Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Bill Clinton goes out stumping for Obama

2010-09-23 Thread CeJ
Well the first black president goes stumping for the second black
president. Bill does have better moves on the dance floor than the
cool thin yellow one, though.

Clinton simply backed his wife to the bitter end of the Democratic
primaries, and neither of them could believe that a relatively obscure
mixed race dude hiding out in Chicago could beat their NY state
strategy to get to the White House. Hilary should have gone back to
her Illinois roots.

Clinton is out to help shore up the waning support for the beleaugered
one in upper working class, lower middle class Demoncratia (it's the
tanking economy dude).  The fact that his visage in the media will
make the teabag types go ballistic can only help.

I just wish he would get with Tony Blair and keep the ME peace process going!
That and, with Bill Gates, solve world poverty.


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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Teabaggers: A Demoncratic Plot?

2010-09-23 Thread CeJ
>>CB: The vast majority of Black people never vote. Those who do vote
understand exactly what Obama is going through. All of these Black
people ,including me, are very observant earthly beings, know white
people like the back of our hands. Oh you know them better than us ?

And back to my original point: the last presidential election, they
did. As did some of that 10% of America who hate the imperium (black,
white, whatever). And so black people understand Obama's need to give
carte blanche to the warpigs and manage a health care plan that
reflates the heathcare bubble while making 80 million Americans have
no health care.

The rest of your statement is just racialist metaphysics. But my
African genes cry out so to communicate with you better. Someday we
might break you of such sloppy thinking habits CB.


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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Fidel Castro Blasts Ahmadinejad As Anti-Semitic

2010-09-23 Thread CeJ
>>CB: Yeah right. Sort of like Deng Chou Ping. I bet he has no influence
whatsoever over the Cuban society and state.  He's a retired strongman

I didn't know Fidel is a pile of ashes talking to your ancestors Charles.

I do know when I go into my favorite Egyptian cafe in Kuala Lumpur
(Arab ex-pat community is big there), they all talk about A. and Ch.
but if you say Castro, they say, 'Who?' Another big difference is that
these guys are plurastically leading large populated countries, while
Castro was always at best, without the third world movement
pretensions, the leader of a micro-state.

I think I had a good point that the world Castro could relate to was
Arafat and the PLO. Don't get me wrong, Arafat was one of my heroes,
as is Castro.


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[Marxism-Thaxis] C.L.R. James: A Biographical Introduction

2010-09-23 Thread c b
What happened? Over the next dozen years or so, James quit writing
under his own name, and he stopped lecturing in public. He stayed on
in the United States until 1953, when, at the height of McCarthyism,
he was thrown out of the country. In the meantime, he lived
"underground." He published countless articles and pamphlets under a
variety of pseudonyms. He became, in short, a professional

Early during his visit, James had traveled to Mexico to talk with Leon
Trotsky. In the course of their discussions, he began to apply some of
the insights from The Black Jacobins to the situation of
African-Americans. Contrary to what many white radicals thought, James
believed that "the Negro represents potentially the most revolutionary
section of the population," and he argued that black struggles did not
require the leadership of the white labor movement.

Over the following decade, while active in various leftist
organizations, James worked out the implications of this idea. For
several months in 1941 and '42, he helped organize a mostly black
group of sharecroppers in Missouri as they prepared to go on strike.
He spent hours listening to industrial workers throughout the country.
He studied American history and culture. And he wrote scores of
articles for Marxist journals.

Along the way, James became friends with Richard Wright. He also began
to write a play about Harriet Tubman, which he hoped might interest
Ethel Waters.

But for the most part, James moved in the world of radical politics,
developing his own interpretation of Marxism. Gradually breaking with
Trotskyism, he began a close study of philosophy -- especially Hegel's
vast and complex Science of Logic. A small circle of activists and
intellectuals formed around him, called the Johnson-Forest Tendency.
("Johnson" was James' most frequent pseudonym).

Only during the past decade have scholars begun to appreciate the
brilliance of James' theoretical work from this period. His Notes on
Dialectics (1948) and American Civilization (1950) circulated in
typewritten copies, while State Capitalism and World Revolution (1950)
and his study of Herman Melville, Mariners, Renegades, and Castaways
(1953), appeared in small editions that few readers ever saw. (In
recent years, they have all been published and are available from
bookstores.) These works project a bold vision of the drive of
ordinary people to abolish exploitation-and to create a world where,
in a phrase from Lenin that James liked, "every cook can govern."

