Re: [Marxism] South Africa: A Step towards Dictatorship?

2020-04-06 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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I can only hope that at least some critics would show a bit more 
sensivity for the extraordinary conditions of repression particularly in 
many African countries (but also others). The army is on the streets, 
killing people and so on. African comrades in the slums are living in 
much more difficult conditions than those in North America or Western 

But even in Europe conditions are becoming more repressive: yesterday 
the Austrian government announced a ban for all public meetings, 
demonstrations etc. at least until the end of June. Similar developments 
are taking place in other countries. (Who could have seen this coming?!)

It is also noticable that yesterday the EU defence ministers had a video 
conference to coordinate the role of the military in the current crisis. 

I fear that some of the people who expressed their outrage about my post 
are much less outraged about the banning of public assemblies and 
demonstrations. They probably even support such banning! This is the 
real outrageous thing - at least for people who call themselves progressive!

Am 06.04.2020 um 22:53 schrieb MM via Marxism:

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On Apr 6, 2020, at 6:59 AM, A.R. G via Marxism  

RKOB, I have noticed you have written highly detailed and well-thought out
polemics on imperialism and other topics.

So I have to say I am really flabbergasted to see you posting conspiracy
non-sense from social media when it comes to the COVID-19 issue. What's
going on?!

I have to add that I’m disappointed, although not really surprised, by RKOB’s 
radio silence on this, after Amith’s quite generous intervention. As I wrote on 
March 23rd, in response to an earlier misjudged message from RKOB:

“MP seems to be focused on looking for evidence to confirm a thesis that none 
of us disputes: that ruling forces will attempt to take advantage of the 
crisis. That singular focus, and perhaps a lack of understanding of 
epidemiology and public health, seem to have drawn him dangerously close to the 
brink of conspiracist confirmation bias.”

Unfortunately, I suspect the silence today is due to a frantic search for 
something that can be construed as evidence in support of the debunked hoax. It 
wouldn’t be the first time we’ve seen that happen; the Syrian catastrophe led 
many folks down a path from which they couldn’t return, since doing so would 
have required a more radical and embarrassing reversal than some folks are up 
to. I suppose we should have anticipated that COVID-19 would also have some 
political casualties, over and above the medical ones.
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[Marxism] Declassified Documents Explore Little-Known Political Coup in Latin America

2020-04-06 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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*The Overthrow of Cheddi Jagan in British Guiana*

Cold War concerns about another Communist Cuba in Latin America drove
President John F. Kennedy to approve a covert CIA political campaign to rig
national elections in British Guiana, then a British colony but soon to be
independent, according to declassified documents posted today by the
National Security Archive.

U.S. intelligence concluded that Prime Minister Cheddi Jagan, one of the
main presidential candidates in the upcoming 1964 elections, was a
communist, although not necessarily under the sway of Moscow.
Nevertheless, Kennedy decided Jagan would have to go and urged London to
cooperate in the effort.  As early as mid-1962, JFK informed the British
prime minister that the notion of an independent state led by Jagan
“disturbs us seriously,” adding: “We must be entirely frank in saying that
we simply cannot afford to see another Castro-type regime established in
this Hemisphere. It follows that we should set as our objective an
independent British Guiana under some other leader.”
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[Marxism] OPCW report set to blame Syria chemical attacks on Bashar al-Assad | OPCW | The Guardian

2020-04-06 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Syrian Literary List – John Wreford Photographer

2020-04-06 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Anwar Shaikh: “The Fundamental Questions About Capitalism Seem to be Coming Back”

2020-04-06 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] [SUSPICIOUS MESSAGE] Zowie Howie - Howie Hawkins will probably be the Green Party’s 2020 nominee | United States | The Economist

2020-04-06 Thread John Obrien via Marxism
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This makes no sense:

Is Howie Hawkins actually traveling (by car?)

and there was recently a campaign event in Chicago?

Howie Hawkins, the front-runner for the Green Party’s presidential
nomination, is inclined to look on the bright side. Munching on oatmeal
during a recent campaign visit to Chicago,
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Re: [Marxism] Howie Hawkins statement on COVID-19

2020-04-06 Thread Chris Slee via Marxism
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Howie, have you issued any statements on the US economic blockades against 
countries such as Cuba, Venezuela and Iran? These blockades affect the ability 
of these countries to obtain medicines and medical equipment, amongst many 
other things, and hence their ability to combat COVID-19.

