Re: [Marxism] Syria: Towards the Final Battle in Idlib

2018-08-07 Thread Chris Slee via Marxism
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RKOB says:

'Chris Slee says:”RKOB ignores the occupation of Afrin by Turkey.”

'Answer: not true!'

I didn't mean you have never said anything about the occupation, just that you 
didn't mention it when discussing the talks between the Democratic Federation 
of Northern Syria and the Assad regime.

The SDF might be hoping for some form of support in their campaign to drive the 
Turkish occupation forces out of Afrin.  This seems unlikely at present.  But 
if Assad were to conclude that Erdogan intends to occupy parts of northern 
Syria permanently, he might decide to give some aid to the SDF to put pressure 
on Turkey to leave Afrin.

Chris Slee

From: Marxism  on behalf of RKOB via 
Sent: Tuesday, 7 August 2018 11:21 PM
To: Chris Slee
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Syria: Towards the Final Battle in Idlib

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Chris Slee says: “RKOB quotes praise for the YPG and SDF by US
generals.This just reflects cooperation between the SDF and the US in
the fight against ISIS, something I have never denied.”

Well, do you want to suggest that the relationship between the US and
YPG/SDF is one of cooperation between equals? On one hand we have the
biggest imperialist power of the world and on the other a
petty-bourgeois nationalist militia representing an important sector of
the Kurdish minority in Syria. Really, one does not to be Einstein to
understand that this is not a relationship of equals but a hierarchical
relationship with US imperialism in the command.

This is also one reason, by the way, why the YPG/SDF fights for US
interests (as well as its own nationalist interests) in Arab territories
with hardly any or none at all Kurdish population. This is why the
YPG/SDF acts as national oppressors in the Arab-populated territories in
Eastern Syria.

Chris Slee says:”RKOB ignores the occupation of Afrin by Turkey.”

Answer: not true! See our statement with the very title “Syria: No to
Turkey’s Attack on Afrin! Defend the Syrian Revolution against
Syria: No to Turkey’s Attack on Afrin! Defend the Syrian 
The Syrian Revolution must reject sectarianism and strive to create 
multinational unity among Arabs, Turks and Kurds! Rally all forces against the 
Assadist-Iranian-Russian Aggression in Idlib!

(see also the collection of all our articles on Syria:

Chris Slee asks: ”If the SDF are the "foot soldiers" of US imperialism,
why did the US do nothing to stop the Turkish invasion of Afrin?”

Answer: because the YPG/SDF is too small and weak to satisfy the
interests of US imperialism in Syria. Washington needs more and stronger
allies and hopes to win over Turkey in one way or another. But, as we
have seen since some time, this is highly difficult and contradictory.
Turkey would be a very insecure ally. So Washington is manoeuvring and
tries to keep YPG/SDF and at the same to improve cooperation with the
Erdoğan regime.

Personally, I think it is entirely possible that the alliance between US
imperialism and the YPG/SDF could end at some point. This could be the
case when the US no longer needs them as foot soldiers. This could be
the case either if the US has found a stronger ally (Turkey comes into
mind). Or if the US completely withdraws from Syria. But the US-YPG
alliance would not end because of any anti-imperialist impetus of the
YPG/SDF but because Washington has found a better mercenary. In this
context it is possible that the YPG/SDF finally joins the camp of Assad
and Russian imperialism. No improvement to the present situation. Just a
replacement of one bloody reactionary master by another.

Revolutionär-Kommunistische Organisation BEFREIUNG
(Österreichische Sektion der RCIT,<>)<>
Tel./SMS/WhatsApp/Telegram: +43-650-4068314

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Re: [Marxism] Syria: Towards the Final Battle in Idlib

2018-08-07 Thread Chris Slee via Marxism
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People voted in Democratic Northern Syria Federation elections:

Foza Yusif: “Elections sent a strong message”:

Northern Syria election results announced:


From: Jason 
Sent: Wednesday, 8 August 2018 3:22 AM
To: Chris Slee; Activists and scholars in Marxist tradition
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Syria: Towards the Final Battle in Idlib

On Tue, Aug 7, 2018 at 8:11 AM, Chris Slee via Marxism>> wrote:
But this cooperation does not amount to US occupation of SDF controlled areas. 
The people of these areas govern themselves through their own democratic 

Without wanting to distract attention from mkaradjis's important email, I'd 
like Chris to share evidence that SDF controlled areas are governed by the 
local populations through "democratic institutions."
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Re: [Marxism] Syria: Towards the Final Battle in Idlib

2018-08-07 Thread Jason via Marxism
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On Tue, Aug 7, 2018 at 8:11 AM, Chris Slee via Marxism <> wrote:

> But this cooperation does not amount to US occupation of SDF controlled
> areas. The people of these areas govern themselves through their own
> democratic institutions.

