Re: [meteorite-list] Paris, France CM Meteorite

2009-12-22 Thread Mexicodoug
Ted is absolutely right. These aren't isolated cases. It goes back much, much earlier than that, too. Besides the Indiana Martian from the 1930's found in a drawer, consider the cases of Zacatecas (1792), or, Durango (1800's) supposedly from Chihuahua, or jejeje - how about Tucson's own epic op

Re: [meteorite-list] Paris, France CM Meteorite

2009-12-23 Thread Mexicodoug
Bob wrote: "What are the coordinates for the Lafayette (stone)?" Hi Bob, they are the coordinates of the Purdue University Earth Sciences Department where Farrington found the Lafayette nakhlite in a drawer in the geology department (1931). No doubt you can speak for Los Angeles. The question

Re: [meteorite-list] AD- Ash Creek House hitter Entire HAMMER STONE

2010-01-01 Thread Mexicodoug
Michael B. wrote: "The barn stone was coupled with the stone that fell at the feet of the barn owner." Michael's quoted statement is inaccurate. (Kindly note that my comment and his quote are both unrelated to the stone being sold in the ad). Many nice collectors asked me about this, and I

Re: [meteorite-list] Ash Creek House hitter Entire HAMMER STONE

2010-01-02 Thread Mexicodoug
Hi Michael, Fare thee well in the New Year. With reverence towards the enduring patience of the Angel that enlightens the rarest amongst us, I would more easily believe that neither of the Southerners would lie than that Cap'n Blood would not muck it up. You certainly are not to deny whatever y

Re: [meteorite-list] Scale Cubes [WAS: Ad Announcing the "Count" cube Scale / Orientation cube

2010-03-17 Thread Mexicodoug
Hi Martin, Your estimates give an average density of 7.54 g/cm3 (7.54 ton/m3) for the whole kit and kaboodle. That's about 93 cubic meters of 'rites which compacted, theoretically makes a cube with a sides of 4.5 meters. That is double the size of my bedroom ... just to find an adamant bal

[meteorite-list] Praying for an Amigo

2010-03-20 Thread Mexicodoug
Dear List, With an abyss in my stomach and many tears for a beautiful Country in the year of its both its proud centennial of the Revolution and Bicentennial of Independence, I would like to express my condolences for the adventurous soul who is likely no longer with us after going to the All

Re: [meteorite-list] West, Texas meteorite finds

2009-02-21 Thread mexicodoug
Hello from Sunny Texas, under clear and starry-eyed skies at the moment, A few stones were found right at the time of the fall, however, they were not definitively identified as meteorites - though that was the suspicion and they were saved. We (Doug Dawn, Dmitry Sadilenko, Sergey Petukov) dr

Re: [meteorite-list] West Specimen for sale AD

2009-02-22 Thread mexicodoug
Hello Rob, Listees, While I understand your concerns regarding meteorite fever of others, I would like to assure you that our team flew Dr. Rubin material found by our fortunate team, and placed it in his hand in less than 72 hours after it was hot, or better, I should say cold. He actually wa

Re: [meteorite-list] West Specimen for sale AD

2009-02-22 Thread mexicodoug
Hello Rob, Listees, While I understand your concerns regarding meteorite fever of others, I would like to assure you that our team flew Dr. Rubin material found by our fortunate team, and placed it in his hand in less than 72 hours after it was hot, or better, I should say cold. He actually wa

[meteorite-list] Field results - 15 Feb 2009 Texas meteorite

2009-02-22 Thread mexicodoug
Hello List, I don't know if this information was shared anywhere, but hopefully it can quell any rumors regarding our total finds. They were: 12 specimens (11 were fully fusion crusted) Total weight of these, a bit over 10 ounces, distributed among six parties. Note: I am finally going thro

[meteorite-list] Field results - 15 Feb 2009 Texas meteorite

2009-02-22 Thread mexicodoug
Hello List, I don't know if this information was shared anywhere, but hopefully it can quell any rumors regarding our total finds. They were: 12 specimens (11 were fully fusion crusted) Total weight of these, a bit over 10 ounces, distributed among six parties. Note: I am finally going thro

[meteorite-list] Texas fall strewn field

2009-02-24 Thread mexicodoug
Hi List, I heard some large stones were found near Buffalo, but it really doesn't make much sense... probably rumors. If anyone wants to kindly share their coordinates, we will be publishing a strewn field map of the portion of the first recovered stones in about one month. It would be great

Re: [meteorite-list] How an Intern Stole NASA's Moon Rocks

2009-05-09 Thread Mexicodoug
Hello Walter, List! This theft of Moon rocks story has seriously been the embarrassment of the century for JSC. Thankfully time is passing and wounds are healing. It was a very sad chapter for responsibility and ethics for the entire academic community. Mike said: "Tie up the thieves to pole

Re: [meteorite-list] Angrite or not?

