[Marxism-Thaxis] The Jewish Question in 19th-20th Century Eastern Europe: 3 bibliographies

2009-12-09 Thread Ralph Dumain
Time for an update on my bibliographies. I've learned, not much to my 
surprise though indeed to my disgust, that I can't bring up the 
subject of Jews in any context without being immediately assaulted by 
bigots. These additional bibliographies reveal more of the extent of 
my interests.

I've already mentioned the first bibliography I publicized:

Marxism & the Jewish Question: Selected Bibliography

This material is testing ground for a number of projects. Not only in 
terms of overt politics, but conceptually, how was historical 
materialism sufficiently evolved or not at any given stage or within 
any given tendency to explain exactly what bound the Jewish 
people--specifically of Europe (and more specifically of Eastern 
Europe, where conditions were worst)--as a people. Could historical 
materialism adequately encompass culture, and conversely, what did 
the culturalists leave out in their conceptualization of their situation?

On the plane of overt politics, one will find an emphasis here on the 
conceptions and policies of the Bolsheviks as compared to the Jewish 
Bundists (on which there is a thought-provoking new book out--more on 
this later).

This is, however, only a portion of the elements needed for a full 
analysis. The late 19th century and early 20th century were filled 
with schemes of religious, cultural, linguistic, and political reform 
and radicalism. There were currents not only of socialism and 
Marxism, but of assimilationism, Zionism, cultural autonomism, 
liberalism, Haskalah (the Jewish Enlightenment)--formulated and 
argued by Jewish intellectuals, all involving different conceptions 
of the nature of the past and contemporaneous communities of European 
Jews and prospects and programs for their future. I attempted to 
cover as many of these currents as I could in my second bibliography:

L. L. 
Zamenhof & the Cultural, Religious, Professional & Political Context 
of 19th-20th Century Eastern European Jewish Intellectuals:
Selected Bibliography

Juxtaposing these two bibliographies suggests the extensiveness and 
complexity of the ideological ferment of the time, a topic which 
stands on its own, though the intellectually vacuous, ideologically 
degenerate, and juvenile politics of the present would gain some 
perspective from a study of this past.

Finally, all of this is related to a specific project. December 15 
will mark the 150th birthday of the creator of the Esperanto 
language, L. L. Zamenhof, a product of this ferment. This weekend I 
will have the opportunity to meet Zamenhof's great-granddaughter, 
itself a remarkable occasion, all the more amazing because all of 
Zamenhof's children were murdered by the Nazis, and his grandson, a 
child at the time, escaped their clutches twice by a hairsbreadth 
(once under the protection of a Catholic priest), to eventually 
produce two daughters. Though Zamenhof is most known for the creation 
of Esperanto, underlying that project was a more general program of 
cultural and religious reform, all stemming from Zamenhof's 
preoccupation with the Jewish question.

Traumatized by the pogroms of 1881, Zamenhof, still a medical 
student, joined the early Zionist movement and embroiled itself in 
its debates. At the time various options--all utopian--were 
considered. Zamenhof opposed establishing settlements in the 
territory that is now Israel, and favored settlement in 
America.  Ultimately he rejected Zionism altogether, and argued 
vigorously for years afterward that the project of settling in the 
Middle East would be either impracticable or disastrous. Another 
project involved the reform and standardization of Yiddish. (Zamenhof 
was born in the same year as Sholem Aleichem.) He gave up on that as 
well. In 1887 he published his first book outlining the basics of 
Esperanto. As the Esperanto movement took off internationally, he 
published two treatises in Russian under a pseudonym, in 1901, 
outlining a program for religious reform and a doctrine called 
"Hilelismo", inspired by Rabbi Hillel's famous aphorism concerning 
the golden rule as the essence of religion. Here the influence of 
Enlightenment thought (Haskalah) is evident, as Zamenhof rejects 
ancient superstitions and outmoded practices. However, Zamenhof's 
arguments were even more trenchant. Not only does he demolish the 
case for Zionism in every way possible, but he engages in a merciless 
demystification of the Jewish people, questioning the continuity that 
allegedly connects the Jewish people of today with their ancient 
homeland, and even questions the basis of their commonality across 
different nations and regions in the present.

