Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Soviet Cultural Psychology

2009-11-26 Thread Jim Farmelant

On Wed, 25 Nov 2009 11:40:14 -0500 c b  writes:
> On his return to activity, the group began to work their way through
> all the theories of psychology which were contesting the field on 
> the
> world stage: Freud, Piaget, James, ... critiquing them and
> appropriating the insights each had to offer. The group worked
> collaboratively, discussing the problems in a group while one of 
> them
> took notes. To this day it is not possible to be certain about the
> authorship of much of what the group produced in this period. Even
> graduate students were invited to experiment on their own 
> initiative
> and sometimes made key breakthroughs.
> In a 1929 manuscript known as ‘The Crisis in Psychology’ (1997a) 
> they
> critically appropriated the insights of many contending schools of
> psychology, just as Marx had laboriously worked his way through
> everything that had been written about political economy.

Back in Janauary, I wrote a little a bit about the 
"crisis in psychology" as seen by Soviet psychologists 
back in the 1920s and 1930s. See:

As I pointed the Soviet psychologists drew upon both
American behaviorism, as represented by John B. Watson
and the Gestalt school.  Watson was seen as offering
a materialist psychology, which suffered from the
defect of being mechanistic and undialectical.
The Gestalt school offered a dialectical psychology,
but which was idealist.  The Soviet psychologists
were attempting to develop a psychology that
was both materialist and dialectical.

As Andy Blunden piece notes, the
psychology of Lev Vygotsky was
suppressed by Stalin's regime.  In
fact psychology as an independent
discipline was suppressed in the
Soviet Union for at least a couple
of decades.  This, in part at least,
was a consequence of Stalin's
regime opting to support the
'reflexology' of Ivan Pavlov
and Vladimir Bekhterev.
While we in the West tend
to think of Pavlov as having
been a psychologist, he
did not view himself as
such.  He was trained
as a physiologist and
he always saw himself as
a physiologist.  He described
his famous work on conditioned
reflexes as part of the physiology
of the higher nervous system.
He was generally dismissive
of psychology which he
tended to view as a kind
of pseudo-science.

Jim Farmelant

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] The SWP and underconsumptionism

2009-11-26 Thread CeJ
>>CB:  How are the big bourgeoisie making their money , as I assume they
are ? I guess a minority of stocks and bonds could be doing well,
while the majority suck. Or maybe I just don't understand  that the
real money is made in uhhh hedge funds and exotic financial
instruments that aren't stocks and bonds ?<<

I assume they get most of their money by inheriting it. How do they
protect and invest
that wealth? Looks like a lot of them have bet on Buffet to invest it for them.
I don't know how 'protective' that is going to be in the next 5 years.

Active investors seem to be caught up in leveraging and bubbles.

First, they have cheap access to credit, which allows them to
leverage/gear their bets.
Second, they have advanced access to bubbles before the bubbles get too big,
and they have adanced access to knowledge that allows them to exit early.
Third, many have access to inside information--such as when a contract is going
to be awarded, when an arm of a government somewhere is going to be
privatized or
float on a stock market, etc.

It seems many right now are happy to get about 0% on their accumulated
wealth because, hey,
that's better than negative 'returns'. If you get deflation, that
actually means you can make money (that has been the situation for the
wealthiest of investors here in Japan).

OTOH, if we see signs of inflation, there is going to be a 9-11 of
bonds, just you wait and see.

One class of active investor has all that I listed going for them plus
this: they extract their share because they run funds. You know, guys
like Bernie Madoff.


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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] The SWP and underconsumptionism

2009-11-26 Thread CeJ
CB:>>Just a general observation on Obama and the Obama administration
doing things:  Notice that a President has to get Congress to pass
stuff to do any major move, and that there are enough rightwing Dems
to thwart any major progressive moves.  I know the left Obama
skeptics/haters love to ignore this in order to blame Obama for
betraying/failing the left and say I told you so , but...<<

You mean like start WW III? No, actually he doesn't need Congress to do that.
He needs Congress for an official declaration of war, I think. But de facto war,
all it takes is a prez who embraces the imperium, and this one clearly has.

You mean like send 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan? No, he doesn't
need Congressional approval for that either. He needs to go to Congress
periodically to get the required funding, whether regular, supplementary
or covert budgets.

What major piece of legislation has Obama gone to Congress with anyway?
The Health Care bill(s) where he made statements that basically undercut
any stance for universal coverage even before the process began?

You mean close Gitmo? Well, he could order it closed and tell Gates to take
money from the defense budgetS to get it done. He doesn't need Congress to
close it. He could turn over all the detainees to the Hague, but the
Amurkins wouldn't
like them turning loose almost all of them for lack of evidence and
lack of official
charges. And Obama needs the Amurkins on his side.

Hey Amurkins, don't leave all that good work undone--SUPPORT OBAMA FOR


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