2009-05-10 Thread Mexicodoug
Mike, Looking more angritish now? Best wishes, Doug -Original Message- From: Galactic Stone & Ironworks To: Meteorite List Sent: Sun, 10 May 2009 10:22 am Subject: [meteorite-list] Angrite or not? Hi List, I've seen t

[meteorite-list] Anniversaries and birthdays

2009-05-12 Thread mexicodoug
Dear List, Happy anniversary to the Butsura meteorite (H6), whose anniversary of its fall from the heavens on May 12, 1861 is today. If today is your birthday whether you be in India, Mexico or Germany, ... happy birthday! Did anyone notice Svend's site has a writeup on this fall with the

Re: [meteorite-list] Zacatecas 1792

2009-05-18 Thread Mexicodoug
Dear List, Please enjoy a photo of Zacatecas (1792), perhaps it is helpful. Sorry I am quiet lately, I am recovering from surgery and it hurts to even type, so any emails I owe, kindly be patient. Best wishes Doug -Original Message- From: Michael

Re: [meteorite-list] K-T fossil meteorite picture

2009-05-21 Thread Mexicodoug
Dear Bernd, List, Thanks for the interesting post on this curious case. So everyone can enjoy this 0.25cm "fossil" "meteorite" which Kyte classified as a "CV, CO, or CR carbonaceous chondrite", here is an original image in color: The "meteorite" is also described a

[meteorite-list] Eltanin

2009-05-21 Thread Mexicodoug
from the bottom... Also it should be noted that the classification of Eltanin is "probably mesosiderite", allowing for the possibility that it is not, but confirming it is an official meteorite anyway. Best wishes, Doug -Original Message- From: Mexicodoug To: Meteorite-list@meteo

Re: [meteorite-list] The COMET that killed the dinosaurs

2009-05-21 Thread Mexicodoug
;;; Sent: Thu, 21 May 2009 4:49 pm Subject: The COMET that killed the dinosaurs Message: 6 Date: Thu, 21 May 2009 16:01:26 -0400 From: Mexicodoug Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] K

Re: [meteorite-list] NEW Ocate, NM Iron Classification & Specimens - AD

2009-05-26 Thread Mexicodoug
Hi Ruben, Greg, and a big hello to Dean, Ruben you almost did get it (You didn't see us, but we heard you :-), though we never saw you. You were there just a couple of days before Greg flew in. The locals with the guy from Mora told me about the iron, though I wasn't very interested. The find

Re: [meteorite-list] Is 3He a cometary marker?

2009-05-26 Thread Mexicodoug
Hi Ed, Dr. Bunch, Not quite sure I follow what you mean by a long period comet becoming a short period comet and apparently circulating for millions of years. I thought such comet lifetimes are significantly less than that and if the literature I saw is to be believed, along the P-Tr unconform

[meteorite-list] For Dorothy

2009-05-27 Thread Mexicodoug
Dear Dorothy, I am heartbroken to hear this terrible news, and greatly missed Richard in the recent fleeting years. Richard was a true inspiration. Like all things beautiful - a meteor crossing the heavens, the sound of a beautiful symphony, the tender caress of a loved one, the whiff of fresh

Re: [meteorite-list] Dealers, Sellers: Please INSURE your shipments

2009-06-03 Thread Mexicodoug
Carl said: "First of all registered mail must be secured using paper tape which cannot be removed and the tape is date stamped all along every edge of the tape (this assures that the tape has not been tampered with)." Martin said: "(I remember a country, where, before it joined EU, people havi

Re: [meteorite-list] A question????? -an answer!!!

2009-06-04 Thread Mexicodoug
Pete wrote: "can a meteorite hit earth and eject debris which (maybe) land on the moon or Mars? What would we call such a meteorite---Earthoid, or maybe Earthite?" Hi Pete, Generally the splashed and splattered material from a meteoroid impact on earth are called "Tektites", or if it was fr

Re: [meteorite-list] A question?????