Zamenhof enquires as to what binds peoples together in general, and 
in the case of Jews in particular. He settles on language and 
religion as the two shaping principles of peoplehood. This is the 
very obverse of his

[Marxism-Thaxis] Soviet (council)

2009-12-09 Thread c b
Soviet (council)

A soviet (Russian: сове́т, Russian pronunciation: [sɐˈvʲɛt],
"council"[trans 1]) originally was a workers' local council in late
Imperial Russia. According to the official historiography of the
Soviet Union, the first Soviet (in this sense) was organized during
the 1905 Russian Revolution in Ivanovo (Ivanovo region) in May 1905.
However in his memoirs Volin claims that he witnessed the creation of
the St Petersburg Soviet in Saint Petersburg in January 1905. The
councils later evolved under Bolshevik rule, as the main
representative units of the state.

Originally the soviets were a grassroots effort to practice direct
democracy. Russian Marxists made them a medium for organizing against
the state, and between the February and October Revolutions, the
Petrograd Soviet was a powerful force. The slogan Вся власть советам
(Vsya vlast sovyetam; "All power to the soviets" or "All power to the
workers' councils") was used by the Bolsheviks to oppose the
Provisional Government led by Kerensky.

The term also came to be used outside the Soviet Union by some
Marxist-Leninist movements, for example, the Communist Party of
China's efforts in the "Chinese Soviet Republic" immediately prior to
the Long March.

Based on the view of the state implicit in the Bolshevik use of the
term, the word "soviet" naturally extended, or consciously was
extended, to mean in effect any body formed by a group of soviets to
delegate, up a hierarchy of soviets, the authority to express and
effect their will. In this sense, Communist government bodies at local
and republic levels (but in the Russian federated republic, local,
republic, and federated republic levels) were called "soviets", and at
the top of the hierarchy, the Congress of Soviets was the nominal core
of the Union government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics,
officially formed in December 1922. However, the Communist Party
officially played the "leading role" in society and the soviets were
in practice subordinate to it.

Later, in the Soviet Union local governmental bodies were named
"soviet" (sovet: "council") with the adjective indicating of the
administrative level, customarily abbreviated : gorsovet (gorodskoy
sovet: city council), raysovet/raisovet (rayonny sovet: raion
council), selsovet: rural council, possovet (poselkovy sovet:
settlement council).

[edit] Translations
^ Ukrainian: рада (rada); Belarusian: савет; Uzbek: совет; Kazakh:
совет/кеңес; Azerbaijani: совет; Lithuanian: taryba; Moldovan: совиет;
Latvian: padome; Kyrgyz: совет; Estonian: nõukogu
[edit] Further reading
Edward Acton Rethinking the Russian Revolution 1990 Oxford University
Press ISBN 0713165308
Tony Cliff Lenin: All Power to the Soviets 1976 Pluto Press
Voline The Unknown Revolution Black Rose Books
Rex A. Wade The Russian Revolution, 1917 2005 Cambridge University
Press ISBN 0521841550
[edit] See also
Congress of Soviets
Workers' council
Soviet democracy
Council communism
Participatory democracy
Workers' control
Rada (Ukrainian equivalent)
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_(council)"
Categories: Soviet phraseology | History of the Soviet Union and
Soviet Russia | History of Russia | Russian words and phrases |
Russian loanwords | Communism | Socialism | Management
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Articles containing Uzbek language text | Articles containing Kazakh
language text | Articles containing Azerbaijani language text |
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Moldovan language text | Articles containing Latvian language text |
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Estonian language text | Articles lacking sources from November 2008 |
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[Marxism-Thaxis] Nurses unions join together for more clout

2009-12-09 Thread c b
Nurses unions join together for more clout
Victoria Colliver, Staff Writer San Francisco Chronicle Tuesday,
December 8, 2009

Nurses from three unions, including the powerful California Nurses
Association, have founded a new national union to influence national
health care policies and try to extend California's patient ratio law
into other states.

Organizers said the 150,000-member National Nurses United, the largest
professional union for registered nurses in the country, will also
flex its power to push for a stronger voice in the health care
overhaul process going on in Congress and the expansion of
representation for nonunion nurses.

