Re: [MBZ] Albrecht Stachel selling a finnie

2005-10-17 Thread Jeff Zedic
I think it's the fish-eye lens he used to take the shot. Looks like his 
hand on the left side of the photo??

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD
83 300D

Re: [MBZ] anybody need an E300D turbo? (now HID lighting)

2005-10-18 Thread Jeff Zedic

It's totally the fault of the beam pattern!!!

The morons at DOT think that we should have a big smear of light instead 
of a beam focused on the road! Idiots!! And those unfortunate ones like 
me living next to them have to get the same shitty lights! 
AARRRGG It drives me nuts to see some boy racer in his Honda 
shitbox with 110/130 H9004's blinding us all and still haveing his 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] driving lights on as well


Jeff Zedic
87 300TD
83 300D

Re: [MBZ] Bilstein vs Monroe shocks on a 80 SD

2005-10-19 Thread Jeff Zedic
As far as I understand, the Bilsteins/Boge shocks are damped in both 
directions of travel whereas the crappy aftermarket ones aren't.

Read that somewhere via a link from someone on this list in the last year.

You ask a question; you get an answer... not always the one you 
wanted but an honest answer. Collective wisdom can be a wonderful thing.

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD
83 300D

Re: [MBZ] dieselvolk swarm soybean oil section at Costco today

2005-10-22 Thread Jeff Zedic

Kevin wrote:
Yep, that's what got the whole thing started, taxation without

Actually that is incorrect. It is overtaxtation or taxation that you 
don't like but the roads belong to the people and are administered by 
the state. You agree to this by living in the state.

Admit it, you just don't  like to pay taxes! It's ok, not many do but 
this is NOT TWR!

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD
83 300D

Re: [MBZ] Square Deal?????

2005-10-31 Thread Jeff Zedic


Just think about what the actual freight charge would be to AIR ship a car!

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD
83 300D

Re: [MBZ] OT: Unionized work environments (Was: Why are the "newer" (96-99) benzes prone to rust?)

2005-10-31 Thread Jeff Zedic
That's the whole problem with this union/non-union argument. The unions 
were formed because the management rode roughshod over the employees. 
(Think of Henry Ford and his goon squads beating their workers)

Then when you have a strong union to protect you, you get "the union 
attitude", deadbeat slackers who don't give a shit. it's a lose-lose 
situation in my opinion. (this is one reason I'm very happy to be self 
employed; more people should try it!)

Of the two evil forces, I'd take the union over the management most 
times. Personally, I hate big corporations and greedy shareholders and I 
vote for the small guy with my wallet every time.

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD
83 300D

Re: [MBZ] What is a diesel, part II (INTERESTING!)

2005-11-02 Thread Jeff Zedic


I would guess that it was heated from another source as the ideal 
purpose of the compression engine is to achieve stoichiometric 
perfection. (Little or no heat wasted)

Not sure what Akroyd-Stuart was planning but Diesel was aiming for that.

That's my guess.

Could have had a small coal fire underneath the plate in some sort of 
metal box. (Not sure how common electricity was then)

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD
83 300D

Re: [MBZ] SLS control valve - 2.3-16V

2005-11-04 Thread Jeff Zedic
AFAIK the last SLS valve that could be rebuilt was the 123 valve. My 124 
valve cannot be done and I'd ASSUME that if there's no kit listed that 
would be the case for you too!

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD
83 300D

Re: [MBZ] 60x engine fuel thermostat

2005-11-07 Thread Jeff Zedic

Which one was this??

Jeff Zedic

[MBZ] OT Need a favour!

2005-11-08 Thread Jeff Zedic


Sometimes when you deal with people on eBay you get idiots that think 
that Canada is a s far away as Mongolia! They try to charge me $24 to 
ship here from PA when I KNOW it will only cost $3.75! ARRGGGHH!

I need someone to lend me their address and forward two small packages 
to me. I will of course reimburse expenses.


Jeff Zedic
87 300TD

Re: [MBZ] OT Need a favour!

2005-11-08 Thread Jeff Zedic


In this case he is a crook as the exact items have come from TX and CA 
and the highest cost was $3.75.

The item weighs less than one pound.

Jeff Zedic

Re: [MBZ] Trip report - first drive, Raleigh to Boston

2005-11-08 Thread Jeff Zedic

Sorry do you have a diesel or a gasser here? Either way, 34 mpg is great!

