[meteorite-list] Another Fall - maybe we'll get a new record for falls

2009-10-13 Thread Greg Stanley
List: Take a look: http://www.kob.com/article/stories/S1188311.shtml?cat=500 Meteorite streaks across NM sky syndAds =

[meteorite-list] The Invasion has Begun

2009-10-13 Thread Greg Stanley
This is exciting Greg S. _ Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft’s powerful SPAM protection. http://clk.atdmt.com/GBL/go/177141664/direct/01/ __

[meteorite-list] Cameras capture meteor streaking across southwestern Ontario sky

2009-10-07 Thread Greg Stanley
Another to find. Greg S. http://www.google.com/hostednews/canadianpress/article/ALeqM5gc02xq2SfHYi7MU5cBzKdFRI9wLQ LONDON, Ont. — Astronomers at the University of Western Ontario have captured footage of a meteor streaking across the night sky, and are now asking residents in a region of

Re: [meteorite-list] A Rare Arizona Meteorite Find plus a possibleNEW New Mexico Strewnfield

2009-10-06 Thread Greg Stanley
80659e1a0910060927u103a8c12w942fc74ca3f1b...@mail.gmail.com 80659e1a0910060930p3ae88d9fhb7edade849819...@mail.gmail.com Content-Type: text/plain; charset=Windows-1252 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable MIME-Version: 1.0 Ruben and List: For my final answer=2C I say a metal

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite classification quiz!

2009-10-05 Thread Greg Stanley
Jeff: Great idea - lots of fun.  The highest I got on 'Easy' was 88. I've played about 6 times so far; still trying to get 100.  What's really funny is one of the meteorites I found turned up. Again Thanks Jeff. Greg S. Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2009

Re: [meteorite-list] A Rare Arizona Meteorite Find plus a possible NEW New Mexico Strewnfield

2009-10-05 Thread Greg Stanley
Wow - Congratulations Rubin, that is a beautiful specimen.  At first I thought... a Diogenite, but with so much metal?  The Olivine crystal is really nice, so I would rule out a chondrite, but you never know. It looks like a complete stone, is that right? I hope you can find more.  Also,

Re: [meteorite-list] A Rare Arizona Meteorite Find plus a NEW New Mexico strewnfield

2009-10-05 Thread Greg Stanley
80659e1a0910051534w22a11e7dl4321b6bc89748...@mail.gmail.com Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable MIME-Version: 1.0 Maybe a Primitive Ungrouped Achondrite. Greg S. Date: Mon=2C 5 Oct 2009 15:34:17

Re: [meteorite-list] Chondrule formation

2009-10-02 Thread Greg Stanley
Hello All: I had a thought: It seems to me that chondrules are prevalent in meteorites blasted from asteroidal bodies and not from planetary bodies. For example, do chondrules exist (or have been found) on any meteorites from the moon, mars or maybe from Mercury (Angrites?)? Now I understand

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteoritics and Petroleum Engineering

2009-09-28 Thread Greg Stanley
Interesting McCartney, I'll have to read more about this. I'm a Petroleum Engineer as well. Greg S. From: mccart...@blackbearddata.com To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2009 17:43:57 -0500 Subject: [meteorite-list]

Re: [meteorite-list] Nickel tests

2009-09-23 Thread Greg Stanley
Mike: I have used the nickel allergy test as well and it did not seem to be that reliable.  I had an iron meteorite and it did not test positive for nickel.  However, I did have a small nugget of nickel where it did test positive.  Maybe there needs to be a high concentration in the metal.

Re: [meteorite-list] Nickel tests

2009-09-23 Thread Greg Stanley
4aba90ed.7090...@meteoritesusa.com Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable MIME-Version: 1.0 Eric: That's really funny - I also got a false negative on a Canyon Diablo specim= en. Greg S. Date: Wed=2C

Re: [meteorite-list] Strange Rock Reports

2009-09-16 Thread Greg Stanley
I think it was found by Mike, but I believe it is an eucrite (high Ca) he found in Spain??? not sure, but I think in 2008? Talk about fresh... someone must have caught it with a baseball glove. It sure is a beauty!! Greg S. From:

Re: [meteorite-list] fireball video from space

2009-08-27 Thread Greg Stanley
The red sprites look different. Much faster speed and they don't move along a path. More like a quick burst. In Mike's video it looks like an object traveling, but I have no idea - could be fake. Greg S. Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2009 08:36:09 +0200 To:

[meteorite-list] Inclusion in Meteorite

2009-08-26 Thread Greg Stanley
List: I recently acquired an unclass NWA and after cutting it, I not only found a nice 5 mm chondrule but an odd orange brown inclusion. It almost looks like a fossil shell - triangular in shape; I know it's not. It is also outlined with black. Take a look.