The merger, approved Monday at a convention in Phoenix, combines the
California union, which has 83,000 members in several states, with the
Massachusetts Nurses Union, with 23,000 members, and the 45,000
members from the United American Nurses, who work primarily in the
Midwest. The unions will continue to operate separately, but will be
aligned under the larger umbrella of National Nurses United. Pushing
health reform

The union's creation, which has been eight months in the works, comes
at a time when the country is involved in a debate over how to
overhaul the nation's health care system.

"We're just thrilled we are finally all moving forward together, and
we're expecting we will be able to play a much bigger role in the
health care debate in the future," said Karen Higgins, a Massachusetts
nurse who is one of three organizers elected president of National
Nurses United.

The nurses, while virtually uniformly in favor of a national or
single-payer health care system, a concept that is not on the table in
Washington, say they also want a larger voice in setting policies that
affect patient care and the quality of health services.

Critics questioned whether the new "super union" is merely an attempt
by the already powerful bargaining groups to add to their membership
and maintain job security. At a time when health care costs are in the
spotlight, some questioned whether the merger could actually add to
the price of health care.

"They could increase the cost of health care if they use their
leverage to negotiate higher salaries," said Steven Rousso, principal
with HFS Consultants, an Oakland financial consulting firm for clinics
and hospitals. He said 70 percent of a hospital's operating costs is
consumed by salaries, with two-thirds of that devoted to earnings by
registered nurses and other nursing staff members.

The California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee
and an increased demand for nurses, partially brought on by the
union's push for a California law that establishes nurse-to-patient
ratios, have been largely credited with helping to dramatically raise
nurses' salaries.

The average income for a California nurse rose from $59,937 in 2004 to
$81,428 last year, with about a fifth of registered nurses reporting
salaries of more than $100,000, according to the California Board of
Registered Nursing's 2008 survey of nurses. National studies have
shown that nurses who are represented by a union make an average of 5
to 10 percent more than nonunion members.

Rousso also dismissed California's nurse-to-patient staffing ratios as
"job security," and said there is little evidence that it improves
patient care. The ratio law was phased in starting in 2004 and is
still the only such law in the country.

Officials from the California Nurses Association rejected the notion
that ratios don't improve patient care, citing studies that support
their position as well as the introduction of legislation this year by
Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., that would extend those ratios
nationwide. Tough tactics

The state association and other nurses unions have been controversial
because critics, including some nurses, don't believe that first-line
caregivers should ever go on strike. Others don't always support
unions' tough negotiation and organizing tactics.

"But love them or hate them, you have to respect them," Joanne Spetz,
an economist and faculty researcher at UCSF Center for the Health
Professions said of the California group. "A nurse or health
administrator might not like their tactics or them as an organization,
but they're effective. They have a strong vision and they carry it
forth very actively."

Spetz said she is uncertain whether the new, larger union would have
an impact on national health policy.

"A hundred and fifty thousand nurses is big, but there are 3 million
nurses in the U.S.," she said.


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[Marxism-Thaxis] SOLIDARITY with the Andiamos restaurant workers.

2009-12-09 Thread c b

 Please pay atention to this call for SOLIDARITY with the Andiamos
restaurant workers.
Current economic conditions & the upcoming Christmas Holidays demand that we
plan our
Christmas gatherings carefully. And in such way that we spend our dollars in
that treat their employees with respect and dignity. Let's take our
to businesses that respect WORKER RIGHTS and thus, HUMAN RIGHTS.

Por favor pongan atencion a este llamdo de SOLIDARIDAD con los empleados del
restaurante Andiamos.
Las condiciones economicas actuales y los proximos dias festivos requieren
que planifiquemos nuestras
reuniones navideñas con cautela. Y de tal manera que consumamos en
restaurantes que traten a sus
empleados con respeto y dignidad. Utilizemos nuestro PODER ADQUISITIVO
consumiendo en negocios


Latinos Unidos/United de Michigan
P.O. Box 28204
Detroit Michigan 48228


From: Justice at Andiamos [mailto:justiceatandia...@gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, December 06, 2009 5:24 PM
To: michigani...@rocunited.org
Subject: just...@andiamos: Weekly Update & Events

Dear Friends,

Thank you for coming out to last week’s protest!  At over 80 people strong
we’re keeping the pressure on Andiamo!  Thank you also for your support of
the mother who was retaliated against.  Thanks to your generosity, we raised
$446 at Friday’s protest!  Here are this week’s updates and how you can get


This Week’s Protest!

