[Marxism] [SUSPICIOUS MESSAGE] The Economist: Political protests have become more widespread and more frequent

2020-03-10 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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(This article contains an excellent graph which can not be attached at 
this list. The article itself is behind a paywall. If you are interested 
in this graph or if you would like to get the longer CSIS report on 
which this article is based, you can contact me offline.)

Political protests have become more widespread and more frequent

The rising trend in global unrest is likely to continue

The Economist, Mar 10th 2020, 

FOR MANY Westerners, the mention of mass-protest movements conjures 
images of long-haired youth demonstrating against the Vietnam war in 
1968, or the toppling of the Berlin Wall in 1989. But the world has 
experienced more political uprisings in the past few years than ever 
before. In 2019 alone there were protests on every continent and across 
114 countries—from Hong Kong to Haiti, Bolivia to Britain.

Such unrest is part of a growing trend, according to a new report by 
researchers at the Center of Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), 
a Washington-based think-tank. Using data from the Global Database of 
Events, Language, and Tone—a repository of news articles—Samuel Brannen, 
Christian Haig and Katherine Schmidt found that the number of mass 
protests globally has increased by 11.5% per year, on average, since 
2009. (Mass protests are defined as civilian anti-government protests, 
regardless of size, and excluding riots and protests against non-state 
entities). Even after adjusting for population growth, the authors 
reckon that the number of demonstrators who have taken to the streets in 
recent years exceeds that of either the anti-Vietnam War movement or the 
Civil Rights movement.

Recent protests, despite their large numbers, seem more disparate than 
those of the past. Many share similar themes—including slow economic 
growth, climate change and government corruption—but are sparked by 
local events. In Hong Kong protests triggered by a bill allowing 
criminal suspects to be extradited to mainland China spiralled into a 
broader struggle against the Chinese government’s influence. In Chile 
demonstrations fuelled by a modest rise in subway fares broadened into 
anger about inequality and the cost of living. Results have been mixed. 
Some have brought about changes in government; others have been met with 
brutal repression.

Smartphones and social media have revolutionised the way in which 
demonstrations are organised, advertised and sustained. (Many 
governments, including those of India, Pakistan, Syria and Turkey, have 
responded to unrest by shutting down the internet.) Such tools also aid 
the spread of information, both real and fake, deepening existing 
political divides. None of these conditions are likely to change soon. 
Mass protests have existed for centuries. But their increased frequency 
may be here to stay.

Revolutionär-Kommunistische Organisation BEFREIUNG
(Österreichische Sektion der RCIT, 
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[Marxism] Seeker of justice in the here and now | Review of *James Baldwin: Living in Fire*, by Bill V. Mullen | Tom King | The Morning Star

2020-03-10 Thread Kevin Lindemann and Cathy Campo via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] Idlib: Putin-Erdoğan Deal is a Sell-Out of the Syrian Revolution!

2020-03-10 Thread John Edmundson via Marxism
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Was it not already Marxism 101 that Turkey and Russia would have more in
common with each other as capitalist powers in the region than either would
have with a revolutionary Syria? Therefore it would be obvious that at some
point, in order to avoid a war with each other they would be willing to
come up with a deal that would sell the Syrians short. I don't think anyone
needed to be claiming great prophetic skills to see that outcome in the


On Wed, Mar 11, 2020 at 12:17 PM mkaradjis . via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> *
> On Mon, Mar 9, 2020 at 6:56 PM RKOB via Marxism <
> marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu>
> wrote:
> I agree that "This sell-out deal was almost as predictable as night
> becoming day". However, it is one thing to say so AFTER such an event has
> happened or to warn about such a danger AHEAD of it.If comrades have
> written such warning/predictions ahead of it, please forward the respective
> link.
> Reply:
> Well, since you're responding to me, when I wrote that Turkey's attacks
> smashing up Assad's genocide-arsenal and downing warplanes deserves the
> total support of humanity, I followed this with:
> obviously I am not saying rebels should trust Turkey or subordinate
> themselves or put much faith in Turkish actions; the reality is that Turkey
> will do little, caught up as it is in deals with Assad's owners, Russia and
> Iran. Turkey did nothing to prevent the cities of the revolution falling;
> we all know why. However, Turkey also has 3.7 million Syrian refugees, the
> highest number of refugees in the world by far, and it cannot handle
> another million or two crossing the border; right now it is blocking them,
> so the displaced are trapped between Assad and Putin's genocidal bombing
> and Turkey's wall. To the extent that this forces Turkey to draw a line
> somewhere, in the northern half of Idlib, to keep it, not as a centre of
> revolution obviously, but as a giant refugee camp, we must say: GOOD. Not
> anywhere good enough of course, but that is now done. No-one ever expected
> the US or Turkey or Gulf countries to support a revolution and they didn't,
> but if Turkey's own needs now correspond to protecting civilians from
> slaughter, then that must be supported.
> Seems a pretty clear description of exactly what occurred.
> _
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The law locks up the man or woman
Who steals the goose from off the common
But leaves the greater villain loose
Who steals the common from the goose
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[Marxism] We’ve Been Looking in the Wrong Places to Understand Sanders’s Socialism