[meteorite-list] test

2009-08-25 Thread Greg Stanley
test _ Hotmail® is up to 70% faster. Now good news travels really fast. http://windowslive.com/online/hotmail?ocid=PID23391::T:WLMTAGL:ON:WL:en-US:WM_HYGN_faster:082009 __

[meteorite-list] 30-Pound Meteorite Stolen

2009-08-25 Thread Greg Stanley
This seems odd: A 30 Lb Iron meteorite valued at $2,200; that's only 16 cents per gram. In any case, I hope it gets found. Greg S. http://www.courant.com/news/connecticut/hc-web-montville-meteor-0826aug26,0,1462776.story MONTVILLE — - A meteorite has

Re: [meteorite-list] holes in stone meteorites

2009-08-24 Thread Greg Stanley
Steve: If you look on ebay and look for a MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-parent:; margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:Times New Roman;

Re: [meteorite-list] Question

2009-08-21 Thread Greg Stanley
Thanks everyone, I found this very interesting. I wonder how much ALH 84001 would sell for if it went to market? Greg S. From: stanleygr...@hotmail.com To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2009 12:26:17 -0700 Subject:

Re: [meteorite-list] Perseid Meteor Hammerstone!

2009-08-21 Thread Greg Stanley
No... rocks don't fly up, they fall down. It's a Enstatite chondrite - just by looking at it with a microscope. It would be nice to see a picture of it, and the railroad gravel too. Greg S. From: prairiecac...@rtcol.com To:

[meteorite-list] I Thought this was Funny

2009-08-20 Thread Greg Stanley
I'm going to have an achondrite for my afternoon snack today. And then a carbonaceous chondrite for desert tonight. Mmmm... tasty. http://www.nasa.gov/centers/jpl/education/ediblerocks.html _ Windows Live: Keep your friends

[meteorite-list] Book Titled: The history of meteoritics and key meteorite collections

2009-08-20 Thread Greg Stanley
List: Does anyone have a review on the following book: The history of meteoritics and key meteorite collections: fireballs, falls and finds, By Gerald Joseph Home McCall, A. J. Bowden, Richard John Howarth I have just discovered it and it looks interesting, but expensive $190.00 Thanks,

[meteorite-list] Interesting

2009-08-19 Thread Greg Stanley
Don't look like meteorites to me! http://www.heralddemocrat.com/hd/News/2009_08-19_news_Meteorite-Texoma-Luella _ Get back to school stuff for them and cashback for you.

[meteorite-list] Question

2009-08-19 Thread Greg Stanley
List: I was wondering what was the most valuable single meteorite - not scientific but the most value $/gram? Also, what is the most valuable type? Mars, Lunar or other? Do Lunar meteorites still have the most value? Much Thanks, Greg S.

Re: [meteorite-list] STOMACH AS MUCH AS YOU CAN!!!

2009-08-18 Thread Greg Stanley
This email was totally uncalled for, and I found it very offensive and in poor taste. Greg S. From: parkforest...@hotmail.com To: gee...@msn.com Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2009 17:09:49 -0500 CC: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com Subject: Re:

Re: [meteorite-list] uRaman data on submitted NWA achondrite

2009-08-14 Thread Greg Stanley
Gary: That is really interesting. It has always amazed me how different some minerals appear (luster and crystal form) in space rocks. Not to mention minerals not even found in terrestrial rocks. That is one reason I enjoy this hobby so much. Congratulations on your specimen. Greg S.