2009-06-06 Thread Mexicodoug
Dr. Grossman wrote: "I think most scientists would call it a terrestrial meteorite, or perhaps a terran meteorite." Hi Jeff, Definitely those are viable options, though I think this subject would spark more debate than Pluto, Plutonian and Plutonic in these extended circles if it ever had a

Re: [meteorite-list] Panspermia and Mars back contamination

2009-06-06 Thread Mexicodoug
"Pathogens and their hosts are, quite literally, made for each other." I understand this statement but disagree with it in the terms of the current debate. It presupposes our thoughts from our experience with life on earth and the equilibrium life has here. At a basic level we are just bags of

Re: [meteorite-list] A question?????

2009-06-06 Thread Mexicodoug
--> Martian. (Martinus, says Martin, the Martian). Mercur, Mercuris ---> Mercurian. Venus, Veneris ---> Venerian. (cause I read somewhere Venusian) Hmm the Doug "Dawn"-space probe is on the way to Vesta. Vestalian meteorites sounds a little bit) Uuh, a

Re: [meteorite-list] Sikhote/Campo regmaglypt size differences

2009-06-07 Thread Mexicodoug
Hi Geo, Since regmaglypts are the result of airflow (and only when it travels relatively fast in sufficiently dense atmosphere), I would suggest that their sizes of regmaglypts are both proportional to the size of the piece when it is subject to the turbulence (requires piece to be moving fas

Re: [meteorite-list] - 535 Canyon Diablo relocated

2009-06-09 Thread Mexicodoug
Hi Linton, List, How sad! - this smacks of Nininger's closing of his museum at Meteor Crater (Though I am sure the Barringers can identify with it as well). Lowell is the most deserving of institutions, but it looks like the meteorite is now in the part of the visitor center that requires more

Re: [meteorite-list] The tale of a falling star

2009-06-09 Thread Mexicodoug
Great article, though this paragraph about other "meteors" being found need editing: "Other meteors have been located in ancient ruins of the Americas, as well as around the world, ranging in size from the three ounce Pojoaque meteorite, found in an ancient pottery bowl near Santa Fe, N.M., to t

Re: [meteorite-list] The tale of a falling star

2009-06-10 Thread Mexicodoug
material and methods, with Wasson, Moore and Co., and appreciate their work with Greg in getting this interesting find done relatively quickly. Best wishes, Doug ---- -Original Message- From: Sterling K. Webb To:; Mexicodoug Sent: Tue, 9 Jun 2009 11

Re: [meteorite-list] The tale of a falling star

2009-06-10 Thread Mexicodoug
om/AZ-BeyondWinslow.html =0 A -Original Message- From: Zelimir Gabelica To: Mexicodoug ; Sent: Wed, 10 Jun 2009 8:59 am Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] The tale of a falling star Hi Doug,    Didn't you forget Winona ?    See here a quite in

Re: [meteorite-list] Oktibbeha County Super Ataxite? ...was The tale of a falling star ... Top Ten re: Ni content

2009-06-15 Thread Mexicodoug
Darren rote: ">Bernd - 0% Ni content ;-) Oh, you are some percent Ni. The 0% is likely a rounding error."; Hi Darren, I don't think there was any concern with about the floating point arithmetic facing programmers with the 0%. Bernd was precise

[meteorite-list] Chang's Moon

2007-11-26 Thread mexicodoug
Here's the first public photo from China's first Moon orbiter launched last month. Not bad for the Chang'e ship (apparently pronounced "Ch-ong-er" after the snooping woman in her husband's personal items, who feared being caught, ate

Re: [meteorite-list] AL HAGGOUNIA 001 ("NOT" AUBRITE)

2007-11-29 Thread mexicodoug
Mike wrote: "... chondrules in most pieces ... if some ... chondules ... then it is a chondrite, if ... a chondrite, it cannot be an Aubrite." Dr. Grossman posted that the aubrite classification, or the E-chondrite classification, like all classifications in the Bulletin, is not peer reviewed

Re: [meteorite-list] The EL3/Aubrite/whatever - Why FOSSIL?

2007-12-02 Thread mexicodoug
Hi Dean, Yes this is very confusing and unscientific. As you deal in fossils, I think you have a gut appreciation of what a fossil is (rare occurence, once living, formed in a long process, from sediment deposition) and what it is not (an inorganic rock). For example, Adam Hupe has been conf

Re: [meteorite-list] More data

2007-12-03 Thread mexicodoug
Hi Pete and welcome to the meteorite world online! "Also, the heat of the entry into the atmosphere will kill any magnetism of the meteorite" This wouldn't usually be expected to be true - and though this would be more likely for an iron meteorite, other fine structures (and even volatiles) a

Re: [meteorite-list] Cali Colombia meteorite classification.

