[Marxism-Thaxis] an·tag·o·nist

2010-03-24 Thread CeJ
Taking on the insights of psycho-phenomenlogical work as well as
political philosophy, while going back to Spinoza (not Descartes) for
philosophical precedents, post-strucuralists like Deleuze came up with
something a bit more to the point about our current situation. That
is, how to explain the continued, near unchallenged dominance of
capitalism, but also the key role of capitalist governments (under the
labels of 'liberal democracy' and 'republic'). If you look back at
what I earlier posted, this excerpt. Other than short pieces quoted on
internet discussion lists like this, I haven't read Naomi Klein's
stuff on 'crisis capitalism', but I think this is where this comes
from--of course it might just come from Michael Moore, who apparently
got it from a British old school socialist in the Labour Party, who
seemed to base it on his understanding of how Nazis and Fascists came
to power but also as well how the Tories upended the Labour Party of
the 1970s (please note I edited this for clarity as it appears to have
been written in unidiomatic English and had misspellings):


In his preface to the
French publication of Negri 1992, Deleuze called this tradition a
"juridicism" which Spinoza opposed as himself. This implies four
things: 1) that forces have an individual or private origin, 2) that
they must be socialized, 3) that there is a mediation of Power
(potestas ) and 4) that being is inseparable from a crisis, a war or
antagonism for which Power is presented as the solution, but an
"antagonistic solution" (like in Hobbes’ contract), that never will be
abolished if its conditions (of capital) are not.


I think it's a pretty good way of dealing with the European complaint
about working class Americans and how they seem to be acting against
their own good. Up until recently, it was Republican party figures who
seemed to be the best antagonistic 'solution' to the America that
white working class Americans were living in. They would rather live
in the antagonistic discipline of the Republican Party (patriotism,
militarism, low taxes for small businesses, fundamentalist nationalism
that dares to call itself that, religious fundamentalism that is tied
up with this, etc.) and its governments than face the US that people
like Mondale, Gore or Kerry envision.

I'm sure I'm pushing it too far, but if we can't ground this what
people are experiencing now, then I would rather throw bricks or


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[Marxism-Thaxis] The People versus the Financial Monopolies

2010-03-24 Thread c b
The Banks and Wall Street are making the plans and pulling the strings!

Detroit Mayor Bing and Emergency Financial Dictator Robert Bobb are their tools



Behind Mayor Bing and Robert Bobb stand the big banks and corporate
firms - sometimes working through "non-profits" like the Skillman and
Kresge foundations.  They have launched a wholesale attack against the
people of Detroit, our democratically elected bodies (School Board and
Pension Fund Trustees), our unions, our homes and schools - our very
right to live.  We already gave these banks trillions of dollars in
tax money bailouts.  Now they are back for more.


Come to a community SPEAK OUT and raise your issues. Then let's plan
how to create a UNITED FRONT to stop them in their tracks!

SATURDAY - MARCH 27, 2010 - 1 P.M.

Central United Methodist Church - 2nd Floor

We _shall_ overcome

When antagonism goes over to rapture.

Sponsored by: Moratorium NOW! Coalition to Stop Foreclosures,
Evictions & Utility Shutoffs

Up and out of poverty , now

313-680-5508  moratorium-mi.org

 Power to the Workers' Councils

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] an·tag·o·nist Sorry Charlie , Just nailed it down

2010-03-24 Thread Waistline2
Antagonism is the basis of destruction and a form of transition to a new  
mode of production. It is a form of resolution of relations of production 
that  have entered into collision with qualitatively changing productive 
forces. (see  productive forces) 
In class society, the collision between qualitatively new productive forces 
 and old relations of production, cannot be resolved based on the struggle  
between the two classes constituting the old relations of production.   
Resolution takes place outside - external, the contradiction that is  the two 
classes constituting old relations of production. The external  agent is the 
new classes connected to the new means of production. Resolution is  
negation  by destruction of the two old classes and their property  form.. 
"The bourgeois mode of production is the last antagonistic form of the  
social process of production – antagonistic not in the sense of individual  
antagonism but of an antagonism that emanates from the individuals' social  
conditions of existence – but the productive forces developing within bourgeois 
 society create also the material conditions for a solution of this  
antagonism.(Marx).  (see Dialectics: quantity, quality, the antagonistic  

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] an·tag·o·nist

2010-03-24 Thread Waistline2

In a message dated 3/24/2010 9:34:31 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
cb31...@gmail.com writes:

CB: Well, a contradiction is sort of ripe to be superceded (sorry  
Althusser) when it is an antagonism. So, in this sense it is more _ready_ for  
resolution than a non-antagonistic contradiction. But in its state of 
it is not resolved, it is still in contradiction, sharp contradiction. 
Another problem with this is that it is using "antagonism" in contradiction 
 (ha) with the its standard, let alone Marxist, dictionary definition.
The presumption is that non-antagonistic and antagonistic contradiction is  
a misunderstanding of society transition form one mode of production to 
another;  a historical error. Sorry Soviet Textbook. Sorry Chairman Mao. Sorry 
old school  Marxists. Contradiction or rather contradiction in internal to a 
process -  quality, is just that, no more no less. Each stage in the 
development of  contradiction, prepares the basis for its further development 
resolution.  The problem is that the bourgeoisie evolve as a contradiction 
and are birthed in  antagonism with the feudal order and its underlying 
Fpr CB
Antagonism: 7.0 
Antagonism is the basis of destruction and a form of transition to a new  
mode of production. It is a form of resolution of relations of production  
property as these relations enters into collision with qualitatively  changing 
productive forces. That is to say the conflict between  qualitatively new 
productive forces and old relations of  production in a  class society, 
cannot be resolved based on the struggle between the two  classes constituting 
the old relations of production. Resolution takes place  outside - external, 
the contradiction of the two classes constituting old  relations of 
production. Resolution is negation by destruction of the two old  classes and 
property form.. 
"The bourgeois mode of production is the last antagonistic form of the  
social process of production – antagonistic not in the sense of individual  
antagonism but of an antagonism that emanates from the individuals' social  
conditions of existence – but the productive forces developing within bourgeois 
 society create also the material conditions for a solution of this  
antagonism.(Marx).  (see Dialectics: quantity, quality, the antagonistic  
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I believe the above is much more accurate, but who can understand it except 
 those studied in Marxism. Which defeats the purpose of a glossary and 
converts  it into a dictionary of Marxist Thought. 

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] 7.0 - correction

2010-03-24 Thread Waistline2

Antagonism as a form of resolution means it is not a  form of  resolution 
of contradiction. 
It is a form of resolution of property as  this property form enters  into 
contradiction with qualitatively changing productive forces. That is to say  
the contradiction is between productive forces and relations of production, 
in a  class society. Resolution of this contradiction is negation by 
destruction of  the previous existing relations of production and property 
This form of  resolution is not simply sublating.

Antagonism as a form of resolution means it is not a  form of   resolution 
of contradiction, as the basic classes underlying a mode of   production. 
It is a form of resolution of property as  this property form   enters into 
contradiction with qualitatively changing productive forces. That  is  to 
say the contradiction is between productive forces and relations  of  
production, in a class society. Resolution of this contradiction is  negation 
destruction of the previous existing relations of production and  property 
forms.  This form of resolution is not simply sublating.