In time James` activities won the attentions of the FBI. Declared a
subversive and undesirable alien, James was arrested in 1952 and
jailed for several weeks on Ellis Island. After being released, he
delivered a well-received series of lectures at Columbia University in
the spring of 1953. But that summer, his appeal for U.S. citizenship
turned down, James returned to London.

James' forced departure from the United States was a turning point in
his career. He had always been a cosmopolitan thinker, yet throughout
the second half of his life, James became an ever more profoundly
international figure. He moved among Europe, Africa and the Caribbean,
writing, speaking and organizing like a revolutionary elder

In 1957, he met with Martin Luther King in London to discuss the
Montgomery bus boycott. When his former student Eric Williams became
the prime minister of Trinidad, James returned there to edit a
newspaper and lecture. Younger African and West Indian intellectuals
rediscovered his work. And during the late 1960s, when university
students began demanding courses in black studies, U.S. authorities
allowed him back into the country to teach. Throughout the 1970s, he
lectured on numerous campuses, and for several years he was a
professor at the University of the District of Columbia (then called
Federal City College).

James remained a prolific writer well into his 80s, but the last
book-length manuscript that he completed was Beyond a Boundary (1963).
Considered one of the best books on the game of cricket ever
publishedand so gracefully written that even baseball-centric
Americans can read it with pleasure -- it limned a picture of life in
Trinidad during the early years of the 20th century. Perhaps
remembering his friend Richard Wright's harrowing childhood in Black
Boy, James creates an almost idyllic image of the world in which he
grew up. Boundary's treatment of the island's black middle class is at
once critical and affectionate. "My grandfather went to church every
Sunday morning at eleven o'clock," James writes, "wearing in the
broiling sun a frock-coat, striped trousers and top hat, with his
walking stick in hand, surrounded by his family, the underwear of the
women crackling with starch. Respectability was not an ideal, it was
an armour."

Revolutionary though he might be, James always remained something of a
Victorian gentleman. Yet, eminently respectable as he was in his
personal m

[Marxism-Thaxis] Bill Clinton goes out stumping for Obama

2010-09-23 Thread c b
ast Updated: September 23. 2010 1:00AM
Bill Clinton goes out stumping for Obama
Former president's 'all upside' is in big demand by hopefuls
Jim Rutenberg and Kate Zernike / New York Times

He was against him before he was for him.

During the 2008 presidential campaign, Bill Clinton was often at angry
odds with the man who defeated his wife.


Now, in the final weeks of the 2010 midterm campaign, Clinton is
stumping hard to help his onetime foe -- and has emerged as one of the
most important defenders of President Barack Obama's congressional
majorities. Some candidates are asking for his help on the campaign
trail, rather than the president's. Even though Clinton insisted this
week that he was only "peripherally and fleetingly" back in politics,
he has been headlining rallies and fundraisers across the country to
buck up the depressed party faithful.

"They shouldn't take this lying down," Clinton said during a meeting
with reporters and editors of the New York Times.

Blaming Republican policies for digging the deep hole the economy is
in, he said the Democrats needed to plead with voters for more time to
turn things around.

Clinton professes more interest in pressing humanitarian problems like
clearing rubble in earthquake-ravaged Port-au-Prince -- the stuff of
his day job at his Clinton Global Initiative charitable organization
-- than monitoring turnout projections in Portsmouth, N.H.

Whatever his feelings about Obama in 2008, Clinton is clearly feeling
the president's strain.

"Most of the things they're saying about him they said about me, so
I'm much more sympathetic to him than most people," he said. "And when
you get in there, if you're an earnest policy wonk like he is and I
was, it's hard to believe there are people who really don't want you
to do your job."

In the past two weeks he has campaigned for candidates in Ohio,
Nevada, Georgia and Pennsylvania, with plans to appear in
Massachusetts and California in the days ahead. He has been a guest on
the "Daily Show," "Meet the Press" and Fox News Channel.

"He's welcome anywhere in the country," said Gov. Edward G. Rendell,
D-Pa., who spent a day campaigning with Clinton around Philadelphia
last week. "He's all upside and no downside."

>From The Detroit News:

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Teabaggers: A Demoncratic Plot?

