Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Marxism and Religion article (1)

2006-12-11 Thread Ralph Dumain
Saxton's formulation is misleading. This statement, though based on a famous quote, is false: Marx and Engels themselves had chosen to make criticism of religion the premise for their project in revolutionary political economy They did no such a thing, nor did they make atheism the

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Marxism and Religion article (2)

2006-12-11 Thread Ralph Dumain
Most of this is pretty good, but I'm suspicious of where it's going. On the question of deduction vs induction: Did Hobsbawm say deduction? He did. Marx and Engels always insisted on their socialist theory as scientific, rather than Christian or utopian. Science, however (at least as

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Marxism and Religion article (3)

2006-12-11 Thread Ralph Dumain
Excellent. Question though: A Weberian image of this apparatus would look like a seesaw with the socialist workers on one end and religious workers at the other. So were religious workers conservative? Conservative workers would be religious, I think, necessarily, but the inverse? The

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Marquis_de_Sade

2007-01-12 Thread Ralph Dumain
Note how full of shit all these French intellectuals are. Adorno/Horkheimer is flawed, although De Sade is an Enlightenment figure. And these feminists are full of crap too. I read all this stuff when I was in high school. Sade's porn is boring, but his philosophy is interesting, if not

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Marquis_de_Sade

2007-01-12 Thread Ralph Dumain
The feminists you cite. But of course there are many others who are full of crap, like Sandra Harding, whom I had the displeasure of sitting next to a couple weeks ago. De Sade was imprisoned in the Bastille, BTW. And freed by the Revolution. De Sade is a curious representative of the dark

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Spook culture

2007-01-16 Thread Ralph Dumain
This is most interesting. It extends our knowledge base of how much the CIA actually intervened in cultural matters. (The FBI did the same domestically.) Of course, this also shows what vile shits the Soviets were. BTW, I thougth the famed movie version of DR. ZHIVAGO was a piece of shit.

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Spook culture

2007-01-16 Thread Ralph Dumain
: Ralph Dumain This is most interesting. It extends our knowledge base of how much the CIA actually intervened in cultural matters. (The FBI did the same domestically.) Of course, this also shows what vile shits the Soviets were. BTW, I thougth the famed movie version of DR. ZHIVAGO was a piece

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Percy_Julian

2007-02-09 Thread Ralph Dumain
You must have seen that documentary on Julian on PBS the other night. Wasn't that a trip? I thought I knew my black history, but I never heard of this guy. Maybe Edward Everett Just is next? At 02:31 PM 2/9/2007 -0500, Charles Brown wrote: Percy Lavon

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Percy_Julian

2007-02-09 Thread Ralph Dumain
I misremembered his first name: Ernest Everett Just I think he was an embryologist. A building is named after him at Howard U. A bio, Black Apollo of Science, was written about him in the '80s by Kenneth Manning, whom I saw at a conference in

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Critique of Hotdog school

2007-02-10 Thread Ralph Dumain
This is not very informative about Adorno's ideas or politics. Even the detailed snippet about Adorno's handling of student protest doesn't necessarily tell the whole story. At 09:36 AM 2/10/2007 -0500, Charles Brown wrote: Critique of Frankfurters [Marxism] Theodor Adorno:

[Marxism-Thaxis] shamefaced materialism revisited

2007-02-18 Thread Ralph Dumain
For various purposes I've found it necessary to group certain materials. See my web pages: Engels on the British Ideology: Empiricism, Agnosticism, Shamefaced Materialism Engels ( Borges) on Carlyle

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] shamefaced materialism revisited

2007-02-18 Thread Ralph Dumain
I cannot respond to the policies of MIA, but my guess is there is no real political issue at stake here. The material that appears on MIA is likely determined by (1) volunteers (who decide to take on projects of interest), (2) concerns over copyright violations. At 08:36 PM 2/18/2007 +0100,

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Wittgenstein reference

2007-02-20 Thread Ralph Dumain
For a defense of Wittgenstein on Frazer against Gellner's charges, see: Uschanov, T. P. The Strange Death of Ordinary Language Philosophy. 2001. I remain unconvinced of Wittgenstein's worth. At 09:13 AM 2/20/2007 -0500, Charles Brown wrote:

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Chinese Premier says promoting fairness and social justice is a major task

2007-03-01 Thread Ralph Dumain
And do you actually believe this shit? At 04:23 PM 3/1/2007 -0500, Charles Brown wrote: Premier says promoting fairness and social justice is a major task Tuesday, February 27, 2007 While developing productive forces and immensely increasing material wealth, China needs to

Re: spam: [Marxism-Thaxis] Chris Knight's Blood Relations

2007-04-01 Thread Ralph Dumain
This is hilarious! Thanks for the laugh. At 09:51 AM 4/1/2007 -0400, Charles Brown wrote: Timothy Mason's Site Chris Knight's Blood Relations Evolution or Revolution? A review of Chris Knight's 'Blood Relations 2000 Timothy Mason (cv)

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Which Fukuyama?

2007-04-11 Thread Ralph Dumain
it's been a number of years since I've seen Drury in action. here the conclusions she draws from the struggle between the progressive Enlightenment and from the (proto-) fascist Counter-Enlightenment, in the light of Fukyomama's recantation, are weak, even spineless. At 03:10 PM 4/11/2007

Re: spam: Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Nappy-headed Hos of the World Unite!

2007-04-16 Thread Ralph Dumain
Clearly senility is setting in. But you are an admirer of Cornel West, as I recall. You probably like Michael Dyson even better. At 12:12 AM 4/17/2007 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: The white boyz understand the words they use and they greet each other and say my nigga, . . . every Marxist

[Marxism-Thaxis] the culture industry, or why we can't be rational [fwd: written 4/17/07]

2007-04-18 Thread Ralph Dumain
[Sequel. On Imus Virginia Tech] [] There are a number of general issues involved here, including: (1) the overwhelming power of corporate controlled imagery combined with a concealment of what goes on behind the scenes, the reality underlying appearances; (2) the realization

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Italians in the US

2007-04-26 Thread Ralph Dumain
This is all very interesting, but the notion that Jews were accepted earlier than the Italians strikes me as bizarre, unless I have mistaken your meaning. At 12:23 AM 4/27/2007 +0900, CeJ wrote: Unlike other European immigrants who struggled initially to become white in America, such as the

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Rush's Magic Negro Routine

2007-05-01 Thread Ralph Dumain
Howard's piece is stupid and naive, as are the respondents. The idea of honest conservatives dissociating themselves from Rush belongs to comic science fiction. I know nothing about Imus, and whether he is a real political propagandist or not. Limbaugh, however, is seriously a right-wing

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Discussion

2007-05-11 Thread Ralph Dumain
Whoever this Haines Brown is, he is an idiot. MIA does have sectarian tendencies, which I have criticized, which stem from its Trotskyist background. These biases lie mainly in (a) its classification of marxist authors, (b) its definitions and study guides to Marxist materials. Even its new

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] West_Side_Story

2007-05-11 Thread Ralph Dumain
For some reason, public TV in DC is now showing West Side Story. I just tuned in somewhere in the middle in which the Puerto Ricans are debating the merits of New York vs. Puerto Rico. And now some white guy has the hots for Maria. Perhaps more later. I'm sure when I was younger some of the

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Pharmacology

2007-05-22 Thread Ralph Dumain
Several years ago I was told the generic name was Mycoxafailin, so I consider that authoritative. The person who told me may have been penile, but I still trust my source. At 04:42 PM 5/22/2007 -0400, Charles Brown wrote: Pharmacology In Pharmacology, all drugs have two names, a trade name

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Can someone explain the difference between Marxism, communism and socialism ?

2007-05-24 Thread Ralph Dumain
You should have reported abuse. At 01:14 PM 5/24/2007 -0400, Charles Brown wrote: Can someone explain the difference between Marxism, communism and socialism They seem to be the same thing.? 2 months ago - 3 answers - Report Abuse Best Answer - Chosen by Asker these are forms of fascism, how

[Marxism-Thaxis] Cornel West Marxism (1)

2007-06-07 Thread Ralph Dumain
As much as I hate to admit it, I'm finding Cornel West's THE ETHICAL DIMENSIONS OF MARXIST THOUGHT a worthwhile read. A critique of this work must fall into two parts, in reference to: (a) West's preface written for the 1991 publication of this book, (b) the work itself, written in the late