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD
83 300D

Re: [MBZ] OT Need a favour!

2005-11-09 Thread Jeff Zedic
Ok, I've just checked my package that came from TX and it was $6I 
was wrong on that but it's still a far bloody cry from the $25 this dude 
wantes to nail me for.

It's about the principle of the thing! If I was in Zimbabwe this guy 
would charge me the same amount and that just irks the hell out of me!

Jeff Zedic

Re: [MBZ] Prevent cracks on 603 heads, my solution

2005-11-09 Thread Jeff Zedic
What about using Photoflo? It's a chemical we used in the barkroom to 
produce a "sheeting action" that helped prevent drying spots.

I wonder if it's the same or similar thing.

Jeff Zedic

Re: [MBZ] porno benzbunch map

2005-11-09 Thread Jeff Zedic
Well there's my chuckle for the day! I was wondering how long, if ever, 
it would take for someone to notice that pic.

No, it is not me. it's a photo that I used to use on a dating 
website just for giggles

Makes me laugh out loud just thinking about ithahahahaha

Is there a way to replace it with an actual photo of myself?

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD
83 300D

Re: [MBZ] Prevent cracks on 603 heads, my solution

2005-11-09 Thread Jeff Zedic


No cluethere's no data sheet showing any fire hazard. It felt 
similar to dish detergent...

Jeff Zedic

Re: [MBZ] Prevent cracks on 603 heads, my solution

2005-11-09 Thread Jeff Zedic

No idea ...I haven't bought any in 10 years!!


Jeff Zedic

Re: [MBZ] Cup Holder for1995 E320

2005-11-11 Thread Jeff Zedic

Four of us! They give you brain cancer you know!

Jeff Zedic

Re: [MBZ] write your own caption

2005-11-15 Thread Jeff Zedic

It's not MY fault you thought it was a BMW!

Jeff Zedic

87 300TD

Re: [MBZ] For those who like big cars

2005-11-15 Thread Jeff Zedic
Actually I may still have a video of the Smart in an offset head on 
crash against a W220 S-class.

In that one the little Smart car does a pirouette and the driver's door 
is easier to open than this crash video.

Overall, an amazing little car in a crash. I see a dozen of these a day!

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD
83 300D

Re: [MBZ] For those who like big cars

2005-11-15 Thread Jeff Zedic


Re: [MBZ] Help

2005-11-16 Thread Jeff Zedic
Did you check the charcoal canister under the hood? (that's where they 
usually are)

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD
83 300D

Re: [MBZ] Scary

2005-11-21 Thread Jeff Zedic
And these short-sighted idiots are continuing to put sll their eggs in 
the one basket of big SUV's.

Talk about being the authours of their own misfortune!

Of all the US companies, GM more than anybody should be pushing for 
universal health coverage but they're stuck in the past on that one too!

Jeff Zedic
(Born & raised in Oshawa next door to the plants)
87 300TD
83 300D

Re: [MBZ] Scary

2005-11-21 Thread Jeff Zedic

Yeah, I remember the ads for the Xbody Chevys.

"It's the first Chevy of the 80's" and it turns out to be the WORST 
chevy of the 80's..

Of course it helps to have a populace that was raised on their 
mediocrity and swallows the propaganda about supporting their neighbours 
by buying our cars...

Where is that same "patriotism" now?

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD
83 300D

Re: [MBZ] Scary

2005-11-21 Thread Jeff Zedic

It was worse than the Citation??

Wow that's saying something~!

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD
83 300D

Re: [MBZ] Scary

2005-11-22 Thread Jeff Zedic
Well that sounds good to me but in my experience and through friend's 
experiences, they were shit.

You'd NEVER catch me with a GM anyway.ugh

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD
83 300D

Re: [MBZ] For those who like big cars

2005-11-22 Thread Jeff Zedic

Mike C Wrote: "I would LOVE to see that clip.Mike"

I finally found the link to the crash video between a W220 and a Smart car

Go to:

There's a LOT of other crash videos there too!

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD
83 300D

Re: [MBZ] Global warming

2005-11-23 Thread Jeff Zedic


It seems that quite the opposite is happening. The polar cap is the 
smallest it has been in decades resulting in LESS energy being reflected 
off the earth and therefore more warming.