Without wanting to distract attention from mkaradjis's important email, I'd
like Chris to share evidence that SDF controlled areas are governed by the
local populations through "democratic institutions."
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Re: [Marxism] Syria: Towards the Final Battle in Idlib

2018-08-07 Thread mkaradjis via Marxism
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Chris rejects Michael Probsting’s description of Idlib (actually
‘Greater Idlib, which includes northern Hama, southern and western
Aleppo, and part of northern Latakia) as "the last remaining liberated
area", because “the Turkish army has bases in Idlib, and much of the
province is controlled by groups which are Turkish proxies.”

Yet in his latest response, Chris rejects Michael’s description of
northeastern Syria as “occupied by the US,” because, according to
Chris, “If the presence of some foreign troops in an area amounts to
"occupation", then Idlib is occupied by Turkey (something that RKOB
has denied).” But Chris refers to “the Turkish occupation of Idlib.”

So I am confused. Either both Greater Idlib and Greater Rojava (ie,
including Raqqa etc) are occupied, or both are liberated, with “some
foreign troops.”

To clarify, I think we all agree that Afrin is under Turkish
occupation. As for the northern Aleppo border region between Azaz and
Jarablus via al-Bab, there is a kind of Turkish occupation, but one
which appears to be overwhelmingly, if often grudgingly, supported by
the local Arab and Turkmen population of that region.

But in Idlib we are only talking about a few Turkish observation
posts, which are there to prevent the rebels going on the offensive
against Assad, and in theory to prevent Assad from going on the
offensive against the rebels (which of course does not work). In no
sense is Idlib itself under “Turkish occupation.”

Perhaps it is an exaggeration to also describe Rojava as under US
occupation; as in Idlib and even northern Aleppo, the forces on the
ground (the SDF) run their show. But there are a lot more than “some
foreign troops.” According to this map
(, there are 11 US
military bases in SDF-controlled Greater Rojava (and one French base),
while of course there are zero US bases in any of the areas controlled
(or that were ever controlled) by the Syrian rebels, who many liked to
slander as “US proxies” (while usually giving a pass to the
YPG/SDF!!). There are known to be some 2000 US troops in Rojava.

Seems to me that makes Greater Rojava every bit as “occupied” as the
Azaz-Jarablus stretch is by Turkey; neither are fully occupied in the
Afrin sense; and both a lot more so than Greater Idlib, which is
indeed the only remaining fully free territory.

And when discussing “occupation”, we always need to keep in mind that
the part of Syria most fully under foreign imperialist and regional
reactionary occupation is the part controlled by the Assad regime,
which is so entirely dependent for its survival on Russian imperialism
and Iran that it is essentially a satrapy.

Separate to the question of “occupation” or otherwise, it is correct
to describe Greater Idlib as liberated territory. Revolution and
liberation are not concepts that can be measured simply by a
description of the political orientation of the armed groups present.
If the entire conflict were just between the Assad regime and various
“armed groups”, such groups would have been crushed years ago, given
their pathetic level of armament in the face of a massively armed
dictatorship with the full backing of a superpower and a major
regional power.

The armed groups, whether we are talking about the FSA, Islamists,
even HTS, and whatever degree some may be collaborating with Turkey or
even “proxified” or otherwise, do not determine the state of the
region. Countless articles, studies, research, for anybody interested
in reading (and a warning, this does require going beyond the Apoist
media outlets) have described the people’s movements, their continued
resistance, to HTS’s anti-democratic encroachments, and also to other
brigades often enough. Revolutionary councils, LCCs, civil
organisations etc that continue to act in
as-democratic-a-fashion-as-possible given the atmosphere of years of
Assad siege and bombardment, including free elections etc.

The presence of the armed groups is part of the defence of this little
piece of freedom the people have cut out from the horrific regime;
many are simply the neighbours and family members of civil
oppositionists and ordinary civilians; the groups are thus unable to
fully impose the level of repression some may want to (especially
HTS); yet at the same time, the long-term military presence does lead
to extensive violations, to many of these groups being only an
imperfect, at best, armed representation of the revolutionary masses.

I must say I’ve been stunned over the years when everyone wants to
know if there are any “left-wing” armed groups, as if that is the
measure of whether or not there is some kind of revolutio

Re: [Marxism] Syria: Towards the Final Battle in Idlib

2018-08-07 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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Chris Slee says: “RKOB quotes praise for the YPG and SDF by US 
generals.This just reflects cooperation between the SDF and the US in 
the fight against ISIS, something I have never denied.”

Well, do you want to suggest that the relationship between the US and 
YPG/SDF is one of cooperation between equals? On one hand we have the 
biggest imperialist power of the world and on the other a 
petty-bourgeois nationalist militia representing an important sector of 
the Kurdish minority in Syria. Really, one does not to be Einstein to 
understand that this is not a relationship of equals but a hierarchical 
relationship with US imperialism in the command.