2007-12-03 Thread mexicodoug
"I think you are confusing Cali with Caracas... Matt" Hi Matt, Was there a recent fall in Venezuela? Best wishes, Doug -- Matt Morgan Mile High Meteorites P.O. Box 151293 Lakewood, CO 80215 USA -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTEC

[meteorite-list] Photos of a meteorite?

2007-12-03 Thread mexicodoug Dear Listees, I quickly just wrote up the circumstances of a new UFO (Unidentified Found Object), and hope the great list can give me some meteorite-relevant comments relating to the form and texture of this iron object. It seemed to be the only metallic

Re: [meteorite-list] Photos of a meteorite?

2007-12-03 Thread mexicodoug
Mike wrote: "Only one way to know, cut it, etch it, do a ni test. Otherwise it could be anything." Hi Mike, By posting, I just hoped to get some opinions on the shape, which I am purposely not commenting on as it relates to meteorites in order to get some feedback. Like someone's mother

Re: [meteorite-list] More data

2007-12-04 Thread mexicodoug
iter are thought to have basically non metallic cores, so my take-way is that any power dissapated from such hypothesized eddy currents is minor compared to other interactions with Jupiter. This is a PS because it is based on volcanically shaky ground, but I thought you might appreciate that,

[meteorite-list] other data (Tracy's questions)

2007-12-04 Thread mexicodoug
Tracy wrote: "Thought experiment... Jupiter is known to have some heavy magnetic fields, as well as intense radiation. Would an iron asteroid spending several thousand years or so whipping through Jupiter's magnetic field develop a notable magnetism of its own? " Hi Tracy, Listees[3rd posting a

Re: [meteorite-list] Input, must have input

2007-12-04 Thread mexicodoug
Hi Pete, List Thanks for the extra kind post. Of course, if the object orbiting physically flipped that would be one heck of a magnet! On the other hand, there is nothing preventiing a liquid metallic core from reorienting in a "sinusoidal" (sorry for the five-dollar word, but you said you w

Re: [meteorite-list] More data (Erich's comments)

2007-12-04 Thread mexicodoug
ossible. In any case I would imagine the magnetization will be so minimal that you will need to make compass needles out of them and float them on water to see this effect... - Original Message - From: Erich Kern To: mexicodoug ; Sent: Tuesday, Dece

Re: [meteorite-list] Non Destructive testing of possible Iron Meteorites

2007-12-04 Thread mexicodoug
Hi Elton, Listees, I'm appreciating everyone's super comments and will respond to these kindly offered ideas (optimistic, realistic and negative) and friendly concerns weighed together, in one email after hopefully even more feedback. But Elton needs more data, this is the best I can do (and

Re: [meteorite-list] yet another thought

2007-12-04 Thread mexicodoug
Pete wrote: "When the sun gives a large flare, what if the meteorite passed thru the flame portion of the flare? Does the flare have enough energy to magnetize a meteorite? The flare energy is typicaly 10 to the 27th ergs per second." Jerry answered: "Passing THRU a solar flare would put this

Re: [meteorite-list] holy grail of martian meteorites

2007-12-10 Thread mexicodoug
Hi Steve, Grail Purveyors, Listees, The grail requires a romantic quest for something plausible yet not provable nor obtainable. It must be legendary and miraculous and an object of only the most religious passion, controversy, as well as a dark side of greed; be erroneously linked with an ex

[meteorite-list] Meteorite Fossils

2007-12-12 Thread mexicodoug
[Strangely, the trail to finding the tusks began at a fossil sale in a motel in Arizona. ... Recalling previous visits to the annual Tucson Gem and Mineral Show, West says, "A bulb went on in my head;"] A candidate for a real meteorite fossil (with no "quotes"?)

Re: [meteorite-list] Re Firstone: Anything but impact, eh?