[Marxism-Thaxis] Cornel West Marxism (3)

2007-06-07 Thread Ralph Dumain
In the late '70s, Cornel West is both a skilled analyst and a sly little weasel. It's a shame only the weasel survived. West is most impressed by the 6th and 7th thesis on Feuerbach. quote: --- These two theses constitute Marx's celebrated rejection of the doctrine of

[Marxism-Thaxis] Cornel West Marxism (4)

2007-06-08 Thread Ralph Dumain
Finally, West analyzes Marx's fully developed radical historicism in THE GERMAN IDEOLOGY. In the middle of this he takes a detour to summarize Max Stirner's radical psychologism in THE EGO AND HIS OWN as it marks a crucial step in the evolution of Left Hegelian thought and the last hurdle Marx

[Marxism-Thaxis] Cornel West Marxism (5)

2007-06-08 Thread Ralph Dumain
It is worthwhile quoting the introductory to chapter 4 in full: quote: The major Marxist approaches to ethics bear the historicist stamp. They deny the existence of an Archimedian point from which to adjudicate rival ethical judgments, they accent the fleeting character of

[Marxism-Thaxis] Cornel West Marxism (6)

2007-06-08 Thread Ralph Dumain
Continuing chapter 4, on Engels: West first offers a few quotes from _Anti-Duhring_ documenting Engels' belief that there is historical progress in morality. I will only quote a fraction of one of these quotes, which I think is directly relevant to West's subsequent assertions quote from

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] spam: Re: Cornel West Marxism (6)

2007-06-08 Thread Ralph Dumain
This is mostly nonsense, but since we are on the topic of Baldwin, here are two pieces I just wrote: James Baldwin Revisited (1): Prolegomena James Baldwin Revisited (2): Go Tell It on the Mountain

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Cornel West Marxism (6)

2007-06-08 Thread Ralph Dumain
and cultural loyalties, was particularly uncomfortable . . . Ralph the article CORNEL WEST'S EVASION OF PHILOSOPHY, OR, RICHARD WRIGHT'S REVENGE by Ralph Dumain, claims to be a [REVIEW OF: West, Cornel. Philosophy and the Afro-American experience, The Philosophical Forum, vol. 9, nos. 2-3, winter-spring

[Marxism-Thaxis] Cornel West Marxism (7)

2007-06-08 Thread Ralph Dumain
To recap what we have so far: Marx has been mischaracterized as a radical historicist. He rejected the notion of morality altogether. Note however that Marx also asserted that Right can rise no higher than the capacities of any society allows. Hence no assertions about morality can be made.

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Capitalism, Marxism, and the Black Radical Tradition

2007-06-09 Thread Ralph Dumain
Briefly, as I am overcommitted already. . . Beware Robinson's BLACK MARXISM: as far as I'm concerned, it's rubbish. The interview you reproduce contains a number of ingredients and some interesting ideas worth pursuing. But there are also some points I find debatable. (1) The Black Radical

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] A note on positivism (was Re: Cornel West Marxism (7))

2007-06-09 Thread Ralph Dumain
that Marx is a positivist. Of course, this also hangs on the definition of 'science', which in German historically does not have the restricted scope of the English term. At 06:58 AM 6/9/2007 -0400, Jim Farmelant wrote: On Fri, 08 Jun 2007 06:09:54 -0400 Ralph Dumain [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Capitalism, Marxism, and the Black Radical Tradition

2007-06-09 Thread Ralph Dumain
It's only the 'else' that really matters in a productive way, as the concoction of such an intellectual 'tradition' as an actual entity is where the trouble lies. And his academic standing matters a great deal, as the politics of academic departments has a lot to do with the way careers are

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] A note on positivism

2007-06-09 Thread Ralph Dumain
The fact that Frege and Husserl are seen as belonging to entirely different worlds relates to the peculiar conditions that created this artificial concept known as continental philosophy. As for scientists, naturally, there are only a small percentage who are philosophically inclined and only

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Capitalism, Marxism, and the Black Radical Tradition

2007-06-09 Thread Ralph Dumain
At 03:13 PM 6/9/2007 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: (Three pages of discussion. The Black Marxism thing begins under Section III) Is there a black radical tradition in American society? Did there develop or emerge a Marxist current within this black tradition? Did there develop amongst the