2010-09-23 Thread c b
On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 9:34 AM, CeJ  wrote:
>>>Like Obama has done anything that would make Black people stop voting
> for him. What planet are you on ?<<
> I don't know, dye his hair green? The point is to keep black voters
> voting in large numbers for a warpig demoncratic government that
> doesn't give a shit about them. Or haven't you noticed? What planet
> are you from? It isn't like they would vote mainstream Repugnican,
> they simply wouldn't vote.
> CJ

CB: The vast majority of Black people never vote. Those who do vote
understand exactly what Obama is going through. All of these Black
people ,including me, are very observant earthly beings, know white
people like the back of our hands. Oh you know them better than us ?

> ___
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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Fidel Castro Blasts Ahmadinejad As Anti-Semitic

2010-09-23 Thread c b
On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 9:29 AM, CeJ  wrote:
> Maybe he simply needs to shut up and stop giving interviews to
> Atlantic bloggers?
> They are the very sort who have accused Castro of being anti-semitic too.

CB: Gee I wonder whether he knows that (smile)

As to whose usin who, my moneys on Fidez

> I don't think we need to review Castro's credentials. But he is at the
> end of his life, and not really in power anymore. He can't really do
> much of anything.

CB: Yeah right. Sort of like Deng Chou Ping. I bet he has no influence
whatsoever over the Cuban society and state.  He's a retired strongman

> I'm not really sure this Atlantic piece is nothing more than a bunch
> of lies concocted by the Atlantic zionist, since it uses so little
> actual quoted material.

CB: More like a clever propaganda move by Yo Boy.

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[Marxism-Thaxis] C.L.R. James: A Biographical Introduction

2010-09-23 Thread c b
C.L.R. James: A Biographical Introduction

American Visions, April/May 1996

C.L.R. James' The Black Jacobins, first published in 1938, was a
forbidden book in South Africa until the recent dismantling of
apartheid. It's not hard to see why. James researched his account of
Toussaint L'Ouverture and the Haitian slave uprising with meticulous
care. It remains a masterpiece of historical scholarship, but the book
was designed to be a weapon for revolutionary combat. James wrote it
while active in the International African Service Bureau -- the
organization founded by his childhood friend George Padmore, the
godfather of Pan-Africanism. By narrating "the first successful slave
revolt in history," he meant to provide a tool kit of ideas and
information for future liberation movements. Apartheid's censors knew
what they were doing when they banned the book.

Yet The Black Jacobins did find readers in South Africa. Copies were
scarce and the potential audience was large, so people had to
improvise. One circle of activists typed up key passages and
distributed them in carbon copies. Another group tore James' thick
book into clusters of a few pages, to be circulated a little at a

Members would study each fragment closely and then pass it on to the
next eager reader. They doubtless memorized large parts of the book
this way, while waiting for the next installment to reach them. Few
writers ever find their work treated with such passionate intensity.
Naturally, James was pleased to learn about his South African readers.
The very ingenuity and seriousness with which they handled the book
were proofs of a lesson James sought to teach, over and over again,
throughout his work: In their efforts to free themselves, to reshape
their world into a more livable place, people display a creative drive
that now and then directs history into new courses.

After his death in London in 1989, tributes to James came from all
corners of the African diaspora, and beyond. It is evidence of the
scope of his life and work that, over the past half-dozen years, new
books by and about James have been pouring off the presses.

And what an extraordinary range of ideas and experiences they
represent. James produced fiction, political pamphlets, sports
writing, detailed works of history, philosophical essays and untold
thousands of deeply thoughtful letters. He lived in Trinidad, England
and the United States and traveled throughout Europe and Africa, and
each place left its mark in his work. Paul Robeson and Richard Wright
were his friends; he discussed politics with Leon Trotsky and Martin
Luther King; he had close, at times stormy, relationships with Eric
Williams and Kwame Nkrumah, who would later become the leaders of
Trinidad and Ghana, respectively. James' writing moved with grace and
brilliance among the most diverse topics, finding links between the
game of cricket and Aristotle's Poetics, and weaving together
connections among Shakespeare's plays, Lenin's politics and the
problems facing developing countries. To read James is an exercise in
rediscovering the world -- and an invitation not only to reinterpret
it, but also to change it.