[meteorite-list] Some Creative Destruction on a Cosmic Scale

2009-08-14 Thread Greg Stanley
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB125020578491030557.html?mod=googlenews_wsj Greg S. _ Get your vacation photos on your phone! http://windowsliveformobile.com/en-us/photos/default.aspx?OCID=0809TL-HM

Re: [meteorite-list] Buzzard Coulee Expedition Photos from December

2009-08-12 Thread Greg Stanley
McCartney: Very nice set of pics and congratulations on all your finds. I have been in that region of Canada in the middle of winter (~40 C)... b. It is a very harsh environment. I would take the desert any day too. Thanks for sharing. Greg S.

Re: [meteorite-list] Buzzard Coulee Expedition Photos from December

2009-08-12 Thread Greg Stanley
It was -40 C when I was in Canada. Greg S. From: stanleygr...@hotmail.com To: mccart...@blackbearddata.com; meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 08:22:59 -0700 Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Buzzard Coulee Expedition Photos from

Re: [meteorite-list] Reported Possible PA Meteorite Found

2009-08-04 Thread Greg Stanley
At first glance I would say this is NOT from the fall. Fresh falls have a dark fusion crust. I think it could be slag - it's funny because I have a piece sitting on my desk that is dark green with a white coating on it - much like the stone in the pictures. All I can say is when you find a

Re: [meteorite-list] Make your own meteorite! Or at least meteor.

2009-08-03 Thread Greg Stanley
This is funny, Reminds me when we would put Tadpoles in the payload section of the Estes rockets back in the '70s... we were kids then. I really like the On-orbit Advertising idea. Greg S From: cyna...@charter.net To:

Re: [meteorite-list] Interesting crystal in meteorite - what is it?

2009-08-03 Thread Greg Stanley
Gary: That is an amazing specimen. My first thought would be a plagioclase, but I noticed in the video that at one angle it looked greenish; perhaps some kind of orthopyroxene that is exhibiting iridescence. Please let us know when you get the test results. Greg S.

Re: [meteorite-list] Curiosity- Possible Meteorite?

2009-08-02 Thread Greg Stanley
Mike/All: I asked the seller a question whether it was magnetic and he responded: I have checked it with a regular magnet, and it seems like it may be slightly magnetic...But I don't have a rare earth magnet, just a refrig, mag...And I have other classifide meteorites that are hardly magnetic

[meteorite-list] Mineral Luster in Achondites

2009-08-02 Thread Greg Stanley
All: I have a question to the List: this is based on a number of meteorites I have purchased, which include the achondrites. I have noticed that the mineral components (Olivine, Pyroxene and other crystals) in some of my achondrites have a very adamantine luster in the mineral components.

Re: [meteorite-list] Rocks from Space Picture of the Day - August 1, 2009

2009-08-02 Thread Greg Stanley
Geoff: Very nice - beautiful photos. Very interesting wildlife. Thanks for sharing. Greg S. From: geok...@notkin.net To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com Date: Sat, 1 Aug 2009 18:37:16 -0700 Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Rocks from Space

Re: [meteorite-list] PA Fireball Meteorite Possibly Found!

2009-07-31 Thread Greg Stanley
Thanks Mike: That's great if it is. Interesting it's in Maryland instead of PA; I wonder if it's a large strewn field given that many thought it traveled to the Susquenhanna River. Of course that's assuming this is part of the fall. Greg S. Date:

Re: [meteorite-list] PA Fireball Meteorite Possibly Found!

2009-07-31 Thread Greg Stanley
Yes... now that I read the story I see some red flags. he spotted the meteorite out of a crater. and why is it important to clean the rock. That is one of the cardinal rules... is to 'NOT' clean a meteorite, especially from a fresh fall. There in never a mention of black or charcoal

[meteorite-list] Good Resource Website

2009-07-30 Thread Greg Stanley
http://www.psrd.hawaii.edu/Archive/Archive-Meteorites.html Greg S. _ Windows Live™ Hotmail®: Celebrate the moment with your favorite sports pics. Check it out.

[meteorite-list] One more of Interest

2009-07-30 Thread Greg Stanley
http://www.astrobio.net/index.php?option=com_exclusivetask=detailid=3202 Greg S. _ NEW mobile Hotmail. Optimized for YOUR phone. Click here. http://windowslive.com/Mobile?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_CS_MB_new_hotmail_072009

Re: [meteorite-list] Stranger in my cabinet.

