000s was the last straw.
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[Marxism] The Wind That Shook the Barley: The Politics of the IRA

2019-12-13 Thread Ron Jacobs via Marxism
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[Marxism] Is there a two-state solution

2019-12-13 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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Well, no. . .

I wrote this a long time ago, then updated it about 2009.  The Israeli
state just keeps making it relevant.
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