2020-03-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times Op-Ed, March 10, 2020
We’ve Been Looking in the Wrong Places to Understand Sanders’s Socialism
By Richard White

Mr. White is a professor of American history.

Detractors like to equate Senator Bernie Sanders’s socialism with Soviet 
and Chinese Communism. This is very 20th century of them. But if critics 
are looking for a knockout blow, they’re swinging at the wrong century, 
the wrong country and the wrong socialism.

Mr. Sanders does not disguise his socialism. But the question is: What 
do Americans mean when they talk about socialism? Pete Buttigieg equated 
socialism with a “rigid ideology,” but Mr. Sanders fits into a strain of 
American socialism that has largely eschewed ideology, made few 
references to Karl Marx, and been more likely to talk about fairness and 
values than about economic theory.

American socialism has a long history, and Mr. Sanders falls into a 
particular slice of it. He does not sound like the doctrinaire immigrant 
socialists of the 19th century, for example. He is somewhat closer to 
Norman Thomas and the socialists of the 1930s or Eugene Debs and the 
socialism of the early 20th century. But both men headed a socialist 
party, which Mr. Sanders does not.

The socialists Mr. Sanders most resembles were Gilded Age intellectuals, 
reformers, union members and ordinary citizens who self-labeled as 
socialist. There were immigrants among them, but the leading voices 
were, like Mr. Sanders, native-born and middle-class advocates of reform 
within the Democratic and Republican parties, whose bosses they often 

Mr. Sanders sounds like these Gilded Age socialists in part because the 
issues of their time were similar to ours — immigration, environmental 
deterioration, declining well-being and growing inequality in a period 
of rapid technological and economic change. Mr. Sanders — whose 
socialism, built on fairness, is remarkably nonideological — shares the 
conviction of these old socialists that values, not economic laws, 
determine the contours of American society. The Gilded Age socialists 
admitted what their opponents often did not: Americans did not all share 
common values.

Like most modern pundits, 19th-century liberals — the equivalent of 
modern libertarians — believed that Americans always have been and 
always will be individualists. They imagined society to be a collection 
of autonomous subjects whose competition achieved the best possible 
outcomes. To deny this truth, they felt, was to deny reality.

Those who called themselves socialists echoed Dr. Leete in Edward 
Bellamy’s best-selling 1888 novel “Looking Backward,” a book that 
imagined a socialist utopia. Dr. Leete defined the core problem in 
American society as “excessive individualism.” The socialists stressed 
collectivities — the home, the community, the church and the nation. 
They spoke to another equally American tradition that had flowered in 
the Gilded Age: The Knights of Labor, who envisioned worker-owned 
cooperatives replacing wage labor and sought to amend “the work of the 
Founders” to “engraft republican principles on property and industry.” 
Their influence pervades “Looking Backward,” which is less a novel than 
a compendium of desired reforms. Not surprisingly, some of Mr. Sanders’s 
supporters have rediscovered the novel.

The more his opponents caricature Mr. Sanders as a Sandinista or a 
Bolshevik, the more Mr. Sanders’s actual similarity to 19th-century 
socialists makes him seem unthreatening, even avuncular. He is 
infinitely closer to William Dean Howells, the 19th-to 20th-century 
novelist who for a while proclaimed himself a socialist, than to Joseph 

Howells’s political evolution makes socialism’s American roots clear. 
Howells wrote campaign biographies for Abraham Lincoln and Rutherford B. 
Hayes, and remained close friends with John Hay, Theodore Roosevelt’s 
secretary of state. Even when Howells called himself a socialist in the 
late 1880s, he continued to vote Republican, although he thought the 
party was corrupted.