2007-12-14 Thread mexicodoug
Or so the story goes ... anyways that's why CD would be spherules and not ellipsoidules or splatules (if they were hot enough to penetrate bone appreciably) :-) General comment: We got the idea! ... it *is* quite a far flung theory ... but then again, like it or not, there are some parallels t

Re: [meteorite-list] Mammoth Stew

2007-12-17 Thread mexicodoug
Jason and Sterling chatted:: "But we have to account for a crater (well, impactor at least - or maybe just call it a 'body') large enough to deposit such a layer of dust, and I don't think that you're going to get that from such a small impact." Dear Listees, Tusk, tsk ... Sounds like it woul

[meteorite-list] Phoenix desert fireball

2007-12-17 Thread mexicodoug
Hello List, Surprised this unprecedented video recording of a Geminid (?) long lasted splintering fireball imaged from the helicopter hasn't made it to the list yet... Best wishes and Life, Doug _

Re: [meteorite-list] Mammoth Stew, just right

2007-12-18 Thread mexicodoug
Ed wrote: "It seems to me that in the real world, the gravitational effects of the Earth+Moon system should draw items in, gradually changing their orbits from those passing near to ones which intersect." Hello Ed, Mabe, but the Solar System is a pretty "happening" place, and if it is an Ear

Re: [meteorite-list] Phoenix desert fireball

2007-12-19 Thread mexicodoug
r 17, 2007 3:27 PM Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Phoenix desert fireball for me is a satellite matteo --- mexicodoug <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto: Hello List, Surprised this unprecedented video recording of a Geminid (?) long lasted splintering fireball imaged from the helicopter hasn&#x

Re: [meteorite-list] Saturn's Rings May be Old Timers

2007-12-20 Thread mexicodoug
Larry wrote: "something like 30 years ago. It would be nice if people gave credit where credit was due." Hi Larry, List, I agree with your complaint that it is a more satisfying existence to give credit when expressing ideas, to those upon whose shoulders one is peering from. The press and 'dis

Re: [meteorite-list] Mammoth Stew, just right

2007-12-20 Thread mexicodoug
"It's even hard to predict the exact results..." Hola Listees, Yes, this is what Larry and I had already stated, Sterling. While on the subject of James Clerk Maxwell, I wanted to add two interesting footnotes, (1) Decated to Sterling, a guitar fellow with Maxwell (and not to forget E.P.'s

Re: [meteorite-list] Mars Attacks

2007-12-21 Thread mexicodoug
Greg wrote: "Lets say for conversation sake that the asteroid does hit Mars. Would there be a "Rover Extinction", and if so, should we name it "Rover Ratatouille", keeping in line with the recent "Mammoth Stew" thread?" I bet most of us have been over-gorged and over-stuffed on Mammoth stew.

[meteorite-list] Don't miss this: Lunar "Collision" with Mars

2007-12-21 Thread mexicodoug
Hola Listees, A couple of you asked me about the Rudolph comment I made for Christmas Eve sight involving Mars. It is fairly well covered in some places, but I thought it wouild be a good idea to post it for us. What could be better for Christmas than a Lunar collision with Mars??? That's e

[meteorite-list] A tale for all

2007-12-25 Thread mexicodoug
Dear Listees, Here's a kind wish from us for peace and happiness, especially those who have had a difficult year, for renewed hope and happiness. Written over home-made egg nog (commercially nearly impossible to find in Mexico), I hope it is still ok in the morning... The Tale of Happy

Re: [meteorite-list] Samples

2007-12-27 Thread mexicodoug
Hi Pete, It is 20% of less than 100 grams; 20 grams if more than 100 grams. So if we grossed up the 90 grams it would not be 112.5 grams per guidelines, but rather 110 grams. However, if we read the email, it seems the writer seemed not to believe any was removed from the 90 grams yet, so the

Re: [meteorite-list] Samples

2007-12-27 Thread mexicodoug
Tim, I give up, what are you thinking - to sell them unclassified except for a 2 gram stone and then give a scientist 0.4 grams in exchange for classifying the entire fall? Naughty naughty Doug - Original Message - From: "Timothy Heitz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Timothy Heitz" <[EMAIL

Re: [meteorite-list] Samples

2007-12-27 Thread mexicodoug
paired to the ones that were used for the typing work. Best wishes, Doug ----- Original Message - From: "Timothy Heitz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "mexicodoug" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2007 12:47 PM Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Samples Doug

[meteorite-list] Cool Quadrantids and their Grandparent Bodies

2007-12-27 Thread mexicodoug
Hello Listees, An interesting post just showed up in the meteor observing forum. The subject is an airline mission cramming lots of neat instruments and scientists like sardines into a jet that could be the subject of a Gary Larson "Far Side" cartoon is the prettie

Re: [meteorite-list] Neutron and Proton production inhyper-velocityimpacts

2007-12-28 Thread mexicodoug
Hi Ed, Chris, I also posted a reply to this along the lines Chris did, but it didn't show up. Ed, I am gathering from Chris' conclusions from your post that you've mixed up visible light with gamma rays as sources of neutrons because they are both radiation? Best wishes, Doug my original b

