Re: Mersenne: ECM Question...

2001-05-22 Thread Alexander Kruppa

Alexander Kruppa wrote:

> gp_p(x) | go_p, and p+1-sqrt(p) <= go_p <= p+1+sqrt(p) . Since go_p(x)

Correction: I have taken the limits above from my memory which has once
again proved itself untrustworthy. The correct limits are
p+1-2*sqrt(p) < go_p <= p+1+2*sqrt(p) , a theorem by Haase, which I
found in O. Forster, Algorithmische Zahlentheorie.

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Re: Mersenne: ECM Question...

2001-05-21 Thread Alexander Kruppa

Steve Phipps wrote:
> While we're on the subject, can someone explain how to derive the group
> order for factors found using ECM? I've been carrying out ECM on an old PC
> for almost a year now, and I'd like to be able to derive, and factorise,
> the group orders for the factors that I've found.
> I've been making an effort to understand the maths, and I'm getting there
> slowly, but I've found nothing yet that explains how to derive the group
> orders. If my understanding is correct, you would need to know the
> equations used by mprime to derive the co-ordinates of the starting point
> for each curve.
> Anyway, if someone could explain how to derive the group order, or point
> me in the right direction, I'd be very grateful.
> Regards,
> Steve

I'm by no means an expert on ECM, but let me try..

There seems to be a formula to compute the order of an elliptic curve
over Z/p*Z, p prime, but that formula is afaik rather complicated to
What you can do when you want the order of a successful ECM curve is
p is the factor of N that was found by the curve, go_p is the order of
the curve and go_p(x) is the order of x in that curve.
If a!=0 but a*q=0, q prime, then q is the group order of a and a factor
of the order of the group. (0 is the neutral element here).
You can run the sucessful ECM curve normally, but test for a factor
after every multiplication with a prime q and see if the factor p is now
found - if so, then q is a factor of the group order. Remember the q's
and restart the curve, but multipliying the initial point x with all the
q's to find smaller factors of the group order.
A very informal algorithm might look like this:

known_go = 1
set x to the initial point
x = x*known_go
if gcd(x_z, N) > 1 print known_go, exit
for all primes and prime powers q below bound B
  x = x * q
  if gcd(x_z, N) > 1 then known_go *= q, goto restart

This will reveal the order of the initial point x. But we want the order
of the group (go_p), not that of x (go_p(x)). However we know that that
gp_p(x) | go_p, and p+1-sqrt(p) <= go_p <= p+1+sqrt(p) . Since go_p(x)
is usually much larger than 2*sqrt(p), the second equation has only one
solution in integer k if you replace go_p by k*go_p(x). Find the correct
k, i.e. by trunc((p+1+sqrt(p)) / go_p(x)), and k*go_p(x) is the group
order you wanted.

I once tried this with the mprime ecm code and actually were able to
verify the known group orders of some factors, but I never really
cleaned up and debugged the code - for example, you cant stop and
restart the go run, and after the run all the internal variables are
probably not restored cleanly enough to continue with regular curves,
etc. If there is interest in this code, I'll try to clean it up enough
to make it more or less suitable for public display - provided George
has no objection to spreading a modified version of his code.

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Re: Mersenne: ECM Question...

2001-05-17 Thread Steve Phipps

While we're on the subject, can someone explain how to derive the group
order for factors found using ECM? I've been carrying out ECM on an old PC
for almost a year now, and I'd like to be able to derive, and factorise,
the group orders for the factors that I've found.

I've been making an effort to understand the maths, and I'm getting there
slowly, but I've found nothing yet that explains how to derive the group
orders. If my understanding is correct, you would need to know the
equations used by mprime to derive the co-ordinates of the starting point
for each curve.

Anyway, if someone could explain how to derive the group order, or point
me in the right direction, I'd be very grateful.


> If the sigma is the same, then a curve with B1=25 will find any
> factor that a curve with B1=5 finds.
> When you run 700 random curves at B1=25, you might theoretically
> miss a factor that someone else finds with B1=5, if he gets a lucky
> sigma so that the group order is very smooth. But in general, using the
> same number of curves, the higher bound should find all the factors that
> the lower bound can find.
> But dont be tempted into running only a few curves at very high bounds.
> The strength of ECM is that you can try curves with different group
> orders until a sufficiently smooth one comes along. So "skipping" bound
> levels is usually not a good idea unless you have reason to believe the
> the number unter attack has only large factors which call for a higher
> bound.

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Re: Mersenne: ECM Question...

2001-05-16 Thread Alexander Kruppa

Eric Hahn wrote:
>   If a person runs an ECM test using a B1 of 250,000 with 700
> curves (for up to 30 digits), will they also find any factors
> that they would have found if they had used a B1 of 50,000 with
> 300 curves (for up to 25 digits) ?!?
> Eric

If the sigma is the same, then a curve with B1=25 will find any
factor that a curve with B1=5 finds.
When you run 700 random curves at B1=25, you might theoretically
miss a factor that someone else finds with B1=5, if he gets a lucky
sigma so that the group order is very smooth. But in general, using the
same number of curves, the higher bound should find all the factors that
the lower bound can find.
But dont be tempted into running only a few curves at very high bounds.
The strength of ECM is that you can try curves with different group
orders until a sufficiently smooth one comes along. So "skipping" bound
levels is usually not a good idea unless you have reason to believe the
the number unter attack has only large factors which call for a higher

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Mersenne: ECM Question...

