Summary: Mesa 7.8: Screen lock-ups, when drawing 3D built-in
                    figures (probably GLUT?)
           Product: Mesa
           Version: unspecified
          Platform: x86 (IA32)
        OS/Version: Linux (All)
            Status: NEW
          Severity: normal
          Priority: medium
         Component: GLUT

Created an attachment (id=34669)
 --> (
Code mentioned in bug-report

Noticed lock-ups (screen, keyboard "frozen") when using newest Mesa3D 7.8.
Fortunately, it's easy to repeat, using attached code. The problem appears,
when user wants to interact with his window manager's widgets, for example: if
there's a need to start another application using WM's menu, while having
window of application (the one utilizing Mesa/GLUT) still open.

How to repeat:

1. If you just compile the attached code, it'll work quite normally, and you
won't notice any problems.

2. The important thing is in the renderScene function: now try to remove all
the lines starting from glBegin, and ending on glEnd, then uncomment any of two
commented out lines: either glutWireIcosahedron, or glutWireCube.

3. After new compilation, the application will start and behave normally. But
now it's enough to click WM's "Menu" button - or workspace switching buttons on
taskbar - and the screen will be "frozen" completely, keyboard unusable
(fortunately, sometimes "Magis SysReq" still works), and the only way out is

Using the code you can check two more things, that I'm not sure about its
nature ("bug or feature?"):

4. If you choose glutWireTeapot as the corpse for displaying - instead of cube
or icosahedron - you'll notice from the very start heavy CPU load.

5. If you won't register glutTimerFunc function - and you'll choose to trigger
glutPostRedisplay() by placing it within any idle function, registered then
using glutIdleFunc - you'll notice lockup from the very start (being
GLUT-newbie I'm not sure, is it OK, maybe it's not good practice? But
redisplaying in the idle time shouldn't lock the WM completely, right?).

Tested using Kernel, Glibc 2.10.1, Gobolinux 0.14 (32-bit), Mesa 7.8,
Xorg 7.5, X-Server 1.7.6, IceWM 1.2.37, Pentium III/750, old mobo Intel
BX-based, ATI Technologies Inc RV280 [Radeon 9200 PRO]

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