[Marxism-Thaxis] Baldwin again

2007-06-10 Thread Ralph Dumain
I am tied up with other matters now, and I've basically blown my wad on the previous discussion, but I just stumbled onto this piece: Excerpts A Reconsideration of the Career of James Baldwin Henry Louis Gates' The fire last time-- Source: New Republic June 1, 1992 Vol. 206 Issue 22, p. 37, 6

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Cornel West Marxism (5)

2007-06-11 Thread Ralph Dumain
I'm still trying to catch up, and doing a million things at once. The problem is, I can't remember the conversation. I don't think there's any written trace of it; I believe it was a verbal conversation. It has to do with the implications of rational = actual/real, whether this notion is

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] A note on positivism (was Re: Cornel West Marxism (7))

2007-06-12 Thread Ralph Dumain
I don't know if the Robinsonade thing pervades all of this epistemoloigcal heritage, offhand, though certainly one can find this presupposition in modern philosophy since Descartes. I have not been sufficiently precise in my treatment of positivism as relates to Kautsky. Maybe I will follow

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] A note on positivism [et al]

2007-06-14 Thread Ralph Dumain
Will check it out when I get the chance. Note also that the Poznan school links marx with Galileo. While this has a relation to analytical philosophy, I think, I would not call this positivist at all. But another time . . . I am still out of commission, though hopefully I will have a new

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] A note on positivism [et al]

2007-06-15 Thread Ralph Dumain
I hope to have my monitor problem solved within the next 4 days. When I saw Rampersad in person, he did have some things to say about Ellison's procrastination, which probably involves his perfectionism and concern over his status as much as it does the fire that destroyed his ms. While I was

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] A note on positivism [et al]

2007-06-15 Thread Ralph Dumain
But aside from the citation from TS Eliot, what specifically did Ellison admire about Eliot? Surely not Eliot's religion or politics. People have different reasons for admiring Eliot, as a poet if nothing else. (CLR James once said that Eliot is a great poet who reminds him just what he

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] A note on positivism [et al]

2007-06-15 Thread Ralph Dumain
Forgot to mention, I have this big fat book: The politics of method in the human sciences : positivism and its epistemological others / George Steinmetz, editor. Durham : Duke University Press, 2005. ___ Marxism-Thaxis mailing list

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] A note on positivism [et al]

2007-06-15 Thread Ralph Dumain
Forgot to mention, I have this big fat book: The politics of method in the human sciences : positivism and its epistemological others / George Steinmetz, editor. Durham : Duke University Press, 2005. ___ Marxism-Thaxis mailing list

[Marxism-Thaxis] Das Kapital: the novel

2007-06-16 Thread Ralph Dumain
Das Kapital: A novel of love and money markets by Viken Berberian ___ Marxism-Thaxis mailing list

[Marxism-Thaxis] Cornel West Marxism (8)

2007-07-01 Thread Ralph Dumain
Chapter 6 is on Lukacs, particularly HISTORY AND CLASS CONSCIOUSNESS and particularly the essay on reification. First West summarizes Hegel's notion of dialectic. Then he shows how Lukacs' Marxian dialectic differs, and emphasizes that it applies only to history and society, not nature.

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Cornel West Marxism (8)

2007-07-03 Thread Ralph Dumain
West Marxism (8) Ralph Dumain Chapter 6 is on Lukacs, particularly HISTORY AND CLASS ONSCIOUSNESS ___ Marxism-Thaxis mailing list To change your options or unsubscribe go to:

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] [marxistphilosophy] Anti-dialectics at Marxism 2007

2007-07-12 Thread Ralph Dumain
This is just stupid, even more stupid than the Trotskyist recitations of dialectics. At 08:43 PM 7/12/2007, Jim Farmelant wrote: ___ Marxism-Thaxis mailing list

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Anti-dialectics at Marxism 2007

2007-07-13 Thread Ralph Dumain
This is all pretty juvenile leftism. Then again, it's not Kevin Trudeau. The entire history of philosophy to Rosa is a scheme, a ruse, duplicity. Novack was indeed a hack. Anything of substance in this essay comes down to the criticism of Lenin. I don't have time for this but if anyone cares