This is also causing the salinity of the northern ocean to change which 
will have a huge impact on northern Europe as the gulf stream will not 
pass its heat on to them as much.

I've also heard that we're in the extremely early throes of an ice age. 
It seems plausible to me.

We don't know as much about the planet's climate as we like to think we do.

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD
83 300D

Re: [MBZ] Kaleb's new ride

2005-11-23 Thread Jeff Zedic

I thought that Detroit Diesel was owned by Daimler Chrysler?

Jeff Zedic

Re: [MBZ] Iraqi Navy

2005-11-25 Thread Jeff Zedic
I'm sure you know that that is a doctored photo. The original shot was 
in the desert of Sudan or somewhere.

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD
83 300D

[MBZ] Something fishy at Mercedes

2005-11-28 Thread Jeff Zedic

Thought the list might enjoy this storyno pics of the car though..

The Times   November 25, 2005

Mercedes goes back to nature for dynamic inspiration
By Stuart Birch
Our correspondent offers a fishy tale from Germany about the one that 
didn’t get away
STORYTELLING fishermen across the world, prepare to hang up your hooks 
and rods because you will never top this one. The latest Mercedes-Benz 
concept car was caught swimming in a coral reef. That is a slight 
exaggeration, but then fishy stories always are. However, Mercedes’s 
extraordinary new Bionic Car really does owe its shape and much of its 
strength to a fish; not a streamlined shark or an elegant ray, but the 
chunky boxfish.

Bionics is all about combining biology with technology, so on one quiet 
Friday afternoon, Mercedes researchers were thumbing through the Wonder 
Book of Funny Fish when, on page 94, they saw the boxfish. At once they 
realised that within its cubic frame was the secret of tomorrow’s car.

Click here to find out more!
The tropical boxfish may not look the sleekest or sexiest of piscatorial 
creatures, but the Mercedes team knew better. In fact, the boxfish is 
extremely hydrodynamically efficient and that meant it would be 
aerodynamically efficient, too, they decided — just what was needed for 
a car.

Unlikely though it may seem, they also discovered that its rectangular 
anatomy was almost identical to the cross-section of a car’s body and, 
because it has to cope with a tough natural environment — jagged coral 
and predators attacking without warning — it had a lot more in common 
with cars. It is able to protect its body in collisions, withstand high 
pressures, move with low energy consumption but plenty of power when 
needed and has good manoeuvrability. It also has a rigid skin with 
interlinked hexagonal plates to give maximum strength for minimal weight.

Transferred to the external panels of a car door, this system produces a 
honeycomb pattern, with up to 40 per cent more rigidity. Apply it to an 
entire car and weight could be cut by 30 per cent, yet crash safety and 
driving dynamics would still be excellent: nature had NCAP safety tests 
sussed aeons before the modern car industry. “There you are,” the 
Mercedes team chorused, “it’s a fish that thinks it ’s a car. It just 
needs four wheels.”

So they went ahead and built the boxfish car, although the marketing 
people decided that Bionic Car sounded better. A four-seat hatchback 
with a diesel engine and chassis from the Mercedes A-Class, it drives 
like a conventional car. It is roomy, with a huge glass windscreen 
extending into the roof. It has lively performance, a top speed of about 
120mph and average fuel consumption of almost 66 miles to the gallon.

Like some cars, though, the boxfish has a bit of an antisocial emission 
problem, being able to eject a toxin sufficiently powerful to kill some 
fish. Not wishing to emulate that, Mercedes has given the Bionic Car a 
super-clean exhaust system, using a new fluid called AdBlue, to cut by 
about 80 per cent the nitrogen oxides produced by the diesel engine.

Although it is not as slippery as the boxfish, the Bionic Car is 
remarkably aerodynamic — about a fifth better than the slipperiest 
production cars. The problem, though, is that no matter how much you may 
like fish, the efficient, clean-living concept car does look odd. And 
clever though its design may be, will many people really want to buy a 
fish on wheels?

Professor Herbert Kohler, the director of vehicle body and drive 
research at Mercedes’s parent company, DaimlerChrysler, believes that 
aerodynamics will remain an essential element of design, despite the 
slowing effect of traffic densities and speed cameras. But styling will 
still be affected, he said, so car buyers may have to change their 
attitudes and accept what today may be seen as unusual or even weird — 
such as the Bionic Car.