2001-05-15 Thread Eric Hahn

  I think I know the answer to this question, but am asking it...
just to make sure...

  According to ECMNet, to find factors of up to 25 digits, the
optimal B1 is 50,000 with 300 expected curves...  and to find
factors of up to 30 digits the optimal B1 is 250,000 with 700
expected curves...

  If a person runs an ECM test using a B1 of 250,000 with 700
curves (for up to 30 digits), will they also find any factors
that they would have found if they had used a B1 of 50,000 with
300 curves (for up to 25 digits) ?!?  


  I'm presuming the answer is yes... and it works the same for
each level... (1,000,000 with 1800 expected curves for up to 35
digits, etc.)...

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Re: Mersenne: ECM question

1999-05-12 Thread Alex Kruppa

Hi all,

I have a different question concerning P-1 and ECM.
Some time ago I asked which power to put small primes
into when multiplying them into E ( factor = gcd(a^E-1,N) ).

Paul Leyland, I believe, replied that the power for prime p should
be trunc( ln(B1) / ln(p) ) ( log(B1) with base p ),
where B1 is the bound up to which we put primes into E.

But what if there is a stage 2 with a higher bound B2?
Should it be trunc( ln(B2) / ln(p) ) then? Or still the stage 1 bound?
In his Diplomarbeit about ECM
( see ),
Franz-Dieter Berger mentiones on page 40f that his experience
shows that it is better to use the stage 2 bound.

Any opinion from the factoring gurus here on the list?


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Re: Mersenne: ECM question

1999-05-11 Thread Preda Mihailescu

> > At Paul Zimmerman's ECM page,
> > the optimal B1 value listed for finding 50-digit factors is 4300, but 
> > George's ECM factoring page uses 4400 for the same purpose. Is one of 
> > them wrong, or is there a reason for the difference?
> If I count the zeros right, these are 43 million and 44 million.
> The function being minimized, namely
> probability of finding a 50-digit factor on one curve, given that such exists
> -
>  time per curve
> is flat near its minimum.  Implementation and platform differences 
> can obviously affect the denominator (time per curve).
> The stage-2 strategy affects the numerator.  The two optimal B1's
> are close enough to be considered the same.

I was wondering about the choice of B1 and B2. Is it possible to ellaborate on the 
of these parameters function of the size of expected factors - without taking too much 
of your
time ?

Thank you,


Preda Mihailescu

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RE: Mersenne: ECM question

1999-05-07 Thread Paul Leyland

> The function being minimized, namely
> probability of finding a 50-digit factor on one curve
> -
>time per curve
> is flat near its minimum.  Implementation and platform differences 
> can obviously affect the denominator (time per curve).
> The stage-2 strategy affects the numerator.  The two optimal B1's
> are close enough to be considered the same.

Umm.   I think you want to maximize the probability.

Minimizing it is easy.


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Re: Mersenne: ECM question

1999-05-06 Thread Peter-Lawrence . Montgomery

"Foghorn Leghorn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> observes:

> At Paul Zimmerman's ECM page,
> the optimal B1 value listed for finding 50-digit factors is 4300, but 
> George's ECM factoring page uses 4400 for the same purpose. Is one of 
> them wrong, or is there a reason for the difference?

If I count the zeros right, these are 43 million and 44 million.
The function being minimized, namely

probability of finding a 50-digit factor on one curve, given that such exists
 time per curve

is flat near its minimum.  Implementation and platform differences 
can obviously affect the denominator (time per curve).
The stage-2 strategy affects the numerator.  The two optimal B1's
are close enough to be considered the same.

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RE: Mersenne: ECM question

1999-05-06 Thread Paul Leyland

> At Paul Zimmerman's ECM page,
> the optimal B1 value listed for finding 50-digit factors is 
> 4300, but 
> George's ECM factoring page uses 4400 for the same 
> purpose. Is one of 
> them wrong, or is there a reason for the difference?

No, neither is "wrong", for at least two reasons.

First, ECM is a probabalistic algorithm.  Each run chooses a random elliptic
curve and has a certain chance to find a factor of a particular size.   When
enough curves have been run, there is particular probability of finding a
factor of that size, assuming that one exists.  If one choose 50% as the
desired probability, the number of curves required will obviously be fewer
than if one chooses 60%, say.  A similar choice can be made for trading off
B1 value against probability, as long as the trade isn't pushed too far.

Another reason is that the B1 value is only one quantity of importance.
Even if the probability mentioned above is fixed, the optimal number of
curves depends on the value of B2.  Different implementations of ECM (or
even different runs of the same implementation) are free to choose different
values of B2 for a given B1.

A non-reason, but still of interest, is that the maximum in the probability
agains B1 curve is really rather flat, and it doesn't matter too much if
parameters are chosen which are not strictly optimum.


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Mersenne: ECM question

1999-05-05 Thread Foghorn Leghorn

At Paul Zimmerman's ECM page,
the optimal B1 value listed for finding 50-digit factors is 4300, but 
George's ECM factoring page uses 4400 for the same purpose. Is one of 
them wrong, or is there a reason for the difference?

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