We will be having our weekly protest this Friday, December 11th from 7-8 pm
outside Andiamo Dearborn Restaurant, 21400 Michigan Avenue, Dearborn, MI
48126.  Please join us for some good old fashioned justice and workers
rights holiday carols! (Song sheets will be distributed at the protest!)

Here's a link to the map:



If you can bring a bullhorn, drum, or cowbell please email us at:
michigani...@rocunited.org  Also, if you're planning on coming out to the
protest, give us a heads up if you can.  It will help with planning:
michigani...@rocunited.org.  If you can't let us know if advance - no prob!
Just come and we'll be glad to see you!

Thanks and hope to see you on Friday at 7 pm!

This Week’s Holiday Party & Kickoff Celebration for Andiamo Workers!!

Come one, come all!  Bring a friend and make a friend!  This Sunday,
December 13th from 7-9 pm, we’ll be having a holiday party “Drink(s) for
Justice!” at McCarthy’s Pub (1600 W. Fort) in Detroit!  We’ll be celebrating
the restaurant workers organizing at Andiamo Restaurant and their growing
movement for fairness and dignity for all restaurant workers!

In addition to beers on tap, we’ll also be serving fresh bread, salad, and
THE BEST homemade hearty veggie soup you’ve ever tasted – courtesy of the
Wobbly Kitchen!  Come meet the workers from Andiamo, your fellow protesters,
and warm your stomach and your soul with food, music, beers, and justice!

Suggested Donation:  $10 per person

All proceeds from the holiday party and fundraiser will go to Bertha, a
mother of five, leader, and Andiamo cook who had her hours severely cut
after participating in a protest for her rights

Here’s a link to the map:



Directions:  McCarthy’s is at the corner of W. Fort and 10th, between Rosa
Parks & Trumbull streets


Over the next few weeks, we are in the process of putting together an online
community where restaurant workers and their supporters can share
experiences and stories relating to the campaign.  As part of this, we are
trying to gather photos, etc, that people have taken of the protests and
campaign events.  Do you have photos you’ve taken at protests?  If so,
please email them to us:  michigani...@rocunited.org.  Thanks!


Are you social media savvy?  We need you!  : ) We’re looking for creative
ways to use technology and the internet to reach out to restaurant workers,
their supporters, and consumers about the campaign.  Inter

[Marxism-Thaxis] Police Violence & the Capitalist State

2009-12-09 Thread c b
Workers World Public Forum

Commemorating the 40th anniversary of the FBI/police murder of Black
Panther Party leader Fred Hampton

Police Violence & the Capitalist State




Saturday - December 12, 2009 - 5 P.M.

5920 Second Avenue (at Antoinette, just north of WSU)

Dinner served at 5 PM

sponsored by: Workers World Party 313-671-3715


Family of the Victims of the FBI attack - the real crime of Imam
Luqman Ameen Abdullah - feeding the poor and housing the homeless and
the need for a mass movement to defend the arrested members of Mosque

Sandra Hines (Detroit Coalition Against Police Brutality) - police
violence and the worsening economic crisis.

Andrea Egypt (Michigan Emergency Committee Against War & Injustice) -
the connection between the wars abroad and the war at home.

Abayomi Azikiwe (Editor of Pan African News Wire and Contributing
Editor to Workers World newspaper) - the nature of the police and FBI
in a capitalist state where violence is used to suppress the working
class and oppressed people.  Also the history of FBI/police spying,
entrapment and assassination against the African American community.

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[Marxism-Thaxis] US/EPA change on climate change

2009-12-09 Thread c b
EPA head: US must make up for lost time on climate
By JOHN HEILPRIN, Associated Press Writer John Heilprin, Associated
Press Writer 6 mins ago
COPENHAGEN – The top U.S. environmental official told a divided U.N.
climate conference Wednesday that the Obama administration's moves to
"make up for lost time" and cut greenhouse gases would complement
congressional action and wasn't intended to bypass recalcitrant

The comments by Environmental Protection Agency chief Lisa Jackson
came on the same day that the tiny Pacific island nation of Tuvalu —
which would be among the first victims of rising seas — was rebuffed
by the conference in an attempt to demand strong action against major
polluting countries.