Born in Trinidad in 1901, Cyril Lionel Robert James grew up thinking
of himself as a black Englishman. His father was a schoolmaster; his
mother, a great reader of British novels. A precocious boy, James
picked up the books as she finished them By the age of 10, he had
decided to become a writer. The young Nello (as he was nicknamed) also
played cricket, developing an encyclopedic knowledge of the game's
history. Although something of a rebel -- he spent as much time as
possible on the playing field, to his parents' disgust -- James
absorbed much of the Victorian spirit. Trinidad's population was
mostly black, and his rare brushes with white racism left no real
scars. Indeed, prejudice struck James as a violation of the best
qualities of English culture: It "just wasn't cricket."

Only gradually did politics come to occupy his attention. While
teaching at Queen's Royal College (Trinidad's leading educational
institution), James concentrated on writing fiction and, it seems, on
reading everything. By his 20s he was among the most prominent
literary figures on the island. When one of his short stories received
some attention abroad, James decided to try to make his way in the
world as a writer. And so, in 1932, he departed for London. "The
British intellectual," as he later put it, "was going to England."

More than 6 feet tall and strikingly handsome, widely read and
well-spoken, James made quite an impression on the literary people he
met in London. He soon found work reporting on cricket for the
Manchester Guardian, and his essay presenting The Case for West Indian
Self-Government was published in a series edited by Leonard and
Virginia Woolf.

Yet in those years, James later recalled, his strictly literary
ambitions disappeared. Politics took com

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Teabaggers: A Demoncratic Plot?

2010-09-23 Thread CeJ
>>Like Obama has done anything that would make Black people stop voting
for him. What planet are you on ?<<

I don't know, dye his hair green? The point is to keep black voters
voting in large numbers for a warpig demoncratic government that
doesn't give a shit about them. Or haven't you noticed? What planet
are you from? It isn't like they would vote mainstream Repugnican,
they simply wouldn't vote.


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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Fidel Castro Blasts Ahmadinejad As Anti-Semitic

2010-09-23 Thread CeJ
Maybe he simply needs to shut up and stop giving interviews to
Atlantic bloggers?
They are the very sort who have accused Castro of being anti-semitic too.

I don't think we need to review Castro's credentials. But he is at the
end of his life, and not really in power anymore. He can't really do
much of anything.

I'm not really sure this Atlantic piece is nothing more than a bunch
of lies concocted by the Atlantic zionist, since it uses so little
actual quoted material.

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Teabaggers: A Demoncratic Plot?

2010-09-23 Thread c b
. But look
> how useful the teabaggers are: they will keep black and Hispanic
> (non-Cuban) voters voting 100% plus for Obama and his warpig
> Demoncrats.

CB: Sotomeyer on the Supreme Court and suing Arizona for its racist
anti-immigrant law didn't hurt.

Like Obama has done anything that would make Black people stop voting
for him. What planet are you on ?

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Teabaggers: A Demoncratic Plot?

2010-09-23 Thread c b

o-called "Tea Party" Party ineligible for the ballot
Michigan Democrats Told Their Fake Tea Party Is Illegal
 By Warner Todd Huston  Monday, September 6, 2010

The Michigan Supreme Court has made the final decision eliminating the
fraudulent “Tea Party” Party from the 2010 elections.

Two of Michigan’s Democrat appointed justices joined its small three
Republican appointed contingent to declare the so-called “Tea Party”
Party ineligible for the ballot.

For months various Democrats and union members have been trying to
create a new political party in Michigan misleadingly named the “Tea
Party” Party. 23 candidates had been slated from this Democrat dirty
trick effort in order to confuse voters into imagining that they are
voting for candidates that actually support Tea Party movement ideals.

The scandal has caused at least one Democrat to be thrown out of his
party position and has now been unmasked as a fraud by the courts.

No actual Tea Party groups in Michigan had any connection with the
effort and all had no idea who was running the fake Tea Party

Some of the supposed candidates for this fake “Tea Party” group were
not told they were candidates, at least one has never registered to
vote in Michigan, and another has lived out of state for years and was
also not aware he was being offered as a candidate for office.

This was nothing but an illicit Democrat dirty trick effort meant to
destroy the integrity of the elections. The leader of the Democrat
Party in Michigan claims he knew nothing about this dirty trick
campaign but since some of his minions ere involved in planning this
fake Tea Party thing I’d say anyone that believes that no one in the
Democrat Party was behind this vote fraud is rather foolish to believe

In any case, it is over. The fake Tea Party is done.