Howells’s socialism originated in an ethical crisis. He attended court 
to watch trials; he visited factories. He defended those accused of the 
Haymarket bombing. Liberalism failed him. He could no longer believe, as 
he once did, that in the United States the ills that afflicted humanity 
could “be averted by honest work and unselfish behavior.” By the late 
1880s what he had called the “smiling aspects” of American life seemed 
to be disappearing.

Howells regarded socialism as “not a positive but a comparative thing … 
Every citizen of a civilized State is a socialist.” If anyone believed 

Re: [Marxism] Idlib: Putin-Erdoğan Deal is a Sell-Out of the Syrian Revolution!

2020-03-10 Thread mkaradjis . via Marxism
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On Mon, Mar 9, 2020 at 6:56 PM RKOB via Marxism 
I agree that "This sell-out deal was almost as predictable as night
becoming day". However, it is one thing to say so AFTER such an event has
happened or to warn about such a danger AHEAD of it.If comrades have
written such warning/predictions ahead of it, please forward the respective

Well, since you're responding to me, when I wrote that Turkey's attacks
smashing up Assad's genocide-arsenal and downing warplanes deserves the
total support of humanity, I followed this with:
obviously I am not saying rebels should trust Turkey or subordinate
themselves or put much faith in Turkish actions; the reality is that Turkey
will do little, caught up as it is in deals with Assad's owners, Russia and
Iran. Turkey did nothing to prevent the cities of the revolution falling;
we all know why. However, Turkey also has 3.7 million Syrian refugees, the
highest number of refugees in the world by far, and it cannot handle
another million or two crossing the border; right now it is blocking them,
so the displaced are trapped between Assad and Putin's genocidal bombing
and Turkey's wall. To the extent that this forces Turkey to draw a line
somewhere, in the northern half of Idlib, to keep it, not as a centre of
revolution obviously, but as a giant refugee camp, we must say: GOOD. Not
anywhere good enough of course, but that is now done. No-one ever expected
the US or Turkey or Gulf countries to support a revolution and they didn't,
but if Turkey's own needs now correspond to protecting civilians from
slaughter, then that must be supported.

Seems a pretty clear description of exactly what occurred.
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[Marxism] Jacobin: From the “Dirty Break” to the Democratic Party | Left Voice

2020-03-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Joe Biden Is Not All There Mentally. Running Him for President Is Incredibly Dangerous.

2020-03-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Meagan Day, a hard-core Sandernista, has to reconcile that with Bernie 
Sanders being on record as backing Biden if he is the nominee.


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[Marxism] A $60 Billion Housing Grab by Wall Street - The New York Times

2020-03-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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From a long but blockbusting article about Blackstone's role in buying 
foreclosed properties and turning them into rentals that were maintained 
poorly and that evicted people at the drop of a hat. Invitation Homes 
was a Blackstone company that generated billions of dollars in profits. 
It also functioned like a slumlord.


Of all of Invitation Homes’s practices, those that most alarmed Chisholm 
involved habitability issues — poor maintenance and lack of inspections. 
In Georgia, as reported in The Atlantic last year and documented in a 
Face­book video, Rene Valentin and his wife and their two young children 
rented a home with defective piping. Their home flooded six times. Once, 
the water ran six inches high. They say Invitation Homes would pay 
neither for the removal of the mildewed carpeting nor for the family to 
stay in a hotel. (When contacted, the Valentins could not comment for 
this article because they were in negotiations with Invitation Homes.)

As moderator of the group, Chisholm began taking it upon herself to 
intervene on behalf of tenants. She would email blast Stephen 
Schwarzman, the chief executive of Blackstone; Charles Young, the chief 
operating officer of Invitation Homes; Mark Solls, the chief counsel of 
Invitation Homes; and various Blackstone officials who were members of 
the Invitation Homes board. Often, the local office would suddenly 
respond to the issue within hours. (Des­Jarlais, the spokeswoman for 
Invitation Homes, says that if this happened, it was a coincidence.)