2009-07-29 Thread Greg Stanley
Guido: It looks like Basalt to me. I find many different varieties throughout the Southwest (California and Nevada). It's Often attracted to a magnet and they can really look like a meteorite. I have found that most meteorites have a smooth texture on the exterior and small orange/brown

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Limericks

2009-07-22 Thread Greg Stanley
They found a rock from planet mars Which was then put in special jars Then cut in slices Probed with devices We now know more about the stars From: bran...@gmx.at To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2009 15:48:57 +0200

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Limericks

2009-07-22 Thread Greg Stanley
One more: A fireball landed in West And some locals thought they were blessed Then a dog ‘Hopper’ Picked up a ‘Whopper’ I went and found one of my best From: bran...@gmx.at To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2009

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Limericks

2009-07-22 Thread Greg Stanley
Ahh... not easy As I look to the sky and see the light Hoping another to my collection When on display will get much attention Now it is turning green and getting bright And the sky looks like day instead on night I make sure I have enough

[meteorite-list] scientists still at odds on Tunguska Event

2009-07-22 Thread Greg Stanley
http://en.rian.ru/analysis/20090722/155587125.html More than 100 years have passed since the Tunguska Meteorite Event and the mystery of its occurrence remains unsolved, but scientists have not given up on solving the riddle. This

Re: [meteorite-list] Late Entry

2009-07-22 Thread Greg Stanley
This is fun The meteorite called Murchison Has Amino Acids therein Science studied it And had to admit From space is how life did begin Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2009 12:35:28 -0700 From: countde...@earthlink.net To:

[meteorite-list] Comet Cause a North American Die-Off

2009-07-21 Thread Greg Stanley
List: Take a look - Greg S. http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=did-a-comet-cause-die-off Researchers have found shock-synthesized hexagonal diamonds on one of California's Channel Islands, which they say is the strongest evidence yet that a comet exploded in the atmosphere

[meteorite-list] Classification of the Arizona Fall

2009-07-20 Thread Greg Stanley
List Members: Does anyone know if the Arizona fall has been classified yet? I remember seeing it may be a possible H5. Also, any provisional name? I can understand if this is still secret as it may give info to the location, but still was just wondering. Also, what has been the most

Re: [meteorite-list] What got you into meteorites?

2009-07-19 Thread Greg Stanley
Greg/List: How did I get into meteorites? It perhaps started way back in the ‘70’s when a good friend of mine who was a mineral enthusiast got a job at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History in Washington DC, and I remember him telling me that diamonds (carbon) had been found in iron

Re: [meteorite-list] Pitiful excuse for a meteorite hunter Carl Esparza

2009-07-18 Thread Greg Stanley
All: I would think there should be some kind of meteorite hunting etiquette when someone discovers a strewn field/or any cold find. Whether it’s a certain amount of time or when the person, who makes the discovery, decides to release the information (note: at some point I think they

Re: [meteorite-list] Ivan Skip Wilson

2009-07-17 Thread Greg Stanley
Now that'S CLASSIC stuff Greg S Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2009 14:12:23 -0400 From: meteoritem...@gmail.com To: alm...@kconline.com CC: cmo...@asu.edu; meteoritefin...@yahoo.com; meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Ivan Skip

Re: [meteorite-list] Pitiful excuse for a meteorite hunter Carl Esparza

2009-07-17 Thread Greg Stanley
All: I'm relatively new at this and I was wondering. Why is there so much difference between this fall and the West, TX fall? Thanks, Greg S Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2009 15:02:08 -0400 From: cdtuc...@cox.net To: meteoritehun...@comcast.net CC:


2009-07-16 Thread Greg Stanley
You can also use a mathematical approach: Total finds divided by total time spent then multiply that number by a rating: 10.0 for lunar meteorites 9.0 for Mars . . . 1.0 for Ordinary Chondrites Then take that number and divide it by the total money spent to hunt. Who ever has then highest

Re: [meteorite-list] Successful Hunters Out There

2009-07-16 Thread Greg Stanley
Don't forget: - Rob Matson To: Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com From: bernd.pa...@paulinet.de Date: Thu, 16 Jul 2009 21:40:14 + Subject: [meteorite-list] Successful Hunters Out There Geoff wrote: just correcting a significant error in

[meteorite-list] Test

2009-07-13 Thread Greg Stanley
Please ignore - this is a test _ Windows Live™ Hotmail®: Find, add, and share the best celeb pics, right from Hotmail. Check it out.