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[Marxism-Thaxis] 7.0

2010-03-24 Thread Waistline2
Th definitions used in discussion with CB are from 7.0. Completed final  
draft is 9.0 
Ralph suggestions were implemented. 
Specifically. Anarcho -syndicalism was taken out and placed in Section  2. 
Might need to be eliminated all together as an old battle not worthy of  
National Liberation as an epochal movement is taken up under: National  
Liberation. In turn the word epoch needs to be defined as it is used. 
Chauvinism says: (see national chauvinism and white chauvinism). Under  
white chauvinism is an explanation of white supremacy which becomes white  
chauvinism on the basis of the rise of financial imperialism. Male supremacy  
displaces the concept "male chauvinism." 
Contradiction is to be slightly rewritten. 
base and superstructure were rewritten as a concept of the interplay  
between the political superstructure - rather than the ideological sphere and  
the material activity of people producing - with the property relations within 
 the act of production. Not satisfied but: 
base (economic) and superstructure: (political) 
The base of society is the way people relate to one another in the  
reproduction of their lives and their means of life; in other words, the  
productive relations. Classes are an aspect of these productive relations.  
People do 
not relate on just any basis. They relate to one another through their  
mutual relation to property. This in turn defines the society. A state, a legal 
 system, social institutions and ideas are reformed and recast, 
corresponding  with cabbages in the base of society. These elements of the 
system - 
state,  legal system, political and cultural institutions,  make up what we 
call  the superstructure. The superstructure reflects, protects, organizes and  
strengthens the base.
Materialist dialectics to be reworked, probably to no avail. 
On the question of Soviet socialism it is defined under the indexes Soviet  
I and Soviet II, rather than being given mention under communism. 
Antagonism is being reconsidered for clarity but I believe old  Marxist 
with their conception of its meaning cannot agree with antagonism  as a form of 
resolution. Antagonism as a form of resolution means it is not a  form of 
resolution of contradiction. It is a form of resolution of property as  this 
property form enters into contradiction with qualitatively changing  
productive forces. That is to say the contradiction is between productive 
and relations of production, in a class society. Resolution of this  
contradiction is negation by destruction of the previous existing relations of  
production and property forms. This form of resolution is not simply sublating. 
Oh well. 
Racing to March 31. 

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Reform to revolution Industrial Revolution

2010-03-24 Thread Waistline2

In a message dated 3/24/2010 9:51:20 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
cb31...@gmail.com writes:

CB: Would you say that these changes that don't change the  system's
essential quality are quantitative changes ?
WL. Yes. These quantitative changes are quantitative in relationship to a  
distinct quality. What is the quality? The quality indicated is industrial  
configuration of means of production. The example given is Ford  Motors 
introduction of assembly line production.  
>> If so, how is it that the bourgeoisie are constantly  "revolutionizing"
the instruments of production ? A "revolution" implies  qualitative
Because the industrial revolution began with the steam engine. The  
qualitative change in question is the individual revolution.. John Case did an  
excellent article for Political Affairs outlining the technology advance  that 
is the industrial revolution. Means of production are always developed - in  
the case of the bourgeoisie - further revolutionized, as the long history 
of the  progressive accumulation of productive forces. That is to say the 
means of  production can be further developed - revolutionized, upon the basis 
of an  existing configuration, without changing the essential quality of the 
Industrial Revolution: 
The industrial revolution was the motive force underlying transition from  
agrarian society - feudalism to industrial capitalist society. The 
industrial  revolution ushered in a whole new stage of development off means of 
production;  a universal society system of wage labor and primary wealth in 
capital (mode of  production). However, it was the class struggle and the 
different outcomes of  various political revolutions of that epoch of 
that determined  whether society would industrialize in favor of the masses of 
people or the  capitalists. 
"The Industrial Revolution was a period from the 18th to the 19th century  
where major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, and transport had 
a  profound effect on the socioeconomic and cultural conditions starting in 
the  United Kingdom, then subsequently spreading throughout Europe, North 
America,  and eventually the world. The onset of the Industrial Revolution 
marked a major  turning point in human history; almost every aspect of daily 
life was eventually  influenced in some way." 
The introduction of steam power fuelled primarily by coal, wider  
utilization of water wheels and powered machinery (mainly in textile  
underpinned the dramatic increases in production capacity.[3] The  
development of all-metal machine tools in the first two decades of the 19th  
facilitated the manufacture of more production machines for  manufacturing 
in other industries. The effects spread throughout Western Europe  and North 
America during the 19th century, eventually affecting most of the  world, a 
process that continues as industrialization. The impact of this change  on 
society was enormous.[4] 
The first Industrial Revolution, which began in the 18th century, merged  
into the Second Industrial Revolution around 1850, when technological and  
economic progress gained momentum with the development of steam-powered ships, 
 railways, and later in the 19th century with the internal combustion 
engine and  electrical power generation. 

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Class antagonism as class struggle (Money)

2010-03-24 Thread Waistline2

In a message dated 3/24/2010 9:26:27 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
cb31...@gmail.com writes:

CB: There has been commodity production and exchange, production  for
exchange not use by the producer, since the first  master/slave
societies. The term "proletariat" is from Rome, so presumably  there
were proletarians, wage-laborers in Rome. The Roman army was paid  with

Anyway, the bourgeoisie and proletariat are not entirely  new in feudalism.
The proletariat in the glossary is defined as "modern proletariat" of  the 
the industrial revolution, although it makes its first appearance as  free - 
wage laborer in the 15th century; under feudalism.. 
The question was posed: what is the meaning of contradiction? What is  the 
nature of class society and on what basis does qualitative change in a  
system occur?  Does the bourgeoisie and proletariat, evolve in  contradiction 
with the nobility? 
Contradiction is not treated as the external colliding of quality -  
qualities. Contradiction as class is treated as the unity and strife of the  
classes constituting a mode of production. The basic classes - say the  
serf and nobility are fused together - (today the term would be interactive  
unity and strife) as the logic, defining quality, of production or the  
production relations making feudal society . . . . well, feudal. That is they  
a contradiction. Their unity is made manifest and expressed in the distinct 
 property form or the landed property relation. This does not mean there is 
no  scattered production by the serf. It means the scattered production of 
the serf  is production by serf and serf describe a property relations. 
Money is not capital. Money under capitalism is actually money/capital. 
money has a larger meaning than currency or federal reserve notes. Under  
the capitalist mode of production money is money/capital because its use and  
circulation reproduces capital and capitalist relations of production. 
Money is  "the universal representation of material wealth" (Marx). Different 
commodities  can and have function as money, or as it is said, become "good as 
gold." . 
The particular commodity that functions as a measure of value and as the  
medium of circulation defines money. Money came into use in history  
spontaneously and not by plan or agreement. At first various commodities (furs, 
cattle, rum, tobacco, etc.) functioned temporally as money. 
"The particular kind of commodity to which it (the money form of value)  
sticks is at first a matter of accident" (Marx). With the further development 
of  exchange, one commodity becomes separated from all others to serve as a  
universal equivalent of value; the historical process of the development of 
 exchange ends with the money form of value when gold becomes this 
particular  commodity. Money is the "highest product of the development of 
and of  commodity production." (Lenin). 
Money, whether cattle or the precious metals, is a commodity like all other 
 commodities because it expresses the embodiment of labor; it possess a use 
value  and value (exchange value). 
Money functioned as: 
(a) a measure of value and standard of price; 
(b) The medium of  circulation. (in this function, full value money - gold, 
can be replaced by its  substitutes or symbols of itself, such as bank 
notes, paper currency with  convertibility into gold, silver, and gold, silver 
and copper coins). c) a means  of accumulating or hoarding and own 
transferring into ownership of means of  production. 
(d) Universal money, i.e., for adjusting trade between different  countries 
. . . . ."it functions as a means of payment in the settling of  
international balances is its chief one" (Marx) 
Paper money or currency once was once convertible into gold or silver. As  
long as such money is convertible into a species, it can be treated as and  
viewed as a commodity. 
Money today - federal reserve notes, cannot be converted into gold or  
silver or any species. Money can purchase gold products and certificates (more  
paper) ownership of gold shares, but is not convertible into gold upon 
demand.  Convertibility is not the same as purchase. Thus, federal reserve 
are fiat  money or "what I say it is worth" money. Yet, fiat money operates 
as if it was  real money. This fiat money is printed at will by governments, 
expresses the  value relations, but contains no real value. Modern currency 
is a means of  circulation and maintaining the power of capital. 
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[Marxism-Thaxis] Reform to revolution:

2010-03-24 Thread c b
Reform to revolution:

As the productive forces in a system develops, changes take place in the
system without changing its essential quality. The quality defining
capitalism  is bourgeois private property.

CB: Would you say that these changes that don't change the system's
essential quality are quantitative changes ?

If so, how is it that the bourgeoisie are constantly "revolutionizing"
the instruments of production ? A "revolution" implies qualitative

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Reform to revolution

2010-03-24 Thread c b
Reform to revolution:

As the productive forces in a system develops, changes take place in the
system without changing its essential quality. The quality defining
capitalism  is bourgeois private property.

CB: Would you say that these changes that don't change the system's
essential quality are quantitative changes ?

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[Marxism-Thaxis] an·tag·o·nist

2010-03-24 Thread c b
Contradiction does not become antagonistic due to a mysterious quantitative
 increase of the very properties that constitute the contradiction.
Contradiction  and antagonism are not the same. Antagonism is a form
of resolution,
rather than  a form of contradiction.

CB: Well, a contradiction is sort of ripe to be superceded (sorry
Althusser) when it is an antagonism. So, in this sense it is more
_ready_ for resolution than a non-antagonistic contradiction. But in
its state of antagonism it is not resolved, it is still in
contradiction, sharp contradiction.

Another problem with this is that it is using "antagonism" in
contradiction (ha) with the its standard, let alone Marxist,
dictionary definition.

Antagonism in non-Marxist parlance means something _not_ resolved.
Antagonists are in conflict. Antagonistic means in conflict with each

You are not only using it as the opposite of traditional Marxist
usage, but as the opposite of common usage. Why do that ?


an·tag·o·nist (n-tg-nst)
1. One who opposes and contends against another; an adversary.
2. The principal character in opposition to the protagonist or hero of
a narrative or drama.
3. Physiology A muscle that counteracts the action of another muscle,
the agonist.
4. Biochemistry A chemical substance that interferes with the
physiological action of another, especially by combining with and
blocking its nerve receptor.

an·tago·nistic adj.
an·tago·nisti·cal·ly adv.

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Reform to Revolution

2010-03-24 Thread Waistline2
Reform to revolution: 
As the productive forces in a system develops, changes take place in the  
system without changing its essential quality. The quality defining 
capitalism  is bourgeois private property. Assembly line production at the Ford 
 company expressed a quantitative growth of the means of  production.  Such 
change is the definition of reform. In the  political sphere passage of the 
Voting Rights Act, Fair Housing Act and  desegregation were reform of the 
Reform or Revolution is a mistaken presentation of the issue of  
revolutionary change in society. One cannot opt for revolution in a period when 
revolutionary change is not possible. Reform to Revolution is a process.  

I. The basis of the productive relations of capitalism is that the working  
class has to sell its labor power to the capitalist class in order to live. 
The  relationships among the workers, among the capitalists, and between 
the workers  and capitalists are all part of definite indispensable relations 
that shape not  simply the society but the individual. This part of the 
system of capitalism  cannot be reform and capitalism remains capitalism. 
II. An exploited class cannot overthrow the exploiting class it is  
connected to as the process of production because together they constitute the  
unity of a social system. Their unrelenting struggle - class struggle, is over  
the division of the social product and for greater political liberties. 
With the  growth and development of the system a struggle unfolds to reform the 
system in  accord with the quantitative changes in the means of production. 
Only the  relations between and within class can be reformed in accord with 
quantitative  changes in the means of production. This struggle for reform 
occurs in all class  societies. 
III. Capitalism's basic law of private appropriation of socially produced  
commodities needs to be reformed so that the proletariat can acquire 
necessities  of life. The property relations of capitalism cannot be reformed 
qualitatively,  only overthrown. In turn, a property relations cannot be 
overthrown until it  enters into antagonism with qualitatively new means of 
production. This is so  because as a property form it plays a role in history 
development. When this  role is in conflict with new means of production change 
must take place. 
IV. The use of advanced robotics, advanced computerized production and  
distribution system - a new quality of means of production - are incompatible  
with capitalist property relations. Expansion of the system of production on 
the  old basis is halted and begins evolution on a new basis. Once 
expansion of the  system on the old basis is halted the ability to reform it 
to an end. . 
Under the impact of qualitatively new means of production, qualitative  
change - revolution, or a leap to a new mode of production becomes possible.  
During such periods of time the old institutions, ideas and relationships 
that  once organized society and gave meaning to society are disrupted and torn 
from  their moorings. New ideas of class can grip society. When reform 
ends, an epoch  of social revolution begins.
Relations of production: (social relations of production, production  
relations) : 
Marx's use of the concept of relations of production: 
"In the social production of their existence, men inevitably enter into  
definite relations, which are independent of their will, namely relations of  
production appropriate to a given stage in the development of their material 
 forces of production. (1859 Preface to A Contribution to the Critique of  
Political Economy) 
Relations of production refer to the relations within and between classes  
at a given stage of development of productive forces. In real life relations 
of  production are interactive with productive forces, one becoming the 
environment  of operations for the other.  Capitalist relations of production 
consist of  a labor force with no means of support other than their ability 
to work, and  capitalists who own land, raw materials, tools, or the 
condition of labor as  their private property. The capitalist class buys labor 
and owns what is  produced for sale. Relations of production are the laws 
defining the  relationship of people to property in the process of 
A modern use of relations of production and productive forces in a writing: 
"Society is formed on the basis of the unity of productive forces and  
production relations. Productive relations are the laws defining property and  
the relationship of people to property (class) in the process of production. 
The  constant, spontaneous development of the productive forces eventually 
disrupts  this unity An epoch of social revolution begins to creates new 
relations of  production that reflect the level of, and are compatible with, 
newly  developed productive forces."
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[Marxism-Thaxis] Class antagonism as class struggle: the dialectic

2010-03-24 Thread c b
The problem is that the bourgeoisie and proletariat are not birthed in
contradiction with the serf and nobility but rather emerge - are birthed, as a
new quality within an existing system process. Somewhere, somehow a new
quality  has to be introduced into a process - quantitatively, to begin the
process of  qualitative change

CB: There has been commodity production and exchange, production for
exchange not use by the producer, since the first master/slave
societies. The term "proletariat" is from Rome, so presumably there
were proletarians, wage-laborers in Rome. The Roman army was paid with

Anyway, the bourgeoisie and proletariat are not entirely new in feudalism.