Across Germany from Mercedes’s Stuttgart headquarters, Volkswagen are 
also bracing themselves for an outbreak of cars that swap pretty for 
fishy. Professor Wilfried Bockelmann, Volkswagen’s director of research, 
said: “At high speeds, aerodynamic efficiency is important, but on 
average, speeds are becoming lower and lower due to regulations and 
traffic density and I foresee more speed limits.

Styling may also be affected by the need to design in pedestrian safety. 
As a result, cars may not be as attractive — as elegant — as they are 

Which means that the not quite so elegant boxfish could be about to have 
its day, not in the ocean, but on the stormy seas of the world’s car 
markets. It might not be pretty, but it seems to work and that could 
mean that traditional car design, thanks to the humble boxfish, has had 
its chips.


FISH do not provide the only inspiration for designers searching for 
solutions. With environmentalists getting in a lather over motorists who 
drive too fast and, 


2005-12-01 Thread Jeff Zedic

And the damn fool has the headrests in backwards!

Jeff Zedic

Re: [MBZ] transmission repair, 300SD

2005-12-02 Thread Jeff Zedic
Don't forget to mark the holes for the driveshaft bolts so you can pout 
them back in the exact same spot. Otherwise you may end up with a 
vibration in the shaft and have to remove and adjust again and again 
until you get them back in their original spots!

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD
83 300D

Re: [MBZ] Some things are just plain wrong

2005-12-05 Thread Jeff Zedic
Actually if you watch Clarkson's driving closely you'll notice that in 
the good powerslides you can't tell who's driving, and in the ones where 
you CAN tell who's driving, there's a camera change just before he 
totally loses it.

He's not really much of a driver if you've ever seen the early Top Gear 
shows when they DID have a real driver: Tiff THAT GUY can 
drive a car!

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD
83 300D

Re: [MBZ] Some things are just plain wrong

2005-12-05 Thread Jeff Zedic
For many years you could only get the top Porsches in left hand drive in 
the UK. Not unusual at all.I think it's the same for Ferrari.

Even though MOST of the world drives on the left! Yes, that's 
correct.most of the world drive omn the "WRONG" side of the road. ;-)

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD
83 300D

Re: [MBZ] Some things are just plain wrong

2005-12-05 Thread Jeff Zedic
India on the left. China I think, all former Bristish colonies on the 
left. That would inlcude Kenya, Ghana, Zimbabwe and South Africa. 
(?)Hmmm. not sure on SA.

Most of the Caribbean are too, n'est-ce pas?

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD
83 300D

Re: [MBZ] Some things are just plain wrong

2005-12-05 Thread Jeff Zedic
Not just the trade embargoes. SA imposed a 110% duty on "foreign" cars. 
Whe n I worked for Toyota, they also produced cars there from knockdown 

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD
83 300D

Re: [MBZ] Another video, this time with pontoon and /8 aka

2005-12-06 Thread Jeff Zedic
I'm happy to say that I've been able to hack my home DVD player so I can 
now play DVDs from any region in the world and skip those annoying FBI 
thingies which don't apply to me anyway! (bastards)

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD
83 300D

Re: [MBZ] Weather

2005-12-08 Thread Jeff Zedic
Well I'm sure glad that I live in balmy Toronto. Right now it's sunny 
and 0C, that's 32F, and there's barely any snow to be seen...

It has beend colder recently, but not as cold as you guys are getting in 
Kansas. Hmmm, Oklahoma has more snow than us!

Jeff Zedic
On my way to the beach
87 300TD
83 300D

Re: [MBZ] Weather

2005-12-09 Thread Jeff Zedic

I stil can't believe that you guys in Arkansas are colder than us!

Changing weather patterns or what?

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD
83 300D

Re: [MBZ] Oil filter leak

2006-02-09 Thread Jeff Zedic
The screw on thing that you think is another oil filter is really your 
fuel filter

Jeff Zedic

[MBZ] W124 TD rear leveling

2006-02-09 Thread Jeff Zedic


 I've just replaced the accumlator cells on the rear of my TD. It was 
riding like the Flinstone-mobile befoire the replacement but now it 
rides like my high school buddies 78 Marquis with worn shcoks!

Is it possible I've introduced air into the system? It also rides much 
lower with my gear in the back than it did before the cell swap.



Jeff Zedic

Re: [MBZ] Walmart vs NAPA auto

2006-02-11 Thread Jeff Zedic
Guess who's buying most of your new debt??? Hmmm, the very scary China! 
No respect for the rule of law!