Re: [meteorite-list] Slogans?

2009-07-13 Thread Greg Stanley
All: Some more Look in the sky... it's a bird... it's a plane... it's the Meteorite Men Do you see flashes of bright green light... Do you hear loud booms in the middle of the night... Then call The Meteorite Men - they're out of sight. Greg From: carloselgua...@hotmail.com To:

Re: [meteorite-list] No, not THAT Farmer...

2009-05-03 Thread greg stanley
What#39;s your point? Darren Garrison wrote: http://calgary.ctv.ca/servlet/an/local/CTVNews/20090503/EDM_meteorite_090503/20090503/?hub=CalgaryHome Farmer to hand over 13 kg meteorite to researchers Updated: Sun May. 03 2009 13:46:26 Sonia Sunger, ctvedmonton.ca Scientists and volunteers

Re: [meteorite-list] No, not THAT Farmer...

2009-05-03 Thread greg stanley
What#39;s your point? Darren Garrison wrote: http://calgary.ctv.ca/servlet/an/local/CTVNews/20090503/EDM_meteorite_090503/20090503/?hub=CalgaryHome Farmer to hand over 13 kg meteorite to researchers Updated: Sun May. 03 2009 13:46:26 Sonia Sunger, ctvedmonton.ca Scientists and volunteers

[meteorite-list] green fusion crust

2009-04-17 Thread greg stanley
List: Has anyone seen a greenish fusion crust on chondrites? I know they exist on lunar meteorites, but can a chondrite have a greenish crust? Thanks, Greg Stanley __ http://www.meteoritecentral.com Meteorite-list mailing list Meteorite

[meteorite-list] Austin Video

2009-04-13 Thread greg stanley
footage of the meteorite caught on tape. Saturday night's event wrapped up with both a silent and live auction to raise money for the planetarium. - Greg Stanley __ http://www.meteoritecentral.com Meteorite-list mailing list Meteorite-list

Re: [meteorite-list] Wierd Meteorite Wrong Question?

2009-04-06 Thread greg stanley
specimen the contraction cracks and high density are good and the fact there was nothing similar is a good sign. Looks like you have to cut it to make sure. Greg Stanley Bakersfield --- On Mon, 4/6/09, Adam Hupe raremeteori...@yahoo.com wrote: From: Adam Hupe raremeteori...@yahoo.com Subject

Re: [meteorite-list] How about a thread to discuss hunting ethics

2009-04-02 Thread greg stanley
their mind and you may not be able too hunt. Just remember… how you would feel if you saw some people on your property looking around with equipment in hand: I would certainly upset. And also, when in doubt… get permission. Don’t assume anything. Just my two cents, Greg Stanley --- On Thu, 4/2/09

Re: [meteorite-list] Dam Hammer

2009-03-18 Thread greg stanley
be considered a hammer. Thanks, Greg Stanley --- On Wed, 3/18/09, Greg Hupe gmh...@htn.net wrote: From: Greg Hupe gmh...@htn.net Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Dam Hammer To: meteorh...@aol.com Cc: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com Date: Wednesday, March 18, 2009, 10:39 AM Respectfully Steve, I do

Re: [meteorite-list] FW: Re: Updated west totals

2009-03-17 Thread greg stanley
All: Total for Greg Stanley 1 stone found on March 15th weighing 42 grams - Greg S --- On Tue, 3/10/09, gmh...@htn.net gmh...@htn.net wrote: From: gmh...@htn.net gmh...@htn.net Subject: [meteorite-list] FW: Re: Updated west totals To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com Date: Tuesday

[meteorite-list] West Texas Meteorite Questions

2009-03-17 Thread greg stanley
Hello List: I have two questions regarding the West, Texas meteorite: 1. Is there an official name assigned to it yet? 2. Is it considered to be a breccia? It certainly looks like a breccia to me. Thanks, Greg Stanley __ http

Re: [meteorite-list] Weird Connections?