Shane Mage has a whole theory that there was a potential bourgeois
revolution thwarted at the assassination of Julius Caesar, I think.

See Michael Hudson on the ancient history of finance capitalists.


In 1984, Hudson joined Harvard’s archaeology faculty at the Peabody
Museum as a research fellow in Babylonian economics. A decade later,
he was a founding member of ISCANEE (International Scholars Conference
on Ancient Near Eastern Economies), an international group of
Assyriologists and archaeologists that has published a series of
colloquia analyzing the economic origins of civilization. This group
has become the successor to Karl Polanyi’s anthropological and
historical group of a half-century ago. Four volumes co-edited by
Hudson have appeared so far, dealing with privatization, urbanization
and land use, the origins of money, accounting, debt, and clean slates
in the Ancient Near East (a fifth volume, on the evolution of free
labor, is in progress). This new direction in research is now known as
the New Economic Archaeology.

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Objective & Subjective reform to revolution

2010-03-24 Thread Waistline2

In a message dated 3/24/2010 8:53:21 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
cb31...@gmail.com writes:

Tell 'em Dave Moore was a Marxist-Leninist.

The Dave Moore interviews in Political Affairs are magnificent. No one has  
really told the real story of the organization of Ford. Moore was a 
communist of  a different mode. He is the man Reuther could not defeat. A new 
generation will  want to hear and gladly listen to our version of history. 
Basically, there is no  one else left. The old ideological groups have faded 
not even a remote  connection to anything living within the proletariat. The 
dogmatic M-L's of the  60's, 70's and 80's, have been run over and passed 
by history. The various  Trotskyist ideological groups and thinker long ago 
went through their evolution  and are revealed for what they always was: a 
grouping of white middle class  intellectuals, content to spew hate upon the 
world. This is not to condemn any  individual. 
It is what the fuck it is. 
As long as we do what is in front of us, we are going to make out very well 
 and achieve a principled unity concerning every important action of the  
proletariat. Movements are never driven by theory, but rather by ideas and  
ideology. These old groups of the past possess ideology absolutely hostile to 
 the proletariat and they cannot merge with any sector of the class. 
On another list one of the M-L's wrote an article about health care and  
posed the issue "fight for universal health care or against capitalism. Reform 
 or revolution." 
How in God's name can one fight against capitalism or the capitalist  
On that note the next installment is called Reform to Revolution. 

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Re-evaluating Lysenko

2010-03-24 Thread c b
Levins & Lewontin on Lysenko, was Re: Cuban cows

Subject: Levins & Lewontin on Lysenko, was Re: Cuban cows
From: "Charles Brown" 
Date: Wed, 22 May 2002 13:12:12 -0400

Levins & Lewontin on Lysenko, was Re: Cuban cows
by Louis Proyect
21 May 2002 19:40 UTC

>Lou, you've referred off and on to Levins & Lewontin, _The Dialectical
>Biologist_. They don't treat Lysenko at all like this. See Chapter 7,
>"The Problem of Lysenkoism." There were many elements involved, and it
>was no matter of mere quackery.

Yes, of course. There is another side to Lysenko. In fact Stephen Jay Gould
treats him with considerable respect in one of his essays although I can't
remember the technical details.


CB: As I understand it, Lysenko's theory ran afoul, somewhat, of the
fundamental biological dogma against the inheritance of acquired
characteristics. Theories of inheritance of acquired characteristics
are sometimes termed LaMarckian.

Cloning as a method of breeding an individual organism with
particularly desirable characteristics is not LaMarckian, as long as
the characteristics that one seeks to reproduce in the clones are
inherited and were not acquired during the life time of the organism
which is the "stud".


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[Marxism-Thaxis] Re-evaluating Lysenko

2010-03-24 Thread c b
Dialectical biology

In The Dialectical Biologist (Harvard U.P. 1985 ISBN 0-674-20281-3),
Richard Levins and Richard Lewontin sketch a dialectical approach to
biology. They see "dialectics" more as a set of questions to ask about
biological research, a weapon against dogmatism, than as a set of
pre-determined answers.

CB: There is a chapter in _The Dialectical Biologist_ on Lysenko. It
is less critical than many.

Lysenko's LaMarckianism is a seeking of an "epistemological break" (in
Althusser's terminology) with the biological  Dogma (law) in modern
genetics that there is no inheritance of acquired characteristics.
Ironically, Stalin and Lysenko were sort of postmodernists on this
issue. Postmodernists don't usually think of themselves as Stalinists

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Objective & Subjective (object and subject)

2010-03-24 Thread CeJ
>>I feel a new insight about Althusser's misreading of
Lenin's misreading of Marx's misreading of Hegelcoming on.


CB: Lets have it.<<

It never amounted to more than a feeling--I couldn't recover the trace.

Sorry. Some things work better as feelings anyway.


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[Marxism-Thaxis] Objective & Subjective (object and subject)

2010-03-24 Thread c b
 I feel a new insight about Althusser's misreading of
Lenin's misreading of Marx's misreading of Hegelcoming on.


CB: Lets have it.

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[Marxism-Thaxis] WL's glossary--a suggestion

2010-03-24 Thread c b
Why don't we put up the latest version of this at googledocs and
collaborate, 'wiki-style', on it? Then it could be published as a blog
or wiki.

Might prove after all that has been said that this list's regulars can
work together on something?

Discussing it over an old-fashioned list like this probably won't get very far.


CB: Good idea,CJ

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Objective & Subjective (object and subject)::

2010-03-24 Thread c b
And yes, Dave Moore is part of a production line of literature in progress.



Tell 'em Dave Moore was a Marxist-Leninist.


Celebrating a Lifetime of Achievement
  A Tribute to

   David William Moore

Whereas,   David W. Moore has been a fighter for freedom, equality, peace,
  human rights and economic justice for more than four score
  years;  and

Whereas,  Citizen Moore from his youth in South Carolina, Ohio and
  Detroit, through his 95 years to the present has
been an icon of
  the working class rank and file, Black, Brown and White,
  a leader of the laboring masses  who create all the wealth of
  society, a champion  of revolutionary struggle; and

Whereas,  In the Depression of the 1930’s , Mr. Moore was active in the
 Unemployed Councils, endured the Ford Hunger March, worked
 in the Civilian Conservation Corps, ; and

Whereas,  Brother David W. Moore was a leader in securing representation
 rights for the UAW-CIO at Ford Motor Company, where Black and
 White unity was key; Mr. Moore is credited with
  five other workers who pulled one of a
 series of switches in the Axel Plant on April 2,
1941, triggering
 the strike that ended in Ford signing a contract with
June 30, 1941; and

Whereas,  David W. Moore advanced  organizing efforts at Ford Motor
  company  with  the Elder Charles Diggs, Reverend
Charles Hill,
 Pastor of Hartford Avenue Baptist Church, and President of the
 Detroit NAACP among others and he convinced the leadership of
 the CIO to  bring Paul Robeson to Detroit to speak before Ford
 workers ,  which he   did three times, including on
May 19,1941
 when Robeson appeared  before upwards of 100,000 workers and
 union  supporters in Cadillac Square on the eve of that signal
 contract victory at  Ford; In later years,  David Moore , with
 Coleman A. Young organized security details for Paul Robeson’s
 visits to Detroit,  and said meetings also include Erma L.
 Henderson; and