So when William Scepkowski, a Marine veteran, sent Chisholm pictures of 
his young daughter’s pink, rashy back, a result of her prolonged 
exposure to toxic mold, Chisholm began emailing. According to Chisholm, 
Scepkowski couldn’t get anywhere with the local office. He moved his 
family to a hotel and at 9 p.m. on a Friday cold-called Schwarzman at 
his office in New York and left a message. The next day, Chisholm says, 
he got a call from Rob Harper, an Invitation Homes board member and 
Blackstone employee, who asked Scepkowski how Blackstone could right the 
situation. Chisholm says Scepkowski eventually settled for enough money 
to put a down payment on a house of his own. (As part of the settlement, 
Scepkowski signed a non­disclosure agreement, so he couldn’t comment for 
this article. Harper declined multiple requests for comment.)



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Re: [Marxism] The real threat of "coronavirus", world hunger, and world politics

2020-03-10 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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I strongly agree with the outlook of your article! A very similar line 
to ours.

Am 09.03.2020 um 20:22 schrieb John Reimann via Marxism:

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A potential of about 70,000 deaths globally from Covid 19 vs. nearly 10
million from hunger and even more from cancer. Which is the greater danger
to world health? Meanwhile, the Chinese government is using this outbreak
to crack down even further and the Chilean government is trying to scare
people off the streets with the virus threat... to no avail as this report


Revolutionär-Kommunistische Organisation BEFREIUNG
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[Marxism] Once again on the Composition of the International Working Class

2020-03-10 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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Once again on the Composition of the International Working Class

Some additional information which confirm the shift away from the old 
imperialist countries towards the South as well as China

Article (with 3 Graphs) by Michael Pröbsting, 10 March 2020


Revolutionär-Kommunistische Organisation BEFREIUNG
(Österreichische Sektion der RCIT, www.thecommunists.net)
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[Marxism] Time to Stop Pretending People With Serious Psychosis Can be "Independent" - CounterPunch.org

2020-03-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(By Patrick Cockburn, who wrote a moving book about the struggles he had 
in providing support to his own son, who is schizophrenic.)


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[Marxism] 'It was just left to the people': behind a chilling documentary on the Flint water crisis | Film | The Guardian

2020-03-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] "moderate" Dems and health care

2020-03-10 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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re the anecdote Dayne passed along (snipped quote below): Tony Mazzocchi
often used that story as evidence of the need for a Labor Party. And health
care was always at the center of the Party's activities.
IMO the corona virus catastrophe could put independent political action
back on the agenda, as unions and allies fight to make the bosses pay for
the crisis.
Dayne wrote:
"It was evident Hillary is thinking a lot about politics.  Can you
realistically tell me, she asked, that there are any big powers that
support single-payer and that can take on the insurance industry’s lobbying
and advertising budget?  “I said, ‘About 70 percent of the U.S. people
favor something like a single-payer system,’” Himmelstein recalls.  “‘With
presidential leadership that can be an overwhelming force.’  She said,
‘David, tell me something interesting.’”
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[Marxism] Does the Scandinavian Model Support Bernie’s Socialist Message? - CounterPunch.org

2020-03-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Behind the Turmoil: Russia Provoked Oil Price Fall to Protect its Markets from US Frackers, which could now Collapse

2020-03-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] What Can We Learn from Vampires and Idiots? | Lefteast

2020-03-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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In what follows, we have republished a chapter from Ilya Budraitskis’s 
new book, Мир, который построил Хантингтон и в котором живем все мы (The 
World Invented by Huntington in which We All Live. Moscow: Tsiolkovsky, 
2020), following a review of the book by Vasily Kuzmin (translated from 
the Russian by Rossen Djagalov). Many thanks to Giuliano Vivaldi for the 
translation of Budraitskis’s own text and to the internet journal 
e-flux, where Vivaldi’s translation first appeared. Kuzmin’s review is 
available in Russian at the bottom of the page.


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[Marxism] [UCE] A Punishment with No End:The Journey of a Working-Class Criminal into Academia

2020-03-10 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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As a criminal man from a working-class background, I am a walking
manifestation of the entanglement of welfare, crime, class, and society.
The problem may be societal, but it casts a stain on my character and my
being. The othering that I experienced in my youth because of my class
background is replicated in adulthood as a working-class

What I cannot help but feel is the ‘violence of class’. The othering that
has dogged my entire life due to my class has acted as the catalyst for
both the good but more profoundly the bad that I have perpetrated and
experienced in my life. Class has underpinned my criminality and its
injurious nature complicates my progression from that identity in the
present day. Justice was served when I was sentenced to imprisonment, yet
injustice punctuates my life since my release.

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