Re: [meteorite-list] Neutron and Proton productioninhyper-velocityimpacts

2007-12-29 Thread mexicodoug
Hi Darren and friends, I think your geometry is mostly fine though there is an easier way to check the nuclear reaction asserted, left in the wake of the meteoroid. It's more accurate and you don't even need to truncate the atmosphere: Try this: Km^2 "nuclear reactor" meteoroid=Pi*.5^2 =0.7

Re: [meteorite-list] Neutron and Protonproductioninhyper-velocityimpacts

2007-12-29 Thread mexicodoug
might well be totally correct musing (I think so; it hangs together; we all love a good synthesis), but it's brain gas just the same. So is the theory of gravity, but I can see it work a thousand times a day. I can't see a big impact that often, not even once a lifetime. No observations. And

Re: [meteorite-list] Neutron and Protonproductioninhyper-velocityimpacts

2007-12-29 Thread mexicodoug
that you are terrible with homework, and would solve world hunger before settling down to do what the professor assigned... Best wishes, Doug - Original Message - From: "Sterling K. Webb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "mexicodoug" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Sen

Re: [meteorite-list] What to look for if large impacts liberateneutrons - part 2 of 2

2007-12-29 Thread mexicodoug
with comets...and there is plenty of semiheavy water in the ice caps :-) What about 10-Be or Uranium ratios (238/235) I had mentioned. Any hope for them IYO? Best wishes, Doug - Original Message - From: "Rob Matson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "mexicodoug&q

Re: [meteorite-list] Neutron production in hyper-velocity impacts

2007-12-30 Thread mexicodoug
Hi Göran, Rob, Sterling, Darren, Ed, and other nuclear meteoriticists, What an impressive post from Göran, don't you think? Rob has given us an interesting option to think about measuring residue from a nuclear blast during the time frames of interest. While I'm not able to judge the preferr

Re: [meteorite-list] Who was the first meteorite in flight photographer?

2007-12-30 Thread mexicodoug
Would that be the cowboy Charlie Brown's photo that Nininger used to show around, which was a somewhat helical smoke train? Best wishes, Doug - Original Message - From: "Francis Graham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2007 12:57 PM Subject: [meteorite-list] Who was

Re: [meteorite-list] Neutron production in hyper-velocity impacts

2007-12-31 Thread mexicodoug
Rob wrote: "I'm referring to is inertial electrostatic confinement, where the energy required is very modest. It's not that difficult to produce neutrons with a tabletop device using nothing other than electricity" Hi Rob, That is a very "long-shot" in more ways than one. Unless I also misu

Re: [meteorite-list] 10 Reasons Why Everyone Should Own A Meteorite!

2008-01-08 Thread mexicodoug
Rhonda wrote: "I'm not sure you have to have a metorite in your posession to be in love with metorites ... want the first one to be special and I can't figure out what exactly it should be." Dear Rhonda and List friends, This was one topic that was (for me) really not meteorite related at all,

Re: [meteorite-list] 10 Reasons Why Everyone Should Own A Meteorite!

2008-01-10 Thread mexicodoug
Ruben wrote: Here's is a link toa funny post that kinda illustarates my point.NOT THAT I MIND THIS TYPE OF WOMAN!!I DON'T!!"; Stay tuned till next time while lusting after special meteorite finds for a profligate, "Love in the Time

Re: [meteorite-list] Simple mapping software? (A little OT)

2008-01-10 Thread mexicodoug
Hi Mark, Marco, and others who enjoyed the Parker Bros. Napoleonic "Risk" game as kids*, Been playing around with this "DIY Map" software (macromedia based) since Mark first posted. I think I like the Meteorite bulletin - USGS Google Earth interface better, and would encourage you to check in

Re: [meteorite-list] Simple mapping software? (A little OT)

2008-01-10 Thread mexicodoug
hich could save some problems, though I imagine if the coordinates are used for Erfoud or Agadir, etc., it would look funny. Not much we can do about that mess, though... Best wishes, Doug - Original Message - From: "Mark Crawford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "mex

Re: [meteorite-list] Simple mapping software? (A little OT)

2008-01-10 Thread mexicodoug
ssage - From: "Jeff Grossman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "mexicodoug" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Meteorite List" Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2008 6:13 PM Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Simple mapping software? (A little OT) There was a bug on the MetBull da

Re: [meteorite-list] Inexpensive irons for sale for a good cause?

