Re: [Marxism] Overview of the war in Ukraine, Feb 6, 2015

2015-02-18 Thread Dayne Goodwin via Marxism
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On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 11:19 AM, Manuel Barrera via Marxism
. . . is disappointing to read how purported revolutionaries cannot
see a revolutionary process, for example in Syria, or a reactionary
one such as in the Ukraine by Putin-supported rightists all because of
the excuse of "geo-politics". . .

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Re: [Marxism] Overview of the war in Ukraine, Feb 6, 2015

2015-02-16 Thread Manuel Barrera via Marxism
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Louis: " The entire international left except me, Andy Pollack, Zbigniew 
Kowalewski and Gabriel Levy support the separatists. Maybe I forgot one or two 
others."Clay: " You can add me to that list. "

The trouble here is not being in a minority, but the arrogance to think that it 
is only a few "others" in opposition to the rightist-Putin movement in the 
Ukraine or  Syria or Libya. Thinking in terms that "only" those who write 
something have a clear understanding of this issue is actually one of the 
greater problems of the "left"; the idea that only White radicals who always 
seem to take up all the oxygen are the who "really understand" and "everybody 
else" either doesn't get it or isn't as committed. It is a part of the problem 
with the Left discourse. 

I don't write extensively on these issues not because I do not share opinions 
or am somehow unclear on issues but simply because it is disappointing to read 
how purported revolutionaries cannot see a revolutionary process, for example 
in Syria, or a reactionary one such as in the Ukraine by Putin-supported 
rightists all because of the excuse of "geo-politics". Alike the almost 
insulting temptation to argue with David Walters on whether nuclear power is 
insanity to support, there is no real necessity to argue with ossified 
almost-Marxists who represent little except themselves. 

I prefer this list because of the rich analyses that do come forward among the 
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Re: [Marxism] Overview of the war in Ukraine, Feb 6, 2015

2015-02-06 Thread Clay Claiborne via Marxism
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On 2/6/2015 7:53 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:
> The entire international left except me, Andy Pollack, Zbigniew
> Kowalewski and Gabriel Levy support the separatists. Maybe I forgot
> one or two others.
You can add me to that list. Only, I don't call them "separatists." How
often are "seperatists" better armed, have heavier and more advanced
weapons, better communications, and a stronger supply chain than the
state they are trying separate from? The joke is that a "Left" that is
so quick to condemn any Libyan or Syrian revolutionary as a US pawn if
they accept as little as 16 bullets from NATO, can see all this
obviously Russian heavy weaponry across the border in Ukraine and still
accept the mythology that these are "seperatists" . [ A mythology which
the Western bourgoise is also clinging too because they don't want to
face the reality that a rival imperailist power is willing to go to the

But it is already clear after the absolute bankruptcy of what passes for
the Left these days on Syria, anything is possible.

I think we should call it like it is and call them what they are:
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Re: [Marxism] Overview of the war in Ukraine, Feb 6, 2015

2015-02-06 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 2/6/15 5:21 PM, Roger Annis via Marxism wrote:

He is not the only
liberal in the U.S. or internationally to understand the stakes in the Ukraine
conflict far better, or in clear contradistinction, to significant sections of
the international left which are indifferent to the conflict or paralyzed by
doubts and hesitations from taking action to oppose it.

Significant sections? Are you for real?

The entire international left except me, Andy Pollack, Zbigniew 
Kowalewski and Gabriel Levy support the separatists. Maybe I forgot one 
or two others.

Frankly, I don't give a shit being in a tiny minority. I only wish I had 
the courage of my convictions in 1977 to tell the SWP leadership that 
they were wrong about the "turn". After that experience, I resolved to 
think and speak for myself.

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[Marxism] Overview of the war in Ukraine, Feb 6, 2015

2015-02-06 Thread Roger Annis via Marxism
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By Roger Annis, Feb 6, 2015


The Kyiv and NATO-driven civil war in
Ukraine is taking new and dangerous turns. The United States is threatening to
significantly increase its military support to Kyiv's army and the
extreme-right militias allied with it, notably in the form of advanced heavy
weapons, including artillery systems and anti-tank weaponry. The NATO countries
as a whole are increasing their military presence in eastern Europe, including
creating rapid-deployment infantry bases.


Increased sanctions against Russia are also
on the agenda, although Russia's capacity to withstand sanctions as well as the
harmful consequences of sanctions on European countries are cooling the
enthusiasm for more sanctions and propelling parallel, military options.


The French president and German chancellor
were in Kyiv yesterday and are in Moscow today in an effort to pressure Russia
to police more heavily the pro-autonomy political movement and self-defense
forces in eastern Ukraine. Minimally, they want Russia to pressure the rebel
movement to return to some variant of the ceasefire agreement reached last
September in Minsk. That agreement, which Russia pressured rebel forces to
accept, was highly unsatisfactory to the people of Ukraine, including the fact
that the government merely used it as a breathing space to recover from the
catastrophic military setback in suffered in late August and to re-arm for a
new offensive.


That new offensive was launched in mid
–January by Kyiv. It quickly became a failure bordering on disaster.
Self-defense forces have repelled it and taken back some of the territory of
Luhansk and Donetsk regions that were conquered by Kyiv last summer. 
they were finally able to take full control of the Donetsk airport. But despite
the setbacks to Kyiv, the regime's army and militias are still heavily armed.
The successes of self-defense forces come at a high price, and civilian areas
continue to suffer from artillery and mortar attacks, including, the world has
learned, the continued use by Kyiv of cluster bombs (shells).


Time continues to run out on Kyiv's war
effort due to its catastrophic economic situation. The hryvnia currency has
gone into freefall in recent days and the ability of the IMF and other
financial agencies to finance the government and therefore its war is more and
more compromised by the failure of the war to produce a decisive result.


The other decisive factor coming into play
are rising antiwar protest across Ukraine. Since the re-launch of Kyiv's
offensive last month, mass expressions of antiwar opposition are taking place
across the country. The New Cold War website publishes some very dramatic


All of these developments are catalogued in
the news and analysis postings to the New Cold website. The reader can
obtain a pretty good overview of the situation in Ukraine and the international
stakes in the conflict by reading the articles there, some written by editors
of the website, others taken from other sources. Some of the key, recent
articles are listed below. Those wishing to read more detail can go to the
recommended websites, including, I underline here, Russia Insider.


A key item posted to the website is the
text of a Feb. 3 interview on Democracy
Now! with Professor Stephen Cohen of New York University and Princeton
University (weblink below). In the interview, Cohen speaks to the stakes in the
war in Ukraine. He says that the U.S. and the other NATO powers are playing
nuclear roulette in their ongoing drive to weaken Russia and seek its
dismemberment. Cohen is a liberal who twice voted for Obama. He is not the only
liberal in the U.S. or internationally to understand the stakes in the Ukraine
conflict far better, or in clear contradistinction, to significant sections of
the international left which are indifferent to the conflict or paralyzed by
doubts and hesitations from taking action to oppose it.


An important but still largely unknown
factor in events is the stance that the new, Greek government will take towards
future sanctions on Russia. Any sanctions by the EU require unanimous consent
of its 28 member countries. Already, the Greek government has stated clearly it
will not be a hand-raiser for whatever the large EU countries choose.
Hopefully, a firm refusal on Greece's part to join the 'blame Russia' crowd,
already rather clearly expressed, will help to clarify matters for waverers and
doubters over the war in Ukraine--those for whom nearly one year of aggression
and war, driven by NATO countries, is not yet enough proof that the imperialist
countries of Europe and North America ar