Jackson suggested the EPA's decision Monday that greenhouse gases
should be regulated would be a dual path of action by the Obama
administration and Congress.

"This is not an either/or moment. This is a both/and moment," she told
more than 100 people who packed a U.S. meeting room in the conference

The EPA determined Monday that scientific evidence clearly shows they
are endangering the health of Americans, and that the pollutants —
mainly carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels — should be regulated
under the Clean Air Act. That means the EPA could regulate those gases
without the approval of Congress.

The EPA decision was welcomed by other nations in Copenhagen that have
called on the U.S. to boost its efforts to cut greenhouse gas
emissions, because it seemed President Barack Obama could act more
quickly and bypass legislation slowly working through Congress.

The full Senate has yet to take up legislation that cleared its
environment committee and calls for greenhouse gases to be cut by 20
percent by 2020, a target that was scaled back to 17 percent in the
House after opposition from coal-state Democrats.

"We have been fighting to make up for lost time," Jackson said,
referring to the Bush administration's rejection of the 1997 Kyoto
Protocol, which limited the greenhouse emissions of industrial

Jackson said "we need legislation" to remove any uncertainty that
businesses might have.

"The reason for legislation is to take that question out of their
minds," she said. "We will work closely with our Congress to pass
legislation to lower our greenhouse gases more than 80 percent by

The U.S. intends to make "reasonable efforts" and also "meaningful,
common-sense steps" to cut emissions, Jackson said, without giving

U.S. business groups have strongly argued against tackling global
warming through the Clean Air Act, saying it is less flexible and more
costly than the cap-and-trade legislation being considered by
Congress. Any regulations from the EPA are certain to spawn lawsuits
and a lengthy legal fights.

Negotiators at the 192-nation U.N. conference in Copenhagen are
working to bridge the chasm between rich and poor countries over how
to share the burden of fighting climate change.

Tuvalu proposed amending the U.N. climate treaty to require the
world's nations to keep the rise in temperatures to below 1.5 degrees
Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial levels. Rich
countries have set 2 degrees C (3.6 degrees F) as a target.

The Danish conference president, Connie Hedegaard, declined to advance
Tuvalu's proposal, after objections from other nations, including oil
producers, who would be hurt by the required strict limits on burning
fossil fuels. Consensus is needed for taking such actions.

Tuvalu and other low-lying oceanic nations will be the first victims
of rising seas, as warmer temperatures make oceans expand, melt
glaciers and create more extreme weather.

"Our future rests on the outcome of this meeting," said Tuvalu delegate Ian Fry.

Getting an agreement that satisfies both rich and poor nations would
not be easy, said Todd Stern, the top U.S. climate envoy. "But I think
an agreement is there to be had if we do this right," he added.

Lumumba Di-Aping of Sudan, the head of the 135-nation bloc of
developing countries, said the $10 billion a year that has been
proposed to help poor nations fight climate change paled in comparison
to the more than $1 trillion already spent to rescue financial

"If this is the greatest risk that humanity faces, then how do you
explain $10 billion?" he said. "Ten billion will not buy developing
countries' citizens enough coffins."

Small island nations, poor countries and those seeking money from the
developed world to preserve their tropical forests were among those
upset over competing draft texts attributed to Denmark and China
outlining proposed outcomes for the historic summit, which runs
through Dec. 18. China has recently overtaken the U.S. as the world's
top greenhouse gas emitter.

Some of the poorest nations feared they would bear too much of the
burden to curb greenhouse gases. They are seeking billions of dollars
in aid from the wealthy countries to deal with climate change, 

[Marxism-Thaxis] Reform Wall Street Now!

2009-12-09 Thread c b
No doubt , this is not enough.



Our nation's economy is just now beginning to recover from the
freefall caused by Wall Street's unfettered greed.  Most economists
agree that if there had been honest federal oversight this crisis
could have been avoided.

This week Congress will try to create the kind of oversight we need by
passing the "Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009"
(H.R. 4173).  Democrats and Republicans agree that this kind of
oversight is needed, but the banking and Wall Street lobbyists are
fighting reform and oversight with everything they have.