Chris Slee

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[Marxism] [SUSPICIOUS MESSAGE] Zowie Howie - Howie Hawkins will probably be the Green Party’s 2020 nominee | United States | The Economist

2020-04-06 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Howie Hawkins, the front-runner for the Green Party’s presidential 
nomination, is inclined to look on the bright side. Munching on oatmeal 
during a recent campaign visit to Chicago, the genial, white-bearded 
67-year-old lists reasons for his optimism. First comes his record of 
pursuing seemingly lost causes. The ex-Marine, construction worker, 
lorry-unloader and member of the Teamsters says, “I’ve been on the 
unpopular side that proved right in the end several times.”
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Re: [Marxism] South Africa: A Step towards Dictatorship?

2020-04-06 Thread MM via Marxism
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> On Apr 6, 2020, at 6:59 AM, A.R. G via Marxism  
> wrote:
> RKOB, I have noticed you have written highly detailed and well-thought out
> polemics on imperialism and other topics.
> So I have to say I am really flabbergasted to see you posting conspiracy
> non-sense from social media when it comes to the COVID-19 issue. What's
> going on?!

I have to add that I’m disappointed, although not really surprised, by RKOB’s 
radio silence on this, after Amith’s quite generous intervention. As I wrote on 
March 23rd, in response to an earlier misjudged message from RKOB:

“MP seems to be focused on looking for evidence to confirm a thesis that none 
of us disputes: that ruling forces will attempt to take advantage of the 
crisis. That singular focus, and perhaps a lack of understanding of 
epidemiology and public health, seem to have drawn him dangerously close to the 
brink of conspiracist confirmation bias.”

Unfortunately, I suspect the silence today is due to a frantic search for 
something that can be construed as evidence in support of the debunked hoax. It 
wouldn’t be the first time we’ve seen that happen; the Syrian catastrophe led 
many folks down a path from which they couldn’t return, since doing so would 
have required a more radical and embarrassing reversal than some folks are up 
to. I suppose we should have anticipated that COVID-19 would also have some 
political casualties, over and above the medical ones.
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[Marxism] Fwd: H-Net Review [H-Socialisms]: Satyogi on Ahmed, 'Mohandas Gandhi: Experiments in Civil Disobedience'

2020-04-06 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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-- Forwarded message -
From: H-Net Staff via H-REVIEW 
Date: Mon, Apr 6, 2020 at 4:42 PM
Subject: H-Net Review [H-Socialisms]: Satyogi on Ahmed, 'Mohandas Gandhi:
Experiments in Civil Disobedience'
Cc: H-Net Staff 

Talat Ahmed.  Mohandas Gandhi: Experiments in Civil Disobedience.
London  Pluto Press, 2019.  xiii + 193 pp.  $105.00 (cloth), ISBN

Reviewed by Pooja Satyogi (Ambedkar University Delhi)
Published on H-Socialisms (April, 2020)
Commissioned by Gary Roth

Gandhi and Civil Disobedience

Talat Ahmed's political biography of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi's
life is a welcome addition to the existing literature attempting to
theorize his principles of nonviolence and civil disobedience.
Offering a chronological account, as all biographies do, but
differing from them in taking a political position on how Gandhi's
individuated philosophical inclinations routinely undermined mass
movements, Ahmed's book offers readers more than just an exaltation
of Gandhi's life and politics. The book is divided into six chapters
and ends with ruminations about why both "liberal imperialists" (p.
155) like Barack Obama and David Cameron, on the one hand, and
right-wing leaders like the Indian prime minister Narendra Modi, on
the other, find it appealing to invoke Gandhi in their respective
brands of politics. This is important because the assumption in
Ahmed's work is not that Gandhian principles are amenable to easy
appropriation; rather, she hints that Gandhi's politics itself was
checkered and contradictory and leaders who invoke Gandhi, perhaps,
do so with some awareness of their own mottled politics.