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Socialism as praxis

2007-07-22 Thread Ralph Dumain
And where can we find this article or book? A complete citation is needed first of all. And in any case, what can hermeneutics or philosophy for that matter tell us about the future of socialism? At 10:50 PM 7/22/2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: For more theoretics, read Marx's philosophy as

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Rosa Lichtenstein again

2007-08-14 Thread Ralph Dumain
I haven't checked the links, but am I Mr. D? You know, this is a sad case of Trotskyist obsessive-compulsive behavior, i.e. of a Trot consumed by his quarrels with other Trots, and to a lesser extent his competitors among other Marxist-Leninists. It's pathetic. It's true that diamat--at

[Marxism-Thaxis] Lisa Rogers (25 August 1961 - 15 September 1996)

2007-08-25 Thread Ralph Dumain
Every year I commemorate the days Lisa was born and died. In Memoriam: Lisa Rogers 25 August 1961 - 15 September 1996 Co-Moderator of Spoons Marxism lists (mid-'90s, maybe including

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] More Rosa

2007-08-29 Thread Ralph Dumain
PS: I wouldn't fuck Rosa with Lou Proyect's gopher dick. At 10:46 PM 8/29/2007, Ralph Dumain wrote: I am so touched. A whole page, just for me. It's the Trot version of Krazy Kat. Maybe I should revive my Dead Trotsky Jokes after a decade. Does your head have a hard-on or is that an ice-pick

[Marxism-Thaxis] Soviet philosophy other theoretical works online

2007-09-22 Thread Ralph Dumain
In addition to my own study guide and materials provided on my web site, another important project, aiming at indiscriminate comprehensiveness, is this invaluable resource: Note that this is a comprehensive bibliography in progress of relevant Marxist literature in

[Marxism-Thaxis] Religion Marx (1)

2007-09-25 Thread Ralph Dumain
Wise, Rick B. A. Religion Marx. Austin, TX: American Atheist Press, 1988. xv, 268 p. I must have purchased this book within a few years of its publication. I even remember Madelyn O'Hair talking about it and mentioning the dialectic on some video of some American Atheists Conference program

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] [marxistphilosophy] Religion Marx (1)

2007-09-25 Thread Ralph Dumain
I don't have the Raine compilation. Does it differ significantly from ON RELIGION published both by Progress Publishers and Niebuhr via an American publisher? I don't know what to make of Marx, Critical Theory, And Religion: A Critique of Rational Choice just from the description. Gary North

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] [marxistphilosophy] Religion Marx (1)

2007-09-25 Thread Ralph Dumain
I'm familiar with the Aptheker title and most likely read at least parts of it decades ago. Can't say much about this except this sort of dialogue doesn't do much for me. It can of course be useful to delineate what separates Marxist method or world view from even the most allegedly

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] [marxistphilosophy] Religion Marx (1)

2007-09-26 Thread Ralph Dumain
Great reading list. Thanks. Naturally, there must have been much progress in Marxist as well as anthropological and sociological analysis of religion since Marx's time. Another question is how Marxology in relation to religion--i.e. analysis of Marx's views on religion--has progressed.

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Religion Marx

2007-09-26 Thread Ralph Dumain
Expositions of Marxism have tended to limit treating Feuerbach as a thinker in his own right, but not all scholars, Marxist and non-Marxist, have imposed such limitations. I don't know whether Marx or Kierkegaard even knew of one another's existence, so I don't know what is to be said on that

[Marxism-Thaxis] Engels review

2007-09-26 Thread Ralph Dumain
A HELLO TO ENGELS? by G.W. SMITH Review: Christopher J. Arthur (ed.), Engels Today: A Centenary Appreciation, Res Publica Vol. IV no.2 [1998] Articles from this journal will be available to the general publis for a limited time

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] [marxistphilosophy] Re: Religion Marx

2007-09-26 Thread Ralph Dumain
PROTECTED] wrote: Marx Wartofsky's massive study, Feuerbach (Cambridge University Press,1977), would, I think be an exception to that rule. Jim F. -- Ralph Dumain [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Expositions of Marxism have tended to limit treating Feuerbach as a thinker in his own right, but not all scholars

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] [marxistphilosophy] Presentations to the Fifth International Marx Congress

2007-09-29 Thread Ralph Dumain
Re: Scientific method: logical representation vis à vis dialectical reproduction (i.e., the consciousness dominated by alienation for believing itself an abstractly free one vis à vis the consciousness that advances in its freedom by being aware of its alienation) I have never been able to

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Notion of falsifiability (from RE: Presentations to the Fifth International....)