This is also one reason, by the way, why the YPG/SDF fights for US 
interests (as well as its own nationalist interests) in Arab territories 
with hardly any or none at all Kurdish population. This is why the 
YPG/SDF acts as national oppressors in the Arab-populated territories in 
Eastern Syria.

Chris Slee says:”RKOB ignores the occupation of Afrin by Turkey.”

Answer: not true! See our statement with the very title “Syria: No to 
Turkey’s Attack on Afrin! Defend the Syrian Revolution against 
(see also the collection of all our articles on Syria:

Chris Slee asks: ”If the SDF are the "foot soldiers" of US imperialism, 
why did the US do nothing to stop the Turkish invasion of Afrin?”

Answer: because the YPG/SDF is too small and weak to satisfy the 
interests of US imperialism in Syria. Washington needs more and stronger 
allies and hopes to win over Turkey in one way or another. But, as we 
have seen since some time, this is highly difficult and contradictory. 
Turkey would be a very insecure ally. So Washington is manoeuvring and 
tries to keep YPG/SDF and at the same to improve cooperation with the 
Erdoğan regime.

Personally, I think it is entirely possible that the alliance between US 
imperialism and the YPG/SDF could end at some point. This could be the 
case when the US no longer needs them as foot soldiers. This could be 
the case either if the US has found a stronger ally (Turkey comes into 
mind). Or if the US completely withdraws from Syria. But the US-YPG 
alliance would not end because of any anti-imperialist impetus of the 
YPG/SDF but because Washington has found a better mercenary. In this 
context it is possible that the YPG/SDF finally joins the camp of Assad 
and Russian imperialism. No improvement to the present situation. Just a 
replacement of one bloody reactionary master by another.

Revolutionär-Kommunistische Organisation BEFREIUNG
(Österreichische Sektion der RCIT,
Tel./SMS/WhatsApp/Telegram: +43-650-4068314

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Re: [Marxism] Syria: Towards the Final Battle in Idlib

2018-08-07 Thread Chris Slee via Marxism
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RKOB quotes praise for the YPG and SDF by US generals.  This just reflects 
cooperation between the SDF and the US in the fight against ISIS, something I 
have never denied.  

But this cooperation does not amount to US occupation of SDF controlled areas. 
The people of these areas govern themselves through their own democratic 

RKOB ignores the occupation of Afrin by Turkey.  The invasion was carried out 
with the support of Russia and the acquiescence of the US.  If the SDF are the 
"foot soldiers" of US imperialism, why did the US do nothing to stop the 
Turkish invasion of Afrin?

RKOB says that the Turkish army "created 12 observation positions at the 
demarcation line between free Idlib and the Assad-controlled territory".  
Actually the first 3 "observation positions" (military bases) were on the 
border between HTS controlled territory in Idlib and SDF controlled Afrin.  
They were part of the preparation for the invasion of Afrin.  So HTS, at the 
very least, collaborated with Turkey in the preparations for the invasion of 

Chris Slee

From: Marxism  on behalf of RKOB via 
Sent: Tuesday, 7 August 2018 1:43:55 AM
To: Chris Slee
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Syria: Towards the Final Battle in Idlib

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This seems to me a particularly clumsy attempt to whitewash the role of
the YPG/SDF as foot soldiers of U.S. imperialism. As it is widely known,
the YPG/SDF leadership and the U.S. military have closely worked
together during numerous military operations. The U.S. Air Force has
given support to the YPG troops. The U.S. has armed the YPG, and so on.
(See on this e.g.,_France_and_other_Western_nations)

This is why the US military has repeatedly and openly praised the YPG as
their foot soldiers.

As we reported in a past article, US General Dunford praised the YPG as
the US “partners” on the ground in Syria. (“/We have 50,000 partners on
the ground./”,

Maj. Gen. James Jarrard, the commander of US Special Operations against
the Islamic State, also praised the YPG/SDF: “/They have an indomitable
will. They have been ferocious fighters and excellent leaders and pretty
amazing tacticians./”

And Gen. Joseph Votel, the commander of US Central Command, told a
congressional committee that the Kurdish-led fighters constitute “/the
most effective force on the ground in Syria against ISIS/.”

Chris Slee may deny all this out of political embarrassment but the US
imperialists openly acknowledge the value of the YPG for Washington goals!

In contrast, the Turkish army or its air force didn’t join the HTS a
single time in any of its operation against the Assadist forces! Hence,
Ankara does not praise the role of the HTS. Quite the opposite, as we
have shown in past articles, the Erdoğan regime has desired since long
to subordinate or smash the HTS. (See e.g.;

How silly for Chris Slee to equate the role of the YPG with that of the HTS!