Whereas,   Brother Moore , in 1941, was elected a District Committeeman in
   the old Gear and Axle Plant of Ford Rouge by a workforce of
   5,600 that  was overwhelmingly white in its majority; he was
   reelected for twelve successive years and for many years was
   elected to an array of offices in UAW Local 600; he
served as a
   member of the Bargaining  Committee and Vice-President of the
   Gear and Axle Plant; he also  served as Bargaining
   Committeeman and Vice-President of the Dearborn Engine
   Plant of Local 600 and

Whereas,  David W. Moore served as Vice-President of the Detroit Chapter
  of  the National Negro Labor Council, along with Coleman A.
  Young as National Secretary; the National Negro
Labor Council ,
  (NNLC), was  an  organization dedicated to winning
first class
  citizenship for every Black  man, woman and child in
  America in unity with that  democratic minded workers of all
  backgrounds who recognized in the struggle for  Negro
  rights  prerequisites of their own aspirations for a
  full life;

Whereas,  Brother Moore endured the undemocratic onslaught of
  McCarthyism and the House UnAmerican Activities Committee;
  he was targeted   with four others at Local 600; barred from
  running for union office in the very union where he
had played
  such an  important role to establish; the National
Negro Labor
  Council  was a target of the anti-Red , anti-Communist false
  accusations ; and

Whereas,  After 12 years Brother Moore and his four fellow Local 600
 officers were reinstated and overwhelmingly
reelected.  Later he
 and the Black Caucus at Local 600 decided that he
should accept
 a position as an International representative for the
UAW in the
 grievance procedure;  seasoned from the trials and
 of the  McCarthy Era, armed with his bachelor’s degree in the
 School of Hard Knocks and his advanced degree from the
 University Hastings Street, having studied the public
use of the
 courts with Peoples’ lawyers Maurice Sugar, George Crockett,
 Lebron Simmons, Ernie Goodman and Cla

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] glossary--a suggestion

2010-03-24 Thread Waistline2

In a message dated 3/24/2010 7:58:16 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
cb31...@gmail.com writes:

Saw Marsha at Bert's and said " I bet you know Waistline". She said  
Check this out: _http://marshamusic.wordpress.com/_ 
Marsha is extremely articulate and a genuine autodidactic. She was the  
first women President of the Bakers Union a proletarian to the core.. Her 
family  history is profound. She was also a founding member of the old League 
Revolutionary Black Workers and my first girl friend in life. We joined the 
 movement together, with her being all of 14 and I had just turned 16, 
meeting  her in High School. This was like, 42 years ago. At age 15 she was 
garmented a  full ride at several universities including one in England. 
she joined  the movement. 
Check out her page. And yes, she writes about 4000% better than I. 
Literally, together we know "everyone" in Detroit, given the actual history 
 and logic of the working class movement there. Together, if circumstances 
allow  it, we could write or outline a living history of an important sector 
of  the  communist movement since 1919.  No one else in basically America,  
can write about the core of the history of the American industrial 
proletariat -  at least from say 1950, with much living history outside the 
crew in 
Detroit.  Such a history is urgently needed. The problem is that we are 
being over run by  real events and real activity. 

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[Marxism-Thaxis] WL's glossary--a suggestion

2010-03-24 Thread CeJ
>>Prior to this latest flurry of posts, I thought CeJ was an
intelligent man. I didn't realize how mistaken I was. I can see this
Wiki will be like a stable, except that we won't be able to shovel
the shit fast enough.<<

My Ralph you are mercurial, aren't you? Coming from a guy who posts a
blurb about a book that says the class war started under Bill Clinton
and that globalization started to fail once Clinton signed NAFTA, I
must say, I have to take your admission of error in judgement as the
highest sort of compliment. Thanks my opinon of you went up a notch.
And here I was feeling somewhat sorry for you after the Faux
post--I'll bet you could sense that and got all nasty again.


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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] glossary--a suggestion

2010-03-24 Thread c b
Saw Marsha at Bert's and said " I bet you know Waistline". She said definitely.

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] glossary--a suggestion

2010-03-24 Thread Waistline2
OK Ralph, you hit the nail on the head exactly. n the purpose of holding  
classes on revolutionary history and experience if you will, a need for basic 
 definitions of terms arose. This class was filled with people between 15 
years  old and 30. Three of us older comrades anchored the educational with 
internally  cohesive presentations due to having worked together for 30 years 
and more. 
Then another group of mostly older workers came together to study the  
current situation and what to do about things in and out of the union. This  
group could no advance without discussing history. Half of the group  was 
familiar with Marx the other half never heard of him. 
Then another group of workers started meeting around the health care issue. 
 This group jumped from 5 - 9 people to any average low of 30 people. All 
these  different groups are devoid of any history about anything. Zero, 
For instance no one in any group possess any understanding of the  Soviet 
Union or what it was other than a hazy concept of taking from one person  and 
giving to the other, and this is amongst the older workers only. Here is 
why  I felt no impulse to explain communism from the Soviet experience.  Why? 
There is no incentive to wade  through various  interpretations of Soviet 
All of these group come together to fight and resist the system as opposed  
to a perception of injustice against "someone else." 
My tendency was to totally exclude "historical arguments." For instance  
there is not index called "permanent revolution." There is an outline of the  
Soviet Union, but nothing on the Stalin period because it serves no purpose. 
I am under no illusion about this project. 
I agree one cannot explain a concept like dialectics in a glossary. 
What is being fought for is ideology rather than theory. That is the   . . 
., well, contradiction. No one can advance without an understanding of  
general aspects of American history.  The fascist are cloaking themselves  in 
the ideology of the Constitution and concepts of political democracy exactly  
as the Slave oligarchy did. We - us boyz and girls in Detroit who have been  
together a very long time,  have no intention of desire to "fight the  
right." Rather, we our fighting or ass off to organize and then win a section 
 the proletariat in motion to an ideological stance and general vision of 
society  we are calling a "Marxist lens." 
Hence the agi-prop character and heavy ideology of concepts. 
We have to do something. 
In a message dated 3/24/2010 6:49:36 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, 
_rdum...@autodidactproject.org_ (mailto:rdum...@autodidactproject.org)   
It's really essential to define the purpose of this project, its audience,  
and the degree of erudition that it should exhibit. If it is to exhibit the 
 perspective of a specific tendency, then perhaps a textbook or handbook 
might be  a better format than a glossary. I could be wrong, but "glossary" to 
me sounds  more abbreviated than "dictionary", which is more abbreviated 
than an  "encyclopedia". You can't explain concepts like dialectic in a 
glossary. At  most, you could list a number of possible definitions. And 
on what you  think your audience needs to know, applied to what texts or 
analyses, why do you  think certain terms belong or not in your glossary. But 
ultimately, the why of  all this must be nailed down first. 
And then there's the question of the Internet. Young people who won't go to 
 the library to read books, which here are being purged from branch 
libraries in  favor of computers, but they'll go to surf the net. They would 
cruise  dating sites and watch movies than educate themselves, but if 
anyone maintains  the curiosity to look at your glossary, they could go to the 
Internet, click on  designated URLs to learn more.
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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Class antagonism as class struggle: the dialectic