2007-10-01 Thread Ralph Dumain
I thought that Popper trashed psychoanalysis and Marxism as non-scientific because non-falsifiable as ad hoc auxiliary hypotheses could always be brought in to account for any discrepancies between the theory and empirical evidence. But perhaps this is different from holism and the web of

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] [marxistphilosophy] Re: Notion of falsifiability (from RE: Presentations to the Fifth International....)

2007-10-01 Thread Ralph Dumain
science. . . . . science, like all other issues regarding knowledge, is content-driven, while philosophy is a purely formalistic enterprise. I don't think that there is any such thing, except maybe (and I don't know enough to say about this) pure mathemaetics. --- Ralph Dumain [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] [marxistphilosophy] Presentations to the Fifth International Marx Congress

2007-10-01 Thread Ralph Dumain
One would think from reading a certain sort of Marxist literature that these people live in a closed subculture, which means a metaphysical and ideological mental universe cloistered from the actual world it constantly beats its head against. I don't think it is in human nature to give up even

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] [marxistphilosophy] Presentations to the Fifth International Marx Congress

2007-10-01 Thread Ralph Dumain
As I said, it's not in our nature to give up however severely the odds stack up against us. Those of us who operate mentally as well as materially outside of media and celebrity culture find ourselves effectively bound and gagged. We can of course have and have had a small impact, but

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] [marxistphilosophy] Presentations to the Fifth International Marx Congress

2007-10-04 Thread Ralph Dumain
. Phil -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ralph Dumain Sent: 01 October 2007 21:59 To: Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] [marxistphilosophy] Presentations to the Fifth International Marx

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Marxism-Thaxis Digest, Vol 48, Issue 9

2007-10-18 Thread Ralph Dumain
I look forward to reading this, thanks. PDF files are fine. If you want to provide an alternative, can you automatically convert your files to HTML format? Most people can read WORD files and certainly RTF files, but everyone will read an HTML file and it could be purtier. At 04:34 AM

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] New website - The Revolutionary Imperative

2007-11-01 Thread Ralph Dumain
And what new perspective do you bring to this imperative? At 11:38 AM 11/1/2007, Karl Dallas wrote: As the world staggers on towards destruction, the need to overthrow global capitalism becomes more than just a necessity. It is an imperative. If we do not move on to the next stage in the

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Rosa Luxemburg

2007-12-03 Thread Ralph Dumain
Interesting. I didn't know Rosa Luxemburg got mixed up in philosophy, let alone attack Neo-Kantianism. I'm not going to pay $25 to learn what she said about it, but I am curious. At 06:18 AM 12/3/2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Rosa Luxemburg, the Legacy of Classical German Philosophy and the

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Eagleton vs. M. Amis C. Hitchens

2007-12-28 Thread Ralph Dumain
Jusding from this article alone, Eageleton is as much as asshole as the other two. I never thought much of him, but now that he's having a major attack of Catholicism and thirdworldism in his dotage, he's really insufferable. At 11:59 AM 12/27/2007, CeJ wrote: I wouldn't buy Eagleton's new

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] A friend thought you might be interested in this article

2008-01-31 Thread Ralph Dumain
This may be the only interesting item other than recipes that Essence has ever published. It accords with Jackson's interview on Tavis Smiley. It's reasonably sound for what it says, but what is not said is just as important, viz.: the media manipulation of the primary process, the money and

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] A friend thought you might be interested in this article

2008-01-31 Thread Ralph Dumain
I am disheartened that Move.On is going to endorse a candidate. They should stay out of it. I don't like either Clinton or Obama, but I despise the Clintons, so I could vote for Obama out of spite. But either way, if the Republicans run McCain, which is their only rational choice, we are in

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] What's going wrong for the man who would be president?