As a result, Idlib is certainly not occupied by the Turkish army (until
now). The later has created 12 observation positions at the demarcation
line between free Idlib and the Assad-controlled territory. This is bad
enough but still the Turkish army does not move around freely inside
Idlib. This is in contrast to the role of the U.S. in YPG/SDF controlled

Revolutionär-Kommunistische Organisation BEFREIUNG
(Österreichische Sektion der RCIT,<>)<http://www.rkob.

Re: [Marxism] Syria: Towards the Final Battle in Idlib

2018-08-06 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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From the "depth" of Nick Fredman's "arguments" I can only conclude that 
the supporters of Green Left Weekly and the YPG have shot their bolt.

Am 07.08.2018 um 05:41 schrieb Nick Fredman via Marxism:

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As Chris has demonstrated Probsting’s article contains as much evidence of
SDF-Assad collaboration as badly photoshopped images of YPG and SAA flags
flying together in Aleppo, or the articles a few years ago in Syrian and
Turkish state media uncritically shared IIRC by Louis among others in which
Assad claimed to have armed the YPG. Assad didn’t get around to sharing the
documents he claimed to have on this, but whom amongst us hasn’t lost some
receipts down the back of the couch?

On Tue, 7 Aug 2018 at 11:06 am, Louis Proyect via Marxism <> wrote:

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On 8/6/18 9:02 PM, Nick Fredman via Marxism wrote:

Lucky RKOB wasn’t around to give heroic keyboard advice to Tito and Ho


Minh about never collaborating with the US, or theremight still be a Nazi
occupation of Yugoslavia and a Japanese imperial occupation of Vietnam.

I think the analogy might be more like Bandera collaborating with the
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Revolutionär-Kommunistische Organisation BEFREIUNG
(Österreichische Sektion der RCIT,
Tel./SMS/WhatsApp/Telegram: +43-650-4068314

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Re: [Marxism] Syria: Towards the Final Battle in Idlib

2018-08-06 Thread mkaradjis via Marxism
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On 8/6/18 9:02 PM, Nick Fredman via Marxism wrote:
> Lucky RKOB wasn’t around to give heroic keyboard advice to Tito and Ho Chi
> Minh about never collaborating with the US, or theremight still be a Nazi
> occupation of Yugoslavia and a Japanese imperial occupation of Vietnam.

> I think the analogy might be more like Bandera collaborating with the Nazis.

I assume Louis is referring to the possibility of the PYD
collaborating directly with the Assad regime, including its vile hints
of helping it attack Idlib, rather than its collaboration with the US,
which, problematic as it is in countless ways, is directed against
ISIS and so cannot be compared to Bandera etc. I think that Chris and
Nick are right that at this stage that is only conjecture, but the
PYD's opportunism and extraordinary blind spots are open to all in the
way they make statements that even leave such a possibility open.
Collaborating with a regime that has just released over 8000 death
certificates for those it has held in detention for years (which says
nothing of the 80,000 whose whereabouts is unknown) and which right
now is arresting and killing activists who signed onto its various
"reconciliation" agreements just so as to stop getting bombed, would
indeed be 'Banderite' and I hope the PYD doesn't go down that path.

I assume Nick's comparison of Tito and Ho with the PYD refers to their
collaboration with US imperialism to defeat ISIS, rather than the
possibility of collaborating with Assad. Leaving specifics aside,
let's say OK. Here's a question for Nick, Chris and anyone else who
would like to answer, especially people who took part in grotesque "No
war on Syria" rallies when the US theatrically hit a few empty
buildings some months ago, where not a soul was even hurt, but who
never protested years of US bombing Syria on behalf of the YPG, even
though it killed 2000 civilians and reduced the city of Raqqa to total
ruins. Here it is:

Would your Tito/Ho Chi Minh analogy also have applied to the
FSA/rebels if the US had entered the war on their side by bombing
Assad's forces to bits, reducing some Assad-held cities to rubble, and
killed thousands of civilians, to facilitate an FSA entry into

On Tue, Aug 7, 2018 at 1:41 PM, Nick Fredman via Marxism
> #1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> #2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
> #3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.
> *
> As Chris has demonstrated Probsting’s article contains as much evidence of
> SDF-Assad collaboration as badly photoshopped images of YPG and SAA flags
> flying together in Aleppo, or the articles a few years ago in Syrian and
> Turkish state media uncritically shared IIRC by Louis among others in which
> Assad claimed to have armed the YPG. Assad didn’t get around to sharing the
> documents he claimed to have on this, but whom amongst us hasn’t lost some
> receipts down the back of the couch?
> On Tue, 7 Aug 2018 at 11:06 am, Louis Proyect via Marxism <
>> wrote:
>> #1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
>> #2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
>> #3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.
>> *
>> On 8/6/18 9:02 PM, Nick Fredman via Marxism wrote:
>> >
>> > Lucky RKOB wasn’t around to give heroic keyboard advice to Tito and Ho
>> Chi
>> > Minh about never collaborating with the US, or theremight still be a Nazi
>> > occupation of Yugoslavia and a Japanese imperial occupation of Vietnam.
>> I think the analogy might be more like Bandera collaborating with the
>> Nazis.
>> _
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> _
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Re: [Marxism] Syria: Towards the Final Battle in Idlib