I did think that Tom's term "consumer whores" was very appropriate.

Did you know that the 70% or so of Americans carry a balance on their 
credit cards every month? The AVERAGE consumer debt of those carrying a 
balance is $9,000!! That's insane!

Jeff Zedic

Re: [MBZ] CD-ROM problem

2006-02-14 Thread Jeff Zedic

Has he rebooted since the install?

Jeff Zedic

[MBZ] W124 TD rear leveling AGAIN!

2006-02-21 Thread Jeff Zedic


I'm beginning to get a little pissed here..

I replaced the spheres on my car. At the tim e the rear didn't level 
with the added load, but it didn't bottom out with my added weight. When 
I replaced the spheres there was plenty of pressure in the lines leading 
me to believe that my tandem pump was fine.

Now with the new spheres and a full reservoir of fluid, I have the rear 
bottoming out and skipping all over the road whenever I hit a decent 
sized bump.

Underneath the car tonight, I loosened the control rod nut and was 
hoping to fill the system this way. There was NO resistance from the 
valve at all..I could spin it round and round with no tension! Is my 
valve tandem pump...

Any help is appreciated!

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD

Re: [MBZ] main fuel filter question

2006-02-21 Thread Jeff Zedic


Yes, it's a scary-long-time to "self-prime"personally I had no 
problem with the manual pumpat least they were a lkot easier to 
start after a filter change!!

Wait until you run out of fuel one time! It takes even longer!
Jeff Zedic

Re: [MBZ] W124 TD rear leveling AGAIN!

2006-02-22 Thread Jeff Zedic

I have it up on ramps for safety!

Theree is plenty of oil and the system has had its new accumlators for 
over a week now and now self-bleeding has taken place. When I took it 
apart there was plenty of pressure and I got a nice hydraulic oil bath 
for my efforts!

I'm wondering if what another lister has said has happened to me. He 
said that after replcing his cells the valve had been "hammered to 
death" by the dead old cells.ideas??

The valve could be the problem...but I have no way to test it short of 
replacing it or the tandem pump...

Pretty sure that my struts are fineno leakage at all...

Jeff Zedic

Re: [MBZ] Transmissions

2006-02-22 Thread Jeff Zedic

Yes and once again North America was behind even in bicycle technology!

Europeans had those ten speeds in the Second World War or earlier!!

Jeff Zedic

Re: [MBZ] What is the most addictive thing about a Mercedes Diesel?

2006-02-27 Thread Jeff Zedic

You'll like the drive to Johnny B's place! Especially that last hill!!

Jeff Zedic
BTDT   ;-)

[MBZ] IP Delivery vales write up

2006-02-28 Thread Jeff Zedic
Last week or so we had a thread about replacing the delivery valve 
springs and seals and there was mention of a step-by-step write up for 

My car could benefit from this treatment and I'd like to get the URL please!

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD

Re: [MBZ] Proper use and spelling (OT)

2006-02-28 Thread Jeff Zedic

Yeah! Imagine if we lived in North Vespucci instead of North Amerigo!

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD
(Speaks English)

Re: [MBZ] W124 TD rear leveling

2006-03-01 Thread Jeff Zedic


I had replaced the nitrogen cells and had a worse suspension than before 
the replacement. My mechanic diagnosed it as a bad pump and had trouble 
finding one.

I located a tandem pump at Potomac German and had it shipped here 

The end result is I now have a woprking SLS system!! Yeehaw!!

Thanks to all for their advice/help!

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD

Re: [MBZ] W124 TD rear leveling

2006-03-02 Thread Jeff Zedic

$125 and it looked like it was brand new!! Potmac is awesome!

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD

Re: [MBZ] Door seals

2006-03-03 Thread Jeff Zedic


 I'd hate to start an avalanche of work for you, but I'd like to see 
the relevant data for the W124. My driver's door has an annopying wind 
noise and I was just going to replace the seal.


Jeff Zedic
87 300 TD

Re: [MBZ] Traction in adverse conditions

2006-03-09 Thread Jeff Zedic
Ahhh yes but I also remember reading that those Aquatred or whatever 
tires are absolutely shit when trying to reverse!

That was the first thing I heard about them as a problem...