2009-03-16 Thread greg stanley
Larry: I#39;ll change my home to quot;Cottonwood Ranchquot; and see what happens. - greg S thetop...@aol.com wrote: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syncronicity -Larry In a message dated 3/12/2009 1:14:24 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, e...@meteoritewatch.com writes: Over the last few

Re: [meteorite-list] Thursday West, Texas hunt

2009-02-27 Thread greg stanley
be there during that week? If so, can you let me know. Contact me off list. Much Thanks, Greg Stanley --- On Thu, 2/26/09, Michael Farmer meteorite...@yahoo.com wrote: From: Michael Farmer meteorite...@yahoo.com Subject: [meteorite-list] Thursday West, Texas hunt To: meteorite-list

[meteorite-list] test

2009-02-26 Thread greg stanley
test __ http://www.meteoritecentral.com Meteorite-list mailing list Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list

Re: [meteorite-list] West, TX meteorite hunt, day 5

2009-02-24 Thread greg stanley
All: I was wondering who would be coordinating the mapping og the West meteorite strewn field? Greg S metorma...@aol.com wrote: Hello Mike; Thanks for the update,a very interesting statement about the sporadic finds of different sizes.Thanks again. Very best of luck on the main

Re: [meteorite-list] List Members, what#39;s your job ?

2009-02-19 Thread greg stanley
Hi all: I#39;m an engineer in Bakersfield, CA. Greg Stanley Pelé Pierre-Marie wrote: Hello List, as we communicate frequently through the List, I sometimes think about what is your job ? The meteorites are what we share in common but most of you are not meteorite dealers. So I thought

Re: [meteorite-list] What are the top 10 mostscientifically importantmeteorites?

2009-02-14 Thread greg stanley
All: I#39;m not a scientist but here goes. 1. ALH84001 2. Orgueil 3. Allende 4. Murchison 5. ALHA 81005 6. Tagish Lake 7. Abee 8. D#39;Orbigny 9. Canyon Diablo 10. Esquel Greg Stanley Robert Woolard wrote: The question was: What are the top 10 most SCIENTIFICALLY important meteorites

Re: [meteorite-list] FUN QUESTION for ALL to Participate

2009-02-06 Thread greg stanley
Don: I would take the fragment with some crust. In fact a have bought some. There is something attractive about a rock from outer space in its natural state. The only exception may be a pallisite however. Greg stanley Don Merchant wrote: Hi List. Ok you collectors out there.you can only

Re: [meteorite-list] OT: New meteorite find

2009-01-21 Thread greg stanley
Stefan: That sure is a beauty; this is one of the reasons I collect meteorites; finding hidden treasures of rare beauty. Could it be perhaps a CM chondrite? Or part CV and CM? Could account for the low SG. In any case it#39;s a prize. Congrats and thanks for sharing. Greg Stanley

[meteorite-list] best way to glue meteorite together

2008-07-19 Thread greg stanley
All: What is the best way to attach or (glue) pieces of a. Meteorite together without causing damage? I want to be able to attach broken pieces together. Any thoughts... Perhaps putty or some type of temp. glue. Thanks, Greg S __

Re: [meteorite-list] Re Starchasersmeteorites

2008-02-16 Thread greg stanley
All: I#39;m wondering if they could be pulling a scam; have someone they know(or part of the same company) since they bid with name withheld. If no one else bids then they loose nothing, if the do then they got a sale. Why can#39;t ebay do something about this. I guess it#39;s not in their

Re: [meteorite-list] most popular meteorite

2008-01-21 Thread greg stanley
All: Has to be: ALH84001 Possibility of containing life from Mars. Gre stanlet Michael Farmer wrote: Jeff, I would think it is a Martian meteorite, or Allende or Murchison. Michael Farmer I can't wait to be surprised. --- Jeff Grossman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Y'all, I've analyzed

Re: [meteorite-list] most popular meteorite

2008-01-21 Thread greg stanley
All: Has to be: ALH84001 Possibility of containing life from Mars. Gre stanlet Michael Farmer wrote: Jeff, I would think it is a Martian meteorite, or Allende or Murchison. Michael Farmer I can't wait to be surprised. --- Jeff Grossman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Y'all, I've analyzed

Re: [meteorite-list] most popular meteorite

2008-01-21 Thread greg stanley
All: Has to be: ALH84001 Possibility of containing life from Mars. Gre stanlet Michael Farmer wrote: Jeff, I would think it is a Martian meteorite, or Allende or Murchison. Michael Farmer I can't wait to be surprised. --- Jeff Grossman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Y'all, I've analyzed