2018-08-06 Thread Nick Fredman via Marxism
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As Chris has demonstrated Probsting’s article contains as much evidence of
SDF-Assad collaboration as badly photoshopped images of YPG and SAA flags
flying together in Aleppo, or the articles a few years ago in Syrian and
Turkish state media uncritically shared IIRC by Louis among others in which
Assad claimed to have armed the YPG. Assad didn’t get around to sharing the
documents he claimed to have on this, but whom amongst us hasn’t lost some
receipts down the back of the couch?

On Tue, 7 Aug 2018 at 11:06 am, Louis Proyect via Marxism <> wrote:

> #1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> #2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
> #3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.
> *
> On 8/6/18 9:02 PM, Nick Fredman via Marxism wrote:
> >
> > Lucky RKOB wasn’t around to give heroic keyboard advice to Tito and Ho
> Chi
> > Minh about never collaborating with the US, or theremight still be a Nazi
> > occupation of Yugoslavia and a Japanese imperial occupation of Vietnam.
> I think the analogy might be more like Bandera collaborating with the
> Nazis.
> _
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Re: [Marxism] Syria: Towards the Final Battle in Idlib

2018-08-06 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 8/6/18 9:02 PM, Nick Fredman via Marxism wrote:

Lucky RKOB wasn’t around to give heroic keyboard advice to Tito and Ho Chi
Minh about never collaborating with the US, or theremight still be a Nazi
occupation of Yugoslavia and a Japanese imperial occupation of Vietnam.

I think the analogy might be more like Bandera collaborating with the Nazis.
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Re: [Marxism] Syria: Towards the Final Battle in Idlib

2018-08-06 Thread Nick Fredman via Marxism
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Lucky RKOB wasn’t around to give heroic keyboard advice to Tito and Ho Chi
Minh about never collaborating with the US, or theremight still be a Nazi
occupation of Yugoslavia and a Japanese imperial occupation of Vietnam.

But RKOB is right that it would be silly to equate the misogynist racist
reactionaries of HTS with the multiethnic feminist leftists of the SDF.

On Tue, 7 Aug 2018 at 3:31 am, RKOB via Marxism 

> #1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> #2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
> #3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.
> *
> This seems to me a particularly clumsy attempt to whitewash the role of
> the YPG/SDF as foot soldiers of U.S. imperialism. As it is widely known,
> the YPG/SDF leadership and the U.S. military have closely worked
> together during numerous military operations. The U.S. Air Force has
> given support to the YPG troops. The U.S. has armed the YPG, and so on.
> (See on this e.g.
> )

> How silly for Chris Slee to equate the role of the YPG with that of the
> HTS!
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Re: [Marxism] Syria: Towards the Final Battle in Idlib

2018-08-06 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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This seems to me a particularly clumsy attempt to whitewash the role of 
the YPG/SDF as foot soldiers of U.S. imperialism. As it is widely known, 
the YPG/SDF leadership and the U.S. military have closely worked 
together during numerous military operations. The U.S. Air Force has 
given support to the YPG troops. The U.S. has armed the YPG, and so on. 
(See on this e.g.,_France_and_other_Western_nations)

This is why the US military has repeatedly and openly praised the YPG as 
their foot soldiers.

As we reported in a past article, US General Dunford praised the YPG as 
the US “partners” on the ground in Syria. (“/We have 50,000 partners on 
the ground./”,

Maj. Gen. James Jarrard, the commander of US Special Operations against 
the Islamic State, also praised the YPG/SDF: “/They have an indomitable 
will. They have been ferocious fighters and excellent leaders and pretty 
amazing tacticians./” 

And Gen. Joseph Votel, the commander of US Central Command, told a 
congressional committee that the Kurdish-led fighters constitute “/the 
most effective force on the ground in Syria against ISIS/.” 

Chris Slee may deny all this out of political embarrassment but the US 
imperialists openly acknowledge the value of the YPG for Washington goals!

In contrast, the Turkish army or its air force didn’t join the HTS a 
single time in any of its operation against the Assadist forces! Hence, 
Ankara does not praise the role of the HTS. Quite the opposite, as we 
have shown in past articles, the Erdoğan regime has desired since long 
to subordinate or smash the HTS. (See e.g.; 

How silly for Chris Slee to equate the role of the YPG with that of the HTS!