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD

Re: [MBZ] Traction in adverse conditions

2006-03-09 Thread Jeff Zedic


How can anyone possibly defend the most cynical mediocre company in the 


Jeff Zedic

[MBZ] Ot Need a favour in SF Bay area

2006-03-14 Thread Jeff Zedic
Can anyone in the SF bay area help me by picking up an item and 
delivering it to a shipping store??

Thanks in advance,

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD

Re: [MBZ] Ot Need a favour in SF Bay area

2006-03-14 Thread Jeff Zedic

Thanks for the idea Dave but this guy won't even put it in a box!

I don't think the drivers will box it will they??

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD

Re: [MBZ] Uh Oh -- Little Bearings?

2006-03-19 Thread Jeff Zedic

I'd drop the pan and see what's what! It's not that hard to do!

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD

Re: [MBZ] 1983 300SD continued

2006-03-19 Thread Jeff Zedic

Don't be afraid of the heads!! My #14 is still going strong at 284kmi!!

There's 6 inches of extra room in the SDL!!

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD

Re: [MBZ] Today's bizzare eBay ad, all the way from Taiwan

2006-03-19 Thread Jeff Zedic

That's $12,336, not in that color!

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD

Re: [MBZ] 300SD oil cooler line

2006-03-21 Thread Jeff Zedic
Have you jacked the engine up a bit from the mounts? Also, it's easier 
to start the threads on both ends before tightening them down.

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD

Re: [MBZ] 300SD oil cooler line

2006-03-21 Thread Jeff Zedic

  It makes it easier, yes

Re: [MBZ] Bloviation

2006-03-24 Thread Jeff Zedic
If you watch some of the speacial features on the discs you'll find that 
Margaret Thatcher watched the show religiously as it gave her insights 
into how the civil service thought and operated.

The murky inner world was brought into the light by actual civil 
servants that would tell all over a sumptuous meal as long as they were 
kept anonymous! Many of the goings-on were not that far from "reality" 
as far as that pertains to their world.

I prefer to call them "snivelling servants"

Jeff Zedic

Re: [MBZ] Yes, Minister

2006-03-25 Thread Jeff Zedic


I don't know about the Yanks, but here on BBC Canada we have all of 
those shows. I was watching the totally creepy Nighty Night... it's as 
strange as the League of Gentlemen but without the shudders..Father Ted 
is good. I spent a lot of time in Northern Ireland and it reminds me of 

One of the thing I always liked about the UK/Ireland was seeing a 
priest/vicar having a smoke and a beer in the pub! You won't find that 
here where the clergy all seems a tad removed from reality.

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD

[MBZ] Headlight relays---Kaleb?

2006-03-25 Thread Jeff Zedic
I finally got around to installing my Euro lights that I bought fom John 
M in Victoria! (Thanks again John) Boy is it nice to be able to see at 
night again! What a huge difference; I already knew it would be better 
as I have them on my W123 and had them on my W126 also.

I was interested in going slightly overwattage and wanted to get some 
relays to put inline. Does anyone have a link to a write-up for wiring 

Also, what are the latest/greatest H4those Sylvania White star or 
something like that??


Jeff Zedic
87 300TD

Re: [MBZ] Headlight relays---Kaleb?

2006-03-25 Thread Jeff Zedic

Thanks Jim!

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD

Re: [MBZ] Headlight relays---Kaleb?

2006-03-26 Thread Jeff Zedic


Right after sending  I remembered DSL.

I KNOW he'll have the real thing not that blue tinty rice burner shit.

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD

Re: [MBZ] 300TE makes maiden voyage.

2006-03-27 Thread Jeff Zedic


Does it have tailights that you'd like to sell??

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD

Re: [MBZ] Ya wouldn't read about it

2006-03-27 Thread Jeff Zedic


I've been looking for the same ones for my 124 to go with the new Euro 
lights. (and YES, my euro's are Bosch!) Anyhoo, there is at least one 
seller I saw that was in Hong Kong which should be cheaper for shipping. 
If I see him again, I'll forward his info to you.

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD

Re: [MBZ] Turn Signals Out

2006-03-27 Thread Jeff Zedic
Try turning the hazard switch on and off 30-50 times! The dimmer for the 
dash lights is on the cluster just below the gauges on the right side I 
think. If not then it's the one on the left side.

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD

Re: [MBZ] W124 Serpentine Belt Replacement

2006-03-27 Thread Jeff Zedic

What is the tool they say you need.