Early on Ahmed shows how membership in the Vegetarian Society in
London in 1891 introduced Gandhi to the writings of Henry David
Thoreau on civil disobedience as well as the general beliefs of the
Society about contamination of the body by consumption of meat. The
second only cemented his already existing cultural and caste beliefs
about vegetarianism. The other group that was important for Gandhi
during this early period of formation of beliefs was the Theosophical
Society, which was founded in New York by Madame Helena Petrovna
Blavatsky in 1875. Ahmed tells us that the Society advocated a
"modernised reformed form of Hinduism fused with elements of
Christianity ... a sort of scientific spirituality" (p. 27). The
Society opened up a space for Gandhi to think about religion
politically. Until this moment in his life, his only imagination of
Hinduism was of a religion steeped in superstitious traditions. He
eventually used religion for wider political purposes, but without
letting go of a philosophy of "personal salvation" that religiosity
offered (p. 28). For Ahmed, this early phase allows us to gauge
Gandhi's developing capability for contemplating and critiquing the
self. This is interesting because Gandhi later comes across as
somewhat incapable both of self-reflection and critique, a point duly
noted by Ahmed herself.

Gandhi's political campaigns in South Africa, although not
necessarily successful in their outcomes, have often been hailed as
precursors to the more radical form they would eventually take in
India. With respect to the Franchise Amendment Bill of 1894 that
limited the number of Indians who could vote, we see Gandhi using
constitutional methods of arranging petitions, organizing meetings
with politicians, and writing letters to newspapers to gather support
for Indians. The second campaign, in 1906 in Transvaal, was about the
Boer government's introduction of the Asiatic Law Amendment Ordinance
and the Asiatic Registration Act, which intended to restrict Indian
immigration and allow for deportation. In early attempts of state
surveillance that required compulsory registration and fingerprinting
of all Indians and Chinese above the age of eight, we see Gandhi's
first attempt, Ahmed argues, of seeking mass participation in
disobeying the provisions of the laws. Ahmed further contends that
Gandhi's radical stand was inspired by the Russian Revolution of
1905. And, yet, Gandhi later routinely distanced himself from any
politics of the Left, as Ahmed shows. With respect to the
registration act, which later became the Transvaal Registration Act
of 1907, Gandhi, along with two other colleagues, eventually agreed
to a compromise that stipulated that Indians would register
voluntarily, following which the government would repeal compulsory
registration. The government did not repeal the act, but more
importantly, Gandhi's compromise, Ahmed argues, undermined the unity
achieved by Indians who were divided by class. The undermining of
unity among disparate g

[Marxism] The Virtues | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2020-04-06 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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As long as New York’s movie theaters are closed, I will be pivoting 
toward VOD films that my socially-distancing readers should appreciate. 
With very little to keep you going except Netflix, et al, I hope to keep 
you abreast of films off the beaten track. With that in mind, I highly 
recommend “The Virtues” that is now available through Topic, a streaming 
service backed by First Look Media. First Look Media is part of Pierre 
Omidyar’s left-of-center media empire that also includes Intercept. 
Considered controversial by some, I find Omidyar generally on the side 
of the angels.

“The Virtues” appeared originally as a four-part series on Channel 4 in 
England in 2019. It is the story of Joseph, a working-class guy with a 
troubled past. In the first few minutes of the episode, we see him 
walking over to his ex-wife’s house in Liverpool to have dinner with 
her, her new partner and his 9-year old son from his former marriage. 
Joseph learns over dinner that they are leaving for Australia where they 
plan to start new lives. This means that Joseph will be left alone with 
no social ties, a grim proposition for an alcoholic.


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[Marxism] Fwd: H-Net Review [H-Judaic]: Brumberg Kraus on Labendz and Yanklowitz, 'Jewish Veganism and Vegetarianism: Studies and New Directions'

2020-04-06 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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Best regards,
Andrew Stewart 
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Begin forwarded message:

> From: H-Net Staff via H-REVIEW 
> Date: April 6, 2020 at 4:37:26 AM EDT
> To:
> Cc: H-Net Staff 
> Subject: H-Net Review [H-Judaic]:  Brumberg Kraus on Labendz and  Yanklowitz, 
> 'Jewish Veganism and Vegetarianism: Studies and New Directions'
> Reply-To:
> Jacob Ari Labendz, Shmuly Yanklowitz, eds.  Jewish Veganism and 
> Vegetarianism: Studies and New Directions.  Albany  SUNY Press, 2019. 
> xxiii + 348 pp.  $90.00 (cloth), ISBN 978-1-4384-7361-1.
> Reviewed by Jonathan Brumberg Kraus (Wheaton College)
> Published on H-Judaic (April, 2020)
> Commissioned by Barbara Krawcowicz
> This collection of essays is an outstanding introduction and report 
> on past and current trends in Jewish vegetarianism and Jewish 
> veganism, including many original and thought-provoking reflections 
> on the convergence of animal rights, Jewish traditions, and 
> performances of contemporary Jewish identities, especially through 
> food choices. Hence, it makes a substantial contribution to Jewish 
> food studies, Jewish identity studies, and the comparative cultural 
> study of the ethical treatment of animals. 
> The editors, Jacob Ari Labendz and Shmuly Yanklowitz, leading 
> scholars and activists of the contemporary Jewish vegetarian and 
> vegan food movement (or Jewish "veg'ism," to use Aaron Gross's 
> shorthand for "the spectrum of plant-based diets that run from vegan 
> to ovo-lacto vegetarian," p. 325), have organized their book into two 
> parts. "Studies" is comprised of seven essays on the "historical, 
> literary, and sociological contexts" of Jewish veg'ism from the 
> Talmudic era to modern Israel, Europe, and North America (p. xv). The 
> second part, "New Directions," consists of seven more essays 
> "reflective" of current ethical, theological, and cultural issues and 
> debates in Jewish veg'ism from a variety of perspectives (pp. 
> xv-xvi). Following that is a brief and useful history of the Jewish 
> vegan and vegetarian movements in North America (Sarah Chandler and 
> Jeffrey Cohan), inf which many of the contributors were active 
> participants. They are sandwiched between an introductory essay by 
> Labendz and Yanklowitz and an afterward by Gross that provide a 
> coherent thematic and programmatic framework for the collection as a 
> whole. It is work of scholar activism, which is part of the nature of 
> vegetarian and vegan studies, since most of the scholars in this 
> field have personal commitments to these practices and advocate them 
> generally. However, this in no way diminishes the scholarship in this 
> book. In fact, it enhances it, since the contributors generally not 
> only acknowledge their stake in the game but also use the tools of 
> critical scholarship to distinguish carefully between what the 
> sources in texts and lived practices say and what they would like 
> them to say. 
> In this light, many of the essays are exemplary in the way they 
> present compelling integrations of the authors' personal 
> autobiographies and veg'ist commitments and sound critical 
> scholarship. Particularly successful are the ways Adrienne Krone, 
> Sherry Colb, and Jacob Labendz interweave their personal stories and 
> practices to support the critical points they make in their essays. 
> Irad Ben Isaak's essay on the Yiddish poet Melekh Ravitch's 
> "conversion" to vegetarianism in a way provides a kind of paradigm to 
> recognize the trope of vegetarian or vegan conversion stories typical 
> in the rhetoric of many of the veg'ist essays in this book and other 
> veg'ist writing. It's a thing, as Adrienne Krone points out in her 
> references to the scholarship on the formation of vegan 
> identities.[1] 
> The essays in the book offer a thorough and wide-ranging introduction 
> to Jewish vegan and vegetarian studies. Most of the basic sources for 
> vegan/vegetarian arguments in Jewish interpretation are covered in 
> one or usually more of the essays, namely, vegetarianism as 
> concession in the Bible (Gen 1:29-30; 9:3); the future messianic 
> vision of the lion lying down with the lamb in Isaiah; the concept of 
> _tza'ar ba'alei chayyim_ (not causing pain to animals) in the Talmud 
> and post-Talmudic interpretations; the biblical prohibitions against 
> cooking a kid in its mother's milk and removing a chick from its nest 
> (_kan tzippur_) and their post-Biblical interpretations; and the 
> vegetarian teachings of Rav Kook, to which the fo

[Marxism] Trump, Scorsese, and the Frankfurt School’s Theory of Racket Society - Los Angeles Review of Books

2020-04-06 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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By Frankfurt School scholar Martin Jay.

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[Marxism] John Passant, 1953-2020: a contribution that lives on | Red Flag

2020-04-06 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] There Is No Plan for the End of the Coronavirus Crisis

2020-04-06 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] Howie Hawkins statement on COVID-19

2020-04-06 Thread Howie Hawkins via Marxism
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The statement from me on COVID-19 that was linked here was a fundraising email. 
Although that appeal did note that Trump is failing to do what is needed to get 
medical resources to where they are needed, I have made two more substantive 
statements on the COVID-19 crisis. 