2008-01-31 Thread Ralph Dumain
Some of the personal biographical information is not totally germane to the main issue. Obama's personality and self-fabrication may be important to know about, but one doesn't even have to know all that to see through the hype. It can't be a state secret that Obama is a phony. He got where

[Marxism-Thaxis] Adolph L. Reed Jr. on the Democrats

2008-01-31 Thread Ralph Dumain
Sitting This One Out By Adolph L. Reed Jr. November 2007 Issue The Progressive All true, and obvious. But I think the key is to disabuse oneself of illusion, and not endorse either Hillary or Obama at this point. Sure, vote for the lesser of two evils

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] B.H.M. 2008 - first writing; part 3 - The original G

2008-02-02 Thread Ralph Dumain
This analysis looks pretty sound to me so far. I am rather pessimistic about the presidential election, however. The outcome could spell the end of American democracy. Unlike many others, I am not terribly impressed that the Democratic Party will choose either a white woman or a black man,


2008-02-03 Thread Ralph Dumain
I may have missed something, but the massive black engagement with Obama is sudden and recent. Before S.C., I can recall only the endorsement of Oprah. I never bothered to check: Did Oprah give any reasons for backing Obama? There are a number of developments that concern me more. Frankly,

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Great Black Hope

2008-02-04 Thread Ralph Dumain
A few bullet points for now. Given the three main contenders, I was an Edwards supporter. I was sorry to see him drop out, but it was probably inevitable. The worst development though is the push by MoveOn for Obama on SuperTuesday. This is a big, big mistake. I'm willing to accept the

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Is there a political crisis in the U.S. ruling class ?

2008-02-17 Thread Ralph Dumain
The conclusion is demonstrable absurd. There is a political crisis a-brewing, but the working class will not take advantage of it. Furthermore, the tremendous distraction of Clinton/Obama will be brought down to earth once the convention is over and the victor faces off against McCain. There

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Hype and glory

2008-02-19 Thread Ralph Dumain
You are certainly correct to have a bad feeling. The Obamamaniacs are living in a wish-fulfillment world. I expect this from the upper middle class liberal whites I know; what's going on in other people's minds is a mystery to me. But yeah, as I've said, Obama is being set up for a fall.

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] An Eisenhower backs O

2008-02-20 Thread Ralph Dumain
This testifies to Obama's centrist appeal and to recognition of the damage that Bush has caused. Obama's appearance of being free of traditional ties (vs. Clinton) and the weakness of Republican politics has enabled this black man with an African name to get this far, a feat that might have

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Obama's White Men: Do They Hear Something Blacks Don't?

2008-02-20 Thread Ralph Dumain
Such cynicism is certainly warranted, but there's something missing in this excerpt, which you can pick up in the Youngstown piece. Obama's appeal is both vast and exaggerated, and highly precarious. But this excerpt, which paints white males as the most reactionary element of American

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] The Democrats’ Class War

2008-02-21 Thread Ralph Dumain
Further analysis of this paradox is needed. I'm not fully convinced by these statements: “If Obama started talking like John Edwards and tapped into working-class, blue-collar proletarian rage, suddenly all of those white voters who are viewing him within the lens of transcendence would

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Zinn on Obama?????

2008-02-25 Thread Ralph Dumain
Support Cynthia McKinney for what? IF she is running for re-election, more power to her. I'm not too thrilled about Nader throwing his hat into the ring, unless there's organizing for something other than his useless campaign involved. He described his web site on Meet the Press, and it

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Challenges and opportunities in the 2008 elections

2008-02-25 Thread Ralph Dumain
As uninterested as I am in the CPUSA, I don't disagree with this perspective, which is comprised of obvious truisms couched in party jargon. The bankruptcy of the Democratic Party is not exactly a secret to the left, is it? Or is cloistered sectarianism so rampant that the left can no

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Challenges and opportunities in the 2008 elections

2008-02-27 Thread Ralph Dumain
I'm out of the loop, having long ago lost interest in the leftist subculture when it functions as a subculture, thinking about itself and its identity, which one would think only people who live privileged lives can do. I don't need the CP rhetoric to understand such basic principles. And if

[Marxism-Thaxis] Review-a-Day: A Bound Man: Why We Are Excited about Obama and Why He Can't Win [fwd]