2010-03-24 Thread Waistline2

In a message dated 3/24/2010 1:10:20 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
jann...@gmail.com writes:


Contradiction  (Althusser)

A term for the articulation of a practice into the complex  whole of
the social formation. Contradictions may be antagonistic  or
non-antagonistic according to whether their state of  overdetermination
is one of fusion or condensation, or one of  displacement.
The above is basically the Soviet Textbook presentation of contradiction  
and antagonism. in Chapter III, "Mutual Penetration of Opposites."  I have  
in mind page 174. When I started on this list - recruited by CB, I embraced 
this  conception of two kinds of contradiction. Some of the older comrades,  
responsible for reprinting the Soviet Textbook in the 1970's and Gould's  
"Marxist Glossary" had rejected this presentation of the question of change in 
 the mind 1980's and in 1989 presented a new conception of qualitative 
The approach in the new glossary stands in opposition to every trend  in 
post WWII Marxism. On this list the issue has been raised as "emergence  
theory," and the inner meaning of quantitative change leading to qualitative  
change.  The tradition presentation of the issue is to use Lenin's parable  
about heating water where an increase in temperature causes qualitative change  
cause water to cross a nodal point - nodal line, and become steam. The 
question  is thus: water becomes steam by introducing a new quality into the 
framework.  Heat. Quantity does not lead to quality without specific 
definition. The  quantitative addition or introduction, of a new quality into 
existing process  causes - is the basis, for qualitative change.  
If this is marginally more correct than the old view, then what is the  
quality that makes one kind of contradiction antagonistic and the other  
non-antagonistic? The Soviet answer was: quote
"An antagonistic contradiction does not pass beyond the stages of its  
partial resolution."  
Thus the periodic crisis of capital repeats itself growing in intensity  
until the system collapsed or is overthrown. 
The problem is that the bourgeoisie and proletariat are not birthed in  
contradiction with the serf and nobility but rather emerge - are birthed, as a  
new quality within an existing system process. Somewhere, somehow a new 
quality  has to be introduced into a process - quantitatively, to begin the 
process of  qualitative change. 
Contradiction does not become antagonistic due to a mysterious quantitative 
 increase of the very properties that constitute the contradiction. 
Contradiction  and antagonism are not the same. Antagonism is a form of 
rather than  a form of contradiction. 
This proposition demolishes 70 years of class struggle theory about workers 
 and bosses or capitalist and proletarians. And I am going to take a 
mugging on  this issue, which is why it is being taken directly to the 
WL. . 

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] WL's glossary--a suggestion

2010-03-24 Thread Ralph Dumain
Prior to this latest flurry of posts, I thought CeJ was an 
intelligent man. I didn't realize how mistaken I was. I can see this 
Wiki will be like a stable, except that we won't be able to shovel 
the shit fast enough.

It's really essential to define the purpose of this project, its 
audience, and the degree of erudition that it should exhibit. If it 
is to exhibit the perspective of a specific tendency, then perhaps a 
textbook or handbook might be a better format than a glossary. I 
could be wrong, but "glossary" to me sounds more abbreviated than 
"dictionary", which is more abbreviated than an "encyclopedia". You 
can't explain concepts like dialectic in a glossary. At most, you 
could list a number of possible definitions. And depending on what 
you think your audience needs to know, applied to what texts or 
analyses, why do you think certain terms belong or not in your 
glossary. But ultimately, the why of all this must be nailed down first.

And then there's the question of the Internet. Young people who won't 
go to the library to read books, which here are being purged from 
branch libraries in favor of computers, but they'll go to surf the 
net. They would rather cruise dating sites and watch movies than 
educate themselves, but if anyone maintains the curiosity to look at 
your glossary, they could go to the Internet, click on designated 
URLs to learn more.

At 07:44 AM 3/24/2010, waistli...@aol.com wrote:
>In a message dated 3/23/2010 7:36:28 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,
>jann...@gmail.com writes:
>Why don't we put up the latest version of this at googledocs  and
>collaborate, 'wiki-style', on it? Then it could be published as a  blog
>or wiki.
>Might prove after all that has been said that this  list's regulars can
>work together on something?
>Discussing it over an  old-fashioned list like this probably won't get very
>I can agree with this but on March 31. I jumped the gun badly..
>Marxism-Thaxis mailing list
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[Marxism-Thaxis] The Great Irish Famine Was Genocide.

2010-03-24 Thread c b
> The Great Irish Famine Was Genocide.
> Read the article at
> http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=18156
>  Some controversy has surrounded the use of the word "genocide" with
> regard to the Great Irish Famine of 160 years ago. But this controversy
> has
> its source in an apparent misunderstanding of the meaning of genocide. No,
> the British government did not inflict on the Irish the abject horrors of
> the Nazi Holocaust. But the definition of "genocide" reaches beyond such
> ghastly behavior to encompass other reprehensible acts designed to destroy
> a
> people.
>  As demonstrated by the following legal analysis, the Famine was
> genocide within the meaning of both United States and International law.
>  The United States Government is party to the 1948 Convention On The
> Prevention And Punishment of the Crime of Genocide ("Genocide
> Convention").
> As a Treaty of the United States , the Genocide Convention is therefore
> "the
> Supreme Law of the land" under Article VI of the U.S. Constitution. The
> U.S.
> Government has also passed implementing legislation which substantially
> adopts the Genocide Convention and makes any violation of the Convention
> punishable under federal law. 18 U.S.C. ? 1901.
>  Article II of the Genocide Convention provides:
>  In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts
> committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national,
> ethnical,
> racial or religious group as such:
>  (a) Killing members of the group;
>  (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
>  (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life
> calculated
> to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
>  (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within a group;
>  (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
>  (emphasis supplied)
>  From 1845-50, The British government pursued a policy of mass
> starvation in Ireland with the intent to destroy in substantial part the
> national, ethnical and racial group known as the Irish People. This
> British
> policy caused serious bodily and mental harm to the Irish People within
> the
> meaning of Genocide Convention Article II(b). This British policy also
> deliberately inflicted on the Irish People conditions of life calculated
> to
> bring about their physical destruction within the meaning of Article II(c)
> of the Convention. Therefore, from 1845-50 the British government
> knowingly
> pursued a policy of mass starvation in Ireland which constituted acts of
> Genocide against the Irish People within the meaning of Article II(b) and
> (c) of the 1948 Genocide Convention.
>  While there are many legitimate subjects of debate surrounding the
> Famine, there is no doubt that the British Government committed genocide
> against the Irish People. This particular "debate" should therefore come
> to
> an end.
>  (See Irish Echo, Feb.26-March 4, 1997 at page 7 for the list of 125
> distinguished signatories)
>  Francis Boyle is a frequent contributor to Global Research.  Global
> Research Articles by Francis Boyle

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Re-evaluating Lysenko

2010-03-24 Thread CeJ
It is also interesting to re-visit the 'Lysenko' controversy. I don't
think the problem was Lysenko but rather Stalin and Stalinism.

For a start, Burbank the wildly famous American was more Lamarkian
than either Michurin or Lysenko.  M and L were trying to push agronomy
(much of it collected folk wisdom) forward into the realm of
experimental science to help relieve the SU's desperate food problems.
Borlaug, the Nobel-winning 'father of the green revolution' used a
time-tested method of hybridizing wheat that Lysenko would have
approved of! (And Borlaug, ever enmeshed in the US side of Cold War
politics, always referred to Lysenko as the charlatan).