I just changed my OM603 belt and didn't need any special stuff.. is 
yours that different?

Jeff Zedic

Re: [MBZ] W124 Serpentine Belt Replacement

2006-03-27 Thread Jeff Zedic

Ok, I just checked my 124 manual and I don't see any mention of an SST. 
(special service tool)

All you need out of the ordinary is a longish bar to use as a lever to 
tension the belt tensioning mechanism.

Do you want the pdf?

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD

Re: [MBZ] W124 Serpentine Belt Replacement

2006-03-27 Thread Jeff Zedic
I've also realized that they want you to remove the fan blades, clutch 
and the radiator. I didn't take any of that out. I removed the shroud 
clips and moved it aside a bit, cursed and swore a bit but got the job 
done without removing all the crap they said you needed to!

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD

[MBZ] HK seller for Hendrik in OZ

2006-03-27 Thread Jeff Zedic

Jeff Zedic

Re: [MBZ] Headlights/bulbs

2006-03-28 Thread Jeff Zedic

Which guys?

Remember, there are original Bosch, and then there's the aftermarket 
from  TYC. NOT the same quality!

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD

Re: [MBZ] Rusty contact

2006-03-29 Thread Jeff Zedic

Re: [MBZ] taking the bull by the horns - 87 300TD head gasket

2006-03-29 Thread Jeff Zedic

Alex wrote:

Not such a stretch (even without considering the corporate connection).  The
old 225 slant six had (deservedly) the same kind of rep as an OM617---slow,
overbuilt, torquey, and very long-lived.

Ahhh, but the difference being that MB didn't stop production of them 
when they realized how long they last. That's why the American 
manufacturers are going tits up. They didn't WANT to build anything to 

Jeff Zedic (grew up in a GM town)
87 300TD

Re: [MBZ] UPS vs Fedex

2006-03-30 Thread Jeff Zedic

I get  simliar thing going into the US.

"How do you know people in the US?"
"Have you ever been arrested?"
"Are you sure about that?
"I'll ask you one more time.."

Has everyone in the US been arrested?? Why do they never believe me?? Is 
it my looks?? (see FRAPPR)

I almost prefer the guy that I had one time very late at night who was 
more interested in shining the butt of his nickel plated glock. mind 
you that was years ago!

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD

Re: [MBZ] Enzo crash update

2006-03-31 Thread Jeff Zedic
Well he doesn't have the SLR anymore. It has been impounded and his wife 
charged with driving without a licence. They never bothered to register 
the cars in the US, so they took the SLR off the road right then and 
there! Idiots!

Living proof that brains do not come with  money .hahaha I hope he 

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD

Re: [MBZ] this guy is an idiot

2006-03-31 Thread Jeff Zedic
As I understand it, the tachs were an option in Europe and considered de 
riguer by MBNA as they like to dressup the cars to maintain their luxury 

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD

[MBZ] Does this help Dave M?

2006-03-31 Thread Jeff Zedic

In case the URL gets all messed up it's item number 8050866121  on ebay.

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD

Re: [MBZ] Photos of Lower engine shields -- WAS - Jacking Up a W124 - 91 300D 2.5T

2006-04-01 Thread Jeff Zedic

I'd like to see them please Larry

Re: [MBZ] Photos of Lower engine shields -- WAS - Jacking Up a W124 - 91 300D 2.5T

2006-04-01 Thread Jeff Zedic

Thanks, I got them all fine!!

Re: [MBZ] O/T Truck Diesels Surcharge

2006-04-02 Thread Jeff Zedic


Your rant makes sense to me and is EXACTLY the reason that you need to 
legislate lobbyists out of existence!! We no longer allow lobbying in 
Canada. It is illegal. No corporation or union or individual can give 
more than $3700 to a political type.

We also have NO VETO power for our Prime Minister! Between thye two 
things, that brings us closer to a true democracy.

Now if we could only get people to pay attention to real issues and get 
onvolved and vote we'd be doing great! (less bitching all around)

My little rant

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD

Re: [MBZ] veggie emergency fuel

2006-04-04 Thread Jeff Zedic

BZZZT wrongwhat work will you need to do in 15k??

The car will runb fine on veggie oil like that. The OM603 has a fuel 
heater built in.

If you'd like to point us to actual FACTS that would be appreciated!