As a result, Idlib is certainly not occupied by the Turkish army (until 
now). The later has created 12 observation positions at the demarcation 
line between free Idlib and the Assad-controlled territory. This is bad 
enough but still the Turkish army does not move around freely inside 
Idlib. This is in contrast to the role of the U.S. in YPG/SDF controlled 

Revolutionär-Kommunistische Organisation BEFREIUNG
(Österreichische Sektion der RCIT,
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Re: [Marxism] Syria: Towards the Final Battle in Idlib

2018-08-06 Thread Chris Slee via Marxism
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1. The fact that the SDF is cooperating with the US to fight against ISIS does 
not mean that the US is "occupying" SDF controlled areas.

If the presence of some foreign troops in an area amounts to "occupation", then 
Idlib is occupied by Turkey (something that RKOB has denied).

HTS forces accompanied the Turkish troops when they first moved into Idlib.  So 
you could say HTS helped Turkey to "occupy" part of Syria.

Despite some tension  between HTS and Turkey, HTS has not (as far as I am 
aware) made any attempt to drive the occupying Turkish army out.

2. The SDF is currently waging a guerrilla war against the occupying Turkish 
army in Afrin.  If there was to be a military agreement between the SDF and 
Assad (something which is hypothetical, not a reality at present), SDF would 
certainly expect help from Assad in the fight to drive the Turkish occupiers 

3. RKOB speculates that the SDF will help Assad to invade Idlib.  But the SDF's 
priority will be to liberate Afrin from Turkish occupation.  I doubt that they 
would invade Idlib just for Assad's benefit.

Chris Slee

From: Marxism  on behalf of RKOB via 
Sent: Monday, 6 August 2018 5:01:07 PM
To: Chris Slee
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Syria: Towards the Final Battle in Idlib

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Comments on Chris Slee’s Reply

1) Chris Slee writes: “I did however describe HTS as reactionary and
hostile to the democratic goals of the 2011 revolution.”

Everything is relative: in relation to a socialist point of view the
HTS’s goals are reactionary. In relation to the YPG’s policy they are
definitely less reactionary! The YPG/SDF has helped US imperialism to
occupy parts of Syria. And now it looks to reach a deal with the
monstrous Assad regime. This is definitely more reactionary than any of
the HTS goals!

2) Chris Slee writes: “But it seems to me that the SDF would only agree
to military cooperation if it included action against the Turkish
occupation of Afrin.”

Why should the YPG/SDF “only agree to military cooperation if it
included action against the Turkish occupation of Afrin? They did agree
to military cooperation with US imperialism for years without a single
shot fired against the Turkish army!

3) Chris Slee writes: “This would imply the breakdown of relations
between the Assad regime and Turkey - in other words, the end of the
Astana agreement.”

That might be true. But one can end the Astana agreement from a
progressive and from a reactionary point of view. Breaking the Astana
agreement by a full-blown bloody invasion of Idlib and the slaughter of
tens of thousands of Syrians (and all with the help of the YPG/SDF
mercenaries) would be a reactionary tragedy! It would be the bloodiest
version of counter-revolution!

Revolutionär-Kommunistische Organisation BEFREIUNG
(Österreichische Sektion der RCIT,<>)<>
Tel./SMS/WhatsApp/Telegram: +43-650-4068314

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Re: [Marxism] Syria: Towards the Final Battle in Idlib

2018-08-06 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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Comments on Chris Slee’s Reply

1) Chris Slee writes: “I did however describe HTS as reactionary and 
hostile to the democratic goals of the 2011 revolution.”

Everything is relative: in relation to a socialist point of view the 
HTS’s goals are reactionary. In relation to the YPG’s policy they are 
definitely less reactionary! The YPG/SDF has helped US imperialism to 
occupy parts of Syria. And now it looks to reach a deal with the 
monstrous Assad regime. This is definitely more reactionary than any of 
the HTS goals!

2) Chris Slee writes: “But it seems to me that the SDF would only agree 
to military cooperation if it included action against the Turkish 
occupation of Afrin.”

Why should the YPG/SDF “only agree to military cooperation if it 
included action against the Turkish occupation of Afrin? They did agree 
to military cooperation with US imperialism for years without a single 
shot fired against the Turkish army!

3) Chris Slee writes: “This would imply the breakdown of relations 
between the Assad regime and Turkey - in other words, the end of the 
Astana agreement.”

That might be true. But one can end the Astana agreement from a 
progressive and from a reactionary point of view. Breaking the Astana 
agreement by a full-blown bloody invasion of Idlib and the slaughter of 
tens of thousands of Syrians (and all with the help of the YPG/SDF 
mercenaries) would be a reactionary tragedy! It would be the bloodiest 
version of counter-revolution!

Revolutionär-Kommunistische Organisation BEFREIUNG
(Österreichische Sektion der RCIT,
Tel./SMS/WhatsApp/Telegram: +43-650-4068314

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Re: [Marxism] Syria: Towards the Final Battle in Idlib

2018-08-05 Thread Chris Slee via Marxism
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1. On HTS:

It does appear that relations between Turkey and HTS are currently hostile, 
despite the fact that Turkish troops were accompanied by HTS forces when they 
first entered Idlib province.