Previous coverage:

* Fake Michigan Tea Party Acting Spoiler for Republicans?
* Fake Mich. ‘Tea Party’: Another Example of How Democrats Fight Dirty

On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 9:03 AM, CeJ  wrote:
> Right now they seem to be the best way to mess up the Repugnican
> Party-- a sort of reverse George Will strategy, if you will (I think
> it was he who first put out the idea of a permanent, united Republican
> majority in power). I always said the Repugs were more fractious and
> class-divided than the Democrats. The warpig administration of
> Obama-Emanuel couldn't give a toss about the 10% of the US populace
> that is anti-war and hates both parties. If they vote at all, it will
> be during presidential elections for the least bad warpig. But look
> how useful the teabaggers are: they will keep black and Hispanic
> (non-Cuban) voters voting 100% plus for Obama and his warpig
> Demoncrats. And if the teabaggers split the Repugs (while attracting
> racist, xenophobic independents still searching for their lost Ross
> Perot), it will help keep a reasonably unpopular Obama in office for a
> second term. Therefore, I wouldn't be surprised if one of the biggest
> supporters of the teabaggers in key races is Rahmbo E and his bagmen.
> CJ
> ___
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[Marxism-Thaxis] Teabaggers: A Demoncratic Plot?

2010-09-23 Thread CeJ
Right now they seem to be the best way to mess up the Repugnican
Party-- a sort of reverse George Will strategy, if you will (I think
it was he who first put out the idea of a permanent, united Republican
majority in power). I always said the Repugs were more fractious and
class-divided than the Democrats. The warpig administration of
Obama-Emanuel couldn't give a toss about the 10% of the US populace
that is anti-war and hates both parties. If they vote at all, it will
be during presidential elections for the least bad warpig. But look
how useful the teabaggers are: they will keep black and Hispanic
(non-Cuban) voters voting 100% plus for Obama and his warpig
Demoncrats. And if the teabaggers split the Repugs (while attracting
racist, xenophobic independents still searching for their lost Ross
Perot), it will help keep a reasonably unpopular Obama in office for a
second term. Therefore, I wouldn't be surprised if one of the biggest
supporters of the teabaggers in key races is Rahmbo E and his bagmen.


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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Fidel Castro Blasts Ahmadinejad As Anti-Semitic

2010-09-23 Thread c b
Zionism is and has been racism , and Fidel Castro knows it , has
proved he knows it by leading Cuba to vote for the UN resolution
declaring it and numerous other state form expressions of that
knowledge. And of course on anti-imperialism and anti-US imperialism
in general he is an opponent non pareil. His way in the anti-Zionist,
anti-imperalist, anti-colonialist movement worldwide.  So, Castro has
the credentials to do criticism-self-criticism within the
post-non-aligned and national liberation movements or "network".

On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 8:46 AM, CeJ  wrote:
> More and more Fidel looks to be irrelevant on this particular issue.
> Perhaps he could relate better with the PLO under Arafat.
> Of course I would have to wade into the transcript of a long speech
> (translated of course) in order to see if he addresses Palestine or
> the fact that it's the US in Iraq and Afghanistan, and not Iran.
> A's repeated point has been to say that one can not use the Holocaust
> as an excuse for al Nakba or European Zionist Jews colonizing
> Palestine. And al Nakba denial is worse because the calamity is still
> unfolding. Israeli leadership treats for peace with the near-powerless
> PA while trying to consolidate greater Israel.
> For example:
> excerpt:
> After the Second World War, by exploiting the holocaust and under the
> pretext of protecting the Jews they made a nation homeless with
> military expeditions and invasion. They transferred various groups of
> people from America, Europe and other countries to this land. They
> established a completely racist government in the occupied Palestinian
> territories. And in fact, under the pretext of making up for damages
> resulting from racism in Europe, they established the most aggressive,
> racist country in another territory, i.e. Palestine. The Security
> Council endorsed this usurper regime and for 60 years constantly
> defended it and let it commit any kind of crime. Worse than this is
> that some Western governments and America are committed to support
> genocidal racists while others condemn the bombardment of innocent
> human beings, the occupation of their land and the disasters that took
> place in Gaza. Even before they kept silent, not responding to all the
> crimes of that regime, and supported it. Dear friends, ladies and
> gentlemen, what has been the source of recent wars such as the
> Americans’ attack on Iraq or the wide military expedition in
> Afghanistan? Has it been anything else than the selfishness of the
> American government of the time and the pressures by those in
> possession of wealth and power to expand influence and hegemony,
> support weapon manufacturers, destroy a great culture that is
> thousands of years old, destroying possible and potentials risks by
> the countries of the region against the occupying Quds regime, and
> looting the energy resources of the Iraqi people? In fact why were one
> million people dead and injured and a few million people forced to
> leave their homeland? Why were hundreds of billions of dollars worth
> of damage inflicted on the Iraqi people and hundreds of billions of
> dollars of costs for the military invasion imposed on the American
> people and America’s allies? Was attacking Iraq not orchestrated by
> the Zionists and their allies in the previous ruling government of
> America which was on the one hand in power and on the other the owner
> of arms manufacturing companies?
> ___
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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Fidel Castro Blasts Ahmadinejad As Anti-Semitic