2008-01-12 Thread mexicodoug
"I am looking for a source for very inexpensive irons. They should be small (around 10-15g) and $0.20 to $0.30 each...At the lower end, I could buy a couple hundred of them." Hi Bob, Two cents per gram and classified means at best you could manage $40 to $60 for 2Kg to 3Kg of conveniently si

Re: [meteorite-list] Space leaders work to replace lunar basewithmanned asteroid missions

2008-01-20 Thread mexicodoug
Hi Sterling, List, While the international politics of Iraq is out of my league to comment on, I must comment how I was very saddened to read this article. It was 2012, then 2015, then 2020 or 2025 ... there is a trend here and it is crap for most all of us. Let me tell you IMO what's broke

Re: [meteorite-list] most popular meteorite

2008-01-21 Thread mexicodoug
I'd guess "Park Forest", because more list members were picked up then than at any other time, it probably was relfected in the Database as well. Unless all the continued Franconia, Gold Basin, Campo or Brenhem would do it? Moss probably came in closebut doesn't have the three year benefit...

Re: [meteorite-list] most popular meteorite

2008-01-21 Thread mexicodoug
Hey Martin, I had my guesses so thy are used and this is in response to it not being the obvious: Probably MIHONOSEKI or maybe CARANCAS caught up in spite of the short time due to the scandal :-) If it isn't the obvious, it'll be a surprise, but I doubt any NWA can do it ... Doug - O

Re: [meteorite-list] Announcement

2008-01-21 Thread mexicodoug
Hi Michael, Twink and friends, "Gold Basin Birthday Cake To the Tucson Meteorite Auction and it will contain 3 gold basin meteorites (careful chewing!)" Thanks Twink for volunteeing such great Tucson hospitality - again! The Gold Basin Birthday Cake is the greatest! Is it OK to run a detec

[meteorite-list] AD: Benguerir Large Crusted Museum Piece

2008-02-08 Thread mexicodoug
Dear List, Please refer to the links for the 1.2 kilogram Benguerir, Morocco piece. It is a very attractive piece about 94% crusted with nice black fusion crust picked up close to the time of the fall. The piece has become available after a museum offer fell through last year and it was put

Re: [meteorite-list] Award goes to Michael Johnson

2008-02-10 Thread mexicodoug
Hello Michael and Moni, It is a real pleasure that Michael has been recognized. The RFSPOD's are a great perk from Michael and participating list members, for the rest of us and I love 'em. Thanks for the post Moni, Doug -Original Message- From: Moni Waiblinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: [meteorite-list] First call for alcohol.

2008-03-07 Thread mexicodoug
Michael B. wrote: "If you want to be really fussy, (I am) rinse with 95% to 99% alcohol after and dry in the oven with the pilot light. The very cheapest you can get is in Mexico - any drug store." Hi Michael and McCartney, List amigos, Of course, you can never be too "fussy", cutting meteori

Re: [meteorite-list] First call for alcohol.

2008-03-07 Thread mexicodoug
Hey Michael, ...all this time I thought you were practicing batik ;-( Doug Michael wrote: "Say Mr, Watch what you say about tie-dyes! Michael" on 3/7/08 12:35 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Michael B. wrote: "If you want to be really fussy, (I am) rinse wi

[meteorite-list] Another clue to the Mystery Fall Game

2008-03-09 Thread mexicodoug
McCartney T. wrote: "One picture can say so much...Riddle me this, and Riddle me that, Can't you all guess where the meteorites at?" Hi McCartney, Cat. Hat. In French, chat chapeau. In Spanish, el gato in a sombrero. (The picture is saying to me ... You pulled it out of your sombrero!) Que Su

Re: [meteorite-list] Michael Casper

2008-03-18 Thread mexicodoug
Steve, do you mean the world's tallest? As for Michael Casper: He was(is?) the 'adjunct curator' (there was no chief curator) of the meteorite collection at Cornell, held by SPIF. Just ask Rick Kline at Cornell's Spacecraft Planetary Imaging Facility (SPIF). I am sure he could comment on th

Re: [meteorite-list] Impact Duration Time

2008-03-19 Thread mexicodoug
Robert W. wrote: "VERY rough ESTIMATE of the spread of time by simply dividing the length of the strewnfield by a max free fall speed of ~ 200mph??? ... IF all the above is even halfway accurate, could one safely say that during a "typical" fall, meteorites are impacting down the length of the

Re: [meteorite-list] Further thoughts

2008-03-19 Thread mexicodoug
Pete wrote: "Some will be blown up and some will be blown down." I believe this is a common misconception for many in the meteorite community and common thought. I don't think anything is "blowing up". Simply fragmenting. Each part of the original whole maintains its portion of momentum u