That doesn't mean that M and L were right about everything, or that
what they were right about they were necessarily right about for the
best, most nuanced of reasons-- but that the idea that somehow they
irrationally destroyed the 'correct' neoMendelian science of the era
in the Soviet Union is just sterile. Skilled artful agronomy is what
pushed crop yields up and extended crop range into previously unviable
territory, not neoMendealian 'genetic science'. I know it might make
me sound like a Stalinist, but Lysenko does not deserve the dismissal
and ridicule he gets. Nor was he an ignorant fool as he is always


Lysenko has been dismissed and ridiculed in the West and eventually
even in the Soviet Union for going against the orthodox theories of
evolution and genetics of Weisman and Morgan.  But rather than giving
proof of the correctness of Weisman and Morgan, as many have tried to
maintain, developments in the understanding of the complex
biochemistry of living organisms, seem to be  moving in a direction of
supporting Lysenko.

The essence is, to emphasise it yet again, that the environment and
changes brought about by the environment, can, in appropriate
circumstances, influence the heredity of the organism.

Lysenko quoted Michurin�s motto as: �we cannot wait for favours from
nature; we must wrest them from her� (ibid. p.34)



Lysenko is opposed, or mostly ignored, by many eminent scientists. Yet
in spite of this, the more this whole matter is looked at, the more
his theories appear to be consistent with reality. New research, while
apparently causing confusion because it raises questions about
orthodox genetics, the genetics of Morgan, seems to be laying the
ground for a better understanding of what Lysenko was saying, and a
better understanding of heredity in living organisms.

Lysenko has not been proved wrong. However, in the theories of the
opponents of Lysenko there is much that is inconsistent, is
unsubstantiated, and does not accord with reality. Lysenko�s work,
which was very important in the development of Soviet agriculture, in
the building of socialism, cannot easily be dismissed, and promises to
reassert itself.

We will leave the last word, or two words, to Michurin, who was the
inspiration for Lysenko. Michurin had worked for many years under very
difficult conditions and by 1914, at the age of 60 he wrote the
following, which is an extract from a brief autobiographical note.

�Throughout the many years of labour devoted to improving varieties of
fruit plants in Central Russia, I never received any subsidies or
grants from the state, let alone thousand rouble salaries. I worked
the best I could on the means that I obtained by my own labour.
Throughout the past period I constantly struggled against poverty and
endured all kinds of hardship silently. I never asked for assistance
from the government so that I might more extensively develop this work
so highly useful and so very necessary to Russian agriculture. On the
advice of eminent horticulturalists, I submitted several memoranda to
our department of agriculture in which I tried to explain the vast
importance and necessity of improving and increasing native varieties
of fruit bearing plants by raising local varieties from seeds. Nothing
came of these memoranda. And now, at last, it is too late - the years
have gone by and my strength is exhausted. For my part, I have done
what I could; it is time to rest and take care of myself, especially
since I constantly feel the effects of failing health and diminishing

�It is very painful, of course, to have laboured for so many years for
the common good with no recompense and then to be deprived of security
in old age. The consequences are that I shall have to go on with my
arduous work to the end - an unenviable prospect.� (I.V.Michurin
Selected Works Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow, 1949, p 2 -
first published in 1914 in Sadovod, No 6)

That is what Michurin wrote in 1914. Lenin recognised the importance
of Michurin�s work, and after the revolution in 1917 he was put in
charge of a horticultural station and that developed so that his work
was used throughout the Soviet Union. When he was 80, Stalin sent him
a telegram to m

[Marxism-Thaxis] Global Class War

2010-03-24 Thread Ralph Dumain
The Global Class War : How America's Bipartisan Elite Lost Our Future 
- and What It Will Take to Win it Back
by Jeff Faux

"Why, in 1993, did the newly elected Bill Clinton pass the North 
American Free Trade Agreement, a pro-business measure invented by his 
political adversaries and opposed by his allies in labor and the 
environment? The answer, according to Faux, is that Clinton was less 
devoted to his base than to his fellow elites, rewarding their 
donations to the Democratic Party with access to Mexico's cheap labor 
and lax environmental standards. With a fluid grasp of both history 
and economics, Faux, founder of the Economic Policy Institute, 
critiques both Democrats and Republicans for protecting transnational 
corporations "while abandoning the rest of us to an unregulated, and 
therefore brutal and merciless, global market." Faux describes how 
free trade and globalization have encouraged businesses to become 
nationless enterprises detached from the economic well-being of any 
single country, to the detriment of all but transnational elites. He 
details the genesis of NAFTA and the failure of the agreement to 
deliver on its promises to workers, predicting a severe American 
recession as its legacy. But Faux sees hope for North America in the 
model of the European Union, a pie-in-the-sky conclusion to this 
incisive, rancorous book."


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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] WL's glossary--a suggestion

2010-03-24 Thread Waistline2

In a message dated 3/23/2010 7:36:28 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
jann...@gmail.com writes:

Why don't we put up the latest version of this at googledocs  and
collaborate, 'wiki-style', on it? Then it could be published as a  blog
or wiki.

Might prove after all that has been said that this  list's regulars can
work together on something?

Discussing it over an  old-fashioned list like this probably won't get very 

I can agree with this but on March 31. I jumped the gun badly.. 

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Engels as philosopher of science

2010-03-24 Thread CeJ

But if such a grain of barley meets with conditions which are
normal for it, if it falls on suitable
soil, then under the influence of heat and moisture it undergoes a
specific change, it germinates; the grain as such ceases to exist, it
is negated, and in its place appears the plant which has arisen from
it, the negation of the grain. But what is the normal life-process of
this plant? It grows, flowers, is fertilised and finally once more
produces grains of barley, and as soon as these have ripened the stalk
dies, is in its turn negated. As a result of this negation of the
negation we have once again the original grain of barley, but not as a
single unit, but ten-, twenty- or thirtyfold. Species of grain change
extremely slowly, and so the barley of today is almost the same as
it-was a century ago. But if we take a plastic ornamental plant, for
example a dahlia or an orchid, and treat the seed and the plant which
grows from it according to the gardener's art, we get as a result of
this negation of the negation not only more seeds, but also
qualitatively improved seeds, which produce more beautiful flowers,
and each repetition of this process, each fresh negation of the
negation, enhances this process of perfection.

We are not concerned at the moment with the fact that with other
plants and animals the process does not take such a simple form, that
before they die they produce seeds, eggs or offspring not once but
many times; our purpose here is only to show that the negation of the
negation really does take place in both kingdoms of the organic world.


