Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Election Day Thoughts

2010-11-03 Thread CeJ
Outside the orthodoxy of the two-party US, Kucinich retained his
congressional seat.

VICTORY: We won, 53% - 44%

Dear Friends,

Your support made it possible for our campaign to have a strong media
presence in the closing days of the election, so that we were able to
withstand the powerful anti-incumbent tide which swept across the
nation. Five incumbent House Democrats lost in Ohio. The entire state
ticket went down. Democrats lost control of the Ohio House. Yet, in
the midst of this electoral disaster we survived because of your
constant help. People forget that when I was first elected to the
House in 1996, I won a seat which was held by a Republican incumbent.

I was able to strengthen the district through constituent service and
focusing in Washington on economic issues which related to the
practical aspirations of people: Jobs, trade, health care, education,
Social Security, pensions, as well as environment and peace. I have
spent the past decade and more challenging the Democratic Party as
well as the Republican Party on the central tenets of an economic
orthodoxy which tolerates massive unemployment, disinvestment,
acceleration of the wealth of America upwards and endless war.

You have made it possible for me to be your voice on many issues of
importance to the people of the 10th District and United States. I
begin each day with grateful heart and thoughts of those who make my
life and my work possible, people like you.

Thank you and much love,

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Election Day Thoughts

2010-11-03 Thread CeJ
The turning over of the House of Reps to the Republicans demonstrates
clearly one thing (to me at least):
That American voters, as diverse as they are, tend to prefer the
incoherence of the Republicans to the incoherence of the Democrats.

The incoherence of the Republicans is the idea that they stand for
'fiscal responsibility' while they plan to spend even more of the
federal budgets on the military, intelligence and 'national
security'--indeed the Republicans announced that the day of the

The incoherence of the Democrats is that they would talk about the
need to reduce military spending while going along with the budgets
the national security bureaucracy asks for year after year--and then
adding to them with an expanded 'mission' in Afghanistan.

The incoherence of the Republicans is that they would of course
consult with key allies in major foreign policy decisions but announce
to their supporters in the US that no one but Americans influenced
foreign policy.

The incoherence of the Democrats is that they would make a big deal
about consulting key allies, go ahead and act more or less
unilaterally, and then give speeches about how the US has a
responsibility to consult key allies and pretend that the US obeys by
international laws.

The incoherence of the Republicans is signing on to crap 'health care
coverage' patterned after the state of Mass. (the success of a
Republican governor there) while saying that America and Americans
have the best health care in the world and don't need major reform.

The incoherence of the Democrats is saying it's tragic that up to 80
million Americans don't have access to health insurance and even
health care (because they lack insurance) and then going on to sign
onto crap coverage patterned after the Republican crap plan piloted in
the stae of Mass.

I could go on, but I think the point is: The Republicans are much
better at selling the imperialist fantasy vision of America at the
center of the world, America right or wrong, America the chosen people
with a godly mission to make the rest of the world more like
America--not because Americans want that but the rest of the world
wants it and needs it.

It's hard to make much of mid-term elections when so few people
actually vote in them. It's the presidential elections where you see
so much of the fantasy machine cranked up to a level beyond human
capacity to absorb it (the last best hope of mankind rests on one
man's shoulders, ladies and gentlement I give you Prophet and Messiah,
the next President of the US). The religion of America really is
America (which is an ideology as circular as it is incoherent), and
until something comes along to shatter that, I'm afraid the world's
only superpower can't enjoy OECD levels of anything, while it drags
its key OECD allies and satellites down with it.

The Republican H of R won't be able to turn back the clock and revert
America back to the mortgage securities and commodities speculation
bubbles of 2000-2008. The question is where will it and a mostly
willing Democratic Senate and WH take the US in dealing with the bad
economy and the unviable fiscal situation?