2010-09-23 Thread CeJ
More and more Fidel looks to be irrelevant on this particular issue.
Perhaps he could relate better with the PLO under Arafat.

Of course I would have to wade into the transcript of a long speech
(translated of course) in order to see if he addresses Palestine or
the fact that it's the US in Iraq and Afghanistan, and not Iran.

A's repeated point has been to say that one can not use the Holocaust
as an excuse for al Nakba or European Zionist Jews colonizing
Palestine. And al Nakba denial is worse because the calamity is still
unfolding. Israeli leadership treats for peace with the near-powerless
PA while trying to consolidate greater Israel.

For example:


After the Second World War, by exploiting the holocaust and under the
pretext of protecting the Jews they made a nation homeless with
military expeditions and invasion. They transferred various groups of
people from America, Europe and other countries to this land. They
established a completely racist government in the occupied Palestinian
territories. And in fact, under the pretext of making up for damages
resulting from racism in Europe, they established the most aggressive,
racist country in another territory, i.e. Palestine. The Security
Council endorsed this usurper regime and for 60 years constantly
defended it and let it commit any kind of crime. Worse than this is
that some Western governments and America are committed to support
genocidal racists while others condemn the bombardment of innocent
human beings, the occupation of their land and the disasters that took
place in Gaza. Even before they kept silent, not responding to all the
crimes of that regime, and supported it. Dear friends, ladies and
gentlemen, what has been the source of recent wars such as the
Americans’ attack on Iraq or the wide military expedition in
Afghanistan? Has it been anything else than the selfishness of the
American government of the time and the pressures by those in
possession of wealth and power to expand influence and hegemony,
support weapon manufacturers, destroy a great culture that is
thousands of years old, destroying possible and potentials risks by
the countries of the region against the occupying Quds regime, and
looting the energy resources of the Iraqi people? In fact why were one
million people dead and injured and a few million people forced to
leave their homeland? Why were hundreds of billions of dollars worth
of damage inflicted on the Iraqi people and hundreds of billions of
dollars of costs for the military invasion imposed on the American
people and America’s allies? Was attacking Iraq not orchestrated by
the Zionists and their allies in the previous ruling government of
America which was on the one hand in power and on the other the owner
of arms manufacturing companies?

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[Marxism-Thaxis] The Angry Rich

2010-09-23 Thread c b
The Angry Rich
Published: September 19, 2010

The Angry Rich

   Readers shared their thoughts on this article.

   * Read All Comments (1319) ?

No, I?m not talking about the Tea Partiers. I?m talking about the rich.

These are terrible times for many people in this country. Poverty,
especially acute poverty, has soared in the economic slump; millions
of people have lost their homes. Young people can?t find jobs;
laid-off 50-somethings fear that they?ll never work again.

Yet if you want to find real political rage ? the kind of rage that
makes people compare President Obama to Hitler, or accuse him of
treason ? you won?t find it among these suffering Americans. You?ll
find it instead among the very privileged, people who don?t have to
worry about losing their jobs, their homes, or their health insurance,
but who are outraged, outraged, at the thought of paying modestly
higher taxes.