When SDF spokespeople said that "Jabhat al-Nusra" members participated in the 
invasion of Afrin, I assumed they were referring to HTS. But perhaps they were 
referring to former Nusra members recruited into Turkey's proxy forces.

In my most recent message I did not say that HTS is a Turkish proxy. I referred 
to Ahrar al-Sham and Faylaq al-Sham as proxy forces

I did however describe HTS as reactionary and hostile to the democratic goals 
of the 2011 revolution.

2. On speculation about a deal between the SDF and Assad:

I don't know what has been discussed between the SDF and the Assad regime.  But 
it seems to me that the SDF would only agree to military cooperation if it 
included action against the Turkish occupation of Afrin.

This would imply the breakdown of relations between the Assad regime and Turkey 
- in other words, the end of the Astana agreement.

This has not happened up to now.  It is a hypothetical possibility that the SDF 
might perhaps be exploring.

While unlikely, I would not rule it out completely.  Assad is probably not 
entirely happy with Turkey's occupation of a significant amount of Syrian 
territory.  If it appears that Erdogan wants to continue the occupation 
indefinitely, Assad might try to use support for the SDF as a pressure tactic 
to get him to withdraw.

Chris Slee

From: Marxism  on behalf of RKOB via 
Sent: Sunday, 5 August 2018 3:36:28 PM
To: Chris Slee
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Syria: Towards the Final Battle in Idlib

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Chris Slee criticized our article on the looming Assadist onslaught
against Idlib

In reply I would like to say the following:

Chris Slee writes: “Michael Probsting describes Idlib as "the last
remainng liberated area". But the Turkish army has bases in Idlib, and
much of the province is controlled by groups which are Turkish proxies.”

To be precise, the Turkish army has 12 “observations positions” at the
demarcation line between the rebels and the Assadist/Russian/Iranian
forces. Yes, as we have explained in past articles, Turkey tries to get
influence over the region and instrumentalizes the Astana factions for
this purpose (see e.g.

But if Turkey would really control Idlib, there would be much less
problems for Putin, Rouhani, and Erdoğan and they could implement their
Astana agreements in Idlib without major complications (as they have
just done in Deraa in the Southwest).

Chris Slee has always claimed that HTS is a proxy of Turkey. This has
been the propaganda line of the YPG/SDF – the servants of US
imperialism. We have always denied this and provided numerous facts for
this (see e.g.

I have no intention to repeat all what has been written. But it seems
particular silly to me that Chris Slee keeps this slander even now
instead of admitting that he was completely wrong! (I remember well how
Chris Slee even tried to defend the hilarious accusation of YPG/SDF that
the HTS would have joined Turkey’s attack on Afrin!) The whole world –
outside of the YPG/SDF bunker – reports about the demands of Damascus,
Moscow and Teheran on Erdoğan to clamp down on the HTS and their allies.
How can Chris Slee explain all those efforts of Turkey to unite the
various FSA factions against HTS? If all factions in Idlib would be
Turkish proxies it should be very simply for Ankara to unite them.
Obviously this is not the case!

Even our enemies are forced to accept this. Look what the Assadists are
saying themselves! Al-Watan, a regime paper, wrote yesterday:

“/Militants from Al-Nusra Front have rejected Turkey’s demand for
dissolution of the terrorist group’s units in Idlib province in Syria’s
northwest, according to the Syrian newspaper Al-Watan./

/The developments came after Ankara demanded that al-Nusra Front

Re: [Marxism] Syria: Towards the Final Battle in Idlib

2018-08-04 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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Chris Slee criticized our article on the looming Assadist onslaught 
against Idlib 

In reply I would like to say the following:

Chris Slee writes: “Michael Probsting describes Idlib as "the last 
remainng liberated area". But the Turkish army has bases in Idlib, and 
much of the province is controlled by groups which are Turkish proxies.”

To be precise, the Turkish army has 12 “observations positions” at the 
demarcation line between the rebels and the Assadist/Russian/Iranian 
forces. Yes, as we have explained in past articles, Turkey tries to get 
influence over the region and instrumentalizes the Astana factions for 
this purpose (see e.g.

But if Turkey would really control Idlib, there would be much less 
problems for Putin, Rouhani, and Erdoğan and they could implement their 
Astana agreements in Idlib without major complications (as they have 
just done in Deraa in the Southwest).

Chris Slee has always claimed that HTS is a proxy of Turkey. This has 
been the propaganda line of the YPG/SDF – the servants of US 
imperialism. We have always denied this and provided numerous facts for 
this (see e.g.