The first on March 3 highlighted the medical resources issue: “Coronavirus 
Crisis Demands Immediate Crash Program and Long-Term Structural Reform of US 
Healthcare System,”

The second on March 18 took on Biden’s statement to Sanders in their last 
debate that Medicare for All is irrelevant to the crisis: “Listen, Biden! 
COVID-19 and Medicare for All," 

As for Andrew Cuomo, under cover of the coronavirus crisis, he just rammed 
through a New York state budget that cuts Medicaid funding, tightens Medicaid 
eligibility, and tripled the requirements for third parties to be on New York 
ballots, among other austerity and autocratic measures. I issued this statement 
about that yesterday: “Andrew Cuomo, Austerity Autocrat,” 

— Howie Hawkins

> Message: 3
> Date: Fri, 3 Apr 2020 18:48:01 -0700
> From: John Reimann < >
> To: Activists and scholars in Marxist tradition
> Subject: Re: [Marxism] Marxism] Howie Hawkins statement on COVID-19
> Message-ID:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> Bernie Sanders-like rattling on about free health care and income
> inequality doesn't address the issue. The main issue at this point to start
> with is lack of hospital beds, supplies and staffing. The issue is
> suppliers holding bidding wars for their products. In other words,
> profiteering. Behind all that, the issue is the collision between
> capitalism and the laws of nature. If thats the best the Green Party has to
> offer, and if our concern is how to get through this crisis, why not hope
> that N.Y. State governor Andrew Cuomo replaces Biden as the Democrats?
> candidate. He might be an anti-labor conservative, but at least he is
> trying to cope with the immediate crisis.
> John Reimann
> -- 
> *?In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.? *from "The Black
> Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
> Check out:https:  
> also on Facebook
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[Marxism] The Practical Policy of Revolutionary Defeatism - COSMONAUT

2020-04-06 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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In April 1964, at a luxury hotel overlooking Lake Geneva, a young Jean 
Ziegler, at that time a communist militant, asked Che Guevara, for whom 
he was serving as chauffeur, if he could come to the Congo with him as a 
fighter in the commandante’s upcoming guerilla campaign. Che replied, 
pointing at the city of Geneva, “Here is the brain of the monster. Your 
fight is here.”1 Che Guevara, though certainly not a first-world 
chauvinist, recognized the crucial role communists in the imperialist 
countries would have to play if the global revolutionary movement were 
to be successful. How then, as communists in close proximity to the 
brain of the monster, or in its belly, as Che is reported to have put it 
on another occasion, can we effectively stand against the interests of 
“our” imperialist governments? The answer to that question is the policy 
of revolutionary defeatism. This article will go over the origins and 
meaning of defeatism, take a look at its complexities with the help of 
some examples, and take up the challenge posed to it by the politics of 
both third-worldism and third-campism.


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[Marxism] COVID-19 should make us rethink our destructive relationship with the natural world.

2020-04-06 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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By Jane Goodall.

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[Marxism] Karl Marx’s Prophetic Longing | The New Republic

2020-04-06 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Putin’s Virus Moment | Lefteast

2020-04-06 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The current situation in Russia has reached “a perfect storm”: the 
pandemic here coincided with the collapse of the national currency, as 
well as the political crisis caused by Vladimir Putin’s proposals to 
change the Constitution. At a time when every world political leader 
seeks to show himself as a sovereign capable of declaring a state of 
emergency and winning the “war” against the virus, Putin demonstrates a 
complete unwillingness to take responsibility for what is happening. At 
the national level, the danger of the coronovirus was recognized only a 
week ago, on March 25, when the president addressed the nation. By that 
time, the number of officially infected people in the country was close 
to one thousand, but it was clear that with the current deplorable state 
of the Russian health care system, the burden on it could become 

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[Marxism] Lives or livelihoods? | Michael Roberts Blog

2020-04-06 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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There are now two billion people across the world living under some form 
of lockdown as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. That’s a quarter of 
the world’s population. The world economy has seen nothing like this. 
Nearly all economic forecasts for global GDP in 2020 are for a 
contraction of 3-5%, as bad if not worse than in the Great Recession of 

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[Marxism] [UCE] Tomgram: Nomi Prins, An All-American Urge to Offer Corporate Welfare | TomDispatch

2020-04-06 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Covid-19 in India...

2020-04-06 Thread Omar Hassan via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] South Africa: A Step towards Dictatorship?

2020-04-06 Thread MM via Marxism
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> On Apr 6, 2020, at 6:41 AM, RKOB via Marxism  
> wrote:
> I would like to draw the attention of readers to the following. Comrades from 
> South Africa just informed me that the government forced social media groups 
> to post following message:

The message being circulated is a hoax:

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[Marxism] General Strike to End the COVID-19 Crisis and Create a New World

2020-04-06 Thread Dayne Goodwin via Marxism
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A Call to Action: Towards a General Strike to End the COVID-19 Crisis
and Create a New World
by Cooperation Jackson
General Strike! No Work, No Shopping Friday, May 1st

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Re: [Marxism] South Africa: A Step towards Dictatorship?

