Re: [Marxism] Chicago Police Illegally Denied Protesters Right To Attorney, Phone Call, Top Public Defender Says | Pascal Sabino | Block Club Chicago

2020-06-23 Thread Ralph Johansen via Marxism

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Kevin Lindemann and Cathy Campo wrote

Does this deliberate upping the repressive ante have earmarks of a 
global civil war? What the Chicago authorities are doing is being 
repeated everywhere, and not just because of Trump and his ilk. Trump 
appears to be little more than a harbinger and troubadour for worse to 

Access to legal representation and the media are being attacked in the 
streets as well, shutting off informed access to internal wars just as 
they have done with our external wars, out of sight, out of the middle 
class mind. Will we see less and less up-close filmed revelation of what 
they want to conceal, as it even becomes possible, with the steady 
gutting of civil liberties, that people's i-phones at the scene are on 
flimsy grounds silently confiscated? While information is increasingly 
confined to authorities, with surveillance rampant?

Social control is out of control from top to bottom. I see the alarm 
expressed by a few major media outlets lately as the shocked gasp of 
bourgeois liberalism as to what is to come - before they join their 
confreres in the world of business as it must be.

To spell out some more of it that we may see but don't often enough 
explicitly enumerate, and don't we know that these probabilities are top 
of the destructive, containing forces' agenda in boardrooms, at Davos 
and Bilderberg:

What, after the election, when they no longer will get federal funds to 
those millions strapped, evicted and hungry, as happened in the thirties 
here and is happening elsewhere all over the world; but this time with 
no growth in increased wealth through expansion of profitable 
value-creating production, and instead more and more generation of and 
sequestering of profits of fictitious capital, property speculation, and 
debt manipulation? When state and municipal governments are failing; 
when the first wave surges, then subsides and a second wave of Covid-19 
strikes; when there is no end to savage racism against all with skins 
darker than pink-skinned Caucasians and with little effective power; 
when global poverty hits big with a new depression that leaves 1929 as 
relatively minor occurrence?

What happens when the environmental meltdown begins to come home to 
Americans and Europeans as forced migration deepens from impoverished, 
starved-out areas of the southern hemisphere generally?

And when massive repression is increasingly resorted to through 
capital's immense power in protecting the privileged from surges of 
protest from every direction?

Is this, or an almost irrepressible part of it, not in our future?

If so, what do we plan to do about it? As to the environment, it has 
gone to the point where mitigation is the only viable objective, and as 
it slips further down the sluice ways still nothing's happening to 
confront it, while the profit-generating panaceas of capital are still 
in charge as solutions.

As to preservation of human lives, we seem to have options but for the 
present we flounder, seemingly irretrievably.

Though objective conditions may point to solutions, if we read those 
developments right, when do we see that happening? When do we start to 
piece together the larger picture, rampant, globe-straddling 
transnational corporate power aided by authoritarian, captive 
governments and their ministrations, and begin to understand what 
effective opposition will look like? Will it be too late, because we, 
unlike capital, have not done our deep-shit homework? Looking back 
fondly on glorious past revolutions and Trotskyist solutions, or 
fulminating on Assad and his like, or remarking interminably on 
manifestations of chaos, certainly won't get it.

Slants on the future are supposed to end on a hopeful note, but my god 
that's become more and more difficult.

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[Marxism] Chicago Police Illegally Denied Protesters Right To Attorney, Phone Call, Top Public Defender Says | Pascal Sabino | Block Club Chicago

2020-06-23 Thread Kevin Lindemann and Cathy Campo via Marxism
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