Go ahead and throw it in! You'll like it!

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD

Re: [MBZ] veggie emergency fuel

2006-04-04 Thread Jeff Zedic
There's a guy in Wales UK that has been running 100% veggie for years 
with no probs. In some places in  Germany you will have great difficulty 
finding oil as it's much cheaper than diesel.

You may be confusing this with BioD issues with hoses perhaps?

Keep in mind that a lot of people are diddling with stuff they no 
nothing about and are possibly causing their own problems. Maybe  he was 
advised to do the old trucker thing of regularly adding ATF to his tank. 
That'll coke you up.

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD

Re: [MBZ] 300D Bundtcake Rims

2006-04-05 Thread Jeff Zedic
I have them on my 83 300D and have not had any problems. They keep my 
nice new-looking wheels super clean. I know they are there and if there 
was any sort of downside I'd noticed, I'd remove them.

So far so good. (except for the hole in the block)

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD
83 300D

Re: [MBZ] Parts 92 300TE in MA

2006-04-05 Thread Jeff Zedic

If you pick that car up I'd like the taillights!

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD

[MBZ] Damn it's cold was veggie fuel

2006-04-05 Thread Jeff Zedic
Not that this is a one-up-manship contest, but I had a buddy that was 
working security at a construction site in the winter in Yellowknife, NWT.

One night whilst making his rounds he found that if he spit, it would 
freeze solid before it hit the ground! Now THAT'S COLD!

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD

Re: [MBZ] Damn it's cold was veggie fuel

2006-04-05 Thread Jeff Zedic
The beauty of living in Toronto is that we have a huge heat source right 
at the south end of the city so even though we're farther north, we're 
almost always warmer than NYC 500 miles south!

Buffalo on the other hand, is on the wrong side of the lake and gets 10 
times the snow and cold that we do!

Jeff Zedic

Re: [MBZ] Damn it's cold was veggie fuel

2006-04-06 Thread Jeff Zedic

Hahaha, too easy!

I mean Lake Ontario!

Jeff Zedic

Re: [MBZ] Hose identification and source needed! Boost Pressure Control Valve "Hose"?

2006-04-07 Thread Jeff Zedic

I come up with two possibilities;

One is 117 997 09 82 hose to vacuum control valve order by the meter

Second is 000 158 99 35 from turbochargedr to pressure convertor also 
order by the meter

I also only see this on the Garrett turbo and suggest you check their 
local distributor. It looks to just clamp on and be a simple rubber 
pressure/vacuum hose.


Jeff Zedic
87 300TD

Re: [MBZ] Project 240D in Oregon

2006-04-08 Thread Jeff Zedic

You better recheck the engine pics...I'm getting a 404.

Jeff Zedic

Re: [MBZ] Seasons Greetings !!

2005-12-21 Thread Jeff Zedic
The 124 (1985-1995) was the last decently built MB without all the 
elctronic gee-whiz nonsense that has ruined most cars. The W210 was 
built from 95 in Europe and ended in 2002 (?)

The W210 also has rustng issues whereas the W124 was much better. If you 
can find an 95 W124 with the 2.5 turbo-diesel you can save a bomb! Nice car!

Jeff Zedic

Re: [MBZ] Seasons Greetings !!

2005-12-21 Thread Jeff Zedic

Gee it must have cost a fortune to run the 560SEL in the UK?? OUCH!!

Jeff Zedic

Re: [MBZ] Seasons Greetings !!

2005-12-21 Thread Jeff Zedic
The prvious posting was from a European lister and they had them right 
until 95 in the W124. The stuff we get in North America is shit xompared 
to what they get over there!

Jeff Zedic

Re: [MBZ] why is this so cheap?

2005-12-22 Thread Jeff Zedic

Can you say money pit???

Jeff Zedic

Re: [MBZ] why is this so cheap?

2005-12-22 Thread Jeff Zedic
Those cars are known to be major rustbuckets. Sexton had one and dropped 
a fortune into it, I think.

Jeff Zedic

Re: [MBZ] The Atom

2006-01-04 Thread Jeff Zedic

Hans wrote:

Grand Prix bikes do better lap times on GP road tracks than F1 cars.

Are you sure about that? Last I looked they were about 5-7 seconds a lap 
slower. An F1 car will beat it in the corners. (Better adhesion with 4 

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD
83 300D

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