2020-04-06 Thread A.R. G via Marxism
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Fake news, apparently started with India:

RKOB, I have noticed you have written highly detailed and well-thought out
polemics on imperialism and other topics.

So I have to say I am really flabbergasted to see you posting conspiracy
non-sense from social media when it comes to the COVID-19 issue. What's
going on?!

Amith R. Gupta

On Mon, Apr 6, 2020 at 6:48 AM RKOB via Marxism 

> #1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> #2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
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> *
> I would like to draw the attention of readers to the following. Comrades
> from South Africa just informed me that the government forced social
> media groups to post following message:
> "Mandate To All Residents. Tonight  12 ( midnight) onwards Disaster
> Management Act has been implemented across the country. According to
> this update, apart from the Govt department no other citizen is allowed
> to post any update or share any forward related to Coronavirus and it
> being punishable offence.
> Group Admins are requested to post the above update and inform the groups."
> This has gone viral as it suggests that the capitalist government of ANC
> and Stalinist CP plans to suppress that anyone except itself is allowed
> to talk about the COVID-19 issue. (Indeed one TV station already
> interpretated it that way.) All this takes place in the context of the
> reactionary lockdown which the government has imposed for 21 days. As
> soon as I know more I will update comrades.
> In any case it demonstrates once more that COVID-19 is a perfect cover
> for global counterrevolutionary offensive.
> --
> Revolutionär-Kommunistische Organisation BEFREIUNG
> (Österreichische Sektion der RCIT,
> Tel./SMS/WhatsApp/Telegram: +43-650-4068314
> --
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> _
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Re: [Marxism] South Africa: A Step towards Dictatorship?

2020-04-06 Thread Patrick Bond via Marxism

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Comrades, it's vital to get pass along solid information, and this 
simply can't be true. A similarly-worded fake alert along these lines 
was circulated in India a few days ago.

We still have democracy here, albeit 'low intensity,' and we can still 
say all sorts of critical things here. That's because we're mainly 



On 4/6/2020 12:41 PM, RKOB via Marxism wrote:

#1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
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#3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.

I would like to draw the attention of readers to the following. 
Comrades from South Africa just informed me that the government forced 
social media groups to post following message:

"Mandate To All Residents. Tonight  12 ( midnight) onwards Disaster 
Management Act has been implemented across the country. According to 
this update, apart from the Govt department no other citizen is 
allowed to post any update or share any forward related to Coronavirus 
and it being punishable offence.
Group Admins are requested to post the above update and inform the 

This has gone viral as it suggests that the capitalist government of 
ANC and Stalinist CP plans to suppress that anyone except itself is 
allowed to talk about the COVID-19 issue. (Indeed one TV station 
already interpretated it that way.) All this takes place in the 
context of the reactionary lockdown which the government has imposed 
for 21 days. As soon as I know more I will update comrades.

In any case it demonstrates once more that COVID-19 is a perfect cover 
for global counterrevolutionary offensive.

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[Marxism] South Africa: A Step towards Dictatorship?

2020-04-06 Thread RKOB via Marxism

#1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
#2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
#3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.

I would like to draw the attention of readers to the following. Comrades 
from South Africa just informed me that the government forced social 
media groups to post following message:

"Mandate To All Residents. Tonight  12 ( midnight) onwards Disaster 
Management Act has been implemented across the country. According to 
this update, apart from the Govt department no other citizen is allowed 
to post any update or share any forward related to Coronavirus and it 
being punishable offence.

Group Admins are requested to post the above update and inform the groups."

This has gone viral as it suggests that the capitalist government of ANC 
and Stalinist CP plans to suppress that anyone except itself is allowed 
to talk about the COVID-19 issue. (Indeed one TV station already 
interpretated it that way.) All this takes place in the context of the 
reactionary lockdown which the government has imposed for 21 days. As 
soon as I know more I will update comrades.

In any case it demonstrates once more that COVID-19 is a perfect cover 
for global counterrevolutionary offensive.

Revolutionär-Kommunistische Organisation BEFREIUNG
(Österreichische Sektion der RCIT,
Tel./SMS/WhatsApp/Telegram: +43-650-4068314

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