[meteorite-list] Jim Kriegh's collection in OV

2008-03-19 Thread mexicodoug Don't miss Twink's great article about the display of some of Jim Kriegh's meteorites in Oro Valley! Best, Doug Kriegh's rocks from the sky on display in OV Guest column by Twink Monrad -

Re: [meteorite-list] Further thoughts

2008-03-20 Thread mexicodoug
L Peterson  Cloudbait Observatory    - Original Message - From: "Bob Loeffler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  To:   Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2008 11:42 PM  Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Further thoughts    Hi mexicodoug, et al,    Does anyone have evidence of

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite market trends - a critical note

2008-03-25 Thread mexicodoug
Al M. wrote: "It is their rarity that makes us take notice and ponder them." Not for me Al. We all have our personal reasons for collecting. I don't think Darren and Walter deserve any moral criticism. Also, they were not unrealistic, as if that had any bearing. For example, would you ra

Re: [meteorite-list] Rocks from Space Picture of the Day - March 26, 2008 / Ques

2008-03-26 Thread mexicodoug
Larry A. wrote: "Does a hammer stone this make?" Hello Larry, Bernd, Listees, Most definitely does IMO, but better than that, it sounds more like the unique delivery the Courier service from the Heavens "left on the front door", and whoever left it was nice enough to ring the celestial doorb

Re: [meteorite-list] Rocks from Space Picture of the Day - March 26, 2008 / Ques

2008-03-26 Thread mexicodoug
Anita W. wrote: "Would that be a hammer hammer?" Hi Anita, ... maybe a "hammered stone", to complement a "stoned hammer"? When a meteorite hits a Mars Exploration Rover, what an opportunity for a naming party :-) (Human, Animal, Manmade, MER). Best wishes Doug -Original Message---

Re: [meteorite-list] Rocks from Space Picture of the Day - March 26, 2008 / Ques

2008-03-27 Thread mexicodoug
Michael B. wrote: "If, as stated, even if it struck a tree first it landed on a "welcome" mat of its own momentum, there is a strong argument for calling it a hammer." Hi Michael, Bob, Listees, It's quite silly (but fun) too make up arbitrary definitions of what consists of a 'hammer' and w

Re: [meteorite-list] Fwd: Ullapool, Scotland Question

2008-03-27 Thread mexicodoug
Barb B. wrote: "If there is ejecta from earth floating around in space, are there meteorites of earth origin that have been found and classified" Hi Barb, This is a recurring question among meteorite enthusiasts. At the moment, the only confirmed place lots of ejecta is floating around is i

Re: [meteorite-list] Tektite fields and rotation

2008-03-28 Thread mexicodoug
Hi Ed, Since ejecta would start out with the same rotational motion as the Earth, at what point and by what mechanism would you inferring that it "decouples" from Earth and looses that rotational component of its own motion? Good question, though! Best wishes, Doug -Original Message-

Re: [meteorite-list] Tektite fields and rotation

2008-03-28 Thread mexicodoug
Hi Goran, Chris (and Larry L, who sent and excellent private reply), Coriolirees, The Paris Gun alledgedly demonstrated that shooting heavy oriented shells at 1.6 km/s required a 1% correction over 130 kilometers range for their particular situation. However, I tend to agree with Goran in t

Re: [meteorite-list] Atmospheric ablation marks on Tektites?

2008-04-05 Thread mexicodoug
On "regmaglypts" in LDG... Sean M. wrote: "I called them "Pseudo" in the description, because, well, there is still a lot of debate about them being formed from traveling through the atmosphere" Hello, "Still a lot of debate"? Could you kindly elaborate where atmospheric aerodynamic shapi

Re: [meteorite-list] Atmospheric ablation marks on Tektites?

2008-04-05 Thread mexicodoug
Hi Norm, Running a little slow in my emails, thanks for the (much earlier) reply and nice to see you're still in touch... Best wishes, Doug -Original Message- From: Norm Lehrman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Michael Gilmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Sent: Fr

Re: [meteorite-list] New, long, Carancas article II

2008-04-05 Thread mexicodoug
Sterling W. wrote: "Both Schultz and I calculate that the object was still supersonic when it hit, still enclosed in a "detached" shock wave, so the sides never ablated at any point." Hi Sterling, Yes, but to Schultz's credit, he has put a novel mechanism on the table for scientific conside

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