2008-02-27 Thread Ralph Dumain Review-a-Day Monday, February 25, 2008

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Challenges and opportunities in the 2008

2008-02-29 Thread Ralph Dumain
There is one thing you are quite wrong about: though Obama is a consummate opportunist and little more, it makes a big difference who gets elected in November, especially for Americans. I live in the USA, not elsewhere, and I live for myself, not for everyone but me. I am not an activist,

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] For those who read German

2008-03-06 Thread Ralph Dumain
An abstract in English, perhaps? At 09:00 PM 3/6/2008, Jim Farmelant wrote: My article, „Neuer Atheismus“ (und „Neuer Humanismus“) in den USA, which is being published this month in the journal, Aufklärung und Kritik (, is now avaliable online at their website at:

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] The Weekly Worker and Rosa Lichtenstein

2008-03-07 Thread Ralph Dumain
For some reason, Conrad's article does not load properly in my browser, and all the lines are truncated. But my initial reaction is: these two deserve one another. Trotskyism means never having to get a life. At 09:20 PM 3/7/2008, Jim Farmelant wrote: The CPGB's Jack Conrad critiques Rosa

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] The Weekly Worker and Rosa Lichtenstein

2008-03-08 Thread Ralph Dumain
] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ralph Dumain Sent: 08 March 2008 02:48 To: Subject: Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] The Weekly Worker and Rosa Lichtenstein For some reason, Conrad's article does not load properly in my browser, and all the lines are truncated. But my

[Marxism-Thaxis] Your message to Marxism-Thaxis awaits moderator approval [I'm getting sick of this sh*t]

2008-03-08 Thread Ralph Dumain
Your mail to 'Marxism-Thaxis' with the subject Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] The Weekly Worker and Rosa Lichtenstein Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval. The reason it is being held: Message has a suspicious header Either the message will get posted to the list,

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] The Weekly Worker and Rosa Lichtenstein

2008-03-08 Thread Ralph Dumain
Reading this crap is not rewarding. Probably I will not bother to read Rosa's reply. Conrad moves from theme to theme: (1) the actual historical development confutes the bourgeois notion of progress, (2) Hegelian dialectic is referenced by Marx as critical and revolutionary; (3) Engels'

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] The Weekly Worker and Rosa Lichtenstein

2008-03-08 Thread Ralph Dumain
Reading this crap is not rewarding. Probably I will not bother to read Rosa's reply. Conrad moves from theme to theme: (1) the actual historical development confutes the bourgeois notion of progress, (2) Hegelian dialectic is referenced by Marx as critical and revolutionary; (3) Engels'

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] The Weekly Worker and Rosa Lichtenstein

2008-03-08 Thread Ralph Dumain
To answer your first question: And so, what is the negation of the negation? An extremely general ­ and for this reason extremely far-reaching and important ­ law of development of nature, history, and thought Dialectics, however, is nothing more than the science of the general laws of

[Marxism-Thaxis] Popper in the Weekly Worker

2008-03-09 Thread Ralph Dumain
There are numerous references to Karl Popper in this periodical. These two seem to be the most substantial (relatively speaking) from what I've seen: Weekly Worker 700 Thursday December 6 2007 Powerful because it coherently explains Jack Conrad defends dialectical materialism against

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Alain Badiou in _New Left Review_ on The Communist Hypothesis

2008-03-10 Thread Ralph Dumain
Can't access the full article, but hopefully it is not as vacuous as this extract. At 12:34 PM 3/10/2008, Charles Brown wrote: Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64Content-Disposition: inline[EMAIL

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] the insights of post-modernism?

2008-03-12 Thread Ralph Dumain
I.e. no insight at all. Except insofar as mimicking the cynicism, incoherence and fragmentation of contemporary culture is insight. But traditionally the goal of intellectuals was not to mimic mystification, but to penetrate to its core and create coherent understanding in its place.

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] the insights of post-modernism

2008-03-12 Thread Ralph Dumain
And what, pray tell, are Hegel's answers? What do you think of David Harvey's THE CONDITION OF POSTMODERNITY? If there is such a thing as postmodernity (the condition), distinct from postmodernism as a theoretical approach, when do you think it began? It seems to me that historical amnesia

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