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[Marxism-Thaxis] a different POV on the U.S. elections

2010-11-03 Thread Mark Mendoza
(some hasty thoughts, not necessarily shared by others working on the

for perhaps the first time in my life, i don't share the post-election day
blues of my comrades (though Party politics here still induces a wild twitch
in me)

and why?

well, here in Cincinnati we stood up and organised.  specifically, we ran a
senate campaign (the Buckeye socialist, Dan La Botz) for around $7,000 (and
an old car and some comrades' couches and some energetic students [i'm a
grad student] and local activists, radical union members, support from our
newly formed socialist contingent, and new friends)

and, despite running against two notorious popular conservatives backed by
big money, Bush's and Rove's friend Portman and Eric Deaton (Constitution
Party, who starts his trial for sex with a minor today), we got 25,272
votes.  (and why should we stand back and let the Tea Party claim itself the
sole heir to a rich tradition of U.S. grassroots organising?)  it's also
worth mentioning that Dan spoke at events and in places and to groups of
people that no major party candidate would.  for more info. see (plug plug)

most importantly, the campaign has been both a tremendous learning
experience (not least because we made mistakes and could have stretched
ourselves a little further at times), and a chance to find those sympathetic
to our values across the state

marcos m


In tyrannos


In tyrannos
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[Marxism-Thaxis] Election Day Thoughts

2010-11-03 Thread c b
 Election Day Thoughts

by Robert Jensen (November 01 2010)

November 2 is going to be a big day in our political lives.

But November 3 will be far more important.

On mid-term Election Day, voters will choose between candidates with
different positions on health-care insurance, withdrawal from Afghanistan,
and carbon-dioxide levels that drive global warming. The politicians we
send to the legislatures and executive offices will make - or avoid making
- important decisions. Our votes matter.

But Election Day is far from the most important moment in our political
lives. The radical changes necessary to produce a just and sustainable
society are not on the table for politicians in the Republican or
Democratic parties, which means we citizens have to commit to ongoing
radical political activity after the election.

I use the term "radical" - which to some may sound extreme or even
un-American - to mark the importance of talking bluntly about the problems
we face. In a political arena in which Tea Partiers claim to defend
freedom and centrist Democrats are called socialists, important concepts
degenerate into slogans and slurs that confuse rather than clarify. By
"radical", I mean a politics that goes to the root to critique the systems
of power that create the injustice in the world and an agenda that offers
policy proposals that can change those systems.

In previous essays in this campaign series on economics, empire, and

I argued that the conventional debates in electoral politics are
diversionary because painful realties about those systems are unspeakable
in the mainstream: capitalism produces obscene inequality, US attempts to
dominate the globe violate our deepest moral principles, and there are no
safe and accessible energy sources to maintain the affluent lifestyles of
the First World.

Why would politicians be unwilling to engage these ideas? Part of the
answer lies in who pays the bills; campaigns and political parties are
funded primarily by the wealthy, who have a stake in maintaining the
system that made them wealthy. Also crucial is the ideology that pervades
the dominant society; people have been subject to decades of intense
propaganda that has tried to make predatory corporate capitalism and US
imperial domination of the world seem natural and inevitable.

As a result of these economic and political systems, twenty percent of the
US population controls 85 percent of the country's wealth, and half the
world's population lives in abject poverty. None of that is natural or
inevitable. This inequality is the product of human choices that benefit a
relatively small elite, who buy off middle- and working-class people with
a small cut of the wealth. This state of affairs is the product of
policies that were chosen, and can be chosen differently.

Because these crucial questions are not on the agenda for the two dominant
parties battling on November 2, we have to commit to a radical citizens'
agenda on November 3. The first step is building and fortifying - both the
local grassroots institutions that can work independently of the powerful,
and the networks of empathy and caring that will be needed if we are to
survive the fraying of the systems in which we live.

For that work, don't look to the corporate bosses or the politicians they
employ. Look to the person sitting next to you.


Robert Jensen is a journalism professor at the University of Texas at
Austin and board member of the Third Coast Activist Resource Center in
Austin. He is the author of All My Bones Shake: Seeking a Progressive Path
to the Prophetic Voice (Soft Skull Press, 2009); Getting Off: Pornography
and the End of Masculinity (South End Press, 2007); The Heart of
Whiteness: Confronting Race, Racism and White Privilege (City Lights,
2005); Citizens of the Empire: The Struggle to Claim Our Humanity (City
Lights, 2004); and Writing Dissent: Taking Radical Ideas from the Margins
to the Mainstream (Peter Lang, 2002). Jensen is also co-producer of the
documentary film "Abe Osheroff: One Foot in the Grave, the Other Still
Dancing", which chronicles the life and philosophy of the longtime radical
activist. Information about the film, distributed by the Media Education
Foundation, and an extended interview Jensen conducted with Osheroff are
online at

Jensen can be reached at and his articles can be
found online at To join an
email list to receive articles by Jensen, go to

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