Re: [meteorite-list] most popular meteorite

2008-01-21 Thread greg stanley
Well since it#39;s not ALH001, how about Calcalong Creek? Greg stanley Jeff Grossman wrote: Nobody has gotten it yet. Answer tomorrow. Jeff At 02:03 PM 1/21/2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: good question, I'd say it was either the article on the Tunguska event, the entry on Canyon Diablo

Re: [meteorite-list] most popular meteorite

2008-01-21 Thread greg stanley
Well since it#39;s not ALH001, how about Calcalong Creek? Greg stanley Jeff Grossman wrote: Nobody has gotten it yet. Answer tomorrow. Jeff At 02:03 PM 1/21/2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: good question, I'd say it was either the article on the Tunguska event, the entry on Canyon Diablo

Re: [meteorite-list] most popular meteorite

2008-01-21 Thread greg stanley
Well since it#39;s not ALH001, how about Calcalong Creek? Greg stanley Jeff Grossman wrote: Nobody has gotten it yet. Answer tomorrow. Jeff At 02:03 PM 1/21/2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: good question, I'd say it was either the article on the Tunguska event, the entry on Canyon Diablo

Re: [meteorite-list] most popular meteorite

2008-01-21 Thread greg stanley
Well since it#39;s not ALH001, how about Calcalong Creek? Greg stanley Jeff Grossman wrote: Nobody has gotten it yet. Answer tomorrow. Jeff At 02:03 PM 1/21/2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: good question, I'd say it was either the article on the Tunguska event, the entry on Canyon Diablo

Re: [meteorite-list] most popular meteorite

2008-01-21 Thread greg stanley
Well since it#39;s not ALH001, how about Calcalong Creek? Greg stanley Jeff Grossman wrote: Nobody has gotten it yet. Answer tomorrow. Jeff At 02:03 PM 1/21/2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: good question, I'd say it was either the article on the Tunguska event, the entry on Canyon Diablo

Re: [meteorite-list] most popular meteorite

2008-01-21 Thread greg stanley
Well since it#39;s not ALH001, how about Calcalong Creek? Greg stanley Jeff Grossman wrote: Nobody has gotten it yet. Answer tomorrow. Jeff At 02:03 PM 1/21/2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: good question, I'd say it was either the article on the Tunguska event, the entry on Canyon Diablo

Re: [meteorite-list] most popular meteorite

2008-01-21 Thread greg stanley
Well since it#39;s not ALH001, how about Calcalong Creek? Greg stanley Jeff Grossman wrote: Nobody has gotten it yet. Answer tomorrow. Jeff At 02:03 PM 1/21/2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: good question, I'd say it was either the article on the Tunguska event, the entry on Canyon Diablo

Re: [meteorite-list] most popular meteorite

2008-01-21 Thread greg stanley
Well since it#39;s not ALH001, how about Calcalong Creek? Greg stanley Jeff Grossman wrote: Nobody has gotten it yet. Answer tomorrow. Jeff At 02:03 PM 1/21/2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: good question, I'd say it was either the article on the Tunguska event, the entry on Canyon Diablo

Re: [meteorite-list] most popular meteorite

2008-01-21 Thread greg stanley
Well since it#39;s not ALH001, how about Calcalong Creek? Greg stanley Jeff Grossman wrote: Nobody has gotten it yet. Answer tomorrow. Jeff At 02:03 PM 1/21/2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: good question, I'd say it was either the article on the Tunguska event, the entry on Canyon Diablo

Re: [meteorite-list] Note to greg re most popular meteorite

2008-01-21 Thread greg stanley
.. Wonder what's up with that? Michael on 1/21/08 12:34 PM, greg stanley at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Well since it#39;s not ALH001, how about Calcalong Creek? Greg stanley Jeff Grossman wrote: Nobody has gotten it yet. Answer tomorrow. Jeff At 02:03 PM 1/21/2008, [EMAIL

Re: [meteorite-list] Rocks From Space Picture of the Day - July 20, 2007

2007-07-21 Thread greg stanley
I saw it on the TV - 38 years ago - WOW! Greg S. Moni Waiblinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi All, Humans first landed on the moon 38 years ago today. Nice image to add to the anniversary! Thanks Anne! And Michael! With best regards, Moni From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To:

Re: [meteorite-list] Rocks From Space Picture of the Day - June 30, 2007

2007-07-04 Thread greg stanley
Jason: What you're describing sounds like what I bought from the Moroccan dealer. He had I box of different sizes. I thought it was CO, but it looks very much like the CV3 you describe and the NWA 4759. Take a look at my pics. This looks different than the June 30th Picture

Re: [meteorite-list] Smithsonian Meteorites

2007-07-04 Thread greg stanley
Tett: Very nice pictures; yes, it would be nice if the Smithsonian would post some pics of their meteorite and mineral collection. But of course, you just have to go there and see it. This brings back memories, as I grew up in the Rockville/Gaithersburg area of Maryland. I used to

Re: [meteorite-list] EBAY Slag for sale

2007-06-30 Thread greg stanley
Okay... Then anything that tests positive for nickel is a meteorite (guaranteed) no matter what it looks like. I’m going to get a testing kit tomorrow… Man This is really bad. It lately has gotten a lot worse on Ebay. They really need a better system then just letting anybody say

Re: [meteorite-list] Smithsonain Advice

2007-06-22 Thread greg stanley
Tett: I grew up near Rockville MD about 25 miles outside of Washington DC. I used to go to the Museums frequently. I believe the Rocks and Minerals are on the 2nd floor (or maybe the 3rd) should be relatively easy to find. You have to see the Hope Diamond. Perhaps contact Tim McCoy

Re: [meteorite-list] gram counters

2007-06-17 Thread greg stanley
Steve: Try these guys. http://www.americanweigh.com/ I bought one from them last year. They seem to have just about anything you would want. Greg S. in Bako steve arnold [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi list.I am looking for a new gram counter that will measure up to a kilo

Re: [meteorite-list] Chondrules and Their Origins

2007-06-13 Thread greg stanley
Thanks Darren: This is why I joined this group. Greg S. Darren Garrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: A while back I found a book/collection of papers called Chondrules and Their Origins on the web. It was split into 30 seperate PDF files. I took them and combined them together into one

[meteorite-list] Fusion Crust - Different Shades of Color

2007-06-11 Thread greg stanley
Hi List: I have a question regarding different shades of fusion crusts. I realize that they are black, but I have read that some are greenish (lunar stones) or purplish (CM’s) or brownish in some cases. Are the different shades in the fusion crust produced from the mineralogy, or

[meteorite-list] Question about meteorites

2007-06-11 Thread greg stanley
I have a question about meteorites. Hi List: I have a question regarding different shades of fusion crusts. I realize that they are black, but I have read that some are greenish (lunar stones) or purplish (CM’s) or brownish in some cases. Are the different shades in the

[meteorite-list] Chondrule???

2007-05-20 Thread greg stanley
Hi List: Thanks for your response to my questions. I never thought there were so many unique minerals that only occur in outer space. Now I can amaze my friends when they ask me. Take a look at some pics of a grey-green rock I found. Could this be a chondrule in it? It’s album

Re: [meteorite-list] Suspect Seller?

2007-05-17 Thread greg stanley
List: I’m confused, I was actually thinking a few weeks back about fraudulent or (meteorwrongs) on ebay. I wish there was more information regarding this. I’ve been to a few websites and they have been very helpful for meteorite identification. I think this forum is just right for

[meteorite-list] Questions

2007-05-17 Thread greg stanley
Hello List: I have two questions: 1. Has any rock formed on Earth been found containing Chondrules in it? If so, what kind of rock and where was it found? 2. Are there any minerals found in Meteorites that are NOT found (or formed) on earth. Much Thanks,

Re: [meteorite-list] Glorieta - Taking The Hill

2007-04-27 Thread greg stanley
Greg and Group: Looks like everyone had a blast and came up with some amazing finds. Looking at the pictures - the weather looks perfect. Congrats to Patrick, Bob and Greg for you truly beautiful pieces. I think this is what makes this hobby so enjoyable. I really enjoy seeing

[meteorite-list] Metal in fusion crust

2007-04-19 Thread greg stanley
Hi List: I have an ordinary chondrite that I cut and in the fusion crust there is metal; some even close to the surface. I thought that since the fusion crust is partial melting of the mineral components, the metal would alter or (at least) melt to some degree. Does anyone

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