We need to fight back against the moneyed special interests.  Please
take a moment to call or email your Member of Congress.
•   Click here to send an email directly to your Member of Congress
using our draft email, or compose your own.

•   Call your Member at 202-224-3121 and tell him/her that it is time to
stop bailing out Wall Street, and look out for the best interests of
Main Street.

H.R. 4173 is a bill that responds to the recent economic crisis by
modernizing America's financial regulations while addressing the many
causes - from predatory lending to unregulated derivatives - that led
to last year's meltdown.

A critical component of the bill is the creation of a strong Consumer
Financial Protection Agency (CFPA) whose sole responsibility is to
protect consumers from discriminatory and predatory lending practices.
 The CFPA would work with states to establish a "floor" and not a
"ceiling" on states' right to take action, while providing greater
protection to low and middle income families who are at the greatest
risk of predatory lending.

In light of the damage done by the financial and economic crisis,
consumers need a single agency that can be trusted - one that will
centralize and strengthen existing regulation, hold banks responsible
for their lending practices, and fill in the gaps where existing laws
have failed.

Today, there are more than seven agencies tasked with oversight of
financial services institutions, yet not one of them enforced laws to
protect consumers and eliminate discrimination in lending practices.
These agencies also went out of their way to prevent state regulators
from picking up the slack.  This is unacceptable.

Email http://www.keystoneprogress.org/page/speakout/pawallst or call
your representative at 202-224-3121 and tell him/her that it is time
to stop bailing out Wall Street, and look out for the best interests
of Main Street.  Tell him/her to help safeguard families from unfair
lending practices by passing H.R. 4173, the "Wall Street Reform and
Consumer Protection Act of 2009," with a strong Consumer Financial
Protection Agency.

Michael Morrill
www.keystoneprogress.org --

© 2008 KeystoneProgress.org. All rights reserved.

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Soviet Cultural Psychology: Dialects and dialectics

2009-12-09 Thread c b
'Is you is or is you ain't my baby" is in the Negro American English
dialect from the 1940's or so.

I've always been curious as to whether or what might be the non-joke
pun significance of "dialect" and "dialectics".

In the context of discussion of the relationship between language and
thought, and dialectician Blunden, I wonder is there is a dialectic of


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[Marxism-Thaxis] Is we or is we ain't

2009-12-09 Thread c b
 (was Re: Marxism-Thaxis Digest, Vol 74, Issue 3)
CeJ jannuzi

OTOH, Japan just reported that the growth came in way under what was
initially reported--so maybe Japan is still in a recession--or soon
will be, AGAIN.

CB: That's why it's "is they or is they ain't ?" (smile)


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[Marxism-Thaxis] Comrade Victor Jara

2009-12-09 Thread c b
The Power of Song - Victor Jara Laid to Rest 36 Years
After Murder - Pete Seeger Speaks About Victor Jara

The body of Victor Jara was finally laid to rest today
36 years after he was tortured and murdered in the US-
backed military coup that brought General Pinochet to
power. Jara was a much loved folk singer and composer
and also a member of the Chilean Communist Party.
Thousands of people including his British born wife
Joan and the Chilean president  attended the funeral.
For a full account of the funeral see the BBCs news
website.Pete Seeger said of him 'As long as we can sing
his songs ,Victor Jara will never die'.

Please check the link below to watch a short footage of
Pete Seeger speaking about Victor:

A work-in-progress documental By John Summa and John

Second funeral held for Chilean activist Victor Jara


A funeral has been held in the Chilean capital for
Victor Jara, a folk singer and political activist who
became a symbol of opposition to the military
government of General Augusto Pinochet.

Mr Jara was arrested, tortured and killed just days
after the coup that brought Pinochet to power in 1973.

Earlier this year his body was exhumed as part of the
investigation into his murder.

Gideon Long reports from Santiago.



Portside aims to provide material of interest
to people on the left that will help them to
interpret the world and to change it.

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Is we or is we ain't (was Re: Marxism-Thaxis Digest, Vol 74, Issue 3)

2009-12-09 Thread CeJ
OTOH, Japan just reported that the growth came in way under what was
initially reported--so maybe Japan is still in a recession--or soon
will be, AGAIN.


Japan Higher Education Outlook

We are Feral Cats

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