I have no intention to repeat all what has been written. But it seems 
particular silly to me that Chris Slee keeps this slander even now 
instead of admitting that he was completely wrong! (I remember well how 
Chris Slee even tried to defend the hilarious accusation of YPG/SDF that 
the HTS would have joined Turkey’s attack on Afrin!) The whole world – 
outside of the YPG/SDF bunker – reports about the demands of Damascus, 
Moscow and Teheran on Erdoğan to clamp down on the HTS and their allies. 
How can Chris Slee explain all those efforts of Turkey to unite the 
various FSA factions against HTS? If all factions in Idlib would be 
Turkish proxies it should be very simply for Ankara to unite them. 
Obviously this is not the case!

Even our enemies are forced to accept this. Look what the Assadists are 
saying themselves! Al-Watan, a regime paper, wrote yesterday:

“/Militants from Al-Nusra Front have rejected Turkey’s demand for 
dissolution of the terrorist group’s units in Idlib province in Syria’s 
northwest, according to the Syrian newspaper Al-Watan./

/The developments came after Ankara demanded that al-Nusra Front 
militants join the so-called “Northern Syrian Army,” which is being 
formed by the Turkish military./

/Also, Turkey urged al-Nusra Front’s foreign mercenaries to return to 
the countries from which they arrived and surrender to the law 
enforcement agencies there./

/Al-Watan reported that Ankara also plans to use the recently 
established National Liberation Front, made up of several rebel groups, 
to drive al-Nusra Front terrorists out of Idlib/.”

(HTS not disbanding in Idlib, they prepare to fight, 2018-08-04

Denying the contradictions of reality is not only an assault on 
dialectic but also on simple common sense.

This is even more the case with the particularly original (to use 
parliamentary language) line of defense of Chris Slee: “/Probsting 
claims that the YPG has offered to join Assad's assault on Idlib. 
However the quotation he gives from an interview with Salih Muslim 
refers to "military operations against Turkish-backed militants in Idlib 
and Afrin", and says nothing about doing this jointly with Assad./”

But how should the YPG/SDF join the attack on Idlib if not in 
coordination with the Assadist army? The whole liberated area is 
surrounded by the Assadist forces (except in the North where the 
Turkish-occupied Afrin is)! It is simply not possible from a military 
point of view to attack Idlib without coordination with the regime, 
Russia and Iran!

And anyway, what is the context of the YPG leader’s statement that they 
are ready to attack Idlib? It is their negotiations with Assad in order 
to make a deal with the regime! The very article from which we quoted 
the YPG leaders statement is published by a pro-YPG source (Kurdistan24) 
and is titled: “Kurdish leader reveals details of first meeting with 
Syrian government”.

Or does Chris Slee also want to deny that the YPG/SDF is currently 
negotiating with the regime? Is this another Trump-like “”Fake News”?!

I can only conclude by saying: Chris Slee, please l

Re: [Marxism] Syria: Towards the Final Battle in Idlib

2018-08-04 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 8/4/18 7:47 PM, Chris Slee via Marxism wrote:

Probsting claims that the YPG has offered to join Assad's assault on Idlib. However the 
quotation he gives from an interview with Salih Muslim refers to "military 
operations against Turkish-backed militants in Idlib and Afrin", and says nothing 
about doing this jointly with Assad.

As if the YPG and Assad have not collaborated in the past.
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Re: [Marxism] Syria: Towards the Final Battle in Idlib

2018-08-04 Thread Chris Slee via Marxism
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Michael Probsting describes Idlib as "the last remainng liberated area". But 
the Turkish army has bases in Idlib, and much of the province is controlled by 
groups which are Turkish proxies.

So Idlib as a whole is not "liberated".

Probsting has in mind the part of Idlib controlled by HTS. It is a bit strange 
describing an area controlled by such a reactionary group, which is opposed to 
the democratic goals of the 2011 revolution, as "liberated".

Probsting claims that the YPG has offered to join Assad's assault on Idlib. 
However the quotation he gives from an interview with Salih Muslim refers to 
"military operations against Turkish-backed militants in Idlib and Afrin", and 
says nothing about doing this jointly with Assad.

The "Turkish-backed militants" are proxy groups which were used as auxiliaries 
in Turkey's invasion of Afrin - groups such as Ahrar al-Sham and Faylaq al-Sham.

But at present the SDF is not in a position to do much about Idlib. Resistance 
continues in Afrin. There have been a few small scale actions in Idlib against 
groups involved in Turkey's occupation of Afrin. But the SDF is not in a 
position to seriously challenge the Turkish occupation of Idlib.

Chris Slee

From: Marxism  on behalf of RKOB via 
Sent: Saturday, 4 August 2018 12:01:49 PM
To: Chris Slee
Subject: [Marxism] Syria: Towards the Final Battle in Idlib

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Revolutionär-Kommunistische Organisation BEFREIUNG
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[Marxism] Syria: Towards the Final Battle in Idlib

2018-08-03 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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Revolutionär-Kommunistische Organisation BEFREIUNG
(Österreichische Sektion der RCIT,
Tel./SMS/WhatsApp/Telegram: +43-650-4068314

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