The rage of the rich has been building ever since Mr. Obama took
office. At first, however, it was largely confined to Wall Street.
Thus when New York magazine published an article titled ?The Wail Of
the 1%,? it was talking about financial wheeler-dealers whose firms
had been bailed out with taxpayer funds, but were furious at
suggestions that the price of these bailouts should include temporary
limits on bonuses. When the billionaire Stephen Schwarzman compared an
Obama proposal to the Nazi invasion of Poland, the proposal in
question would have closed a tax loophole that specifically benefits
fund managers like him.

Now, however, as decision time looms for the fate of the Bush tax cuts
? will top tax rates go back to Clinton-era levels? ? the rage of the
rich has broadened, and also in some ways changed its character.

For one thing, craziness has gone mainstream. It?s one thing when a
billionaire rants at a dinner event. It?s another when Forbes magazine
runs a cover story alleging that the president of the United States is
deliberately trying to bring America down as part of his Kenyan,
?anticolonialist? agenda, that ?the U.S. is being ruled according to
the dreams of a Luo tribesman of the 1950s.? When it comes to
defending the interests of the rich, it seems, the normal rules of
civilized (and rational) discourse no longer apply.

At the same time, self-pity among the privileged has become
acceptable, even fashionable.

Tax-cut advocates used to pretend that they were mainly concerned
about helping typical American families. Even tax breaks for the rich
were justified in terms of trickle-down economics, the claim that
lower taxes at the top would make the economy stronger for everyone.

These days, however, tax-cutters are hardly even trying to make the
trickle-down case. Yes, Republicans are pushing the line that raising
taxes at the top would hurt small businesses, but their hearts don?t
really seem in it. Instead, it has become common to hear vehement
denials that people making $400,000 or $500,000 a year are rich. I
mean, look at the expenses of people in that income class ? the
property taxes they have to pay on their expensive houses, the cost of
sending their kids to elite private schools, and so on. Why, they can
barely make ends meet.

And among the undeniably rich, a belligerent sense of entitlement has
taken hold: it?s their money, and they have the right to keep it.
?Taxes are what we pay for civilized society,? said Oliver Wendell
Holmes ? but that was a long time ago.

The spectacle of high-income Americans, the world?s luckiest people,
wallowing in self-pity and self-righteousness would be funny, except
for one thing: they may well get their way. Never mind the $700
billion price tag for extending the high-end tax breaks: virtually all
Republicans and some Democrats are rushing to the aid of the oppressed

You see, the rich are different from you and me: they have more
influence. It?s partly a matter of campaign contributions, but it?s
also a matter of social pressure, since politicians spend a lot of
time hanging out with the wealthy. So when the rich face the prospect
of paying an extra 3 or 4 percent of their income in taxes,
politicians feel their pain ? feel it much more acutely, it?s clear,
than they feel the pain of families who are losing their jobs, their
houses, and their hopes.

And when the tax fight is over, one way or another, you can be sure
that the people currently defending the incomes of the elite will go
back to demanding cuts in Social Security and aid to the unemployed.
America must make hard choices, they?ll say; we all have to be willing
to make sacrifices.

But when they say ?we,? they mean ?you.? Sacrifice is for the little people.

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Fwd: Health care -- reformed

2010-09-23 Thread c b
-- Forwarded message --
From: Bill Richardson 
Date: Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 7:32 PM
Subject: Health care -- reformed
To: WolverBill Richardson 



 [image: Organizing for America]

Hi folks --

This week marks the six-month anniversary of the Affordable Care Act
becoming law, and many important provisions are beginning to take effect.
Starting tomorrow, every American will be covered by a "Patient's Bill of
Rights" that ends many of the insurance industry's most harmful practices.

This morning, the White House launched a new website to help translate what
this means for Americans. The site includes an interactive map linking to
stories of people in all 50 states whose lives are being changed for the
better by the Affordable Care Act, as well as a video of the President
making a surprise phone call to the first person to enroll in the
Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan.

It's a moving reminder of the meaningful change that this legislation makes
in the lives of Americans everywhere. It's also a great resource to show how
reform is improving state health insurance systems throughout the country.
Let's make sure we're putting it to good use from now until Election Day.

Check out the site here:




Lynda Tran
National Press Secretary
Organizing for America

P.S. -- Here are the latest discussion points about the Affordable Care Act
and the positive changes it's making. Check them out, and distribute them to
folks in your community to make sure everyone has the facts:


Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National
Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This
communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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