Dialectical biology

In The Dialectical Biologist (Harvard U.P. 1985 ISBN 0-674-20281-3),
Richard Levins and Richard Lewontin sketch a dialectical approach to
biology. They see "dialectics" more as a set of questions to ask about
biological research, a weapon against dogmatism, than as a set of
pre-determined answers. They focus on the (dialectical) relationship
between the "whole" (or totality) and the "parts." "Part makes whole,
and whole makes part" (p. 272). That is, a biological system of some
kind consists of a collection of heterogeneous parts. All of these
contribute to the character of the whole, as in reductionist thinking.
On the other hand, the whole has an existence independent of the parts
and feeds back to affect and determine the nature of the parts. This
back-and-forth (dialectic) of causation implies a dynamic process.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

For example, Darwinian evolution points to the competition of a
variety of species, each with heterogeneous members, within a given
environment. This leads to changing species and even to new species
arising. A dialectical biologist would not reject this picture as much
as look for ways in which the competing creatures lead to changes in
the environment, as when the action of microbes encourages the erosion
of rocks. Further, each species is part of the "environment" of all of
the others.

http://www.marxist.com/preface-engels-nature-wellred.htmIn the field
of biology, Richard Levins and Richard Lewontin have championed the
dialectical approach. In fact their book, The Dialectical Biologist,
published in 1985, was specifically dedicated to the memory of
Fredrick Engels. Although Engels was limited by the material at his
disposal at the time, recent science has confirmed his outlook in so
far as "opposing forces lie at the base of the evolving physical and
biological world." (20).

"The dialectical view insists that persistence and equilibrium are
not the natural state of things but require explanation, which must be
sought in the actions of the opposing forces", state Levin and
Lewontin. "The conditions under which the opposing forces balance and
the system as a whole is in stable equilibrium are quite special. They
require the simultaneous satisfaction of as many mathematical
relations as there are variables in the system, usually expressed as
inequalities among the parameters of that system.

"If these parameters remain within the prescribed limits, then
external events producing small shifts among the variables will be
erased by the self-regulating processes of stable systems. Thus in
humans the level of blood sugar is regulated by the rate at which
sugar is released into the blood by the digestion of carbohydrates,
the rate at which stored glycogen, fat, or protein is converted into
sugar, and the rate at which sugar is removed and utilised. Normally,
if the blood sugar level rises, then the rate of utilisation is
increased by release of more insulin from the pancreas. If the level
of blood sugar falls, more sugar is released into the blood, or the
person gets hungry and eats some source of sugar. The result is that
the blood sugar level is kept not constant but within tolerable
limits. So far we are dealing with the familiar patterns of

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Class antagonism as class struggle: the dialectic

2010-03-24 Thread CeJ

Contradiction (Althusser)

A term for the articulation of a practice into the complex whole of
the social formation. Contradictions may be antagonistic or
non-antagonistic according to whether their state of overdetermination
is one of fusion or condensation, or one of displacement.

Overdetermination (Althusser)

Freud used this term to describe (among other things) the
representation of the dream-thoughts in images privileged by their
condensation of a number of thoughts in a single image
(condensation/Verdichtung), or by the transference of psychic energy
from a particularly potent thought to apparently trivial images
(displacement/Verschiebung-Verstellung). Althusser uses the same term
to describe the effects of the contradictions in each practice
constituting the social formation on the social formation as a whole,
and hence back on each practice and each contradiction, defining the
pattern of dominance and subordination, antagonism and non-antagonism
of the contradictions in the structure in dominance at any given
historical moment.

More precisely, the overdetermination of a contradiction is the
reflection in it of its conditions of existence within the complex
whole, that is, of the other contradictions in the complex whole, in
other words its uneven development.

Supersession (Althusser)

A Hegelian concept popular among Marxist-humanists, it denotes the
process of historical development by the destruction and retention at
a higher level of an old historically determined situation in a new
historically determined situation – e.g. socialism is the supersession
of capitalism, Marxism a supersession of Hegelianism. Althusser
asserts that it is an ideological concept, and he substitutes for it
that of the historical transition, or, in the development of a
science, by the epistemological break.

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Objective & Subjective (object and subject)

2010-03-24 Thread CeJ
One interesting thing to note is that people later took up the idea of
natural dialectics, so , as I always say, never count Engels out.
Interestingly, perhaps by ingenious intuition and sheer luck, Hegel
hit upon an image as metaphor for 'negation of negation' that later
resounded in biology--the helix.  I traced this concept of negation of
negation, or positive negation or assertive negation up until I hit
the golden 'horse manure' pile. Hey, horse shit, I think you can eat
it even. It makes grass digestible even if you only have one stomach.

If you accept a logic with content that is empirically and
pragmatically grounded, you find the whole dialectic imagistically,
metaphorically, logically enlightening. The way a Christian might hope
to see the face of God.

If you reject such a logic, the dialectic will always be nonsense. Or
did I over-generalize?

At any rate,

1. Engels, including the 'nonsense'.


But what role does the negation of the negation play in Marx? On page
791 and the following pages he sets out the final conclusions which he
draws from the preceding fifty pages of economic and historical
investigation into the so-called primitive accumulation of capital.
[62] Before the capitalist era, petty industry existed, at least in
England, on the basis o/ the private property of the labourer in his
means of production. The so-called primitive accumulation of capital
consisted there in the expropriation of these immediate producers,
that is, in the dissolution of private property based on the labour of
its owner. This became possible because the petty industry referred to
above is compatible only with narrow and primitive bounds of
production and society and at a certain stage brings forth the
material agencies for its own annihilation. This annihilation, the
transformation of the individual and scattered means of production
into socially concentrated ones, forms the prehistory of capital. As
soon as the labourers are turned into proletarians, their conditions
of labour into capital, as soon as the capitalist mode of production
stands on its own feet, the further socialisation of labour and
further transformation of the land and other means of production, and
therefore the further expropriation of private proprietors, takes a
new form.

"That which is now to be expropriated is no longer the labourer
working for himself, but the capitalist exploiting many labourers.
This expropriation is accomplished by the action of the immanent laws
of capitalistic production itself, by the concentration of capitals.
One capitalist always kills many. Hand in hand with this
concentration, or this expropriation of many capitalists by few,
develop, on an ever extending scale, the co-operative form of the
labour-process, the conscious technical application of science, the
methodical collective cultivation of the soil, the transformation of
the instruments of labour into instruments of labour only usable in
common, the economising of all means of production by their use as the
jointly owned means of production of combined, socialised labour.
Along with the constantly diminishing number of the magnates of
capital, who usurp and monopolise all advantages of this process of
transformation, grows the mass of misery, oppression, slavery,
degradation, exploitation; but with this too grows the revolt of the
working class, a class always increasing in numbers, and disciplined,
united, organised by the very mechanism of the process of capitalist
production itself. Capital becomes a fetter upon the mode of
production, which has sprung up and flourished along with, and under
it. Concentration of the means of production and socialisation of
labour at last reach a point where they become incompatible with their
capitalist integument. This integument is burst asunder. The knell of
capitalist private property sounds. The expropriators are

And now I ask the reader: where are the dialectical frills and mazes
and conceptual arabesques; where the mixed and misconceived ideas
according to which everything is all one and the same thing in the
end; where the dialectical miracles for his faithful followers; where
the mysterious dialectical rubbish and the maze in accordance with the
Hegelian Logos doctrine, without which Marx, according to Herr
Dühring, is unable to put his exposition into shape? Marx merely shows
from history, and here states in a summarised form, that just as
formerly petty industry by its very development necessarily created
the conditions of its own annihilation, i.e., of the expropriation of
the small proprietors, so now the capitalist mode of production has
likewise itself created the material conditions from which it must
perish. The process is a historical one, and if it is at the same time
a dialectical process, this is not Marx's fault, however annoying it
may be to Herr Dühring.

It is only at this point, after Marx has co